Пример #1
def hapiplot(*args, **kwargs):
    """Plot response from HAPI server.


            data, meta = hapiplot(server, dataset, params, start, stop, **kwargs)
            meta = hapiplot(data, meta, **kwargs)
        where data and meta are return values from `hapi()`.

        All parameters are plotted. If a parameter has a bins attribute,
        it is plotted using `heatmap()`. Otherwise, it is plotted using

        `data` is the same as that returned from `hapi()`.
        `meta` is the same as that returned from `hapi()` with the additon of

        meta['parameters'][i]['hapiplot']['figure'] is a reference to the
            figure (e.g., plt.gcf()). Usage example:

            >>> fig = meta['parameters'][i]['hapiplot']['figure']
            >>> fig.set_facecolor('blue')
            >>> fig.axes[0].set_ylabel('new y-label')
            >>> fig.axes[0].set_title('new title\\nsubtitle\\nsubtitle')
            >>> fig.tight_layout()

        meta['parameters'][i]['hapiplot']['colorbar'] is a reference to the
            colorbar on the figure (if parameter plotted as a heatmap)

        meta['parameters'][i]['hapiplot']['image'] is PNG, PDF, or SVG data
            and is included only if `returnimage=True`. Usage example:

            >>> img = meta['parameters'][i]['hapiplot']['image']
            >>> Image.open(io.BytesIO(img)).show()
            >>> # or
            >>> f = open('/tmp/a.png', 'wb')
            >>> f.write(img)
            >>> f.close()

    See Also
        hapi: Get data from a HAPI server
        timeseries: Used by `hapiplot()` to HAPI parameters with no `bins`
        heatmap: Used by `hapiplot()` to HAPI parameters with `bins`


        * logging: [False] Display console messages
        * usecache: [True] Use cached data
        * tsopts: {} kwargs for the `timeseries()` function
        * hmopts: {} kwargs for the `heatmap()` function

    Other kwargs
        * returnimage: [False] If True, `hapiplot()` returns binary image data
        * returnformat: [png], svg, or pdf
        * cachedir: Directory to store images. Default is hapiclient.hapi.cachedir()
        * useimagecache: [True] Used cached image (when returnimage=True)
        * saveimage: [False] Save image to `cachedir`
        * saveformat: [png], svg, or pdf

        >>> server  = 'http://hapi-server.org/servers/TestData/hapi'
        >>> dataset = 'dataset1'
        >>> start   = '1970-01-01T00:00:00'
        >>> stop    = '1970-01-02T00:00:00'
        >>> params  = 'scalar,vector'
        >>> opts    = {'logging': True}
        >>> from hapiclient import hapiplot
        >>> hapiplot(server, dataset, params, start, stop, **opts)
        >>> # or
        >>> from hapiclient import hapi, hapiplot
        >>> data, meta = hapi(server, dataset, params, start, stop, **opts)
        >>> hapiplot(data, meta, **opts)


    if len(args) == 5:
        # For consistency with gallery and autoplot functions, allow useage of
        # hapiplot(server, dataset, parameters, start, stop, **kwargs)
        from hapiclient.hapi import hapiopts
        from hapiclient.hapi import hapi
        kwargs_allowed = hapiopts()
        kwargs_reduced = {}
        # Extract hapi() options from kwargs
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            if key in kwargs_allowed:
                kwargs_reduced[key] = value
        data, meta = hapi(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4],
        meta = hapiplot(data, meta, **kwargs)
        return data, meta
        data = args[0]
        meta = args[1]

    # Default options
    opts = {
        'logging': False,
        'saveimage': False,
        'returnimage': False,
        'usecache': True,
        'useimagecache': True,
        'cachedir': cachedir(),
        'backend': 'default',
        'style': 'fast',
        'title': '',
        'ztitle': '',
        'xlabel': '',
        'ylabel': '',
        'zlabel': '',
        'logx': False,
        'logy': False,
        'logz': False,
        'tsopts': {},
        'hmopts': {},
        'backend': 'default',
        'rcParams': {
            'savefig.dpi': 144,
            'savefig.format': 'png',
            'savefig.bbox': 'tight',
            'savefig.transparent': False,
            'figure.max_open_warning': 50,
            'figure.figsize': (7, 3),
            'figure.dpi': 144,
            'axes.titlesize': 10,
            "font.family": "serif",
            "font.serif": rcParams['font.serif'],
            "font.weight": "normal"
        '_rcParams': {
            'figure.bbox': 'standard'

