Пример #1
    def _is_current(self, filename=None, date=None):

        if filename:
            base_filename = os.path.basename(filename)
            date = base_filename.split('.')[1]

        # Calculate how old the cached file is based on todays date & file date stamp
        # helpers.today() returns todays date in yyyy-mm-dd format
        if self._get_age(helpers.today()) - self._get_age(date) < 30:
            return True
            return False
Пример #2
def addArtisttoDB(artistid, extrasonly=False):
	# Can't add various artists - throws an error from MB
	if artistid == various_artists_mbid:
		logger.warn('Cannot import Various Artists.')
	myDB = db.DBConnection()
	artist = mb.getArtist(artistid, extrasonly)
	if not artist:
	if artist['artist_name'].startswith('The '):
		sortname = artist['artist_name'][4:]
		sortname = artist['artist_name']

	logger.info(u"Now adding/updating: " + artist['artist_name'])
	controlValueDict = {"ArtistID": 	artistid}
	newValueDict = {"ArtistName": 		artist['artist_name'],
					"ArtistSortName": 	sortname,
					"DateAdded": 		helpers.today(),
					"Status": 			"Loading"}
	if headphones.INCLUDE_EXTRAS:
		newValueDict['IncludeExtras'] = 1
	myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

	for rg in artist['releasegroups']:
		rgid = rg['id']
		# check if the album already exists
		rg_exists = myDB.select("SELECT * from albums WHERE AlbumID=?", [rg['id']])
			release_dict = mb.getReleaseGroup(rgid)
		except Exception, e:
			logger.info('Unable to get release information for %s - there may not be any official releases in this release group' % rg['title'])
		if not release_dict:
		logger.info(u"Now adding/updating album: " + rg['title'])
		controlValueDict = {"AlbumID": 	rg['id']}
		if len(rg_exists):
			newValueDict = {"AlbumASIN":		release_dict['asin'],
							"ReleaseDate":		release_dict['releasedate'],
			newValueDict = {"ArtistID":			artistid,
							"ArtistName": 		artist['artist_name'],
							"AlbumTitle":		rg['title'],
							"AlbumASIN":		release_dict['asin'],
							"ReleaseDate":		release_dict['releasedate'],
							"DateAdded":		helpers.today(),
							"Type":				rg['type']
			if release_dict['releasedate'] > helpers.today():
				newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
				newValueDict['Status'] = "Skipped"
		myDB.upsert("albums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
			lastfm.getAlbumDescription(rg['id'], artist['artist_name'], rg['title'])
		except Exception, e:
			logger.error('Attempt to retrieve album description from Last.fm failed: %s' % e)
Пример #3
    artist_exists = myDB.select("SELECT * from artists WHERE ArtistID=?",

    if not artist_exists and release_dict:
        if release_dict['artist_name'].startswith('The '):
            sortname = release_dict['artist_name'][4:]
            sortname = release_dict['artist_name']

        logger.info(u"Now manually adding: " + release_dict['artist_name'] +
                    " - with status Paused")
        controlValueDict = {"ArtistID": release_dict['artist_id']}
        newValueDict = {
            "ArtistName": release_dict['artist_name'],
            "ArtistSortName": sortname,
            "DateAdded": helpers.today(),
            "Status": "Paused"

        if headphones.INCLUDE_EXTRAS:
            newValueDict['IncludeExtras'] = 1
            newValueDict['Extras'] = headphones.EXTRAS

        myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    elif not artist_exists and not release_dict:
            "Artist does not exist in the database and did not get a valid response from MB. Skipping release."
Пример #4
    def _update_cache(self):
        Since we call the same url for both info and artwork, we'll update both at the same time
        myDB = db.DBConnection()

