def visualize_trie( t ) : def walk( node, parent=None ) : if parent is None : parent = graph.newItem('root') for k, v in node[1].items() : n = graph.newItem(k) graph.newLink(parent, n) if v[1] : walk(v, n) graph = GvGen() walk(t.root)
def generateGraphizGraph(self): """Return graphviz graph of this trie. @return: gvgen.GvGen object """ graph = GvGen() self.root.generateGraphizGraph(graph) return graph
def to_graph(self, filename='graph.jpg'): """ Generates a jpg-file displaying the instrument tree. """ self.graph_filename = filename if self.graph_filename.endswith('.jpg'): dot_filename = self.graph_filename[:-4] + '.dot' jpg_filename = self.graph_filename else: dot_filename = self.graph_filename + '.dot' jpg_filename = self.graph_filename + '.jpg' graph = GvGen() graph.styleDefaultAppend("color", "red") graph.styleDefaultAppend("style", "filled") graph.styleDefaultAppend("fontcolor", "white") stack = [] new_parents = [] stack.append(self.instrument_tree) root = True while (len(stack) > 0): if root: sub_tree = stack.pop() node = graph.newItem(sub_tree["code"]["symbol"]) root = False else: sub_tree = stack.pop() node = new_parents.pop() if len(sub_tree["children"]) > 0: for i, child in enumerate(sub_tree["children"]): if child["code"]["name"] == "const": const_value = round(float(child["code"]["value"]), 2) child_node = graph.newItem(const_value) graph.styleAppend("const", "shape", "rectangle") graph.styleAppend("const", "color", "black") graph.styleAppend("const", "style", "filled") graph.styleApply("const", child_node) else: child_node = graph.newItem(child["code"]["symbol"]) stack.append(child) new_parents.append(child_node) curr_link = graph.newLink(node, child_node) if sub_tree["code"]["type"] == "code": graph.propertyAppend( curr_link, "label", sub_tree["code"]["params"][i]["name"]) f = open(dot_filename, 'w') f.close() os.system('dot -Tjpg %(dot)s -o %(jpg)s' % { "dot": dot_filename, "jpg": jpg_filename })
def to_graph(self, filename='graph.jpg'): """ Generates a jpg-file displaying the instrument tree. """ self.graph_filename = filename if self.graph_filename.endswith('.jpg'): dot_filename = self.graph_filename[:-4] + '.dot' jpg_filename = self.graph_filename else: dot_filename = self.graph_filename + '.dot' jpg_filename = self.graph_filename + '.jpg' graph = GvGen() graph.styleDefaultAppend("color", "red") graph.styleDefaultAppend("style", "filled") graph.styleDefaultAppend("fontcolor", "white") stack = [] new_parents = [] stack.append(self.instrument_tree) root = True while (len(stack) > 0): if root: sub_tree = stack.pop() node = graph.newItem(sub_tree["code"]["symbol"]) root = False else: sub_tree = stack.pop() node = new_parents.pop() if len(sub_tree["children"]) > 0: for i, child in enumerate(sub_tree["children"]): if child["code"]["name"] == "const": const_value = round(float(child["code"]["value"]), 2) child_node = graph.newItem(const_value) graph.styleAppend("const", "shape", "rectangle") graph.styleAppend("const", "color", "black") graph.styleAppend("const", "style", "filled") graph.styleApply("const", child_node) else: child_node = graph.newItem(child["code"]["symbol"]) stack.append(child) new_parents.append(child_node) curr_link = graph.newLink(node, child_node) if sub_tree["code"]["type"] == "code": graph.propertyAppend( curr_link, "label", sub_tree["code"]["params"][i]["name"]) f = open(dot_filename, 'w') f.close() os.system('dot -Tjpg %(dot)s -o %(jpg)s' % { "dot": dot_filename, "jpg": jpg_filename})
def visualize_tst( t, add_legend=False ) : def walk( n ) : node = graph.newItem(n.splitchar) if n.l : graph.styleApply("leftNode",graph.newLink(node,walk(n.l))) if n.m : graph.styleApply("middleNode", graph.newLink(node,walk(n.m))) if n.r : graph.styleApply("rightNode", graph.newLink(node,walk(n.r))) return node if add_legend : graph = GvGen('Ternary Search Tree') else : graph = GvGen() graph.styleAppend("leftNode", "color", "blue") graph.styleAppend("middleNode", "color", "green") graph.styleAppend("rightNode", "color", "red") if add_legend : graph.legendAppend("leftNode", "Left Node") graph.legendAppend("middleNode", "Middle Node") graph.legendAppend("rightNode", "Right Node") walk( t )