    # Override defaults
    opts = setopts(opts, kwargs)

    from hapiclient import __version__
    log('Running hapi.py version %s' % __version__, opts)

    # _rcParams are not actually rcParams:
    #'figure.bbox': 'standard',
    # Set to 'tight' to have fig.tight_layout() called before figure shown.

    if opts["saveimage"]:
        # Create cache directory
        dir = cachedir(opts['cachedir'], meta['x_server'])
        if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir)

    # Convert from NumPy array of byte literals to NumPy array of
    # datetime objects.
    timename = meta['parameters'][0]['name']
    Time = hapitime2datetime(data[timename])

    if len(meta["parameters"]) == 1:
        a = 0  # Time is only parameter
        a = 1  # Time plus another parameter

    for i in range(a, len(meta["parameters"])):

        meta["parameters"][i]['hapiplot'] = {}

        name = meta["parameters"][i]["name"]

        # Return cached image (case where we are returning binary image data)
        # imagepath() options. Only need filename under these conditions.
        if opts['saveimage'] or (opts['returnimage']
                                 and opts['useimagecache']):
            # Will use given rc style parameters and style name to generate file name.
            # Assumes rc parameters of style and hapiplot defaults never change.
            styleParams = {}
            fmt = opts['rcParams']['savefig.format']
            if 'rcParams' in kwargs:
                styleParams = kwargs['rcParams']
                if 'savefig.format' in kwargs['rcParams']:

            fnameimg = imagepath(meta, i, opts['cachedir'], styleParams, fmt)

        if opts['useimagecache'] and opts['returnimage'] and os.path.isfile(
            log('Returning cached binary image data in ' + fnameimg, opts)

            meta["parameters"][i]['hapiplot']['imagefile'] = fnameimg
            with open(fnameimg, "rb") as f:
                meta["parameters"][i]['hapiplot']['image'] = f.read()

        name = meta["parameters"][i]["name"]
        log("Plotting parameter '%s'" % name, opts)

        if len(data[name].shape) > 3:
            # TODO: Implement more than 2 dimensions?
                'Parameter ' + name +
                ' has size with more than 2 dimensions. Plotting first two only.'

        # If parameter has a size with two elements, e.g., [N1, N2]
        # create N2 plots.
        if len(data[name].shape) == 3:  # shape = (Time, N1, N2)

            nplts = data[name].shape[1]
            if opts['returnimage']:
                    'Only returning first image for parameter with size[1] > 1.'
                nplts = 1
            for j in range(nplts):
                timename = meta['parameters'][0]['name']

                # Name to indicate what is plotted
                name_new = name + "[:," + str(j) + "]"
                # Reduced data ND Array
                datar = np.ndarray(shape=(data[name].shape[0]),
                                   dtype=[(timename, data.dtype[timename]),
                                          (name_new, data[name].dtype.str,

                datar[timename] = data[timename]
                datar[name_new] = data[name][:, j]
                # Copy metadata to create a reduced metadata object
                metar = meta.copy()  # Shallow copy
                metar["parameters"] = []
                # Create parameters array with elements of Time parameter ...
                # .... and this parameter
                # Give new name to indicate it is a subset of full parameter
                metar["parameters"][1]['name'] = name_new
                metar["parameters"][1]['name_orig'] = name
                # New size is N1
                metar["parameters"][1]['size'] = [

                if 'units' in metar["parameters"][1]:
                    if type(meta["parameters"][i]['units']
                            ) == str or meta["parameters"][i]['units'] == None:
                        # Same units applies to all dimensions
                        metar["parameters"][1]["units"] = meta["parameters"][
                        metar["parameters"][1]["units"] = meta["parameters"][

                if 'label' in metar["parameters"][1]:
                    if type(meta["parameters"][i]['label']) == str:
                        # Same label applies to all dimensions
                        metar["parameters"][1]["label"] = meta["parameters"][
                        metar["parameters"][1]["label"] = meta["parameters"][

