Пример #1
 def info_label(self, anchor, comps, title=None):
     Make an info label `plot item` 
     (:py:class:`guiqwt.label.DataInfoLabel` object)
     basename = _("Computation")
     param = LabelParam(basename, icon="label.png")
     param.read_config(CONF, "plot", "info_label")
     if title is not None:
         param.label = title
         global LABEL_COUNT
         LABEL_COUNT += 1
         param.label = make_title(basename, LABEL_COUNT)
     param.abspos = True
     param.absg = anchor
     param.anchor = anchor
     c = ANCHOR_OFFSETS[anchor]
     param.xc, param.yc = c
     return DataInfoLabel(param, comps)
Пример #2
 def info_label(self, anchor, comps, title=None):
     Make an info label `plot item` 
     (:py:class:`guiqwt.label.DataInfoLabel` object)
     basename = _("Computation")
     param = LabelParam(basename, icon='label.png')
     param.read_config(CONF, "plot", "info_label")
     if title is not None:
         param.label = title
         global LABEL_COUNT
         LABEL_COUNT += 1
         param.label = make_title(basename, LABEL_COUNT)
     param.abspos = True
     param.absg = anchor
     param.anchor = anchor
     c = ANCHOR_OFFSETS[anchor]
     param.xc, param.yc = c
     return DataInfoLabel(param, comps)
Пример #3
class AbstractLabelItem(QwtPlotItem):
    """Draws a label on the canvas at position :
    G+C where G is a point in plot coordinates and C a point
    in canvas coordinates.
    G can also be an anchor string as in ANCHORS in which case
    the label will keep a fixed position wrt the canvas rect

    _readonly = False
    _private = False

    def __init__(self, labelparam=None):
        super(AbstractLabelItem, self).__init__()
        self.selected = False
        self.anchor = None
        self.G = None
        self.C = None
        self.border_pen = None
        self.bg_brush = None
        if labelparam is None:
            self.labelparam = LabelParam(_("Label"), icon="label.png")
            self.labelparam = labelparam

    def set_style(self, section, option):
        self.labelparam.read_config(CONF, section, option)

    def __reduce__(self):
        return (self.__class__, (self.labelparam,))

    def serialize(self, writer):
        """Serialize object to HDF5 writer"""
        writer.write(self.labelparam, group_name="labelparam")

    def deserialize(self, reader):
        """Deserialize object from HDF5 reader"""
        self.labelparam = LabelParam(_("Label"), icon="label.png")
        reader.read("labelparam", instance=self.labelparam)

    def get_text_rect(self):
        return QRectF(0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 10.0)

    def types(self):
        return (IShapeItemType,)

    def set_text_style(self, font=None, color=None):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_top_left(self, xMap, yMap, canvasRect):
        x0, y0 = self.get_origin(xMap, yMap, canvasRect)
        x0 += self.C[0]
        y0 += self.C[1]

        rect = self.get_text_rect()
        pos = ANCHORS[self.anchor](rect)
        x0 -= pos[0]
        y0 -= pos[1]
        return x0, y0

    def get_origin(self, xMap, yMap, canvasRect):
        if self.G in ANCHORS:
            return ANCHORS[self.G](canvasRect)
            x0 = xMap.transform(self.G[0])
            y0 = yMap.transform(self.G[1])
            return x0, y0

    def set_selectable(self, state):
        """Set item selectable state"""
        self._can_select = state

    def set_resizable(self, state):
        """Set item resizable state
        (or any action triggered when moving an handle, e.g. rotation)"""
        self._can_resize = state

    def set_movable(self, state):
        """Set item movable state"""
        self._can_move = state

    def set_rotatable(self, state):
        """Set item rotatable state"""
        self._can_rotate = state

    def can_select(self):
        return True

    def can_resize(self):
        return False

    def can_move(self):
        return True

    def can_rotate(self):
        return False  # TODO: Implement labels rotation?

    def set_readonly(self, state):
        """Set object readonly state"""
        self._readonly = state

    def is_readonly(self):
        """Return object readonly state"""
        return self._readonly

    def set_private(self, state):
        """Set object as private"""
        self._private = state

    def is_private(self):
        """Return True if object is private"""
        return self._private

    def invalidate_plot(self):
        plot = self.plot()
        if plot:

    def select(self):
        """Select item"""
        if self.selected:
            # Already selected
        self.selected = True
        w = self.border_pen.width()
        self.border_pen.setWidth(w + 1)

