def simpleCheckGLMScore(self, glmScore, family='gaussian', allowFailWarning=False, **kwargs): warnings = None if 'warnings' in glmScore: warnings = glmScore['warnings'] # stop on failed x = re.compile("failed", re.IGNORECASE) # don't stop if fail to converge c = re.compile("converge", re.IGNORECASE) for w in warnings: print "\nwarning:", w if,w) and not allowFailWarning: if,w): # ignore the fail to converge warning now pass else: # stop on other 'fail' warnings (are there any? fail to solve? raise Exception(w) validation = glmScore['validation'] validation['err'] = h2o_util.cleanseInfNan(validation['err']) validation['nullDev'] = h2o_util.cleanseInfNan(validation['nullDev']) validation['resDev'] = h2o_util.cleanseInfNan(validation['resDev']) print "%15s %s" % ("err:\t", validation['err']) print "%15s %s" % ("nullDev:\t", validation['nullDev']) print "%15s %s" % ("resDev:\t", validation['resDev']) # threshold only there if binomial? # auc only for binomial if family=="binomial": print "%15s %s" % ("auc:\t", validation['auc']) print "%15s %s" % ("threshold:\t", validation['threshold']) err = False if family=="poisson" or family=="gaussian": if 'aic' not in validation: print "aic is missing from the glm json response" err = True if math.isnan(validation['err']): print "Why is this err = 'nan'?? %6s %s" % ("err:\t", validation['err']) err = True if math.isnan(validation['resDev']): print "Why is this resDev = 'nan'?? %6s %s" % ("resDev:\t", validation['resDev']) err = True if err: raise Exception ("How am I supposed to tell that any of these errors should be ignored?") # legal? if math.isnan(validation['nullDev']): ## emsg = "Why is this nullDev = 'nan'?? %6s %s" % ("nullDev:\t", validation['nullDev']) ## raise Exception(emsg) pass
def simpleCheckGLMScore(self, glmScore, family="gaussian", allowFailWarning=False, **kwargs): warnings = None if "warnings" in glmScore: warnings = glmScore["warnings"] # stop on failed x = re.compile("failed", re.IGNORECASE) # don't stop if fail to converge c = re.compile("converge", re.IGNORECASE) for w in warnings: print "\nwarning:", w if, w) and not allowFailWarning: if, w): # ignore the fail to converge warning now pass else: # stop on other 'fail' warnings (are there any? fail to solve? raise Exception(w) validation = glmScore["validation"] validation["err"] = h2o_util.cleanseInfNan(validation["err"]) validation["nullDev"] = h2o_util.cleanseInfNan(validation["nullDev"]) validation["resDev"] = h2o_util.cleanseInfNan(validation["resDev"]) print "%15s %s" % ("err:\t", validation["err"]) print "%15s %s" % ("nullDev:\t", validation["nullDev"]) print "%15s %s" % ("resDev:\t", validation["resDev"]) # threshold only there if binomial? # auc only for binomial if family == "binomial": print "%15s %s" % ("auc:\t", validation["auc"]) print "%15s %s" % ("threshold:\t", validation["threshold"]) if family == "poisson" or family == "gaussian": print "%15s %s" % ("aic:\t", validation["aic"]) if math.isnan(validation["err"]): emsg = "Why is this err = 'nan'?? %6s %s" % ("err:\t", validation["err"]) raise Exception(emsg) if math.isnan(validation["resDev"]): emsg = "Why is this resDev = 'nan'?? %6s %s" % ("resDev:\t", validation["resDev"]) raise Exception(emsg) # legal? if math.isnan(validation["nullDev"]): ## emsg = "Why is this nullDev = 'nan'?? %6s %s" % ("nullDev:\t", validation['nullDev']) ## raise Exception(emsg) pass
def oldSimpleCheckGLM(self, glm, colX, allowFailWarning=False, allowZeroCoeff=False, prettyPrint=False, noPrint=False, maxExpectedIterations=None, doNormalized=False, **kwargs): # if we hit the max_iter, that means it probably didn't converge. should be 1-maxExpectedIter # h2o GLM will verboseprint the result and print errors. # so don't have to do that # different when cross validation is used? No trainingErrorDetails? GLMModel = glm['glm_model'] if not GLMModel: raise Exception("GLMModel didn't exist in the glm response? %s" % dump_json(glm)) warnings = None if 'warnings' in GLMModel and GLMModel['warnings']: warnings = GLMModel['warnings'] # stop on failed x = re.compile("failed", re.IGNORECASE) # don't stop if fail to converge c = re.compile("converge", re.IGNORECASE) for w in warnings: print "\nwarning:", w if,w) and not allowFailWarning: if,w): # ignore the fail to converge warning now pass else: # stop on other 'fail' warnings (are there any? fail to solve? raise Exception(w) # for key, value in glm.iteritems(): print key # not in GLMGrid? # FIX! don't get GLMParams if it can't solve? GLMParams = GLMModel['glm'] family = GLMParams["family"] # number of submodels = number of lambda # min of 2. lambda_max is first submodels = GLMModel['submodels'] # since all our tests?? only use one lambda, the best_lamda_idx should = 1 best_lambda_idx = GLMModel['best_lambda_idx'] print "best_lambda_idx:", best_lambda_idx lambda_max = GLMModel['lambda_max'] print "lambda_max:", lambda_max # currently lambda_max is not set by tomas. ..i.e.not valid if 1==0 and (lambda_max <= submodels[best_lambda_idx].lambda_value): raise Exception("lambda_max %s should always be > the lambda result %s we're checking" % (lambda_max, submodels[best_lambda_idx].lambda_value)) # submodels0 = submodels[0] # submodels1 = submodels[-1] # hackery to make it work when there's just one if (best_lambda_idx >= len(submodels)) or (best_lambda_idx < 0): raise Exception("best_lambda_idx: %s should point to one of lambdas (which has len %s)" % (best_lambda_idx, len(submodels))) if (best_lambda_idx >= len(submodels)) or (best_lambda_idx < 0): raise Exception("best_lambda_idx: %s should point to one of submodels (which has len %s)" % (best_lambda_idx, len(submodels))) submodels1 = submodels[best_lambda_idx] # hackery to make it work when there's just one iterations = submodels1['iteration'] print "GLMModel/iterations:", iterations # if we hit the max_iter, that means it probably didn't converge. should be 1-maxExpectedIter if maxExpectedIterations is not None and iterations > maxExpectedIterations: raise Exception("Convergence issue? GLM did iterations: %d which is greater than expected: %d" % (iterations, maxExpectedIterations) ) if 'validation' not in submodels1: raise Exception("Should be a 'validation' key in submodels1: %s" % dump_json(submodels1)) validationsList = submodels1['validation'] validations = validationsList # xval. compare what we asked for and what we got. n_folds = kwargs.setdefault('n_folds', None) print "GLMModel/validations" validations['null_deviance'] = h2o_util.cleanseInfNan(validations['null_deviance']) validations['residual_deviance'] = h2o_util.cleanseInfNan(validations['residual_deviance']) print "%15s %s" % ("null_deviance:\t", validations['null_deviance']) print "%15s %s" % ("residual_deviance:\t", validations['residual_deviance']) # threshold only there if binomial? # auc only for binomial if family=="binomial": print "%15s %s" % ("auc:\t", validations['auc']) best_threshold = validations['best_threshold'] thresholds = validations['thresholds'] print "%15s %s" % ("best_threshold:\t", best_threshold) # have to look up the index for the cm, from the thresholds list best_index = None for i,t in enumerate(thresholds): if t >= best_threshold: # ends up using next one if not present best_index = i break assert best_index!=None, "%s %s" % (best_threshold, thresholds) print "Now printing the right 'best_threshold' %s from '_cms" % best_threshold # cm = glm['glm_model']['submodels'][0]['validation']['_cms'][-1] submodels = glm['glm_model']['submodels'] # FIX! this isn't right if we have multiple lambdas? different submodels? cms = submodels[0]['validation']['_cms'] self.assertEqual(len(thresholds), len(cms), msg="thresholds %s and cm %s should be lists of the same size. %s" % (len(thresholds), len(cms), thresholds)) # FIX! best_threshold isn't necessarily in the list. jump out if >= assert best_index<len(cms), "%s %s" % (best_index, len(cms)) # if we want 0.5..rounds to int # mid = len(cms)/2 # cm = cms[mid] cm = cms[best_index] print "cm:", dump_json(cm['_arr']) predErr = cm['_predErr'] classErr = cm['_classErr'] # compare to predErr # pctWrong = h2o_gbm.pp_cm_summary(cm['_arr']); # FIX! pctWrong = 0 print "predErr:", predErr print "calculated pctWrong from cm:", pctWrong print "classErr:", classErr # self.assertLess(pctWrong, 9,"Should see less than 9% error (class = 4)") print "\nTrain\n==========\n" # print h2o_gbm.pp_cm(cm['_arr']) if family=="poisson" or family=="gaussian": print "%15s %s" % ("aic:\t", validations['aic']) coefficients_names = GLMModel['coefficients_names'] # print "coefficients_names:", coefficients_names idxs = submodels1['idxs'] print "idxs:", idxs coefficients_names = coefficients_names # always check both normalized and normal coefficients norm_beta = submodels1['norm_beta'] # if norm_beta and len(coefficients_names)!=len(norm_beta): # print len(coefficients_names), len(norm_beta) # raise Exception("coefficients_names and normalized_norm_beta from h2o json not same length. coefficients_names: %s normalized_norm_beta: %s" % (coefficients_names, norm_beta)) # beta = submodels1['beta'] # print "beta:", beta # if len(coefficients_names)!