def test_all_movements(self): """Test if drone moves properly. this test test if controller is corresponding to detected hand movements. """ # setup controller = Controller() controller.logger.setLevel('DEBUG') # run camera = cv2.VideoCapture(0) cv2.namedWindow('Controller') while controller.flags_handler.quit_flag is False: ret, frame = # A good practice is to mock all this processing in pipe. # Controller processing pipe: # 1. Draw ROI on frame. controller.frame_handler.input_frame = frame # 2. Cover faces, to remove detection noises. controller.face_processor.face_covered_frame = controller.frame_handler.input_frame # 3. Remove background from a covered-faces-frame. controller.back_ground_remover.detected_frame = controller.face_processor.face_covered_frame # 4. Detect a hand. controller.detector.input_frame_for_feature_extraction = controller.back_ground_remover.detected_frame # 5. Extract features, and track detected hand controller.extractor.extract = controller.detector inner_image = controller.extractor.get_drawn_extreme_contour_points( ) if inner_image is not None: # Draw detected hand on outer image. outer_image = controller.frame_handler.input_frame outer_image[ 0:inner_image.shape[0], outer_image.shape[1] - inner_image.shape[1]:outer_image.shape[1]] = inner_image cv2.imshow('Controller', outer_image) # Testing. controller.flags_handler.hand_control = True controller.get_drone_commands() rotate_right = controller.rotate_right rotate_left = controller.rotate_left move_right = controller.move_right move_left = controller.move_left move_down = controller.move_down move_up = controller.move_up move_forward = controller.move_forward move_backward = controller.move_backward controller.logger.debug( "move_backward: {}, move_forward: {}, move_up: {}, move_down: {}, move_left: {}, move_right: {}, rotate_left: {}, rotate_right: {}" .format(move_backward, move_forward, move_up, move_down, move_left, move_right, rotate_left, rotate_right)) controller.flags_handler.keyboard_input = cv2.waitKey(1) camera.release() cv2.destroyWindow('Controller')
def test_start(self): """Test if final image created correctly. :except final_image: a image with ROI drawn on it and the detected hand. """ # setup controller = Controller() # run controller.start()
def test_controller_initiation(self): """Test if controller params initiated with 0. """ # setup controller = Controller() # run assert controller.get_up_param() == 0 assert controller.get_down_param() == 0 assert controller.get_left_param() == 0 assert controller.get_right_param() == 0 assert controller.get_forward_param() == 0 assert controller.get_backward_param() == 0 assert controller.get_rotate_left_param() == 0 assert controller.get_rotate_right_param() == 0
def main(): drone = init_drone() controller = Controller(drone) controller.start()