Пример #1
    def update_agents(agents, operators, methods):
        for ag, tasks in agents.items():
            state = hatpehda.State(ag + "_init")
            state.types = {
                "Agent": ["isHolding"],
                "DtCube": ["isInContainer", "isHeldBy", "isReachableBy"],
                "DtBox": [],
                "ReachableDtBox": [],
                "ReceiverReachableDtBox": [],
                "VisibleDtBox": [],
                "ReceiverVisibleDtBox": [],
                "DirectorVisibleDtBox": [],
                "DirectorReachableDtBox": [],
                "DtDirector": [],
                "DtReceiver": [],
                "DtThrowBox": []
            state_filled = retrieve_state_from_ontology(ag, state)

            #state_filled = state
            #state_filled.individuals = {'DtCube': ["cube_BGTG", "cube_GBTG", "cube_GGTB"], 'DtBox': ["box_C1", "box_C2", 'box_C3']}
            #state_filled.isInContainer = {'cube_BGTG': ["box_C1"], 'cube_GBTG': ['box_C2'], 'cube_GGTB': ['box_C3']}
            #state_filled.isHeldBy = {'cube_BGTG': [], 'cube_GBTG': [], 'cube_GGTB': []}

            # TODO: remove
            state_filled.individuals["DtReceiver"] = ["human_0"]
            state_filled.isHolding = {next(iter(unctrl_agent)): []}
            state_filled.isReachableBy = {
                c: [next(iter(unctrl_agent))]
                for c in state_filled.individuals["DtCube"]

            hatpehda.declare_operators(ag, *operators)
            for me in methods:
                hatpehda.declare_methods(ag, *me)

            hatpehda.set_state(ag, state_filled)
            hatpehda.add_tasks(ag, [(t[0], *t[1]) for t in tasks])
    return agents

def robot_stack(agents, self_state, self_name):
    if self_state.isCarrying[self_name] is not None:
        c = self_state.isCarrying[self_name]
        for a in agents.values():
            a.state.isOnStack[c] = True
            a.state.isCarrying[self_name] = None
        return agents
        return False

hatpehda.declare_operators("human", human_pick, human_stack, human_wait)
hatpehda.declare_operators("robot", robot_pick, robot_stack)

### Methods definitions

def moveb_m_human(agents, self_state, self_name, c, goal):
    @param agents:
    @param self_state:
    @param self_name:
    @param c:
    @param goal:
    @ontology_type c: Cube
    @ontology_type goal: Goal
Пример #3
    return agents

def robot_take_from_human(agents, self_state, self_name, human):
    if self_state.isCarrying[
            self_name] == [] and self_state.isCarrying[human] != []:
        if agents[human].plan[-1].name == "human_give_to_robot" or agents[
                human].plan[-1].name == "human_wait_for_give":
            for a in agents.values():
                a.state.isCarrying[self_name] = a.state.isCarrying[human]
                a.state.isCarrying[human] = []
            return agents
    return False

hatpehda.declare_operators("human", human_pick, human_assemble,
                           human_give_to_robot, human_wait_for_give)
hatpehda.declare_operators("robot", robot_pick, robot_assemble,
                           robot_take_from_human, robot_wait_for_take)

### Methods definitions

def assemble_tables_human(agents, self_state, self_name, goal):
    for top in goal.assembly:
        return [("assemble_table", top, goal)]

def assemble_table_human(agents, self_state, self_name, top, goal):
    for leg in goal.assembly[top]:
Пример #4
        return agents
        return False

def switch_off(agents, self_state, self_name):
    if self_state.redLightOn and self_state.isCarrying[self_name] is None:
        for a in agents.values():
            a.state.redLightCounter = 0
            a.state.redLightOn = False
        return agents
        return False

hatpehda.declare_operators("human", human_pick, human_stack,
                           switch_off_while_holding, switch_off)
hatpehda.declare_operators("robot", robot_pick, robot_stack)

### Methods definitions

def moveb_m_human(agents, self_state, self_name, c, goal):
    This method implements the following block-stacking algorithm:
    If there's a block that can be moved to its final position, then
    do so and call move_blocks recursively. Otherwise, if there's a
    block that needs to be moved and can be moved to the table, then
    do so and call move_blocks recursively. Otherwise, no blocks need
    to be moved.
    if self_name in self_state.isReachableBy[
Пример #5
        'Mug': ["mug_{}".format(i) for i in range(n_mug)]
    state_filled.isHeldBy = {m: [] for m in state_filled.individuals["Mug"]}
    state_filled.isHolding = {"human": [], "robot": []}
    state_filled.isOwnedBy = {}
    state_filled.isNotOwnedBy = {}
    state_filled.isReachableBy = {
        m: ["human", "robot"]
        for m in state_filled.individuals["Mug"]
    state_filled.agentsInRoom = {"office": ["human", "robot"]}
    state_filled.isInRoom = {"human": ["office"], "robot": ["office"]}
    #state_filled.notReferrableMugs = {"mug_0": ["mug_1"], "mug_1": ["mug_0"]}
    state_filled.notReferrableMugs = {}

    hatpehda.declare_operators("robot", *ctrl_operators)
    for me in ctrl_methods:
        hatpehda.declare_methods("robot", *me)
    hatpehda.declare_triggers("robot", *ctrl_triggers)
    hatpehda.declare_operators("human", *unctrl_operators)
    for me in unctrl_methods:
        hatpehda.declare_methods("human", *me)
    hatpehda.declare_triggers("human", *unctrl_triggers)

