Пример #1
def searchNZB(albumid=None, new=False):

    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    if albumid:
        results = myDB.select('SELECT ArtistName, AlbumTitle, AlbumID, ReleaseDate from albums WHERE Status="Wanted" AND AlbumID=?', [albumid])
        results = myDB.select('SELECT ArtistName, AlbumTitle, AlbumID, ReleaseDate from albums WHERE Status="Wanted"')
        new = True
    for albums in results:
        albumid = albums[2]
        reldate = albums[3]
            year = reldate[:4]
        except TypeError:
            year = ''
        dic = {'...':'', ' & ':' ', ' = ': ' ', '?':'', '$':'s', ' + ':' ', '"':'', ',':''}

        cleanartistalbum = helpers.latinToAscii(helpers.replace_all(albums[0]+' '+albums[1], dic))

        # FLAC usually doesn't have a year for some reason so I'll leave it out:
        term = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', '%s' % (cleanartistalbum)).encode('utf-8')
        altterm = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', '%s %s' % (cleanartistalbum, year)).encode('utf-8')
        # Only use the year if the term could return a bunch of different albums, i.e. self-titled albums
        if albums[0] in albums[1] or len(albums[0]) < 4 or len(albums[1]) < 4:
            term = altterm    
        logger.info("Searching for %s since it was marked as wanted" % term)
        resultlist = []
        if headphones.NZBMATRIX:
            provider = "nzbmatrix"
            if headphones.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 3:
                categories = "23"
                maxsize = 10000000000    
            elif headphones.PREFERRED_QUALITY:
                categories = "23,22"
                maxsize = 2000000000
                categories = "22"
                maxsize = 300000000
            params = {    "page": "download",
                        "username": headphones.NZBMATRIX_USERNAME,
                        "apikey": headphones.NZBMATRIX_APIKEY,
                        "subcat": categories,
                        "age": headphones.USENET_RETENTION,
                        "english": 1,
                        "ssl": 1,
                        "scenename": 1,
                        "term": term
            searchURL = "http://rss.nzbmatrix.com/rss.php?" + urllib.urlencode(params)
            logger.info(u"Parsing results from "+searchURL)
            	data = urllib2.urlopen(searchURL, timeout=20).read()
            except urllib2.URLError, e:
            	logger.warn('Error fetching data from NZBMatrix: %s' % e)
            	data = False   
            if data:
				d = feedparser.parse(data)
				for item in d.entries:
						url = item.link
						title = item.title
						size = int(item.links[1]['length'])
						if size < maxsize:
							resultlist.append((title, size, url, provider))
							logger.info('Found %s. Size: %s' % (title, helpers.bytes_to_mb(size)))
							logger.info('%s is larger than the maxsize for this category, skipping. (Size: %i bytes)' % (title, size))    
					except AttributeError, e:
						logger.info(u"No results found from NZBMatrix for %s" % term)
Пример #2
def searchNZB(albumid=None, new=False, losslessOnly=False):

    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    if albumid:
        results = myDB.select('SELECT ArtistName, AlbumTitle, AlbumID, ReleaseDate from albums WHERE AlbumID=?', [albumid])
        results = myDB.select('SELECT ArtistName, AlbumTitle, AlbumID, ReleaseDate from albums WHERE Status="Wanted" OR Status="Wanted Lossless"')
        new = True
    for albums in results:
        albumid = albums[2]
        reldate = albums[3]
            year = reldate[:4]
        except TypeError:
            year = ''
        dic = {'...':'', ' & ':' ', ' = ': ' ', '?':'', '$':'s', ' + ':' ', '"':'', ',':'', '*':'', '.':'', ':':''}

        cleanalbum = helpers.latinToAscii(helpers.replace_all(albums[1], dic))
        cleanartist = helpers.latinToAscii(helpers.replace_all(albums[0], dic))

