Пример #1
class TestHashTable(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.ht = HashTable()

    def test_hash(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.hash("hello"), self.ht.hash("hello"))
        self.assertTrue(self.ht.hash("hello") < self.ht.capacity)

    def test_insert(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.size, 0)
        self.ht.insert("test_key", "test_value")
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.size, 1)

    def test_find(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.size, 0)
        obj = "hello"
        self.ht.insert("key1", obj)
        self.assertEqual(obj, self.ht.find("key1"))
        obj = ["this", "is", "a", "list"]
        self.ht.insert("key2", obj)
        self.assertEqual(obj, self.ht.find("key2"))

    def test_remove(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.size, 0)
        obj = "test object"
        self.ht.insert("key1", obj)
        self.assertEqual(1, self.ht.size)
        self.assertEqual(obj, self.ht.remove("key1"))
        self.assertEqual(0, self.ht.size)
        self.assertEqual(None, self.ht.remove("some random key"))

    def test_capacity(self):
        # Test all public methods in one run at a large capacity
        for i in range(0, 1000):
            self.assertEqual(i, self.ht.size)
            self.ht.insert("key" + str(i), "value")
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.size, 1000)
        for i in range(0, 1000):
            self.assertEqual(1000 - i, self.ht.size)
            self.assertEqual(self.ht.find("key" + str(i)),
                             self.ht.remove("key" + str(i)))

    def test_issue2(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.size, 0)
        self.ht.insert('A', 5)
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.size, 1)
        self.ht.insert('B', 10)
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.size, 2)
        self.ht.insert('Ball', 'hello')
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.size, 3)

        self.assertEqual(5, self.ht.remove('A'))
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.size, 2)
        self.assertEqual(None, self.ht.remove('A'))
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.size, 2)
        self.assertEqual(None, self.ht.remove('A'))
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.size, 2)
Пример #2
    def test_find(self):
        size = 30
        step = 2
        h = HashTable(size, step)


        self.assertEqual(h.find("One"), h.hash_fun("One"))
        self.assertEqual(h.find("Two"), h.hash_fun("Two"))
        self.assertEqual(h.find("Three"), h.hash_fun("Three"))
        self.assertEqual(h.find("Four"), None)
Пример #3
class Vertex(object):
    def __init__(self, location):
        self.edges = HashTable()
        self.value = location

    # add edge to HashTable -> O(n) complexity
    def add_edge(self, edge):
        self.edges.insert(edge.identifier, edge)

    # find edge by id -> O(n) complexity
    def find_edge(self, edge_id):
        return self.edges.find(edge_id)

    # find distance to neighboring vertex -> O(n) complexity
    def distance_to(self, location):
        return self.edges.find(location.identifier).weight
Пример #4
def test_find():
	total_size = 50
	test_table = HashTable(total_size)
	key1 = 'test1'
	value1 = 'passed1'
	assert test_table.find(key1) == value1
Пример #5
class Graph(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.vertices = HashTable(20)

    # creates a vertex from a location and adds it to the vertex hash table -> O(n) complexity
    def add_vertex(self, location):
        self.vertices.insert(location.identifier, Vertex(location))

    # creates a bi-directional weighted edge between two vertices -> O(n) complexity
    def add_weighted_edge(self, origin, destination, weight):
        self.vertices.find(origin.identifier).add_edge(Edge(destination, weight))
        self.vertices.find(destination.identifier).add_edge(Edge(origin, weight))

    # finds the vertex matching the location -> O(n) complexity
    def find_vertex(self, location):
        return self.vertices.find(location.identifier)

    # finds the distance between two vertices -> O(n) complexity
    def find_distance(self, origin, target):
        return self.vertices.find(origin.identifier).distance_to(target)

    # finds the distance between a location and package destination
    # used for priority list sorting
    def distance_to_deliver(self, location):
        def distance_to(package):
            return self.vertices.find(location.identifier).distance_to(package.destination)

        return distance_to

    # sets up the next closest location the truck should drive to
    def distance_from(self, origin):
        def distance_to(destination):
            return self.vertices.find(origin.identifier).distance_to(destination)

        return distance_to
Пример #6
def main():
    secret_hidden = False
    secret_key = os.urandom(16)
    secret_message = b'no flag for you'

    flag = os.environ.get('FLAG', 'MOCSCTF{REDACTED}')

    ht = HashTable()
    while True:
            cmd = input('> ').split(' ')
            if cmd[0] == 'set':
                key = bytes.fromhex(cmd[1])
                value = bytes.fromhex(cmd[2])
                ht.add(key, value)
            elif cmd[0] == 'get':
                key = bytes.fromhex(cmd[1])
                res = ht.find(key)
                if res == False: continue
            elif cmd[0] == 'delete':
                key = bytes.fromhex(cmd[1])

            elif cmd[0] == 'put_secret':
                ht.add(secret_key, secret_message)
                secret_hidden = True
            elif cmd[0] == 'get_secret':
                if secret_hidden == False:
                    print('Go hide the secret first!')
                elif ht.find(secret_key) != secret_message:
                    print(f'You overwrote the key! This is your flag: {flag}')
                    print('Try harder!')

