def main(): if len(sys.argv) != 3: print("Usage: python fist2.xml (1 or 2)") return # Hand Detector is instatntiated with path to the cascade classifier hd = HandDetector(sys.argv[1]) # Read video from webcam camera = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # Looping over all the frames in the video while True: # Grabs the current frame (grabbed, frame) = # Resizing the frame and converting it to grayscale frame = resize(frame, width=300) gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # Detecting hands in the image and then cloning the frame so that we can draw on it handRects = hd.detect(gray, scaleFactor=1.1, minNeighbors=5, minSize=(30, 30)) frameClone = frame.copy() # Looping over the bounding boxes and drawing them for (fX, fY, fW, fH) in handRects: cv2.rectangle(frameClone, (fX, fY), (fX + fW, fY + fH), (0, 255, 0), 2) # Mapping mouse movement with hand tracking if sys.argv[2] == '1': pyautogui.moveTo(fX * 5, fY * 9, 0, pyautogui.easeInOutQuad) elif sys.argv[2] == '2': if fY > 80: pyautogui.scroll(-2) elif fY > 60 and fY < 80: pyautogui.scroll(-1) elif fY < 60 and fY > 40: pyautogui.scroll(0) elif fY < 40 and fY > 20: pyautogui.scroll(1) elif fY < 20: pyautogui.scroll(2) # Showing detected hands cv2.imshow("Hands", frameClone) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord("q"): break # cleanup the camera and close any open windows camera.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def detect(self, frame): """ Detect the hand :param frame: image frame :return: cropped image, transformation, center """ hd = HandDetector(frame, self.sync['config']['fx'], self.sync['config']['fy'], importer=self.importer, refineNet=self.comrefNet) doHS = (self.state.value == self.STATE_INIT) if self.tracking.value and not numpy.allclose(self.lastcom, 0): loc, handsz = hd.track(self.lastcom, self.sync['config']['cube'], doHandSize=doHS) else: loc, handsz = hd.detect(size=self.sync['config']['cube'], doHandSize=doHS) self.lastcom = loc if self.state.value == self.STATE_INIT: self.handsizes.append(handsz) if self.verbose is True: print numpy.median(numpy.asarray(self.handsizes), axis=0) else: self.handsizes = [] if self.state.value == self.STATE_INIT and len(self.handsizes) >= self.numinitframes: cfg = self.sync['config'] cfg['cube'] = tuple(numpy.median(numpy.asarray(self.handsizes), axis=0).astype('int')) self.sync.update(config=cfg) self.state.value = self.STATE_RUN self.handsizes = [] if numpy.allclose(loc, 0): return numpy.zeros(self.sync['config']['im_size'], dtype='float32'), numpy.eye(3), loc else: crop, M, com = hd.cropArea3D(com=loc, size=self.sync['config']['cube'],dsize=self.sync['config']['im_size']) com3D = self.importer.jointImgTo3D(com) sc = (self.sync['config']['cube'][2] / 2.) crop[crop == 0] = com3D[2] + sc crop.clip(com3D[2] - sc, com3D[2] + sc) crop -= com3D[2] crop /= sc return crop, M, com3D
