Пример #1
def compare_row_counts(ht1: hl.Table, ht2: hl.Table) -> bool:
    Check if the row counts in two Tables are the same.

    :param ht1: First Table to be checked
    :param ht2: Second Table to be checked
    :return: Whether the row counts are the same
    r_count1 = ht1.count()
    r_count2 = ht2.count()
    logger.info(f"{r_count1} rows in left table; {r_count2} rows in right table")
    return r_count1 == r_count2
Пример #2
def pc_project(
    mt: hl.MatrixTable,
    loadings_ht: hl.Table,
    loading_location: str = "loadings",
    af_location: str = "pca_af",
) -> hl.Table:
    Project samples in `mt` on pre-computed PCs.

    :param mt: MT containing the samples to project
    :param loadings_ht: HT containing the PCA loadings and allele frequencies used for the PCA
    :param loading_location: Location of expression for loadings in `loadings_ht`
    :param af_location: Location of expression for allele frequency in `loadings_ht`
    :return: Table with scores calculated from loadings in column `scores`
    n_variants = loadings_ht.count()

    mt = mt.annotate_rows(

    mt = mt.filter_rows(
        & hl.is_defined(mt.pca_af)
        & (mt.pca_af > 0)
        & (mt.pca_af < 1))

    gt_norm = (mt.GT.n_alt_alleles() - 2 * mt.pca_af) / hl.sqrt(
        n_variants * 2 * mt.pca_af * (1 - mt.pca_af))

    mt = mt.annotate_cols(scores=hl.agg.array_sum(mt.pca_loadings * gt_norm))

    return mt.cols().select("scores")
Пример #3
def pc_hwe_gt(
    mt: hl.MatrixTable,
    loadings_ht: hl.Table,
    loading_location: str = "loadings",
    af_location: str = "pca_af",
) -> hl.MatrixTable:
    n_variants = loadings_ht.count()

    mt = mt.annotate_rows(

    mt = mt.filter_rows(
        & hl.is_defined(mt.pca_af)
        & (mt.pca_af > 0)
        & (mt.pca_af < 1)

    # Attach normalized entries to be used in projection
    mt = mt.annotate_entries(
        GTN=(mt.GT.n_alt_alleles() - 2 * mt.pca_af)
        / hl.sqrt(n_variants * 2 * mt.pca_af * (1 - mt.pca_af))

    return mt
Пример #4
def compute_phase(variants_ht: hl.Table,
                  least_consequence: str = LEAST_CONSEQUENCE,
                  max_freq: float = MAX_FREQ) -> hl.Table:
    n_variant_pairs = variants_ht.count()
    logger.info(f"Looking up phase for {n_variant_pairs} variant pair(s).")

    # Join with gnomad phased variants
    vp_ht = hl.read_table(phased_vp_count_ht_path('exomes'))
    phased_ht = vp_ht.semi_join(variants_ht)
    n_phased = phased_ht.count()
    phased_ht = explode_phase_info(phased_ht)  # explodes phase_info by pop
    phased_ht = phased_ht.transmute(
        phase_info=phased_ht.phase_info.select('gt_counts', 'em')).repartition(
            ceil(n_variant_pairs / 10000), shuffle=True)
    phased_ht = phased_ht.persist()  # .checkpoint("gs://gnomad-tmp/vp_ht.ht")

    # If not all pairs had at least one carrier of both, then compute phase estimate from single variants
        f"{n_phased}/{n_variant_pairs} variant pair(s) found with carriers of both in gnomAD."

    if n_phased < n_variant_pairs:
        unphased_ht = variants_ht.anti_join(vp_ht)
        unphased_ht = annotate_unphased_pairs(unphased_ht, n_variant_pairs,
                                              least_consequence, max_freq)
        phased_ht = phased_ht.union(unphased_ht, unify=True)

    return phased_ht
def generic_field_check(
    ht: hl.Table,
    check_description: str,
    display_fields: hl.expr.StructExpression,
    cond_expr: hl.expr.BooleanExpression = None,
    verbose: bool = False,
    show_percent_sites: bool = False,
    n_fail: Optional[int] = None,
    ht_count: Optional[int] = None,
) -> None:
    Check generic logical condition `cond_expr` involving annotations in a Hail Table when `n_fail` is absent and print the results to stdout.

    Displays the number of rows (and percent of rows, if `show_percent_sites` is True) in the Table that fail, either previously computed as `n_fail` or that match the `cond_expr`, and fail to be the desired condition (`check_description`).
    If the number of rows that match the `cond_expr` or `n_fail` is 0, then the Table passes that check; otherwise, it fails.

