Пример #1
def convert_record(record, response_date, request):
    header = record.getElementsByTagName("header")[0]
    oai_identifier = get_value_in_tag(header, "identifier")
    datestamp = get_value_in_tag(header, "datestamp")
    status = header.getAttribute("status").encode('utf8')
    rec = create_record()
    record_add_field(rec, tag="035", subfields=[('a', oai_identifier),
                                                ('u', request),
                                                ('9', 'Hindawi'),
                                                ('d', datestamp),
                                                ('h', response_date),
                                                ('m', 'marc21'),
                                                ('t', 'false')])
    new = True
    if find_records_from_extoaiid(oai_identifier, 'Hindawi'):
        new = False
    if status == 'deleted':
        if new:
            ## deleting a record we didn't have? Who cares :-)
            return None, True
            record_add_field(rec, tag="980", subfields=[('a', 'SCOAP3'), ('b', 'Hindawi'), ('c', 'DELETED')])
            return record_xml_output(rec), False
    for datafield in record.getElementsByTagName("datafield"):
        tag = datafield.getAttribute("tag").encode('utf-8')
        ind1 = datafield.getAttribute("ind1").encode('utf-8') or ' '
        ind2 = datafield.getAttribute("ind2").encode('utf-8') or ' '
        subfields = []
        for subfield in datafield.getElementsByTagName("subfield"):
            code = subfield.getAttribute("code").encode('utf-8')
            value = xml_to_text(subfield)
            subfields.append((code, value))
        record_add_field(rec, tag=tag, ind1=ind1, ind2=ind2, subfields=subfields)
    return record_xml_output(rec), new
Пример #2
 def test_record_add_field_fallback(self):
     rec = create_record()
     record_add_field(rec, "035", subfields=[('a', "<arXiv:1234.1242>")])
     data = (u"<record><datafield ind1=\"\" ind2=\"\" tag=\"035\">"
             u"<subfield code=\"a\">"
     self.assertEqual(record_xml_output(rec, pretty=False), data)
Пример #3
 def test_record_add_field_with_special_content(self):
     """Test adding field with special data to record."""
     rec = create_record()
     record_add_field(rec, "035", subfields=[('a', "4.0<as 123")])
     data = (u"<record><datafield ind1=\"\" ind2=\"\" tag=\"035\">"
             u"<subfield code=\"a\">"
             u"4.0&lt;as 123</subfield></datafield></record>")
     self.assertEqual(record_xml_output(rec, pretty=False), data)
Пример #4
 def test_record_add_field_fallback(self):
     """Test adding field with special data to record."""
     rec = create_record()
     record_add_field(rec, "035", subfields=[('a', "<arXiv:1234.1242>")])
     data = (u"<record><datafield ind1=\"\" ind2=\"\" tag=\"035\">"
             u"<subfield code=\"a\">"
     self.assertEqual(record_xml_output(rec, pretty=False), data)
Пример #5
    def get_pdfa_record(self, path=None):
        from invenio.search_engine import perform_request_search
        xml_doc = self.get_article(path)
        rec = create_record()
        dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy,\
            dummy, doi = self.get_publication_information(xml_doc)
        recid = perform_request_search(p='0247_a:"%s" AND NOT 980:"DELETED"' % (doi,))
        if recid:
            record_add_field(rec, '001', controlfield_value=recid[0])
            record_add_field(rec, '024', ind1='7', subfields=[('a', doi),
                                                              ('2', 'DOI')])
            message = ('Adding PDF/A. No paper with this DOI: '
                       '%s. Trying to add it anyway.') % (doi,)
            if exists(join(path, 'main_a-2b.pdf')):
                    rec, 'FFT', subfields=[('a', join(path, 'main_a-2b.pdf')),
                                ('n', 'main'),
                        ('f', '.pdf;pdfa')])
                self.logger.debug('Adding PDF/A to record: %s' % (doi,))
            elif exists(join(path, 'main.pdf')):
                    rec, 'FFT', subfields=[('a', join(path, 'main.pdf'))])
                message = 'No PDF/A in VTEX package for record: ' + doi
                message = "Record %s doesn't contain PDF file." % (doi,)
                raise MissingFFTError(message)
        except MissingFFTError:
            message = "Elsevier paper: %s is missing PDF." % (doi,)
            register_exception(alert_admin=True, prefix=message)

        ## copy other formats to bibupload file
        if recid:
            from invenio.bibdocfile import BibRecDocs
            record = BibRecDocs(recid[0])
            for bibfile in record.list_latest_files():
                if bibfile.get_format() != '.pdf;pdfa':
                                     subfields=[('a', bibfile.get_full_path()),
                                                ('n', bibfile.get_name()),
                                                ('f', bibfile.get_format())]
        return record_xml_output(rec)
Пример #6
 def get_record(self, record):
     """ Reads a dom xml element in oaidc format and
         returns the bibrecord object """
     self.document = record
     rec = create_record()
     language = self._get_language()
     if language and language != 'en':
         record_add_field(rec, '041', subfields=[('a', language)])
     publisher = self._get_publisher()
     date = self._get_date()
     if publisher and date:
         record_add_field(rec, '260', subfields=[('b', publisher),
                                                 ('c', date)])
     elif publisher:
         record_add_field(rec, '260', subfields=[('b', publisher)])
     elif date:
         record_add_field(rec, '260', subfields=[('c', date)])
     title = self._get_title()
     if title:
         record_add_field(rec, '245', subfields=[('a', title)])
     record_copyright = self._get_copyright()
     if record_copyright:
         record_add_field(rec, '540', subfields=[('a', record_copyright)])
     subject = self._get_subject()
     if subject:
         record_add_field(rec, '650', ind1='1', ind2='7', subfields=[('a', subject),
                                                                     ('2', 'PoS')])
     authors = self._get_authors()
     first_author = True
     for author in authors:
         subfields = [('a', author)]
         if first_author:
             record_add_field(rec, '100', subfields=subfields)
             first_author = False
             record_add_field(rec, '700', subfields=subfields)
     identifier = self.get_identifier()
     conference = identifier.split(':')[2]
     conference = conference.split('/')[0]
     contribution = identifier.split(':')[2]
     contribution = contribution.split('/')[1]
     record_add_field(rec, '773', subfields=[('p', 'PoS'),
                                             ('v', conference.replace(' ', '')),
                                             ('c', contribution),
                                             ('y', date[:4])])
     record_add_field(rec, '980', subfields=[('a', 'ConferencePaper')])
     record_add_field(rec, '980', subfields=[('a', 'HEP')])
     return rec
Пример #7
 def test_record_add_field(self):
     data = (u'In this paper we continue the study of Q -operators in'
             u' the six-vertex model and its higher spin generalizations.'
             u' In [1] we derived a new expression for the higher spin R'
             u' -matrix associated with the affine quantum algebra '
             u'<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif">'
             u'<mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mover accent="true"><mrow><mrow>'
             u'<mi mathvariant="italic">sl</mi></mrow><mo stretchy="false">'
             u'(</mo><mn>2</mn><mo stretchy="false">)</mo></mrow><mrow><mo>'
             u'^</mo></mrow></mover><mo stretchy="false">)</mo></math>'
             u' . Taking a special limit in this R -matrix we obtained new'
             u' formulas for the Q -operators acting in the tensor product'
             u' of representation spaces with arbitrary complex spin.')
     rec = create_record()
     record_add_field(rec, '520', subfields=[('a', data)])
     data = (u"<record><datafield ind1=\"\" ind2=\"\" tag=\"520\">"
             u"<subfield code=\"a\">") + data
     data += u"</subfield></datafield></record>"
     self.assertEqual(record_xml_output(rec, pretty=False), data)
Пример #8
 def test_record_add_field(self):
     """Test adding field to record."""
     data = (u'In this paper we continue the study of Q -operators in'
             u' the six-vertex model and its higher spin generalizations.'
             u' In [1] we derived a new expression for the higher spin R'
             u' -matrix associated with the affine quantum algebra '
             u'<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif">'
             u'<mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mover accent="true"><mrow><mrow>'
             u'<mi mathvariant="italic">sl</mi></mrow><mo stretchy="false">'
             u'(</mo><mn>2</mn><mo stretchy="false">)</mo></mrow><mrow><mo>'
             u'^</mo></mrow></mover><mo stretchy="false">)</mo></math>'
             u' . Taking a special limit in this R -matrix we obtained new'
             u' formulas for the Q -operators acting in the tensor product'
             u' of representation spaces with arbitrary complex spin.')
     rec = create_record()
     record_add_field(rec, '520', subfields=[('a', data)])
     data = (u"<record><datafield ind1=\"\" ind2=\"\" tag=\"520\">"
             u"<subfield code=\"a\">") + data
     data += u"</subfield></datafield></record>"
     self.assertEqual(record_xml_output(rec, pretty=False), data)
Пример #9
def main(args):
    if len(args) != 1:
        print("usage: python bibfilter_oaipos2inspire.py input_filename")
        raise Exception("Wrong usage!!")
    input_filename = args[0]

    out_folder = create_work_folder(CFG_POS_OUT_DIRECTORY)

    insert_records = []
    append_records = []
    error_records = []
    files_uploaded = []

    pos = PosPackage()
    xml_doc = parse(input_filename)
    for record in xml_doc.getElementsByTagName('record'):
        rec = pos.get_record(record)
        identifier = pos.get_identifier()
        conference = identifier.split(':')[2]
        conference = conference.split('/')[0]
        contribution = identifier.split(':')[2]
        contribution = contribution.split('/')[1]
        identifier = "PoS(%s)%s" % (conference, contribution)
        query = "773__p:pos 773__v:%s 773__c:%s" % \
                (conference.replace(' ', ''), contribution)
        print("Querying with: %s" % (query, ))
        results = perform_request_search(p=query, of="id")

