def test_extras(): with temp_chdir() as d: runner = CliRunner() test_dir = os.path.join(d, 'a', 'b') test_file1 = os.path.join(test_dir, 'file1.txt') test_file2 = os.path.join(d, 'x', 'y', 'file2.txt') test_glob = '{}{}*'.format(os.path.join(d, 'x'), os.path.sep) fake_file = os.path.join(test_dir, '') create_file(test_file1) create_file(test_file2) with temp_move_path(SETTINGS_FILE, d): new_settings = copy_default_settings() new_settings['extras'] = [ test_dir, test_file1, test_glob, fake_file ] save_settings(new_settings) runner.invoke(hatch, ['egg', 'ok', '--basic']) d = os.path.join(d, 'ok') assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, 'b', 'file1.txt')) assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, 'file1.txt')) assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, 'y', 'file2.txt')) assert not os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, 'file2.txt')) assert not os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, ''))
def test_interactive_mode(): with temp_chdir() as d: runner = CliRunner() with temp_move_path(SETTINGS_FILE, d): result = runner.invoke( hatch, ['init', '-i', '--basic', '-ne'], input= 'ok\n0.1.0\nTest Description\nPicard\[email protected]\nmpl\n' ) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, 'ok', '')) assert "__version__ = '0.1.0'\n" == read_file( os.path.join(d, 'ok', '')) assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, 'LICENSE-MPL')) assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, 'pyproject.toml')) pyproject = toml.load('pyproject.toml') metadata = pyproject['metadata'] assert metadata['name'] == 'ok' assert metadata['version'] == '0.1.0' assert metadata['description'] == 'Test Description' assert metadata['author'] == 'Picard' assert metadata['author_email'] == '*****@*****.**' assert metadata['license'] == 'MPL-2.0' assert metadata['url'] == ''
def test_pyname_and_env(): with temp_chdir() as d: runner = CliRunner() env_name = os.urandom(10).hex() while os.path.exists(os.path.join(VENV_DIR, env_name)): # no cov env_name = os.urandom(10).hex() venv_dir = os.path.join(VENV_DIR, env_name) try: runner.invoke(hatch, ['env', env_name]) assert os.path.exists(venv_dir) with temp_move_path(SETTINGS_FILE, d): settings = copy_default_settings() settings['pypaths']['pyname'] = 'pypath' save_settings(settings) result = runner.invoke( hatch, ['shed', '-p', 'pyname', '-e', env_name]) assert load_settings()['pypaths'] == {} assert not os.path.exists(venv_dir) finally: remove_path(venv_dir) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert 'Successfully removed Python path named `pyname`.' in result.output assert 'Successfully removed virtual env named `{}`.'.format( env_name) in result.output
def test_pyname_config_not_exist(): with temp_chdir() as d: runner = CliRunner() with temp_move_path(SETTINGS_FILE, d): result = runner.invoke(hatch, ['shed', '-p', 'python']) assert result.exit_code == 1 assert 'Unable to locate config file. Try `hatch config --restore`.' in result.output
def test_python_no_config(): with temp_chdir() as d: runner = CliRunner() runner.invoke(hatch, ['init', 'ok', '--basic']) with temp_move_path(SETTINGS_FILE, d): result = runner.invoke(hatch, ['build', '-py', 'python']) assert result.exit_code == 1 assert 'Unable to locate config file. Try `hatch config --restore`.' in result.output
def test_update_config_not_exist(): with temp_chdir() as d: runner = CliRunner() with temp_move_path(SETTINGS_FILE, d): result = runner.invoke(hatch, ['config', '-u']) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert 'Settings were successfully restored.' in result.output assert load_settings() == copy_default_settings()
def test_pyname_key_not_exist(): with temp_chdir() as d: runner = CliRunner() with temp_move_path(SETTINGS_FILE, d): restore_settings() result = runner.invoke(hatch, ['init', 'ok', '-py', 'pyname']) assert result.exit_code == 1 assert 'Unable to find a Python path named `pyname`.' in result.output
def test_pyname_not_exist(): with temp_chdir() as d: runner = CliRunner() with temp_move_path(SETTINGS_FILE, d): restore_settings() result = runner.invoke(hatch, ['shed', '-p', 'pyname']) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert 'Python path named `pyname` already does not exist.' in result.output
def test_config_not_exist(): with temp_chdir() as d: runner = CliRunner() with temp_move_path(SETTINGS_FILE, d): result = runner.invoke(hatch, ['init', 'ok', '--basic', '-ne']) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert ('Unable to locate config file; try `hatch config --restore`. ' 'The default project structure will be used.') in result.output assert 'Created project `ok`' in result.output