                # Extract bins corresponding to jth column of data[name]
                if 'bins' in metar["parameters"][1]:
                    metar["parameters"][1]['bins'] = []

                # rcParams is modified by setopts to have all rcParams.
                # reset to original passed rcParams so that imagepath
                # computes file name based on rcParams passed to hapiplot.
                if 'rcParams' in kwargs:
                    opts['rcParams'] = kwargs['rcParams']

                metar = hapiplot(datar, metar, **opts)
                meta["parameters"][i]['hapiplot'] = metar["parameters"][i][
            return meta

        if 'name_orig' in meta["parameters"][i]:
            title = meta["x_server"] + "\n" + meta["x_dataset"] + " | " + meta[
            title = meta["x_server"] + "\n" + meta["x_dataset"] + " | " + name

        as_heatmap = False
        if 'size' in meta['parameters'][
                i] and meta['parameters'][i]['size'][0] > 10:
            as_heatmap = True

        if 'bins' in meta['parameters'][i]:
            as_heatmap = True

        if 'units' in meta["parameters"][i] and type(
                meta["parameters"][i]["units"]) == list:
            if as_heatmap:
                    "Not plotting %s as heatmap because components have different units."
                    % meta["parameters"][i]["name"])
            as_heatmap = False

        if as_heatmap:
            # Plot as heatmap

            hmopts = {
                'returnimage': opts['returnimage'],
                'transparent': opts['rcParams']['savefig.transparent']

            if meta["parameters"][i]["type"] == "string":
                    "Plots for only types double, integer, and isotime implemented. Not plotting %s."
                    % meta["parameters"][i]["name"])

            z = np.asarray(data[name])

            if 'fill' in meta["parameters"][i] and meta["parameters"][i][
                if meta["parameters"][i]["type"] == 'integer':
                    z = z.astype('<f8', copy=False)
                z = fill2nan(z, meta["parameters"][i]['fill'])

            if 'bins' in meta['parameters'][i]:
                ylabel = meta["parameters"][i]['bins'][0]["name"] + " [" + meta[
                    "parameters"][i]['bins'][0]["units"] + "]"
                ylabel = "col %d" % i

            units = meta["parameters"][i]["units"]
            nl = ""
            if len(name) + len(units) > 30:
                nl = "\n"

            zlabel = name + nl + " [" + units + "]"

            if 'bins' in meta['parameters'][i]:
                if 'ranges' in meta["parameters"][i]['bins'][0]:
                    bins = np.array(meta["parameters"][i]['bins'][0]["ranges"])
                    bins = np.array(
                bins = np.arange(meta['parameters'][i]['size'][0])

            dt = np.diff(Time)
            dtu = np.unique(dt)
            if len(dtu) > 1:
                #warning('Time values are not uniformly spaced. Bin width for '
                #        'time will be based on time separation of consecutive time values.')
                if False and 'cadence' in meta:

                    # Cadence != time bin width in general, so don't do this.
                    # See https://github.com/hapi-server/data-specification/issues/75
                    # Kept for future reference when Parameter.bin.window or
                    # Parameter.bin.windowWidth is added to spec.
                    import isodate
                    dt = isodate.parse_duration(meta['cadence'])
                    if 'timeStampLocation' in meta:
                        if meta['timeStampLocation'].lower() == "begin":
                            Time = np.vstack((Time, Time + dt))
                        if meta['timeStampLocation'].lower() == "end":
                            Time = np.vstack((Time - dt, Time))
                        if meta['timeStampLocation'].lower() == "center":
                            Time = np.vstack((Time - dt / 2, Time + dt / 2))
                        # Default is center
                        Time = np.vstack((Time - dt / 2, Time + dt / 2))