        #harvest fulltext
        url = base_url + identifier
        session = requests.session()
        r = session.get(url)
        parsed_html = BeautifulSoup(r.text)
        links = parsed_html.body.findAll('a')
        found = False

        for link in links:
            url = urllib.quote(link['href'], safe=":/")
            if url.endswith('.pdf'):
                found = True
                if results:
                    rec = create_record()
                filename = join(out_folder, identifier + ".pdf")
                                 subfields=[('u', url), ('y', 'PoS server')])
                                 subfields=[('a', filename), ('t', 'PoS'),
                                            ('d', 'Fulltext')])
                    print('Downloading ' + url)
                    download_url(url, "pdf", filename, 5, 60.0)
                    if results:
                        recid = results[0]
                        record_add_field(rec, '001', controlfield_value=recid)
                except InvenioFileDownloadError:
                    print("Download of %s failed" % (url, ))
        if not found:

        #upload to FTP
        tempfile_path = '/tmp/%s.xml' % (contribution, )
        with open(tempfile_path, 'w') as tempfile:
            submit_records_via_ftp(tempfile_path, conference)
            files_uploaded.append('%s/%s.xml' % (conference, contribution))
            write_message("%s successfully uploaded to FTP server" %
            write_message("Failed to upload %s to FTP server" % tempfile_path)

    insert_filename = "%s.insert.xml" % (input_filename, )
    append_filename = "%s.append.xml" % (input_filename, )
    errors_filename = "%s.errors.xml" % (input_filename, )

    created_files = []

    if write_record_to_file(insert_filename, insert_records):
        copy(insert_filename, out_folder)
        created_files.append(join(out_folder, basename(insert_filename)))
    if write_record_to_file(append_filename, append_records):
        copy(append_filename, out_folder)
        created_files.append(join(out_folder, basename(append_filename)))
    if write_record_to_file(errors_filename, error_records):
        copy(errors_filename, errors_filename)
        created_files.append(join(out_folder, basename(errors_filename)))

    total_records = len(append_records) + len(insert_records) + len(
    subject = "PoS Harvest results: " + datetime.now().strftime(
        "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    body = """
    Total of %d records processed:

    %d new records,
    %d records already existing in the system,
    %d records that failed to retrieve the fulltext

    Location of new records:
    """ % \
    if files_uploaded:
        body += "\nFiles uploaded:"
        for fl in files_uploaded:
            body += "\n\t%s file uploaded on the FTP Server\n" % (fl, )
    if not send_email(CFG_SITE_SUPPORT_EMAIL, CFG_POSHARVEST_EMAIL, subject,
        print("ERROR: Mail not sent")
        print("Mail sent to %s" % (CFG_POSHARVEST_EMAIL, ))
Пример #10
    def get_record(self, f_path, publisher=None, collection=None, logger=None):
        # path = abspath(join(f_path, pardir))
        xml = self.get_article(f_path)
        rec = create_record()
        title = self.get_title(xml)
        if title:
            record_add_field(rec, "245", subfields=[("a", title)])
        publication_date = self.get_publication_date(xml)
        if publication_date:
            record_add_field(rec, "260", subfields=[("c", publication_date)])
        journal, issn, volume, issue, first_page, pages, year, doi = self.get_publication_information(xml)
        if doi:
            record_add_field(rec, "024", ind1="7", subfields=[("a", doi), ("2", "DOI")])
        arxiv_id = self.get_arxiv_id(xml)
        if arxiv_id:
            record_add_field(rec, "037", subfields=[("a", arxiv_id), ("9", "arXiv")])
        if logger:
            logger.info("Creating record: %s %s" % (f_path, doi))
        authors = self.get_authors(xml)
        first_author = True
        for author in authors:
            subfields = [("a", "%s, %s" % (author["surname"], author.get("given_name") or author.get("initials")))]
            if "orcid" in author:
                subfields.append(("j", author["orcid"]))
            if "affiliation" in author:
                for aff in author["affiliation"]:
                    subfields.append(("v", aff))

                if self.extract_nations:

            if first_author:
                record_add_field(rec, "100", subfields=subfields)
                first_author = False
                record_add_field(rec, "700", subfields=subfields)

        abstract = self.get_abstract(xml)
        if abstract:
            record_add_field(rec, "520", subfields=[("a", abstract)])
            rec, "540", subfields=[("a", "CC-BY-4.0"), ("u", "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/")]
        copyright = self.get_copyright(xml)
        if copyright:
            record_add_field(rec, "542", subfields=[("f", copyright)])
        keywords = self.get_keywords(xml)
        if keywords:
            for keyword in keywords:
                record_add_field(rec, "653", ind1="1", subfields=[("a", keyword), ("9", "author")])
        record_add_field(rec, "300", subfields=[("a", pages)])

        subfields = filter(
            lambda x: x[1] and x[1] != "-", [("p", journal), ("v", volume), ("c", first_page), ("y", year)]
        record_add_field(rec, "773", subfields=subfields)
        references = self.get_references(xml)
        for label, authors, doi, issue, page, title, volume, year in references:
            subfields = []
            if doi:
                subfields.append(("a", doi))
            for author in authors:
                subfields.append(("h", author))
            if issue:
                subfields.append(("n", issue))
            if label:
                subfields.append(("o", label))
            if page:
                subfields.append(("p", page))
            subfields.append(("s", "%s %s (%s) %s" % (title, volume, year, page)))
            if title:
                subfields.append(("t", title))
            if volume:
                subfields.append(("v", volume))
            if year:
                subfields.append(("y", year))
            if subfields:
                record_add_field(rec, "999", ind1="C", ind2="5", subfields=subfields)

        folder_name = join("/", *(f_path.split("/")[0:-1]))
        pdf_name = f_path.split("/")[-1].rstrip(".xml.scoap") + ".pdf"
        pdf_path = join(folder_name, "BodyRef/PDF", pdf_name)
        print pdf_path
        if exists(pdf_path):
            record_add_field(rec, "FFT", subfields=[("a", pdf_path), ("n", "main"), ("f", ".pdf;pdfa")])
            # Don't know why it doesn't work????????????
            # register_exception(alert_admin=True)
            if logger:
                logger.error("Record %s doesn't contain PDF file." % (doi,))
        record_add_field(rec, "FFT", subfields=[("a", self.get_body_ref(xml)), ("n", "main")])
        record_add_field(rec, "980", subfields=[("a", collection), ("b", publisher)])
        return record_xml_output(rec)
Пример #11
def main(args):
    if len(args) != 1:
        print("usage: python bibfilter_oaipos2inspire.py input_filename")
        raise Exception("Wrong usage!!")
    input_filename = args[0]

    out_folder = create_work_folder(CFG_POS_OUT_DIRECTORY)

    insert_records = []
    append_records = []
    error_records = []
    files_uploaded = []

    pos = PosPackage()
    xml_doc = parse(input_filename)
    for record in xml_doc.getElementsByTagName('record'):
        rec = pos.get_record(record)
        identifier = pos.get_identifier()
        conference = identifier.split(':')[2]
        conference = conference.split('/')[0]
        contribution = identifier.split(':')[2]
        contribution = contribution.split('/')[1]
        identifier = "PoS(%s)%s" % (conference, contribution)
        query = "773__p:pos 773__v:%s 773__c:%s" % \
                (conference.replace(' ', ''), contribution)
        print("Querying with: %s" % (query,))
        results = perform_request_search(p=query, of="id")

        #harvest fulltext
        url = base_url + identifier
        session = requests.session()
        r = session.get(url)
        parsed_html = BeautifulSoup(r.text)
        links = parsed_html.body.findAll('a')
        found = False

        for link in links:
            url = urllib.quote(link['href'], safe=":/")
            if url.endswith('.pdf'):
                found = True
                if results:
                    rec = create_record()
                filename = join(out_folder, identifier + ".pdf")
                record_add_field(rec, '856', ind1='4', subfields=[
                    ('u', url),
                    ('y', 'PoS server')
                record_add_field(rec, 'FFT', subfields=[('a', filename),
                                                        ('t', 'PoS'),
                                                        ('d', 'Fulltext')])
                    print('Downloading ' + url)
                    download_url(url, "pdf", filename, 5, 60.0)
                    if results:
                        recid = results[0]
                        record_add_field(rec, '001', controlfield_value=recid)
                except InvenioFileDownloadError:
                    print("Download of %s failed" % (url,))
        if not found:

