def win(self): loser_text = TextGUI(Game.WIDTH // 2 - Game.WIDTH // 4, Game.HEIGHT // 2, Game.WIN, "YOU WIN!!!", 100) loser_text.draw() self.reset_game() pygame.display.flip() pygame.time.delay(3000) self.main_menu()
def lose(self): Game.WIN.fill(black) loser_text = TextGUI(Game.WIDTH // 4, Game.HEIGHT // 2, Game.WIN, random.choice(all_taunts), 50) loser_text.draw() self.reset_game() pygame.display.flip() pygame.time.delay(5000) self.main_menu()
def getGUI(name='text', dataType='default'): if name == 'text': return TextGUI(dataType) if name == 'graph': return GraphGUI(dataType) return GUI(dataType)
def main_menu(self): button_width = int(Game.WIDTH / 6) button_height = int(Game.HEIGHT / 10) title = TextGUI(Game.WIDTH // 2 - Game.WIDTH // 10 * 2, Game.HEIGHT // 3, Game.WIN, "BREAKOUT", Game.WIDTH // 20) play_button = Button(int(Game.WIDTH / 6 * 2 - button_width / 2), int(Game.HEIGHT / 3 * 2 - button_height), button_width, button_height, random.choice([purple, orange]), Game.WIN, "PLAY", Game.WIDTH // 60, self.play_game) quit_button = Button(int(Game.WIDTH / 6 * 4 - button_width / 2), int(Game.HEIGHT / 3 * 2 - button_height), button_width, button_height, red, Game.WIN, "QUIT", Game.WIDTH // 60, self.quit_game) clock = pygame.time.Clock() while clock.tick(Game.FPS) Game.WIN.fill(black) Mouse_x, Mouse_y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() title.draw() play_button.draw(Mouse_x, Mouse_y) play_button.button_text.draw() quit_button.draw(Mouse_x, Mouse_y) quit_button.button_text.draw() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: quit() pygame.display.flip()
def __init__(self): = False = True self.rows = 3 self.columns = int((Game.WIDTH - Game.OFFSET_X) / Block.WIDTH) self.score = 0 self.lives = 5 self.level = 1 self.the_ball = Ball(Ball.START_POSITION[0], Ball.START_POSITION[1], 0, 0, white, Game.WIN) self.the_paddle = Paddle(Paddle.START_POSITION[0], Paddle.START_POSITION[1], Paddle.START_SIZE[0], Paddle.START_SIZE[1], white, Game.WIN) self.score_text = TextGUI(Game.WIDTH / 100 * 15, Game.HEIGHT // 60, Game.WIN, "SCORE: " + str(self.score), 50) self.lives_text = TextGUI(Game.WIDTH / 100 * 73, Game.HEIGHT - Game.HEIGHT // 12, Game.WIN, "LIVES: " + str(self.lives), 20) self.level_text = TextGUI(Game.WIDTH / 100 * 60, Game.HEIGHT // 60, Game.WIN, "LEVEL: " + str(self.level), 50) self.left_boundary = Boundary(0, 0 + Game.OFFSET_Y, Game.OFFSET_X // 2, Game.HEIGHT, gray, Game.WIN) self.right_boundary = Boundary(Game.WIDTH - Game.OFFSET_X // 2, 0 + Game.OFFSET_Y, Game.OFFSET_X // 2, Game.HEIGHT, gray, Game.WIN) self.top_boundary = Boundary(0, Game.OFFSET_Y // 2, Game.WIDTH, Game.OFFSET_Y // 2, gray, Game.WIN)
def __init__(self, x, y, w, h, color, win, text, font_size, destination=None): super().__init__(x, y, w, h, color, win) self.text = text self.font_size = font_size self.destination = destination self.button_text = TextGUI(self.x + self.w / 4, self.y + self.h / 4,, self.text, self.font_size)
