Пример #1
 def test():
     parser = ConfigParser(
         p.join(TEST_CONFIG_PARSER_SUPPORT_PATH, 'project_no_target.prj'))
         p.abspath(p.join(TEST_CONFIG_PARSER_SUPPORT_PATH, '.hdlcc')))
Пример #2
 def test():
     parser = ConfigParser(
         p.join(TEST_CONFIG_PARSER_SUPPORT_PATH, 'project_no_target.prj'))
         p.abspath(p.join(TEST_CONFIG_PARSER_SUPPORT_PATH, '.hdlcc')))
Пример #3
class HdlCodeCheckerBase(object):
    HDL Code Checker project builder class

    _USE_THREADS = True

    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    def __init__(self, project_file=None):
        self._start_dir = p.abspath(os.curdir)
        self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self._build_sequence_cache = {}

        self.project_file = project_file

        self._config = None
        self.builder = None


    def _getCacheFilename(self, target_dir=None):
        Returns the cache file name for a given project file
        if target_dir is None:
            if self._config is None or self._config.getBuilder() == 'fallback':
                return None
                target_dir = self._config.getTargetDir()
        return p.join(target_dir, '.hdlcc.cache')

    def _saveCache(self):
        Dumps project object to a file to recover its state later
        cache_fname = self._getCacheFilename()
        if self.builder.builder_name == 'fallback' or cache_fname is None:
            self._logger.debug("Skipping cache save")

        state = {'serializer' : serializer.__name__,
                 '_logger': {'name' : self._logger.name,
                             'level' : self._logger.level},
                 'builder' : self.builder.getState(),
                 '_config' : self._config.getState()}

        self._logger.debug("Saving state to '%s'", cache_fname)
        if not p.exists(p.dirname(cache_fname)):
        dump(state, open(cache_fname, 'w'))

    def _recoverCache(self, target_dir):
        Tries to recover cached info for the given project_file. If
        something goes wrong, assume the cache is invalid and return
        nothing. Otherwise, return the cached object
        cache_fname = self._getCacheFilename(target_dir)
        #  if self.project_file is None or cache_fname is None:
        if cache_fname is None:
            self._logger.warning("Can't recover cache from None")

        _logger.debug("Trying to recover from '%s'", cache_fname)
        cache = None
        if not p.exists(cache_fname):  # pragma: no cover
            _logger.debug("File not found")

            cache = serializer.load(open(cache_fname, 'r'))
            self._handleUiInfo("Recovered cache from '%s' (used '%s')" %
                               (cache_fname, serializer.__package__))
        except ValueError:
                "Unable to recover cache from '%s' using '%s'\n"
                "Traceback:\n%s" % \
                    (cache_fname, serializer.__package__,

    def _setupEnvIfNeeded(self):
        Updates or creates the environment, which includes checking
        if the configuration file should be parsed and creating the
        appropriate builder objects
            # If the configuration is undefined, try to extract the
            # target dir from the project file so we can have a hint of
            # where the cache file should be
            if self._config is None and self.project_file is not None:
                target_dir, _ = ConfigParser.simpleParse(self.project_file)

            # No configuration defined means we failed to recover it
            # from the cache
            if self._config is None:
                self._config = ConfigParser(self.project_file)

            # If the builder is still undefined we failed to recover
            # from cache
            if self.builder is None:
                builder_name = self._config.getBuilder()
                builder_class = hdlcc.builders.getBuilderByName(builder_name)
                self.builder = builder_class(self._config.getTargetDir())

                self._logger.info("Selected builder is '%s'",
            assert self.builder is not None

        except hdlcc.exceptions.SanityCheckError as exc:
            self._handleUiError("Failed to create builder '%s'" % exc.builder)
            self.builder = hdlcc.builders.Fallback(self._config.getTargetDir())

    def clean(self):
        Clean up generated files
        cache_fname = self._getCacheFilename()
        if cache_fname is not None and p.exists(cache_fname):
            _logger.debug("Removing cached info in '%s'", cache_fname)

        target_dir = self._config.getTargetDir()
        if p.exists(target_dir):
            _logger.debug("Removing target dir '%s'", target_dir)

        del self._config
        del self.builder
        self._config = None
        self.builder = None

    def _setState(self, state):
        Serializer load implementation
        self._logger = logging.getLogger(state['_logger']['name'])
        del state['_logger']

