Пример #1
def _spectral_moments(A,
    if not isinstance(A, TallSkinnyMatrix):
        check_entry_indexed('_spectral_moments/entry_expr', A)
        A = _make_tsm_from_call(A, block_size)

    n = A.ncols

    if p is None:
        p = min(num_moments // 2, 10)

    # TODO: When moment_samples > n, we should just do a TSQR on A, and compute
    # the spectrum of R.
    assert moment_samples < n, '_spectral_moments: moment_samples must be smaller than num cols of A'
    G = hl.nd.zeros(
         moment_samples)).map(lambda n: hl.if_else(hl.rand_bool(0.5), -1, 1))
    Q1, R1 = hl.nd.qr(G)._persist()
    fact = _krylov_factorization(A, Q1, p, compute_U=False)
    moments_and_stdevs = hl.eval(fact.spectral_moments(num_moments, R1))
    moments = moments_and_stdevs.moments
    stdevs = moments_and_stdevs.stdevs
    return moments, stdevs
Пример #2
def mt_to_table_of_ndarray(entry_expr,
    check_entry_indexed('mt_to_table_of_ndarray/entry_expr', entry_expr)
    mt = matrix_table_source('mt_to_table_of_ndarray/entry_expr', entry_expr)

    if entry_expr in mt._fields_inverse:
        field = mt._fields_inverse[entry_expr]
        field = Env.get_uid()
        mt = mt.select_entries(**{field: entry_expr})
    mt = mt.select_cols().select_rows().select_globals()

    mt = mt.select_entries(x=mt[field])

    def get_even_partitioning(ht, partition_size, total_num_rows):
        ht = ht.select().add_index("_even_partitioning_index")
        filt = ht.filter((ht._even_partitioning_index % partition_size == 0)
                         | (ht._even_partitioning_index == (total_num_rows -
        interval_bounds = filt.select().collect()
        intervals = []
        num_intervals = len(interval_bounds)
        for i in range(num_intervals - 2):
                                  end=interval_bounds[i + 1],
        last_interval = hl.utils.Interval(
            start=interval_bounds[num_intervals - 2],
            end=interval_bounds[num_intervals - 1],

        return intervals

    ht = mt.localize_entries(entries_array_field_name="entries",
    ht = ht.select(xs=ht.entries.map(lambda e: e['x']))
    temp_file_name = hl.utils.new_temp_file("mt_to_table_of_ndarray", "ht")
    ht = ht.checkpoint(temp_file_name)
    num_rows = ht.count()
    new_partitioning = get_even_partitioning(ht, block_size, num_rows)
    new_part_ht = hl.read_table(temp_file_name, _intervals=new_partitioning)

    grouped = new_part_ht._group_within_partitions("groups", block_size)
    A = grouped.select(
        ndarray=hl.nd.array(grouped.groups.map(lambda group: group.xs)))

    if return_checkpointed_table_also:
        return A, ht
    return A
Пример #3
def _hwe_normalized_blanczos(call_expr,
    r"""Run randomized principal component analysis approximation (PCA) on the
    Hardy-Weinberg-normalized genotype call matrix.

    Implements the Blanczos algorithm found by Rokhlin, Szlam, and Tygert.


    >>> eigenvalues, scores, loadings = hl._hwe_normalized_blanczos(dataset.GT, k=5)

    This method specializes :func:`._blanczos_pca` for the common use case
    of PCA in statistical genetics, that of projecting samples to a small
    number of ancestry coordinates. Variants that are all homozygous reference
    or all homozygous alternate are unnormalizable and removed before
    evaluation. See :func:`._blanczos_pca` for more details.

    call_expr : :class:`.CallExpression`
        Entry-indexed call expression.
    k : :obj:`int`
        Number of principal components.
    compute_loadings : :obj:`bool`
        If ``True``, compute row loadings.

    (:obj:`list` of :obj:`float`, :class:`.Table`, :class:`.Table`)
        List of eigenvalues, table with column scores, table with row loadings.
    check_entry_indexed('_blanczos_pca/entry_expr', call_expr)
    A = _make_tsm_from_call(call_expr, block_size, hwe_normalize=True)

    return _blanczos_pca(A,
Пример #4
def _blanczos_pca(entry_expr,
    r"""Run randomized principal component analysis approximation (PCA)
    on numeric columns derived from a matrix table.