                    Time = np.transpose(Time)
            elif 'timeStampLocation' in meta:
                if meta['timeStampLocation'].lower() == "begin":
                    Time = np.append(Time, Time[-1] + dtu[0])
                if meta['timeStampLocation'].lower() == "end":
                    Time = Time - dtu[0]
                    Time = np.append(Time, Time[-1] + dtu[0])

            if opts['xlabel'] != '' and 'xlabel' not in opts['hmopts']:
                hmopts['xlabel'] = opts['xlabel']

            opts['hmopts']['ylabel'] = ylabel
            if opts['ylabel'] != '' and 'ylabel' not in opts['hmopts']:
                hmopts['ylabel'] = opts['ylabel']

            opts['hmopts']['title'] = title
            if opts['title'] != '' and 'title' not in opts['hmopts']:
                hmopts['title'] = opts['title']

            opts['hmopts']['zlabel'] = zlabel
            if opts['zlabel'] != '' and 'zlabel' not in opts['hmopts']:
                hmopts['zlabel'] = opts['zlabel']

            if False:
                opts['hmopts']['ztitle'] = ztitle
                if opts['ztitle'] != '' and 'ztitle' not in opts['hmopts']:
                    hmopts['ztitle'] = opts['ztitle']

            if opts['logx'] is not False:
                hmopts['logx'] = True
            if opts['logy'] is not False:
                hmopts['logy'] = True
            if opts['logz'] is not False:
                hmopts['logz'] = True

            for key, value in opts['hmopts'].items():
                hmopts[key] = value

            with rc_context(rc=opts['rcParams']):
                fig, cb = heatmap(Time, bins, np.transpose(z), **hmopts)

            meta["parameters"][i]['hapiplot']['figure'] = fig
            meta["parameters"][i]['hapiplot']['colorbar'] = cb


            tsopts = {
                'logging': opts['logging'],
                'returnimage': opts['returnimage'],
                'transparent': opts['rcParams']['savefig.transparent']

            ptype = meta["parameters"][i]["type"]
            if ptype == "isotime":
                y = hapitime2datetime(data[name])
            elif ptype == 'string':
                y = data[name].astype('U')
                y = np.asarray(data[name])

            if 'fill' in meta["parameters"][i] and meta["parameters"][i][
                if ptype == 'isotime' or ptype == 'string':
                    Igood = y != meta["parameters"][i]['fill']
                    # Note that json reader returns fill to U not b.
                    Nremoved = data[name].size - Igood.size
                    if Nremoved > 0:
                        # TODO: Implement masking so connected line plots will
                        # show gaps as they do for NaN values.
                        warning('Parameter ' + name + ' is of type ' + ptype +
                                ' and has ' + str(Nremoved) +
                                ' fill value(s). Masking is not implemented, '
                                'so removing fill elements before plotting.')
                        Time = Time[Igood]
                        y = y[Igood]
                if ptype == 'integer':
                    y = y.astype('<f8', copy=False)
                if ptype == 'integer' or ptype == 'double':
                    y = fill2nan(y, meta["parameters"][i]['fill'])

            units = None
            if 'units' in meta["parameters"][i] and meta["parameters"][i][
                units = meta["parameters"][i]["units"]

            nl = ""
            if type(units) == str:
                if len(name) + len(units) > 30:
                    nl = "\n"  # TODO: Automatically figure out when this is needed.