        self._config = ConfigParser.recoverFromState(state['_config'])

        builder_name = self._config.getBuilder()
        self._logger.debug("Recovered builder is '%s'", builder_name)
        builder_class = hdlcc.builders.getBuilderByName(builder_name)
        self.builder = builder_class.recoverFromState(state['builder'])

    def _handleUiInfo(self, message):
        Method that should be overriden to handle info messages from
        HDL Code Checker to the user

    def _handleUiWarning(self, message):
        Method that should be overriden to handle warning messages
        from HDL Code Checker to the user

    def _handleUiError(self, message):
        Method that should be overriden to handle errors messages
        from HDL Code Checker to the user

    def _getSourceByPath(self, path):
        Get the source object, flags and any additional info to be displayed
        source = None
        remarks = []

            source = self._config.getSourceByPath(path)
        except KeyError:

        # If the source file was not found on the configuration file, add this
        # as a remark.
        # Also, create a source parser object with some library so the user can
        # at least have some info on the source
        if source is None:
            if self.builder.builder_name != 'fallback':
                remarks += [{
                    'checker'        : 'hdlcc',
                    'line_number'    : '',
                    'column'         : '',
                    'filename'       : '',
                    'error_number'   : '',
                    'error_type'     : 'W',
                    'error_message'  : 'Path "%s" not found in project file' %
            self._logger.info("Path %s not found in the project file",
            cls = VhdlParser if getFileType(path) == 'vhdl' else VerilogParser
            source = cls(path, library='undefined')

        return source, remarks

    def _resolveRelativeNames(self, source):
        Translate raw dependency list parsed from a given source to the
        project name space
        for dependency in source.getDependencies():
            if dependency['library'] in self.builder.getBuiltinLibraries() or \
               dependency['unit'] == 'all' or \
               (dependency['library'] == source.library and \
                dependency['unit'] in [x['name'] for x in source.getDesignUnits()]):
            yield dependency['library'], dependency['unit']

    def _sortBuildMessages(records):
        Sorts a given set of build records
        return sorted(records, key=lambda x: \
                (x['error_type'], str(x['line_number']), str(x['error_number'])))

    def getBuildSequence(self, source):
        Wrapper to _getBuildSequence passing the initial build sequence
        list empty and caching the result
        # Despite we renew the cache when on buffer enter, we must also
        # check if any file has been changed by some background process
        # that the editor is unaware of (Vivado maybe?) To cope with
        # this, we'll check if the newest modification time of the build
        # sequence hasn't changed since we cached the build sequence
        key = str(source.filename)
        if key not in self._build_sequence_cache:
            build_sequence = []
            self._getBuildSequence(source, build_sequence)
            if build_sequence:
                timestamp = max([x.getmtime() for x in build_sequence])
                timestamp = 0
            self._build_sequence_cache[key] = {
                'sequence': build_sequence,
                'timestamp' : timestamp}
            cached_sequence = self._build_sequence_cache[key]['sequence']
            cached_timestamp = self._build_sequence_cache[key]['timestamp']
            if cached_sequence:
                current_timestamp = max([x.getmtime() for x in cached_sequence])
                current_timestamp = 0
            if current_timestamp > cached_timestamp:
                build_sequence = []
                self._build_sequence_cache[key] = {
                    'sequence': build_sequence,
                    'timestamp' : current_timestamp}

        return self._build_sequence_cache[key]['sequence']

    def _getBuildSequence(self, source, build_sequence, reference=None):
        Recursively finds out the dependencies of the given source file
        self._logger.debug("Checking build sequence for %s", source)
        for library, unit in self._resolveRelativeNames(source):
            # Get a list of source files that contains this design unit
            dependencies_list = self._config.discoverSourceDependencies(
                unit, library)

            if not dependencies_list:
            dependency = dependencies_list[0]

            # If we found more than a single file, then multiple files
            # have the same entity or package name and we failed to
            # identify the real file
            if len(dependencies_list) != 1:
                    "Returning dependency '%s' for %s.%s in file '%s', but "
                    "there were %d other matches: %s. The selected option may "
                    "be sub-optimal" % (
                        dependency.filename, library, unit, source.filename,
                        ', '.join([x.filename for x in dependencies_list])))

