def deposit(amount): # 存款 sender = GetTxSender() if BalanceOf(sender, [GARD_DENOM])[0] <= amount: raise Exception("余额不足") if amount % BOX_PRICE != 0: raise Exception("存款必须是最少所存量的倍数") if query_box_status() != DEPOSIT_STATUS: raise Exception("当前不处于存款吸纳期,无法存款") if amount > BOX_CEILING: raise Exception("大于最大允许的存款量") deposit_amount = query_deposit_amount() # 盒子存款总量 if not deposit_amount: Put(KEY_BOX_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT, amount) else: sub = BOX_CEILING - deposit_amount if amount > sub: raise Exception("超过可存入的最大存款数") else: Put(KEY_BOX_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT, deposit_amount + amount) # 提交存款盒子总量 user_deposit_amount = query_user_deposit_amount(sender) user_deposit_key = concat(KEY_USER_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT, sender) if not user_deposit_amount: Put(user_deposit_key, amount) else: Put(user_deposit_key, user_deposit_amount + amount) # 提交用户的的存款量 ContractBalanceInject(sender, GARD_DENOM, amount) # 给盒子转账 return True
def interest_injection(amount): # 利息注入 sender = GetTxSender() interest_balance = query_interest_balance() # 查询盒子注入利息 user_interest_amount = query_user_inject_interest(sender) # 用户对盒子注入的利息 user_inject_key = concat(KEY_USER_INJECT_INTEREST, sender) if BalanceOf(sender, [GARD_DENOM])[0] <= amount: raise Exception("余额不足") if query_box_status() != ISSUE_STATUS: raise Exception("当前不处于发行期") if amount > BOX_INTEREST: raise Exception("大于最大应存利息数") if not interest_balance: Put(KEY_BOX_INTEREST, amount) # 记录利息 else: sub = BOX_INTEREST - interest_balance if amount > sub: raise Exception("超过可存入的利息总额") else: Put(KEY_BOX_INTEREST, interest_balance + amount) if not user_interest_amount: # 提交用户注入利息 Put(user_inject_key, amount) else: Put(user_inject_key, user_interest_amount + amount) ContractBalanceInject(sender, GARD_DENOM, amount) # 转账利息到合约地址 return True
def stake(game_type, operation_type): # 用户购买 sender = GetTxSender() user_list = emoji_random() # 随机表情列表 period = get_period_generation() # 当期期号 if query_user_time_condition(sender): # 查询是否过去5秒 stake_info_key = concat(concat(KEY_USER_STAKE_INFO, sender), period) PutArray(stake_info_key, user_list) # Put 用户购买后产生的列表 # Put 用户的投注列表,最多保持24个记录 stake_list = query_user_stake_list(sender) stake_list_key = concat(KEY_USER_STAKE_LIST, sender) if len(stake_list) == 0: PutArray(stake_list_key, [period]) if len(stake_list) == 24: new_stake_list = [] for i in range(len(stake_list)): if i != len(stake_list) - 1: new_stake_list.append(stake_list[i + 1]) new_stake_list.append(period) PutArray(stake_list_key, new_stake_list) else: new_stake_list = [] for i in range(len(stake_list)): new_stake_list.append(stake_list[i]) new_stake_list.append(period) PutArray(stake_list_key, new_stake_list) period_type_key = concat(concat(KEY_USER_PERIOD_TYPE, sender), period) Put(period_type_key, game_type) # Put 用户当期期数的类型,即表情包 amount = 200 * GARD_FACTOR if BalanceOf(sender, [GARD_DENOM])[0] < amount: raise Exception("余额不足") inject_stake_pool(amount) # 