def draw_labels(cache_dict, layeri=0, color=pygame.Color('black')): global label_font if label_font is None: label_font = pygame.font.Font(data.filepath('font', 'Vera.ttf'), 7) lfont = label_font # camera = cam_rect = blit = camera.surface.blit left, top, width, height = cam_rect layer =[layeri] tw, th = layer.tile_width, layer.tile_height # x1 = tw - (left - left // tw * tw) y1 = th - (top - top // th * th) # for x in xrange(left - tw, left + width + tw, tw): for y in xrange(top - th, top + height + th, th): name = (x - tw) // tw + 1, (y - th) // th + 1 sx, sy = x - left - tw, y - top - th label = cache_dict.get(name, None) if not label: label = lfont.render( '{0[0]:d},{0[1]:d}'.format(name), True, color) cache_dict[name] = label blit(label, (sx + x1 + 2, sy + y1 + 2))
def __init__(self, resolution=(640,480)): resolution = Vec2d(resolution) ## Load Tiled TMX map, then update the world's dimensions. tiled_map = TiledMap(data.filepath('map', 'Gumm no swamps.tmx')) Engine.__init__(self, caption='07 Tiled Map - G: grid | L: labels', resolution=resolution, camera_target=Avatar((325,420), resolution//2), map=tiled_map, frame_speed=0) self.visible_objects = [] # I like huds. toolkit.make_hud() # Create a speed box for converting mouse position to destination # and scroll speed. self.speed_box = geometry.Diamond(0,0,4,2) = Vec2d( // 2 self.max_speed_box = float(self.speed_box.width) / 2.0 # Mouse and movement state. move_to is in world coordinates. self.move_to = None self.speed = None self.target_moved = (0,0) self.mouse_down = False self.grid_cache = {} self.label_cache = {} State.speed = 3.33
def make_tiles(label=False): """Create tiles to fill the current map. This is a utility for easily making visible content to aid early game design or debugging. Tiles transition from top-left to bottom-right, red to blue. """ # Tiles are sprites; each sprite must have a name, an image, and a rect. tw, th =, mw, mh =, layer = BasicLayer(, 0) if label: font = pygame.font.Font(data.filepath('font', 'Vera.ttf'), 7) fg = Color('yellow') bg = Color(70, 70, 70) for y in range(mh): for x in range(mw): s = pygame.sprite.Sprite() = (x, y) s.image = pygame.surface.Surface((tw, th)) facx = max(float(x) / mw, 0.01) facy = max(float(y) / mh, 0.01) R = 255 - 255 * facx G = 0 B = 255 * facy s.image.fill((R, G, B)) s.rect = s.image.get_rect(topleft=(x * tw, y * th)) if label: tag = font.render(str(, 1, fg, bg) s.image.blit(tag, (1, 1)) layer.add(s)
def __init__(self,moving_beast_genitore): self.is_near=False self.testo="Hello!" self.close_clicked=False self.beeped=False self.scritto=False self.sequenza_partita=False self.sequenza_finita=True self.lista_messaggi=['...'] self.text_altezza=50 self.crossrect=None #self.dialogo_btn=False self.dialogo_show=False self.finito_dialogo=False self.idx_mess=0 self.conta_click=0 self.is_triang=False self.moving_beast_genitore=moving_beast_genitore self.screen=pygame.display.get_surface() #self.background_txt = pygame.Surface((self.screen.get_size()[0]-1,self.text_altezza)) dir='.\\immagini\\' if sys.platform=='linux2': dir=dir.replace('\\', '/'); square=pygame.image.load(dir+'square.png').convert_alpha() triangle=pygame.image.load(dir+'triangle.png').convert_alpha() self.triangle=pygame.transform.scale(triangle,(15,10)) self.background_txt =pygame.transform.scale(square,(self.screen.get_size()[0]-1,self.text_altezza)) self.backvuoto=self.background_txt.copy() #self.background_txt.fill((250, 250, 250)) self.bgrect=self.background_txt.get_rect()[1]-self.text_altezza self.font=pygame.font.Font(data.filepath('font', 'Vera.ttf'), 18) #self.disegna_crocetta() pygame.mixer.init() self.suono=pygame.mixer.Sound('immagini/message.wav') #self.seq=MessageTimerClass(self.lista_messaggi,self) self.st_to_e1=StateToEvent( self.st_to_e2=StateToEvent(
def load(self): = TiledMap( data.filepath('map',self.map_file), collapse=self.collapse_level)