            ylabel = name
            if units is not None and type(units) is not list:
                ylabel = name + nl + " [" + units + "]"

            if type(units) == list:
                ylabel = name

            if not 'legendlabels' in opts['tsopts']:
                legendlabels = []
                if 'size' in meta['parameters'][i]:
                    for l in range(0, meta['parameters'][i]['size'][0]):
                        bin_label = ''
                        bin_name = ''
                        col_name = ''
                        if 'bins' in meta['parameters'][i]:
                            bin_name = meta['parameters'][i]['bins'][0]['name']
                            if 'label' in meta['parameters'][i]['bins'][0]:
                                if type(meta['parameters'][i]['bins'][0]
                                        ['label']) == str:
                                    bin_name = meta['parameters'][i]['bins'][
                                    bin_name = meta['parameters'][i]['bins'][
                            sep = ''
                            if 'centers' in meta['parameters'][i]['bins'][
                                    0] and 'ranges' in meta['parameters'][i][
                                bin_name = bin_name + ' bin with'
                                sep = ';'

                            bin_label = ''

                            if 'units' in meta['parameters'][i]['bins'][0]:
                                bin_units = meta['parameters'][i]['bins'][0][
                                if type(bin_units) == list:
                                    if type(bin_units[l]) == str:
                                        bin_units = ' [' + bin_units[l] + ']'
                                    elif bin_units[l] == None:
                                        bin_units = ' []'
                                        bin_units = ''
                                    if type(bin_units) == str:
                                        bin_units = ' [' + bin_units + ']'
                                        bin_units = ''
                            if 'centers' in meta['parameters'][i]['bins'][0]:
                                if meta['parameters'][i]['bins'][0]['centers'][
                                        l] is not None:
                                    bin_label = bin_label + ' center = ' + str(
                                        ['centers'][l]) + bin_units
                                    bin_label = bin_label + ' center = None'

                            if 'ranges' in meta['parameters'][i]['bins'][0]:
                                if type(meta['parameters'][i]['bins'][0]
                                        ['ranges'][l]) == list:
                                    bin_label = bin_label + sep + ' range = [' + str(
                                        ['ranges'][l][0]) + ', ' + str(
                                            ['ranges'][l][1]) + ']' + bin_units
                                    bin_label = bin_label + sep + ' range = [None]'

                            if bin_label != '':
                                bin_label = 'bin:' + bin_label
                                col_name = bin_name + '#%d' % l

                        if col_name == '':
                            col_name = 'col #%d' % l

                        if 'label' in meta['parameters'][i]:
                            if type(meta['parameters'][i]['label']) == list:
                                col_name = meta['parameters'][i]['label'][l]

                        if type(units) == list:
                            if len(units) == 1:
                                legendlabels.append(col_name + ' [' +
                                                    units[0] + '] ' +
                            elif type(units[l]) == str:
                                legendlabels.append(col_name + ' [' +
                                                    units[l] + '] ' +
                            elif units[l] == None:
                                legendlabels.append(col_name + ' [] ' +
                                legendlabels.append(col_name + ' ' + bin_label)
                            # Units are on y label
                            legendlabels.append(col_name + ' ' + bin_label)
                    tsopts['legendlabels'] = legendlabels

            # If xlabel in opts and opts['tsopts'], warn?
            if opts['xlabel'] != '' and 'xlabel' not in opts['tsopts']:
                tsopts['xlabel'] = opts['xlabel']

            tsopts['ylabel'] = ylabel
            if opts['ylabel'] != '' and 'ylabel' not in opts['tsopts']:
                tsopts['ylabel'] = opts['ylabel']

            tsopts['title'] = title
            if opts['title'] != '' and 'title' not in opts['tsopts']:
                tsopts['title'] = opts['title']

            if opts['logx'] is not False and 'logx' not in opts['tsopts']:
                tsopts['logx'] = True
            if opts['logy'] is not False and 'logy' not in opts['tsopts']:
                tsopts['logy'] = True

            # Apply tsopts
            for key, value in opts['tsopts'].items():
                tsopts[key] = value

            with rc_context(rc=opts['rcParams']):
                fig = timeseries(Time, y, **tsopts)

            meta["parameters"][i]['hapiplot']['figure'] = fig

        if opts['saveimage']:
            log('Writing %s' % fnameimg, opts)
            meta["parameters"][i]['hapiplot']['imagefile'] = fnameimg
            from io import BytesIO
            fnameimg = BytesIO()

        if opts['returnimage']:
            with rc_context(rc=opts['rcParams']):

            if opts['saveimage']:
                with open(fnameimg, mode='rb') as f:
                    meta["parameters"][i]['hapiplot']['image'] = f.read()
                meta["parameters"][i]['hapiplot']['image'] = fnameimg.getvalue(
            with rc_context(rc=opts['rcParams']):