        #upload to FTP
        tempfile_path = '/tmp/%s.xml' % (contribution,)
        with open(tempfile_path, 'w') as tempfile:
            submit_records_via_ftp(tempfile_path, conference)
            files_uploaded.append('%s/%s.xml' % (conference, contribution))
            write_message("%s successfully uploaded to FTP server" % tempfile_path)
            write_message("Failed to upload %s to FTP server" % tempfile_path)

    insert_filename = "%s.insert.xml" % (input_filename,)
    append_filename = "%s.append.xml" % (input_filename,)
    errors_filename = "%s.errors.xml" % (input_filename,)

    created_files = []

    if write_record_to_file(insert_filename, insert_records):
        copy(insert_filename, out_folder)
        created_files.append(join(out_folder, basename(insert_filename)))
    if write_record_to_file(append_filename, append_records):
        copy(append_filename, out_folder)
        created_files.append(join(out_folder, basename(append_filename)))
    if write_record_to_file(errors_filename, error_records):
        copy(errors_filename, errors_filename)
        created_files.append(join(out_folder, basename(errors_filename)))

    total_records = len(append_records) + len(insert_records) + len(error_records)
    subject = "PoS Harvest results: " + datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    body = """
    Total of %d records processed:

    %d new records,
    %d records already existing in the system,
    %d records that failed to retrieve the fulltext

    Location of new records:
    """ % \
    if files_uploaded:
        body += "\nFiles uploaded:"
        for fl in files_uploaded:
            body += "\n\t%s file uploaded on the FTP Server\n" % (fl,)
    if not send_email(CFG_SITE_SUPPORT_EMAIL,
        print("ERROR: Mail not sent")
        print("Mail sent to %s" % (CFG_POSHARVEST_EMAIL,))
Пример #12
    def _get_record(self, link):
        link = link.find('a')['href']
        url = urlparse.urljoin(self.base_url, link)
        page = urllib2.urlopen(url)
        page = BeautifulSoup(page)
        self.content = page.body.find('div', attrs={'id': 'content'})

        publication_title = self.content.find('div',
                                              {'id': 'publication-title'})
        if publication_title:
            publication_title = publication_title.find('a').text
            publication_title = ''
        series_title = self._find('a', {'id': 'series-title'})
        if series_title == 'NATO Science Series':
            series_title = 'NATO Sci.Ser.'
        title = self._find('h1', {'id': 'title'})
        if not title:
            title = self._find('h1', {'class': 'ChapterTitle'})
        volume = self._find('span', {'id': 'book-volume'})
        if volume:
            volume = re.sub(r'\D', '', volume)
            volume = self._find('span', {'id': 'volume-range'})
            volume = re.sub(r'\D', '', volume)
        issue = self._find('a', {'id': 'issue-range'})
        if issue:
            issue = issue.split()[1]
        year = self._find('span', {'id': 'copyright-year'})
        if not year:
            year = self._find(
                'dd', {'id': 'abstract-about-book-chapter-copyright-year'})
        year = re.sub(r'\D', '', year)
        if not year:
            year = self._find('dd', {'id': 'abstract-about-cover-date'})
            year = re.sub(r'\D', '', year)[:4]
        abstract = self._find('div', {'class': 'abstract-content formatted'})
        page_range = self._find('span', {'id': 'page-range'})
        if not page_range:
            page_range = self._find(
                'dd', {'id': 'abstract-about-book-chapter-page-ranges'})
        if page_range:
            page_range = page_range.replace('pp', '').strip()
        #publisher = self._find('dd', {'id': 'abstract-about-publisher'})
        copyright_holder = self._find(
            'dd', {'id': 'abstract-about-book-copyright-holder'})
        #issn = self._find('dd', {'id': 'abstract-about-book-series-print-issn'})
        doi = self._find('dd', {'class': 'doi'})
        #subtitle = self._find('dd', {'id': 'abstract-about-book-series-subtitle'})
        #online_isbn = self._find('dd', {'id': 'abstract-about-book-online-isbn'})
        #print_isbn = self._find('dd', {'id': 'abstract-about-book-print-isbn'})
        editors = []
        editors_affiliations = []
        for editor in self.content.findAll('li', attrs={'itemprop': 'editor'}):
            except KeyError:
            except TypeError:
        authors = []
        authors_affiliations = []
        summary = self.content.find('div', attrs={'class': 'summary'})
        for author in summary.findAll('li', attrs={'itemprop': 'author'}):
            author_name = author.find('a').text
            author_names = []
            author_names.append(author_name.split()[-1] + ",")
            author_names += author_name.split()[:-1]
            author_name = " ".join(author_names)
            author_name = collapse_initials(author_name)
            except KeyError:
            except TypeError:
            attrs = {'id': 'abstract-actions-download-chapter-pdf-link'}
            fulltext = self.content.find('a', attrs=attrs)
            fulltext = urlparse.urljoin(self.base_url, fulltext['href'])
        except TypeError:
            fulltext = ''

        #create Marc record
        rec = create_record()
        if title:
            record_add_field(rec, '245', subfields=[('a', title)])
        if doi:
                             subfields=[('a', doi), ('2', 'DOI')])
        first_author = True
        for i in range(len(authors)):
            subfields = [('a', '%s' % (authors[i]))]
            if authors_affiliations[i]:
                subfields.append(('v', authors_affiliations[i]))
            if first_author:
                record_add_field(rec, '100', subfields=subfields)
                first_author = False
                record_add_field(rec, '700', subfields=subfields)
        if abstract:
                             subfields=[('a', abstract), ('9', 'Springer')])
        if copyright_holder:
                             subfields=[('f', copyright_holder), ('g', year)])
        if not series_title:
            series_title = publication_title

        subfields = []
        if series_title:
            subfields.append(('p', series_title))
        if volume:
            subfields.append(('v', volume))
        if issue:
            subfields.append(('n', issue))
        if page_range:
            subfields.append(('c', page_range))
        if year:
            subfields.append(('y', year))

        record_add_field(rec, '773', subfields=subfields)
        record_add_field(rec, '980', subfields=[('a', 'HEP')])
        record_add_field(rec, '980', subfields=[('a', 'BookChapter')])

        if fulltext:
                             subfields=[('a', fulltext), ('t', 'Springer'),
                                        ('d', 'Fulltext')])

        recordString = record_xml_output(rec)
        #removes whitespace except spaces
        recordString = re.sub(r'[\n\t\r\f\v]', '', recordString)
        #removes two or more consecutive spaces
        recordString = re.sub(r' {2,}', '', recordString)
        record = parseString(recordString)

        references = []
        ref_fields = []
        references_container = self.content.find(
            'div', attrs={'id': 'abstract-references'})
        if references_container:
            references = references_container.findAll('li')
            for reference in references:
                    from invenio.refextract_api import (
                    ref = xml_to_text(parseString(reference.decode()))
                    #removes the space between hep-th/ and the identifier
                    ref = re.sub(r'hep-th/\s(\d*)', r'hep-th/\1', ref)
                    ref = extract_references_from_string_xml(ref)
                    ref = parseString(ref)
                    for field in ref.childNodes:
                        for subfield in field.getElementsByTagName('subfield'):
                            if subfield.getAttribute('code') == 'm':
                                text = subfield.firstChild.data
                                text = re.sub(r'\[?arXiv:', '', text)
                                text = text.replace('CrossRef', '')
                                if text.startswith(': '):
                                    text = text[2:]
                                if text:
                                    subfield.firstChild.data = text
                                    parentNode = subfield.parentNode
                except ImportError:
                                     subfields=[('m', reference.decode())])
            for field in ref_fields:
        return record.firstChild
Пример #13
    def get_record(self, f_path, publisher=None, collection=None, logger=None):
        xml = self.get_article(f_path)
        rec = create_record()
        title = self.get_title(xml)
        if title:
            record_add_field(rec, '245', subfields=[('a', title)])

        record_add_field(rec, '260', subfields=[('c', self.get_publication_date(xml, logger))])
        journal, issn, volume, issue, first_page, last_page, year, doi = self.get_publication_information(xml)

        if logger:
            logger.info("Creating record: %s %s" % (join(f_path, pardir), doi))

        if doi:
            record_add_field(rec, '024', ind1='7', subfields=[('a', doi), ('2', 'DOI')])
        authors = self.get_authors(xml)
        first_author = True
        for author in authors:
            if author.get('surname'):
                subfields = [('a', '%s, %s' % (author.get('surname'), author.get('given_name') or author.get('initials', '')))]
                subfields = [('a', '%s' % (author.get('name', '')))]
            if 'orcid' in author:
                subfields.append(('j', author['orcid']))
            if 'affiliation' in author:
                for aff in author["affiliation"]:
                    subfields.append(('v', aff))

                if self.extract_nations:

            if author.get('email'):
                    subfields.append(('m', author['email']))
            if first_author:
                record_add_field(rec, '100', subfields=subfields)
                first_author = False
                record_add_field(rec, '700', subfields=subfields)

        page_count = self.get_page_count(xml)
        if page_count:
            record_add_field(rec, '300', subfields=[('a', page_count)])
        abstract = self.get_abstract(xml)
        if abstract:
            record_add_field(rec, '520', subfields=[('a', abstract), ('9', publisher)])
        record_add_field(rec, '540', subfields=[('a', 'CC-BY-3.0'), ('u', 'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/')])
        copyright = self.get_copyright(xml, logger)
        if copyright:
            record_add_field(rec, '542', subfields=[('f', copyright)])
        keywords = self.get_keywords(xml)
        if keywords['pacs']:
            for keyword in keywords['pacs']:
                record_add_field(rec, '084', ind1='1', subfields=[('a', keyword), ('9', 'PACS')])
        if keywords['other']:
            for keyword in keywords['other']:
                record_add_field(rec, '653', ind1='1', subfields=[('a', keyword), ('9', 'author')])
        if first_page or last_page:
            pages = '%s-%s' % (first_page, last_page)
            article_meta = xml.getElementsByTagName('article-meta')[0]
            pages = get_value_in_tag(article_meta, "elocation-id")