给合约地址转钱 add_user_stake_amount(sender, amount) # 加入自己的消费额中 time = GetTime() period_time_key = concat(concat(KEY_USER_PERIOD_TIME, sender), period) Put(period_time_key, time) # Put 用户期数的时间戳 save_period_key = concat(KEY_SAVE_PERIOD, sender) if operation_type == 1: # 1为 直接stake save_period_key = concat(KEY_SAVE_PERIOD, sender) PutArray(save_period_key, []) # 把用户保存的表清空 if operation_type != 1: # 0 为继续 save_period_list = GetArray(save_period_key) # 查询用户保存的期号列表 if len(save_period_list) == 0: raise Exception("当期不是继续的场景") return True else: raise Exception("请等待时间")
def set_event_pool(amount): # 设立活动奖池 sender_address = GetTxSender() if BalanceOf(sender_address, [GARD_DENOM])[0] < amount: # 判断余额是否足够初始化 raise Exception("余额不足") event_pool = Get(KEY_EVENT_POOL) if not event_pool: ContractBalanceInject(sender_address, GARD_DENOM, amount) Put(KEY_EVENT_POOL, amount) return True balance_amount = event_pool + amount Put(KEY_EVENT_POOL, balance_amount) ContractBalanceInject(sender_address, GARD_DENOM, balance_amount) return True
def system_prize_pool_inject(amount): # 给系统奖池授予额度 sender = GetTxSender() if BalanceOf(sender, [GARD_DENOM])[0] < amount: # 判断余额是否足够初始化 raise Exception("余额不足") sys_pool = Get(KEY_SYSTEM_POOL) if not sys_pool: ContractBalanceInject(sender, GARD_DENOM, amount) Put(KEY_SYSTEM_POOL, amount) # 记录系统奖池额度 return True balance_amount = sys_pool + amount ContractBalanceInject(sender, GARD_DENOM, balance_amount) Put(KEY_SYSTEM_POOL, balance_amount) # 记录总的奖池额度 return True
def draw(): # 开奖 if not if_lottery(): raise Exception("当前期数还在进行时") draws = Get(KEY_NUMBER_DRAWS) # 当前期数 sender = GetTxSender() if BalanceOf(sender, [GARD_DENOM])[0] <= 0: raise Exception("当前账户没有持有 GARD,无法开奖") sys_pool = syspool() # 当前的系统奖池额度 now_users_pool = stakepool() # 当前用户池额度 now_time = GetTime() # 获取当前时间 prize_number = GetRand(3) # 生成中奖号码 prize_key = concat(KEY_PRIZE_NUMBER, draws) Put(prize_key, prize_number) # 记录每一期的中奖号码 rand_amount = int(GetRand(4)) # 生成随机开奖奖励 amount lettry_amount = rand_amount * GARD_FACTOR draws_lettry_key = concat(KEY_LOTTERY_USER, draws) PutArray(draws_lettry_key, [sender, str(now_time), str(lettry_amount)]) # 增加开奖人记录 now_users_pool = now_users_pool - lettry_amount Put(KEY_USER_POOL, now_users_pool) # 先从用户奖池扣除这一部分开奖奖金 # 算出当前中奖人数有多少个 note_key = concat(draws, KEY_CALUCLATION_NOTE) note_num = Get(note_key) # 当期有多少个投注数, 返回是个int fist_amount = 0 # 第一名的总额度 second_amount = 0 # 二等奖中奖总token额度 thrid_amount = 0 # 三等奖中奖总token额度 for i in range(1, note_num + 1): betting_info = query_bets_note(draws, str(i)) number = betting_info[2] if first_prize_match(draws, number): fist_amount = int(betting_info[3]) + fist_amount continue if second_prize_match(draws, number): second_amount = int(betting_info[3]) + second_amount continue if thrid_prize_match(draws, number): thrid_amount = int(betting_info[3]) + thrid_amount continue award_key = concat(draws, KEY_AMOUNT_EACH_AWARD) # 中奖额度信息 PutArray(award_key, [ str(sys_pool), str(now_users_pool), str(fist_amount), str(second_amount), str(thrid_amount) ]) # 