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            raise KeyboardInterrupt
Пример #7
class TestHashTable(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.ht = HashTable()

    def test_hash(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.hash("hello"), self.ht.hash("hello"))
        self.assertTrue(self.ht.hash("hello") < self.ht.capacity)

    def test_insert(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.size, 0)

        self.ht.insert("test_key", "test_value")
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.size, 1)


    def test_find(self):
        obj = "hello"
        self.ht.insert("key1", obj)
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.find("key1"), obj)
        obj = ["this", "is", "a", "list"]
        self.ht.insert("key2", obj)
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.find("key2"), obj)

    def test_find_overwritten_value(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.size, 0)

        key = "key1"
        obj = "obj1"
        self.ht.insert(key, obj)
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.find(key), obj)
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.size, 1)

        another_obj = "another_obj"
        self.ht.insert(key, another_obj)
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.find(key), another_obj)
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.size, 1)

    def test_remove(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.size, 0)

        obj = "test object"
        self.ht.insert("key1", obj)
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.size, 1)
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.remove("key1"), obj)
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.size, 0)

        self.assertEqual(self.ht.remove("non exist key"), None)

    def test_capacity(self):
        # Test all public methods in one run at a large capacity
        for i in range(1000):
            self.assertEqual(i, self.ht.size)
            self.ht.insert(f"key{i}", "value")
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.size, 1000)

        for i in range(1000):
            self.assertEqual(1000 - i, self.ht.size)

    def test_issue2(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.size, 0)
        self.ht.insert("A", 5)
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.size, 1)
        self.ht.insert("B", 10)
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.size, 2)
        self.ht.insert("Ball", "hello")
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.size, 3)

        self.assertEqual(self.ht.remove("A"), 5)
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.size, 2)
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.remove("A"), None)
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.size, 2)
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.remove("A"), None)
        self.assertEqual(self.ht.size, 2)
Пример #8
def test_not_included():
    hash_table = HashTable(0)
    hash_table.add('fruit', 'apple')
    expected = None
    actual = hash_table.find('vegetable')
    assert actual == expected
    def run():
        graph = Graph()
        locations_hash = HashTable(20)
        packages_hash = HashTable(40)

        # opening and reading the location data from csv, then populating a hash table and graph with location data
        with open('DistanceNameData.csv') as csvfile:
            location_data = csv.reader(csvfile)

            # looping through location data -> O(n) complexity
            for data_row in location_data:
                location = Location(*data_row)

                # inserting location data into the hash table -> O(n) complexity
                locations_hash.insert(location.identifier, location)
                locations_hash.insert(location.address, location)

                # creating graph vertices -> O(n) complexity

        all_packages = []
        high_priority = []
        low_priority = []

        with open('InputData.csv') as csvfile:
            package_data = csv.reader(csvfile)

            for data_row in package_data:
                package = Package(*(data_row +

                packages_hash.insert(package.identifier, package)

                # sorting through packages and divvying them up depending on priority levels
                # O(1) complexity
                if package.high_priority():

        # edge-creation between graph vertices
        with open('DistanceData.csv') as csvfile:
            distance_data = csv.reader(csvfile)

            # looping through csv file -> O(n^2) complexity
            for i, data_row in enumerate(distance_data):
                for j, data in enumerate(data_row):
                    if data != '':

                        # add a weighted edge to graph -> O(n) complexity

        start_time = timedelta(hours=8)
        start_location = locations_hash.find(0)

        # limiting truck use to two trucks--truck 1 will make two trips since we have two drivers only
        trucks = [
            Truck(1, start_time, start_location),
            Truck(2, start_time, start_location)

        # list of leave times that are optimized for package distribution
        times_to_leave_hub = [
            timedelta(hours=9, minutes=5),
            timedelta(hours=10, minutes=20)

        # sort high and low priority lists based on distance from main hub -> O(n*log(n)) complexity
        high_priority = sorted(high_priority,
        low_priority = sorted(low_priority,

        count = 0
        truck_index = 0
        i = 0

        # while loop until packages are all delivered
        while count < len(all_packages):
            truck = trucks[truck_index]

            if i < len(times_to_leave_hub):
                leave_hub_at = times_to_leave_hub[i]

            # filter priority list based on which packages a given truck can deliver -> O(n)
            filtered_high = [p for p in high_priority if truck.can_deliver(p)]

            # load up as many high priority packages as the truck can fit
            for package in filtered_high:
                # adding package to truck list -> O(1) complexity
                count += 1

                if truck.is_full():

            # if truck isn't full after high priority packages, fill it up with nearby low priority packages
            if truck.is_full() is not True:
                filtered_low = [
                    p for p in low_priority if truck.can_deliver(p)
                for package in filtered_low:
                    count += 1

                    if truck.is_full():

            # using greedy algorithm, truck delivers packages in a route that is most optimized according to graph
            # O(n^2*log(n)) complexity
                                   (len(all_packages) - count) > truck.max)
            i += 1
            truck_index = i % len(trucks)

        def total_distance(truck):
            return truck.total_distance

        return [sum(map(total_distance, trucks)), packages_hash, all_packages]