        # FLAC usually doesn't have a year for some reason so I'll leave it out
        # Various Artist albums might be listed as VA, so I'll leave that out too
        # Only use the year if the term could return a bunch of different albums, i.e. self-titled albums
        if albums[0] in albums[1] or len(albums[0]) < 4 or len(albums[1]) < 4:
            term = cleanartist + ' ' + cleanalbum + ' ' + year
        elif albums[0] == 'Various Artists':
        	term = cleanalbum + ' ' + year
        	term = cleanartist + ' ' + cleanalbum
        # Replace bad characters in the term and unicode it
        term = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', term).encode('utf-8')
        artistterm = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', cleanartist).encode('utf-8')
        logger.info("Searching for %s since it was marked as wanted" % term)
        resultlist = []
        if headphones.NZBMATRIX:
            provider = "nzbmatrix"
            if headphones.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 3 or losslessOnly:
                categories = "23"
                maxsize = 10000000000    
            elif headphones.PREFERRED_QUALITY:
                categories = "23,22"
                maxsize = 2000000000
                categories = "22"
                maxsize = 300000000
            # For some reason NZBMatrix is erroring out/timing out when the term starts with a "The" right now
            # so we'll strip it out for the time being. This may get fixed on their end, it may not, but
            # hopefully this will fix it for now. If you notice anything else it gets stuck on, please post it
            # on Github so it can be added
            if term.lower().startswith("the "):
            	term = term[4:]
            params = {    "page": "download",
                        "username": headphones.NZBMATRIX_USERNAME,
                        "apikey": headphones.NZBMATRIX_APIKEY,
                        "subcat": categories,
                        "maxage": headphones.USENET_RETENTION,
                        "english": 1,
                        "ssl": 1,
                        "scenename": 1,
                        "term": term
            searchURL = "http://rss.nzbmatrix.com/rss.php?" + urllib.urlencode(params)
            logger.info(u'Parsing results from <a href="%s">NZBMatrix</a>' % searchURL)
            	data = urllib2.urlopen(searchURL, timeout=20).read()
            except urllib2.URLError, e:
            	logger.warn('Error fetching data from NZBMatrix: %s' % e)
            	data = False   
            if data:
				d = feedparser.parse(data)
				for item in d.entries:
						url = item.link
						title = item.title
						size = int(item.links[1]['length'])
						if size < maxsize:
							resultlist.append((title, size, url, provider))
							logger.info('Found %s. Size: %s' % (title, helpers.bytes_to_mb(size)))
							logger.info('%s is larger than the maxsize for this category, skipping. (Size: %i bytes)' % (title, size))    
					except AttributeError, e:
						logger.info(u"No results found from NZBMatrix for %s" % term)
Пример #3
				d = feedparser.parse(data)
				if not len(d.entries):
					logger.info(u"No results found from %s for %s" % (headphones.NEWZNAB_HOST, term))
					for item in d.entries:
							url = item.link
							title = item.title
							size = int(item.links[1]['length'])
							if size < maxsize:
								resultlist.append((title, size, url, provider))
								logger.info('Found %s. Size: %s' % (title, helpers.bytes_to_mb(size)))
								logger.info('%s is larger than the maxsize for this category, skipping. (Size: %i bytes)' % (title, size))    
						except Exception, e:
							logger.error(u"An unknown error occured trying to parse the feed: %s" % e)
        if headphones.NZBSORG:
            provider = "nzbsorg"
            if headphones.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 3:
                categories = "5"
                maxsize = 10000000000
                term = term + ' flac'
            elif headphones.PREFERRED_QUALITY:
                categories = "5"
                maxsize = 2000000000
Пример #4
				d = feedparser.parse(data)
				if not len(d.entries):
					logger.info(u"No results found from %s for %s" % (headphones.NEWZNAB_HOST, term))
					for item in d.entries:
							url = item.link
							title = item.title
							size = int(item.links[1]['length'])
							if size < maxsize:
								resultlist.append((title, size, url, provider))
								logger.info('Found %s. Size: %s' % (title, helpers.bytes_to_mb(size)))
								logger.info('%s is larger than the maxsize for this category, skipping. (Size: %i bytes)' % (title, size))    
						except Exception, e:
							logger.error(u"An unknown error occured trying to parse the feed: %s" % e)
        if headphones.NZBSORG:
            provider = "nzbsorg"
            if headphones.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 3 or losslessOnly:
                categories = "3040"
                maxsize = 10000000000
            elif headphones.PREFERRED_QUALITY:
                categories = "3040,3010"
                maxsize = 2000000000
Пример #5
def searchTorrent(albumid=None, new=False, losslessOnly=False):