theme.update(**custom_args) if not theme: theme = HUD_THEMES['default'] hud = hudlight.HUD(**theme) if caption: hud.add('__caption', caption) topleft, bottomright =, hud.add('__fps', 'FPS {:.0f}', 0.0, callback=_get_fps) hud.add('__bounds', 'Bounds {}, {}', topleft, bottomright) hud.add('__mouse', 'Mouse S{} W{}', (0, 0), (0, 0), callback=_get_mouse) hud.add('__camera', 'Camera S{} W{}', (0, 0), (0, 0), callback=_get_world_pos) return hud HUD_THEMES = dict( # Boogaloo: nice fat font, red fading to blue with yellow outline boogaloo=dict( fontname=data.filepath('font', 'Boogaloo.ttf'), fontsize=26, color='red2', # foreground color gcolor='deepskyblue', # gradient color ocolor='yellow', # outline color ), # Roboto_Condensded: clear thin font, blue fading to yellow with black outline roboto=dict( fontname=data.filepath('font', 'Roboto_Condensed.ttf'), fontsize=24, color='cornflowerblue', # foreground color gcolor='lightyellow', # gradient color ocolor='black', # outline color ), # Bubblegum_Sans: clear, stylish, informal font, red2 fading to orange with yellow outline bubblegum=dict(
def __init__(self, parameters,gameSounds): #playing sounds self.gameSounds = gameSounds self.gameSounds.playworld(True,0.6) #setting parameters resolution = Vec2d(parameters['resolution']) self.parameters = parameters if(parameters['fullscreen']): flags = pygame.FULLSCREEN else: flags = 0 #creating instance of our avatar in screen #self.avatar = objects.ourHero("horseman","horseman",(30, 30), (0,0)) = 1 #self.avatar.attr = katrin is our map created with tile editor #we load all information from map worldmap = TiledMap(data.filepath('map', 'test.tmx')) #heores layer of the map edited with Tiled self.avatar_group = worldmap.layers[2] self.terrain_layer = worldmap.layers[0] self.collision_layer = worldmap.layers[1] self.objects_layer = worldmap.layers[3] #loading factions self.factions = game_dynamics.factions(self.objects_layer) self.actual_team = self.avatar = self.actual_team.heroes.pop(0) self.avatar.remaining_movement = self.avatar.move_points #loading creatures self.creatures = game_dynamics.creatures(self.objects_layer) #for element in self.terrain_layer.objects: # print( ## Tell the renderer this layer needs to be sorted, and how to. self.avatar_group.objects.sort_key = lambda o: o.rect.bottom #engine initialization # camera target: our avatar #Engine.__init__(self, caption=strcaption,camera_target= self.avatar,resolution=resolution,display_flags=pygame.FULLSCREEN,map =worldmap, frame_speed=0,camera_view_rect=pygame.Rect(0, 27, 833, 741)) Engine.__init__(self, caption=parameters['strcaption'],camera_target= self.avatar,resolution=resolution, display_flags=flags,map =worldmap, frame_speed=0,camera_view_rect=pygame.Rect(0, 27, self.parameters["resolution"][0]-183, self.parameters["resolution"][1]-27)) # Conserve CPU. State.clock.use_wait = True ## Insert avatars into the Fringe layer. self.avatar_group.add(self.avatar) #others avatars in actual team for avatars in self.actual_team.heroes: self.avatar_group.add(avatars) #others avatars in others teams for teams in for avatars in teams.heroes: self.avatar_group.add(avatars) for group in self.avatar_group.add(group.creature) ################## #Game dynamics self.endturn = False ################### ## The renderer. self.renderer = BasicMapRenderer( worldmap, max_scroll_speed=State.speed) ## New requirement. When renderer draws dynamic layers (e.g. Fringe) ## we need to tell it to redraw the changed tiles. This also is done ## in the draw cycle; see self.draw_renderer(). self.dirty_rect = Rect(self.avatar.rect) self.renderer.set_dirty(self.dirty_rect) # Make the hud. self.hud = toolkit.make_default_hud(theme='vera') # I like huds. #toolkit.make_hud() #State.hud.add('Max FPS', # Statf(State.hud.next_pos(), 'Max FPS {:.0f}', # callback=lambda: (State.clock.max_fps,), interval=1.0)) #State.hud.add('Use Wait', # Statf(State.hud.next_pos(), 'Use Wait {}', # callback=lambda: (State.clock.use_wait,), interval=1.0)) #State.hud.add('Tile Size', # Statf(State.hud.next_pos(), 'Tile Size {} pixels (key={})', # callback=lambda: (self.renderer.tile_size, // self.renderer.tile_size), # interval=1.0)) #create world with map size and the cell size self.cell_size = 60 = SpatialHash(self.cell_size) # no idea #self.set_state() #load entities from map, I think here we see collision rects, i.e. #removed temporally #entities, tilesheets = toolkit.load_entities(data.filepath('map', 'mini2.entities')) #for e in entities: # # Create a speed box for converting mouse position to destination # and scroll speed. 