记录每一期的中奖额度信息 PutArray(KEY_LAST_NUMBER_DRAWS, [draws, str(now_time)]) # 最后一期期数和期数结束时间 draws = get_period_generation() Put(KEY_NUMBER_DRAWS, draws) # 期数变更 key = concat(draws, KEY_DRAWS_PID) now_pid = get_pid() Put(key, now_pid) # 更改这期的pid draws_time_key = concat(draws, KEY_PERIODS_TIME) Put(draws_time_key, now_time) # 当前期号对应的时间戳 all_periods = query_periods_list() list = [] for i in range(len(all_periods)): list.append(all_periods[i]) if len(list) == 24: list = list[1:] list.append(draws) PutArray(KEY_PERIODS_LIST, list) # 所有列表 24 个 ContractBalanceSend(sender, GARD_DENOM, lettry_amount) # 给开奖人奖金 return True
def stake(number, amount, invitation_code): # 用户投注 if len(number) != 3: raise Exception("请输入正确的投注号码") if amount < 10000 * GARD_FACTOR: raise Exception("每次投注不能少于 10000gard") if if_lottery(): raise Exception('当前期已经结束,处于开奖期,前往开奖') sender_address = GetTxSender() # 当前调用地址 if BalanceOf(sender_address, [GARD_DENOM])[0] < 10000 * GARD_FACTOR: raise Exception("账户余额不足投注") now_time = GetTime() # 当前时间 rd = Get(KEY_NUMBER_DRAWS) # 当前期数 user_bets_key = concat(concat(KEY_USER_BETS, sender_address), rd) # 用户投注次数 user_bets = Get(user_bets_key) if not user_bets: Put(user_bets_key, 1) else: if user_bets >= 3: raise Exception("当前用户投注次数超过三次") else: Put(user_bets_key, user_bets + 1) now_user_pool = stakepool() # 当前用户池额度 if not now_user_pool: Put(KEY_USER_POOL, amount) else: Put(KEY_USER_POOL, amount + now_user_pool) # 添加入总的用户池额度 now_issue_stakepool = query_issue_stakepool(rd) issue_stakepool_key = concat(rd, KEY_USER_POOL) # 当期的用户池总额度 if now_issue_stakepool > 0: Put(issue_stakepool_key, now_issue_stakepool + amount) else: Put(issue_stakepool_key, amount) note_key = concat(rd, KEY_CALUCLATION_NOTE) num_note = Get(note_key) # 获取投注数 now_note = num_note + 1 # 每个用户投注一次,次数增加一次 Put(note_key, now_note) # 记录每一期的总的投注数 # 投注数每次都增加,避免出现一个过大的列表 betting_record_key = concat(concat(KEY_NUMBER_BETS_PEER_ISSUE, rd), str(now_note)) # 每一期的投注记录 key user_info = [str(now_time), sender_address, number, str(amount)] # 保存为一个数组 Assert(user_info[3] == str(amount), "erro") # 输出address PutArray(betting_record_key, user_info) # 记录投注记录 number_key = concat(concat(rd, KEY_BETTING_NUMBER), sender_address) # 用户的投注号码 amount_key = concat(concat(concat(rd, KEY_BETTING_AMOUNT), number), sender_address) # 记录用户投注的金额 stake_all_key = concat(KEY_MY_ALL_STAKE, sender_address) # 我所有的投注记录,只记录三天以内的 stake_list = GetArray(stake_all_key) if len(stake_list) == 0: ls = [] ls.append(rd) PutArray(stake_all_key, ls) # 记录我的投注记录期号 else: periods_exceeds_list = get_periods_exceeds(sender_address, rd) # 返回去掉一天外的数组 PutArray(stake_all_key, periods_exceeds_list) numbers = GetArray(number_key) if len(numbers) == 0: PutArray(number_key, [number]) # 记录用户的投注号码 Put(amount_key, amount) # 记录用户对这个号码的投注金额 else: ls = [] existed = False for i in range(len(numbers)): ls.append(numbers[i]) if numbers[i] == number: balance = query_users_number_amount(sender_address, rd, number) balance_amount = balance + amount