    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    if albumid:
        results = myDB.select('SELECT ArtistName, AlbumTitle, AlbumID, ReleaseDate from albums WHERE AlbumID=?', [albumid])
        results = myDB.select('SELECT ArtistName, AlbumTitle, AlbumID, ReleaseDate from albums WHERE Status="Wanted" OR Status="Wanted Lossless"')
        new = True
    for albums in results:
        albumid = albums[2]
        reldate = albums[3]
            year = reldate[:4]
        except TypeError:
            year = ''
        dic = {'...':'', ' & ':' ', ' = ': ' ', '?':'', '$':'s', ' + ':' ', '"':'', ',':'', '*':''}

        cleanalbum = helpers.latinToAscii(helpers.replace_all(albums[1], dic))
        cleanartist = helpers.latinToAscii(helpers.replace_all(albums[0], dic))

        # FLAC usually doesn't have a year for some reason so I'll leave it out
        # Various Artist albums might be listed as VA, so I'll leave that out too
        # Only use the year if the term could return a bunch of different albums, i.e. self-titled albums
        if albums[0] in albums[1] or len(albums[0]) < 4 or len(albums[1]) < 4:
            term = cleanartist + ' ' + cleanalbum + ' ' + year
        elif albums[0] == 'Various Artists':
        	term = cleanalbum + ' ' + year
        	term = cleanartist + ' ' + cleanalbum
        # Replace bad characters in the term and unicode it
        term = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', term).encode('utf-8')
        artistterm = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', cleanartist).encode('utf-8')
        logger.info("Searching torrents for %s since it was marked as wanted" % term)
        resultlist = []
        minimumseeders = int(headphones.NUMBEROFSEEDERS) - 1

        if headphones.KAT:
            provider = "Kick Ass Torrent"
            providerurl = url_fix("http://www.kat.ph/search/" + term)
            if headphones.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 3 or losslessOnly:
                categories = "7"        #music
                format = "2"             #flac
                maxsize = 10000000000
            elif headphones.PREFERRED_QUALITY:
                categories = "7"        #music
                format = "10"            #mp3+flac
                maxsize = 10000000000
                categories = "7"        #music
                format = "8"            #mp3
                maxsize = 300000000        

            params = {   
                        "categories[0]": "music",
                        "field": "seeders",
                        "sorder": "desc",
                        "rss": "1"
            searchURL = providerurl + "/?%s" % urllib.urlencode(params)
            	data = urllib2.urlopen(searchURL, timeout=20).read()
            except urllib2.URLError, e:
            	logger.warn('Error fetching data from %s: %s' % (provider, e))
            	data = False
            if data:
				d = feedparser.parse(data)
				if not len(d.entries):
					logger.info(u"No results found from %s for %s" % (provider, term))
					for item in d.entries:
							rightformat = True
							title = item.title
							seeders = item.seeds
							url = item.links[1]['url']
							size = int(item.links[1]['length'])
								if format == "2":
                                                                        request = urllib2.Request(url)
                                                                        request.add_header('Accept-encoding', 'gzip')
                                                                        response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
                                                                        if response.info().get('Content-Encoding') == 'gzip':
                                                                            buf = StringIO( response.read())
                                                                            f = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf)
                                                                            torrent = f.read()
                                                                            torrent = response.read()
									if int(torrent.find(".mp3")) > 0 and int(torrent.find(".flac")) < 1:
										rightformat = False
							except Exception, e:
								rightformat = False
							if rightformat == True and size < maxsize and minimumseeders < int(seeders):
								resultlist.append((title, size, url, provider))
								logger.info('Found %s. Size: %s' % (title, helpers.bytes_to_mb(size)))
								logger.info('%s is larger than the maxsize, the wrong format or has to little seeders for this category, skipping. (Size: %i bytes, Seeders: %i, Format: %s)' % (title, size, int(seeders), rightformat))    
						except Exception, e:
							logger.error(u"An unknown error occured in the KAT parser: %s" % e)
Пример #6
def searchNZB(albumid=None, new=False, losslessOnly=False):

