class Application: """ Handles interaction between GUI events, GUI drawing, plotting, file reading etc. """ def __init__(self, _): """ Args: _ : Command line arguments (not currently used) """ self.configmanager = ConfigManager(".") self.plotter = Plotter(self.configmanager) self.windplotter = WindPlotter(self.configmanager) self.histogram = Histogram() self.msg_queue = None self.loading_timer = None self.data_manager = None self.gui = GUI(self.request_handler) def request_handler(self, request, *args): """ This function is passed to the GUI. When a button is pressed or information is required, the GUI uses this function to access the application. Args: request: One of the request IDs defined in Determines the action that is taken. args: List of additional argument that may be required on a per-request basis """ if request == REQS.CHANGE_SUBPLOT1: self.action_subplot_change(0, args[0]) elif request == REQS.CHANGE_SUBPLOT2: self.action_subplot_change(1, args[0]) elif request == REQS.CHANGE_SUBPLOT3: self.action_subplot_change(2, args[0]) elif request == REQS.AVERAGE_SUBPLOT_DATA: self.action_average_data() elif request == REQS.RESET_SUBPLOT_DATA: self.action_reset_average_data() elif request == REQS.SPECIAL_OPTION: self.action_special_option() elif request == REQS.NEW_DATA: self.action_new_data() elif request == REQS.ABOUT_DIALOG: show_about_dialog() elif request == REQS.GET_SPECIAL_ACTIONS: return self.data_manager.get_special_dataset_options(args[0]) elif request == REQS.GET_PLOTTING_STYLE: return self.get_plotting_style_for_field(args[0]) def action_subplot_change(self, subplot_index, display_name): """ Handles request to change subplot data Args: subplot_index : The index of the subpolot (0 to 2) to change display_name : The display name of the requested data series """ get_module_logger().info("Changing subplot %d to %s", subplot_index, display_name) self.plotter.set_visibility(subplot_index, display_name != "None") self.gui.set_displayed_field(display_name, subplot_index) self.gui.set_dataset_choices(self.data_manager.get_numeric_display_names()) if display_name != "None": self.plotter.set_dataset( self.data_manager.get_timestamps(display_name), self.data_manager.get_dataset(display_name), display_name, subplot_index) self.gui.draw(self.plotter) def action_average_data(self): """ Handles request to show the average of a dataset """ # Get the dataset of interest display_name = self.gui.get_selected_dataset_name() # Get the time period over which to average try: time_period = self.gui.get_averaging_time_period() except ValueError: return # Could not convert time period to float if time_period == 0: return # Cannot average over zero time! # Get the units the time period is in (seconds, minutes etc.) time_units = self.gui.get_averaging_time_units() get_module_logger().info("Averaging %s over %d %s", display_name, time_period, time_units.lower()) time_multipliers = {"Seconds":1, "Minutes":60, "Hours":60*60, "Days":24*60*60, "Weeks":7*24*60*60} time_period_seconds = time_period * time_multipliers[time_units] (data, timestamps) = self.data_manager.get_dataset_average(display_name, time_period_seconds) index = self.gui.get_index_of_displayed_plot(display_name) self.plotter.set_dataset(timestamps, data, display_name, index) self.gui.draw(self.plotter) def get_plotting_style_for_field(self, display_name): """ Each field can have a style when plotted. This function build that style based on dataset configuration. If there is no config, the default plot style is a blue line. """ styles = None if self.configmanager.has_dataset_config() and display_name is not None: try: field_name = self.data_manager.get_field_name_from_display_name(display_name) styles = self.configmanager.get_dataset_config('FORMATTING', field_name) styles = [style.strip() for style in styles.split(",")] if styles[0] == '': styles[0] = 'line' #Add the default plot style if len(styles) == 1: styles.append('b') #Add the default colour (blue) except KeyError: pass # This field name not in the config file return ["line", "b"] if styles is None else styles def action_reset_average_data(self): """ Get the dataset of interest and reset the original data """ display_name = self.gui.get_selected_dataset_name() subplot_index = self.gui.get_index_of_displayed_plot(display_name) get_module_logger().info("Resetting dataset %s on subplot %d", display_name, subplot_index) self.plotter.set_dataset( self.data_manager.get_timestamps(display_name), self.data_manager.get_dataset(display_name), display_name, subplot_index) self.gui.draw(self.plotter) def action_new_data(self): """ Handles request to show open a new set of CSV files """ new_directory = ask_directory("Choose directory to process") if new_directory != '' and DataManager.directory_has_data_files(new_directory): get_module_logger().info("Parsing directory %s", new_directory) self.configmanager.load_dataset_config(new_directory) self.gui.reset_and_show_progress_bar("Loading from