def test_list_success_no_pypaths(): with temp_chdir() as d: runner = CliRunner() with temp_move_path(SETTINGS_FILE, d): restore_settings() result = runner.invoke(hatch, ['pypath', '-l']) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert ('There are no saved Python paths. Add ' 'one via `hatch pypath NAME PATH`.') in result.output
def test_config_not_exist(): with temp_chdir() as d: runner = CliRunner() runner.invoke(hatch, ['init', PACKAGE_NAME, '--basic', '-ne']) runner.invoke(hatch, ['build']) with temp_move_path(SETTINGS_FILE, d): with env_vars(ENV_VARS): result = runner.invoke(hatch, ['release', '-p', 'dist', '-t']) assert result.exit_code == 1 assert 'Unable to locate config file. Try `hatch config --restore`.' in result.output
def test_temp_move_path(): with temp_chdir() as d1: path = os.path.join(d1, 'test') create_file(path) assert os.path.exists(path) with temp_chdir() as d2: with temp_move_path(path, d2) as dst: assert not os.path.exists(path) assert dst == os.path.join(d2, 'test') assert os.path.exists(path)
def test_success(): with temp_chdir() as d: runner = CliRunner() with temp_move_path(SETTINGS_FILE, d): restore_settings() result = runner.invoke(hatch, ['pypath', 'name', 'path']) settings = load_settings() assert settings['pypaths']['name'] == 'path' assert result.exit_code == 0 assert 'Successfully saved Python `name` located at `path`.' in result.output
def test_python_invalid(): with temp_chdir() as d: runner = CliRunner() runner.invoke(hatch, ['init', 'ok', '--basic']) with temp_move_path(SETTINGS_FILE, d): settings = copy_default_settings() settings['pypaths']['python'] = '' save_settings(settings) result = runner.invoke(hatch, ['build', '-py', 'python']) assert result.exit_code == 1 assert 'Python path named `python` does not exist or is invalid.' in result.output
def test_list_success(): with temp_chdir() as d: runner = CliRunner() with temp_move_path(SETTINGS_FILE, d): settings = copy_default_settings() settings['pypaths']['name1'] = 'path1' settings['pypaths']['name2'] = 'path2' save_settings(settings) result = runner.invoke(hatch, ['pypath', '-l']) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert 'name1 -> path1\nname2 -> path2' in result.output
def test_pyname(): with temp_chdir() as d: runner = CliRunner() with temp_move_path(SETTINGS_FILE, d): settings = copy_default_settings() settings['pypaths']['pyname'] = 'pypath' save_settings(settings) result = runner.invoke(hatch, ['shed', '-p', 'pyname']) assert load_settings()['pypaths'] == {} assert result.exit_code == 0 assert 'Successfully removed Python path named `pyname`.' in result.output
def test_no_config(): with temp_chdir() as d: runner = CliRunner() runner.invoke(hatch, ['init', 'ok', '--basic']) init_file = os.path.join(d, 'ok', '') with temp_move_path(SETTINGS_FILE, d): result = runner.invoke(hatch, ['grow', 'pre']) contents = read_file(init_file) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert contents == "__version__ = '0.0.1-rc.1'\n" assert 'Updated {}'.format(init_file) in result.output assert '0.0.1 -> 0.0.1-rc.1' in result.output
def test_config_username(): with temp_chdir() as d: runner = CliRunner() runner.invoke(hatch, ['init', PACKAGE_NAME, '--basic', '-ne']) runner.invoke(hatch, ['build']) with temp_move_path(SETTINGS_FILE, d): settings = copy_default_settings() settings['pypi_username'] = USERNAME save_settings(settings) with env_vars(ENV_VARS): result = runner.invoke(hatch, ['release', '-p', 'dist', '-t']) assert result.exit_code == 0
def test_python(): with temp_chdir() as d: runner = CliRunner() runner.invoke(hatch, ['init', 'ok', '--basic']) with temp_move_path(SETTINGS_FILE, d): settings = copy_default_settings() settings['pypaths']['python'] = sys.executable save_settings(settings) result = runner.invoke(hatch, ['build', '-py', 'python', '-pp', 'Delphi']) files = os.listdir(os.path.join(d, 'dist')) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert matching_file(r'.*\.whl$', files) assert len(files) == 2
def test_username_env(): with temp_chdir() as d: runner = CliRunner() runner.invoke(hatch, ['init', PACKAGE_NAME, '--basic', '-ne']) runner.invoke(hatch, ['build']) os.chdir(os.path.join(d, 'dist')) with temp_move_path(SETTINGS_FILE, d): settings = copy_default_settings() settings['pypi_username'] = '' save_settings(settings) extra_env_vars = {'TWINE_USERNAME': USERNAME, **ENV_VARS} with env_vars(extra_env_vars): result = runner.invoke(hatch, ['release', '-t']) assert result.exit_code == 0