    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    if albumid:
        results = myDB.select('SELECT ArtistName, AlbumTitle, AlbumID, ReleaseDate, Type from albums WHERE AlbumID=?', [albumid])
        results = myDB.select('SELECT ArtistName, AlbumTitle, AlbumID, ReleaseDate, Type from albums WHERE Status="Wanted" OR Status="Wanted Lossless"')
        new = True
    for albums in results:
        albumid = albums[2]
        reldate = albums[3]
            year = reldate[:4]
        except TypeError:
            year = ''
        dic = {'...':'', ' & ':' ', ' = ': ' ', '?':'', '$':'s', ' + ':' ', '"':'', ',':'', '*':'', '.':'', ':':''}

        cleanalbum = helpers.latinToAscii(helpers.replace_all(albums[1], dic))
        cleanartist = helpers.latinToAscii(helpers.replace_all(albums[0], dic))

        # FLAC usually doesn't have a year for some reason so I'll leave it out
        # Various Artist albums might be listed as VA, so I'll leave that out too
        # Only use the year if the term could return a bunch of different albums, i.e. self-titled albums
        if albums[0] in albums[1] or len(albums[0]) < 4 or len(albums[1]) < 4:
            term = cleanartist + ' ' + cleanalbum + ' ' + year
        elif albums[0] == 'Various Artists':
            term = cleanalbum + ' ' + year
            term = cleanartist + ' ' + cleanalbum
        # Replace bad characters in the term and unicode it
        term = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', term).encode('utf-8')
        artistterm = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', cleanartist).encode('utf-8')
        logger.info("Searching for %s since it was marked as wanted" % term)
        resultlist = []
        if headphones.NZBMATRIX:
            provider = "nzbmatrix"
            if headphones.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 3 or losslessOnly:
                categories = "23" 
            elif headphones.PREFERRED_QUALITY:
                categories = "23,22"
                categories = "22"
            # Search Audiobooks/Singles/etc
            if albums['Type'] == "Other":
                categories = "49"
                logger.info("Album type is audiobook/spokenword. Using audiobook category")
            if albums['Type'] == "Single":
                categories = "47"
                logger.info("Album type is 'Single'. Using singles category")
            # For some reason NZBMatrix is erroring out/timing out when the term starts with a "The" right now
            # so we'll strip it out for the time being. This may get fixed on their end, it may not, but
            # hopefully this will fix it for now. If you notice anything else it gets stuck on, please post it
            # on Github so it can be added
            if term.lower().startswith("the "):
                term = term[4:]
            params = {    "page": "download",
                        "username": headphones.NZBMATRIX_USERNAME,
                        "apikey": headphones.NZBMATRIX_APIKEY,
                        "subcat": categories,
                        "maxage": headphones.USENET_RETENTION,
                        "english": 1,
                        "ssl": 1,
                        "scenename": 1,
                        "term": term
            searchURL = "http://rss.nzbmatrix.com/rss.php?" + urllib.urlencode(params)
            logger.info(u'Parsing results from <a href="%s">NZBMatrix</a>' % searchURL)
                data = urllib2.urlopen(searchURL, timeout=20).read()
            except urllib2.URLError, e:
                logger.warn('Error fetching data from NZBMatrix: %s' % e)
                data = False   
            if data:
                d = feedparser.parse(data)
                for item in d.entries:
                        url = item.link
                        title = item.title
                        size = int(item.links[1]['length'])
                        resultlist.append((title, size, url, provider))
                        logger.info('Found %s. Size: %s' % (title, helpers.bytes_to_mb(size)))
                    except AttributeError, e:
                        logger.info(u"No results found from NZBMatrix for %s" % term)
Пример #7
def searchTorrent(albumid=None, new=False, losslessOnly=False):

    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    if albumid:
        results = myDB.select('SELECT ArtistName, AlbumTitle, AlbumID, ReleaseDate from albums WHERE AlbumID=?', [albumid])
        results = myDB.select('SELECT ArtistName, AlbumTitle, AlbumID, ReleaseDate from albums WHERE Status="Wanted" OR Status="Wanted Lossless"')
        new = True
    for albums in results:
        albumid = albums[2]
        reldate = albums[3]
            year = reldate[:4]
        except TypeError:
            year = ''
        dic = {'...':'', ' & ':' ', ' = ': ' ', '?':'', '$':'s', ' + ':' ', '"':'', ',':'', '*':''}

        cleanalbum = helpers.latinToAscii(helpers.replace_all(albums[1], dic))
        cleanartist = helpers.latinToAscii(helpers.replace_all(albums[0], dic))