        record_add_field(rec, '773', subfields=[('p', journal), ('v', volume), ('n', issue), ('c', pages), ('y', year)])
        for label, authors, doi, issue, page, page_last, title, volume, year, ext_link, plain_text in self.references:
            subfields = []
            if doi:
                subfields.append(('a', doi))
            for author in authors:
                subfields.append(('h', author))
            if issue:
                subfields.append(('n', issue))
            if label:
                subfields.append(('o', label))
            if year:
                subfields.append(('y', year))
            if ext_link:
                subfields.append(('r', ext_link))
            # should we be strict about it?
            if title and volume and year and page:
                subfields.append(('s', '%s %s (%s) %s' % (title, volume, year, page)))
            elif not plain_text:
                subfields.append(('m', ('%s %s %s %s' % (title, volume, year, page))))
            if plain_text:
                subfields.append(('m', plain_text))
            if subfields:
                record_add_field(rec, '999', ind1='C', ind2='5', subfields=subfields)
        # record_add_field(rec, 'FFT', subfields=[('a', join(path, 'main.pdf'))])
        pdf_path = join(dirname(f_path), 'BodyRef', 'PDF', basename(f_path)[:-len('_nlm.xml')] + '.pdf')
            record_add_field(rec, 'FFT', subfields=[('a', pdf_path), ('n', 'main'), ('f', '.pdf;pdfa')])
            logger.error("No PDF for paper: %s" % (doi,))
        record_add_field(rec, 'FFT', subfields=[('a', f_path), ('n', 'main')])
        extra_subfields = []
        if collection:
            extra_subfields.append(('a', collection))
        if publisher:
            extra_subfields.append(('b', publisher))
        record_add_field(rec, '980', subfields=extra_subfields)
        return record_xml_output(rec)
    def get_record_rich(self, filename):
        Gets the Marc xml of the files in xaml_rich directory

        :param fileName: the name of the file to parse.
        :type fileName: string

        :returns: a string with the marc xml version of the file.
        self.document = parse(filename)
        rec = create_record()
        articles = self.document.getElementsByTagName("ArticleID")
        for article in articles:
            article_type = article.getAttribute("Type")
            if not article_type == "Article":
                return ""
            doi = get_value_in_tag(self.document, "DOI")
            date = ""
            for tag in self.document.getElementsByTagName("Accepted"):
                year = get_value_in_tag(tag, "Year")
                month = get_value_in_tag(tag, "Month").zfill(2)
                day = get_value_in_tag(tag, "Day").zfill(2)
                date = "%s-%s-%s" % (year, month, day)
            if not date:
                for tag in self.document.getElementsByTagName("OnlineDate"):
                    year = get_value_in_tag(tag, "Year")
                    month = get_value_in_tag(tag, "Month").zfill(2)
                    day = get_value_in_tag(tag, "Day").zfill(2)
                    date = "%s-%s-%s" % (year, month, day)
            first_page = get_value_in_tag(article, "FirstPage")
            last_page = get_value_in_tag(article, "LastPage")
            subjects = article.getElementsByTagName("Keyword")
            subjects = map(xml_to_text, subjects)
            subject = ", ".join(subjects)
            copyright_statement = get_value_in_tag(article, "Copyright")
        journal = get_value_in_tag(self.document, "JournalTitle")
        journal, volume = fix_journal_name(journal, self.journal_mappings)
        issues = self.document.getElementsByTagName("IssueID")
        for issue in issues:
            volume += get_value_in_tag(issue, "Volume")
            year = get_value_in_tag(issue, "Year")
        title = get_value_in_tag(self.document, "Title")
        authors = self.document.getElementsByTagName("Author")
        affiliations = self.document.getElementsByTagName("Affiliation")

        def affiliation_pair(a):
            return a.getAttribute("ID"), get_value_in_tag(a, "UnstructuredAffiliation")

        affiliations = map(affiliation_pair, affiliations)
        affiliations = dict(affiliations)

        def author_pair(a):
            surname = get_value_in_tag(a, "LastName")
            first_name = get_value_in_tag(a, "FirstName")
            middle_name = get_value_in_tag(a, "MiddleName")
            if middle_name:
                name = "%s, %s %s" % (surname, first_name, middle_name)
                name = "%s, %s" % (surname, first_name)
                affid = a.getElementsByTagName("AffiliationID")[0].getAttribute("Label")
                affiliation = affiliations[affid]
            except IndexError:
                affiliation = ""
            except KeyError:
                affiliation = ""
            return name, affiliation

        authors = map(author_pair, authors)
        abstract = get_value_in_tag(self.document, "Abstract")
        references = self.document.getElementsByTagName("Bibliomixed")

        for reference in references:
            subfields = []
            label = reference.getAttribute("N")
            if label:
                subfields.append(("o", label))
            bibliosets = reference.getElementsByTagName("Biblioset")
            for tag in bibliosets:
                ref_year = get_value_in_tag(tag, "Date")
                ref_journal = get_value_in_tag(tag, "JournalShortTitle")
                ref_journal, ref_volume = fix_journal_name(ref_journal, self.journal_mappings)
                ref_volume += get_value_in_tag(tag, "Volume")
                ref_page = get_value_in_tag(tag, "ArtPageNums")
                if ref_year:
                    subfields.append(("y", ref_year))
                if ref_journal and ref_volume and ref_page:
                    subfields.append(("s", "%s,%s,%s" % (ref_journal, ref_volume, ref_page)))
            text_ref = xml_to_text(reference)
            ref_xml = extract_references_from_string_xml(text_ref)
            dom = parseString(ref_xml)
            fields = dom.getElementsByTagName("datafield")[0]
            fields = fields.getElementsByTagName("subfield")
            if fields:
                subfields.append(("9", "refextract"))
            for field in fields:
                data = field.firstChild.data
                code = field.getAttribute("code")
                if code == "m" and bibliosets:
                    subfields.append((code, data))
            if subfields:
                record_add_field(rec, "999", ind1="C", ind2="5", subfields=subfields)

        if title:
            record_add_field(rec, "245", subfields=[("a", title)])
        if date:
            record_add_field(rec, "260", subfields=[("c", date), ("t", "published")])
        if doi:
            record_add_field(rec, "024", ind1="7", subfields=[("a", doi), ("2", "DOI")])
        if abstract:
            record_add_field(rec, "520", subfields=[("a", abstract), ("9", "EDPSciences")])
        first_author = True
        for author in authors:
            if first_author:
                subfields = [("a", author[0])]
                if author[1]:
                    subfields.append(("v", author[1]))
                record_add_field(rec, "100", subfields=subfields)
                first_author = False
                subfields = [("a", author[0])]
                if author[1]:
                    subfields.append(("v", author[1]))
                record_add_field(rec, "700", subfields=subfields)
        subfields = []
        if journal and volume and first_page:
            subfields.append(("s", "%s,%s,%s" % (journal, volume, first_page)))
        if first_page and last_page:
                nuber_of_pages = int(last_page) - int(first_page)
                record_add_field(rec, "300", subfields=[("a", str(nuber_of_pages))])
            except ValueError:
            subfields.append(("c", "%s-%s" % (first_page, last_page)))
        if year:
            subfields.append(("y", year))
        record_add_field(rec, "773", subfields=subfields)
        record_add_field(rec, "980", subfields=[("a", "HEP")])
        if copyright_statement:
            record_add_field(rec, "542", subfields=[("f", copyright_statement)])
        if subject:
            record_add_field(rec, "650", ind1="1", ind2="7", subfields=[("2", "EDPSciences"), ("a", subject)])
            return record_xml_output(rec)
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            message = "Found a bad char in the file for the article " + doi
            return ""
Пример #15
    def get_record(self, xml_file):
        """ Reads a xml file in JATS format and returns
            a xml string in marc format """
        self.document = parse(xml_file)