    .. note::

        `cond_expr` and `check_description` are opposites and should never be the same.
        E.g., If `cond_expr` filters for instances where the raw AC is less than adj AC,
        then it is checking sites that fail to be the desired condition (`check_description`)
        of having a raw AC greater than or equal to the adj AC.

    :param ht: Table containing annotations to be checked.
    :param check_description: String describing the condition being checked; is displayed in stdout summary message.
    :param display_fields: StructExpression containing annotations to be displayed in case of failure (for troubleshooting purposes); these fields are also displayed if verbose is True.
    :param cond_expr: Optional logical expression referring to annotations in ht to be checked.
    :param verbose: If True, show top values of annotations being checked, including checks that pass; if False, show only top values of annotations that fail checks.
    :param show_percent_sites: Show percentage of sites that fail checks. Default is False.
    :param n_fail: Optional number of sites that fail the conditional checks (previously computed). If not supplied, `cond_expr` is used to filter the Table and obtain the count of sites that fail the checks.
    :param ht_count: Optional number of sites within hail Table (previously computed). If not supplied, a count of sites in the Table is performed.
    :return: None
    if (n_fail is None and cond_expr is None) or (n_fail and cond_expr):
        raise ValueError(
            "One and only one of n_fail or cond_expr must be defined!")

    if cond_expr:
        n_fail = ht.filter(cond_expr).count()

    if show_percent_sites and (ht_count is None):
        ht_count = ht.count()

    if n_fail > 0:
        logger.info("Found %d sites that fail %s check:", n_fail,
        if show_percent_sites:
            logger.info("Percentage of sites that fail: %.2f %%",
                        100 * (n_fail / ht_count))
        logger.info("PASSED %s check", check_description)
        if verbose:
Пример #6
def generic_field_check(
    ht: hl.Table,
    cond_expr: hl.expr.BooleanExpression,
    check_description: str,
    display_fields: List[str],
    verbose: bool,
    show_percent_sites: bool = False,
) -> None:
    Check a generic logical condition involving annotations in a Hail Table and print the results to terminal.

    Displays the number of rows (and percent of rows, if `show_percent_sites` is True) in the Table that match the `cond_expr` and fail to be the desired condition (`check_description`).
    If the number of rows that match the `cond_expr` is 0, then the Table passes that check; otherwise, it fails.

    .. note::

        `cond_expr` and `check_description` are opposites and should never be the same.
        E.g., If `cond_expr` filters for instances where the raw AC is less than adj AC,
        then it is checking sites that fail to be the desired condition (`check_description`)
        of having a raw AC greater than or equal to the adj AC.

    :param ht: Table containing annotations to be checked.
    :param cond_expr: Logical expression referring to annotations in ht to be checked.
    :param check_description: String describing the condition being checked; is displayed in terminal summary message.
    :param display_fields: List of names of ht annotations to be displayed in case of failure (for troubleshooting purposes);
        these fields are also displayed if verbose is True.
    :param verbose: If True, show top values of annotations being checked, including checks that pass; if False,
        show only top values of annotations that fail checks.
    :param show_percent_sites: Show percentage of sites that fail checks. Default is False.
    :return: None
    ht_orig = ht
    ht = ht.filter(cond_expr)
    n_fail = ht.count()
    if n_fail > 0:
        logger.info("Found %d sites that fail %s check:", n_fail,
        if show_percent_sites:
            logger.info("Percentage of sites that fail: %f",
                        n_fail / ht_orig.count())
        ht = ht.flatten()
        ht.select("locus", "alleles", *display_fields).show()
        logger.info("PASSED %s check", check_description)
        if verbose:
            ht_orig = ht_orig.flatten()
Пример #7
def pc_project(
        # reference: https://github.com/macarthur-lab/gnomad_hail/blob/master/utils/generic.py#L131
        mt: hl.MatrixTable,
        loadings_ht: hl.Table,
        loading_location: str = "loadings",
        af_location: str = "pca_af") -> hl.Table:
    n_variants = loadings_ht.count()
    mt = mt.annotate_rows(
    mt = mt.filter_rows(
        hl.is_defined(mt.pca_loadings) & hl.is_defined(mt.pca_af)
        & (mt.pca_af > 0) & (mt.pca_af < 1))
    gt_norm = (mt.GT.n_alt_alleles() - 2 * mt.pca_af) / hl.sqrt(
        n_variants * 2 * mt.pca_af * (1 - mt.pca_af))
    mt = mt.annotate_cols(scores=hl.agg.array_sum(mt.pca_loadings * gt_norm))
    return mt.cols().select('scores')
def get_related_samples_to_drop(rank_table: hl.Table,
                                relatedness_ht: hl.Table) -> hl.Table:
    Use the maximal independence function in Hail to intelligently prune clusters of related individuals, removing
    less desirable samples while maximizing the number of unrelated individuals kept in the sample set

