def devices_detailed(increment=''): if increment is None: raise FileNotFoundError( "guiscrcpy couldn't find adb. " "Please specify path to adb in configuration filename") proc = Popen(_(increment + " devices -l"), stdout=PIPE) output = [[y.strip() for y in x.split()] for x in decode_process(proc)[1:]][:-1] devices_found = [] for device in output: # if 'udev' in device and 'permission' in device: # This is an error with some linux and Windows OSes # This happens because the udev is not configured # and linux adb does not have access to reading the device # the status hence should be 'no_permission' status = 'no_permission' else: status = device[1] description = { 'identifier': device[0], 'status': status, 'product': get(device, 2, ':').split(':')[-1], 'model': get(device, 3, ':').split(':')[-1], 'device': get(device, 4, ':').split(':')[-1], 'transport_id': get(device, 5, ':').split(':')[-1] } devices_found.append(description) logging.debug("ADB: {}".format(devices_found)) return devices_found
def devices(increment=''): if increment is None: raise FileNotFoundError( "guiscrcpy couldn't find adb. Please specify path to adb in configuration file") proc = Popen(_(increment + " devices"), stdout=PIPE) output = decode_process(proc)[1].split('\t') logging.debug("ADB: {}".format(output)) return output