folder '%s'" % new_directory) self.msg_queue = queue.Queue() self.data_manager = DataManager(self.msg_queue, new_directory, self.configmanager) self.data_manager.start() self.loading_timer = threading.Timer(0.1, self.check_data_manager_status) self.loading_timer.start() def check_data_manager_status(self): """ When the data manager is loading new data, updates the progress bar """ dataloader_finished = False try: msg = self.msg_queue.get(0) if msg == EVT_DATA_LOAD_COMPLETE: self.gui.set_progress_text("Processing data...") self.gui.set_progress_percent(0) elif msg == EVT_DATA_PROCESSING_COMPLETE: # Data has finished loading. dataloader_finished = True self.gui.hide_progress_bar() self.plot_datasets() else: self.gui.set_progress_percent(msg) except queue.Empty: pass except: raise if not dataloader_finished: self.loading_timer = threading.Timer(0.1, self.check_data_manager_status) self.loading_timer.start() def action_special_option(self): """ Handles requests for special options e.g. histogram, windrose plot """ action = self.gui.get_special_action() if action == "Windrose": get_module_logger().info("Plotting windrose") self.gui.add_new_window('Windrose', (7, 6)) # Get the wind direction and speed data speed = self.data_manager.get_dataset('Wind Speed') direction = self.data_manager.get_dataset('Direction') self.windplotter.set_data(speed, direction) # Add window and axes to the GUI try: self.gui.draw(self.windplotter, 'Windrose') except Exception as exc: #pylint: disable=broad-except get_module_logger().info("Could not plot windrose (%s)", exc) show_info_dialog( "Could not plot windrose - check that the windspeed and direction data are valid") elif action == "Histogram": get_module_logger().info("Plotting histogram") self.gui.add_new_window('Histogram', (7, 6)) # Get the data for the histogram dataset_name = self.gui.get_selected_dataset_name() speed = self.data_manager.get_dataset(dataset_name) self.histogram.set_data(speed, dataset_name) # Add window and axes to the GUI self.gui.draw(self.histogram, 'Histogram') def plot_datasets(self): """ Plots the default set of data (from configuration file) """ self.plotter.clear_data() # Get the default fields from config default_fields = self.configmanager.get_global_config('DEFAULT', 'DefaultFields') default_fields = [field.strip() for field in default_fields.split(",")] # Drawing mutiple plots, so turn off drawing until all three are processed self.plotter.suspend_draw(True) field_count = 0 numeric_fields = self.data_manager.get_numeric_field_names() for field in default_fields: if field in numeric_fields: display_name = self.data_manager.get_display_name(field) self.action_subplot_change(field_count, display_name) field_count += 1 # If field count is less than 3, fill the rest of the plots in order from datasets for field in numeric_fields: if field_count == 3: break # No more fields to add if field in default_fields: continue # Already added, move onto next field display_name = self.data_manager.get_display_name(field) self.action_subplot_change(field_count, display_name) field_count += 1 # Now the plots can be drawn self.gui.set_dataset_choices(self.data_manager.get_numeric_display_names()) self.plotter.suspend_draw(False) self.gui.draw(self.plotter)
class Application: """ Handles interaction between GUI events, GUI drawing, plotting, file reading etc. """ def __init__(self, _, config): """ Args: _ : Command line arguments (not currently used) config : configparser object containing configuration information """ self.config = config self.plotter = Plotter(config) self.windplotter = WindPlotter(config) self.histogram = Histogram(config) self.msg_queue = None self.loading_timer = None self.data_manager = None self.gui = GUI(self) def action_about_dialog(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """ Show information about this program pylint warning no-self-use is disabled. While this function makes no use of self, it needs to be part of the application object as it gets used by the GUI """ info = """ %s Version %s Created by: Matt Little James Fowkes Nottingham, UK windrose code adapted from by joshua_fr """ % (TITLE, VERSION) show_info_dialog(info) def action_subplot1_change(self, dataset_choice): """ Pass through to action_subplot_change """ self.action_subplot_change(0, dataset_choice) def action_subplot2_change(self, dataset_choice): """ Pass through to action_subplot_change """ self.action_subplot_change(1, dataset_choice) def action_subplot3_change(self, dataset_choice): """ Pass through to action_subplot_change """ self.action_subplot_change(2, dataset_choice) def action_subplot_change(self, subplot_index, display_name): """ Handles request to change subplot data Args: subplot_index : The index of the subpolot (0 to 2) to change display_name : The display name of the requested data series """ get_module_logger().info("Changing subplot %d to %s", subplot_index, display_name) self.plotter.set_visibility(subplot_index, display_name != "None") self.gui.set_displayed_field(display_name, subplot_index) self.gui.set_dataset_choices(self.data_manager.get_numeric_display_names()) if display_name != "None": self.plotter.set_dataset( self.data_manager.get_timestamps(display_name), self.data_manager.get_dataset(display_name), display_name, subplot_index) self.gui.draw(self.plotter) def action_average_data(self): """ Handles request to show the average of a dataset """ # Get the dataset of interest display_name = self.gui.get_selected_dataset_name() # Get the time period over which to average try: time_period = self.gui.get_averaging_time_period() except ValueError: return # Could not convert time period to float if time_period == 0: return # Cannot average over zero time! # Get the units the time period is in (seconds, minutes etc.) time_units = self.gui.get_averaging_time_units() get_module_logger().info("Averaging %s over %d %s", display_name, time_period, time_units.lower()) time_multipliers = {"Seconds":1, "Minutes":60, "Hours":60*60, "Days":24*60*60, "Weeks":7*24*60*60} time_period_seconds = time_period * time_multipliers[time_units] (data, timestamps) = self.data_manager.get_dataset_average(display_name, time_period_seconds) index = self.gui.get_index_of_displayed_plot(display_name) self.plotter.set_dataset(timestamps, data, display_name, index) self.gui.draw(self.plotter) def reset_average_data(self): """ Get the dataset of interest and reset the original data """ display_name = self.gui.get_selected_dataset_name() subplot_index = self.gui.get_index_of_displayed_plot(display_name) get_module_logger().info("Resetting dataset %s on subplot %d", display_name, subplot_index) self.plotter.set_dataset( self.data_manager.get_timestamps(display_name), self.data_manager.get_dataset(display_name), display_name, subplot_index) self.gui.draw(self.plotter) def action_new_data(self): """ Handles request to show open a new set of CSV files """ new_directory = ask_directory("Choose directory to process") if new_directory != '' and DataManager.directory_has_data_files(new_directory): get_module_logger().info("Parsing directory %s", new_directory) self.gui.reset_and_show_progress_bar(new_directory) self.msg_queue = queue.Queue() self.data_manager = DataManager(self.msg_queue, new_directory) self.data_manager.start() self.loading_timer = threading.Timer(0.1, self.check_data_manager_status) self.loading_timer.start() def check_data_manager_status(self): """ When the data manager is loading new data, updates the progress bar """ dataloader_finished = False try: msg = self.msg_queue.get(0) if msg == 100: dataloader_finished = True self.gui.hide_progress_bar() self.plot_default_datasets() else: self.gui.set_progress_percent(msg) except queue.Empty: pass except: raise if not dataloader_finished: self.loading_timer = threading.Timer(0.1, self.check_data_manager_status) self.loading_timer.start() def action_special_option(self): """ Handles requests for special options e.g. histogram, windrose plot """ action = self.gui.get_special_action() if action == "Windrose": get_module_logger().info("Plotting windrose") self.gui.add_new_window('Windrose', (7, 6)) # Get the wind direction and speed data speed = self.data_manager.get_dataset('Wind Speed') direction = self.data_manager.get_dataset('Direction') self.windplotter.set_data(speed, direction) # Add window and axes to the GUI try: self.gui.draw(self.windplotter, 'Windrose') except Exception as exc: #pylint: disable=broad-except get_module_logger().info("Could not plot windrose (%s)", exc) show_info_dialog( "Could not plot windrose - check that the windspeed and direction data are valid") elif action == "Histogram": get_module_logger().info("Plotting histogram") self.gui.add_new_window('Histogram', (7, 6)) # Get the windspeed data speed = self.data_manager.get_dataset('Wind Speed') self.histogram.set_data(speed) # Add window and axes to the GUI self.gui.draw(self.histogram, 'Histogram') def get_special_dataset_options(self, dataset): """ Callback fron other modules to get the special dataset names (via data manager) """ return self.data_manager.get_special_dataset_options(dataset) def plot_default_datasets(self): """ Plots the default set of data (from configuration file) """ self.plotter.clear_data() # Get the default fields from config default_fields = self.config['DEFAULT']['DefaultFields'] default_fields = [field.strip() for field in default_fields.split(",")] # Drawing mutiple plots, so turn off drawing until all three are processed self.plotter.suspend_draw(True) field_count = 0 numeric_fields = self.data_manager.get_numeric_field_names() for field in default_fields: if field in numeric_fields: display_name = self.data_manager.get_display_name(field) self.action_subplot_change(field_count, display_name) field_count += 1 # Now the plots can be drawn self.gui.set_dataset_choices(self.data_manager.get_numeric_display_names()) self.plotter.suspend_draw(False) self.gui.draw(self.plotter)