def test_cube_multiple_contacts(gazebo: scenario.GazeboSimulator, get_model_str: Callable): assert gazebo.initialize() world = gazebo.get_world().to_gazebo() # Insert the Physics system assert world.set_physics_engine(scenario.PhysicsEngine_dart) # Insert the ground plane assert world.insert_model(gym_ignition_models.get_model_file("ground_plane")) assert len(world.model_names()) == 1 # Insert two cubes side to side with a 10cm gap cube_urdf = misc.string_to_file(get_model_str()) assert world.insert_model(cube_urdf, core.Pose([0, -0.15, 0.101], [1., 0, 0, 0]), "cube1") assert world.insert_model(cube_urdf, core.Pose([0, 0.15, 0.101], [1., 0, 0, 0]), "cube2") assert len(world.model_names()) == 3 # Get the cubes cube1 = world.get_model("cube1") cube2 = world.get_model("cube2") # Enable contact detection assert not cube1.contacts_enabled() assert cube1.enable_contacts(enable=True) assert cube1.contacts_enabled() # Enable contact detection assert not cube2.contacts_enabled() assert cube2.enable_contacts(enable=True) assert cube2.contacts_enabled() # The cubes were inserted floating in the air with a 1mm gap wrt to ground. # There should be no contacts. assert not cube1.get_link("cube").in_contact() assert not cube2.get_link("cube").in_contact() assert len(cube1.contacts()) == 0 assert len(cube2.contacts()) == 0 # Make the cubes fall for 50ms for _ in range(50): assert cube1.get_link("cube").in_contact() assert cube2.get_link("cube").in_contact() assert len(cube1.contacts()) == 1 assert len(cube2.contacts()) == 1 # Now we make another cube fall above the gap. It will touch both cubes. assert world.insert_model(cube_urdf, core.Pose([0, 0, 0.301], [1., 0, 0, 0]), "cube3") assert len(world.model_names()) == 4 cube3 = world.get_model("cube3") assert not cube3.contacts_enabled() assert cube3.enable_contacts(enable=True) assert cube3.contacts_enabled() assert not cube3.get_link("cube").in_contact() assert len(cube3.contacts()) == 0 # Make the cube fall for 50ms for _ in range(50): # There will be two contacts, respectively with cube1 and cube2. # Contacts are related to the link, not the collision elements. In the case of two # collisions elements associated to the same link, contacts are merged together. assert cube3.get_link("cube").in_contact() assert len(cube3.contacts()) == 2 contact1 = cube3.contacts()[0] contact2 = cube3.contacts()[1] assert contact1.body_a == "cube3::cube" assert contact2.body_a == "cube3::cube" assert contact1.body_b == "cube1::cube" assert contact2.body_b == "cube2::cube" # Calculate the total contact wrench of cube3 assert cube3.get_link("cube").contact_wrench() == pytest.approx([0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0], abs=1.1) # Calculate the total contact force of the cubes below. # They will have 1.5 their weight from below and -0.5 from above. assert cube1.get_link("cube").contact_wrench()[2] == pytest.approx(50, abs=1.1) assert cube1.get_link("cube").contact_wrench()[2] == pytest.approx(50, abs=1.1) # Check the normals and the sign of the forces for contact in cube2.contacts(): if contact.body_b == "cube3::cube": for point in contact.points: assert point.force[2] < 0 assert point.normal == pytest.approx([0, 0, -1], abs=0.001) if contact.body_b == "ground_plane::link": for point in contact.points: assert point.force[2] > 0 assert point.normal == pytest.approx([0, 0, 1], abs=0.001)
def __init__(self, world: scenario.World, name: str = 'ground', position: List[float] = (0, 0, 0), orientation: List[float] = (1, 0, 0, 0), size: List[float] = (1.0, 1.0), collision_thickness: float = 0.05, friction: float = 5.0, texture_dir: str = None, np_random=None): if np_random is None: np_random = np.random.default_rng() # Get a unique model name model_name = get_unique_model_name(world, name) # Initial pose initial_pose = scenario.Pose(position, orientation) # Find random PBR texture albedo_map = None normal_map = None roughness_map = None metalness_map = None if texture_dir is not None: # Get list of the available textures textures = os.listdir(texture_dir) # Keep only texture directories if texture_dir is a git repo (ugly fix) try: textures.remove('.git') except: pass try: textures.remove('') except: pass # Choose a random texture from these random_texture_dir = os.path.join(texture_dir, np_random.choice(textures)) # List all files texture_files = os.listdir(random_texture_dir) # Extract the appropriate files for texture in texture_files: texture_lower = texture.lower() if 'basecolor' in texture_lower or 'albedo' in texture_lower: albedo_map = os.path.join(random_texture_dir, texture) elif 'normal' in texture_lower: normal_map = os.path.join(random_texture_dir, texture) elif 'roughness' in texture_lower: roughness_map = os.path.join(random_texture_dir, texture) elif 'specular' in texture_lower or 'metalness' in texture_lower: metalness_map = os.path.join(random_texture_dir, texture) # Create SDF string for the model sdf = \ f'''<sdf version="1.7"> <model name="{model_name}"> <static>true</static> <link name="{model_name}_link"> <collision name="{model_name}_collision"> <pose>0 0 {-collision_thickness/2} 0 0 0</pose> <geometry> <box> <size>{size[0]} {size[1]} {collision_thickness}</size> </box> </geometry> <surface> <friction> <ode> <mu>{friction}</mu> <mu2>{friction}</mu2> <fdir1>0 0 0</fdir1> <slip1>0.0</slip1> <slip2>0.0</slip2> </ode> </friction> </surface> </collision> <visual name="{model_name}_visual"> <geometry> <plane> <normal>0 0 1</normal> <size>{size[0]} {size[1]}</size> </plane> </geometry> <material> <ambient>1 1 1 1</ambient> <diffuse>1 1 1 1</diffuse> <specular>1 1 1 1</specular> <pbr> <metal> {"<albedo_map>%s</albedo_map>" % albedo_map if albedo_map is not None else ""} {"<normal_map>%s</normal_map>" % normal_map if normal_map is not None else ""} {"<roughness_map>%s</roughness_map>" % roughness_map if roughness_map is not None else ""} {"<metalness_map>%s</metalness_map>" % metalness_map if metalness_map is not None else ""} </metal> </pbr> </material> </visual> </link> </model> </sdf>''' # Convert it into a file sdf_file = misc.string_to_file(sdf) # Insert the model ok_model = world.to_gazebo().insert_model(sdf_file, initial_pose, model_name) if not ok_model: raise RuntimeError('Failed to insert ' + model_name) # Get the model model = world.get_model(model_name) # Initialize base class model_wrapper.ModelWrapper.__init__(self, model=model)
def test_full_panda_randomization(): # Get the URDF model urdf_model = gym_ignition_models.get_model_file("panda") # Convert it to a SDF string sdf_model_string = scenario.urdffile_to_sdfstring(urdf_model) # Write the SDF string to a temp file sdf_model = misc.string_to_file(sdf_model_string) # Create the randomizer randomizer = sdf.SDFRandomizer(sdf_model=sdf_model) joint_dynamics = randomizer.find_xpath("*/joint/axis/dynamics") assert len(joint_dynamics) > 0 # Add the friction and damping elements since they're missing in the model for joint_dynamic in joint_dynamics: if joint_dynamic.find("friction") is None: etree.SubElement(joint_dynamic, "friction") friction = joint_dynamic.find("friction") friction.text = str(0) if joint_dynamic.find("damping") is None: etree.SubElement(joint_dynamic, "damping") damping = joint_dynamic.find("damping") damping.text = str(3) randomization_config = { "*/link/inertial/mass": { # mass + U(-0.5, 0.5) "method": Method.Additive, "distribution": Distribution.Uniform, "params": UniformParams(low=-0.5, high=0.5), "ignore_zeros": True, "force_positive": True, }, "*/link/inertial/inertia/ixx": { # inertia * N(1, 0.2) "method": Method.Coefficient, "distribution": Distribution.Gaussian, "params": GaussianParams(mean=1.0, variance=0.2), "ignore_zeros": True, "force_positive": True, }, "*/link/inertial/inertia/iyy": { "method": Method.Coefficient, "distribution": Distribution.Gaussian, "params": GaussianParams(mean=1.0, variance=0.2), "ignore_zeros": True, "force_positive": True, }, "*/link/inertial/inertia/izz": { "method": Method.Coefficient, "distribution": Distribution.Gaussian, "params": GaussianParams(mean=1.0, variance=0.2), "ignore_zeros": True, "force_positive": True, }, "*/joint/axis/dynamics/friction": { # friction in [0, 5] "method": Method.Absolute, "distribution": Distribution.Uniform, "params": UniformParams(low=0, high=5), "ignore_zeros": False, # We initialized the value as 0 "force_positive": True, }, "*/joint/axis/dynamics/damping": { # damping (= 3.0) * [0.8, 1.2] "method": Method.Coefficient, "distribution": Distribution.Uniform, "params": UniformParams(low=0.8, high=1.2), "ignore_zeros": True, "force_positive": True, }, # TODO: */joint/axis/limit/effort } for xpath, config in randomization_config.items(): randomizer.new_randomization().at_xpath(xpath).method( config["method"]).sampled_from( config["distribution"], config["params"]).force_positive( config["distribution"]).ignore_zeros( config["ignore_zeros"]).add() randomizer.process_data() assert len(randomizer.get_active_randomizations()) > 0 randomizer.sample(pretty_print=True)
