def match_images(model_img, cand_img, threshold=.8): #pdb.set_trace() mgray = fea.grayscale(model_img) cgray = fea.grayscale(cand_img) m_loc, m_desc = dirs = [direction for loc, lap, size, direction, hess in m_loc] print 'max min dirs', np.min(dirs), np.max(dirs) c_loc, c_desc = features_db = sp.KDTree(np.array(m_desc)) matched = [] for i, desc in enumerate(c_desc): dists, idxs = features_db.query(np.array(desc), 2) ratio = dists[0] / dists[1] #print "%d %.4f" % (i, ratio), if ratio < threshold: matched.append((i, idxs[0])) #print 'matched!', idxs[0] #else: # print 'X|' c_loc_moved = [] for loc, lap, size, d, hess in c_loc: x, y = loc nloc = (x + model_img.width, y) c_loc_moved.append((nloc, lap, size, d, hess)) c_loc_matched, m_loc_matched = zip(*[[c_loc_moved[i], m_loc[j]] for i, j in matched]) joint = concat_images(model_img, cand_img) joint_viz = joint #joint_viz = fea.draw_surf(joint, c_loc_moved, (255,0,0)) #joint_viz = fea.draw_surf(joint_viz, c_loc_matched, (0,255,0)) #joint_viz = fea.draw_surf(joint_viz, m_loc, (255,0,0)) #joint_viz = fea.draw_surf(joint_viz, m_loc_matched, (0,255,0)) for cloc, mloc in zip(c_loc_matched, m_loc_matched): cloc2d, _, _, _, _ = cloc mloc2d, _, _, _, _ = mloc cv.Line(joint_viz, cloc2d, mloc2d, (0,255,0), 1, cv.CV_AA) print '%d matches found' % len(matched) return joint_viz
def find_image_features(bagname, topic): features_list = [] bridge = CvBridge() i = 0 for topic, msg, t in ru.bag_iter(bagname, [topic]): t = msg.header.stamp.to_time() image = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(msg, 'bgr8') image_gray = fea.grayscale(image) surf_keypoints, surf_descriptors = features_list.append((t, (surf_keypoints, surf_descriptors))) rospy.loginfo("%.3f frame %d found %d points" % (t, i, len(surf_keypoints))) i = i + 1 return features_list
def run(self): cv.NamedWindow('surf', 1) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): image = image_gray = fea.grayscale(image) surf_keypoints, surf_descriptors = vis_img = fea.draw_surf(image, surf_keypoints, (255, 0, 0)) #Project the tip of the gripper (both of them) into the image frame img_ll = self.camera_geo.project(np.matrix([0,0,0.]).T, self.tflistener, self.finger_tips[2]) img_lr = self.camera_geo.project(np.matrix([0,0,0.]).T, self.tflistener, self.finger_tips[3]) cv.Circle(vis_img, tuple(np.matrix(np.round(img_ll), dtype='int').A1.tolist()), 30, (0, 255, 0), 1, cv.CV_AA) cv.Circle(vis_img, tuple(np.matrix(np.round(img_lr), dtype='int').A1.tolist()), 30, (0, 255, 0), 1, cv.CV_AA) cv.ShowImage('surf', vis_img) cv.WaitKey(10)
def run(self): cv.NamedWindow('surf', 1) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): image = image_gray = fea.grayscale(image) surf_keypoints, surf_descriptors = vis_img = fea.draw_surf(image, surf_keypoints, (255, 0, 0)) #Project the tip of the gripper (both of them) into the image frame img_ll = self.camera_geo.project( np.matrix([0, 0, 0.]).T, self.tflistener, self.finger_tips[2]) img_lr = self.camera_geo.project( np.matrix([0, 0, 0.]).T, self.tflistener, self.finger_tips[3]) cv.Circle( vis_img, tuple(np.matrix(np.round(img_ll), dtype='int').A1.tolist()), 30, (0, 255, 0), 1, cv.CV_AA) cv.Circle( vis_img, tuple(np.matrix(np.round(img_lr), dtype='int').A1.tolist()), 30, (0, 255, 0), 1, cv.CV_AA) cv.ShowImage('surf', vis_img) cv.WaitKey(10)
############## if __name__ == '__main__': mode = 'image' #if mode = 'image': # find pose of model # find normal of model # record angles of features. if mode=='image': test_thresholds() if mode=='live': model_name = sys.argv[1] model_img = cv.LoadImage(model_name) model_gray = fea.grayscale(model_img) msurf_loc, msurf_desc = prosilica = rc.Prosilica('prosilica', 'streaming') cv.NamedWindow('surf', 1) si = ShowImage('surf') si.start() #Each feature is a row in db features_db = sp.KDTree(np.array(msurf_desc)) #pdb.set_trace() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): print '..' image = prosilica.get_frame() print 'saving image' cv.SaveImage('frame.png', image)