        if get_value_in_tag(self.document, "meta"):
            raise ApsPackageXMLError("The XML format of %s is not correct"
                                     % (xml_file,))
        page_count = self._get_page_count()
        rec = create_record()
        if page_count:
            record_add_field(rec, '300', subfields=[('a', page_count)])
        pacscodes = self._get_pacscodes()
        for pacscode in pacscodes:
            record_add_field(rec, '084', subfields=[('2', 'PACS'),
                                                    ('a', pacscode)])
        subject = self._get_subject()
        if subject:
            record_add_field(rec, '650', ind1='1', ind2='7', subfields=[('2', 'APS'),
                                                                        ('a', subject)])
        keywords = self._get_keywords()
        if keywords:
            record_add_field(rec, '653', ind1='1', subfields=[('a', ', '.join(keywords)),
                                                              ('9', 'author')])
        title, subtitle, _ = self._get_title()
        subfields = []
        if subtitle:
            subfields.append(('b', subtitle))
        if title:
            subfields.append(('a', title))
            record_add_field(rec, '245', subfields=subfields)
        journal, volume, issue, year, start_date, doi,\
            article_id, _, _ = self._get_publication_information()
        if start_date:
            record_add_field(rec, '260', subfields=[('c', start_date),
                                                    ('t', 'published')])
        if doi:
            record_add_field(rec, '024', ind1='7', subfields=[('a', doi),
                                                              ('2', 'DOI')])
        abstract = self._get_abstract()
        if abstract:
            record_add_field(rec, '520', subfields=[('a', abstract),
                                                    ('9', 'APS')])
        license, license_type, license_url = self._get_license()
        subfields = []
        if license:
            subfields.append(('a', license))
        if license_url:
            subfields.append(('u', license_url))
        if subfields:
            record_add_field(rec, '540', subfields=subfields)
        c_holder, c_year, c_statement = self._get_copyright()
        c_holder, c_year, c_statement = self._get_copyright()
        if c_holder and c_year:
            record_add_field(rec, '542', subfields=[('d', c_holder),
                                                    ('g', c_year),
                                                    ('e', 'Article')])
        elif c_statement:
            record_add_field(rec, '542', subfields=[('f', c_statement),
                                                    ('e', 'Article')])
        record_add_field(rec, '773', subfields=[('p', journal),
                                                ('v', volume),
                                                ('n', issue),
                                                ('y', year),
                                                ('c', article_id)])
        record_add_field(rec, '980', subfields=[('a', 'HEP')])
        record_add_field(rec, '980', subfields=[('a', 'Citeable')])
        record_add_field(rec, '980', subfields=[('a', 'Published')])
            return record_xml_output(rec)
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            sys.stderr.write("""Found a bad char in the file
                                for the article """ + doi)
            return ""
Пример #16
    def _get_record(self, link):
        link = link.find('a')['href']
        url = urlparse.urljoin(self.base_url, link)
        page = urllib2.urlopen(url)
        page = BeautifulSoup(page)
        self.content = page.body.find('div', attrs={'id': 'content'})

        publication_title = self.content.find('div', {'id': 'publication-title'})
        if publication_title:
            publication_title = publication_title.find('a').text
            publication_title = ''
        series_title = self._find('a', {'id': 'series-title'})
        if series_title == 'NATO Science Series':
            series_title = 'NATO Sci.Ser.'
        title = self._find('h1', {'id': 'title'})
        volume = self._find('span', {'id': 'book-volume'})
        if volume:
            volume = re.sub(r'\D', '', volume)
            volume = self._find('span', {'id': 'volume-range'})
            volume = re.sub(r'\D', '', volume)
        issue = self._find('a', {'id': 'issue-range'})
        if issue:
            issue = issue.split()[1]
        year = self._find('span', {'id': 'copyright-year'})
        year = re.sub(r'\D', '', year)
        if not year:
            year = self._find('dd', {'id': 'abstract-about-cover-date'})
            year = re.sub(r'\D', '', year)[:4]
        abstract = self._find('div', {'class': 'abstract-content formatted'})
        page_range = self._find('span', {'id': 'page-range'})
        if page_range:
            page_range = page_range.replace('pp', '').strip()
        #publisher = self._find('dd', {'id': 'abstract-about-publisher'})
        copyright_holder = self._find('dd', {'id': 'abstract-about-book-copyright-holder'})
        #issn = self._find('dd', {'id': 'abstract-about-book-series-print-issn'})
        doi = self._find('dd', {'class': 'doi'})
        #subtitle = self._find('dd', {'id': 'abstract-about-book-series-subtitle'})
        #online_isbn = self._find('dd', {'id': 'abstract-about-book-online-isbn'})
        #print_isbn = self._find('dd', {'id': 'abstract-about-book-print-isbn'})
        editors = []
        editors_affiliations = []
        for editor in self.content.findAll('li', attrs={'itemprop': 'editor'}):
            except KeyError:
            except TypeError:
        authors = []
        authors_affiliations = []
        summary = self.content.find('div', attrs={'class': 'summary'})
        for author in summary.findAll('li', attrs={'itemprop': 'author'}):
            author_name = author.find('a').text
            author_names = []
            author_names.append(author_name.split()[-1] + ",")
            author_names += author_name.split()[:-1]
            author_name = " ".join(author_names)
            author_name = collapse_initials(author_name)
            except KeyError:
            except TypeError:
            attrs = {'id': 'abstract-actions-download-chapter-pdf-link'}
            fulltext = self.content.find('a', attrs=attrs)
            fulltext = urlparse.urljoin(self.base_url, fulltext['href'])
        except TypeError:
            fulltext = ''

        #create Marc record
        rec = create_record()
        if title:
            record_add_field(rec, '245', subfields=[('a', title)])
        if doi:
            record_add_field(rec, '024', ind1='7', subfields=[('a', doi), ('2', 'DOI')])
        first_author = True
        for i in range(len(authors)):
            subfields = [('a', '%s' % (authors[i]))]
            if authors_affiliations[i]:
                subfields.append(('v', authors_affiliations[i]))
            if first_author:
                record_add_field(rec, '100', subfields=subfields)
                first_author = False
                record_add_field(rec, '700', subfields=subfields)
        if abstract:
            record_add_field(rec, '520', subfields=[('a', abstract), ('9', 'Springer')])
        if copyright_holder:
            record_add_field(rec, '542', subfields=[('f', copyright_holder), ('g', year)])
        if not series_title:
            series_title = publication_title

        subfields = []
        if series_title:
            subfields.append(('p', series_title))
        if volume:
            subfields.append(('v', volume))
        if issue:
            subfields.append(('n', issue))
        if page_range:
            subfields.append(('c', page_range))
        if year:
            subfields.append(('y', year))

        record_add_field(rec, '773', subfields=subfields)
        record_add_field(rec, '980', subfields=[('a', 'HEP')])
        record_add_field(rec, '980', subfields=[('a', 'BookChapter')])

        if fulltext:
            record_add_field(rec, 'FFT', subfields=[('a', fulltext),
                                                    ('t', 'Springer'),
                                                    ('d', 'Fulltext')])

        recordString = record_xml_output(rec)
        #removes whitespace except spaces
        recordString = re.sub(r'[\n\t\r\f\v]', '', recordString)
        #removes two or more consecutive spaces
        recordString = re.sub(r' {2,}', '', recordString)
        record = parseString(recordString)

        references = []
        ref_fields = []
        references_container = self.content.find('div', attrs={'id': 'abstract-references'})
        if references_container:
            references = references_container.findAll('li')
            for reference in references:
                ref = xml_to_text(parseString(reference.decode()))
                #removes the space between hep-th/ and the identifier
                ref = re.sub(r'hep-th/\s(\d*)', r'hep-th/\1', ref)
                ref = extract_references_from_string_xml(ref)
                ref = parseString(ref)
                for field in ref.childNodes:
                    for subfield in field.getElementsByTagName('subfield'):
                        if subfield.getAttribute('code') == 'm':
                            text = subfield.firstChild.data
                            text = re.sub(r'\[?arXiv:', '', text)
                            text = text.replace('CrossRef', '')
                            if text.startswith(': '):
                                text = text[2:]
                            if text:
                                subfield.firstChild.data = text
                                parentNode = subfield.parentNode
            for field in ref_fields:
        return record.firstChild
Пример #17
    def get_record_rich(self, filename, ref_extract_callback=None):
        Gets the Marc xml of the files in xaml_rich directory

        :param fileName: the name of the file to parse.
        :type fileName: string

        :returns: a string with the marc xml version of the file.
        self.document = parse(filename)
        rec = create_record()
        articles = self.document.getElementsByTagName('ArticleID')
        for article in articles:
            article_type = article.getAttribute('Type')
            if not article_type == 'Article':
                return ''
            doi = get_value_in_tag(self.document, 'DOI')
            date = ''
            for tag in self.document.getElementsByTagName('Accepted'):
                year = get_value_in_tag(tag, 'Year')
                month = get_value_in_tag(tag, 'Month').zfill(2)
                day = get_value_in_tag(tag, 'Day').zfill(2)
                date = "%s-%s-%s" % (year, month, day)
            if not date:
                for tag in self.document.getElementsByTagName('OnlineDate'):
                    year = get_value_in_tag(tag, 'Year')
                    month = get_value_in_tag(tag, 'Month').zfill(2)
                    day = get_value_in_tag(tag, 'Day').zfill(2)
                    date = "%s-%s-%s" % (year, month, day)
            first_page = get_value_in_tag(article, 'FirstPage')
            last_page = get_value_in_tag(article, 'LastPage')
            subjects = article.getElementsByTagName('Keyword')
            subjects = map(xml_to_text, subjects)
            subject = ', '.join(subjects)
            copyright_statement = get_value_in_tag(article, 'Copyright')
        journal = get_value_in_tag(self.document, 'JournalTitle')
        journal, volume = fix_journal_name(journal, self.journal_mappings)
        issues = self.document.getElementsByTagName('IssueID')
        for issue in issues:
            volume += get_value_in_tag(issue, 'Volume')
            year = get_value_in_tag(issue, 'Year')
        title = get_value_in_tag(self.document, 'Title')
        authors = self.document.getElementsByTagName('Author')
        affiliations = self.document.getElementsByTagName('Affiliation')