        # FLAC usually doesn't have a year for some reason so I'll leave it out
        # Various Artist albums might be listed as VA, so I'll leave that out too
        # Only use the year if the term could return a bunch of different albums, i.e. self-titled albums
        if albums[0] in albums[1] or len(albums[0]) < 4 or len(albums[1]) < 4:
            term = cleanartist + ' ' + cleanalbum + ' ' + year
        elif albums[0] == 'Various Artists':
            term = cleanalbum + ' ' + year
            term = cleanartist + ' ' + cleanalbum
        # Replace bad characters in the term and unicode it
        term = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', term).encode('utf-8')
        artistterm = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', cleanartist).encode('utf-8')
        albumterm  = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', cleanalbum).encode('utf-8')

        logger.info("Searching torrents for %s since it was marked as wanted" % term)
        resultlist = []
        minimumseeders = int(headphones.NUMBEROFSEEDERS) - 1

        if headphones.KAT:
            provider = "Kick Ass Torrent"
            providerurl = url_fix("http://www.kat.ph/search/" + term)
            if headphones.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 3 or losslessOnly:
                categories = "7"        #music
                format = "2"             #flac
                maxsize = 10000000000
            elif headphones.PREFERRED_QUALITY:
                categories = "7"        #music
                format = "10"            #mp3+flac
                maxsize = 10000000000
                categories = "7"        #music
                format = "8"            #mp3
                maxsize = 300000000        

            params = {   
                        "categories[0]": "music",
                        "field": "seeders",
                        "sorder": "desc",
                        "rss": "1"
            searchURL = providerurl + "/?%s" % urllib.urlencode(params)
                data = urllib2.urlopen(searchURL, timeout=20).read()
            except urllib2.URLError, e:
                logger.warn('Error fetching data from %s: %s' % (provider, e))
                data = False
            if data:
                logger.info(u'Parsing results from <a href="%s">KAT</a>' % searchURL)
                d = feedparser.parse(data)
                if not len(d.entries):
                    logger.info(u"No results found from %s for %s" % (provider, term))
                    for item in d.entries:
                            rightformat = True
                            title = item.title
                            seeders = item.seeds
                            url = item.links[1]['url']
                            size = int(item.links[1]['length'])
                                if format == "2":
                                    request = urllib2.Request(url)
                                    request.add_header('Accept-encoding', 'gzip')
                                    request.add_header('Referer', 'http://kat.ph/')
                                    response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
                                    if response.info().get('Content-Encoding') == 'gzip':
                                        buf = StringIO( response.read())
                                        f = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf)
                                        torrent = f.read()
                                        torrent = response.read()
                                    if int(torrent.find(".mp3")) > 0 and int(torrent.find(".flac")) < 1:
                                        rightformat = False
                            except Exception, e:
                                rightformat = False
                            if rightformat == True and size < maxsize and minimumseeders < int(seeders):
                                resultlist.append((title, size, url, provider))
                                logger.info('Found %s. Size: %s' % (title, helpers.bytes_to_mb(size)))
                                logger.info('%s is larger than the maxsize, the wrong format or has too little seeders for this category, skipping. (Size: %i bytes, Seeders: %i, Format: %s)' % (title, size, int(seeders), rightformat))    
                        except Exception, e:
                            logger.error(u"An unknown error occurred in the KAT parser: %s" % e)
Пример #8
             d = feedparser.parse(data)
             if not len(d.entries):
                 logger.info(u"No results found from %s for %s" % (newznab_host[0], term))
                 for item in d.entries:
                         url = item.link
                         title = item.title
                         size = int(item.links[1]['length'])
                         resultlist.append((title, size, url, provider))
                         logger.info('Found %s. Size: %s' % (title, helpers.bytes_to_mb(size))) 
                     except Exception, e:
                         logger.error(u"An unknown error occurred trying to parse the feed: %s" % e)
 if headphones.NZBSORG:
     provider = "nzbsorg"
     if headphones.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 3 or losslessOnly:
         categories = "3040"
     elif headphones.PREFERRED_QUALITY:
         categories = "3040,3010"
         categories = "3010"
     if albums['Type'] == 'Other':
         categories = "3030"
Пример #9
def searchNZB(albumid=None, new=False):