#Generate a random color for each feature colors = np.matrix(np.random.randint(0, 255, (3, features_db_reduced.shape[1]))) features_tree = sp.KDTree(np.array(features_db_reduced.T)) bridge = CvBridge() forearm_cam_l = '/l_forearm_cam/image_rect_color' cv.NamedWindow('surf', 1) #import pdb #while not rospy.is_shutdown(): i = 0 for topic, msg, t in ru.bag_iter(images_file, [forearm_cam_l]): image = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(msg, 'bgr8') #image = camera.get_frame() image_gray = fea.grayscale(image) surf_keypoints, surf_descriptors = #print len(surf_keypoints) #pdb.set_trace() #match each keypoint with one in our db & look up color matching_idx = [features_tree.query(d)[1] for d in surf_descriptors] coordinated_colors = colors[:, matching_idx] #nimage = fea.draw_surf(image, surf_keypoints, (0,255,0)) nimage = fea.draw_surf2(image, surf_keypoints, coordinated_colors) cv.ShowImage('surf', nimage) cv.SaveImage('forearm_cam%d.png' % i, nimage) i = i + 1 cv.WaitKey(10)
print 'loading contact_locs_proc.pkl' contact_locs = ut.load_pickle('contact_locs_proc.pkl') except Exception, e: print e print 'listening' et = ListenAndFindContactLocs() r = rospy.Rate(10) while not rospy.is_shutdown() and not et.contact_stopped: r.sleep() contact_locs = et.contact_locs ut.save_pickle(et.contact_locs, 'contact_locs_proc.pkl') #Detect features, get 3d location for each feature print 'detecting features' proc_img = cv.LoadImage(proc_img_name) proc_gray = fea.grayscale(proc_img) sloc, sdesc = proc_surfed = fea.draw_surf(proc_img, sloc, (200, 0, 0)) ###################################################################################### # get 3d locations of surf features, get closest surf feature to gripper tips ###################################################################################### #import pdb #pdb.set_trace() point_cloud_pro = data_dict['pro_T_bf'] * np.row_stack( (point_cloud, 1 + np.zeros((1, point_cloud.shape[1])))) #project 3d points to 2d point_cloud_2d = data_dict['camera_info'].project(point_cloud_pro[0:3, :]) point_cloud_2d_tree = sp.KDTree(np.array(point_cloud_2d.T)) #2d surf => 3d loc
import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('hai_sandbox') from cv_bridge.cv_bridge import CvBridge, CvBridgeError import cv import sys import hrl_lib.rutils as ru import hai_sandbox.features as fea forearm_cam_l = '/l_forearm_cam/image_rect_color' ws_l = '/wide_stereo/left/image_rect_color' ws_r = '/wide_stereo/right/image_rect_color' fname = sys.argv[1] bridge = CvBridge() cv.NamedWindow('surf', 1) cv.NamedWindow('harris', 1) cv.NamedWindow('star', 1) for topic, msg, t in ru.bag_iter(fname, [ws_l]): image = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(msg, 'bgr8') image_gray = fea.grayscale(image) surf_keypoints, surf_descriptors = cv.ShowImage('surf', fea.draw_surf(image, surf_keypoints, (255, 0, 0))) harris_keypoints = fea.harris(image_gray) cv.ShowImage('harris', fea.draw_harris(image, harris_keypoints, (0, 255, 0))) cv.WaitKey(10)
print 'loading contact_locs_proc.pkl' contact_locs = ut.load_pickle('contact_locs_proc.pkl') except Exception, e: print e print 'listening' et = ListenAndFindContactLocs() r = rospy.Rate(10) while not rospy.is_shutdown() and not et.contact_stopped: r.sleep() contact_locs = et.contact_locs ut.save_pickle(et.contact_locs, 'contact_locs_proc.pkl') #Detect features, get 3d location for each feature print 'detecting features' proc_img = cv.LoadImage(proc_img_name) proc_gray = fea.grayscale(proc_img) sloc, sdesc = proc_surfed = fea.draw_surf(proc_img, sloc, (200, 0, 0)) ###################################################################################### # get 3d locations of surf features, get closest surf feature to gripper tips ###################################################################################### #import pdb #pdb.set_trace() point_cloud_pro = data_dict['pro_T_bf'] * np.row_stack((point_cloud, 1+np.zeros((1, point_cloud.shape[1])))) #project 3d points to 2d point_cloud_2d = data_dict['camera_info'].project(point_cloud_pro[0:3,:]) point_cloud_2d_tree = sp.KDTree(np.array(point_cloud_2d.T)) #2d surf => 3d loc surf_loc3d = []