    Implements the Blanczos algorithm found by Rokhlin, Szlam, and Tygert.


    For a matrix table with variant rows, sample columns, and genotype entries,
    compute the top 2 PC sample scores and eigenvalues of the matrix of 0s and
    1s encoding missingness of genotype calls.

    >>> eigenvalues, scores, _ = hl._blanczos_pca(hl.int(hl.is_defined(dataset.GT)),
    ...                                 k=2)

      This method does **not** automatically mean-center or normalize each column.
      If desired, such transformations should be incorporated in `entry_expr`.

      Hail will return an error if `entry_expr` evaluates to missing, nan, or
      infinity on any entry.


    PCA is run on the columns of the numeric matrix obtained by evaluating
    `entry_expr` on each entry of the matrix table, or equivalently on the rows
    of the **transposed** numeric matrix :math:`M` referenced below.

    PCA computes the SVD

    .. math::

      M = USV^T

    where columns of :math:`U` are left singular vectors (orthonormal in
    :math:`\mathbb{R}^n`), columns of :math:`V` are right singular vectors
    (orthonormal in :math:`\mathbb{R}^m`), and :math:`S=\mathrm{diag}(s_1, s_2,
    \ldots)` with ordered singular values :math:`s_1 \ge s_2 \ge \cdots \ge 0`.
    Typically one computes only the first :math:`k` singular vectors and values,
    yielding the best rank :math:`k` approximation :math:`U_k S_k V_k^T` of
    :math:`M`; the truncations :math:`U_k`, :math:`S_k` and :math:`V_k` are
    :math:`n \times k`, :math:`k \times k` and :math:`m \times k`

    From the perspective of the rows of :math:`M` as samples (data points),
    :math:`V_k` contains the loadings for the first :math:`k` PCs while
    :math:`MV_k = U_k S_k` contains the first :math:`k` PC scores of each
    sample. The loadings represent a new basis of features while the scores
    represent the projected data on those features. The eigenvalues of the Gramian
    :math:`MM^T` are the squares of the singular values :math:`s_1^2, s_2^2,
    \ldots`, which represent the variances carried by the respective PCs. By
    default, Hail only computes the loadings if the ``loadings`` parameter is

    Scores are stored in a :class:`.Table` with the column key of the matrix
    table as key and a field `scores` of type ``array<float64>`` containing
    the principal component scores.

    Loadings are stored in a :class:`.Table` with the row key of the matrix
    table as key and a field `loadings` of type ``array<float64>`` containing
    the principal component loadings.

    The eigenvalues are returned in descending order, with scores and loadings
    given the corresponding array order.

    entry_expr : :class:`.Expression`
        Numeric expression for matrix entries.
    k : :obj:`int`
        Number of principal components.
    compute_loadings : :obj:`bool`
        If ``True``, compute row loadings.
    q_iterations : :obj:`int`
        Number of rounds of power iteration to amplify singular values.
    oversampling_param : :obj:`int`
        Amount of oversampling to use when approximating the singular values.
        Usually a value between `0 <= oversampling_param <= k`.

    (:obj:`list` of :obj:`float`, :class:`.Table`, :class:`.Table`)
        List of eigenvalues, table with column scores, table with row loadings.
    check_entry_indexed('mt_to_table_of_ndarray/entry_expr', entry_expr)
    mt = matrix_table_source('pca/entry_expr', entry_expr)

    A, ht = mt_to_table_of_ndarray(entry_expr,
    A = A.persist()

    # Set Parameters

    q = q_iterations
    L = k + oversampling_param
    n = A.take(1)[0].ndarray.shape[1]

    # Generate random matrix G
    G = hl.nd.zeros((n, L)).map(lambda n: hl.rand_norm(0, 1))

    def hailBlanczos(A, G, k, q):

        h_list = []
        G_i = hl.nd.qr(G)[0]

        for j in range(0, q):
            info(f"blanczos_pca: Beginning iteration {j + 1}/{q+1}")
            temp = A.annotate(H_i=A.ndarray @ G_i)
            temp = temp.annotate(G_i_intermediate=temp.ndarray.T @ temp.H_i)
            result = temp.aggregate(hl.struct(
            localized_H_i = hl.nd.vstack(result.Hi_chunks)
            G_i = hl.nd.qr(result.G_i)[0]

