def gui_interface_game(scene): if hg.ImGuiBegin("Game Settings"): if hg.ImGuiButton("Load game parameters"): load_game_parameters() hg.ImGuiSameLine() if hg.ImGuiButton("Save game parameters"): save_game_parameters() f, c = hg.ImGuiColorEdit("P1 Missiles smoke color", Main.p1_missiles_smoke_color, hg.ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoAlpha) if f: set_p1_missiles_smoke_color(c) f, c = hg.ImGuiColorEdit("P2 Missiles smoke color", Main.p2_missiles_smoke_color) if f: set_p2_missiles_smoke_color(c) f, c = hg.ImGuiColorEdit("P1 gun color", Main.bullets.colors[0]) if f: set_p1_gun_color(c) f, c = hg.ImGuiColorEdit("P2 gun color", Main.ennemy_bullets.colors[0]) if f: set_p2_gun_color(c) hg.ImGuiSeparator() d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("Radial blur strength", Main.radial_blur_strength, 0, 1) if d: Main.radial_blur_strength = f d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("Deceleration blur strength", Main.deceleration_blur_strength, 0, 1) if d: Main.deceleration_blur_strength = f d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("Acceleration blur strength", Main.acceleration_blur_strength, 0, 1) if d: Main.acceleration_blur_strength = f hg.ImGuiEnd()
def gui_interface_sea_render(sea_render: SeaRender, scene, fps): if hg.ImGuiBegin("Sea & Sky render Settings"): if hg.ImGuiButton("Load sea parameters"): sea_render.load_json_script() hg.ImGuiSameLine() if hg.ImGuiButton("Save sea parameters"): sea_render.save_json_script() d, f = hg.ImGuiCheckbox("Water reflection", sea_render.render_scene_reflection) if d: sea_render.render_scene_reflection = f d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("Texture North intensity", sea_render.tex_sky_N_intensity, 0, 1) if d: sea_render.tex_sky_N_intensity = f d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("Zenith falloff", sea_render.zenith_falloff, 1, 100) if d: sea_render.zenith_falloff = f f, c = hg.ImGuiColorEdit("Zenith color", sea_render.zenith_color) if f: sea_render.zenith_color = c f, c = hg.ImGuiColorEdit("Horizon color", sea_render.horizon_N_color) if f: sea_render.horizon_N_color = c f, c = hg.ImGuiColorEdit("Water color", sea_render.sea_color) if f: sea_render.sea_color = c f, c = hg.ImGuiColorEdit("Horizon Water color", sea_render.horizon_S_color) if f: sea_render.horizon_S_color = c f, c = hg.ImGuiColorEdit("Horizon line color", sea_render.horizon_line_color) if f: sea_render.horizon_line_color = c hg.ImGuiText("3/4 horizon line size: " + str(sea_render.horizon_line_size)) f, d = hg.ImGuiCheckbox("Sea texture filtering", bool(sea_render.sea_filtering)) if f: sea_render.sea_filtering = int(d) hg.ImGuiText("5/6 max filter samples: " + str(sea_render.max_filter_samples)) hg.ImGuiText("7/8 filter precision: " + str(sea_render.filter_precision)) hg.ImGuiText("A/Q sea scale x: " + str(sea_render.sea_scale.x)) hg.ImGuiText("Z/S sea scale y: " + str(sea_render.sea_scale.y)) hg.ImGuiText("E/D sea scale z: " + str(sea_render.sea_scale.z)) d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("Sea reflection", sea_render.sea_reflection, 0, 1) if d: sea_render.sea_reflection = f d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("Reflect offset", Main.sea_render.reflect_offset, 1, 1000) if d: Main.sea_render.reflect_offset = f hg.ImGuiSeparator() hg.ImGuiEnd()