            # Check if we found out that a dependency is the same we
            # found in the previous call to break the circular loop
            if dependency == reference:
                return removeDuplicates(build_sequence)

            if dependency not in build_sequence:
                self._getBuildSequence(dependency, reference=source,

            if dependency not in build_sequence:

        build_sequence = removeDuplicates(build_sequence)

    def _getBuilderMessages(self, source, batch_mode=False):
        Builds the given source taking care of recursively building its
        dependencies first
            flags = self._config.getBuildFlags(source.filename, batch_mode)
        except KeyError:
            flags = []

        self._logger.info("Building '%s', batch_mode = %s",
                          str(source.filename), batch_mode)

        build_sequence = self.getBuildSequence(source)

        self._logger.debug("Compilation build_sequence is:\n%s",
                           "\n".join([x.filename for x in build_sequence]))

        for _source in build_sequence:
            _flags = self._config.getBuildFlags(_source.filename,

            _ = self._buildAndHandleRebuilds(_source, forced=False,

        source_records = self._buildAndHandleRebuilds(source, forced=True,
        return self._sortBuildMessages(source_records)

    def _buildAndHandleRebuilds(self, source, *args, **kwargs):
        Builds the given source and handle any files that might require
        rebuilding until there is nothing to rebuild. The number of iteractions
        is fixed in 10.
        # Limit the amount of calls to rebuild the same file to avoid
        # hanging the server
        for _ in range(self._MAX_REBUILD_ATTEMPTS):
            records, rebuilds = self.builder.build(source, *args, **kwargs)
            if rebuilds:
                self._handleRebuilds(rebuilds, source)
                return records

        self._handleUiError("Unable to build '%s' after %d attempts" %
                            (source, self._MAX_REBUILD_ATTEMPTS))

    def _handleRebuilds(self, rebuilds, source):
        Resolves hints found in the rebuild list into source objects
        and rebuild them
        self._logger.info("Building '%s' triggers rebuilding: %s",
                          source, ", ".join([str(x) for x in rebuilds]))
        for rebuild in rebuilds:
            self._logger.debug("Rebuild hint: '%s'", rebuild)
            if 'rebuild_path' in rebuild:
                rebuild_sources = [self._getSourceByPath(rebuild['rebuild_path'])[0]]
                unit_name = rebuild.get('unit_name', None)
                library_name = rebuild.get('library_name', None)
                unit_type = rebuild.get('unit_type', None)

                if library_name is not None:
                    rebuild_sources = self._config.findSourcesByDesignUnit(
                        unit_name, library_name)
                elif unit_type is not None:
                    library = source.getMatchingLibrary(
                        unit_type, unit_name)
                    rebuild_sources = self._config.findSourcesByDesignUnit(
                        unit_name, library)
                else:  # pragma: no cover
                    assert False, ', '.join([x.filename for x in rebuild_sources])

            for rebuild_source in rebuild_sources:

    def _isBuilderCallable(self):
        Checks if all preconditions for calling the builder have been
        if self._config.filename is None:
            return False
        return True

    def getMessagesByPath(self, path, *args, **kwargs):
        Returns the messages for the given path, including messages
        from the configured builder (if available) and static checks

        source, remarks = self._getSourceByPath(path)
        return self._sortBuildMessages(
            self.getMessagesBySource(source, *args, **kwargs) + remarks)

    def getMessagesBySource(self, source, batch_mode=False):
        Returns the messages for the given source, including messages
        from the configured builder (if available) and static checks
        Extra arguments are

        if self._USE_THREADS:
            records = []
            pool = ThreadPool()

            static_check = pool.apply_async(
                getStaticMessages, args=(source.getSourceContent().split('\n'), ))

            if self._isBuilderCallable():
                builder_check = pool.apply_async(self._getBuilderMessages,
                                                 args=[source, batch_mode])
                records += builder_check.get()

            records += static_check.get()

            records = getStaticMessages(source.getSourceContent().split('\n'))
            if self._isBuilderCallable():
                records += self._getBuilderMessages(source, batch_mode)

        return records

    def getMessagesWithText(self, path, content):
        Gets messages from a given path with a different content, for
        the cases when the buffer content has been modified
        self._logger.debug("Getting messages for '%s' with content", path)


        source, remarks = self._getSourceByPath(path)
        messages = self.getMessagesBySource(source)

        return messages + remarks

    def getSources(self):
        Returns a list of VhdlSourceFile objects parsed
        return self._config.getSources()

    def onBufferVisit(self, path):
        Runs tasks whenever a buffer is being visited. Currently this
        means caching the build sequence before the file is actually
        checked, so the overall wait time is reduced
        source, _ = self._getSourceByPath(path)
        _ = self.getBuildSequence(source)

    def onBufferLeave(self, _):
        Runs actions when leaving a buffer.
Пример #4
class HdlCodeCheckerBase(object):
    HDL Code Checker project builder class