class Game: FPS = 60 WIDTH, HEIGHT = (gb.width, gb.height) WIN = pygame.display.set_mode( (0, 0), pygame.FULLSCREEN | pygame.DOUBLEBUF | pygame.HWSURFACE) pygame.display.set_caption("BREAKOUT") OFFSET_X = 600 OFFSET_Y = 200 def __init__(self): = False = True self.rows = 3 self.columns = int((Game.WIDTH - Game.OFFSET_X) / Block.WIDTH) self.score = 0 self.lives = 5 self.level = 1 self.the_ball = Ball(Ball.START_POSITION[0], Ball.START_POSITION[1], 0, 0, white, Game.WIN) self.the_paddle = Paddle(Paddle.START_POSITION[0], Paddle.START_POSITION[1], Paddle.START_SIZE[0], Paddle.START_SIZE[1], white, Game.WIN) self.score_text = TextGUI(Game.WIDTH / 100 * 15, Game.HEIGHT // 60, Game.WIN, "SCORE: " + str(self.score), 50) self.lives_text = TextGUI(Game.WIDTH / 100 * 73, Game.HEIGHT - Game.HEIGHT // 12, Game.WIN, "LIVES: " + str(self.lives), 20) self.level_text = TextGUI(Game.WIDTH / 100 * 60, Game.HEIGHT // 60, Game.WIN, "LEVEL: " + str(self.level), 50) self.left_boundary = Boundary(0, 0 + Game.OFFSET_Y, Game.OFFSET_X // 2, Game.HEIGHT, gray, Game.WIN) self.right_boundary = Boundary(Game.WIDTH - Game.OFFSET_X // 2, 0 + Game.OFFSET_Y, Game.OFFSET_X // 2, Game.HEIGHT, gray, Game.WIN) self.top_boundary = Boundary(0, Game.OFFSET_Y // 2, Game.WIDTH, Game.OFFSET_Y // 2, gray, Game.WIN) def break_block(self, a_block): a_block.collide() self.the_ball.bounce_y() self.increase_score() def create_blocks(self): for c in range(1, self.columns + 1): for r in range(3, self.rows + 3): this_x = c * Block.WIDTH - (Block.WIDTH) + Game.OFFSET_X // 2 this_y = r * Block.HEIGHT + (Game.OFFSET_Y * 1.4) Block(this_x, this_y, 0, 0, random.choice(block_colors), Game.WIN) def increase_score(self): self.score += 10 self.score_text.create_text("SCORE: " + str(self.score)) def change_lives(self, amount): self.lives += amount self.lives_text.create_text("LIVES: " + str(self.lives)) def change_level(self, amount): self.level += amount self.level_text.create_text("LEVEL: " + str(self.level)) def increase_rows(self, amount): self.rows += amount def lost_level(self): pygame.time.delay(666) self.change_lives(-1) self.reset_level() def beat_level(self): pygame.time.delay(2000) self.change_level(1) self.change_lives(1) self.increase_rows(2) self.create_blocks() self.reset_level() def play_game(self): = False = True self.main_game() def quit_game(self): quit() def redraw_window(self): Game.WIN.fill(black) for b in Block.blocks: b.draw() self.the_paddle.draw() self.the_ball.draw() self.left_boundary.draw() self.right_boundary.draw() self.top_boundary.draw() self.score_text.draw() self.lives_text.draw() self.level_text.draw() def reset_level(self): self.the_ball.reset_ball() self.the_paddle.x = Game.WIDTH / 2 - Game.WIDTH / 10 / 2 def reset_game(self): self.score = 11111 self.lives = 5 self.level = 9 self.level_text.create_text("LEVEL: " + str(self.level)) self.score_text.create_text("SCORE: " + str(self.score)) self.lives_text.create_text("LIVES: " + str(self.lives)) self.rows = 17 def lose(self): Game.WIN.fill(black) loser_text = TextGUI(Game.WIDTH // 4, Game.HEIGHT // 2, Game.WIN, random.choice(all_taunts), 50) loser_text.draw() self.reset_game() pygame.display.flip() pygame.time.delay(5000) self.main_menu() def win(self): loser_text = TextGUI(Game.WIDTH // 2 - Game.WIDTH // 4, Game.HEIGHT // 2, Game.WIN, "YOU WIN!!!", 100) loser_text.draw() self.reset_game() pygame.display.flip() pygame.time.delay(3000) self.main_menu() def