def simulation_step(simple_graphic_scene_overlay, dt): global visc, diff, base_force_u, base_force_v, base_force_dens hg.ImGuiLock() if hg.ImGuiBegin("params"): visc = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("visc", visc, 0.0, 10.0)[1] diff = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("diff", diff, 0.0, 1000.0)[1] base_force_u = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("base_force_u", base_force_u, 0.0, 1000.0)[1] base_force_v = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("base_force_v", base_force_v, 0.0, 1000.0)[1] base_force_dens = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("base_force_dens", base_force_dens, 0.0, 1000.0)[1] hg.ImGuiEnd() hg.ImGuiUnlock() get_from_UI(dens_prev, u_prev, v_prev) vel_step(N, u, v, u_prev, v_prev, visc, dt) dens_step(N, dens, dens_prev, u, v, diff, dt) draw_dens(simple_graphic_scene_overlay, N, dens, u, v)
def autopilot_controller(aircraft: Aircraft): if hg.ImGuiBegin("Auto pilot"): f, d = hg.ImGuiCheckbox("Autopilot", aircraft.autopilot_activated) if f: aircraft.autopilot_activated = d f, d = hg.ImGuiCheckbox("IA", aircraft.IA_activated) if f: aircraft.IA_activated = d d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("Pitch", aircraft.autopilot_pitch_attitude, -180, 180) if d: aircraft.set_autopilot_pitch_attitude(f) d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("Roll", aircraft.autopilot_roll_attitude, -180, 180) if d: aircraft.set_autopilot_roll_attitude(f) d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("Cap", aircraft.autopilot_cap, 0, 360) if d: aircraft.set_autopilot_cap(f) d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("Altitude", aircraft.autopilot_altitude, 0, 10000) if d: aircraft.set_autopilot_altitude(f) hg.ImGuiEnd()
def simulation_step(simple_graphic_scene_overlay, dt): global visc, diff, base_force_u, base_force_v, base_force_dens hg.ImGuiLock() if hg.ImGuiBegin("params"): visc = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("visc", visc, 0.0, 10.0)[1] diff = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("diff", diff, 0.0, 1000.0)[1] base_force_u = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("base_force_u", base_force_u, 0.0, 1000.0)[1] base_force_v = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("base_force_v", base_force_v, 0.0, 1000.0)[1] base_force_dens = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("base_force_dens", base_force_dens, 0.0, 1000.0)[1] hg.ImGuiEnd() hg.ImGuiUnlock() renderer = plus.GetRenderer() prev_viewport = renderer.GetViewport() get_from_UI(dens_prev, u_prev, v_prev) vel_step(N, u, v, u_prev, v_prev, visc, dt) #dens_step(N, dens, dens_prev, u, v, diff, dt) draw_dens(simple_graphic_scene_overlay, N, dens, u, v) # compute the shader #renderer.SetRenderTarget(uvdens_render_target_prev) #renderer.SetViewport(hg.Rect(0, 0, size, size)) #renderer.Clear(col.Blue) #renderer.EnableDepthTest(False) #renderer.Set2DMatrices() #renderer.SetShader(shader) #renderer.SetShaderFloat2(renderer.GetShaderVariable("size_pixel"), 1.0/size, 1.0/size) #renderer.SetShaderTexture(renderer.GetShaderVariable("tex_in"), uvdens_tex) #hg.SetShaderEngineValues(plus.GetRenderSystem()) #hg.DrawBuffers(renderer, 6, idx, vtx, vtx_layout) # reset matrices and draw the texture renderer.SetIdentityMatrices() renderer.SetViewport(prev_viewport) renderer.ClearRenderTarget() helper_2d.draw_quad(simple_graphic_scene_overlay, mat4.Identity, 1, 1, uvdens_tex, col.White)
def gui_post_rendering(): if hg.ImGuiBegin("Post-rendering Settings"): if hg.ImGuiButton("Load post-render settings"): post_processes_load_parameters() hg.ImGuiSameLine() if hg.ImGuiButton("Save post-render settings"): post_processes_save_parameters() hg.ImGuiSeparator() d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("Hue", Main.HSL_postProcess.GetH(), -1, 1) if d: Main.HSL_postProcess.SetH(f) d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("Saturation", Main.HSL_postProcess.GetS(), 0, 1) if d: Main.HSL_postProcess.SetS(f) d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("Luminance", Main.HSL_postProcess.GetL(), 0, 1) if d: Main.HSL_postProcess.SetL(f) hg.ImGuiSeparator() d, f = hg.ImGuiCheckbox("Motion Blur", Main.flag_MotionBlur) if d: Main.flag_MotionBlur=f if f: else: if Main.flag_MotionBlur: pp=Main.MotionBlur_postProcess d, i = hg.ImGuiSliderInt("Blur Radius", pp.GetBlurRadius(), 1, 100) if d: pp.SetBlurRadius(i) d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("Exposure", pp.GetExposure(), 0, 10) if d : pp.SetExposure(f) d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderInt("SampleCount", pp.GetSampleCount(), 1, 100) if d : pp.SetSampleCount(f) hg.ImGuiEnd()