    _USE_THREADS = True

    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    def __init__(self, project_file=None):
        self._start_dir = p.abspath(os.curdir)
        self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self._build_sequence_cache = {}

        self.project_file = project_file

        self._config = None
        self.builder = None


    def _getCacheFilename(self, target_dir=None):
        Returns the cache file name for a given project file
        if target_dir is None:
            if self._config is None or self._config.getBuilder() == 'fallback':
                return None
                target_dir = self._config.getTargetDir()
        return p.join(target_dir, '.hdlcc.cache')

    def _saveCache(self):
        Dumps project object to a file to recover its state later
        cache_fname = self._getCacheFilename()
        if self.builder.builder_name == 'fallback' or cache_fname is None:
            self._logger.debug("Skipping cache save")

        state = {
            'serializer': serializer.__name__,
            '_logger': {
                'name': self._logger.name,
                'level': self._logger.level
            'builder': self.builder.getState(),
            '_config': self._config.getState()

        self._logger.debug("Saving state to '%s'", cache_fname)
        if not p.exists(p.dirname(cache_fname)):
        dump(state, open(cache_fname, 'w'))

    def _recoverCache(self, target_dir):
        Tries to recover cached info for the given project_file. If
        something goes wrong, assume the cache is invalid and return
        nothing. Otherwise, return the cached object
        cache_fname = self._getCacheFilename(target_dir)
        #  if self.project_file is None or cache_fname is None:
        if cache_fname is None:
            self._logger.warning("Can't recover cache from None")

        _logger.debug("Trying to recover from '%s'", cache_fname)
        cache = None
        if not p.exists(cache_fname):  # pragma: no cover
            _logger.debug("File not found")

            cache = serializer.load(open(cache_fname, 'r'))
            self._handleUiInfo("Recovered cache from '%s' (used '%s')" %
                               (cache_fname, serializer.__package__))
        except ValueError:
                "Unable to recover cache from '%s' using '%s'\n"
                "Traceback:\n%s" % \
                    (cache_fname, serializer.__package__,

    def _setupEnvIfNeeded(self):
        Updates or creates the environment, which includes checking
        if the configuration file should be parsed and creating the
        appropriate builder objects
            # If the configuration is undefined, try to extract the
            # target dir from the project file so we can have a hint of
            # where the cache file should be
            if self._config is None and self.project_file is not None:
                target_dir, _ = ConfigParser.simpleParse(self.project_file)

            # No configuration defined means we failed to recover it
            # from the cache
            if self._config is None:
                self._config = ConfigParser(self.project_file)

            # If the builder is still undefined we failed to recover
            # from cache
            if self.builder is None:
                builder_name = self._config.getBuilder()
                builder_class = hdlcc.builders.getBuilderByName(builder_name)
                self.builder = builder_class(self._config.getTargetDir())

                self._logger.info("Selected builder is '%s'",
            assert self.builder is not None

        except hdlcc.exceptions.SanityCheckError as exc:
            self._handleUiError("Failed to create builder '%s'" % exc.builder)
            self.builder = hdlcc.builders.Fallback(self._config.getTargetDir())

    def clean(self):
        Clean up generated files
        cache_fname = self._getCacheFilename()
        if cache_fname is not None and p.exists(cache_fname):
            _logger.debug("Removing cached info in '%s'", cache_fname)

        target_dir = self._config.getTargetDir()
        if p.exists(target_dir):
            _logger.debug("Removing target dir '%s'", target_dir)

        del self._config
        del self.builder
        self._config = None
        self.builder = None

    def _setState(self, state):
        Serializer load implementation
        self._logger = logging.getLogger(state['_logger']['name'])
        del state['_logger']

        self._config = ConfigParser.recoverFromState(state['_config'])

        builder_name = self._config.getBuilder()
        self._logger.debug("Recovered builder is '%s'", builder_name)
        builder_class = hdlcc.builders.getBuilderByName(builder_name)
        self.builder = builder_class.recoverFromState(state['builder'])

    def _handleUiInfo(self, message):
        Method that should be overriden to handle info messages from
        HDL Code Checker to the user

    def _handleUiWarning(self, message):
        Method that should be overriden to handle warning messages
        from HDL Code Checker to the user

    def _handleUiError(self, message):
        Method that should be overriden to handle errors messages
        from HDL Code Checker to the user

    def getSourceByPath(self, path):
        Get the source object, flags and any additional info to be displayed
        source = None
        remarks = []

            source = self._config.getSourceByPath(path)
        except KeyError:

