Пример #1
    def _validate_date(self, value, reason, widget, validation):
        Validate that the date string can be parsed.

        Will clear the field if focus is lost and the date cannot be parsed,
        and enable the associated 'Update' button if it can.
        if isinstance(widget, basestring):
            widget = self.nametowidget(widget)
        if reason in ['focusin', 'key']:
            return True
        elif reason == 'focusout':
            # Return True if the date parses
                new_dt = None
                if value:
                    new_dt = utils.parse_datetime(value)
                    widget.delete(0, 1000)
                    widget.insert(0, utils.format_date(new_dt))
                if new_dt != widget.original:
                    widget['background'] = 'green'
                elif new_dt and utils.is_past(new_dt):
                    widget['background'] = 'red'
                    widget['background'] = 'systemWindowBody'
                widget.after_idle(widget.config, {'validate': validation})
                return True
            except habitcli.utils.DateParseException:
                print "Invalid date entry,", value, ", deleting..."
                widget.delete(0, 1000)
                widget.after_idle(widget.config, {'validate': validation})
                return False
        # Return True for all other reasons
            return True
Пример #2
 def _add_due_field(self, datum, row):
     """Add a due date field for the given todo."""
     due_date = datum.get_due_date()
     due_str = utils.format_date(due_date)
     due = tk.Entry(self, validate="all", validatecommand=self.val_date)
     due.insert(0, due_str)
     if utils.is_past(due_date):
         due['background'] = 'red'
     due.original = due_date
     due.grid(row=row, column=3, sticky="nsew")
     return due
Пример #3
 def _add_plan_field(self, datum, row):
     """Add a plan date field for the given todo."""
     plan_date = datum.get_planning_date()
     plan_date_str = utils.format_date(plan_date)
     plan = tk.Entry(self, validate="all", validatecommand=self.val_date)
     plan.insert(0, plan_date_str)
     if utils.is_past(plan_date):
         plan['background'] = 'red'
     plan.original = plan_date
     plan.grid(row=row, column=2, sticky="nsew")
     return plan