def gui_layer(layer: CloudsLayer): nm = hg.ImGuiText( d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat(nm + " particles rotation speed", layer.particles_rot_speed, -10, 10) if d: layer.set_particles_rot_speed(f) d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat(nm + " particles morph level", layer.morph_level, -1, 1) if d: layer.morph_level = f d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat(nm + " Absorption factor", layer.absorption * 100, 0.01, 10) if d: layer.set_absorption(f / 100) d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat(nm + " Altitude floor", layer.altitude_floor, -2, 2) if d: layer.set_altitude_floor(f) d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat(nm + " Altitude", layer.altitude, 0, 10000) if d: layer.set_altitude(f) d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat(nm + " Altitude falloff", layer.altitude_falloff, 0.1, 100) if d: layer.set_altitude_falloff(f) d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat(nm + " Particles min scale", layer.particles_scale_range.x, 1, 5000) if d: layer.set_particles_min_scale(f) d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat(nm + " Particles max scale", layer.particles_scale_range.y, 1, 5000) if d: layer.set_particles_max_scale(f) d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat(nm + " Alpha threshold", layer.alpha_threshold, 0, 1) if d: layer.alpha_threshold = f d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat(nm + " Scale falloff", layer.scale_falloff, 1, 10) if d: layer.scale_falloff = f d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat(nm + " Alpha scale falloff", layer.alpha_scale_falloff, 1, 10) if d: layer.alpha_scale_falloff = f d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat(nm + " Perturbation", layer.perturbation, 0, 200) if d: layer.perturbation = f d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat(nm + " Tile size", layer.tile_size, 1, 500) if d: layer.tile_size = f d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat(nm + " Distance min", layer.distance_min, 0, 5000) if d: layer.set_distance_min(f) d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat(nm + " Distance max", layer.distance_max, 100, 5000) if d: layer.set_distance_max(f) d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat(nm + " Margin", layer.margin, 0.5, 2) if d: layer.margin = f d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat(nm + " Focal margin", layer.focal_margin, 0.5, 2) if d: layer.focal_margin = f
def gui_clouds(scene: hg.Scene, cloud: Clouds): global link_altitudes, link_morphs, clouds_altitude, clouds_morph_level if hg.ImGuiBegin("Clouds Settings"): if hg.ImGuiButton("Load clouds parameters"): cloud.load_json_script() # fps.Reset(cloud.cam_pos,hg.Vector3(0,0,0)) hg.ImGuiSameLine() if hg.ImGuiButton("Save clouds parameters"): cloud.save_json_script(scene) hg.ImGuiSeparator() hg.ImGuiText("Map position: X=" + str(cloud.map_position.x)) hg.ImGuiText("Map position: Y=" + str(cloud.map_position.y)) """ d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("Far Clouds scale x", sky_render.clouds_scale.x, 100, 10000) if d: sky_render.clouds_scale.x = f d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("Far Clouds scale y", sky_render.clouds_scale.y, 0, 1) if d: sky_render.clouds_scale.y = f d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("Far Clouds scale z", sky_render.clouds_scale.z, 100, 10000) if d: sky_render.clouds_scale.z = f d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("Far Clouds absorption", sky_render.clouds_absorption, 0, 1) if d: sky_render.clouds_absorption = f """ d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("Clouds scale x", cloud.map_scale.x, 100, 10000) if d: cloud.set_map_scale_x(f) d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("Clouds scale z", cloud.map_scale.y, 100, 10000) if d: cloud.set_map_scale_z(f) d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("Wind speed x", cloud.v_wind.x, -1000, 1000) if d: cloud.v_wind.x = f d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("Wind speed z", cloud.v_wind.y, -1000, 1000) if d: cloud.v_wind.y = f d, f = hg.ImGuiCheckbox("Link layers altitudes", link_altitudes) if d: link_altitudes = f d, f = hg.ImGuiCheckbox("Link layers morph levels", link_morphs) if d: link_morphs = f d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("Clouds altitude", clouds_altitude, 100, 10000) if d: clouds_altitude = f if link_altitudes: for layer in cloud.layers: layer.set_altitude(f) d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("Clouds morph level", clouds_morph_level, 0, 1) if d: clouds_morph_level = f if link_morphs: for layer in cloud.layers: layer.morph_level = f for layer in cloud.layers: hg.ImGuiSeparator() gui_layer(layer) hg.ImGuiEnd()
def gui_interface_scene(scene, fps): camera = scene.GetNode("Camera") l1_color = Main.ligth_sun.GetLight().GetDiffuseColor() l2_color = Main.ligth_sky.GetLight().GetDiffuseColor() environment = scene.GetEnvironment() amb_color = environment.GetAmbientColor() amb_intensity = environment.GetAmbientIntensity() if hg.ImGuiBegin("Scene Settings"): if hg.ImGuiButton("Load scene parameters"): load_scene_parameters() hg.ImGuiSameLine() if hg.ImGuiButton("Save scene parameters"): save_scene_parameters() d, f = hg.ImGuiCheckbox("Display collisions shapes", Main.show_debug_displays) if d: Main.show_debug_displays = f scene.GetPhysicSystem().SetDebugVisuals(Main.show_debug_displays) d, f = hg.ImGuiCheckbox("Volumetric clouds", Main.render_volumetric_clouds) if d: Main.render_volumetric_clouds = f if not f: Main.clouds.clear_particles() pos = camera.GetTransform().GetPosition() hg.ImGuiText("Camera X " + str(pos.x)) hg.ImGuiText("Camera Y " + str(pos.y)) hg.ImGuiText("Camera Z " + str(pos.z)) if hg.ImGuiButton("Load camera"): # load_fps_matrix(fps) pos, rot = load_json_matrix("assets/scripts/camera_position.json") camera.GetTransform().SetPosition(pos) camera.GetTransform().SetRotation(rot) hg.ImGuiSameLine() if hg.ImGuiButton("Save camera"): save_json_matrix(camera.GetTransform().GetPosition(), camera.GetTransform().GetRotation(), "assets/scripts/camera_position.json") if hg.ImGuiButton("Load aircraft matrix"): pos, rot = load_json_matrix("assets/scripts/aircraft_position.json") Main.p1_aircraft.reset(pos, rot) hg.ImGuiSameLine() if hg.ImGuiButton("Save aircraft matrix"): nd = Main.p1_aircraft.get_parent_node() save_json_matrix(nd.GetTransform().GetPosition(), nd.GetTransform().GetRotation(), "assets/scripts/aircraft_position.json") f, c = hg.ImGuiColorEdit("Ambient color", amb_color) if f: amb_color = hg.Color(c) environment.SetAmbientColor(amb_color) d, f = hg.ImGuiSliderFloat("Ambient intensity", amb_intensity, 0, 1) if d: amb_intensity = f environment.SetAmbientIntensity(amb_intensity) f, c = hg.ImGuiColorEdit("Sunlight color", l1_color) if f: l1_color = hg.Color(c) Main.ligth_sun.GetLight().SetDiffuseColor(l1_color) f, c2 = hg.ImGuiColorEdit("Skylight color", l2_color) if f: l2_color = hg.Color(c2) Main.ligth_sky.GetLight().SetDiffuseColor(l2_color) hg.ImGuiEnd()