        # If the source file was not found on the configuration file, add this
        # as a remark.
        # Also, create a source parser object with some library so the user can
        # at least have some info on the source
        if source is None:
            if self.builder.builder_name != 'fallback':
                remarks += [{
                    'Path "%s" not found in project file' % p.abspath(path)
            self._logger.info("Path %s not found in the project file",
            cls = VhdlParser if getFileType(path) == 'vhdl' else VerilogParser
            source = cls(path, library='undefined')

        return source, remarks

    def _resolveRelativeNames(self, source):
        Translate raw dependency list parsed from a given source to the
        project name space
        for dependency in source.getDependencies():
            if dependency['library'] in self.builder.getBuiltinLibraries() or \
               dependency['unit'] == 'all' or \
               (dependency['library'] == source.library and \
                dependency['unit'] in [x['name'] for x in source.getDesignUnits()]):
            yield dependency['library'], dependency['unit']

    def _sortBuildMessages(records):
        Sorts a given set of build records
        return sorted(records, key=lambda x: \
                (x['error_type'], str(x['line_number']), str(x['error_number'])))

    def updateBuildSequenceCache(self, source):
        Wrapper to _getBuildSequence passing the initial build sequence
        list empty and caching the result
        # Despite we renew the cache when on buffer enter, we must also
        # check if any file has been changed by some background process
        # that the editor is unaware of (Vivado maybe?) To cope with
        # this, we'll check if the newest modification time of the build
        # sequence hasn't changed since we cached the build sequence
        key = str(source.filename)
        if key not in self._build_sequence_cache:
            build_sequence = []
            self._getBuildSequence(source, build_sequence)
            if build_sequence:
                timestamp = max([x.getmtime() for x in build_sequence])
                timestamp = 0
            self._build_sequence_cache[key] = {
                'sequence': build_sequence,
                'timestamp': timestamp
            cached_sequence = self._build_sequence_cache[key]['sequence']
            cached_timestamp = self._build_sequence_cache[key]['timestamp']
            if cached_sequence:
                current_timestamp = max(
                     for x in cached_sequence] + [source.getmtime()])
                current_timestamp = 0

            if current_timestamp > cached_timestamp:
                self._logger.debug("Timestamp change, rescanning build "
                build_sequence = []
                self._getBuildSequence(source, build_sequence)
                self._build_sequence_cache[key] = {
                    'sequence': build_sequence,
                    'timestamp': current_timestamp

        return self._build_sequence_cache[key]['sequence']

    def _getBuildSequence(self, source, build_sequence, reference=None):
        Recursively finds out the dependencies of the given source file
        self._logger.debug("Checking build sequence for %s", source)
        for library, unit in self._resolveRelativeNames(source):
            # Get a list of source files that contains this design unit
            dependencies_list = self._config.discoverSourceDependencies(
                unit, library)

            if not dependencies_list:
            dependency = dependencies_list[0]

            # If we found more than a single file, then multiple files
            # have the same entity or package name and we failed to
            # identify the real file
            if len(dependencies_list) != 1:
                    "Returning dependency '%s' for %s.%s in file '%s', but "
                    "there were %d other matches: %s. The selected option may "
                    "be sub-optimal" %
                    (dependency.filename, library, unit, source.filename,
                     len(dependencies_list), ', '.join(
                         [x.filename for x in dependencies_list])))

            # Check if we found out that a dependency is the same we
            # found in the previous call to break the circular loop
            if dependency == reference:
                return removeDuplicates(build_sequence)

            if dependency not in build_sequence:

            if dependency not in build_sequence:

        build_sequence = removeDuplicates(build_sequence)

    def _getBuilderMessages(self, source, batch_mode=False):
        Builds the given source taking care of recursively building its
        dependencies first
            flags = self._config.getBuildFlags(source.filename, batch_mode)
        except KeyError:
            flags = []

        self._logger.info("Building '%s', batch_mode = %s",
                          str(source.filename), batch_mode)

        build_sequence = self.updateBuildSequenceCache(source)

        self._logger.debug("Compilation build_sequence is:\n%s",
                           "\n".join([x.filename for x in build_sequence]))

        for _source in build_sequence:
            _flags = self._config.getBuildFlags(_source.filename,