        # Since lastfm uses release ids rather than release group ids for albums, we have to do a artist + album search for albums
        if self.id_type == 'artist':

            data = lastfm.request_lastfm("artist.getinfo", mbid=self.id, api_key=lastfm_apikey)

            if not data:

                self.info_summary = data['artist']['bio']['summary']
            except Exception:
                logger.debug('No artist bio summary found')
                self.info_summary = None
                self.info_content = data['artist']['bio']['content']
            except Exception:
                logger.debug('No artist bio found')
                self.info_content = None
                image_url = data['artist']['image'][-1]['#text']
            except Exception:
                logger.debug('No artist image found')
                image_url = None

            thumb_url = self._get_thumb_url(data)
            if not thumb_url:
                logger.debug('No artist thumbnail image found')


            dbartist = myDB.action('SELECT ArtistName, AlbumTitle FROM albums WHERE AlbumID=?', [self.id]).fetchone()
            data = lastfm.request_lastfm("album.getinfo", artist=dbartist['ArtistName'], album=dbartist['AlbumTitle'], api_key=lastfm_apikey)

            if not data:

                self.info_summary = data['album']['wiki']['summary']
            except Exception:
                logger.debug('No album summary found')
                self.info_summary = None
                self.info_content = data['album']['wiki']['content']
            except Exception:
                logger.debug('No album infomation found')
                self.info_content = None
                image_url = data['album']['image'][-1]['#text']
            except Exception:
                logger.debug('No album image link found')
                image_url = None

            thumb_url = self._get_thumb_url(data)

            if not thumb_url:
                logger.debug('No album thumbnail image found')

        #Save the content & summary to the database no matter what if we've opened up the url
        if self.id_type == 'artist':
            controlValueDict = {"ArtistID":     self.id}
            controlValueDict = {"ReleaseGroupID":     self.id}

        newValueDict = {"Summary":       self.info_summary,
                        "Content":       self.info_content,
                        "LastUpdated":   helpers.today()}

        myDB.upsert("descriptions", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        # Save the image URL to the database
        if image_url:
            if self.id_type == 'artist':
                myDB.action('UPDATE artists SET ArtworkURL=? WHERE ArtistID=?', [image_url, self.id])
                myDB.action('UPDATE albums SET ArtworkURL=? WHERE AlbumID=?', [image_url, self.id])

        # Save the thumb URL to the database
        if thumb_url:
            if self.id_type == 'artist':
                myDB.action('UPDATE artists SET ThumbURL=? WHERE ArtistID=?', [thumb_url, self.id])
                myDB.action('UPDATE albums SET ThumbURL=? WHERE AlbumID=?', [thumb_url, self.id])

        # Should we grab the artwork here if we're just grabbing thumbs or info?? Probably not since the files can be quite big
        if image_url and self.query_type == 'artwork':
            artwork = request.request_content(image_url, timeout=20)

            if artwork:
                # Make sure the artwork dir exists:
                if not os.path.isdir(self.path_to_art_cache):
                    except Exception, e:
                        logger.error('Unable to create artwork cache dir. Error: %s', e)
                        self.artwork_errors = True
                        self.artwork_url = image_url

                #Delete the old stuff
                for artwork_file in self.artwork_files:
                        logger.error('Error deleting file from the cache: %s', artwork_file)

                ext = os.path.splitext(image_url)[1]

                artwork_path = os.path.join(self.path_to_art_cache, self.id + '.' + helpers.today() + ext)
                    f = open(artwork_path, 'wb')
                except Exception, e:
                    logger.error('Unable to write to the cache dir: %s', e)
                    self.artwork_errors = True
                    self.artwork_url = image_url
Пример #5
def verify(albumid, albumpath):

	myDB = db.DBConnection()
	release = myDB.action('SELECT * from albums WHERE AlbumID=?', [albumid]).fetchone()
	tracks = myDB.select('SELECT * from tracks WHERE AlbumID=?', [albumid])

	if not release or not tracks:
		#the result of a manual post-process on an album that hasn't been inserted
		#from an RSS feed or etc
		#TODO: This should be a call to a class method.. copied it out of importer with only minor changes
		#TODO: odd things can happen when there are diacritic characters in the folder name, need to translate them?
		import mb
		release_dict = None
			release_dict = mb.getReleaseGroup(albumid)
		except Exception, e:
			logger.info('Unable to get release information for manual album with rgid: %s. Error: %s' % (albumid, e))
		if not release_dict:
			logger.info('Unable to get release information for manual album with rgid: %s' % albumid)