800x600 has aspect ratio 8:6. self.speed_box = geometry.Diamond(0, 0, 8, 6) = Vec2d( // 2 self.max_speed_box = float(self.speed_box.width) / 2.0 # Mouse and movement state. move_to is in world coordinates. self.move_to = None self.move_to_G = 0 self.speed = None self.mouse_down = False #left click self.mouse_down2 = False #right click self.side_steps = [] self.faux_avatar = objects.ourHero("horseman","horseman",, (10,0),0) self.final_cell_id = None self.path = path_finding.path() self.mouse_reponse = 4 self.iterator = 0 self.pathstep = None self.laststeppath = None self.cellstep = None self.lastcellstep = None self.lastcellG = 0 self.cellG = 0 #keyboard managment self.key_down = False self.move_x = 0 self.move_y = 0 self.new_x = 0 self.new_y = 0 self.step = Vec2d(0,0) #computer movement self.pc_mov_cost = 0 self.laststepx = 0 self.laststepy = 0 State.show_world = False State.speed = 5 # Use the renderer. self.renderer = BasicMapRenderer(, max_scroll_speed=State.speed) #game interface! self.interface = game_interface.gameInterface(State.screen, self.parameters) #populating game interface self.populating_interface()
Currently there is only HUD. And some dynamic stats classes with timers for callback. """ import pygame from pygame.locals import Color, RLEACCEL if __name__ == '__main__': import paths from gummworld2 import data, State pygame.init() hud_font = pygame.font.Font(data.filepath('font', 'Vera.ttf'), 10) hud_alpha = 208 text_color = Color('yellow') class HUD(pygame.sprite.OrderedUpdates): def __init__(self): super(HUD, self).__init__() self.stats = {} self.ordered = [] = 5 self.font_height = hud_font.get_height() # self.y = lambda n: + self.font_height * n self.x = State.screen.rect.x + 5 self.i = 0
def __init__(self, resolution=(800,600)): resolution = Vec2d(resolution) self.map_file_name = data.filepath('map', 'Gumm no swamps.tmx') # Caption for window, and HUD in full-screen mode caption = '09 Collapse Map - G: grid | L: labels | Collapse: 1-10 (0 is 10)' Engine.__init__(self, caption=caption, resolution=resolution, #display_flags=FULLSCREEN, camera_target=Avatar((325,420), resolution//2), map=TiledMap(self.map_file_name), frame_speed=0) #, default_schedules=False) self.visible_objects = [] # The collapse stat for the hud. self.collapse = 1 # I like huds. Add more stuff to the canned hud. toolkit.make_hud(caption) State.hud.add('Collapse', Statf(State.hud.next_pos(), 'Collapse %d', callback=lambda:self.collapse, interval=2.)) State.hud.add('Tile size', Statf(State.hud.next_pos(), 'Tile size %s', callback=lambda:str((,, interval=2.)) # def screen_info(): # visible_tiles = # res = State.screen.size # if len(visible_tiles): # vis = visible_tiles[0] # tiles = Vec2d(vis[2]-vis[0], vis[3]-vis[1]) # else: # tiles = Vec2d(0,0) # return 'Screen %dx%d / Visible tiles %dx%d' % (res.x,res.y,tiles.x,tiles.y,) # State.hud.add('Screen', Stat(State.hud.next_pos(), # '', callback=screen_info, interval=2.)) def map_info(): layern = len( tilen = 0 for layer in tilen += len(layer) return '%d/%d' % (layern,tilen) State.hud.add('Layers/Tiles', Statf(State.hud.next_pos(), 'Layers/Tiles: %s', callback=map_info, interval=2.)) # Create a speed box for converting mouse position to destination # and scroll speed. self.speed_box = geometry.Diamond(0,0,4,2) = self.max_speed_box = float(self.speed_box.width) / 2.0 # Mouse and movement state. move_to is in world coordinates. self.move_to = None self.speed = None self.mouse_down = False self.grid_cache = {} self.label_cache = {}