def test_success_missing_key(): with temp_chdir() as d: runner = CliRunner() with temp_move_path(SETTINGS_FILE, d): settings = copy_default_settings() settings.pop('pypaths') save_settings(settings) result = runner.invoke(hatch, ['pypath', 'name', 'path']) settings = load_settings() assert settings['pypaths']['name'] == 'path' assert list(settings.keys())[-1] != 'pypaths' assert result.exit_code == 0 assert 'Settings were successfully updated to include `pypaths` entry.' in result.output assert 'Successfully saved Python `name` located at `path`.' in result.output
def test_config_username_empty(): with temp_chdir() as d: runner = CliRunner() runner.invoke(hatch, ['init', PACKAGE_NAME, '--basic']) runner.invoke(hatch, ['build']) with temp_move_path(SETTINGS_FILE, d): settings = copy_default_settings() settings['pypi_username'] = '' save_settings(settings) with env_vars(ENV_VARS): result = runner.invoke(hatch, ['release', '-p', 'dist', '-t']) assert result.exit_code == 1 assert ( 'A username must be supplied via -u/--username or ' 'in {} as pypi_username.'.format(SETTINGS_FILE)) in result.output
def test_build_option(): with temp_chdir() as d: runner = CliRunner() runner.invoke(hatch, ['init', 'ok', '--basic']) init_file = os.path.join(d, 'ok', '') with temp_move_path(SETTINGS_FILE, d): settings = copy_default_settings() settings['semver']['build'] = 'rc' save_settings(settings) result = runner.invoke(hatch, ['grow', 'build', '--build', 'nightly']) contents = read_file(init_file) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert contents == "__version__ = '0.0.1+nightly.1'\n" assert 'Updated {}'.format(init_file) in result.output assert '0.0.1 -> 0.0.1+nightly.1' in result.output
def test_update(): with temp_chdir() as d: runner = CliRunner() with temp_move_path(SETTINGS_FILE, d): new_settings = copy_default_settings() new_settings.pop('email') new_settings['new setting'] = '' save_settings(new_settings) assert load_settings() == new_settings result = runner.invoke(hatch, ['config', '-u']) updated_settings = load_settings() assert result.exit_code == 0 assert 'Settings were successfully updated.' in result.output assert 'email' in updated_settings assert 'new setting' in updated_settings
def test_repository_local(): with temp_chdir() as d: runner = CliRunner() runner.invoke(hatch, ['new', PACKAGE_NAME, '--basic', '-ne']) runner.invoke(hatch, ['build', '-p', PACKAGE_NAME]) package_dir = os.path.join(d, PACKAGE_NAME) venv_dir = os.path.join(d, 'venv') create_venv(venv_dir) # Make sure there's no configuration with temp_move_path(os.path.expanduser("~/.pypirc"), d): with venv(venv_dir, evars=ENV_VARS): install_packages(['-e', package_dir]) # Will error, since there's no configuration parameter for # this URL result = runner.invoke(hatch, ['release', '-l', '-u', USERNAME, '-r', TEST_REPOSITORY]) assert result.exit_code == 1
def test_pyname(): with temp_chdir() as d: runner = CliRunner() env_name = get_new_venv_name() venv_dir = os.path.join(VENV_DIR, env_name) try: with temp_move_path(SETTINGS_FILE, d): settings = copy_default_settings() settings['pypaths']['python'] = sys.executable save_settings(settings) result = runner.invoke(hatch, ['env', env_name, '-py', 'python']) assert os.path.exists(venv_dir) finally: remove_path(venv_dir) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert 'Successfully saved virtual env `{}` to `{}`.'.format( env_name, venv_dir) in result.output
def test_pyname(): with temp_chdir() as d: runner = CliRunner() env_name = get_new_venv_name() venv_dir = os.path.join(VENV_DIR, env_name) try: with temp_move_path(SETTINGS_FILE, d): settings = copy_default_settings() settings['pypaths']['python'] = sys.executable save_settings(settings) result = runner.invoke(hatch, ['init', 'ok', '-py', 'python']) venv_dir = os.path.join(d, 'venv') global_version = get_python_version() wait_until(is_venv, venv_dir) with venv(venv_dir): assert get_python_version() == global_version finally: remove_path(venv_dir) assert result.exit_code == 0
def xonsh_shell(env_name, nest, shell_path): with TemporaryDirectory() as d: with temp_move_path(os.path.expanduser('~/.xonshrc'), d) as path: new_config = '' if path: with open(path, 'r') as f: new_config += hatch_level = int(os.environ.get('_HATCH_LEVEL_', 1)) if nest and hatch_level > 1: new_config += ( '\n$PROMPT_FIELDS["env_name"] = "{hatch_level} ({env_name})"\n' ''.format(hatch_level=hatch_level, env_name=env_name)) else: new_config += ( '\n$PROMPT_FIELDS["env_name"] = "({env_name})"\n' ''.format(env_name=env_name)) new_config_path = os.path.join(d, 'new.xonshrc') with open(new_config_path, 'w') as f: f.write(new_config) yield [shell_path or 'xonsh', '--rc', new_config_path]
def test_temp_move_path_not_exist(): with temp_chdir() as d: with temp_move_path(os.path.join(d, 'test'), d): pass