		logger.info(u"Now adding/updating artist: " + release_dict['artist_name'])
		if release_dict['artist_name'].startswith('The '):
			sortname = release_dict['artist_name'][4:]
			sortname = release_dict['artist_name']
		controlValueDict = {"ArtistID": 	release_dict['artist_id']}
		newValueDict = {"ArtistName": 		release_dict['artist_name'],
						"ArtistSortName": 	sortname,
						"DateAdded": 		helpers.today(),
						"Status": 			"Paused"}
		logger.info("ArtistID:ArtistName: " + release_dict['artist_id'] + " : " + release_dict['artist_name'])

		if headphones.INCLUDE_EXTRAS:
			newValueDict['IncludeExtras'] = 1
		myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

		logger.info(u"Now adding album: " + release_dict['title'])
		controlValueDict = {"AlbumID": 	albumid}
		newValueDict = {"ArtistID":			release_dict['artist_id'],
						"ArtistName": 		release_dict['artist_name'],
						"AlbumTitle":		release_dict['title'],
						"AlbumASIN":		release_dict['asin'],
						"ReleaseDate":		release_dict['releasedate'],
						"DateAdded":		helpers.today(),
						"Type":				release_dict['type'],
						"Status":			"Snatched"

		myDB.upsert("albums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
		# I changed the albumid from releaseid -> rgid, so might need to delete albums that have a releaseid
		for rel in release_dict['releaselist']:
			myDB.action('DELETE from albums WHERE AlbumID=?', [rel['releaseid']])
			myDB.action('DELETE from tracks WHERE AlbumID=?', [rel['releaseid']])
		myDB.action('DELETE from tracks WHERE AlbumID=?', [albumid])
		for track in release_dict['tracks']:
			controlValueDict = {"TrackID": 	track['id'],
								"AlbumID":	albumid}
			newValueDict = {"ArtistID":		release_dict['artist_id'],
						"ArtistName": 		release_dict['artist_name'],
						"AlbumTitle":		release_dict['title'],
						"AlbumASIN":		release_dict['asin'],
						"TrackTitle":		track['title'],
						"TrackDuration":	track['duration'],
						"TrackNumber":		track['number']
			myDB.upsert("tracks", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
		controlValueDict = {"ArtistID": 	release_dict['artist_id']}
		newValueDict = {"Status":			"Paused"}
		myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
		logger.info(u"Addition complete for: " + release_dict['title'] + " - " + release_dict['artist_name'])

		release = myDB.action('SELECT * from albums WHERE AlbumID=?', [albumid]).fetchone()
		tracks = myDB.select('SELECT * from tracks WHERE AlbumID=?', [albumid])
Пример #6
    # make sure the artist exists since I don't know what happens later if it doesn't
    artist_exists = myDB.select("SELECT * from artists WHERE ArtistID=?", [artistid])

    if not artist_exists and release_dict:
        if release_dict["artist_name"].startswith("The "):
            sortname = release_dict["artist_name"][4:]
            sortname = release_dict["artist_name"]

        logger.info(u"Now manually adding: " + release_dict["artist_name"] + " - with status Paused")
        controlValueDict = {"ArtistID": release_dict["artist_id"]}
        newValueDict = {
            "ArtistName": release_dict["artist_name"],
            "ArtistSortName": sortname,
            "DateAdded": helpers.today(),
            "Status": "Paused",

        if headphones.INCLUDE_EXTRAS:
            newValueDict["IncludeExtras"] = 1
            newValueDict["Extras"] = headphones.EXTRAS

        myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    elif not artist_exists and not release_dict:
            "Artist does not exist in the database and did not get a valid response from MB. Skipping release."
Пример #7
def addArtisttoDB(artistid, extrasonly=False):
    # Putting this here to get around the circular import. We're using this to update thumbnails for artist/albums
    from headphones import cache
    # Can't add various artists - throws an error from MB
    if artistid == various_artists_mbid:
        logger.warn('Cannot import Various Artists.')
    # We'll use this to see if we should update the 'LastUpdated' time stamp
    errors = False
    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    # Delete from blacklist if it's on there
    myDB.action('DELETE from blacklist WHERE ArtistID=?', [artistid])