    def unselect(self):
        """Unselect item"""
        self.selected = False

    def hit_test(self, pos):
        plot = self.plot()
        if plot is None:
        rect = self.get_text_rect()
        canvasRect = plot.canvas().contentsRect()
        xMap = plot.canvasMap(self.xAxis())
        yMap = plot.canvasMap(self.yAxis())
        x, y = self.get_top_left(xMap, yMap, canvasRect)
        rct = QRectF(x, y, rect.width(), rect.height())
        inside = rct.contains(pos.x(), pos.y())
        if inside:
            return self.click_inside(pos.x() - x, pos.y() - y)
            return 1000.0, None, False, None

    def click_inside(self, locx, locy):
        return 2.0, 1, True, None

    def get_item_parameters(self, itemparams):
        itemparams.add("LabelParam", self, self.labelparam)

    def set_item_parameters(self, itemparams):
        update_dataset(self.labelparam, itemparams.get("LabelParam"), visible_only=True)
        if self.selected:

    def move_local_point_to(self, handle, pos, ctrl=None):
        """Move a handle as returned by hit_test to the new position pos
        ctrl: True if <Ctrl> button is being pressed, False otherwise"""
        if handle != -1:

    def move_local_shape(self, old_pos, new_pos):
        """Translate the shape such that old_pos becomes new_pos
        in canvas coordinates"""
        if self.G in ANCHORS or not self.labelparam.move_anchor:
            # Move canvas offset
            lx, ly = self.C
            lx += new_pos.x() - old_pos.x()
            ly += new_pos.y() - old_pos.y()
            self.C = lx, ly
            self.labelparam.xc, self.labelparam.yc = lx, ly
            # Move anchor
            plot = self.plot()
            if plot is None:
            lx0, ly0 = self.G
            cx = plot.transform(self.xAxis(), lx0)
            cy = plot.transform(self.yAxis(), ly0)
            cx += new_pos.x() - old_pos.x()
            cy += new_pos.y() - old_pos.y()
            lx1 = plot.invTransform(self.xAxis(), cx)
            ly1 = plot.invTransform(self.yAxis(), cy)
            self.G = lx1, ly1
            self.labelparam.xg, self.labelparam.yg = lx1, ly1
            plot.emit(SIG_ITEM_MOVED, self, lx0, ly0, lx1, ly1)

    def move_with_selection(self, delta_x, delta_y):
        Translate the shape together with other selected items
        delta_x, delta_y: translation in plot coordinates
        if self.G in ANCHORS or not self.labelparam.move_anchor:
        lx0, ly0 = self.G
        lx1, ly1 = lx0 + delta_x, ly0 + delta_y
        self.G = lx1, ly1
        self.labelparam.xg, self.labelparam.yg = lx1, ly1

    def draw_frame(self, painter, x, y, w, h):
        if self.labelparam.bgalpha > 0.0:
            painter.fillRect(x, y, w, h, self.bg_brush)
        if self.border_pen.width() > 0:
            painter.drawRect(x, y, w, h)
Пример #4
class AbstractLabelItem(QwtPlotItem):
    """Draws a label on the canvas at position :
    G+C where G is a point in plot coordinates and C a point
    in canvas coordinates.
    G can also be an anchor string as in ANCHORS in which case
    the label will keep a fixed position wrt the canvas rect
    _readonly = False
    _private = False
    def __init__(self, labelparam=None):
        super(AbstractLabelItem, self).__init__()
        self.selected = False
        self.anchor = None
        self.G = None
        self.C = None
        self.border_pen = None
        self.bg_brush = None
        if labelparam is None:
            self.labelparam = LabelParam(_("Label"), icon='label.png')
            self.labelparam = labelparam

    def set_style(self, section, option):
        self.labelparam.read_config(CONF, section, option)

    def __reduce__(self):
        return (self.__class__, (self.labelparam,))
    def serialize(self, writer):
        """Serialize object to HDF5 writer"""
        writer.write(self.labelparam, group_name='labelparam')
    def deserialize(self, reader):
        """Deserialize object from HDF5 reader"""
        self.labelparam = LabelParam(_("Label"), icon='label.png')
        reader.read('labelparam', instance=self.labelparam)
    def get_text_rect(self):
        return QRectF(0.0, 0.0, 10., 10.)

    def types(self):
        return (IShapeItemType, )
    def set_text_style(self, font=None, color=None):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_top_left(self, xMap, yMap, canvasRect):
        x0, y0 = self.get_origin(xMap, yMap, canvasRect)
        x0 += self.C[0]
        y0 += self.C[1]

        rect = self.get_text_rect()
        pos = ANCHORS[self.anchor](rect)
        x0 -= pos[0]
        y0 -= pos[1]
        return x0, y0

    def get_origin(self, xMap, yMap, canvasRect):
        if self.G in ANCHORS:
            return ANCHORS[self.G](canvasRect)
            x0 = xMap.transform(self.G[0])
            y0 = yMap.transform(self.G[1])
            return x0, y0

    def set_selectable(self, state):
        """Set item selectable state"""
        self._can_select = state
    def set_resizable(self, state):
        """Set item resizable state
        (or any action triggered when moving an handle, e.g. rotation)"""
        self._can_resize = state
    def set_movable(self, state):
        """Set item movable state"""
        self._can_move = state
    def set_rotatable(self, state):
        """Set item rotatable state"""
        self._can_rotate = state

    def can_select(self):
        return True
    def can_resize(self):
        return False
    def can_move(self):
        return True
    def can_rotate(self):
        return False #TODO: Implement labels rotation?

