Пример #1
    def __init__(self, options):
        self.projPath = options.projPath + '/'
        self.regions = options.regions
        self.name = options.name
        self.toyDir = 'toy' + options.toynum + '_' + self.name + '_plots/'
        self.toynum = options.toynum
        if not os.path.isdir(self.projPath + '/' + self.toyDir):
            os.mkdir(self.projPath + '/' + self.toyDir)

        if os.path.isfile(self.projPath + '/fitDiagnostics' + self.name +
            self.fd_file = TFile.Open(self.projPath + '/fitDiagnostics' +
                                      self.name + '.root')
            self.fd_file = False
        if options.workspacefile == '':
            self.ws_file = TFile.Open(self.projPath + '/higgsCombine' +
                                      self.name + '.GoodnessOfFit.mH120.' +
                                      options.seed + '.root')
            self.ws_file = TFile.Open(self.projPath + '/' +
        if options.toyfile == '': self.toy_file = self.ws_file
        else: self.toy_file = TFile.Open(self.projPath + '/' + options.toyfile)
        # self.ws_file.ls()
        self.ws = self.ws_file.Get('w')
        # self.ws.Print()
        # self.toy_w = self.ws.Clone('toy_w')
        self.toy = self.toy_file.Get('toys/toy_' + options.toynum)
        getattr(self.ws, 'import')(self.toy)
            self.projPath + '/' + self.toyDir + '/toy_workspace.root', True)

        if not options.skipSamples:
            with header.cd(self.projPath):
                    'PostFit2DShapesFromWorkspace -w ' + self.toyDir +
                    '/toy_workspace.root --dataset model_sData -o ' +
                    self.toyDir + 'postfitshapes_s.root -f fitDiagnostics' +
                    self.name +
                    '.root:fit_s --samples 50 --postfit --sampling --print')
        with header.cd(self.projPath):
            # diffnuis_cmd = 'python $CMSSW_BASE/src/HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit/test/diffNuisances.py fitDiagnostics'+self.name+'.root --abs -g toy'+options.toynum+'_'+self.name+'_plots/nuisance_pulls.root'
            # header.executeCmd(diffnuis_cmd)

        self.post_file = TFile.Open(self.projPath + self.toyDir +
        for r in self.regions.split(','):
            if not os.path.isdir(self.projPath + '/' + self.toyDir + r):
                os.mkdir(self.projPath + '/' + self.toyDir + r)
            if os.path.isfile(self.projPath + '/saveOut.p'):
                pickleFile = pickle.load(
                    open(self.projPath + '/saveOut.p', 'rb'))
                pickleFile = pickle.load(
                    open(self.projPath + r + '/saveOut.p', 'rb'))
            self.plotFitResults(r, pickleFile)
Пример #2
    # Instantiate all class instances
    for i in inputConfigs:
        instance = TwoDAlphabet(i, options.quicktag, stringSwaps)

    # For each instance, check tags match and if they don't, ask the user for one
    for t in twoDinstances:
        if t.tag != twoDinstances[0].tag:
            print 'ERROR: tags in configuration files do not match. ' + t.tag + ' does not match ' + twoDinstances[
                0].tag + '. Please make sure they match and try again. Quitting...'
    thistag = twoDinstances[0].tag

    # Combine the cards
    print 'cd ' + thistag
    with header.cd(thistag):
        card_combination_command = 'combineCards.py'
        for i in twoDinstances:
            card_combination_command += ' ' + i.name + '/card_' + i.name + '.txt'
        card_combination_command += ' > card_' + thistag + '.txt'

        print 'Executing ' + card_combination_command
        subprocess.call([card_combination_command], shell=True)
        for num in range(1, len(twoDinstances) + 1):
                ["sed -i 's/ch" + str(num) + "_//g' card_" + thistag + ".txt"],

             blindData=(not bool(options.unblindData)),
Пример #3
if (options.biasStudy != '' or options.ftest == 'fitAlt'
        or options.ftest == 'post' or options.ftest == 'pvalue'):
    altDir = options.altDir  # home of the alternate workspace - has the cards, fit results, etc
    alttag = altDir.split('/')[0]
    if altDir.split('/')[-1] != '': altcard_tag = altDir.split('/')[-1]
    else: altcard_tag = altDir.split('/')[-2]

    if altDir[-1] != '/': altDir_depth = '../' * (altDir.count('/') + 1)
    else: altDir_depth = '../' * (altDir.count('/'))

    if not os.path.isdir(altDir):
        print altDir + ' is not a directory. Quitting...'

# Start with tests that only require the projDir and don't do a comparison
with header.cd(projDir):
    # Determine if there are channel masks from the fit in the projDir
    masked_regions = getMasks('higgsCombineTest.FitDiagnostics.mH120.root')
    mask_string = '' if len(masked_regions) == 0 else ' --setParameters '
    for mask in masked_regions:
        mask_string += mask + '=1,'
    mask_string = mask_string[:-1]

    # Set the string to specify the blinding
    blind_string = "--setParametersForFit "
    for m in masked_regions:
        blind_string += m + '=1,'
    blind_string = blind_string[:-1] + ' '
    blind_string = blind_string + blind_string.replace(
        'setParametersForFit', 'setParametersForEval')  #.replace('=1','=0')
Пример #4
tag = projDir.split('/')[0]
runname = 'Scan%s' % options.name
rrange = [int(options.rMin), int(options.rMax)]

if options.toys == '':
    raise ValueError(
        'Toy option empty. Scanning data fit not currently supported.')

if os.path.exists(options.toysFile):
    toysFile = options.toysFile
elif os.path.exists(projDir + '/' + options.toysFile):
    toysFile = projDir + '/' + options.toysFile
    raise Exception('Cannot find file %s' % options.toysFile)

with header.cd(projDir):
    if not options.skipScan:
            'combine -M MultiDimFit -d card_%s.txt --algo grid -P %s --floatOtherPOIs=0 --setParameterRanges %s=%s,%s --cminDefaultMinimizerStrategy 0 --saveNLL -n %s -t %s --toysFile %s'
            % (tag, options.parameter, options.parameter, rrange[0], rrange[1],
               runname, options.toys, options.toysFile))

    header.executeCmd('mkdir %s_plots/' % runname)
    f_out = ROOT.TFile.Open('%s_plots/all.root' % runname, 'RECREATE')
    f = ROOT.TFile.Open('higgsCombine%s.MultiDimFit.mH120.123456.root' %
    for i in range(1, int(options.toys) + 1):
        TLimit = f.Get('limit')

        r = []
        nll = []
Пример #5
projDir = options.projDir  # home of the workspace - has the cards, fit results, etc
tag = projDir.split('/')[0]
if projDir.split('/')[-1] != '': card_tag = projDir.split('/')[-1]
else: card_tag = projDir.split('/')[-2]

if tag == '':
    print 'ERROR in project directory name (where your workspace and data card lives). Did you accidentally provide a leading slash? (ie /projDir/) Quitting...'

if not os.path.isdir(projDir):
    print projDir + ' is not a directory. Quitting...'

# Start with tests that only require the projDir and don't do a comparison
with header.cd(projDir):
    # GOF #
    if options.gof:
        if not options.plotOnly:
            commands = []

            # Determine if there are channel masks from the fit in the projDir
            masked_regions = []
            f = TFile.Open('higgsCombineTest.FitDiagnostics.mH120.root')
            w = f.Get('w')
            allVars = RooArgList(w.allVars())

            # Loop over all vars in original workspace and add any masked region names to list
            for i in range(allVars.getSize()):