def cmd_crtsh(domain, no_cache, no_validate, verbose): """Downloads the certificate transparency logs for a domain and check with DNS queries if each subdomain exists. Uses multithreading to improve the performance of the DNS queries. Example: \b $ sudo habu.crtsh [ "", "" ] """ if verbose: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(message)s') if not no_cache: homedir = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_dir requests_cache.install_cache(homedir + '/.habu_requests_cache', expire_after=3600) subdomains = set() if verbose: print("Downloading subdomain list from ...", file=sys.stderr) req = requests.get("{d}&output=json".format(d=domain)) if req.status_code != 200: print("[X] Information not available!") exit(1) json_data = json.loads(req.text) for data in json_data: name = data['name_value'].lower() if '*' not in name: subdomains.add(name) subdomains = list(subdomains) if no_validate: print(json.dumps(sorted(subdomains), indent=4)) return True if verbose: print("Validating subdomains against DNS servers ...", file=sys.stderr) answers = query_bulk(subdomains) validated = [] for answer in answers: if answer: validated.append(str(answer.qname)) print(json.dumps(sorted(validated), indent=4)) return True
def cmd_ctfr(domain, no_cache, no_validate, verbose): if verbose: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(message)s') if not no_cache: homedir = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_dir requests_cache.install_cache(homedir + '/.habu_requests_cache') subdomains = set() if verbose: print("Downloading subdomain list from ...", file=sys.stderr) req = requests.get("{d}&output=json".format(d=domain)) if req.status_code != 200: print("[X] Information not available!") exit(1) json_data = json.loads('[{}]'.format(req.text.replace('}{', '},{'))) for data in json_data: name = data['name_value'].lower() if '*' not in name: subdomains.add(name) subdomains = list(subdomains) if no_validate: print(json.dumps(sorted(subdomains), indent=4)) return True if verbose: print("Validating subdomains against DNS servers ...", file=sys.stderr) answers = query_bulk(subdomains) validated = [] for answer in answers: if answer: validated.append(str(answer.qname)) print(json.dumps(sorted(validated), indent=4)) return True
def cmd_crtsh(domain, no_cache, no_validate, verbose): """Downloads the certificate transparency logs for a domain and check with DNS queries if each subdomain exists. Uses multithreading to improve the performance of the DNS queries. Example: \b $ sudo habu.crtsh [ "", "" ] """ if verbose: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(message)s') if not no_cache: homedir = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_dir requests_cache.install_cache(homedir + '/.habu_requests_cache') subdomains = set() if verbose: print("Downloading subdomain list from ...", file=sys.stderr) req = requests.get("{d}&output=json".format(d=domain)) if req.status_code != 200: print("[X] Information not available!") exit(1) json_data = json.loads('[{}]'.format(req.text.replace('}{', '},{'))) for data in json_data: name = data['name_value'].lower() if '*' not in name: subdomains.add(name) subdomains = list(subdomains) if no_validate: print(json.dumps(sorted(subdomains), indent=4)) return True if verbose: print("Validating subdomains against DNS servers ...", file=sys.stderr) answers = query_bulk(subdomains) validated = [] for answer in answers: if answer: validated.append(str(answer.qname)) print(json.dumps(sorted(validated), indent=4)) return True