    myDB = db.DBConnection()

    if albumid:
        results = myDB.select(
            'SELECT ArtistName, AlbumTitle, AlbumID, ReleaseDate from albums WHERE Status="Wanted" AND AlbumID=?',
        results = myDB.select(
            'SELECT ArtistName, AlbumTitle, AlbumID, ReleaseDate from albums WHERE Status="Wanted"'
        new = True

    for albums in results:

        albumid = albums[2]
        reldate = albums[3]

            year = reldate[:4]
        except TypeError:
            year = ''

        dic = {
            '...': '',
            ' & ': ' ',
            ' = ': ' ',
            '?': '',
            '$': 's',
            ' + ': ' ',
            '"': '',
            ',': '',
            '*': ''

        cleanalbum = helpers.latinToAscii(helpers.replace_all(albums[1], dic))
        cleanartist = helpers.latinToAscii(helpers.replace_all(albums[0], dic))

        # FLAC usually doesn't have a year for some reason so I'll leave it out
        # Various Artist albums might be listed as VA, so I'll leave that out too
        # Only use the year if the term could return a bunch of different albums, i.e. self-titled albums
        if albums[0] in albums[1] or len(albums[0]) < 4 or len(albums[1]) < 4:
            term = cleanartist + ' ' + cleanalbum + ' ' + year
        elif albums[0] == 'Various Artists':
            term = cleanalbum + ' ' + year
            term = cleanartist + ' ' + cleanalbum

        # Replace bad characters in the term and unicode it
        term = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', term).encode('utf-8')
        artistterm = re.sub('[\.\-\/]', ' ', cleanartist).encode('utf-8')

        logger.info("Searching for %s since it was marked as wanted" % term)

        resultlist = []

        if headphones.NZBMATRIX:
            provider = "nzbmatrix"
            if headphones.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 3:
                categories = "23"
                maxsize = 10000000000
            elif headphones.PREFERRED_QUALITY:
                categories = "23,22"
                maxsize = 2000000000
                categories = "22"
                maxsize = 300000000

            params = {
                "page": "download",
                "username": headphones.NZBMATRIX_USERNAME,
                "apikey": headphones.NZBMATRIX_APIKEY,
                "subcat": categories,
                "age": headphones.USENET_RETENTION,
                "english": 1,
                "ssl": 1,
                "scenename": 1,
                "term": term

            searchURL = "http://rss.nzbmatrix.com/rss.php?" + urllib.urlencode(
            logger.info(u'Parsing results from <a href="%s">NZBMatrix</a>' %
                data = urllib2.urlopen(searchURL, timeout=20).read()
            except urllib2.URLError, e:
                logger.warn('Error fetching data from NZBMatrix: %s' % e)
                data = False

            if data:

                d = feedparser.parse(data)

                for item in d.entries:
                        url = item.link
                        title = item.title
                        size = int(item.links[1]['length'])
                        if size < maxsize:
                            resultlist.append((title, size, url, provider))
                            logger.info('Found %s. Size: %s' %
                                        (title, helpers.bytes_to_mb(size)))
                                '%s is larger than the maxsize for this category, skipping. (Size: %i bytes)'
                                % (title, size))

                    except AttributeError, e:
                        logger.info(u"No results found from NZBMatrix for %s" %
Пример #10
                if not len(d.entries):
                    logger.info(u"No results found from %s for %s" %
                                (headphones.NEWZNAB_HOST, term))

                    for item in d.entries:
                            url = item.link
                            title = item.title
                            size = int(item.links[1]['length'])
                            if size < maxsize:
                                resultlist.append((title, size, url, provider))
                                logger.info('Found %s. Size: %s' %
                                            (title, helpers.bytes_to_mb(size)))
                                    '%s is larger than the maxsize for this category, skipping. (Size: %i bytes)'
                                    % (title, size))

