def findEquips(equipSet, char=None, makeBase=True):
    # searches for equipment on characters, and either records baseline rarities and creates slots for itemsBySlot, or
    # records equips in equipsByCharBySlot
    # equipSet must be the char['equipment'] array, char is the character name, makeBase decides if it's recording
    # baseline rarities

    # go through each piece of equipment
    for piece in equipSet:
        # if the equip isn't for gathering (sickle axe or pick)
        if piece['slot'] != 'Sickle' and piece['slot'] != 'Axe' and piece['slot'] != 'Pick':
            slot = piece['slot']
            # get the slot text and remove the necessary characters
            # this is to avoid recording stuff like weaponA1 and weaponA2 separately
            # same for rings and accessories
            while slot[-1] in '12AB':
                slot = slot[:-1]
            # grab the item object
            itemObj = masterItemList[str(piece['id'])] #gw2lib.findByID(piece['id'], masterItemList)
            # use it to get the rarity
            rarity = itemObj['rarity']
            # if the slot has an associated weight class, append that text to it
            if isArmor(slot):
                slot += itemObj['details']['weight_class']
            # if we're recording baselines:
            if makeBase:
                # if something has already been recorded in that slot:
                if slot in baselines.keys():
                    # check the rarity, if it's lower (less rare, that is it returns a higher number), record it as
                    # the new baseline rarity for that slot
                    if (gw2lib.rarityComp(rarity) > gw2lib.rarityComp(baselines[slot])):
                        baselines[slot] = rarity
                # if it hasn't been recorded yet, no need for rarityComp, just record it
                # and set the slot to and empty list in itemsBySlot
                # this is so accessing it later doesn't cause errors
                    baselines[slot] = rarity
                    itemsBySlot[slot] = []
            # if not recording baselines:
                # check if the slot has been recorded in bestOfInvy
                # this check is needed because not necessarily every slot will be recorded in the inventory check
                # i.e. there might not be a light helm found in inventory, so we don't want to list that equip on chars
                if slot in bestOfInvy.keys():
                    # if the equip rarity is below the best item found, record it- append to that char's slot the equip
                    # name and rarity
                    # that is, if the best item found in inventory has a higher (or equal) rarity to this piece of
                    # equipment, it's a candidate for replacement, so record it
                    # this will lead to multiple listings for weapons and rings and such, but shouldn't for helms, etc.
                    if gw2lib.rarityComp(rarity) >= gw2lib.rarityComp(bestOfInvy[slot]):
                        equipsByCharBySlot[char][slot].append([ itemObj['name'], rarity ])
def makeInvyDict(bag, loc=None, makeBase=True):
    # searches through inventories (character or bank) and either records highest rarity found by slot (in bestOfInvy),
    # or records items by slot, noting name, rarity, and location
    # bag must be a bag['inventory'] array of items, loc is a character name or 'bank', and makeBase decides if it's
    # recording baseline rarities (which is this case is highest rarities found)

    # for each item
    for item in bag:
        # if it exists
        if item is not None:
            # and it's not character bound
            if 'binding' in item.keys() and item['binding'] == 'Character':
                # reset the type (this is used to exclude irrelevant item types, as iType is only set when a relevant
                # type is found), and get the item object
                iType = None
                itemObj = masterItemList[str(item['id'])] #gw2lib.findByID(item['id'], masterItemList)
                # and now a separate case for each slot type, because screw uniformity, right?
                if itemObj['type'] == 'Back':
                    # 'Back' type items should be 'Backpack'
                    iType = 'Backpack'
                elif itemObj['type'] == 'Weapon':
                    # 'Weapon' type items will either stay 'Weapon' or have 'Aquatic' appended if they're one of the
                    # harpoon, speargun, or trident subtypes
                    if itemObj['details']['type'] in ['Harpoon', 'Speargun', 'Trident']:
                        iType = 'WeaponAquatic'
                        iType = itemObj['type']
                elif itemObj['type'] == 'Armor':
                    # 'Armor' type items need their weight class appended
                    iType = itemObj['details']['type'] + itemObj['details']['weight_class']
                elif itemObj['type'] == 'Trinket':
                    # 'Trinket' type items use their subtype (found in ['details']['type']), Accessory, Amulet, or Ring
                    iType = itemObj['details']['type']
                    # this case simply leaves iType as None, so the following code is not run
                if iType is not None:
                    # if we're recording best of:
                    if makeBase:
                        # if something has already been recorded in that slot:
                        if iType in bestOfInvy.keys():
                            # check the rarity, if it's higher (more rare, that is returns a lower number), then record
                            # it as the best rarity for that slot
                            if (gw2lib.rarityComp(itemObj['rarity']) < gw2lib.rarityComp(bestOfInvy[iType])):
                                bestOfInvy[iType] = itemObj['rarity']
                        # if it's a new slot, no comparison needed, just record the rarity, and set the slot to an
                        # empty list in slotsFromInvy
                        # this dict will be used later, to be copied into the equipsByCharBySlot dict, again to avoid
                        # errors when accessing slots
                            bestOfInvy[iType] = itemObj['rarity']
                            slotsFromInvy[iType] = []
                    # if not recording best of:
                        # check rarity of the item, if it's rarer than the current baseline, record it in itemsBySlot-
                        # append a list of its name, rarity, and location
                        # that is, if the item found is above the lowest equipment (on an actual character) then it is
                        # a candidate to replace equipment for that slot
                        if gw2lib.rarityComp(itemObj['rarity']) <= gw2lib.rarityComp(baselines[iType]):
                            itemsBySlot[iType].append([ itemObj['name'], itemObj['rarity'], loc ])