class Responder: def __init__(self): self.classifiers = [] self.bound_methods = {} print( "Keys:\n" " k - kill the program\n" " r - reset the gesture classification\n" " w - start/stop recording current pattern\n" " s - save the patterns\n" #" b - switch to/from backprojection view\n" "To initialize tracking, drag across the object with the mouse\n") def process_gesture(self, gest_name): if gest_name in self.bound_methods: self.bound_methods[gest_name]() return # adds a new classifier that will handle points def add_classifier(self, classifier): classifier.attach(self) self.classifiers.append(classifier) return # starts the filtering loop def start(self): self.tracker = HandTracker(self.classifiers, debug=True) self.tracker.start()
class Responder: def __init__(self): self.classifiers = [] self.bound_methods = {} print( "Keys:\n" " k - kill the program\n" " r - reset the gesture classification\n" " w - start/stop recording current pattern\n" " s - save the patterns\n" #" b - switch to/from backprojection view\n" "To initialize tracking, drag across the object with the mouse\n" ) def process_gesture(self,gest_name): if gest_name in self.bound_methods: self.bound_methods[gest_name]() return # adds a new classifier that will handle points def add_classifier(self,classifier): classifier.attach(self) self.classifiers.append(classifier) return # starts the filtering loop def start(self): self.tracker = HandTracker(self.classifiers,debug=True) self.tracker.start()
def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.detector = HandTracker(palm_model_path, landmark_model_path, anchors_path, box_shift=0, box_enlarge=1.5)
def __init__(self, palm_recog_path, kp_recog_path, anchor_path): self.detector = HandTracker(palm_recog_path, kp_recog_path, anchor_path, box_shift=0.2, box_enlarge=1.3) self.finger_bend = [False] * 5
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node('rgb_object_detection') self.fps_reduce = 0 self.palm_model_path = "/home/pavel/ros_workspace/cv_tutorial/nodes/py2-RPS/models/palm_detection.tflite" self.landmark_model_path = "/home/pavel/ros_workspace/cv_tutorial/nodes/py2-RPS/models/hand_landmark.tflite" self.anchors_path = "/home/pavel/ros_workspace/cv_tutorial/nodes/py2-RPS/data/anchors.csv" self.estimator_path = "/home/pavel/ros_workspace/cv_tutorial/nodes/py2-RPS/logregest_1200.pickle" self.bridge = CvBridge() self.estimator = self.get_estimator() self.detector = HandTracker(self.palm_model_path, self.landmark_model_path, self.anchors_path, box_shift=0.2, box_enlarge=1.3) self.start_f = False self.under_line = False self.end_flag = False self.count_moves = 0 self.delay_counter = 0 self.end_frame = 0 self.img_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/camera/color/image_raw", Image, self.img_to_cv2, queue_size=1) self.res_pub = rospy.Publisher("/RPS_node/result", String, queue_size=1) self.res_pub.publish("playing a b")
def __init__(self): # Initializing the HandTracker ################################################# palm_model_path = "./models/palm_detection.tflite" landmark_model_path = "./models/hand_landmark.tflite" anchors_path = "./data/anchors.csv" self.detector = HandTracker(palm_model_path, landmark_model_path, anchors_path, box_shift=0.1, box_enlarge=1.5) self.kp_single_int = tuple([0, 0]) # initialized as the result # Setting keypoints pairs ############################### # self.pair_WRONG = [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], # [5, 6], [6, 7], [7, 8], # [9, 10], [10, 11], [11, 12], # [13, 14], [14, 15], [15, 16], # [17, 18], [18, 19], # [19, 20]] # Adding a WRONG at the end of function name just means this is a # # wrong way of calculation self.pair = [[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], [0, 5, 6], [5, 6, 7], [6, 7, 8], [0, 9, 10], [9, 10, 11], [10, 11, 12], [0, 13, 14], [13, 14, 15], [14, 15, 16], [0, 17, 18], [17, 18, 19], [18, 19, 20]] self.stem_pair = [0, 9] # palm points and root middle-finger point
def __init__(self, numGestures, numFramesPerGesture, minDescriptorsPerFrame, numWords, descType, kernel, numIter, parent): self.numGestures = numGestures self.numFramesPerGesture = numFramesPerGesture self.numWords = numWords self.minDescriptorsPerFrame = minDescriptorsPerFrame self.parent = parent self.desList = [] self.voc = None self.classifier = None self.windowName = "Training preview" self.handWindowName = "Cropped hand" self.binaryWindowName = "Binary frames" self.handTracker = HandTracker(kernelSize=7, thresholdAngle=0.4, defectDistFromHull=30, parent=self) self.featureExtractor = FeatureExtractor(type=descType, parent=self) self.kernel = kernel self.numIter = numIter self.numDefects = None self.firstFrameList = [] self.trainLabels = []
def __init__(self, numGestures, minDescriptorsPerFrame, numWords, descType, numPredictions, parent): self.numGestures = numGestures self.numWords = numWords self.minDescriptorsPerFrame = minDescriptorsPerFrame self.parent = parent self.classifier = None self.windowName = "Testing preview" self.handWindowName = "Cropped hand" self.binaryWindowName = "Binary frames" self.predictionList = [-1] * numPredictions self.handTracker = HandTracker(kernelSize=7, thresholdAngle=0.4, defectDistFromHull=30, parent=self) self.featureExtractor = FeatureExtractor(type=descType, parent=self) self.numSideFrames = 10 self.prevFrameList = np.zeros( (self.numSideFrames, self.parent.imHeight / self.numSideFrames, self.parent.imWidth / self.numSideFrames, 3), "uint8") self.numPrevFrames = 0 self.predictionScoreThreshold = 0.2 self.learningRate = 0.01 self.numReinforce = 1
def __init__(self): # Initializing the HandTracker ################################################# palm_model_path = "./models/palm_detection.tflite" landmark_model_path = "./models/hand_landmark.tflite" anchors_path = "./data/anchors.csv" self.detector = HandTracker(palm_model_path, landmark_model_path, anchors_path, box_shift=0.1, box_enlarge=1.5) self.kp_single_int = tuple([0, 0]) # initialized as the result # Setting keypoints pairs ############################### self.pair = [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [5, 6], [6, 7], [7, 8], [9, 10], [10, 11], [11, 12], [13, 14], [14, 15], [15, 16], [17, 18], [18, 19], [19, 20]] self.stem_pair = [0, 9] # palm points and root middle-finger point
def __init__(self, numGestures, minDescriptorsPerFrame, numWords, descType, numPredictions, parent): self.numGestures = numGestures self.numWords = numWords self.minDescriptorsPerFrame = minDescriptorsPerFrame self.parent = parent self.classifier = None self.windowName = "Testing preview" self.handWindowName = "Cropped hand" self.binaryWindowName = "Binary frames" self.predictionList = [-1]*numPredictions; self.handTracker = HandTracker(kernelSize=7, thresholdAngle=0.4, defectDistFromHull=30, parent=self) self.featureExtractor = FeatureExtractor(type=descType, parent=self) self.numSideFrames = 10 self.prevFrameList = np.zeros((self.numSideFrames,self.parent.imHeight/self.numSideFrames,self.parent.imWidth/self.numSideFrames,3), "uint8") self.numPrevFrames = 0 self.predictionScoreThreshold = 0.2 self.learningRate = 0.01 self.numReinforce = 1
def main(args): det = HandTracker('models/palm_detection_without_custom_op.tflite', 'models/hand_landmark_3d.tflite', 'data/anchors.csv', box_shift=-0.5, box_enlarge=2.6) video_name = out_dir = args.outdir print('Processing {}'.format(video_name)) for frame_i, img in enumerate(read_video(video_name)): img_rgb = img[:, :, ::-1] kpts, boxs = det(img_rgb) out_file = out_dir + '/' + str(frame_i) + '.jpg' if boxs is None: out_img = img else: out_img = draw_hands(img, kpts, boxs) cv2.imwrite(out_file, out_img)
def start(self): self.tracker = HandTracker(self.classifiers,debug=True) self.tracker.start()
class Tester(object): def __init__(self, numGestures, minDescriptorsPerFrame, numWords, descType, numPredictions, parent): self.numGestures = numGestures self.numWords = numWords self.minDescriptorsPerFrame = minDescriptorsPerFrame self.parent = parent self.classifier = None self.windowName = "Testing preview" self.handWindowName = "Cropped hand" self.binaryWindowName = "Binary frames" self.predictionList = [-1]*numPredictions; self.handTracker = HandTracker(kernelSize=7, thresholdAngle=0.4, defectDistFromHull=30, parent=self) self.featureExtractor = FeatureExtractor(type=descType, parent=self) self.numSideFrames = 10 self.prevFrameList = np.zeros((self.numSideFrames,self.parent.imHeight/self.numSideFrames,self.parent.imWidth/self.numSideFrames,3), "uint8") self.numPrevFrames = 0 self.predictionScoreThreshold = 0.2 self.learningRate = 0.01 self.numReinforce = 1 def initialize(self, clf): self.classifier = clf self.numWords = self.classifier.voc.shape[0] self.prevStates = np.zeros((self.numSideFrames, self.numWords), "float32") self.prevLabels = [0]*self.numSideFrames self.prevScores = [0]*self.numSideFrames def test_on_video(self): vc = while(vc.isOpened()): ret,im = im = cv2.flip(im, 1) imhsv = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) self.handTracker.colorProfiler.draw_color_windows(im, imhsv) cv2.imshow(self.windowName, im) k = cv2.waitKey(1) if k == 32: # space break elif k == 27: sys.exit(0) binaryIm = self.handTracker.get_binary_image(imhsv) cnt,hull,centroid,defects = self.handTracker.initialize_contour(binaryIm) cv2.namedWindow(self.binaryWindowName) cv2.namedWindow(self.handWindowName) cv2.namedWindow(self.windowName) cv2.setMouseCallback(self.windowName, self.reinforce) while(vc.isOpened()): ret,im = im = cv2.flip(im, 1) imhsv = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) imgray = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) binaryIm = self.handTracker.get_binary_image(imhsv) cnt,hull,centroid,defects = self.handTracker.get_contour(binaryIm) imCopy = 1*im testData = None prediction = -1 score = -1 update = False if cnt is not None: numDefects = defects.shape[0] cropImage,cropPoints = self.handTracker.get_cropped_image_from_cnt(im, cnt, 0.05) cropImageGray = self.handTracker.get_cropped_image_from_points(imgray, cropPoints) #cv2.fillPoly(binaryIm, cnt, 255) #cropImageBinary = self.handTracker.get_cropped_image_from_points(binaryIm, cropPoints) #cropImageGray = self.apply_binary_mask(cropImageGray, cropImageBinary, 5) #kp,des = self.featureExtractor.get_keypoints_and_descriptors(cropImageGray) kp = self.featureExtractor.get_keypoints(cropImageGray) cropCnt = self.handTracker.get_cropped_contour(cnt, cropPoints) kp = self.featureExtractor.get_keypoints_in_contour(kp, cropCnt) kp,des = self.featureExtractor.compute_descriptors(cropImageGray, kp) if des is not None and des.shape[0] >= 0: self.featureExtractor.draw_keypoints(cropImage, kp) if des is not None and des.shape[0] >= self.minDescriptorsPerFrame and self.is_hand(defects): words, distance = vq(des, self.classifier.voc) testData = np.zeros(self.numWords, "float32") for w in words: testData[w] += 1 normTestData = np.linalg.norm(testData, ord=2) * np.ones(self.numWords) testData = np.divide(testData, normTestData) prediction,score = self.predict(testData) sortedScores = np.sort(score) #if max(score) > self.predictionScoreThreshold: if sortedScores[-1]-sortedScores[-2] >= self.predictionScoreThreshold: self.handTracker.draw_on_image(imCopy, cnt=False, hullColor=(0,255,0)) else: self.handTracker.draw_on_image(imCopy, cnt=False, hullColor=(255,0,0)) prediction = -1 update = True else: self.handTracker.draw_on_image(imCopy, cnt=False, hullColor=(0,0,255)) prediction = -1 cv2.imshow(self.handWindowName,cropImage) else: prediction = -1 #self.insert_to_prediction_list(prediction) #prediction,predictionCount = self.most_common(self.predictionList) #if prediction>=0: writtenVal = '-' if prediction > 0: #if self.classifier.medianDefects is not None and numDefects>=self.classifier.medianDefects[prediction-1]-1 and numDefects<=self.classifier.medianDefects[prediction-1]+1: # #print prediction # writtenVal = str(prediction) # update = True #elif self.classifier.medianDefects is None: #print prediction writtenVal = str(prediction) self.write_on_image(imCopy, writtenVal) cv2.imshow(self.binaryWindowName, binaryIm) imCopy = self.add_prev_frames_to_image(imCopy, testData, prediction, score, update) cv2.imshow(self.windowName,imCopy) k = cv2.waitKey(1) if k == 27: # space break def test_on_descriptors(self, desList): testLabels = [] for i,des in enumerate(desList): if des is not None and des.shape[0] >= self.minDescriptorsPerFrame: words, distance = vq(des, self.classifier.voc) testData = np.zeros(self.numWords, "float32") for w in words: testData[w] += 1 normTestData = np.linalg.norm(testData, ord=2) * np.ones(self.numWords) testData = np.divide(testData, normTestData) prediction,score = self.predict(testData) sortedScores = np.sort(score) #if max(score) > self.predictionScoreThreshold: if sortedScores[-1]-sortedScores[-2] >= self.predictionScoreThreshold: pass else: prediction = -1 else: prediction = -1 testLabels.append(prediction) return testLabels def predict(self, testData): prediction = self.classifier.predict(testData.reshape(1,-1)) score = self.classifier.decision_function(testData.reshape(1,-1)) return prediction[0], score[0] def insert_to_prediction_list(self, prediction): self.predictionList.append(prediction) self.predictionList = self.predictionList[1:] def most_common(self, lst): for i in range(1,len(lst)-1): if lst[i] != lst[i-1] and lst[i] != lst[i+1]: lst[i] = -1 e = max(set(lst), key=lst.count) return e,lst.count(e) def is_hand(self, defects): if defects.shape[0] > 5: return False else: return True def write_on_image(self, image, text): cv2.putText(image, text, (self.parent.imWidth/20,self.parent.imHeight/4), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 5, (0,0,255), 5) def get_prev_frames_image(self): image = self.prevFrameList[0] for i in range(1,len(self.prevFrameList)): image = np.append(image, self.prevFrameList[i], axis=0) return image def apply_binary_mask(self, image, mask, kernelSize): kernel = np.ones((kernelSize,kernelSize),np.uint8) dilatedMask = cv2.dilate(mask,kernel,iterations=1) maskedImage = cv2.bitwise_and(image, image, mask=dilatedMask) return maskedImage def add_prev_frames_to_image(self, image, testData, testLabel, testScore, update=False): shrinkIm = cv2.resize(image, None, fx=float(1)/self.numSideFrames, fy=float(1)/self.numSideFrames) prevFramesIm = self.get_prev_frames_image() image = np.append(image, prevFramesIm, axis=1) if update: if self.numPrevFrames < self.numSideFrames: self.prevFrameList[self.numPrevFrames] = shrinkIm self.prevStates[self.numPrevFrames] = testData self.prevLabels[self.numPrevFrames] = testLabel self.prevScores[self.numPrevFrames] = testScore self.numPrevFrames += 1 else: self.prevFrameList = np.append(self.prevFrameList, np.array([shrinkIm]), axis=0) self.prevFrameList = self.prevFrameList[1:] self.prevStates = np.append(self.prevStates, np.array([testData]), axis=0) self.prevStates = self.prevStates[1:] self.prevLabels.append(testLabel) self.prevLabels = self.prevLabels[1:] self.prevScores.append(testScore) self.prevScores = self.prevScores[1:] return image def reinforce(self, event, x, y, flags, param): if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN: if x > self.parent.imWidth: prevFrameID = int(np.floor(y*self.numSideFrames/self.parent.imHeight)) self.prevFrameList[prevFrameID] = cv2.cvtColor(self.prevFrameList[prevFrameID], cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) if isinstance(self.classifier, svm.LinearSVC): self.perceptron_update(prevFrameID, False) elif event == cv2.EVENT_RBUTTONDOWN: if x > self.parent.imWidth: prevFrameID = int(np.floor(y*self.numSideFrames/self.parent.imHeight)) self.prevFrameList[prevFrameID] = cv2.cvtColor(self.prevFrameList[prevFrameID], cv2.COLOR_BGR2YCR_CB) if isinstance(self.classifier, svm.LinearSVC): self.perceptron_update(prevFrameID, True) def perceptron_update(self, prevFrameID, flag): weights = self.classifier.coef_ if not flag: wrongData = self.prevStates[prevFrameID] #normData = np.linalg.norm(wrongData, ord=2) * np.ones(self.numWords) #wrongData = np.divide(wrongData, normData) wrongLabel = self.prevLabels[prevFrameID] wrongScores = self.prevScores[prevFrameID] wrongScore = max(wrongScores) if wrongLabel > 0: wrongWeights = weights[wrongLabel-1] newWeights = np.subtract(wrongWeights, (self.learningRate/self.numReinforce)*wrongData) weights[wrongLabel-1] = newWeights else: k = cv2.waitKey(-1) rightLabel = k - 48 if rightLabel > 0 and rightLabel <= weights.shape[0]: wrongWeights = weights[rightLabel-1] newWeights = np.add(wrongWeights, (self.learningRate/self.numReinforce)*wrongData) weights[rightLabel-1] = newWeights else: rightData = self.prevStates[prevFrameID] #normData = np.linalg.norm(rightData, ord=2) * np.ones(self.numWords) #rightData = np.divide(rightData, normData) rightLabel = self.prevLabels[prevFrameID] rightScores = self.prevScores[prevFrameID] rightScore = max(rightScores) if rightLabel > 0: rightWeights = weights[rightLabel-1] newWeights = np.add(rightWeights, (self.learningRate/self.numReinforce)*rightData) weights[rightLabel-1] = newWeights #self.numReinforce += 1 self.classifier.coef_ = weights
class Tester(object): def __init__(self, numGestures, minDescriptorsPerFrame, numWords, descType, numPredictions, parent): self.numGestures = numGestures self.numWords = numWords self.minDescriptorsPerFrame = minDescriptorsPerFrame self.parent = parent self.classifier = None self.windowName = "Testing preview" self.handWindowName = "Cropped hand" self.binaryWindowName = "Binary frames" self.predictionList = [-1] * numPredictions self.handTracker = HandTracker(kernelSize=7, thresholdAngle=0.4, defectDistFromHull=30, parent=self) self.featureExtractor = FeatureExtractor(type=descType, parent=self) self.numSideFrames = 10 self.prevFrameList = np.zeros( (self.numSideFrames, self.parent.imHeight / self.numSideFrames, self.parent.imWidth / self.numSideFrames, 3), "uint8") self.numPrevFrames = 0 self.predictionScoreThreshold = 0.2 self.learningRate = 0.01 self.numReinforce = 1 def initialize(self, clf): self.classifier = clf self.numWords = self.classifier.voc.shape[0] self.prevStates = np.zeros((self.numSideFrames, self.numWords), "float32") self.prevLabels = [0] * self.numSideFrames self.prevScores = [0] * self.numSideFrames def test_on_video(self): vc = while (vc.isOpened()): ret, im = im = cv2.flip(im, 1) imhsv = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) self.handTracker.colorProfiler.draw_color_windows(im, imhsv) cv2.imshow(self.windowName, im) k = cv2.waitKey(1) if k == 32: # space break elif k == 27: sys.exit(0) binaryIm = self.handTracker.get_binary_image(imhsv) cnt, hull, centroid, defects = self.handTracker.initialize_contour( binaryIm) cv2.namedWindow(self.binaryWindowName) cv2.namedWindow(self.handWindowName) cv2.namedWindow(self.windowName) cv2.setMouseCallback(self.windowName, self.reinforce) while (vc.isOpened()): ret, im = im = cv2.flip(im, 1) imhsv = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) imgray = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) binaryIm = self.handTracker.get_binary_image(imhsv) cnt, hull, centroid, defects = self.handTracker.get_contour( binaryIm) imCopy = 1 * im testData = None prediction = -1 score = -1 update = False if cnt is not None: numDefects = defects.shape[0] cropImage, cropPoints = self.handTracker.get_cropped_image_from_cnt( im, cnt, 0.05) cropImageGray = self.handTracker.get_cropped_image_from_points( imgray, cropPoints) #cv2.fillPoly(binaryIm, cnt, 255) #cropImageBinary = self.handTracker.get_cropped_image_from_points(binaryIm, cropPoints) #cropImageGray = self.apply_binary_mask(cropImageGray, cropImageBinary, 5) #kp,des = self.featureExtractor.get_keypoints_and_descriptors(cropImageGray) kp = self.featureExtractor.get_keypoints(cropImageGray) cropCnt = self.handTracker.get_cropped_contour(cnt, cropPoints) kp = self.featureExtractor.get_keypoints_in_contour( kp, cropCnt) kp, des = self.featureExtractor.compute_descriptors( cropImageGray, kp) if des is not None and des.shape[0] >= 0: self.featureExtractor.draw_keypoints(cropImage, kp) if des is not None and des.shape[ 0] >= self.minDescriptorsPerFrame and self.is_hand( defects): words, distance = vq(des, self.classifier.voc) testData = np.zeros(self.numWords, "float32") for w in words: testData[w] += 1 normTestData = np.linalg.norm(testData, ord=2) * np.ones( self.numWords) testData = np.divide(testData, normTestData) prediction, score = self.predict(testData) sortedScores = np.sort(score) #if max(score) > self.predictionScoreThreshold: if sortedScores[-1] - sortedScores[ -2] >= self.predictionScoreThreshold: self.handTracker.draw_on_image(imCopy, cnt=False, hullColor=(0, 255, 0)) else: self.handTracker.draw_on_image(imCopy, cnt=False, hullColor=(255, 0, 0)) prediction = -1 update = True else: self.handTracker.draw_on_image(imCopy, cnt=False, hullColor=(0, 0, 255)) prediction = -1 cv2.imshow(self.handWindowName, cropImage) else: prediction = -1 #self.insert_to_prediction_list(prediction) #prediction,predictionCount = self.most_common(self.predictionList) #if prediction>=0: writtenVal = '-' if prediction > 0: #if self.classifier.medianDefects is not None and numDefects>=self.classifier.medianDefects[prediction-1]-1 and numDefects<=self.classifier.medianDefects[prediction-1]+1: # #print prediction # writtenVal = str(prediction) # update = True #elif self.classifier.medianDefects is None: #print prediction writtenVal = str(prediction) self.write_on_image(imCopy, writtenVal) cv2.imshow(self.binaryWindowName, binaryIm) imCopy = self.add_prev_frames_to_image(imCopy, testData, prediction, score, update) cv2.imshow(self.windowName, imCopy) k = cv2.waitKey(1) if k == 27: # space break def test_on_descriptors(self, desList): testLabels = [] for i, des in enumerate(desList): if des is not None and des.shape[0] >= self.minDescriptorsPerFrame: words, distance = vq(des, self.classifier.voc) testData = np.zeros(self.numWords, "float32") for w in words: testData[w] += 1 normTestData = np.linalg.norm(testData, ord=2) * np.ones( self.numWords) testData = np.divide(testData, normTestData) prediction, score = self.predict(testData) sortedScores = np.sort(score) #if max(score) > self.predictionScoreThreshold: if sortedScores[-1] - sortedScores[ -2] >= self.predictionScoreThreshold: pass else: prediction = -1 else: prediction = -1 testLabels.append(prediction) return testLabels def predict(self, testData): prediction = self.classifier.predict(testData.reshape(1, -1)) score = self.classifier.decision_function(testData.reshape(1, -1)) return prediction[0], score[0] def insert_to_prediction_list(self, prediction): self.predictionList.append(prediction) self.predictionList = self.predictionList[1:] def most_common(self, lst): for i in range(1, len(lst) - 1): if lst[i] != lst[i - 1] and lst[i] != lst[i + 1]: lst[i] = -1 e = max(set(lst), key=lst.count) return e, lst.count(e) def is_hand(self, defects): if defects.shape[0] > 5: return False else: return True def write_on_image(self, image, text): cv2.putText(image, text, (self.parent.imWidth / 20, self.parent.imHeight / 4), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 5, (0, 0, 255), 5) def get_prev_frames_image(self): image = self.prevFrameList[0] for i in range(1, len(self.prevFrameList)): image = np.append(image, self.prevFrameList[i], axis=0) return image def apply_binary_mask(self, image, mask, kernelSize): kernel = np.ones((kernelSize, kernelSize), np.uint8) dilatedMask = cv2.dilate(mask, kernel, iterations=1) maskedImage = cv2.bitwise_and(image, image, mask=dilatedMask) return maskedImage def add_prev_frames_to_image(self, image, testData, testLabel, testScore, update=False): shrinkIm = cv2.resize(image, None, fx=float(1) / self.numSideFrames, fy=float(1) / self.numSideFrames) prevFramesIm = self.get_prev_frames_image() image = np.append(image, prevFramesIm, axis=1) if update: if self.numPrevFrames < self.numSideFrames: self.prevFrameList[self.numPrevFrames] = shrinkIm self.prevStates[self.numPrevFrames] = testData self.prevLabels[self.numPrevFrames] = testLabel self.prevScores[self.numPrevFrames] = testScore self.numPrevFrames += 1 else: self.prevFrameList = np.append(self.prevFrameList, np.array([shrinkIm]), axis=0) self.prevFrameList = self.prevFrameList[1:] self.prevStates = np.append(self.prevStates, np.array([testData]), axis=0) self.prevStates = self.prevStates[1:] self.prevLabels.append(testLabel) self.prevLabels = self.prevLabels[1:] self.prevScores.append(testScore) self.prevScores = self.prevScores[1:] return image def reinforce(self, event, x, y, flags, param): if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN: if x > self.parent.imWidth: prevFrameID = int( np.floor(y * self.numSideFrames / self.parent.imHeight)) self.prevFrameList[prevFrameID] = cv2.cvtColor( self.prevFrameList[prevFrameID], cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) if isinstance(self.classifier, svm.LinearSVC): self.perceptron_update(prevFrameID, False) elif event == cv2.EVENT_RBUTTONDOWN: if x > self.parent.imWidth: prevFrameID = int( np.floor(y * self.numSideFrames / self.parent.imHeight)) self.prevFrameList[prevFrameID] = cv2.cvtColor( self.prevFrameList[prevFrameID], cv2.COLOR_BGR2YCR_CB) if isinstance(self.classifier, svm.LinearSVC): self.perceptron_update(prevFrameID, True) def perceptron_update(self, prevFrameID, flag): weights = self.classifier.coef_ if not flag: wrongData = self.prevStates[prevFrameID] #normData = np.linalg.norm(wrongData, ord=2) * np.ones(self.numWords) #wrongData = np.divide(wrongData, normData) wrongLabel = self.prevLabels[prevFrameID] wrongScores = self.prevScores[prevFrameID] wrongScore = max(wrongScores) if wrongLabel > 0: wrongWeights = weights[wrongLabel - 1] newWeights = np.subtract( wrongWeights, (self.learningRate / self.numReinforce) * wrongData) weights[wrongLabel - 1] = newWeights else: k = cv2.waitKey(-1) rightLabel = k - 48 if rightLabel > 0 and rightLabel <= weights.shape[0]: wrongWeights = weights[rightLabel - 1] newWeights = np.add( wrongWeights, (self.learningRate / self.numReinforce) * wrongData) weights[rightLabel - 1] = newWeights else: rightData = self.prevStates[prevFrameID] #normData = np.linalg.norm(rightData, ord=2) * np.ones(self.numWords) #rightData = np.divide(rightData, normData) rightLabel = self.prevLabels[prevFrameID] rightScores = self.prevScores[prevFrameID] rightScore = max(rightScores) if rightLabel > 0: rightWeights = weights[rightLabel - 1] newWeights = np.add(rightWeights, (self.learningRate / self.numReinforce) * rightData) weights[rightLabel - 1] = newWeights #self.numReinforce += 1 self.classifier.coef_ = weights
# 4 | | | | # | 6 10 14 18 # 3 | | | | # | 5---9---13--17 # 2 \ / # \ \ / # 1 \ / # \ \ / # ------0- connections = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (5, 6), (6, 7), (7, 8), (9, 10), (10, 11), (11, 12), (13, 14), (14, 15), (15, 16), (17, 18), (18, 19), (19, 20), (0, 5), (5, 9), (9, 13), (13, 17), (0, 17)] detector = HandTracker(PALM_MODEL_PATH, LANDMARK_MODEL_PATH, ANCHORS_PATH, box_shift=0.2, box_enlarge=1.3) def runModel(img, threshold): image = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) image = cv2.resize(image, (256, 256)) points = detector(image, threshold) output_json = list() for points_ in points: if points_ is not None: #save outputs into json model_output_json = {}
import sys import numpy as np sys.path.append("/api") from pose_util import hand_from_raw sys.path.append("/hand_tracking") from hand_tracker import HandTracker palm_model_path = "/hand_tracking/models/palm_detection.tflite" landmark_model_path = "/hand_tracking/models/hand_landmark_3d.tflite" anchors_path = "/hand_tracking/data/anchors.csv" detector = HandTracker(palm_model_path, landmark_model_path, anchors_path, box_shift=0.2, box_enlarge=1.3) reader = imageio.get_reader('/video.mp4') counter = 0 for i, img in enumerate(reader): counter += 1 if img.shape[0] == 256 and img.shape[1] == 256: print("Skipping hand detection") hands = [{"bbox": np.array([(0, 256), (256, 256), (256, 0), (0, 0)])}] hands = [detector.get_landmarks(img, h) for h in hands] else: hands = detector(img)
def start(self): self.tracker = HandTracker(self.classifiers, debug=True) self.tracker.start()
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon from hand_tracker import HandTracker from scipy.signal import savgol_filter import cv2 import numpy as np import pickle import sys import glob import os palm_model_path = "./models/palm_detection.tflite" landmark_model_path = "./models/hand_landmark.tflite" anchors_path = "./data/anchors.csv" detector = HandTracker(palm_model_path, landmark_model_path, anchors_path) def write_kps(infile, outfile): cap = cv2.VideoCapture(infile) data = [] total_frames = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) frame_counter = 0 while True: res, frame = if not res: if frame_counter == total_frames: print('finished, writing output to', outfile) pickle.dump(data, open(outfile, 'wb')) else:
import random import sys import argparse print("you must need webcam to run this code....") option=input("y or n... ") if option=="n" or option!="y": sys.exit() palm_model_path = "./models/palm_detection.tflite" landmark_model_path = "./models/hand_landmark.tflite" anchors_path = "./data/anchors.csv" # box_shift determines detector = HandTracker(palm_model_path, landmark_model_path, anchors_path, box_shift=0.2, box_enlarge=1.3) def finger_det(): print("place ur right hand with gesture shows in picture in front of web cam..... ") print("image will click after countdown three....") time.sleep(3) i=3 while i>0: print(i) time.sleep(1) i-=1
class CursorController: def __init__(self, options): self.options = options self.hand_tracker = HandTracker(self.options) self.filter = Filter2D() self.hand_prev = None self.idle_frames = 0 def update(self, frame): screen = (win32api.GetSystemMetrics(1), win32api.GetSystemMetrics(0)) hand_rect = self.hand_tracker.get_hand_rect(frame) if hand_rect is not None: cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(hand_rect[0]), int(hand_rect[1])), (int(hand_rect[2]), int(hand_rect[3])), (0, 255, 0)) hand = util.to_relative(hand_rect, frame.shape) pos = util.rect_center(hand) if self.hand_prev is not None: pos_prev = util.rect_center(self.hand_prev) delta = [pos[0] - pos_prev[0], pos[1] - pos_prev[1]] delta = self.filter.update(delta) v0 = util.vec_len(delta) if v0 < self.options[consts.vmin]: v = v0 * v0 / self.options[consts.vmin] elif v0 > self.options[consts.vmax]: v = v0 * v0 / self.options[consts.vmax] else: v = v0 if v < self.options[consts.vidle]: self.idle_frames += 1 if self.idle_frames == self.options[consts.idle_frames]: cursor = win32api.GetCursorPos() win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, cursor[0], cursor[1], 0, 0) win32api.mouse_event(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, cursor[0], cursor[1], 0, 0) self.idle_frames = 0 else: self.idle_frames = 0 if v0 > 0: depth_k = self.options[consts.depth_ratio] / (hand[3] - hand[1]) sensetivity_x = self.options[ consts.sensetivity_x] * depth_k sensetivity_y = self.options[ consts.sensetivity_y] * depth_k offset = (float(screen[1]) * delta[0] / v0 * v * sensetivity_x, float(screen[0]) * delta[1] / v0 * v * sensetivity_y) cursor0 = win32api.GetCursorPos() cursor = ( cursor0[0] + offset[0], cursor0[1] + offset[1], ) win32api.SetCursorPos( (int(cursor[0] + 0.5), int(cursor[1] + 0.5))) self.hand_prev = hand else: kx = 1.0 ky = 1.0 cursor_rel = [ 0.5 + (pos[1] - 0.5) * ky, 0.5 + (pos[0] - 0.5) * kx ] cursor = (int(float(screen[1]) * cursor_rel[0] + 0.5), int(float(screen[0]) * cursor_rel[1] + 0.5)) win32api.SetCursorPos(cursor) self.hand_prev = hand self.filter.reset() else: self.hand_prev = None
def __init__(self, options): self.options = options self.hand_tracker = HandTracker(self.options) self.filter = Filter2D() self.hand_prev = None self.idle_frames = 0
def learningFrames(vc): t = 0 while(vc.isOpened()): ret,im = im = cv2.flip(im, 1) imhsv = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) handTracker.colorProfiler.draw_color_windows(im, imhsv) cv2.imshow("color", im) k = cv2.waitKey(1) if k == 32: # space break elif k == 27: sys.exit(0) ret, frame = frame = cv2.flip(frame, 1) imhsv = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) binaryIM = handTracker.get_binary_image(imhsv) cnt,hull,centroids, defects = handTracker.initialize_contour(binaryIM) while True: key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF if key == ord("q"): break ret, frame = frame = cv2.flip(frame, 1) imhsv = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) imgray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) binaryIm = handTracker.get_binary_image(imhsv) cnt,hull,centroids, defects = handTracker.get_contour(binaryIm) frameCopy = 1*frame testData = None prediction = -1 score = -1 if cnt is not None: numDefects = defects.shape[0] cropImage,cropPoints = handTracker.get_cropped_image_from_cnt(frame, cnt, 0.05) cropImageGray = handTracker.get_cropped_image_from_points(imgray, cropPoints) kp = featureExtractor.get_keypoints(cropImageGray) cropCnt = handTracker.get_cropped_contour(cnt, cropPoints) kp = featureExtractor.get_keypoints_in_contour(kp, cropCnt) kp, des = featureExtractor.compute_descriptors(cropImageGray, kp) if des is not None and des.shape[0] >= 0: featureExtractor.draw_keypoints(cropImage, kp) des = np.float32(des) if des is not None and des.shape[0] >= 10 and is_hand(defects): voc, variance = kmeans(des, numWords, 30) words, distance = vq(des, voc) testData = np.zeros(numWords, "float32") for w in words: testData[w] += 1 normTestData = np.linalg.norm(testData, ord=2) * np.ones(numWords) testData = np.divide(testData, normTestData) states.append([testData, np.zeros(numWords), testData]) class_probabilities = clf.predict_proba(testData) print t print class_probabilities if max(class_probabilities) > 0.3: cv2.imshow("frames", cropImage) t = t + 1 else: handTracker.draw_on_image(frameCopy, cnt=False, hullColor=(0,0,255)) else: prediction = -1 cv2.imshow('testing', frameCopy) def no_hand(vc): firstFrame = None hand = False while True: ret, frame = frame = cv2.flip(frame, 1) text = "Unoccupied" hand = False frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=500) gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) gray = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (21, 21), 0) if firstFrame is None: firstFrame = gray continue frameDelta = cv2.absdiff(firstFrame, gray) thresh = cv2.threshold(frameDelta, 25, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1] # dilate the thresholded image to fill in holes, then find contours # on thresholded image thresh = cv2.dilate(thresh, None, iterations=2) (cnts, _) = cv2.findContours(thresh.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) # loop over the contours for c in cnts: # if the contour is too small, ignore it if cv2.contourArea(c) < 20000: continue # compute the bounding box for the contour, draw it on the frame, # and update the text (x, y, w, h) = cv2.boundingRect(c) cv2.rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0), 2) text = "Found hand" hand = True cv2.putText(frame, "Room Status: {}".format(text), (10, 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 0, 255), 2) cv2.imshow("Hand Search", frame) key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF if hand: break # if the `q` key is pressed, break from the lop if key == ord("q"): break if hand: learningFrames(vc) handTracker = None opts,args = cmd_parser() inputMode,inTrainDirs = process_opts(opts) vc = cv2.VideoCapture(0) try: #recognizer = Recognizer(vc=vc, opts=opts) #score = recognizer.train_from_video() #print "Training score = {0}".format(score) #outTrainDir = get_new_directory(opts.num, opts.type) # ret,frame1 = # ret,frame2 = # while True: # cv2.imshow('img1', frame1) # cv2.imshow('img2', frame2) # if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('y'): #save on pressing 'y' # #cv2.imwrite('images/c1.png',frame) # cv2.destroyAllWindows() # break r,f = handTracker = HandTracker(kernelSize=7, thresholdAngle=0.4, defectDistFromHull=30, parent=None, frame=f) no_hand(vc) vc.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() except: vc.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() import traceback traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
import numpy as np import cv2 from hand_tracker import HandTracker det = HandTracker('models/palm_detection_without_custom_op.tflite', 'models/hand_landmark_3d.tflite', 'data/anchors.csv', box_shift=-0.5, box_enlarge=2.6) in_bgr = cv2.imread('data/test_img1.jpg') in_rgb = in_bgr[:, :, ::-1] list_keypoints, list_bbox = det(in_rgb) out_img = np.copy(in_bgr) # point size ps = int(np.ceil(min(out_img.shape[0], out_img.shape[1]) / 256)) if list_keypoints is not None: for idx in range(len(list_keypoints)): keypoints = list_keypoints[idx] bbox = list_bbox[idx] for i in range(4): j = (i + 1) % 4 p0 = (int(bbox[i, 0] + 0.5), int(bbox[i, 1] + 0.5)) p1 = (int(bbox[j, 0] + 0.5), int(bbox[j, 1] + 0.5)) cv2.line(out_img, p0, p1, (0, 0, 255), ps) for i in range(keypoints.shape[0]): p = (int(keypoints[i, 0] + 0.5), int(keypoints[i, 1] + 0.5)), p, ps, (255, 0, 0), ps) cv2.imwrite('out.jpg', out_img)
class Trainer(object): def __init__(self, numGestures, numFramesPerGesture, minDescriptorsPerFrame, numWords, descType, kernel, numIter, parent): self.numGestures = numGestures self.numFramesPerGesture = numFramesPerGesture self.numWords = numWords self.minDescriptorsPerFrame = minDescriptorsPerFrame self.parent = parent self.desList = [] self.voc = None self.classifier = None self.windowName = "Training preview" self.handWindowName = "Cropped hand" self.binaryWindowName = "Binary frames" self.handTracker = HandTracker(kernelSize=7, thresholdAngle=0.4, defectDistFromHull=30, parent=self) self.featureExtractor = FeatureExtractor(type=descType, parent=self) self.kernel = kernel self.numIter = numIter self.numDefects = None self.firstFrameList = [] self.trainLabels = [] def extract_descriptors_from_images(self, gestureDirList, parentDirPath, trainMask, maskParentDirPath): #self.numFramesPerGestureList = [] for i, gestureDir in enumerate(gestureDirList): gestureDirPath = os.path.join(parentDirPath, gestureDir) imgList = [] for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk("%s" % (gestureDirPath), topdown=True, followlinks=True): for f in filenames: if f.endswith(".jpg"): imgList.append(os.path.join(dirpath, f)) if trainMask != 0: maskList = [] maskDirPath = os.path.join(maskParentDirPath, gestureDir) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk("%s" % (maskDirPath), topdown=True, followlinks=True): for f in filenames: if f.endswith(".bmp"): maskList.append(os.path.join(dirpath, f)) #self.numFramesPerGestureList.append(len(imgList)) gestureID = i + 1 for j, f in enumerate(imgList): cropImage = cv2.imread(f) cropImage = cv2.flip(cropImage, 1) cropImageGray = cv2.cvtColor(cropImage, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) kp = self.featureExtractor.get_keypoints(cropImageGray) if trainMask != 0: mask = cv2.imread(maskList[j]) mask = cv2.flip(mask, 1) mask = cv2.cvtColor(mask, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) if trainMask > 0: ret, binaryIm = cv2.threshold(mask, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) else: ret, binaryIm = cv2.threshold(mask, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV) binaryIm = cv2.dilate(binaryIm, self.handTracker.kernel, iterations=1) cnt, hull, centroid, defects = self.handTracker.get_contour( binaryIm, False) kp = self.featureExtractor.get_keypoints_in_contour( kp, cnt) else: kp = self.featureExtractor.get_keypoints(cropImageGray) kp, des = self.featureExtractor.compute_descriptors( cropImageGray, kp) #kp,des = self.featureExtractor.get_keypoints_and_descriptors(cropImageGray) if des is not None and des.shape[0] >= 0: self.featureExtractor.draw_keypoints(cropImage, kp) self.desList.append(des) self.trainLabels.append(gestureID) if j == 0: self.firstFrameList.append(cropImage) cv2.imshow(self.handWindowName, cropImage) k = cv2.waitKey(1) if k == 27: sys.exit(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() def extract_descriptors_from_video(self): vc = while (vc.isOpened()): ret, im = im = cv2.flip(im, 1) imhsv = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) self.handTracker.colorProfiler.draw_color_windows(im, imhsv) cv2.imshow(self.windowName, im) k = cv2.waitKey(1) if k == 32: # space break elif k == 27: sys.exit(0) binaryIm = self.handTracker.get_binary_image(imhsv) cnt, hull, centroid, defects = self.handTracker.initialize_contour( binaryIm) self.numDefects = np.zeros( (self.numGestures, self.numFramesPerGesture), "uint8") cv2.namedWindow(self.binaryWindowName) cv2.namedWindow(self.handWindowName) cv2.namedWindow(self.windowName) #self.numFramesPerGestureList = [self.numFramesPerGesture] * self.numGestures gestureID = 1 frameNum = 0 captureFlag = False while (vc.isOpened()): ret, im = im = cv2.flip(im, 1) imhsv = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) imgray = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) binaryIm = self.handTracker.get_binary_image(imhsv) cnt, hull, centroid, defects = self.handTracker.get_contour( binaryIm) imCopy = 1 * im if cnt is not None: cropImage, cropPoints = self.handTracker.get_cropped_image_from_cnt( im, cnt, 0.05) cropImageGray = self.handTracker.get_cropped_image_from_points( imgray, cropPoints) #cv2.fillPoly(binaryIm, cnt, 255) #cropImageBinary = self.handTracker.get_cropped_image_from_points(binaryIm, cropPoints) #cropImageGray = self.apply_binary_mask(cropImageGray, cropImageBinary, 5) #kp,des = self.featureExtractor.get_keypoints_and_descriptors(cropImageGray) kp = self.featureExtractor.get_keypoints(cropImageGray) cropCnt = self.handTracker.get_cropped_contour(cnt, cropPoints) kp = self.featureExtractor.get_keypoints_in_contour( kp, cropCnt) kp, des = self.featureExtractor.compute_descriptors( cropImageGray, kp) if des is not None and des.shape[0] >= 0: self.featureExtractor.draw_keypoints(cropImage, kp) #x = int(cropPoints[0]) #y = int(cropPoints[1]) #w = int(cropPoints[2]) #h = int(cropPoints[3]) #cv2.rectangle(imCopy,(x,y),(x+w,y+h),(0,255,0),2) if captureFlag: if frameNum == 0: self.firstFrameList.append(im) if des is not None and des.shape[ 0] >= self.minDescriptorsPerFrame and self.is_hand( defects): self.desList.append(des) self.trainLabels.append(gestureID) self.handTracker.draw_on_image(imCopy, cnt=False, hullColor=(0, 255, 0)) self.numDefects[gestureID - 1][frameNum] = defects.shape[0] frameNum += 1 else: self.handTracker.draw_on_image(imCopy, cnt=False, hullColor=(0, 0, 255)) if frameNum >= self.numFramesPerGesture: if gestureID >= self.numGestures: break else: captureFlag = False gestureID += 1 frameNum = 0 else: self.handTracker.draw_on_image(imCopy, cnt=False) cv2.imshow(self.handWindowName, cropImage) if not captureFlag: text = "Press <space> for new gesture {0}".format(gestureID) else: text = "Getting gesture {0}".format(gestureID) self.write_on_image(imCopy, text) cv2.imshow(self.binaryWindowName, binaryIm) cv2.imshow(self.windowName, imCopy) k = cv2.waitKey(1) if not captureFlag: #print "Press <space> for new gesture <{0}>!".format(gestureID) if k == 32: captureFlag = True continue if k == 27: sys.exit(0) elif k == 99: cv2.imwrite("TrainingImage.jpg", imCopy) cv2.imwrite("BinaryImage.jpg", binaryIm) cv2.imwrite("CroppedImage.jpg", cropImage) cv2.destroyAllWindows() def apply_binary_mask(self, image, mask, kernelSize): kernel = np.ones((kernelSize, kernelSize), np.uint8) dilatedMask = cv2.dilate(mask, kernel, iterations=1) maskedImage = cv2.bitwise_and(image, image, mask=dilatedMask) return maskedImage def kmeans(self): print "Running k-means clustering with {0} iterations...".format( self.numIter) descriptors = self.desList[0] for des in self.desList: descriptors = np.vstack((descriptors, des)) if descriptors.dtype != "float32": descriptors = np.float32(descriptors) self.voc, variance = kmeans(descriptors, self.numWords, self.numIter) return variance def bow(self): print "Extracting bag-of-words features for {0} visual words...".format( self.numWords) self.trainData = np.zeros((len(self.trainLabels), self.numWords), "float32") for i in range(len(self.trainLabels)): words, distance = vq(self.desList[i], self.voc) for w in words: self.trainData[i][w] += 1 normTrainData = np.linalg.norm(self.trainData, ord=2, axis=1) * np.ones((self.numWords, 1)) self.trainData = np.divide(self.trainData, normTrainData.T) def svm(self): print "Training SVM classifier with {0} kernel...".format(self.kernel) if self.kernel == "linear": clf = svm.LinearSVC() elif self.kernel == "hist": from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import additive_chi2_kernel clf = svm.SVC(kernel=additive_chi2_kernel, decision_function_shape='ovr') else: clf = svm.SVC(kernel=self.kernel, decision_function_shape='ovr', degree=2, gamma=2) valScore = self.leave_one_out_validate(clf), self.trainLabels) self.classifier = clf self.classifier.voc = self.voc # if self.numDefects is not None: # self.classifier.medianDefects = np.median(self.numDefects, axis=1) # else: # self.classifier.medianDefects = None return valScore def leave_one_out_validate(self, clf): fullTrainData = self.trainData fullTrainLabels = self.trainLabels accuracy = np.zeros(len(fullTrainLabels)) for i in range(len(fullTrainLabels)): testData = fullTrainData[i] testLabels = fullTrainLabels[i] trainData = np.append(fullTrainData[:i], fullTrainData[i + 1:], axis=0) trainLabels = np.append(fullTrainLabels[:i], fullTrainLabels[i + 1:]) #clf = svm.LinearSVC(), trainLabels) prediction = clf.predict(testData.reshape(1, -1)) #score = clf.decision_function(testData.reshape(1,-1)) if prediction != testLabels: accuracy[i] = 0 else: accuracy[i] = 1 return np.mean(accuracy) def predict(self, testData): prediction = self.classifier.predict(testData.reshape(1, -1)) score = self.classifier.decision_function(testData.reshape(1, -1)) return prediction[0], score[0] def is_hand(self, defects): if defects.shape[0] > 4: return False else: return True def write_on_image(self, image, text): cv2.putText(image, text, (self.parent.imWidth / 20, self.parent.imHeight / 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 255), 2)