    #robot_goal = hatpehda.Goal("robot_goal")
    #robot_goal.isInContainer = {"cube_BGTG": ["throw_box_green"], "cube_GBTG": ["throw_box_green"]}

    hatpehda.set_state("robot", state_filled)
    hatpehda.add_tasks("robot", [("robot_get_right_mug", "human"),
                                 ("robot_go_to_coffee_machine", )])
Пример #6
        return False

def putdown(state, b):
    if state.pos[b] == 'hand':
        state.pos[b] = 'table'
        state.clear[b] = True
        state.holding = False
        return state
        return False

def stack(state, b, c):
    if state.pos[b] == 'hand' and state.clear[c] == True:
        state.pos[b] = c
        state.clear[b] = True
        state.holding = False
        state.clear[c] = False
        return state
        return False

Below, 'declare_operators(pickup, unstack, putdown, stack)' tells Pyhop
what the operators are. Note that the operator names are *not* quoted.

hatpehda.declare_operators(pickup, unstack, putdown, stack)
Пример #7
def ride_taxi(state,a,x,y):
    if state.loc['taxi']==x and state.loc[a]==x:
        state.loc['taxi'] = y
        state.loc[a] = y
        state.owe[a] = taxi_rate(state.dist[x][y])
        return state
    else: return False

def pay_driver(state,a):
    if state.cash[a] >= state.owe[a]:
        state.cash[a] = state.cash[a] - state.owe[a]
        state.owe[a] = 0
        return state
    else: return False

hatpehda.declare_operators(walk, call_taxi, ride_taxi, pay_driver)

def travel_by_foot(state,a,x,y):
    if state.dist[x][y] <= 2:
        return [('walk',a,x,y)]
    return False

def travel_by_taxi(state,a,x,y):
    if state.cash[a] >= taxi_rate(state.dist[x][y]):
        return [('call_taxi',a,x), ('ride_taxi',a,x,y), ('pay_driver',a)]
    return False
Пример #8
        return False, 0

def go_to_parking(agents, self_state, agent_name):
    for a in agents.values():
        a.state.is_at_parking[agent_name] = True
    return agents, cost_find_parking()

def come_from_parking(agents, self_state, agent_name):
    for a in agents.values():
        a.state.is_at_parking[agent_name] = False
    return agents, cost_get_back_from_parking()

hatpehda.declare_operators("robot", walk, drive, go_to_parking,

def travel_by_foot(agents, self_state, agent_name, x, y):
    return [('walk', x, y)]

def travel_by_car(agents, self_state, agent_name, x, y):
    return [('go_to_parking', ), ("drive", x, y), ("come_from_parking", )]

hatpehda.declare_methods("robot", "travel", travel_by_foot, travel_by_car)
Пример #9
        return agents, 1.
    return False

def human_drop_cube(agents, self_state, self_name):
    if len(self_state.isHolding[self_name]) == 1:
        for a in agents.values():
            cube = a.state.isHolding[self_name][0]
            a.state.isIn[cube] = []  # TODO: Add the goal box
            a.state.isHolding[self_name] = []
            a.state.isHeldBy[cube] = []
        return agents, 1.
    return False

hatpehda.declare_operators("robot", robot_tell_human_to_tidy,
hatpehda.declare_operators("human", human_pick_cube, human_drop_cube)

def robot_tidy_one(angents, self_state, self_name, cube):

    @param angents:
    @param self_state:
    @param self_name:
    @param cube:
    @ontology_type cube: Cube
    return [("robot_tell_human_to_tidy", "human", cube),
            ("robot_wait_for_human_to_tidy", "human", cube)]
Пример #10
def human_make_coffee(agents: Dict[str, hatpehda.Agent], self_state, self_name,
    if self_state.isCarrying[self_name] == mug:
        if self_state.contains[mug] == "coffee":
            return agents
        elif self_state.contains[mug] is None:
            for a in agentsInSameRoomAs(self_state, self_name, agents):
                a.state.contains[mug] = "coffee"
            return agents
            return False
        return False

hatpehda.declare_operators("human", human_handover_give, human_handover_end,
                           human_handover_take, human_make_coffee)
hatpehda.declare_operators("robot", robot_pick_mug, robot_navigate,
                           robot_ask_to_human_do_task, robot_handover_give,
                           robot_handover_end, robot_handover_take, robot_wait)

### Methods definitions

def robot_get_coffee(agents, self_state, self_name, goal, mug):
    coffee_machine_loc = self_state.isIn["coffee_machine"]
    if self_state.contains[mug] == "coffee":
        return []
    human = next(a for a in self_state.agentsInRoom[coffee_machine_loc]
                 if "human" in a)
    if "human" not in self_state.agentsInRoom[coffee_machine_loc]:
        return False