        def affiliation_pair(a):
            return a.getAttribute('ID'), get_value_in_tag(
                a, 'UnstructuredAffiliation'

        affiliations = map(affiliation_pair, affiliations)
        affiliations = dict(affiliations)

        def author_pair(a):
            surname = get_value_in_tag(a, 'LastName')
            first_name = get_value_in_tag(a, 'FirstName')
            middle_name = get_value_in_tag(a, 'MiddleName')
            if middle_name:
                name = '%s, %s %s' % (surname, first_name, middle_name)
                name = '%s, %s' % (surname, first_name)
                affid = a.getElementsByTagName(
                affiliation = affiliations[affid]
            except IndexError:
                affiliation = ''
            except KeyError:
                affiliation = ''
            return name, affiliation

        authors = map(author_pair, authors)
        abstract = get_value_in_tag(self.document, 'Abstract')
        references = self.document.getElementsByTagName('Bibliomixed')

        for reference in references:
            subfields = []
            label = reference.getAttribute('N')
            if label:
                subfields.append(('o', label))
            bibliosets = reference.getElementsByTagName('Biblioset')
            for tag in bibliosets:
                ref_year = get_value_in_tag(tag, 'Date')
                ref_journal = get_value_in_tag(tag, 'JournalShortTitle')
                ref_journal, ref_volume = fix_journal_name(
                    ref_journal, self.journal_mappings
                ref_volume += get_value_in_tag(tag, 'Volume')
                ref_page = get_value_in_tag(tag, 'ArtPageNums')
                if ref_year:
                    subfields.append(('y', ref_year))
                if ref_journal and ref_volume and ref_page:
                    subfields.append(('s', '%s,%s,%s' % (ref_journal,
            text_ref = xml_to_text(reference)
            if ref_extract_callback:
                ref_xml = ref_extract_callback(text_ref)
                dom = parseString(ref_xml)
                fields = dom.getElementsByTagName("datafield")[0]
                fields = fields.getElementsByTagName("subfield")
                if fields:
                    subfields.append(('9', 'refextract'))
                for field in fields:
                    data = field.firstChild.data
                    code = field.getAttribute("code")
                    if code == 'm' and bibliosets:
                        subfields.append((code, data))
                subfields.append(('m', text_ref))
            if subfields:
                record_add_field(rec, '999', ind1='C', ind2='5',

        if title:
            record_add_field(rec, '245', subfields=[('a', title)])
        if date:
            record_add_field(rec, '260', subfields=[('c', date),
                                                    ('t', 'published')])
        if doi:
            record_add_field(rec, '024', ind1='7', subfields=[('a', doi),
                                                              ('2', 'DOI')])
        if abstract:
            record_add_field(rec, '520', subfields=[('a', abstract),
                                                    ('9', 'EDPSciences')])
        first_author = True
        for author in authors:
            if first_author:
                subfields = [('a', author[0])]
                if author[1]:
                    subfields.append(('v', author[1]))
                record_add_field(rec, '100', subfields=subfields)
                first_author = False
                subfields = [('a', author[0])]
                if author[1]:
                    subfields.append(('v', author[1]))
                record_add_field(rec, '700', subfields=subfields)
        subfields = []
        if journal and volume and first_page:
            subfields.append(('s', "%s,%s,%s" % (journal,
        if first_page and last_page:
                nuber_of_pages = int(last_page) - int(first_page)
                record_add_field(rec, '300',
                                 subfields=[('a', str(nuber_of_pages))])
            except ValueError:
            subfields.append(('c', '%s-%s' % (first_page,
        if year:
            subfields.append(('y', year))
        record_add_field(rec, '773', subfields=subfields)
        record_add_field(rec, '980', subfields=[('a', 'HEP')])
        if copyright_statement:
            record_add_field(rec, '542',
                             subfields=[('f', copyright_statement)])
        if subject:
            record_add_field(rec, '650', ind1='1', ind2='7',
                             subfields=[('2', 'EDPSciences'),
                                        ('a', subject)])
            return record_xml_output(rec)
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            message = "Found a bad char in the file for the article " + doi
            return ""
Пример #18
    def get_record(self, fileName, ref_extract_callback=None):
        Gets the Marc xml of the files in xaml_jp directory

        :param fileName: the name of the file to parse.
        :type fileName: string
        :param refextract_callback: callback to be used to extract
                                    unstructured references. It should
                                    return a marcxml formated string
                                    of the reference.
        :type refextract_callback: callable

        :returns: a string with the marc xml version of the file.
        self.document = parse(fileName)
        article_type = self._get_article_type()
        if article_type not in ['research-article',
            return ''
        rec = create_record()
        title, subtitle, notes = self._get_title()
        subfields = []
        if subtitle:
            subfields.append(('b', subtitle))
        if title:
            subfields.append(('a', title))
            record_add_field(rec, '245', subfields=subfields)
        subjects = self.document.getElementsByTagName('kwd')
        subjects = map(xml_to_text, subjects)
        for note_id in notes:
            note = self._get_note(note_id)
            if note:
                record_add_field(rec, '500', subfields=[('a', note)])
        for subject in subjects:
            record_add_field(rec, '650', ind1='1', ind2='7',
                             subfields=[('2', 'EDPSciences'),
                                        ('a', subject)])
        keywords = self._get_keywords()
        for keyword in keywords:
            record_add_field(rec, '653', ind1='1', subfields=[('a', keyword),
                                                              ('9', 'author')])
        journal, volume, issue, year, date, doi, page,\
            fpage, lpage = self._get_publication_information()
        astronomy_journals = ['EAS Publ.Ser.', 'Astron.Astrophys.']
        if journal in astronomy_journals:
            record_add_field(rec, '650', ind1='1', ind2='7',
                             subfields=[('2', 'INSPIRE'),
                                        ('a', 'Astrophysics')])
        if date:
            record_add_field(rec, '260', subfields=[('c', date),
                                                    ('t', 'published')])
        if doi:
            record_add_field(rec, '024', ind1='7', subfields=[('a', doi),
                                                              ('2', 'DOI')])
        abstract = self._get_abstract()
        abstract = self._format_abstract(abstract)
        if abstract:
            record_add_field(rec, '520', subfields=[('a', abstract),
                                                    ('9', 'EDPSciences')])
        license, license_type, license_url = self._get_license()
        subfields = []
        if license:
            subfields.append(('a', license))
        if license_url:
            subfields.append(('u', license_url))
        if subfields:
            record_add_field(rec, '540', subfields=subfields)
        if license_type == 'open-access':
            self._attach_fulltext(rec, doi)
        number_of_pages = self._get_page_count()
        if number_of_pages:
            record_add_field(rec, '300', subfields=[('a', number_of_pages)])
        c_holder, c_year, c_statement = self._get_copyright()
        if c_holder and c_year:
            record_add_field(rec, '542', subfields=[('d', c_holder),
                                                    ('g', c_year),
                                                    ('e', 'Article')])
        elif c_statement:
            record_add_field(rec, '542', subfields=[('f', c_statement),
                                                    ('e', 'Article')])
        subfields = []
        if journal:
            subfields.append(('p', journal))
        if issue:
            subfields.append(('n', issue))
        if volume:
            subfields.append(('v', volume))
        if fpage and lpage:
            subfields.append(('c', '%s-%s' % (fpage,
        elif page:
            subfields.append(('c', page))
        if year:
            subfields.append(('y', year))
        record_add_field(rec, '773', subfields=subfields)
        record_add_field(rec, '980', subfields=[('a', 'HEP')])
        conference = ''
        for tag in self.document.getElementsByTagName('conference'):
            conference = xml_to_text(tag)
        if conference:
            record_add_field(rec, '980', subfields=[('a', 'ConferencePaper')])
            record_add_field(rec, '500', subfields=[('a', conference)])
        self._add_references(rec, ref_extract_callback)
            return record_xml_output(rec)
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            message = "Found a bad char in the file for the article " + doi
            return ""
Пример #19
    def get_record(self, f_path, publisher=None, collection=None, logger=None):
        xml = super(NLMParser, self).get_article(f_path)
        rec = create_record()
        title = super(NLMParser, self).get_title(xml)
        if title:
            record_add_field(rec, '245', subfields=[('a', title)])
        record_add_field(rec, '260', subfields=[('c', super(NLMParser, self).get_publication_date(xml, logger))])
        journal, issn, volume, issue, first_page, last_page, year, doi = super(NLMParser, self).get_publication_information(xml)
        journal = "PTEP"  # Let's override the journal information

        if logger:
            logger.info("Creating record: %s %s" % (join(f_path, pardir), doi))

        if doi:
            record_add_field(rec, '024', ind1='7', subfields=[('a', doi), ('2', 'DOI')])
        page_count = super(NLMParser, self).get_page_count(xml)
        if page_count:
            record_add_field(rec, '300', subfields=[('a', page_count)])
        arxiv = self.get_arxiv_id(xml)
        if arxiv:
            record_add_field(rec, '037', subfields=[('9', 'arXiv'), ('a', format_arxiv_id(arxiv))])
        authors = super(NLMParser, self).get_authors(xml)
        first_author = True
        for author in authors:
            if author.get('surname'):
                subfields = [('a', '%s, %s' % (author.get('surname'), author.get('given_name') or author.get('initials', '')))]
                subfields = [('a', '%s' % (author.get('name', '')))]
            if 'orcid' in author:
                subfields.append(('j', author['orcid']))
            if 'affiliation' in author:
                for aff in author["affiliation"]:
                    subfields.append(('v', aff))

                if self.extract_nations:

            if author.get('email'):
                    subfields.append(('m', author['email']))
            if first_author:
                record_add_field(rec, '100', subfields=subfields)
                first_author = False
                record_add_field(rec, '700', subfields=subfields)

        abstract = super(NLMParser, self).get_abstract(xml)
        if abstract:
            record_add_field(rec, '520', subfields=[('a', abstract), ('9', publisher)])
        record_add_field(rec, '540', subfields=[('a', 'CC-BY-3.0'), ('u', 'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/')])
        copyright = super(NLMParser, self).get_copyright(xml, logger)
        if copyright:
            record_add_field(rec, '542', subfields=[('f', copyright)])
        keywords = super(NLMParser, self).get_keywords(xml)
        if keywords['pacs']:
            for keyword in keywords['pacs']:
                record_add_field(rec, '084', ind1='1', subfields=[('a', keyword), ('9', 'PACS')])

