def get_btchromas_loudness(h5):
    Similar to btchroma, but adds the loudness back.
    We use the segments_loudness_max
    There is no max value constraint, simply no negative values.
    # if string, open and get chromas, if h5, get chromas
    if type(h5).__name__ == 'str':
        h5 = GETTERS.open_h5_file_read(h5)
        chromas = GETTERS.get_segments_pitches(h5)
        segstarts = GETTERS.get_segments_start(h5)
        btstarts = GETTERS.get_beats_start(h5)
        duration = GETTERS.get_duration(h5)
        loudnessmax = GETTERS.get_segments_loudness_max(h5)
        chromas = GETTERS.get_segments_pitches(h5)
        segstarts = GETTERS.get_segments_start(h5)
        btstarts = GETTERS.get_beats_start(h5)
        duration = GETTERS.get_duration(h5)
        loudnessmax = GETTERS.get_segments_loudness_max(h5)
    # get the series of starts for segments and beats
    segstarts = np.array(segstarts).flatten()
    btstarts = np.array(btstarts).flatten()
    # add back loudness
    chromas = chromas.T * idB(loudnessmax)
    # aligned features
    btchroma = align_feats(chromas, segstarts, btstarts, duration)
    if btchroma is None:
        return None
    # done (no renormalization)
    return btchroma
def get_bttimbre(h5):
    Get beat-aligned timbre from a song file of the Million Song Dataset
       h5          - filename or open h5 file
       bttimbre    - beat-aligned timbre, one beat per column
                     or None if something went wrong (e.g. no beats)
    # if string, open and get timbre, if h5, get timbre
    if type(h5).__name__ == 'str':
        h5 = GETTERS.open_h5_file_read(h5)
        timbre = GETTERS.get_segments_timbre(h5)
        segstarts = GETTERS.get_segments_start(h5)
        btstarts = GETTERS.get_beats_start(h5)
        duration = GETTERS.get_duration(h5)
        timbre = GETTERS.get_segments_timbre(h5)
        segstarts = GETTERS.get_segments_start(h5)
        btstarts = GETTERS.get_beats_start(h5)
        duration = GETTERS.get_duration(h5)
    # get the series of starts for segments and beats
    # result for track: 'TR0002Q11C3FA8332D'
    #    segstarts.shape = (708,)
    #    btstarts.shape = (304,)
    segstarts = np.array(segstarts).flatten()
    btstarts = np.array(btstarts).flatten()
    # aligned features
    bttimbre = align_feats(timbre.T, segstarts, btstarts, duration)
    if bttimbre is None:
        return None
    # done (no renormalization)
    return bttimbre
def get_btloudnessmax(h5):
    Get beat-aligned loudness max from a song file of the Million Song Dataset
       h5             - filename or open h5 file
       btloudnessmax  - beat-aligned loudness max, one beat per column
                        or None if something went wrong (e.g. no beats)
    # if string, open and get max loudness, if h5, get max loudness
    if type(h5).__name__ == 'str':
        h5 = GETTERS.open_h5_file_read(h5)
        loudnessmax = GETTERS.get_segments_loudness_max(h5)
        segstarts = GETTERS.get_segments_start(h5)
        btstarts = GETTERS.get_beats_start(h5)
        duration = GETTERS.get_duration(h5)
        loudnessmax = GETTERS.get_segments_loudness_max(h5)
        segstarts = GETTERS.get_segments_start(h5)
        btstarts = GETTERS.get_beats_start(h5)
        duration = GETTERS.get_duration(h5)
    # get the series of starts for segments and beats
    # result for track: 'TR0002Q11C3FA8332D'
    #    segstarts.shape = (708,)
    #    btstarts.shape = (304,)
    segstarts = np.array(segstarts).flatten()
    btstarts = np.array(btstarts).flatten()
    # reverse dB
    loudnessmax = idB(loudnessmax)
    # aligned features
    btloudnessmax = align_feats(loudnessmax.reshape(1,
                                segstarts, btstarts, duration)
    if btloudnessmax is None:
        return None
    # set it back to dB
    btloudnessmax = dB(btloudnessmax + 1e-10)
    # done (no renormalization)
    return btloudnessmax
def get_btchromas(h5):
    Get beat-aligned chroma from a song file of the Million Song Dataset
       h5          - filename or open h5 file
       btchromas   - beat-aligned chromas, one beat per column
                     or None if something went wrong (e.g. no beats)
    # if string, open and get chromas, if h5, get chromas
    if type(h5).__name__ == 'str':
        h5 = GETTERS.open_h5_file_read(h5)
        chromas = GETTERS.get_segments_pitches(h5)
        segstarts = GETTERS.get_segments_start(h5)
        btstarts = GETTERS.get_beats_start(h5)
        duration = GETTERS.get_duration(h5)
        chromas = GETTERS.get_segments_pitches(h5)
        segstarts = GETTERS.get_segments_start(h5)
        btstarts = GETTERS.get_beats_start(h5)
        duration = GETTERS.get_duration(h5)
    # get the series of starts for segments and beats
    # result for track: 'TR0002Q11C3FA8332D'
    #    segstarts.shape = (708,)
    #    btstarts.shape = (304,)
    segstarts = np.array(segstarts).flatten()
    btstarts = np.array(btstarts).flatten()
    # aligned features
    btchroma = align_feats(chromas.T, segstarts, btstarts, duration)
    if btchroma is None:
        return None
    # Renormalize. Each column max is 1.
    maxs = btchroma.max(axis=0)
    maxs[np.where(maxs == 0)] = 1.
    btchroma = (btchroma / maxs)
    # done
    return btchroma
Пример #5
def iterate_folder_songs_extracted(root_path, filename_re):
    """Iterate over a collection of HDF5 database files, each one containing
    structured data, presumably a song. 
    Yields a processed record of song data.
        root_path -- File path to the root of the file collection.
        filename_re -- Regular expression to match HDF5 files
    for filepath in iterate_folder_songs(root_path, filename_re):
        # Extract the important data from the full song record
        filename = os.path.basename(filepath)
        ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]

        if ext == '.h5':
            song = hdf5_getters.open_h5_file_read(filepath)
            id = hdf5_getters.get_track_id(song)
            artist = hdf5_getters.get_artist_name(song)
            title = hdf5_getters.get_title(song)
            timbre = hdf5_getters.get_segments_timbre(song)
            sections_start = hdf5_getters.get_sections_start(song)
            sections_conf = hdf5_getters.get_sections_confidence(song)
            segments_start = hdf5_getters.get_segments_start(song)
            song_end = hdf5_getters.get_duration(song)
        elif ext == '.analysis':
            id = json_anal_getters.get_track_id(filepath)
            artist = json_anal_getters.get_artist_name(filepath)
            title = json_anal_getters.get_title(filepath)
            timbre = json_anal_getters.get_segments_timbre(filepath)
            sections_start = json_anal_getters.get_sections_start(filepath)
            sections_conf = json_anal_getters.get_sections_confidence(filepath)
            segments_start = json_anal_getters.get_segments_start(filepath)
            song_end = json_anal_getters.get_duration(filepath)
            raise Exception("unrecognized file type: {0}".format(filename))

        # Combine into a song record
        song_rec = song_record(id, artist, title, timbre, sections_start, sections_conf, segments_start, song_end)
        yield song_rec