        info(f"blanczos_pca: Beginning iteration {q+ 1}/{q+1}")
        temp = A.annotate(H_i=A.ndarray @ G_i)
        result = temp.aggregate(hl.agg.collect(temp.H_i),
        info("blanczos_pca: Iterations complete. Computing local QR")
        localized_H_i = hl.nd.vstack(result)
        H = hl.nd.hstack(h_list)
        Q = hl.nd.qr(H)[0]._persist()
        A = A.annotate(part_size=A.ndarray.shape[0])
        A = A.annotate(rows_preceeding=hl.int32(hl.scan.sum(A.part_size)))
        A = A.annotate_globals(Qt=Q.T)
        T = A.annotate(ndarray=A.Qt[:, A.rows_preceeding:A.rows_preceeding +
                                    A.part_size] @ A.ndarray)
        arr_T = T.aggregate(hl.agg.ndarray_sum(T.ndarray), _localize=False)

        info("blanczos_pca: QR Complete. Computing local SVD")
        U, S, W = hl.nd.svd(arr_T, full_matrices=False)._persist()

        V = Q @ U

        truncV = V[:, :k]
        truncS = S[:k]
        truncW = W[:k, :]

        return truncV, truncS, truncW

    U, S, V = hailBlanczos(A, G, k, q)

    scores = V.transpose() * S
    eigens = hl.eval(S * S)
    info("blanczos_pca: SVD Complete. Computing conversion to PCs.")

    hail_array_scores = scores._data_array()
    cols_and_scores = hl.zip(
        hail_array_scores).map(lambda tup: tup[0].annotate(scores=tup[1]))
    st = hl.Table.parallelize(cols_and_scores, key=list(mt.col_key))

    lt = ht.select()
    lt = lt.annotate_globals(U=U)
    idx_name = '_tmp_pca_loading_index'
    lt = lt.add_index(idx_name)
    lt = lt.annotate(
        loadings=lt.U[lt[idx_name], :]._data_array()).select_globals()
    lt = lt.drop(lt[idx_name])

    if compute_loadings:
        return eigens, st, lt
        return eigens, st, None
Пример #5
def pca(entry_expr,
        compute_loadings=False) -> Tuple[List[float], Table, Table]:
    r"""Run principal component analysis (PCA) on numeric columns derived from a
    matrix table.


    For a matrix table with variant rows, sample columns, and genotype entries,
    compute the top 2 PC sample scores and eigenvalues of the matrix of 0s and
    1s encoding missingness of genotype calls.

    >>> eigenvalues, scores, _ = hl.pca(hl.int(hl.is_defined(dataset.GT)),
    ...                                 k=2)

      This method does **not** automatically mean-center or normalize each column.
      If desired, such transformations should be incorporated in `entry_expr`.

      Hail will return an error if `entry_expr` evaluates to missing, nan, or
      infinity on any entry.


    PCA is run on the columns of the numeric matrix obtained by evaluating
    `entry_expr` on each entry of the matrix table, or equivalently on the rows
    of the **transposed** numeric matrix :math:`M` referenced below.

    PCA computes the SVD

    .. math::

      M = USV^T

    where columns of :math:`U` are left singular vectors (orthonormal in
    :math:`\mathbb{R}^n`), columns of :math:`V` are right singular vectors
    (orthonormal in :math:`\mathbb{R}^m`), and :math:`S=\mathrm{diag}(s_1, s_2,
    \ldots)` with ordered singular values :math:`s_1 \ge s_2 \ge \cdots \ge 0`.
    Typically one computes only the first :math:`k` singular vectors and values,
    yielding the best rank :math:`k` approximation :math:`U_k S_k V_k^T` of
    :math:`M`; the truncations :math:`U_k`, :math:`S_k` and :math:`V_k` are
    :math:`n \times k`, :math:`k \times k` and :math:`m \times k`

    From the perspective of the rows of :math:`M` as samples (data points),
    :math:`V_k` contains the loadings for the first :math:`k` PCs while
    :math:`MV_k = U_k S_k` contains the first :math:`k` PC scores of each
    sample. The loadings represent a new basis of features while the scores
    represent the projected data on those features. The eigenvalues of the Gramian
    :math:`MM^T` are the squares of the singular values :math:`s_1^2, s_2^2,
    \ldots`, which represent the variances carried by the respective PCs. By
    default, Hail only computes the loadings if the ``loadings`` parameter is

    Scores are stored in a :class:`.Table` with the column key of the matrix
    table as key and a field `scores` of type ``array<float64>`` containing
    the principal component scores.