        ## Oxford is giving us bad keywords. Better ignore them.
        #if keywords['other']:
            #for keyword in keywords['other']:
                #record_add_field(rec, '653', ind1='1', subfields=[('a', keyword), ('9', 'author')])
        if first_page or last_page:
            pages = '%s-%s' % (first_page, last_page)
            article_meta = xml.getElementsByTagName('article-meta')[0]
            pages = get_value_in_tag(article_meta, "elocation-id")

        subfields = filter(lambda x: x[1] and x[1] != '-', [('p', journal),
                                                            ('v', volume),
                                                            ('n', issue),
                                                            ('c', pages),
                                                            ('y', year)])
        record_add_field(rec, '773', subfields=subfields)

        for label, authors, doi, issue, page, page_last, title, volume, year, ext_link, plain_text in self.references:
            subfields = []
            if doi:
                subfields.append(('a', doi))
            for author in authors:
                subfields.append(('h', author))
            if issue:
                subfields.append(('n', issue))
            if label:
                subfields.append(('o', label))
            if year:
                subfields.append(('y', year))
            if ext_link:
                subfields.append(('r', ext_link))
            # should we be strict about it?
            if title and volume and year and page:
                subfields.append(('s', '%s %s (%s) %s' % (title, volume, year, page)))
            elif not plain_text:
                subfields.append(('m', ('%s %s %s %s' % (title, volume, year, page))))
            if plain_text:
                subfields.append(('m', plain_text))
            if subfields:
                record_add_field(rec, '999', ind1='C', ind2='5', subfields=subfields)
        f_path_pdf = f_path[:-(len('.xml'))] + '.pdf'
        f_path_pdfa = join(dirname(f_path), 'archival_pdfs', basename(f_path)[:-len('.xml')] + '-hires.pdf')
        if exists(f_path_pdf):
            record_add_field(rec, 'FFT', subfields=[('a', f_path_pdf), ('n', 'main')])
                raise MissingFFTError
                register_exception(alert_admin=True, prefix="Oxford paper: %s is missing PDF." % (doi,))
                logger.warning("Record %s doesn't contain PDF file." % (doi,))
        if exists(f_path_pdfa):
            record_add_field(rec, 'FFT', subfields=[('a', f_path_pdfa), ('n', 'main'), ('f', '.pdf;pdfa')])
                raise MissingFFTError
                register_exception(alert_admin=True, prefix="Oxford paper: %s is missing PDF/A." % (doi,))
                logger.warning("Record %s doesn't contain PDF/A file." % (doi,))
        record_add_field(rec, 'FFT', subfields=[('a', f_path), ('n', 'main')])
        extra_subfields = []
        if collection:
            extra_subfields.append(('a', collection))
        if publisher:
            extra_subfields.append(('b', publisher))
        record_add_field(rec, '980', subfields=extra_subfields)
        return record_xml_output(rec)
Пример #20
    def get_record(self, path=None, no_pdf=False, test=False):
        xml_doc = self.get_article(path)
        rec = create_record()
        title = self.get_title(xml_doc)
        if title:
            record_add_field(rec, '245', subfields=[('a', title)])
         doi) = self.get_publication_information(xml_doc, path)
        if not journal:
            journal = self.get_article_journal(xml_doc)
        if start_date:
            record_add_field(rec, '260', subfields=[('c', start_date),
                                                    ('t', 'published')])
                rec, '260', subfields=[('c', time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))])
        if doi:
            record_add_field(rec, '024', ind1='7', subfields=[('a', doi),
                                                              ('2', 'DOI')])
        license, license_url = self.get_license(xml_doc)
        if license and license_url:
            record_add_field(rec, '540', subfields=[('a', license),
                                                    ('u', license_url)])
        elif license_url:
            record_add_field(rec, '540', subfields=[('u', license_url)])
        self.logger.info("Creating record: %s %s" % (path, doi))
        authors = self.get_authors(xml_doc)
        first_author = True
        for author in authors:
            author_name = (author['surname'], author.get(
                'given_name') or author.get('initials'))
            subfields = [('a', '%s, %s' % author_name)]
            if 'orcid' in author:
                subfields.append(('j', author['orcid']))
            if 'affiliation' in author:
                for aff in author["affiliation"]:
                    subfields.append(('v', aff))

                if self.extract_nations:

            if author.get('email'):
                subfields.append(('m', author['email']))
            if first_author:
                record_add_field(rec, '100', subfields=subfields)
                first_author = False
                record_add_field(rec, '700', subfields=subfields)

        abstract = self.get_abstract(xml_doc)
        if abstract:
            record_add_field(rec, '520', subfields=[('a', abstract),
                                                    ('9', 'Elsevier')])
        record_copyright = self.get_copyright(xml_doc)
        if record_copyright:
            record_add_field(rec, '542', subfields=[('f', record_copyright)])
        keywords = self.get_keywords(xml_doc)
        if self.CONSYN:
            for tag in xml_doc.getElementsByTagName('ce:collaboration'):
                collaboration = get_value_in_tag(tag, 'ce:text')
                if collaboration:
                    record_add_field(rec, '710',
                                     subfields=[('g', collaboration)])
            topics = []
            subjects = xml_doc.getElementsByTagName('dct:subject')
            for subject in subjects:
                for listitem in subject.getElementsByTagName('rdf:li'):
            if topics:
                record_add_field(rec, '650', ind1='1', ind2='7',
                                 subfields=[('2', 'Elsevier'),
                                            ('a', ', '.join(topics))])
            if keywords:
                for keyword in keywords:
                    record_add_field(rec, '653', ind1='1',
                                     subfields=[('a', keyword),
                                                ('9', 'author')])
            journal, dummy = fix_journal_name(journal.strip(),
            subfields = []
            doctype = self.get_doctype(xml_doc)
                page_count = int(last_page) - int(first_page)
                record_add_field(rec, '300',
                                 subfields=[('a', str(page_count))])
            except ValueError:  # do nothing
            if doctype == 'err':
                subfields.append(('m', 'Erratum'))
            elif doctype == 'add':
                subfields.append(('m', 'Addendum'))
            elif doctype == 'pub':
                subfields.append(('m', 'Publisher Note'))
            elif doctype == 'rev':
                record_add_field(rec, '980', subfields=[('a', 'Review')])
            if journal:
                subfields.append(('p', journal))
            if first_page and last_page:
                subfields.append(('c', '%s-%s' %
                                       (first_page, last_page)))
            elif first_page:
                subfields.append(('c', first_page))
            if volume:
                subfields.append(('v', volume))
            if year:
                subfields.append(('y', year))
            record_add_field(rec, '773', subfields=subfields)
            if not test:
                if license:
                    url = 'http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/'\
                          + path.split('/')[-1][:-4]
                    record_add_field(rec, '856', ind1='4',
                                     subfields=[('u', url),
                                                ('y', 'Elsevier server')])
                    record_add_field(rec, 'FFT', subfields=[('a', path),
                                                            ('t', 'INSPIRE-PUBLIC'),
                                                            ('d', 'Fulltext')])
                    record_add_field(rec, 'FFT', subfields=[('a', path),
                                                            ('t', 'Elsevier'),
                                                            ('o', 'HIDDEN')])
            record_add_field(rec, '980', subfields=[('a', 'HEP')])
            record_add_field(rec, '980', subfields=[('a', 'Citeable')])
            record_add_field(rec, '980', subfields=[('a', 'Published')])
            licence = 'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/'
                             subfields=[('a', 'CC-BY-3.0'), ('u', licence)])
            if keywords:
                for keyword in keywords:
                        rec, '653', ind1='1', subfields=[('a', keyword),
                                    ('9', 'author')])

            pages = ''
            if first_page and last_page:
                pages = '{0}-{1}'.format(first_page, last_page)
            elif first_page:
                pages = first_page

            subfields = filter(lambda x: x[1] and x[1] != '-', [('p', journal),
                                                                ('v', volume),
                                                                ('n', issue),
                                                                ('c', pages),
                                                                ('y', year)])