def randomize_model_description(self, task: SupportedTasks, **kwargs) -> str: randomizer = self._get_sdf_randomizer(task=task) sdf = misc.string_to_file(randomizer.sample()) return sdf
def __init__(self, world: scenario.World, name: Union[str, None] = None, position: List[float] = (0, 0, 0), orientation: List[float] = (1, 0, 0, 0), camera_type: str = 'rgbd_camera', width: int = 212, height: int = 120, update_rate: int = 15, horizontal_fov: float = 1.567821, vertical_fov: float = 1.022238, clip_color: List[float] = (0.01, 1000.0), clip_depth: List[float] = (0.01, 10.0), noise_mean: float = None, noise_stddev: float = None, ros2_bridge_color: bool = False, ros2_bridge_depth: bool = False, ros2_bridge_points: bool = False, visibility_mask: int = 2): # Get a unique model name if name is not None: model_name = get_unique_model_name(world, name) else: model_name = get_unique_model_name(world, camera_type) self._model_name = model_name # Initial pose initial_pose = scenario.Pose(position, orientation) # Create SDF string for the model sdf = \ f'''<sdf version="1.7"> <model name="{model_name}"> <static>true</static> <link name="{model_name}_link"> <sensor name="camera" type="{camera_type}"> <topic>{model_name}</topic> <always_on>1</always_on> <update_rate>{update_rate}</update_rate> <camera name="{model_name}_camera"> <image> <width>{width}</width> <height>{height}</height> </image> <horizontal_fov>{horizontal_fov}</horizontal_fov> <vertical_fov>{vertical_fov}</vertical_fov> <clip> <near>{clip_color[0]}</near> <far>{clip_color[1]}</far> </clip> { f"""<depth_camera> <clip> <near>{clip_depth[0]}</near> <far>{clip_depth[1]}</far> </clip> </depth_camera>""" if self.is_rgbd() else "" } { f"""<noise> <type>gaussian</type> <mean>{noise_mean}</mean> <stddev>{noise_stddev}</stddev> </noise>""" if noise_mean is not None and noise_stddev is not None else "" } <visibility_mask>{visibility_mask}</visibility_mask> </camera> </sensor> </link> </model> </sdf>''' # Convert it into a file sdf_file = misc.string_to_file(sdf) # Insert the model ok_model = world.to_gazebo().insert_model(sdf_file, initial_pose, model_name) if not ok_model: raise RuntimeError('Failed to insert ' + model_name) # Get the model model = world.get_model(model_name) # Initialize base class model_wrapper.ModelWrapper.__init__(self, model=model) if ros2_bridge_color or ros2_bridge_depth or ros2_bridge_points: from threading import Thread # Note: This unfortunately hinders use of SIGINT threads = [] if ros2_bridge_color: thread = Thread(target=self.construct_ros2_bridge, args=(self.color_topic(), 'sensor_msgs/msg/Image', 'ignition.msgs.Image'), daemon=True) threads.append(thread) if ros2_bridge_depth: thread = Thread(target=self.construct_ros2_bridge, args=(self.depth_topic(), 'sensor_msgs/msg/Image', 'ignition.msgs.Image'), daemon=True) threads.append(thread) if ros2_bridge_points: thread = Thread(target=self.construct_ros2_bridge, args=(self.points_topic(), 'sensor_msgs/msg/PointCloud2', 'ignition.msgs.PointCloudPacked'), daemon=True) threads.append(thread) for thread in threads: thread.start()
def __init__(self, world: scenario.World, name: str = 'ground', position: List[float] = (0, 0, 0), orientation: List[float] = (1, 0, 0, 0), size: List[float] = (1.0, 1.0), collision_thickness=0.05, friction: float = 5.0): # Get a unique model name model_name = get_unique_model_name(world, name) # Initial pose initial_pose = scenario.Pose(position, orientation) # Create SDF string for the model sdf = \ f'''<sdf version="1.7"> <model name="{model_name}"> <static>true</static> <link name="{model_name}_link"> <collision name="{model_name}_collision"> <pose>0 0 {-collision_thickness/2} 0 0 0</pose> <geometry> <box> <size>{size[0]} {size[1]} {collision_thickness}</size> </box> </geometry> <surface> <friction> <ode> <mu>{friction}</mu> <mu2>{friction}</mu2> <fdir1>0 0 0</fdir1> <slip1>0.0</slip1> <slip2>0.0</slip2> </ode> </friction> </surface> </collision> <visual name="{model_name}_visual"> <geometry> <plane> <normal>0 0 1</normal> <size>{size[0]} {size[1]}</size> </plane> </geometry> <material> <ambient>0.8 0.8 0.8 1</ambient> <diffuse>0.8 0.8 0.8 1</diffuse> <specular>0.8 0.8 0.8 1</specular> </material> </visual> </link> </model> </sdf>''' # Convert it into a file sdf_file = misc.string_to_file(sdf) # Insert the model ok_model = world.to_gazebo().insert_model(sdf_file, initial_pose, model_name) if not ok_model: raise RuntimeError('Failed to insert ' + model_name) # Get the model model = world.get_model(model_name) # Initialize base class model_wrapper.ModelWrapper.__init__(self, model=model)