=len(beta): # print len(coefficients_names), len(beta) # raise Exception("coefficients_names and beta from h2o json not same length. coefficients_names: %s beta: %s" % (coefficients_names, beta)) # test wants to use normalized? if doNormalized: beta_used = norm_beta else: beta_used = beta coefficients = {} # create a dictionary with name, beta (including intercept) just like v1 for i,b in zip(idxs, beta_used[:-1]): name = coefficients_names[i] coefficients[name] = b print "len(idxs)", len(idxs), "len(beta_used)", len(beta_used) print "coefficients:", coefficients print "beta:", beta print "norm_beta:", norm_beta coefficients['Intercept'] = beta_used[-1] print "len(coefficients_names)", len(coefficients_names) print "len(idxs)", len(idxs) print "idxs[-1]", idxs[-1] print "intercept demapping info:", \ "coefficients_names[-i]:", coefficients_names[-1], \ "idxs[-1]:", idxs[-1], \ "coefficients_names[idxs[-1]]:", coefficients_names[idxs[-1]], \ "beta_used[-1]:", beta_used[-1], \ "coefficients['Intercept']", coefficients['Intercept'] # last one is intercept interceptName = coefficients_names[idxs[-1]] if interceptName != "Intercept" or abs(beta_used[-1])<1e-26: raise Exception("'Intercept' should be last in coefficients_names and beta %s %s %s" %\ (idxs[-1], beta_used[-1], "-"+interceptName+"-")) # idxs has the order for non-zero coefficients, it's shorter than beta_used and coefficients_names # new 5/28/14. glm can point to zero coefficients # for i in idxs: # if beta_used[i]==0.0: ## raise Exception("idxs shouldn't point to any 0 coefficients i: %s %s:" % (i, beta_used[i])) if len(idxs) > len(beta_used): raise Exception("idxs shouldn't be longer than beta_used %s %s" % (len(idxs), len(beta_used))) intercept = coefficients.pop('Intercept', None) # intercept demapping info: idxs[-1]: 54 coefficients_names[[idxs[-1]]: Intercept beta_used[-1]: -6.6866753099 # the last one shoudl be 'Intercept' ? coefficients_names.pop() # have to skip the output col! get it from kwargs # better always be there! y = kwargs['response'] # the dict keys are column headers if they to order those? new: use the 'coefficients_names' # from the response # Tomas created 'coefficients_names which is the coefficient list in order. # Just use it to index coefficients! works for header or no-header cases # I guess now we won't print the "None" cases for dropped columns (constant columns!) # Because Tomas doesn't get everything in 'coefficients_names' if dropped by GLMQuery before # he gets it? def add_to_coefficient_list_and_string(c, cList, cString): if c in coefficients: cValue = coefficients[c] cValueString = "%s: %.5e " % (c, cValue) else: print "Warning: didn't see '" + c + "' in json coefficient response.",\ "Inserting 'None' with assumption it was dropped due to constant column)" cValue = None cValueString = "%s: %s " % (c, cValue) cList.append(cValue) # we put each on newline for easy comparison to R..otherwise keep condensed if prettyPrint: cValueString = "H2O coefficient " + cValueString + "\n" # not mutable? return cString + cValueString # creating both a string for printing and a list of values cString = "" cList = [] # print in order using col_names # coefficients_names is input only now..same for header or no header, or expanded enums for c in coefficients_names: cString = add_to_coefficient_list_and_string(c, cList, cString) if prettyPrint: print "\nH2O intercept:\t\t%.5e" % intercept print cString else: if not noPrint: print "\nintercept:", intercept, cString print "\nTotal # of coefficients:", len(coefficients_names) # pick out the coefficent for the column we enabled for enhanced checking. Can be None. # FIX! temporary hack to deal with disappearing/renaming columns in GLM if (not allowZeroCoeff) and (colX is not None): absXCoeff = abs(float(coefficients[str(colX)])) # add kwargs to help debug without looking at console log self.assertGreater(absXCoeff, 1e-26, ( "abs. value of GLM coefficients['" + str(colX) + "'] is " + str(absXCoeff) + ", not >= 1e-26 for X=" + str(colX) + "\n" + "kwargs:" + dump_json(kwargs) )) # intercept is buried in there too absIntercept = abs(float(intercept)) self.assertGreater(absIntercept, 1e-26, ( "abs. value of GLM coefficients['Intercept'] is " + str(absIntercept) + ", not >= 1e-26 for Intercept" + "\n" + "kwargs:" + dump_json(kwargs) )) # this is good if we just want min or max # maxCoeff = max(coefficients, key=coefficients.get) # for more, just invert the dictionary and ... if (len(coefficients)>0): maxKey = max([(abs(coefficients[x]),x) for x in coefficients])[1] print "H2O Largest abs. coefficient value:", maxKey, coefficients[maxKey] minKey = min([(abs(coefficients[x]),x) for x in coefficients])[1] print "H2O Smallest abs. coefficient value:", minKey, coefficients[minKey] else: print "Warning, no coefficients returned. Must be intercept only?" # many of the GLM tests aren't single column though. # quick and dirty check: if all the coefficients are zero, # something is broken # intercept is in there too, but this will get it okay # just sum the abs value up..look for greater than 0 # skip this test if there is just one coefficient. Maybe pointing to a non-important coeff? if (not allowZeroCoeff) and (len(coefficients)>1): s = 0.0 for c in coefficients: v = coefficients[c] s += abs(float(v)) self.assertGreater(s, 1e-26, ( "sum of abs. value of GLM coefficients/intercept is " + str(s) + ", not >= 1e-26\n" + "kwargs:" + dump_json(kwargs) )) print "submodels1, run_time (milliseconds):", submodels1['run_time'] # shouldn't have any errors check_sandbox_for_errors() return (warnings, cList, intercept)
def simpleCheckGLM(self, glm, colX, allowFailWarning=False, allowZeroCoeff=False, prettyPrint=False, noPrint=False, maxExpectedIterations=None, doNormalized=False, **kwargs): # if we hit the max_iter, that means it probably didn't converge. should be 1-maxExpectedIter # h2o GLM will verboseprint the result and print errors. # so don't have to do that # different when cross validation is used? No trainingErrorDetails? if h2o.beta_features: GLMModel = glm['glm_model'] else: GLMModel = glm['GLMModel'] if not GLMModel: raise Exception("GLMModel didn't exist in the glm response? %s" % h2o.dump_json(glm)) warnings = None if 'warnings' in GLMModel and GLMModel['warnings']: warnings = GLMModel['warnings'] # stop on failed x = re.compile("failed", re.IGNORECASE) # don't stop if fail to converge c = re.compile("converge", re.IGNORECASE) for w in warnings: print "\nwarning:", w if, w) and not allowFailWarning: if, w): # ignore the fail to converge warning now pass else: # stop on other 'fail' warnings (are there any? fail to solve? raise Exception(w) # for key, value in glm.iteritems(): print key # not in GLMGrid? # FIX! don't get GLMParams if it can't solve? if h2o.beta_features: GLMParams = GLMModel['glm'] else: GLMParams = GLMModel["GLMParams"] family = GLMParams["family"] if h2o.beta_features: # number of submodels = number of lambda # min of 2. lambda_max is first submodels = GLMModel['submodels'] lambdas = GLMModel['lambdas'] # since all our tests?? only use one lambda, the best_lamda_idx should = 1 best_lambda_idx = GLMModel['best_lambda_idx'] print "best_lambda_idx:", best_lambda_idx lambda_max = GLMModel['lambda_max'] print "lambda_max:", lambda_max # currently lambda_max is not set by tomas. ..i.e.not valid if 1 == 0 and lambda_max <= lambdas[best_lambda_idx]: raise Exception( "lambda_max %s should always be > the lambda result %s we're checking" % (lambda_max, lambdas[best_lambda_idx])) # submodels0 = submodels[0] # submodels1 = submodels[-1] # hackery to make it work when there's just one if (best_lambda_idx >= len(lambdas)) or (best_lambda_idx < 0): raise Exception( "best_lambda_idx: %s should point to one of lambdas (which has len %s)" % (best_lambda_idx, len(lambdas))) if (best_lambda_idx >= len(submodels)) or (best_lambda_idx < 0): raise Exception( "best_lambda_idx: %s should point to one of submodels (which has len %s)" % (best_lambda_idx, len(submodels))) submodels1 = submodels[ best_lambda_idx] # hackery to make it work when there's just one iterations = submodels1['iteration'] else: iterations = GLMModel['iterations'] print "GLMModel/iterations:", iterations # if we hit the max_iter, that means it probably didn't converge. should be 1-maxExpectedIter if maxExpectedIterations is not None and iterations > maxExpectedIterations: raise Exception( "Convergence issue? GLM did iterations: %d which is greater than expected: %d" % (iterations, maxExpectedIterations)) if h2o.beta_features: if 'validation' not in submodels1: raise Exception("Should be a 'validation' key in submodels1: %s" % h2o.dump_json(submodels1)) validationsList = submodels1['validation'] validations = validationsList else: # pop the first validation from the list if 'validations' not in GLMModel: raise Exception("Should be a 'validations' key in GLMModel: %s" % h2o.dump_json(GLMModel)) validationsList = GLMModel['validations'] # don't want to modify validationsList in case someone else looks at it validations = validationsList[0] # xval. compare what we asked for and what we got. n_folds = kwargs.setdefault('n_folds', None) # not checked in v2? if not h2o.beta_features: if not 'xval_models' in validations: if n_folds > 1: raise Exception( "No cross validation models returned. Asked for " + n_folds) else: xval_models = validations['xval_models'] if n_folds and n_folds > 1: if len(xval_models) != n_folds: raise Exception( len(xval_models) + " cross validation models returned. Asked for " + n_folds) else: # should be default 10? if len(xval_models) != 10: raise Exception( str(len(xval_models)) + " cross validation models returned. Default should be 10" ) if h2o.beta_features: print "GLMModel/validations" validations['null_deviance'] = h2o_util.cleanseInfNan( validations['null_deviance']) validations['residual_deviance'] = h2o_util.cleanseInfNan( validations['residual_deviance']) print "%15s %s" % ("null_deviance:\t", validations['null_deviance']) print "%15s %s" % ("residual_deviance:\t", validations['residual_deviance']) else: print "GLMModel/validations" validations['err'] = h2o_util.cleanseInfNan(validations['err']) validations['nullDev'] = h2o_util.cleanseInfNan(validations['nullDev']) validations['resDev'] = h2o_util.cleanseInfNan(validations['resDev']) print "%15s %s" % ("err:\t", validations['err']) print "%15s %s" % ("nullDev:\t", validations['nullDev']) print "%15s %s" % ("resDev:\t", validations['resDev']) # threshold only there if binomial? # auc only for binomial if family == "binomial": print "%15s %s" % ("auc:\t", validations['auc']) if h2o.beta_features: best_threshold = validations['best_threshold'] thresholds = validations['thresholds'] print "%15s %s" % ("best_threshold:\t", best_threshold) # have to look up the index for the cm, from the thresholds list best_index = None # FIX! best_threshold isn't necessarily in the list. jump out if >= for i, t in enumerate(thresholds): if t >= best_threshold: # ends up using next one if not present best_index = i break assert best_index != None, "%s %s" % (best_threshold, thresholds) print "Now printing the right 'best_threshold' %s from '_cms" % best_threshold # cm = glm['glm_model']['submodels'][0]['validation']['_cms'][-1] submodels = glm['glm_model']['submodels'] cms = submodels[0]['validation']['_cms'] assert best_index < len(cms), "%s %s" % (best_index, len(cms)) # if we want 0.5..rounds to int # mid = len(cms)/2 # cm = cms[mid] cm = cms[best_index] print "cm:", h2o.dump_json(cm['_arr']) predErr = cm['_predErr'] classErr = cm['_classErr'] # compare to predErr pctWrong = h2o_gbm.pp_cm_summary(cm['_arr']) print "predErr:", predErr print "calculated pctWrong from cm:", pctWrong print "classErr:", classErr # self.assertLess(pctWrong, 9,"Should see less than 9% error (class = 4)") print "\nTrain\n==========\n" print h2o_gbm.pp_cm(cm['_arr']) else: print "%15s %s" % ("threshold:\t", validations['threshold']) if family == "poisson" or family == "gaussian": print "%15s %s" % ("aic:\t", validations['aic']) if not h2o.beta_features: if math.isnan(validations['err']): emsg = "Why is this err = 'nan'?? %6s %s" % ("err:\t", validations['err']) raise Exception(emsg) if math.isnan(validations['resDev']): emsg = "Why is this resDev = 'nan'?? %6s %s" % ( "resDev:\t", validations['resDev']) raise Exception(emsg) # legal? if math.isnan(validations['nullDev']): pass # get a copy, so we don't destroy the original when we pop the intercept if h2o.beta_features: coefficients_names = GLMModel['coefficients_names'] # print "coefficients_names:", coefficients_names idxs = submodels1['idxs'] print "idxs:", idxs column_names = coefficients_names # always check both normalized and normal coefficients norm_beta = submodels1['norm_beta'] # if norm_beta and len(column_names)!=len(norm_beta): # print len(column_names), len(norm_beta) # raise Exception("column_names and normalized_norm_beta from h2o json not same length. column_names: %s normalized_norm_beta: %s" % (column_names, norm_beta)) # beta = submodels1['beta'] # print "beta:", beta # if len(column_names)!=len(beta): # print len(column_names), len(beta) # raise Exception("column_names and beta from h2o json not same length. column_names: %s beta: %s" % (column_names, beta)) # test wants to use normalized? if doNormalized: beta_used = norm_beta else: beta_used = beta coefficients = {} # create a dictionary with name, beta (including intercept) just like v1 for i, b in zip(idxs, beta_used[:-1]): name = coefficients_names[i] coefficients[name] = b print "len(idxs)", len(idxs), "len(beta_used)", len(beta_used) print "coefficients:", coefficients print "beta:", beta print "norm_beta:", norm_beta coefficients['Intercept'] = beta_used[-1] print "intercept demapping info:", \ "column_names[-i]:", column_names[-1], \ "idxs[-1]:", idxs[-1], \ "coefficients_names[idxs[-1]]:", coefficients_names[idxs[-1]], \ "beta_used[-1]:", beta_used[-1], \ "coefficients['Intercept']", coefficients['Intercept'] # last one is intercept interceptName = coefficients_names[idxs[-1]] if interceptName != "Intercept" or abs(beta_used[-1]) < 1e-26: raise Exception("'Intercept' should be last in coefficient_names and beta %s %s %s" %\ (idxs[-1], beta_used[-1], "-"+interceptName+"-")) # idxs has the order for non-zero coefficients, it's shorter than beta_used and column_names # new 5/28/14. glm can point to zero coefficients # for i in idxs: # if beta_used[i]==0.0: ## raise Exception("idxs shouldn't point to any 0 coefficients i: %s %s:" % (i, beta_used[i])) if len(idxs) > len(beta_used): raise Exception("idxs shouldn't be longer than beta_used %s %s" % (len(idxs), len(beta_used))) intercept = coefficients.pop('Intercept', None) # intercept demapping info: idxs[-1]: 54 coefficient_names[[idxs[-1]]: Intercept beta_used[-1]: -6.6866753099 # the last one shoudl be 'Intercept' ? column_names.pop() else: if doNormalized: coefficients = GLMModel['normalized_coefficients'].copy() else: coefficients = GLMModel['coefficients'].copy() column_names = GLMModel['column_names'] # get the intercept out of there into it's own dictionary intercept = coefficients.pop('Intercept', None) print "First intercept:", intercept # have to skip the output col! get it from kwargs # better always be there! if h2o.beta_features: y = kwargs['response'] else: y = kwargs['y'] # the dict keys are column headers if they to order those? new: use the 'column_names' # from the response # Tomas created 'column_names which is the coefficient list in order. # Just use it to index coefficients! works for header or no-header cases # I guess now we won't print the "None" cases for dropped columns (constant columns!) # Because Tomas doesn't get everything in 'column_names' if dropped by GLMQuery before # he gets it? def add_to_coefficient_list_and_string(c, cList, cString): if c in coefficients: cValue = coefficients[c] cValueString = "%s: %.5e " % (c, cValue) else: print "Warning: didn't see '" + c + "' in json coefficient response.",\ "Inserting 'None' with assumption it was dropped due to constant column)" cValue = None cValueString = "%s: %s " % (c, cValue) cList.append(cValue) # we put each on newline for easy comparison to R..otherwise keep condensed if prettyPrint: cValueString = "H2O coefficient " + cValueString + "\n" # not mutable? return cString + cValueString # creating both a string for printing and a list of values cString = "" cList = [] # print in order using col_names # column_names is input only now..same for header or no header, or expanded enums for c in column_names: cString = add_to_coefficient_list_and_string(c, cList, cString) if prettyPrint: print "\nH2O intercept:\t\t%.5e" % intercept print cString else: if not noPrint: print "\nintercept:", intercept, cString print "\nTotal # of coefficients:", len(column_names) # pick out the coefficent for the column we enabled for enhanced checking. Can be None. # FIX! temporary hack to deal with disappearing/renaming columns in GLM if (not allowZeroCoeff) and (colX is not None): absXCoeff = abs(float(coefficients[str(colX)])) self.assertGreater( absXCoeff, 1e-26, ("abs. value of GLM coefficients['" + str(colX) + "'] is " + str(absXCoeff) + ", not >= 1e-26 for X=" + str(colX))) # intercept is buried in there too absIntercept = abs(float(intercept)) self.assertGreater(absIntercept, 1e-26, ("abs. value of GLM coefficients['Intercept'] is " + str(absIntercept) + ", not >= 1e-26 for Intercept")) # this is good if we just want min or max # maxCoeff = max(coefficients, key=coefficients.get) # for more, just invert the dictionary and ... if (len(coefficients) > 0): maxKey = max([(abs(coefficients[x]), x) for x in coefficients])[1] print "H2O Largest abs. coefficient value:", maxKey, coefficients[ maxKey] minKey = min([(abs(coefficients[x]), x) for x in coefficients])[1] print "H2O Smallest abs. coefficient value:", minKey, coefficients[ minKey] else: print "Warning, no coefficients returned. Must be intercept only?" # many of the GLM tests aren't single column though. # quick and dirty check: if all the coefficients are zero, # something is broken # intercept is in there too, but this will get it okay # just sum the abs value up..look for greater than 0 # skip this test if there is just one coefficient. Maybe pointing to a non-important coeff? if (not allowZeroCoeff) and (len(coefficients) > 1): s = 0.0 for c in coefficients: v = coefficients[c] s += abs(float(v)) self.assertGreater( s, 1e-26, ("sum of abs. value of GLM coefficients/intercept is " + str(s) + ", not >= 1e-26")) if h2o.beta_features: print "submodels1, run_time (milliseconds):", submodels1['run_time'] else: print "GLMModel model time (milliseconds):", GLMModel['model_time'] print "GLMModel validation time (milliseconds):", validations[ 'val_time'] print "GLMModel lsm time (milliseconds):", GLMModel['lsm_time'] # shouldn't have any errors h2o.check_sandbox_for_errors() return (warnings, cList, intercept)