    # We need the current minimal info in the database instantly
    # so we don't throw a 500 error when we redirect to the artistPage

    controlValueDict = {"ArtistID":     artistid}

    # Don't replace a known artist name with an "Artist ID" placeholder

    dbartist = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM artists WHERE ArtistID=?', [artistid]).fetchone()
    # Only modify the Include Extras stuff if it's a new artist. We need it early so we know what to fetch
    if not dbartist:
        newValueDict = {"ArtistName":   "Artist ID: %s" % (artistid),
                        "Status":       "Loading",
                        "IncludeExtras": headphones.INCLUDE_EXTRAS,
                        "Extras":        headphones.EXTRAS }
        newValueDict = {"Status":   "Loading"}

    myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
    artist = mb.getArtist(artistid, extrasonly)
    if not artist:
        logger.warn("Error fetching artist info. ID: " + artistid)
        if dbartist is None:
            newValueDict = {"ArtistName":   "Fetch failed, try refreshing. (%s)" % (artistid),
                    "Status":   "Active"}
            newValueDict = {"Status":   "Active"}
        myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
    if artist['artist_name'].startswith('The '):
        sortname = artist['artist_name'][4:]
        sortname = artist['artist_name']

    logger.info(u"Now adding/updating: " + artist['artist_name'])
    controlValueDict = {"ArtistID":     artistid}
    newValueDict = {"ArtistName":       artist['artist_name'],
                    "ArtistSortName":   sortname,
                    "DateAdded":        helpers.today(),
                    "Status":           "Loading"}
    myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    for rg in artist['releasegroups']:
        logger.info("Now adding/updating: " + rg['title'])
        rgid = rg['id']
        # check if the album already exists
        rg_exists = myDB.action("SELECT * from albums WHERE AlbumID=?", [rg['id']]).fetchone()
            releaselist = mb.getReleaseGroup(rgid)
        except Exception, e:
            logger.info('Unable to get release information for %s - there may not be any official releases in this release group' % rg['title'])
        if not releaselist:
            errors = True
        # This will be used later to build a hybrid release     
        fullreleaselist = []
        for release in releaselist:
        # What we're doing here now is first updating the allalbums & alltracks table to the most
        # current info, then moving the appropriate release into the album table and its associated
        # tracks into the tracks table
            releaseid = release['id']
                releasedict = mb.getRelease(releaseid, include_artist_info=False)
            except Exception, e:
                errors = True
                logger.info('Unable to get release information for %s: %s' % (release['id'], e))
            if not releasedict:
                errors = True

            controlValueDict = {"ReleaseID":  release['id']}

            newValueDict = {"ArtistID":         artistid,
                            "ArtistName":       artist['artist_name'],
                            "AlbumTitle":       rg['title'],
                            "AlbumID":          rg['id'],
                            "AlbumASIN":        releasedict['asin'],
                            "ReleaseDate":      releasedict['date'],
                            "Type":             rg['type'],
                            "ReleaseCountry":   releasedict['country'],
                            "ReleaseFormat":    releasedict['format']
            myDB.upsert("allalbums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
            # Build the dictionary for the fullreleaselist
            newValueDict['ReleaseID'] = release['id']
            newValueDict['Tracks'] = releasedict['tracks']
            for track in releasedict['tracks']:

                cleanname = helpers.cleanName(artist['artist_name'] + ' ' + rg['title'] + ' ' + track['title'])
                controlValueDict = {"TrackID":      track['id'],
                                    "ReleaseID":    release['id']}

                newValueDict = {"ArtistID":         artistid,
                                "ArtistName":       artist['artist_name'],
                                "AlbumTitle":       rg['title'],
                                "AlbumASIN":        releasedict['asin'],
                                "AlbumID":          rg['id'],
                                "TrackTitle":       track['title'],
                                "TrackDuration":    track['duration'],
                                "TrackNumber":      track['number'],
                                "CleanName":        cleanname
                match = myDB.action('SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE CleanName=?', [cleanname]).fetchone()
                if not match:
                    match = myDB.action('SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE ArtistName LIKE ? AND AlbumTitle LIKE ? AND TrackTitle LIKE ?', [artist['artist_name'], rg['title'], track['title']]).fetchone()
                if not match:
                    match = myDB.action('SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE TrackID=?', [track['id']]).fetchone()         
                if match:
                    newValueDict['Location'] = match['Location']
                    newValueDict['BitRate'] = match['BitRate']
                    newValueDict['Format'] = match['Format']
                    myDB.action('UPDATE have SET Matched="True" WHERE Location=?', [match['Location']])
                myDB.upsert("alltracks", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
Пример #8
    def getArtists_json(self,iDisplayStart=0,iDisplayLength=100,sSearch="",iSortCol_0='0',sSortDir_0='asc',**kwargs):
        iDisplayStart = int(iDisplayStart)
        iDisplayLength = int(iDisplayLength)
        filtered = []
        totalcount = 0        
        myDB = db.DBConnection()
        sortcolumn = 'ArtistSortName'
        sortbyhavepercent = False
        if iSortCol_0 == '2':
            sortcolumn = 'Status'
        elif iSortCol_0 == '3':
            sortcolumn = 'ReleaseDate'
        elif iSortCol_0 == '4':
            sortbyhavepercent = True

        if sSearch == "":
            query = 'SELECT * from artists order by %s COLLATE NOCASE %s' % (sortcolumn,sSortDir_0)    
            filtered = myDB.select(query)
            totalcount = len(filtered) 
            query = 'SELECT * from artists WHERE ArtistSortName LIKE "%' + sSearch + '%" OR LatestAlbum LIKE "%' + sSearch +'%"' +  'ORDER BY %s COLLATE NOCASE %s' % (sortcolumn,sSortDir_0)
            filtered = myDB.select(query)
            totalcount = myDB.select('SELECT COUNT(*) from artists')[0][0]

        if sortbyhavepercent:
            filtered.sort(key=lambda x:(float(x['HaveTracks'])/x['TotalTracks'] if x['TotalTracks'] > 0 else 0.0,x['HaveTracks'] if x['HaveTracks'] else 0.0),reverse=sSortDir_0 == "asc")

        #can't figure out how to change the datatables default sorting order when its using an ajax datasource so ill 
        #just reverse it here and the first click on the "Latest Album" header will sort by descending release date
        if sortcolumn == 'ReleaseDate':

        artists = filtered[iDisplayStart:(iDisplayStart+iDisplayLength)]
        rows = []
        for artist in artists:
            row = {"ArtistID":artist['ArtistID'],

            if not row['HaveTracks']:
                row['HaveTracks'] = 0
            if artist['ReleaseDate'] and artist['LatestAlbum']:
                row['ReleaseDate'] = artist['ReleaseDate']
                row['LatestAlbum'] = artist['LatestAlbum']
                row['AlbumID'] = artist['AlbumID']
                if artist['ReleaseDate'] > today():
                    row['ReleaseInFuture'] = "True"
            elif artist['LatestAlbum']:
                row['ReleaseDate'] = ''
                row['LatestAlbum'] = artist['LatestAlbum']
                row['AlbumID'] = artist['AlbumID']

        dict = {'iTotalDisplayRecords':len(filtered),
        s = simplejson.dumps(dict)
        cherrypy.response.headers['Content-type'] = 'application/json'
        return s
Пример #9
    def _update_cache(self):
        Since we call the same url for both info and artwork, we'll update both at the same time

        myDB = db.DBConnection()