    Loadings are stored in a :class:`.Table` with the row key of the matrix
    table as key and a field `loadings` of type ``array<float64>`` containing
    the principal component loadings.

    The eigenvalues are returned in descending order, with scores and loadings
    given the corresponding array order.

    entry_expr : :class:`.Expression`
        Numeric expression for matrix entries.
    k : :obj:`int`
        Number of principal components.
    compute_loadings : :obj:`bool`
        If ``True``, compute row loadings.

    (:obj:`list` of :obj:`float`, :class:`.Table`, :class:`.Table`)
        List of eigenvalues, table with column scores, table with row loadings.
    check_entry_indexed('pca/entry_expr', entry_expr)

    mt = matrix_table_source('pca/entry_expr', entry_expr)

    #  FIXME: remove once select_entries on a field is free
    if entry_expr in mt._fields_inverse:
        field = mt._fields_inverse[entry_expr]
        field = Env.get_uid()
        mt = mt.select_entries(**{field: entry_expr})
    mt = mt.select_cols().select_rows().select_globals()

    t = (Table(
            mt._mir, {
                'name': 'PCA',
                'entryField': field,
                'k': k,
                'computeLoadings': compute_loadings

    g = t.index_globals()
    scores = hl.Table.parallelize(g.scores, key=list(mt.col_key))
    if not compute_loadings:
        t = None
    return hl.eval(g.eigenvalues), scores, None if t is None else t.drop(
        'eigenvalues', 'scores')
Пример #6
def _blanczos_pca(A,
    r"""Run randomized principal component analysis approximation (PCA)
    on numeric columns derived from a matrix table.

    Implements the Blanczos algorithm found by Rokhlin, Szlam, and Tygert.


    For a matrix table with variant rows, sample columns, and genotype entries,
    compute the top 2 PC sample scores and eigenvalues of the matrix of 0s and
    1s encoding missingness of genotype calls.

    >>> eigenvalues, scores, _ = hl._blanczos_pca(hl.int(hl.is_defined(dataset.GT)),
    ...                                 k=2)

      This method does **not** automatically mean-center or normalize each column.
      If desired, such transformations should be incorporated in `entry_expr`.

      Hail will return an error if `entry_expr` evaluates to missing, nan, or
      infinity on any entry.


    PCA is run on the columns of the numeric matrix obtained by evaluating
    `entry_expr` on each entry of the matrix table, or equivalently on the rows
    of the **transposed** numeric matrix :math:`M` referenced below.

    PCA computes the SVD

    .. math::

      M = USV^T

    where columns of :math:`U` are left singular vectors (orthonormal in
    :math:`\mathbb{R}^n`), columns of :math:`V` are right singular vectors
    (orthonormal in :math:`\mathbb{R}^m`), and :math:`S=\mathrm{diag}(s_1, s_2,
    \ldots)` with ordered singular values :math:`s_1 \ge s_2 \ge \cdots \ge 0`.
    Typically one computes only the first :math:`k` singular vectors and values,
    yielding the best rank :math:`k` approximation :math:`U_k S_k V_k^T` of
    :math:`M`; the truncations :math:`U_k`, :math:`S_k` and :math:`V_k` are
    :math:`n \times k`, :math:`k \times k` and :math:`m \times k`

    From the perspective of the rows of :math:`M` as samples (data points),
    :math:`V_k` contains the loadings for the first :math:`k` PCs while
    :math:`MV_k = U_k S_k` contains the first :math:`k` PC scores of each
    sample. The loadings represent a new basis of features while the scores
    represent the projected data on those features. The eigenvalues of the Gramian
    :math:`MM^T` are the squares of the singular values :math:`s_1^2, s_2^2,
    \ldots`, which represent the variances carried by the respective PCs. By
    default, Hail only computes the loadings if the ``loadings`` parameter is

    Scores are stored in a :class:`.Table` with the column key of the matrix
    table as key and a field `scores` of type ``array<float64>`` containing
    the principal component scores.

    Loadings are stored in a :class:`.Table` with the row key of the matrix
    table as key and a field `loadings` of type ``array<float64>`` containing
    the principal component loadings.