                        except Exception, e:
                                u"An unknown error occured trying to parse the feed: %s"
                                % e)

        if headphones.NZBSORG:
            provider = "nzbsorg"
            if headphones.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 3:
                categories = "5"
                maxsize = 10000000000
Пример #11
def searchNZB(albumid=None, new=False, losslessOnly=False):

    myDB = db.DBConnection()

    if albumid:
        results = myDB.select(
            "SELECT ArtistName, AlbumTitle, AlbumID, ReleaseDate from albums WHERE AlbumID=?", [albumid]
        results = myDB.select(
            'SELECT ArtistName, AlbumTitle, AlbumID, ReleaseDate from albums WHERE Status="Wanted" OR Status="Wanted Lossless"'
        new = True

    for albums in results:

        albumid = albums[2]
        reldate = albums[3]

            year = reldate[:4]
        except TypeError:
            year = ""

        dic = {
            "...": "",
            " & ": " ",
            " = ": " ",
            "?": "",
            "$": "s",
            " + ": " ",
            '"': "",
            ",": "",
            "*": "",
            ".": "",
            ":": "",

        cleanalbum = helpers.latinToAscii(helpers.replace_all(albums[1], dic))
        cleanartist = helpers.latinToAscii(helpers.replace_all(albums[0], dic))

        # FLAC usually doesn't have a year for some reason so I'll leave it out
        # Various Artist albums might be listed as VA, so I'll leave that out too
        # Only use the year if the term could return a bunch of different albums, i.e. self-titled albums
        if albums[0] in albums[1] or len(albums[0]) < 4 or len(albums[1]) < 4:
            term = cleanartist + " " + cleanalbum + " " + year
        elif albums[0] == "Various Artists":
            term = cleanalbum + " " + year
            term = cleanartist + " " + cleanalbum

        # Replace bad characters in the term and unicode it
        term = re.sub("[\.\-\/]", " ", term).encode("utf-8")
        artistterm = re.sub("[\.\-\/]", " ", cleanartist).encode("utf-8")

        logger.info("Searching for %s since it was marked as wanted" % term)

        resultlist = []

        if headphones.NZBMATRIX:
            provider = "nzbmatrix"
            if headphones.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 3 or losslessOnly:
                categories = "23"
                maxsize = 10000000000
            elif headphones.PREFERRED_QUALITY:
                categories = "23,22"
                maxsize = 2000000000
                categories = "22"
                maxsize = 300000000

            params = {
                "page": "download",
                "username": headphones.NZBMATRIX_USERNAME,
                "apikey": headphones.NZBMATRIX_APIKEY,
                "subcat": categories,
                "maxage": headphones.USENET_RETENTION,
                "english": 1,
                "ssl": 1,
                "scenename": 1,
                "term": term,

            searchURL = "http://rss.nzbmatrix.com/rss.php?" + urllib.urlencode(params)
            logger.info(u'Parsing results from <a href="%s">NZBMatrix</a>' % searchURL)
                data = urllib2.urlopen(searchURL, timeout=20).read()
            except urllib2.URLError, e:
                logger.warn("Error fetching data from NZBMatrix: %s" % e)
                data = False

            if data:

                d = feedparser.parse(data)

                for item in d.entries:
                        url = item.link
                        title = item.title
                        size = int(item.links[1]["length"])
                        if size < maxsize:
                            resultlist.append((title, size, url, provider))
                            logger.info("Found %s. Size: %s" % (title, helpers.bytes_to_mb(size)))
                                "%s is larger than the maxsize for this category, skipping. (Size: %i bytes)"
                                % (title, size)

                    except AttributeError, e:
                        logger.info(u"No results found from NZBMatrix for %s" % term)
Пример #12
                d = feedparser.parse(data)

                if not len(d.entries):
                    logger.info(u"No results found from %s for %s" % (headphones.NEWZNAB_HOST, term))

                    for item in d.entries:
                            url = item.link
                            title = item.title
                            size = int(item.links[1]["length"])
                            if size < maxsize:
                                resultlist.append((title, size, url, provider))
                                logger.info("Found %s. Size: %s" % (title, helpers.bytes_to_mb(size)))
                                    "%s is larger than the maxsize for this category, skipping. (Size: %i bytes)"
                                    % (title, size)

                        except Exception, e:
                            logger.error(u"An unknown error occured trying to parse the feed: %s" % e)

        if headphones.NZBSORG:
            provider = "nzbsorg"
            if headphones.PREFERRED_QUALITY == 3 or losslessOnly:
                categories = "31"
                maxsize = 10000000000
            elif headphones.PREFERRED_QUALITY: