Пример #1
    def get(self, name, default=None, getclass=False, getlink=False):
        """ Retrieve an item or other information.

        If getlink only is true, the returned value is always HardLink
            cause this implementation do not use links. Like the original

        :param str name: name of the item
        :param object default: default value returned if the name is not found
        :param bool getclass: if true, the returned object is the class of the object found
        :param bool getlink: if true, links object are returned instead of the target
        :return: An object, else None
        :rtype: object
        if name not in self._get_items():
            return default

        if getlink:
            node = h5py.HardLink()
            node = self._get_items()[name]

        if getclass:
            obj = node.h5py_class
            obj = node
        return obj
Пример #2
    def get(self, name, default=None, getclass=False, getlink=False):
        """Retrieve an item or other information.

        If getlink only is true, the returned value is always `h5py.HardLink`,
        because this implementation do not use links. Like the original

        :param str name: name of the item
        :param object default: default value returned if the name is not found
        :param bool getclass: if true, the returned object is the class of the object found
        :param bool getlink: if true, links object are returned instead of the target
        :return: An object, else None
        :rtype: object
        if name not in self:
            return default

        node = self._get(name, getlink=True)
        if isinstance(node, SoftLink) and not getlink:
            # get target
                node = self._get(name, getlink=False)
            except KeyError:
                return default
        elif not isinstance(node, SoftLink) and getlink:
            # ExternalLink objects don't exist in silx, so it must be a HardLink
            node = h5py.HardLink()

        if getclass:
            obj = utils.get_h5py_class(node)
            if obj is None:
                obj = node.__class__
            obj = node
        return obj