            record_add_field(rec, '773', subfields=subfields)
            if not no_pdf:
                query = '0247_a:"%s" AND NOT 980:DELETED"' % (doi,)
                prev_version = perform_request_search(p=query)

                old_pdf = False

                if prev_version:
                    prev_rec = BibRecDocs(prev_version[0])
                        pdf_path = prev_rec.get_bibdoc('main')
                        pdf_path = pdf_path.get_file(
                            ".pdf;pdfa", exact_docformat=True)
                        pdf_path = pdf_path.fullpath
                        old_pdf = True
                        record_add_field(rec, 'FFT',
                                         subfields=[('a', pdf_path),
                                                    ('n', 'main'),
                                                    ('f', '.pdf;pdfa')])
                        message = ('Leaving previously delivered PDF/A for: '
                                   + doi)
                    if exists(join(path, 'main_a-2b.pdf')):
                        pdf_path = join(path, 'main_a-2b.pdf')
                        record_add_field(rec, 'FFT',
                                         subfields=[('a', pdf_path),
                                                    ('n', 'main'),
                                                    ('f', '.pdf;pdfa')])
                        self.logger.debug('Adding PDF/A to record: %s'
                                          % (doi,))
                    elif exists(join(path, 'main.pdf')):
                        pdf_path = join(path, 'main.pdf')
                        record_add_field(rec, 'FFT', subfields=[('a', pdf_path)])
                        if not old_pdf:
                            message = "Record " + doi
                            message += " doesn't contain PDF file."
                            raise MissingFFTError(message)
                except MissingFFTError:
                    message = "Elsevier paper: %s is missing PDF." % (doi,)
                    register_exception(alert_admin=True, prefix=message)
                version = self.get_elsevier_version(find_package_name(path))
                record_add_field(rec, '583', subfields=[('l', version)])
                xml_path = join(path, 'main.xml')
                record_add_field(rec, 'FFT', subfields=[('a', xml_path)])
                record_add_field(rec, '980', subfields=[('a', 'SCOAP3'),
                                                        ('b', 'Elsevier')])
        self._add_references(xml_doc, rec)

            return record_xml_output(rec)
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            message = "Found a bad char in the file for the article " + doi
            return ""
Пример #21
    def get_record(self, f_path, publisher=None, collection=None, logger=None):
        #path = abspath(join(f_path, pardir))
        xml = self.get_article(f_path)
        rec = create_record()
        title = self.get_title(xml)
        if title:
            record_add_field(rec, '245', subfields=[('a', title)])
        publication_date = self.get_publication_date(xml)
        if publication_date:
            record_add_field(rec, '260', subfields=[('c', publication_date)])
        journal, issn, volume, issue, first_page, pages, year, doi = self.get_publication_information(xml)
        if doi:
            record_add_field(rec, '024', ind1='7', subfields=[('a', doi), ('2', 'DOI')])
        arxiv_id = self.get_arxiv_id(xml)
        if arxiv_id:
            record_add_field(rec, '037', subfields=[('a', arxiv_id), ('9', 'arXiv')])
        if logger:
            logger.info("Creating record: %s %s" % (f_path, doi))
        authors = self.get_authors(xml)
        first_author = True
        for author in authors:
            subfields = [('a', '%s, %s' % (author['surname'], author.get('given_name') or author.get('initials')))]
            if 'orcid' in author:
                subfields.append(('j', author['orcid']))
            if 'affiliation' in author:
                for aff in author["affiliation"]:
                    subfields.append(('v', aff))

                if self.extract_nations:

            if first_author:
                record_add_field(rec, '100', subfields=subfields)
                first_author = False
                record_add_field(rec, '700', subfields=subfields)

        abstract = self.get_abstract(xml)
        if abstract:
            record_add_field(rec, '520', subfields=[('a', abstract)])
        record_add_field(rec, '540', subfields=[('a', 'CC-BY-4.0'), ('u', 'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/')])
        copyright = self.get_copyright(xml)
        if copyright:
            record_add_field(rec, '542', subfields=[('f', copyright)])
        keywords = self.get_keywords(xml)
        if keywords:
            for keyword in keywords:
                record_add_field(rec, '653', ind1='1', subfields=[('a', keyword), ('9', 'author')])
        record_add_field(rec, "300", subfields=[('a', pages)])
        record_add_field(rec, '773', subfields=[('p', journal), ('v', volume), ('c', first_page), ('y', year)])
        references = self.get_references(xml)
        for label, authors, doi, issue, page, title, volume, year in references:
            subfields = []
            if doi:
                subfields.append(('a', doi))
            for author in authors:
                subfields.append(('h', author))
            if issue:
                subfields.append(('n', issue))
            if label:
                subfields.append(('o', label))
            if page:
                subfields.append(('p', page))
            subfields.append(('s', '%s %s (%s) %s' % (title, volume, year, page)))
            if title:
                subfields.append(('t', title))
            if volume:
                subfields.append(('v', volume))
            if year:
                subfields.append(('y', year))
            if subfields:
                record_add_field(rec, '999', ind1='C', ind2='5', subfields=subfields)

        folder_name = join('/', *(f_path.split('/')[0:-1]))
        pdf_name = f_path.split('/')[-1].rstrip('.xml.scoap') + '.pdf'
        pdf_path = join(folder_name, 'BodyRef/PDF', pdf_name)
        print pdf_path
        if exists(pdf_path):
            record_add_field(rec, 'FFT', subfields=[('a', pdf_path), ('n', 'main'), ('f', '.pdf;pdfa')])
            # Don't know why it doesn't work????????????
            # register_exception(alert_admin=True)
            if logger:
                logger.error("Record %s doesn't contain PDF file." % (doi,))
        record_add_field(rec, 'FFT', subfields=[('a', self.get_body_ref(xml)), ('n', 'main')])
        record_add_field(rec, '980', subfields=[('a', collection), ('b', publisher)])
        return record_xml_output(rec)
    def get_record(self, fileName):
        Gets the Marc xml of the files in xaml_jp directory

        :param fileName: the name of the file to parse.
        :type fileName: string

        :returns: a string with the marc xml version of the file.
        self.document = parse(fileName)
        article_type = self._get_article_type()
        if article_type not in ["research-article", "introduction", "letter"]:
            return ""
        rec = create_record()
        title, subtitle, notes = self._get_title()
        subfields = []
        if subtitle:
            subfields.append(("b", subtitle))
        if title:
            subfields.append(("a", title))
            record_add_field(rec, "245", subfields=subfields)
        subjects = self.document.getElementsByTagName("kwd")
        subjects = map(xml_to_text, subjects)
        for note_id in notes:
            note = self._get_note(note_id)
            if note:
                record_add_field(rec, "500", subfields=[("a", note)])
        for subject in subjects:
            record_add_field(rec, "650", ind1="1", ind2="7", subfields=[("2", "EDPSciences"), ("a", subject)])
        keywords = self._get_keywords()
        for keyword in keywords:
            record_add_field(rec, "653", ind1="1", subfields=[("a", keyword), ("9", "author")])
        journal, volume, issue, year, date, doi, page, fpage, lpage = self._get_publication_information()
        astronomy_journals = ["EAS Publ.Ser.", "Astron.Astrophys."]
        if journal in astronomy_journals:
            record_add_field(rec, "650", ind1="1", ind2="7", subfields=[("2", "INSPIRE"), ("a", "Astrophysics")])
        if date:
            record_add_field(rec, "260", subfields=[("c", date), ("t", "published")])
        if doi:
            record_add_field(rec, "024", ind1="7", subfields=[("a", doi), ("2", "DOI")])
        abstract = self._get_abstract()
        abstract = self._format_abstract(abstract)
        if abstract:
            record_add_field(rec, "520", subfields=[("a", abstract), ("9", "EDPSciences")])
        license, license_type, license_url = self._get_license()
        subfields = []
        if license:
            subfields.append(("a", license))
        if license_url:
            subfields.append(("u", license_url))
        if subfields:
            record_add_field(rec, "540", subfields=subfields)
        if license_type == "open-access":
            self._attach_fulltext(rec, doi)
        number_of_pages = self._get_page_count()
        if number_of_pages:
            record_add_field(rec, "300", subfields=[("a", number_of_pages)])
        c_holder, c_year, c_statement = self._get_copyright()
        if c_holder and c_year:
            record_add_field(rec, "542", subfields=[("d", c_holder), ("g", c_year), ("e", "Article")])
        elif c_statement:
            record_add_field(rec, "542", subfields=[("f", c_statement), ("e", "Article")])
        subfields = []
        if journal:
            subfields.append(("p", journal))
        if issue:
            subfields.append(("n", issue))
        if volume:
            subfields.append(("v", volume))
        if fpage and lpage:
            subfields.append(("c", "%s-%s" % (fpage, lpage)))
        elif page:
            subfields.append(("c", page))
        if year:
            subfields.append(("y", year))
        record_add_field(rec, "773", subfields=subfields)
        record_add_field(rec, "980", subfields=[("a", "HEP")])
        conference = ""
        for tag in self.document.getElementsByTagName("conference"):
            conference = xml_to_text(tag)
        if conference:
            record_add_field(rec, "980", subfields=[("a", "ConferencePaper")])
            record_add_field(rec, "500", subfields=[("a", conference)])
            return record_xml_output(rec)
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            message = "Found a bad char in the file for the article " + doi
            return ""