def simpleCheckGLM(self, glm, colX, allowFailWarning=False, allowZeroCoeff=False, prettyPrint=False, noPrint=False, maxExpectedIterations=None, doNormalized=False, **kwargs): # if we hit the max_iter, that means it probably didn't converge. should be 1-maxExpectedIter # h2o GLM will verboseprint the result and print errors. # so don't have to do that # different when cross validation is used? No trainingErrorDetails? if h2o.beta_features: GLMModel = glm['glm_model'] else: GLMModel = glm['GLMModel'] warnings = None if 'warnings' in GLMModel and GLMModel['warnings']: warnings = GLMModel['warnings'] # stop on failed x = re.compile("failed", re.IGNORECASE) # don't stop if fail to converge c = re.compile("converge", re.IGNORECASE) for w in warnings: print "\nwarning:", w if,w) and not allowFailWarning: if,w): # ignore the fail to converge warning now pass else: # stop on other 'fail' warnings (are there any? fail to solve? raise Exception(w) # for key, value in glm.iteritems(): print key # not in GLMGrid? # FIX! don't get GLMParams if it can't solve? if h2o.beta_features: GLMParams = GLMModel['glm'] else: GLMParams = GLMModel["GLMParams"] family = GLMParams["family"] if h2o.beta_features: submodels0 = GLMModel['submodels'][0] iterations = submodels0['iteration'] else: iterations = GLMModel['iterations'] print "GLMModel/iterations:", iterations # if we hit the max_iter, that means it probably didn't converge. should be 1-maxExpectedIter if maxExpectedIterations is not None and iterations > maxExpectedIterations: raise Exception("Convergence issue? GLM did iterations: %d which is greater than expected: %d" % (iterations, maxExpectedIterations) ) if h2o.beta_features: if 'validation' not in submodels0: raise Exception("Should be a 'validation' key in submodels0: %s" % h2o.dump_json(submodels0)) validationsList = submodels0['validation'] validations = validationsList else: # pop the first validation from the list if 'validations' not in GLMModel: raise Exception("Should be a 'validations' key in GLMModel: %s" % h2o.dump_json(GLMModel)) validationsList = GLMModel['validations'] # don't want to modify validationsList in case someone else looks at it validations = validationsList[0] # xval. compare what we asked for and what we got. n_folds = kwargs.setdefault('n_folds', None) # not checked in v2? if not h2o.beta_features: if not 'xval_models' in validations: if n_folds > 1: raise Exception("No cross validation models returned. Asked for "+n_folds) else: xval_models = validations['xval_models'] if n_folds and n_folds > 1: if len(xval_models) != n_folds: raise Exception(len(xval_models)+" cross validation models returned. Asked for "+n_folds) else: # should be default 10? if len(xval_models) != 10: raise Exception(str(len(xval_models))+" cross validation models returned. Default should be 10") if h2o.beta_features: print "GLMModel/validations" validations['avg_err'] = h2o_util.cleanseInfNan(validations['avg_err']) validations['null_deviance'] = h2o_util.cleanseInfNan(validations['null_deviance']) validations['residual_deviance'] = h2o_util.cleanseInfNan(validations['residual_deviance']) print "%15s %s" % ("avg_err:\t", validations['avg_err']) print "%15s %s" % ("null_deviance:\t", validations['null_deviance']) print "%15s %s" % ("residual_deviance:\t", validations['residual_deviance']) else: print "GLMModel/validations" validations['err'] = h2o_util.cleanseInfNan(validations['err']) validations['nullDev'] = h2o_util.cleanseInfNan(validations['nullDev']) validations['resDev'] = h2o_util.cleanseInfNan(validations['resDev']) print "%15s %s" % ("err:\t", validations['err']) print "%15s %s" % ("nullDev:\t", validations['nullDev']) print "%15s %s" % ("resDev:\t", validations['resDev']) # threshold only there if binomial? # auc only for binomial if family=="binomial": print "%15s %s" % ("auc:\t", validations['auc']) if h2o.beta_features: print "%15s %s" % ("best_threshold:\t", validations['best_threshold']) else: print "%15s %s" % ("threshold:\t", validations['threshold']) if family=="poisson" or family=="gaussian": print "%15s %s" % ("aic:\t", validations['aic']) if not h2o.beta_features: if math.isnan(validations['err']): emsg = "Why is this err = 'nan'?? %6s %s" % ("err:\t", validations['err']) raise Exception(emsg) if math.isnan(validations['resDev']): emsg = "Why is this resDev = 'nan'?? %6s %s" % ("resDev:\t", validations['resDev']) raise Exception(emsg) # legal? if math.isnan(validations['nullDev']): pass # get a copy, so we don't destroy the original when we pop the intercept if h2o.beta_features: coefficients_names = GLMModel['coefficients_names'] idxs = submodels0['idxs'] column_names = coefficients_names # always check both normalized and normal coefficients norm_beta = submodels0['norm_beta'] if len(column_names)!=len(norm_beta): print len(column_names), len(norm_beta) raise Exception("column_names and normalized_norm_beta from h2o json not same length. column_names: %s normalized_norm_beta: %s" % (column_names, norm_beta)) beta = submodels0['beta'] if len(column_names)!