def x_sys_dec_z():
    This is a control problem for: a system with only x control and no drift,
    create a Pauli X gate while also decoupling Z to first order.

    # get the control system with only X control
    x_sys = css.onlyX()

    # generate the control system that also compute Z decoupling term
    dec_z_sys = x_sys.decoupling_system(h.pauliZ())

    # So far, shortest time with many 9s is 152, though doesn't find it
    # every time. Using N=151 has so far resulted in the search terminating
    # every time at a value of ~ -3.999824
    N = 152
    dt = 0.0125

    # target unitary is pauli X
    Utarget = h.pauliX()

    # set bounds on the control amplitude power, and tolerance
    power_ub = 1
    power_lb = -1
    power_tol = 0.05

    # bounds on the control amplitude rate of change and tolerance
    change_b = 0.025
    change_tol = 0.005

    def obj(x):
        # fora given control value, propagate the decoupling system, and compute
        # derivatives
        prop = evolve_system(dec_z_sys, x, dt, deriv=1)

        # extract the final unitary and its derivatives
        Ufinal = prop[0][0:2, 0:2]
        Uderiv = prop[1][:, :, 0:2, 0:2]

        # compute the target unitary objective and its derivatives
        g, gp = grape_objective(Utarget, (Ufinal, Uderiv), deriv=1)

        # compute the decoupling objective and its derivatives
        dec, decp = zero_block_objective(prop, 2, 0, 1, deriv=1)

        shape, shaped = cons.mono_objective(x,

        return real(-g + dec + shape / 20), real(-gp + decp + shaped / 20)

    ctrl_shape = (N, len(dec_z_sys.control_generators))

    res = find_pulse_bfgs(obj, ctrl_shape, rand(*ctrl_shape))
    return res
Пример #2
def XandY():
    Defines a control system that is 2 dimensional, has no drift, and
    has Pauli X and Y control
    drift = zeros((2, 2))
    c_gen = array([-1j * pi * h.pauliX(), -1j * pi * h.pauliY()])

    return control_system(drift, c_gen)
Пример #3
def onlyX():
    Defines a control system that is 2 dimensional, has no drift, and
    has only Pauli X control
    drift = zeros((2, 2))
    c_gen = -1j * pi * h.pauliX()

    return control_system(drift, c_gen)
def universal_id_xy(initial_guess=None):
    This is setting up a control problem:
        - system: 0 drift, and x,y control
        - universal decoupling
        -implement an identity gate

    xy_sys = css.XandY()  # get the control system forX and Y control

    # get the derived control system for computing both the unitary, as well
    # as the first order decoupling terms for X, Y, and Z
    dec_sys = xy_sys.decoupling_system([h.pauliX(), h.pauliY(), h.pauliZ()])

    # a smoothed version of XY4
    # N=76 -4+10^[-10], doesn't find it every time but seems to work pretty
    # often
    # N=75 -3.99655
    N = 76  # number time steps
    dt = 0.05  # time step length
    power_ub = [1, 1]  # upper bounds on control amplitudes
    power_lb = [-1, -1]  # lower bounds on control amplitudes
    power_tol = 0.0005  # tolerance for when penalty function for control amplitude power kick in

    change_b = [
        0.05, 0.05
    ]  # each control amplitude is restricted to change by less than 0.05
    change_tol = 0.0005  # tolerance for enforcing rate of change

    # set the target gate to the identity
    Utarget = identity(2)

    # set a variable for the shape of the array of control amplitudes
    ctrl_shape = (N, xy_sys.control_dim)

    #num = 0
    def obj(x):
        #nonlocal num
        #num = num+1
        # evolve the system that computes both the final unitary as well
        # as decoupling terms
        prop = evolve_system(dec_sys, x, dt, deriv=1)

        #extract the final unitary, as well as the array of derivatives
        # with respect to control amplitudes
        Ufinal = prop[0][0:2, 0:2]
        Uderiv = prop[1][:, :, 0:2, 0:2]

        # compute the grape objective; the fidelity to the target gate
        # as well its jacobian
        g, gp = grape_objective(Utarget, (Ufinal, Uderiv), deriv=1)

        # compute the norms of the decoupling terms, as well as their
        # derivatives
        decx, decxp = zero_block_objective(prop, 2, 0, 1, deriv=1)
        decy, decyp = zero_block_objective(prop, 2, 1, 2, deriv=1)
        decz, deczp = zero_block_objective(prop, 2, 2, 3, deriv=1)

        # add together the decoupling objectives and derivatives
        dec = decx + decy + decz
        decp = decxp + decyp + deczp

        shape, shaped = cons.mono_objective(x,

        #if num % 100 == 0:
        #    print('Value at ' + str(num) + ' iterations: '+  str(real(-g+dec+shape)))

        #return real(-g+dec+power+change/20),real(-gp+decp+powerp+changep/20)
        return real(-g + dec + shape / 100), real(-gp + decp + shaped / 100)

    res = find_pulse_bfgs(obj, ctrl_shape, rand(*ctrl_shape) * change_b)
    return res