            _ = self._buildAndHandleRebuilds(_source,

        source_records = self._buildAndHandleRebuilds(source,
        return self._sortBuildMessages(source_records)

    def _buildAndHandleRebuilds(self, source, *args, **kwargs):
        Builds the given source and handle any files that might require
        rebuilding until there is nothing to rebuild. The number of iteractions
        is fixed in 10.
        # Limit the amount of calls to rebuild the same file to avoid
        # hanging the server
        for _ in range(self._MAX_REBUILD_ATTEMPTS):
            records, rebuilds = self.builder.build(source, *args, **kwargs)
            if rebuilds:
                self._handleRebuilds(rebuilds, source)
                return records

        self._handleUiError("Unable to build '%s' after %d attempts" %
                            (source, self._MAX_REBUILD_ATTEMPTS))

    def _handleRebuilds(self, rebuilds, source):
        Resolves hints found in the rebuild list into source objects
        and rebuild them
        self._logger.info("Building '%s' triggers rebuilding: %s", source,
                          ", ".join([str(x) for x in rebuilds]))
        for rebuild in rebuilds:
            self._logger.debug("Rebuild hint: '%s'", rebuild)
            if 'rebuild_path' in rebuild:
                rebuild_sources = [
                unit_name = rebuild.get('unit_name', None)
                library_name = rebuild.get('library_name', None)
                unit_type = rebuild.get('unit_type', None)

                if library_name is not None:
                    rebuild_sources = self._config.findSourcesByDesignUnit(
                        unit_name, library_name)
                elif unit_type is not None:
                    library = source.getMatchingLibrary(unit_type, unit_name)
                    rebuild_sources = self._config.findSourcesByDesignUnit(
                        unit_name, library)
                else:  # pragma: no cover
                    assert False, ', '.join(
                        [x.filename for x in rebuild_sources])

            for rebuild_source in rebuild_sources:
                self._getBuilderMessages(rebuild_source, batch_mode=True)

    def _isBuilderCallable(self):
        Checks if all preconditions for calling the builder have been
        if self._config.filename is None:
            return False
        return True

    def getMessagesByPath(self, path, *args, **kwargs):
        Returns the messages for the given path, including messages
        from the configured builder (if available) and static checks

        source, remarks = self.getSourceByPath(path)
        return self._sortBuildMessages(
            self.getMessagesBySource(source, *args, **kwargs) + remarks)

    def getMessagesBySource(self, source, batch_mode=False):
        Returns the messages for the given source, including messages
        from the configured builder (if available) and static checks
        Extra arguments are

        if self._USE_THREADS:
            records = []
            pool = ThreadPool()

            static_check = pool.apply_async(
                args=(source.getRawSourceContent().split('\n'), ))

            if self._isBuilderCallable():
                builder_check = pool.apply_async(self._getBuilderMessages,
                                                 args=[source, batch_mode])
                records += builder_check.get()

            records += static_check.get()

            records = getStaticMessages(
            if self._isBuilderCallable():
                records += self._getBuilderMessages(source, batch_mode)

        return records

    def getMessagesWithText(self, path, content):
        Gets messages from a given path with a different content, for
        the cases when the buffer content has been modified
        self._logger.debug("Getting messages for '%s' with content", path)


        source, remarks = self.getSourceByPath(path)
        with source.havingBufferContent(content):
            messages = self.getMessagesBySource(source)

        # Some messages may not include the filename field when checking a
        # file by content. In this case, we'll assume the empty filenames
        # refer to the same filename we got in the first place
        for message in messages:
            if message['filename'] is None:
                message['filename'] = path

        return messages + remarks

    def getSources(self):
        Returns a list of VhdlSourceFile objects parsed
        return self._config.getSources()

    def onBufferVisit(self, path):
        Runs tasks whenever a buffer is being visited. Currently this
        means caching the build sequence before the file is actually
        checked, so the overall wait time is reduced
        source, _ = self.getSourceByPath(path)

    def onBufferLeave(self, _):
        Runs actions when leaving a buffer.