=len(beta): print len(column_names), len(beta) raise Exception("column_names and beta from h2o json not same length. column_names: %s beta: %s" % (column_names, beta)) # test wants to use normalized? if doNormalized: beta_used = norm_beta else: beta_used = beta coefficients = {} # create a dictionary with name, beta (including intercept) just like v1 for n,b in zip(column_names, beta_used): coefficients[n] = b print "coefficients:", coefficients print "beta:", beta print "norm_beta:", norm_beta print "intercept demapping info:", \ "column_names[-i]:", column_names[-1], \ "idxs[-1]:", idxs[-1], \ "coefficients_names[[idxs[-1]]:", coefficients_names[idxs[-1]], \ "beta_used[-1]:", beta_used[-1], \ "coefficients['Intercept']", coefficients['Intercept'] # idxs has the order for non-zero coefficients, it's shorter than beta_used and column_names for i in idxs: if beta_used[i]==0.0: raise Exception("idxs shouldn't point to any 0 coefficients i: %s beta_used[i]:" (i, beta_used[i])) intercept = coefficients.pop('Intercept', None) # intercept demapping info: idxs[-1]: 54 coefficient_names[[idxs[-1]]: Intercept beta_used[-1]: -6.6866753099 # the last one shoudl be 'Intercept' ? column_names.pop() else: if doNormalized: coefficients = GLMModel['normalized_coefficients'].copy() else: coefficients = GLMModel['coefficients'].copy() column_names = GLMModel['column_names'] # get the intercept out of there into it's own dictionary intercept = coefficients.pop('Intercept', None) print "First intercept:", intercept # have to skip the output col! get it from kwargs # better always be there! if h2o.beta_features: y = kwargs['response'] else: y = kwargs['y'] # the dict keys are column headers if they to order those? new: use the 'column_names' # from the response # Tomas created 'column_names which is the coefficient list in order. # Just use it to index coefficients! works for header or no-header cases # I guess now we won't print the "None" cases for dropped columns (constant columns!) # Because Tomas doesn't get everything in 'column_names' if dropped by GLMQuery before # he gets it? def add_to_coefficient_list_and_string(c, cList, cString): if c in coefficients: cValue = coefficients[c] cValueString = "%s: %.5e " % (c, cValue) else: print "Warning: didn't see '" + c + "' in json coefficient response.",\ "Inserting 'None' with assumption it was dropped due to constant column)" cValue = None cValueString = "%s: %s " % (c, cValue) cList.append(cValue) # we put each on newline for easy comparison to R..otherwise keep condensed if prettyPrint: cValueString = "H2O coefficient " + cValueString + "\n" # not mutable? return cString + cValueString # creating both a string for printing and a list of values cString = "" cList = [] # print in order using col_names # column_names is input only now..same for header or no header, or expanded enums for c in column_names: cString = add_to_coefficient_list_and_string(c, cList, cString) if prettyPrint: print "\nH2O intercept:\t\t%.5e" % intercept print cString else: if not noPrint: print "\nintercept:", intercept, cString print "\nTotal # of coefficients:", len(column_names) # pick out the coefficent for the column we enabled for enhanced checking. Can be None. # FIX! temporary hack to deal with disappearing/renaming columns in GLM if (not allowZeroCoeff) and (colX is not None): absXCoeff = abs(float(coefficients[str(colX)])) self.assertGreater(absXCoeff, 1e-26, ( "abs. value of GLM coefficients['" + str(colX) + "'] is " + str(absXCoeff) + ", not >= 1e-26 for X=" + str(colX) )) # intercept is buried in there too absIntercept = abs(float(intercept)) self.assertGreater(absIntercept, 1e-26, ( "abs. value of GLM coefficients['Intercept'] is " + str(absIntercept) + ", not >= 1e-26 for Intercept" )) # this is good if we just want min or max # maxCoeff = max(coefficients, key=coefficients.get) # for more, just invert the dictionary and ... if (len(coefficients)>0): maxKey = max([(abs(coefficients[x]),x) for x in coefficients])[1] print "H2O Largest abs. coefficient value:", maxKey, coefficients[maxKey] minKey = min([(abs(coefficients[x]),x) for x in coefficients])[1] print "H2O Smallest abs. coefficient value:", minKey, coefficients[minKey] else: print "Warning, no coefficients returned. Must be intercept only?" # many of the GLM tests aren't single column though. # quick and dirty check: if all the coefficients are zero, # something is broken # intercept is in there too, but this will get it okay # just sum the abs value up..look for greater than 0 # skip this test if there is just one coefficient. Maybe pointing to a non-important coeff? if (not allowZeroCoeff) and (len(coefficients)>1): s = 0.0 for c in coefficients: v = coefficients[c] s += abs(float(v)) self.assertGreater(s, 1e-26, ( "sum of abs. value of GLM coefficients/intercept is " + str(s) + ", not >= 1e-26" )) if h2o.beta_features: print "submodels0, run_time (milliseconds):", submodels0['run_time'] else: print "GLMModel model time (milliseconds):", GLMModel['model_time'] print "GLMModel validation time (milliseconds):", validations['val_time'] print "GLMModel lsm time (milliseconds):", GLMModel['lsm_time'] # shouldn't have any errors h2o.check_sandbox_for_errors() return (warnings, cList, intercept)