def getCachedArt(albumid): from headphones import cache c = cache.Cache() artwork_path = c.get_artwork_from_cache(AlbumID=albumid) if not artwork_path: return if artwork_path.startswith('http://'): artwork = request.request_content(artwork_path, timeout=20) if not artwork: logger.warn("Unable to open url: %s", artwork_path) return else: with open(artwork_path, "r") as fp: return
def getCachedArt(albumid): from headphones import cache c = cache.Cache() artwork_path = c.get_artwork_from_cache(AlbumID=albumid) if not artwork_path: return None if artwork_path.startswith('http://'): try: artwork = urllib2.urlopen(artwork_path, timeout=20).read() return artwork except: logger.warn("Unable to open url: " + artwork_path) return None else: artwork = open(artwork_path, "r").read() return artwork
def switch(AlbumID, ReleaseID): """ Takes the contents from allalbums & alltracks (based on ReleaseID) and switches them into the albums & tracks table. """ logger.debug('Switching allalbums and alltracks') myDB = db.DBConnection() oldalbumdata = myDB.action('SELECT * from albums WHERE AlbumID=?', [AlbumID]).fetchone() newalbumdata = myDB.action('SELECT * from allalbums WHERE ReleaseID=?', [ReleaseID]).fetchone() newtrackdata = myDB.action('SELECT * from alltracks WHERE ReleaseID=?', [ReleaseID]).fetchall() myDB.action('DELETE from tracks WHERE AlbumID=?', [AlbumID]) controlValueDict = {"AlbumID": AlbumID} newValueDict = { "ArtistID": newalbumdata['ArtistID'], "ArtistName": newalbumdata['ArtistName'], "AlbumTitle": newalbumdata['AlbumTitle'], "ReleaseID": newalbumdata['ReleaseID'], "AlbumASIN": newalbumdata['AlbumASIN'], "ReleaseDate": newalbumdata['ReleaseDate'], "Type": newalbumdata['Type'], "ReleaseCountry": newalbumdata['ReleaseCountry'], "ReleaseFormat": newalbumdata['ReleaseFormat'] } myDB.upsert("albums", newValueDict, controlValueDict) # Update cache c = cache.Cache() c.remove_from_cache(AlbumID=AlbumID) c.get_artwork_from_cache(AlbumID=AlbumID) for track in newtrackdata: controlValueDict = {"TrackID": track['TrackID'], "AlbumID": AlbumID} newValueDict = { "ArtistID": track['ArtistID'], "ArtistName": track['ArtistName'], "AlbumTitle": track['AlbumTitle'], "AlbumASIN": track['AlbumASIN'], "ReleaseID": track['ReleaseID'], "TrackTitle": track['TrackTitle'], "TrackDuration": track['TrackDuration'], "TrackNumber": track['TrackNumber'], "CleanName": track['CleanName'], "Location": track['Location'], "Format": track['Format'], "BitRate": track['BitRate'] } myDB.upsert("tracks", newValueDict, controlValueDict) # Mark albums as downloaded if they have at least 80% (by default, # configurable) of the album total_track_count = len(newtrackdata) have_track_count = len( 'SELECT * from tracks WHERE AlbumID=? AND Location IS NOT NULL', [AlbumID])) if oldalbumdata['Status'] == 'Skipped' and ( (have_track_count / float(total_track_count)) >= (headphones.CONFIG.ALBUM_COMPLETION_PCT / 100.0)): myDB.action('UPDATE albums SET Status=? WHERE AlbumID=?', ['Downloaded', AlbumID]) # Update have track counts on index totaltracks = len( 'SELECT TrackTitle from tracks AS tr INNER JOIN albums AS al ON al.AlbumID = tr.AlbumID WHERE al.ArtistID=? ' 'AND al.Status != "Ignored"', [newalbumdata['ArtistID']])) havetracks = len( 'SELECT TrackTitle from tracks WHERE ArtistID=? AND Location IS NOT NULL', [newalbumdata['ArtistID']])) controlValueDict = {"ArtistID": newalbumdata['ArtistID']} newValueDict = {"TotalTracks": totaltracks, "HaveTracks": havetracks} myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)