    :param Table rank_table: Table with ranking annotations across exomes and genomes, computed via make_rank_file()
    :param Table relatedness_ht: Table with kinship coefficient annotations computed via pc_relate()
    :return: Table containing sample IDs ('s') to be pruned from the combined exome and genome sample set
    :rtype: Table
    # Define maximal independent set, using rank list
    related_pairs = relatedness_ht.filter(
        relatedness_ht.kin > 0.08838835).select('i', 'j')
    n_related_samples = hl.eval(
                lambda x: hl.agg.collect_as_set(x),
                [related_pairs.i, related_pairs.j]),
        '{} samples with at least 2nd-degree relatedness found in callset'.
    max_rank = rank_table.count()
    related_pairs = related_pairs.annotate(
                               'id1_rank', 'id2_rank')

    def tie_breaker(l, r):
        return hl.or_else(l.rank, max_rank + 1) - hl.or_else(
            r.rank, max_rank + 1)

    related_samples_to_drop_ranked = hl.maximal_independent_set(
    return related_samples_to_drop_ranked.select(
        **related_samples_to_drop_ranked.node.id).key_by('data_type', 's')
Пример #9
def generate_sib_stats_expr(
    mt: hl.MatrixTable,
    sib_ht: hl.Table,
    i_col: str = "i",
    j_col: str = "j",
    strata: Dict[str, hl.expr.BooleanExpression] = {"raw": True},
    is_female: Optional[hl.expr.BooleanExpression] = None,
) -> hl.expr.StructExpression:
    Generate a row-wise expression containing the number of alternate alleles in common between sibling pairs.

    The sibling sharing counts can be stratified using additional filters using `stata`.

    .. note::

        This function expects that the `mt` has either been split or filtered to only bi-allelics
        If a sample has multiple sibling pairs, only one pair will be counted

    :param mt: Input matrix table
    :param sib_ht: Table defining sibling pairs with one sample in a col (`i_col`) and the second in another col (`j_col`)
    :param i_col: Column containing the 1st sample of the pair in the relationship table
    :param j_col: Column containing the 2nd sample of the pair in the relationship table
    :param strata: Dict with additional strata to use when computing shared sibling variant counts
    :param is_female: An optional column in mt giving the sample sex. If not given, counts are only computed for autosomes.
    :return: A Table with the sibling shared variant counts
    def _get_alt_count(locus, gt, is_female):
        """Calculate alt allele count with sex info if present."""
        if is_female is None:
            return hl.or_missing(locus.in_autosome(), gt.n_alt_alleles())
        return (hl.case().when(
            locus.in_autosome_or_par(), gt.n_alt_alleles()).when(
                ~is_female & (locus.in_x_nonpar() | locus.in_y_nonpar()),
                hl.min(1, gt.n_alt_alleles()),
            ).when(is_female & locus.in_y_nonpar(), 0).default(0))

    if is_female is None:
            "Since no sex expression was given to generate_sib_stats_expr, only variants in autosomes will be counted."

    # If a sample is in sib_ht more than one time, keep only one of the sibling pairs
    # First filter to only samples found in mt to keep as many pairs as possible
    s_to_keep = mt.aggregate_cols(hl.agg.collect_as_set(mt.s), _localize=False)
    sib_ht = sib_ht.filter(
        & s_to_keep.contains(sib_ht[j_col].s))
    sib_ht = sib_ht.add_index("sib_idx")
    sib_ht = sib_ht.annotate(sibs=[sib_ht[i_col].s, sib_ht[j_col].s])
    sib_ht = sib_ht.explode("sibs")
    sib_ht = sib_ht.group_by("sibs").aggregate(
        sib_idx=(hl.agg.take(sib_ht.sib_idx, 1, ordering=sib_ht.sib_idx)[0]))
    sib_ht = sib_ht.group_by(
    sib_ht = sib_ht.filter(hl.len(sib_ht.sibs) == 2).persist()

    logger.info("Generating sibling variant sharing counts using %d pairs.",
    sib_ht = sib_ht.explode("sibs").key_by("sibs")[mt.s]

    # Create sibling sharing counters
    sib_stats = hl.struct(
            f"n_sib_shared_variants_{name}": hl.sum(
                            hl.agg.sum(hl.is_defined(mt.GT)) == 2,
                                _get_alt_count(mt.locus, mt.GT, is_female)),
            for name, expr in strata.items()

    sib_stats = sib_stats.annotate(
            f"ac_sibs_{name}": hl.agg.filter(
                expr & hl.is_defined(sib_ht.sib_idx),
            for name, expr in strata.items()

    return sib_stats