    The eigenvalues are returned in descending order, with scores and loadings
    given the corresponding array order.

    entry_expr : :class:`.Expression`
        Numeric expression for matrix entries.
    k : :obj:`int`
        Number of principal components.
    compute_loadings : :obj:`bool`
        If ``True``, compute row loadings.
    q_iterations : :obj:`int`
        Number of rounds of power iteration to amplify singular values.
    oversampling_param : :obj:`int`
        Amount of oversampling to use when approximating the singular values.
        Usually a value between `0 <= oversampling_param <= k`.

    (:obj:`list` of :obj:`float`, :class:`.Table`, :class:`.Table`)
        List of eigenvalues, table with column scores, table with row loadings.
    if not isinstance(A, TallSkinnyMatrix):
        check_entry_indexed('_blanczos_pca/entry_expr', A)
        A = _make_tsm(A, block_size)

    U, S, V = _reduced_svd(A, k, compute_loadings, q_iterations,
                           k + oversampling_param)

    scores = V * S
    eigens = hl.eval(S * S)
    info("blanczos_pca: SVD Complete. Computing conversion to PCs.")

    hail_array_scores = scores._data_array()
    cols_and_scores = hl.zip(
        hail_array_scores).map(lambda tup: tup[0].annotate(scores=tup[1]))
    st = hl.Table.parallelize(cols_and_scores, key=A.col_key)

    if compute_loadings:
        lt = A.source_table.select()
        lt = lt.annotate_globals(U=U)
        idx_name = '_tmp_pca_loading_index'
        lt = lt.add_index(idx_name)
        lt = lt.annotate(
            loadings=lt.U[lt[idx_name], :]._data_array()).select_globals()
        lt = lt.drop(lt[idx_name])
        return eigens, st, lt
        return eigens, st, None
Пример #7
def _pca_and_moments(A,
    if not isinstance(A, TallSkinnyMatrix):
        check_entry_indexed('_spectral_moments/entry_expr', A)
        A = _make_tsm_from_call(A, block_size)

    # Set Parameters
    q = q_iterations
    L = k + oversampling_param
    n = A.ncols

    # Generate random matrix G
    G = hl.nd.zeros((n, L)).map(lambda n: hl.rand_norm(0, 1))
    G = hl.nd.qr(G)[0]._persist()

    fact = _krylov_factorization(A, G, q, compute_loadings)
    info("_reduced_svd: Computing local SVD")
    U, S, V = fact.reduced_svd(k)

    p = min(num_moments // 2, 10)

    # Generate random matrix G2 for moment estimation
    G2 = hl.nd.zeros(
         moment_samples)).map(lambda n: hl.if_else(hl.rand_bool(0.5), -1, 1))
    # Project out components in subspace fact.V, which we can compute exactly
    G2 = G2 - fact.V @ (fact.V.T @ G2)
    Q1, R1 = hl.nd.qr(G2)._persist()
    fact2 = _krylov_factorization(A, Q1, p, compute_U=False)
    moments_and_stdevs = fact2.spectral_moments(num_moments, R1)
    # Add back exact moments
    moments = moments_and_stdevs.moments + hl.nd.array([
        fact.S.map(lambda x: x**(2 * i)).sum()
        for i in range(1, num_moments + 1)
    moments_and_stdevs = hl.eval(
        hl.struct(moments=moments, stdevs=moments_and_stdevs.stdevs))
    moments = moments_and_stdevs.moments
    stdevs = moments_and_stdevs.stdevs

    scores = V * S
    eigens = hl.eval(S * S)
    info("blanczos_pca: SVD Complete. Computing conversion to PCs.")

    hail_array_scores = scores._data_array()
    cols_and_scores = hl.zip(
        hail_array_scores).map(lambda tup: tup[0].annotate(scores=tup[1]))
    st = hl.Table.parallelize(cols_and_scores, key=A.col_key)

    if compute_loadings:
        lt = A.source_table.select()
        lt = lt.annotate_globals(U=U)
        idx_name = '_tmp_pca_loading_index'
        lt = lt.add_index(idx_name)
        lt = lt.annotate(
            loadings=lt.U[lt[idx_name], :]._data_array()).select_globals()
        lt = lt.drop(lt[idx_name])
        lt = None

    return eigens, st, lt, moments, stdevs