def detect(self, frame): """ Detect the hand :param frame: image frame :return: cropped image, transformation, center """ hd = HandDetector(frame, self.config['fx'], self.config['fy'], importer=self.importer) doHS = (self.state == self.STATE_INIT) if self.tracking and not numpy.allclose(self.lastcom, 0): loc, handsz = hd.track(self.lastcom, self.config['cube'], doHandSize=doHS) else: loc, handsz = hd.detect(size=self.config['cube'], doHandSize=doHS) self.lastcom = loc if self.state == self.STATE_INIT: self.handsizes.append(handsz) print numpy.median(numpy.asarray(self.handsizes), axis=0) else: self.handsizes = [] if self.state == self.STATE_INIT and len(self.handsizes) >= self.numinitframes: self.config['cube'] = tuple(numpy.median(numpy.asarray(self.handsizes), axis=0).astype('int')) self.state = self.STATE_RUN self.handsizes = [] if numpy.allclose(loc, 0): return numpy.zeros((['depth'].data.shape[2],['depth'].data.shape[3]), dtype='float32'), numpy.eye(3), loc else: crop, M, com = hd.cropArea3D(loc, size=self.config['cube'], dsize=(['depth'].data.shape[2],['depth'].data.shape[3])) com3D = self.importer.jointImgTo3D(com) crop[crop == 0] = com3D[2] + (self.config['cube'][2] / 2.) crop[crop >= com3D[2] + (self.config['cube'][2] / 2.)] = com3D[2] + (self.config['cube'][2] / 2.) crop[crop <= com3D[2] - (self.config['cube'][2] / 2.)] = com3D[2] - (self.config['cube'][2] / 2.) crop -= com3D[2] crop /= (self.config['cube'][2] / 2.) return crop, M, com3D
def loadSequence(self, seqname, subseq = None, Nmax = float('inf'),docom = False,shuffle = False,rng = None): """"" load an image sequence from the dataset :param seqname: sequence name :param subseq: list of subsequence names :param Nmax: maximum number of samples to load :return: returns named image sequence """"" if(subseq is not None) and (not isinstance(subseq, list)): raise TypeError("Subseq must be None or list") config = {'cube': (250, 250, 250)} refineNet = None if subseq is None: pickleCache = '{}/{}_{}_None_{}_cache.pkl'.format(self.cacheDir,self.__class__.__name__,seqname,docom) else: pickleCache = '{}/{}_{}_{}_{}_cache.pkl'.format(self.cacheDir, self.__class__.__name__, seqname,''.join(subseq), docom) if self.useCache: if os.path.isfile(pickleCache): print('Loading cache data from {}'.format(pickleCache)) f = open(pickleCache,'rb') (seqname,data,config) = cPickle.load(f) f.close() #shuffle data if shuffle and rng is not None: print("shuffling") rng.shuffle(data) if not(np.isinf(Nmax)): return NamedImgSequence(seqname,data[0:Nmax],config) else: return NamedImgSequence(seqname,data,config) #check for multiple subsequences if subseq is not None: if len(subseq) > 1: missing = False for i in range(len(subseq)): if not os.path.isfile('{}/{}_{}_{}_{}_cache.pkl'.format(self.cacheDir, self.__class__.__name__, seqname, subseq[i], docom)): missing = True print("missing:{}".format(subseq[i])) break if not missing: #load first data pickleCache = '{}/{}_{}_{}_{}_cache.pkl'.format(self.cacheDir, self.__class__.__name__, seqname, subseq[0], docom) print("Loading cache data from {}".format(pickleCache)) f = open(pickleCache,'rb') (seqname,fullData,config) = cPickle.load(f) f.close() #load rest of data for i in range(1,len(subseq)): pickleCache = '{}/{}_{}_{}_{}_cache.pkl'.format(self.cacheDir, self.__class__.__name__, seqname, subseq[i], docom) print("Loading cache data from {}".format(pickleCache)) f = open(pickleCache, 'rb') (seqName, data, config) = cPickle.load(f) fullData.extend(data) f.close() #shuffle data if shuffle and rng is not None: print("shuffling") rng.shuffle(fullData) if not(np.isinf(Nmax)): return NamedImgSequence(seqname,fullData[0:Nmax],config) else: return NamedImgSequence(seqname,fullData,config) #load the dataset objdir = '{}/Training/Depth'.format(self.path) trainlabels = '{}/Training/{}.txt'.format(self.path,seqname) print('the trainlable is %s'%trainlabels) inputfile = open(trainlabels) txt = 'Loading {}'.format(seqname) pbar = pb.ProgressBar(maxval=len(inputfile.readlines()), widgets=[txt, pb.Percentage(), pb.Bar()]) pbar.start() data = [] i=0 for line in inputfile: part = line.split('/') print part[0] #check of subsequences and skip them if necessary subseqname = '' if subseq is not None: p = part[0].split('/') #handle original data (unrotated '0') separately if ('0' in subseq) and len(p[0])>6: pass elif not('0' in subseq) and len(p[0])>6: i+=1 continue elif (p[0] in subseq) and len(p[0])<=6: pass elif not(p[0] in subseq) and len(p[0])<=6: i+=1 continue if len(p[0])<=6: subseqname = p[0] else: subseqname = '0' dptFileName = '{}/{}'.format(objdir, part[0]) if not os.path.isfile(dptFileName): print("File {} dose not exist!".format(dptFileName)) i+=1 continue dpt = self.loadSequence(dptFileName) #joints in image coordinates gtorig = np.zeros((self.numJoints,3),np.float23) for joint in range(self.numJoints): for xyz in range(0,3): gtorig[joint,xyz] = part[joint*3+xyz+1] #normalized joints in 3D coordinates gt3Dorig = self.jointsImgTo3D(gtorig) #Detect hand hd = HandDetector(dpt, self.fx, self.fy, refineNet=None, importer=self) if not hd.checkImage(1): print("Skipping image {}, no content".format(dptFileName)) i+=1 continue try: dpt, M, com = hd.cropArea3D(gtorig[0],size = config['cube'],docom = True) except UserWarning: print("Skipping image {}, no hand detected".format(dptFileName)) continue com3D = self.jointImgTo3D(com) gt3Dcrop = gt3Dorig - com3D #normalize to com gtcrop = np.zeros((gtorig.shape[0],3),np.float32) for joint in range(gtorig.shape[0]): t = transformPoint2D(gtorig[joint],M) gtcrop[joint,0] = t[0] gtcrop[joint,1] = t[1] gtcrop[joint,2] = gtorig[joint,2] print("{}".format(gt3Dorig)) data.append(ICVLFrame(dpt.astype(np.float32),gtorig,gtcrop,M,gt3Dorig,gt3Dcrop,com3D,dptFileName,subseqname) ) pbar.update(i) i+=1 #early stop if len(data)>= Nmax: break inputfile.close() pbar.finish() print("Loaded {} samples.".format(len(data))) if self.useCache: print("Save chache data to {}".format(pickleCache)) f = open(pickleCache,'wb') cPickle.dump((subseqname,data,config),f,protocal = cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) f.close() #shuffle data if shuffle and rng is not None: print("Shuffling") rng.shuffle(data) return NamedImgSequence(seqname,data,config)