    def set_readonly(self, state):
        """Set object readonly state"""
        self._readonly = state
    def is_readonly(self):
        """Return object readonly state"""
        return self._readonly
    def set_private(self, state):
        """Set object as private"""
        self._private = state
    def is_private(self):
        """Return True if object is private"""
        return self._private

    def invalidate_plot(self):
        plot = self.plot()
        if plot:

    def select(self):
        """Select item"""
        if self.selected:
            # Already selected
        self.selected = True
        w = self.border_pen.width()

    def unselect(self):
        """Unselect item"""
        self.selected = False

    def hit_test(self, pos):
        plot = self.plot()
        if plot is None:
        rect = self.get_text_rect()
        canvasRect = plot.canvas().contentsRect()
        xMap = plot.canvasMap(self.xAxis())
        yMap = plot.canvasMap(self.yAxis())
        x, y = self.get_top_left(xMap, yMap, canvasRect)
        rct = QRectF(x, y, rect.width(), rect.height())
        inside = rct.contains( pos.x(), pos.y())
        if inside:
            return self.click_inside(pos.x()-x, pos.y()-y)
            return 1000.0, None, False, None
    def click_inside(self, locx, locy):
        return 2.0, 1, True, None

    def get_item_parameters(self, itemparams):
        itemparams.add("LabelParam", self, self.labelparam)
    def set_item_parameters(self, itemparams):
        update_dataset(self.labelparam, itemparams.get("LabelParam"),
        if self.selected:
    def move_local_point_to(self, handle, pos, ctrl=None):
        """Move a handle as returned by hit_test to the new position pos
        ctrl: True if <Ctrl> button is being pressed, False otherwise"""
        if handle != -1:
    def move_local_shape(self, old_pos, new_pos):
        """Translate the shape such that old_pos becomes new_pos
        in canvas coordinates"""
        if self.G in ANCHORS or not self.labelparam.move_anchor:
            # Move canvas offset
            lx, ly = self.C
            lx += new_pos.x()-old_pos.x()
            ly += new_pos.y()-old_pos.y()
            self.C = lx, ly
            self.labelparam.xc, self.labelparam.yc = lx, ly
            # Move anchor
            plot = self.plot()
            if plot is None:
            lx0, ly0 = self.G
            cx = plot.transform(self.xAxis(), lx0)
            cy = plot.transform(self.yAxis(), ly0)
            cx += new_pos.x()-old_pos.x()
            cy += new_pos.y()-old_pos.y()
            lx1 = plot.invTransform(self.xAxis(), cx)
            ly1 = plot.invTransform(self.yAxis(), cy)
            self.G = lx1, ly1
            self.labelparam.xg, self.labelparam.yg = lx1, ly1
            plot.SIG_ITEM_MOVED.emit(self, lx0, ly0, lx1, ly1)
    def move_with_selection(self, delta_x, delta_y):
        Translate the shape together with other selected items
        delta_x, delta_y: translation in plot coordinates
        if self.G in ANCHORS or not self.labelparam.move_anchor:
        lx0, ly0 = self.G
        lx1, ly1 = lx0+delta_x, ly0+delta_y
        self.G = lx1, ly1
        self.labelparam.xg, self.labelparam.yg = lx1, ly1

    def draw_frame(self, painter, x, y, w, h):
        if self.labelparam.bgalpha > 0.0:
            painter.fillRect(x, y, w, h, self.bg_brush)
        if self.border_pen.width() > 0:
            painter.drawRect(x, y, w, h)
Пример #5
 def create_label(self):
     """Return the label object associated to this annotated shape object"""
     label_param = LabelParam(_("Label"), icon='label.png')
     label_param.read_config(CONF, "plot", "shape/label")
     label_param.anchor = self.LABEL_ANCHOR
     return DataInfoLabel(label_param, [self])
Пример #6
 def create_label(self):
     """Return the label object associated to this annotated shape object"""
     label_param = LabelParam(_("Label"), icon='label.png')
     label_param.read_config(CONF, "plot", "shape/label")
     label_param.anchor = self.LABEL_ANCHOR
     return DataInfoLabel(label_param, [self])