            # Two calls to fig.tight_layout() may be needed b/c of bug in PyQt:
            # https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/issues/10361
            if opts['_rcParams']['figure.bbox'] == 'tight':

    return meta
Пример #2
def autoplot(server, dataset, parameters, start, stop, **kwargs):
    """Plot data from a HAPI server using Autoplot.
    If not found, autoplot.jar is downloaded an launched. If found, 
    autoplot.jar is updated if server version is newer than cached version.
    >>> from hapiclient import autoplot
    >>> server = 'http://hapi-server.org/servers/TestData2.0/hapi'
    >>> autoplot(server, 'dataset1', 'scalar,vector', '1970-01-01', '1970-01-02')
    Autoplot application launches or its canvas is updated.
    The options are the same as that for `hapiplot` with the addition of
    the kwargs
    stack : bool [False] Create a stack plot of parameters.

    port : int [8079]
        The port number to use to connect to Autoplot.

    version : string ['devel']
        The version of Autoplot to use. Can be a version string, e.g.,
        'v2018a_11', 'devel', 'latest', or 'nightly'. See 
        <http://autoplot.org/developer#Development_Versions> for a
        description of the difference between versions.


    import os
    import re
    import platform
    import subprocess

    from hapiclient.util import setopts, log, urlopen, urlretrieve, urlquote
    from hapiclient.hapi import cachedir

    opts = {
        'logging': False,
        'cache': True,
        'cachedir': cachedir(),
        'usecache': False,
        'newwindow': False,
        'version': 'devel',
        'port': 8079

    # Override defaults
    opts = setopts(opts, kwargs)

    autoplotserver = "http://localhost:" + str(opts['port']) + "/"

    url = server + "?id=" + dataset + "&parameters=" + parameters
    url = url + "&timerange=" + start + "/" + stop

    serverrunning = False
        # See if server needs to be started.
        if opts['logging']:
            log('Trying test. Requesting ' + autoplotserver, opts)
        f = urlopen(autoplotserver)
        res = f.read().decode('utf-8')
        if res.startswith('OK'):
            log('Server running.', opts)
            serverrunning = True
            log('Server responding but with wrong response to test.', opts)
        log('Server not running. Will start server.', opts)

    if serverrunning:
        # Send request to update GUI.
            # This won't detect if the version requested matches
            # the version running.
            rurl = autoplotserver + "?uri=" + urlquote("vap+hapi:" + url)
            if opts['logging']: print("autoplot(): Requesting " + rurl)
            log('Autoplot GUI should be updating.', opts)
            f = urlopen(rurl)
            res = f.read().decode('utf-8')
            if res.startswith('OK'):
                log('Request successful. Autoplot GUI updated.', opts)
                log('Request unsuccessful.', opts)
                serverrunning = False
        except Exception as e:

    # Request was sent, so return.
    if serverrunning == True: return

    if opts['version'] == 'nightly':
        jarurl = 'https://ci-pw.physics.uiowa.edu/job/autoplot-release/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/autoplot/Autoplot/dist/autoplot.jar'
    elif opts['version'] == 'devel':
        jarurl = 'http://autoplot.org/jnlp/devel/autoplot.jar'
    elif opts['version'].startswith('v'):
        jarurl = 'http://autoplot.org/jnlp/' + opts['version'] + '/autoplot.jar'
        opts['version'] = 'latest'
        jarurl = 'http://autoplot.org/jnlp/latest/autoplot.jar'

        result = subprocess.check_output('java -version',
        version = re.sub(r'.*"(.*)".*', r'\1', result.decode().split('\n')[0])
        log("Java version: " + version, opts)
        # TODO: Automatically download and extract from https://jdk.java.net/14/?
            "Java is required. See https://www.java.com/en/download/ or https://jdk.java.net/14/",

    jydir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    jarpath = os.path.join(opts['cachedir'],
                           'jar/autoplot-' + opts['version'] + '.jar')
    jaricon = os.path.join(jydir, 'autoplot.png')