def loadSequence(self,seqName, Nmax = float('inf'),shuffle = False, rng = None, docom = False,allJoints=False): config = {'cube':(300,300,300)} config['cube'] = [s*self.scales[seqName] for s in config['cube']] if Nmax is float('inf'): pickleCache = '{}/{}_{}_{}_cache.pkl'.format(self.cacheDir, self.__class__.__name__, seqName,allJoints) else: pickleCache = '{}/{}_{}_{}_cache_{}.pkl'.format(self.cacheDir, self.__class__.__name__, seqName, allJoints,Nmax) if self.useCache: if os.path.isfile(pickleCache): print("Loading cache data from {}".format(pickleCache)) f = open(pickleCache,'rb') (seqName,data,config) = cPickle.load(f) f.close() #shuffle data if shuffle and rng is not None: print("shuffling") rng.shuffle(data) if not(np.isinf(Nmax)): return NamedImgSequence(seqName,data[0:Nmax],config) else: return NamedImgSequence(seqName,data,config) #load the dataset objdir = '{}/{}/'.format(self.path,seqName) trainlabels = '{}/{}/joint_data.mat'.format(self.path,seqName) mat = names = mat['joint_names'][0] joints3D = mat['joint_xyz'][0] joints2D = mat['joint_uvd'][0] if allJoints: eval_idxs = np.arange(36) else: eval_idxs = self.restrictedJoints self.numJoints = len(eval_idxs) txt= 'Loading {}'.format(seqName) pbar = pb.ProgressBar(maxval=joints3D.shape[0],widgets=[txt,pb.Percentage(),pb.Bar()]) pbar.start() data = [] i=0 for line in range(joints3D.shape[0]): dptFileName = '{0:s}/depth_1_{1:07d}.png'.format(objdir,line+1) if not os.path.isfile(dptFileName): print("File {} does not exist!").format(dptFileName) i += 1 continue dpt = self.loadDepthMap(dptFileName) #joints in image coordinates gtorig = np.zeros((self.numJoints,3),np.float32) jt = 0 for ii in range(joints2D.shape[1]): if ii not in eval_idxs: continue gtorig[jt,0] = joints2D[line,ii,0] gtorig[jt,1] = joints2D[line,ii,1] gtorig[jt,2] = joints2D[line,ii,2] jt +=1 #normalized joints in 3d coordinates gt3Dorig = np.zeros((self.numJoints,3),np.float32) jt = 0 for jj in range(joints3D.shape[1]): if jj not in eval_idxs: continue gt3Dorig[jt,0] = joints3D[line,jj,0] gt3Dorig[jt,1] = joints3D[line,jj,1] gt3Dorig[jt,2] = joints3D[line,jj,2] # #check if joint2D can be translated to joint3d by jointsImgto3D # print gtorig[jj] # gttrans = self.jointImgTo3D(gtorig[jj]) # print(gttrans) # print(gt3Dorig[jj]) jt +=1 # # joints3D can be translated to joints2D by joint3DToImg # if jj is 0: # print gt3Dorig[jj] # gttrans = self.joint3DToImg(gt3Dorig[jj]) # print gttrans # print gtorig[jj] #print gt3Dorig #showAnnotatedDepth(ICVLFrame(dpt, gtorig, gtorig, 0, gt3Dorig, gt3Dorig, 0, dptFileName, '')) # Detect hand hd = HandDetector(dpt, self.fx, self.fy, importer = self) if not hd.checkImage(1): print("Skipping image {}, no content".format(dptFileName)) i += 1 continue try: if allJoints: #dpt, M, com = hd.cropArea3D(gtorig[34],size = config['cube'], docom = True) dpt, M, com = hd.cropArea3D(gtorig[34], size=config['cube']) #print("gtorig 34 is {}".format(gtorig[34])) #print("com is {}".format(com)) else: dpt, M, com = hd.cropArea3D(gtorig[13], size=config['cube']) except UserWarning: print ("Skipping image {}, no hand detected".format(dptFileName)) continue com3D = self.jointImgTo3D(com) #print("gt3Dorig 34 is{}".format(gt3Dorig[34])) #print("com3D is {}".format(com3D)) gt3Dcrop = gt3Dorig - com3D #normalize to com #print gt3Dcrop gtcrop = np.zeros((gtorig.shape[0],3),np.float32) for joint in range(gtorig.shape[0]): t = transformPoint2D(gtorig[joint],M) gtcrop[joint,0] = t[0] gtcrop[joint,1] = t[1] gtcrop[joint,2] = gtorig[joint,2] # transform gt3Dcrop[i] to gtcrop[i] # print gt3Dcrop[0] # gtcrop_test=trans3DToImg(gt3Dcrop[0], com3D,M) # print gtcrop_test # print gtcrop[0] #print("shape {}".format(gt3Dorig.shape)) #showAnnotatedDepth(ICVLFrame(dpt,gtorig,gtcrop,M,gt3Dorig,gt3Dcrop,com3D,dptFileName,'')) #gtcrop_test = trans3DsToImg(gt3Dcrop,com3D,M) #showImageLable(dpt,gtcrop_test) data.append(ICVLFrame(dpt.astype(np.float32),gtorig,gtcrop,M,gt3Dorig,gt3Dcrop,com3D,dptFileName,'') ) pbar.update(i) i+=1 #early stop if len(data)>=Nmax: break pbar.finish() print("loaded {} samples.".format(len(data))) if self.useCache: print("Save cache data to {}".format(pickleCache)) f = open(pickleCache,'wb') cPickle.dump((seqName,data,config), f, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) f.close() #shuffle data if shuffle and rng is not None: print("shuffling") rng.shuffle(data) return NamedImgSequence(seqName,data,config)
def loadAugSequence(self,seqName, Nmax = float('inf'),shuffle = False, rng = None, docom = False,allJoints=False, num_aug=16): config = {'cube':(300,300,300)} config['cube'] = [s*self.scales[seqName] for s in config['cube']] if Nmax is float('inf'): pickleCache = '{}/{}_{}_{}_cache.pkl'.format(self.cacheDir, self.__class__.__name__, seqName,allJoints) else: pickleCache = '{}/{}_{}_{}_cache_{}.pkl'.format(self.cacheDir, self.__class__.__name__, seqName, allJoints,Nmax) print(pickleCache) if self.useCache: if os.path.isfile(pickleCache): print("Loading cache data from {}".format(pickleCache)) f = open(pickleCache,'rb') (seqName,data,config) = cPickle.load(f) f.close() #shuffle data if shuffle and rng is not None: print("shuffling") rng.shuffle(data) if not(np.isinf(Nmax)): return NamedImgSequence(seqName,data[0:Nmax],config) else: return NamedImgSequence(seqName,data,config) ''' LOAD THE DATA SET! objdir -> data location trainlabels -> mat contatining the groundtruth labels (joint names, XYZ, UVD) ''' objdir = '{}/{}/'.format(self.path,seqName) trainlabels = '{}/{}/joint_data.mat'.format(self.path,seqName) mat = names = mat['joint_names'][0] joints3D = mat['joint_xyz'][0] joints2D = mat['joint_uvd'][0] ''' Pick the subset of joints to be used for evaluation. In the case of NYU, we have a 14 joint subset that needs to be evaluated ''' if allJoints: eval_idxs = np.arange(36) else: eval_idxs = self.restrictedJoints self.numJoints = len(eval_idxs) ''' Display a status bar to denote progress ''' txt= 'Loading {}'.format(seqName) pbar = pb.ProgressBar(maxval=joints3D.shape[0],widgets=[txt,pb.Percentage(),pb.Bar()]) pbar.start() data = [] i=0 ''' Loop through every image ''' for line in range(joints3D.shape[0]): # depth image name dptFileName = '{0:s}/depth_1_{1:07d}.png'.format(objdir,line+1) # image does not exist if not os.path.isfile(dptFileName): print("File {} does not exist!").format(dptFileName) i += 1 continue dpt = self.loadDepthMap(dptFileName) #joints in image coordinates gtorig = np.zeros((self.numJoints,3),np.float32) jt = 0 for ii in range(joints2D.shape[1]): if ii not in eval_idxs: continue gtorig[jt,0] = joints2D[line,ii,0] gtorig[jt,1] = joints2D[line,ii,1] gtorig[jt,2] = joints2D[line,ii,2] jt +=1 #gtorig2 = joints2D[line,eval_idxs,:] #print(gtorig) #print("New",joints2D[line,eval_idxs,:]) #normalized joints in 3d coordinates gt3Dorig = np.zeros((self.numJoints,3),np.float32) jt = 0 for jj in range(joints3D.shape[1]): if jj not in eval_idxs: continue gt3Dorig[jt,0] = joints3D[line,jj,0] gt3Dorig[jt,1] = joints3D[line,jj,1] gt3Dorig[jt,2] = joints3D[line,jj,2] # #check if joint2D can be translated to joint3d by jointsImgto3D # print gtorig[jj] # gttrans = self.jointImgTo3D(gtorig[jj]) # print(gttrans) # print(gt3Dorig[jj]) jt +=1 # # joints3D can be translated to joints2D by joint3DToImg # if jj is 0: # print gt3Dorig[jj] # gttrans = self.joint3DToImg(gt3Dorig[jj]) # print gttrans # print gtorig[jj] #print(gt3Dorig) #showAnnotatedDepth(ICVLFrame(dpt, gtorig, gtorig, 0, gt3Dorig, gt3Dorig, 0, dptFileName, '')) dpt_orig=dpt ''' The augmentation process starts here! (320,240,d) on the image plane corresponds to (0,0,d) in the real world coordinate system ''' # Detect hand hd = HandDetector(dpt, self.fx, self.fy, importer = self) if not hd.checkImage(1): print("Skipping image {}, no content".format(dptFileName)) i += 1 continue if allJoints: hand_com = gtorig[34] else: hand_com = gtorig[13] try: ''' Must pick the root joint based on the system used. gtorig[-1] should work? ''' if allJoints: #dpt, M, com = hd.cropArea3D(gtorig[34],size = config['cube'], docom = True) dpt, M, com = hd.cropArea3D(gtorig[34], size=config['cube']) #print("gtorig 34 is {}".format(gtorig[34])) #print("com is {}".format(com)) else: dpt, M, com = hd.cropArea3D(gtorig[13], size=config['cube']) except UserWarning: print ("Skipping image {}, no hand detected".format(dptFileName)) continue com3D = self.jointImgTo3D(com) #print("gt3Dorig 34 is{}".format(gt3Dorig[34])) #print("com3D is {}".format(com3D)) ''' Normalize to com ''' gt3Dcrop = gt3Dorig - com3D #normalize to com #print gt3Dcrop gtcrop = np.zeros((gtorig.shape[0],3),np.float32) for joint in range(gtorig.shape[0]): t = transformPoint2D(gtorig[joint],M) gtcrop[joint,0] = t[0] gtcrop[joint,1] = t[1] gtcrop[joint,2] = gtorig[joint,2] # transform gt3Dcrop[i] to gtcrop[i] # print gt3Dcrop[0] # gtcrop_test=trans3DToImg(gt3Dcrop[0], com3D,M) # print gtcrop_test # print gtcrop[0] #print("shape {}".format(gt3Dorig.shape)) #showAnnotatedDepth(ICVLFrame(dpt,gtorig,gtcrop,M,gt3Dorig,gt3Dcrop,com3D,dptFileName,'')) #gtcrop_test = trans3DsToImg(gt3Dcrop,com3D,M) #showImageLable(dpt,gtcrop_test) ''' Performing the augmentations ''' for aug in range(num_aug): img, gt3DAug, com3dAug, cubeAug, M_aug = self.augmentCrop(dpt, gt3Dorig, com, hd, config['cube'],M) gt3DAugCorrected = gt3DAug-com3D.transpose() jnts = trans3DsToImg(gt3DAugCorrected, com3D, M) #showAnnotatedDepth(ICVLFrame(img, gtorig, jnts, M, gt3Dorig, gt3DAug, com3dAug, dptFileName, '')) data.append(ICVLFrame(img.astype(np.float32),gtorig,jnts,M,gt3Dorig,gt3DAugCorrected,com3D,dptFileName,'')) pbar.update(i) i+=1 #early stop if len(data)>=Nmax: break pbar.finish() print("loaded {} samples.".format(len(data))) if self.useCache: print("Save cache data to {}".format(pickleCache)) f = open(pickleCache,'wb') cPickle.dump((seqName,data,config), f, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) f.close() #shuffle data if shuffle and rng is not None: print("shuffling") rng.shuffle(data) return NamedImgSequence(seqName,data,config)