main_game(self): self.reset_game() self.reset_level() self.create_blocks() clock = pygame.time.Clock() while clock.tick(Game.FPS) self.redraw_window() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: quit() keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys[pygame.K_a] and self.the_paddle.x > 0 + Game.OFFSET_X // 2: self.the_paddle.move_left() if keys[pygame. K_d] and self.the_paddle.x < Game.WIDTH - self.the_paddle.w - Game.OFFSET_X // 2: self.the_paddle.move_right() if keys[pygame.K_SPACE]: quit() if self.the_ball.y - self.the_ball.radius < 0 + Game.OFFSET_Y: self.the_ball.bounce_y() if self.the_ball.x + self.the_ball.radius > Game.WIDTH - Game.OFFSET_X / 2 or self.the_ball.x - self.the_ball.radius < 0 + Game.OFFSET_X / 2: self.the_ball.bounce_x() if self.the_ball.y > Game.HEIGHT: self.lost_level() for block in Block.blocks: if self.the_ball.y + self.the_ball.radius > block.y and self.the_ball.y - self.the_ball.radius < block.y + block.h: if self.the_ball.x + self.the_ball.radius > block.x and self.the_ball.x - self.the_ball.radius < block.x + block.w: self.break_block(block) if self.the_ball.y + self.the_ball.radius > self.the_paddle.y and self.the_ball.y - self.the_ball.radius < self.the_paddle.y + self.the_paddle.h: if self.the_ball.x + self.the_ball.radius > self.the_paddle.x and self.the_ball.x - self.the_ball.radius < self.the_paddle.x + self.the_paddle.w: if self.the_ball.x < self.the_paddle.x + self.the_paddle.w / 2: normalized_ball_x = (self.the_ball.x - self.the_paddle.x) * -1 elif self.the_ball.x >= self.the_paddle.x + self.the_paddle.w / 2: normalized_ball_x = abs(self.the_ball.x - self.the_paddle.x - self.the_paddle.w) else: normalized_ball_x = (self.the_ball.x - self.the_paddle.x) * -1 contact_point_fraction = (normalized_ball_x / self.the_paddle.w) + .0001 regularized_fraction = int(1 / contact_point_fraction / 1.5) self.the_ball.x_velocity += regularized_fraction self.the_ball.bounce_y() if Block.blocks == []: if self.level == 10: = False = True else: self.beat_level() if self.lives == 0: = False = True self.lose() self.the_ball.move_ball() pygame.display.flip() def main_menu(self): button_width = int(Game.WIDTH / 6) button_height = int(Game.HEIGHT / 10) title = TextGUI(Game.WIDTH // 2 - Game.WIDTH // 10 * 2, Game.HEIGHT // 3, Game.WIN, "BREAKOUT", Game.WIDTH // 20) play_button = Button(int(Game.WIDTH / 6 * 2 - button_width / 2), int(Game.HEIGHT / 3 * 2 - button_height), button_width, button_height, random.choice([purple, orange]), Game.WIN, "PLAY", Game.WIDTH // 60, self.play_game) quit_button = Button(int(Game.WIDTH / 6 * 4 - button_width / 2), int(Game.HEIGHT / 3 * 2 - button_height), button_width, button_height, red, Game.WIN, "QUIT", Game.WIDTH // 60, self.quit_game) clock = pygame.time.Clock() while clock.tick(Game.FPS) Game.WIN.fill(black) Mouse_x, Mouse_y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() title.draw() play_button.draw(Mouse_x, Mouse_y) play_button.button_text.draw() quit_button.draw(Mouse_x, Mouse_y) quit_button.button_text.draw() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: quit() pygame.display.flip()