    # Download jar file if needed.
    log('Checking if autoplot.jar needs to be downloaded or updated.', opts)
    urlretrieve(jarurl, jarpath, check_last_modified=True, **opts)
    #download(jarpath, jarurl, **opts)

    com = "java"

    if 'darwin' in platform.platform().lower():
        com = com + " -Xdock:icon=" + jaricon
        com = com + ' -Xdock:name="Autoplot"'
    com = com + " -DPORT=" + str(opts['port'])
    com = com + " -DHAPI_DATA=" + opts['cachedir']
    com = com + " -DhapiServerCache=true"
    com = com + " -jar " + jarpath
    com = com + " --noAskParams"
    com = com + " '" + os.path.join(jydir, 'server.jy?uri=')
    com = com + urlquote("vap+hapi:" + url) + "'"
    com = com + " &"
    if opts['logging']: log("Executing " + com, opts)
Пример #3
def gallery(*args, **kwargs):
    """Create a web-browsable gallery of plots (aka "PNG Walk").

    Experimental code. Requires hapiplotserver. Use
    pip install 'git+https://github.com/hapi-server/plotserver-python'
    For additional documentation and demonstration, see hapi_demo.ipynb
    at <https://github.com/hapi-server/client-python-notebooks/>

    gallery(server, dataset)
    gallery(server, dataset, parameter)

    >>> from hapiclient import gallery
    >>> gallery('http://hapi-server.org/servers/TestData/hapi', 'dataset1')
    # Webpage tab opens

    >>> from hapiclient import gallery
    >>> gallery('http://hapi-server.org/servers/TestData/hapi','dataset1', 'vector')
    # Webpage tab opens

    server : str
        A URL for a HAPI-compliant server. (A HAPI URL always ends with "/hapi".)
    dataset : str
        A dataset from a HAPI server. The valid datasets can
        be determined using `hapi(server)`.
    parameter : str
        A parameter in dataset. The valid parameters can be determined using
        `hapi(server, dataset)`.

    None (a new tab is opened in the user's default browser)


    import time
    import webbrowser

    from multiprocessing import Process
    from hapiclient.hapi import cachedir
    from hapiclient.util import error, warning, setopts, prompt
    from hapiplotserver import hapiplotserver

    if len(args) != 2 and len(args) != 3:
        error('Number of arguments must be 2 or 3. See help(gallery).')

    server = args[0]
    dataset = args[1]
    if len(args) == 3:
        parameters = args[2].split(",")
        parameters = ['']

    if len(parameters) > 1:
        # Eventually, mulitple parameters will result is a stack plot.
        warning('Multiple parameters given; only first will be shown.')
    parameters = parameters[0]

    if not all(type(arg) is str for arg in args):
        error('All inputs must be a strings. See help(gallery).')

    # Default options
    opts = {
        'cache_dir': cachedir(),
        'usecache': True,
        'port': 5002,
        'format': 'png',
        'figsize': (7, 3),
        'dpi': 144,
        'transparent': True,
        'loglevel': 'default'

    # Override defaults
    opts = setopts(opts, kwargs)

    if not parameters == '':
        paramopt = "&parameters=" + parameters
        paramopt = ''

    url = '' + str(opts['port'])
    url = url + '/?server=' + server
    url = url + '&id=' + dataset
    url = url + paramopt
    url = url + '&format=gallery'

        process = Process(target=hapiplotserver, kwargs=opts)
    except Exception as e:
        print("Terminating server.")

    print(" * Opening ViViz in browser in 1 second.")
    webbrowser.open(url, new=2)
        "\n\033[0;34mPress a key at any time to terminate ViViz gallery server.\033[0m\n\n"
    print("ViViz gallery server has terminated.")