Put(amount_key, balance_amount) existed = True if not existed: ls.append(number) PutArray(number_key, ls) Put(amount_key, amount) # 记录用户对这个号码的投注金额 invited_key = concat(KEY_INVITED_RECORD, sender_address) # 被邀请记录 invited = Get(invited_key) invitation_user = query_invitation_code_user(invitation_code) # 生成邀请码的地址 invitation_key = concat(KEY_INVITATION_RECORD, invitation_user) # 上级邀请记录 if len( invitation_code ) == 4 and not invited and invitation_user and invitation_user != sender_address: Put(invited_key, invitation_user) # 提交被邀请记录 invitation_list_value = GetArray(invitation_key) invitation_list = [] for i in range(len(invitation_list_value)): invitation_list.append(invitation_list_value[i]) invitation_list.append(sender_address) PutArray(invitation_key, invitation_list) # 提交邀请人的邀请记录,由于可以邀请很多人,所有是个列表 stake_count_key = concat( KEY_MY_STAKE_COUNT, sender_address) # 我的投注统计,包括投注的总 token,和获取奖励的总 token count_value = GetArray(stake_count_key) if len(count_value) == 0: PutArray(stake_count_key, [str(amount), str(0)]) if len(count_value) == 2: betting_amount = int(count_value[0]) # 总共投注 reward_amount = int(count_value[1]) # 获得奖励 PutArray(stake_count_key, [str(betting_amount + amount), str(reward_amount)]) # 提交自己投注记录 ContractBalanceInject(sender_address, GARD_DENOM, amount) return True
def stake(multiple): # 用户购买卡单 if multiple != 1 and multiple != 2 and multiple != 5 and multiple != 10: raise Exception("只支持一倍,两倍,五倍,十倍") sender = GetTxSender() # 当前用户 if BalanceOf(sender, [GARD_DENOM])[0] < 200 * GARD_FACTOR: raise Exception("当前余额不足购买") now_time = GetTime() if not issue(): # 如果当期没有期数 period = get_period_generation() Put(KEY_GAME_PERIOD, period) # Put 初始的期号 pid_key = concat(KEY_GAME_PID, period) Put(pid_key, get_peroid_pid()) # Put 初始期号的 pid time_key = concat(KEY_ISSUE_TIME, period) Put(time_key, now_time) # Put 初始的时间戳 if if_update_period(): # 已经过了五分钟 返回 true period = get_period_generation() # 新的期号 Put(KEY_GAME_PERIOD, period) # Put 新的期号 now_pid = get_peroid_pid() # 当前 pid pid_key = concat(KEY_GAME_PID, period) Put(pid_key, now_pid) # Put 新的期号的pid time_key = concat(KEY_ISSUE_TIME, period) Put(time_key, now_time) # Put 新的期号的时间戳 now_period = Get(KEY_GAME_PERIOD) # 当前期 table_generation = get_table_generation() # 获取表格 period_lottery_key = concat(concat(KEY_USER_LOTTERY, sender), now_period) user_table = query_user_table_generation(sender, now_period) if len(user_table) > 0: raise Exception("当期已经买过卡单") PutArray(period_lottery_key, table_generation) # 如果没有购买过,则提交当前表单 stake_key = concat(KEY_USER_STAKE, sender) stake_list = GetArray(stake_key) # 查询用户的投注列表 ls = [] if len(stake_list) == 0: ls.append(now_period) if len(stake_list) == 24: for i in range(len(stake_list)): if i != len(stake_list) - 1: ls.append(stake_list[i + 1]) ls.append(now_period) if 0 < len(stake_list) < 24: for i in range(len(stake_list)): ls.append(stake_list[i]) ls.append(now_period) PutArray(stake_key, ls) # 只记录用户的24期 stake_amount = stakepool() if not stake_amount: Put(KEY_STAKE_POOL, 200 * GARD_FACTOR) else: stake_amount = stake_amount + 200 * GARD_FACTOR Put(KEY_STAKE_POOL, stake_amount) # put 投注池子 multiple_key = concat(concat(KEY_MULTIPLE, sender), now_period) # 用户该期的倍数 Put(multiple_key, multiple) call_numbers = query_period_call_number(now_period) # 返回一个列表, 查询本期的叫号列表 call_number_key = concat(KEY_GAME_PERIOD_CALL_NUMBER, now_period) if len(call_numbers) == 0: PutArray(call_number_key, call_number()) # Put 本期的叫号号码 amount = multiple * 200 * GARD_FACTOR stake_amount_key = concat(KEY_USER_STAKE_AMOUNT, sender) user_stake_amount = query_user_stake_amount(sender) if not user_stake_amount: Put(stake_amount_key, amount) # Put 用户总共购买过的金额 else: user_stake_amount = user_stake_amount + amount Put(stake_amount_key, user_stake_amount) user_multiple_key = concat(concat(KEY_USER_ISSUE_MULTIPLE, sender), now_period) # 用户当期购买的倍数 Put(user_multiple_key, multiple) ContractBalanceInject(sender, GARD_DENOM, amount) # 每次投注花费200个gard return True
def stake(mode, multipe, number): # 用户投注 ls = [] now_time = GetTime() for i in range(len(number)): ls.append(int(number[i])) if mode == 0: # 散值 for i in range(len(ls)): if ls[i] > 6: raise Exception("每个数字在1到6之间") if mode == 1: # 和值 if int(number) < 3 or int(number) > 18: raise Exception("最大的和值为18") if multipe > 99 or multipe < 1: raise Exception("不支持的倍数") if if_stake(): num = draw_number() # 开启下一期前,开放上一期的中奖号码 draw_num_key = concat(KEY_GAME_PRIZE, issue()) Put(draw_num_key, num) # Put 该期的中奖号码 update_period = get_period_generation() Put(KEY_GAME_PERIOD, update_period) # Put 新的期数 time_key = concat(KEY_GAME_TIME, update_period) Put(time_key, now_time) # Put新期数的时间戳 period_list = [] ls = GetArray(KEY_GAME_LIST) for i in range(len(ls)): if len(ls) < 24: period_list.append(ls[i]) if len(ls) >= 24 and i < 23: period_list.append(ls[i + 1]) period_list.append(update_period) PutArray(KEY_GAME_LIST, period_list) # Put 24个期数列表 sender = GetTxSender() period = issue() amount = multipe * STAKE_AMOUNT if BalanceOf(sender, [GARD_DENOM])[0] < amount: raise Exception("余额不足") if len(query_user_stake(sender, period)) > 0: raise Exception("当期已经购买过") user_stake_key = concat(concat(KEY_USER_STAKE, sender), period) if mode == 0: # 0 为散号 PutArray(user_stake_key, [str(mode), str(multipe), number, str(amount)]) if mode == 1: # 1 为和值 PutArray(user_stake_key, [str(mode), str(multipe), number, str(amount)]) user_stake_list = [] ls = query_user_stake_list(sender) for i in range(len(ls)): if len(ls) < 24: user_stake_list.append(ls[i]) if len(ls) >= 24 and i < 23: user_stake_list.append(ls[i + 1]) user_stake_list.append(period) user_stake_list_key = concat(KEY_USER_ISSUE, sender) # Put 24个用户投注的期数列表 PutArray(user_stake_list_key, user_stake_list) stake_all_amount = query_user_stake_amount(sender) stake_amount_key = concat(KEY_USER_STAKE, sender) if not stake_all_amount: Put(stake_amount_key, amount) else: stake_all_amount = stake_all_amount + amount Put(stake_amount_key, stake_all_amount) # Put 用户的总共投注金额 inject_stake_pool(amount) return True