        # Since lastfm uses release ids rather than release group ids for albums, we have to do a artist + album search for albums
        # Exception is when adding albums manually, then we should use release id
        if self.id_type == 'artist':

            data = lastfm.request_lastfm("artist.getinfo", mbid=self.id, api_key=LASTFM_API_KEY)

            if not data:

                self.info_summary = data['artist']['bio']['summary']
            except KeyError:
                logger.debug('No artist bio summary found')
                self.info_summary = None
                self.info_content = data['artist']['bio']['content']
            except KeyError:
                logger.debug('No artist bio found')
                self.info_content = None
                image_url = data['artist']['image'][-1]['#text']
            except KeyError:
                logger.debug('No artist image found')
                image_url = None

            thumb_url = self._get_thumb_url(data)
            if not thumb_url:
                logger.debug('No artist thumbnail image found')

            dbalbum = myDB.action(
                'SELECT ArtistName, AlbumTitle, ReleaseID FROM albums WHERE AlbumID=?',
            if dbalbum['ReleaseID'] != self.id:
                data = lastfm.request_lastfm("album.getinfo", mbid=dbalbum['ReleaseID'],
                if not data:
                    data = lastfm.request_lastfm("album.getinfo", artist=dbalbum['ArtistName'],
                data = lastfm.request_lastfm("album.getinfo", artist=dbalbum['ArtistName'],
                                             album=dbalbum['AlbumTitle'], api_key=LASTFM_API_KEY)

            if not data:

                self.info_summary = data['album']['wiki']['summary']
            except KeyError:
                logger.debug('No album summary found')
                self.info_summary = None
                self.info_content = data['album']['wiki']['content']
            except KeyError:
                logger.debug('No album infomation found')
                self.info_content = None
                image_url = data['album']['image'][-1]['#text']
            except KeyError:
                logger.debug('No album image link found')
                image_url = None

            thumb_url = self._get_thumb_url(data)

            if not thumb_url:
                logger.debug('No album thumbnail image found')

        # Save the content & summary to the database no matter what if we've
        # opened up the url
        if self.id_type == 'artist':
            controlValueDict = {"ArtistID": self.id}
            controlValueDict = {"ReleaseGroupID": self.id}

        newValueDict = {"Summary": self.info_summary,
                        "Content": self.info_content,
                        "LastUpdated": helpers.today()}

        myDB.upsert("descriptions", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        # Save the image URL to the database
        if image_url:
            if self.id_type == 'artist':
                myDB.action('UPDATE artists SET ArtworkURL=? WHERE ArtistID=?',
                            [image_url, self.id])
                myDB.action('UPDATE albums SET ArtworkURL=? WHERE AlbumID=?', [image_url, self.id])

        # Save the thumb URL to the database
        if thumb_url:
            if self.id_type == 'artist':
                myDB.action('UPDATE artists SET ThumbURL=? WHERE ArtistID=?', [thumb_url, self.id])
                myDB.action('UPDATE albums SET ThumbURL=? WHERE AlbumID=?', [thumb_url, self.id])

        # Should we grab the artwork here if we're just grabbing thumbs or
        # info? Probably not since the files can be quite big
        if image_url and self.query_type == 'artwork':
            artwork = request.request_content(image_url, timeout=20)

            if artwork:
                # Make sure the artwork dir exists:
                if not os.path.isdir(self.path_to_art_cache):
                                 int(headphones.CONFIG.FOLDER_PERMISSIONS, 8))
                    except OSError as e:
                        logger.error('Unable to create artwork cache dir. Error: %s', e)
                        self.artwork_errors = True
                        self.artwork_url = image_url

                # Delete the old stuff
                for artwork_file in self.artwork_files:
                        logger.error('Error deleting file from the cache: %s', artwork_file)

                ext = os.path.splitext(image_url)[1]

                artwork_path = os.path.join(self.path_to_art_cache,
                                            self.id + '.' + helpers.today() + ext)
                    with open(artwork_path, 'wb') as f:

                    os.chmod(artwork_path, int(headphones.CONFIG.FILE_PERMISSIONS, 8))
                except (OSError, IOError) as e:
                    logger.error('Unable to write to the cache dir: %s', e)
                    self.artwork_errors = True
                    self.artwork_url = image_url

        # Grab the thumbnail as well if we're getting the full artwork (as long
        # as it's missing/outdated.
        if thumb_url and self.query_type in ['thumb', 'artwork'] and not (
            self.thumb_files and self._is_current(self.thumb_files[0])):
            artwork = request.request_content(thumb_url, timeout=20)

            if artwork:
                # Make sure the artwork dir exists:
                if not os.path.isdir(self.path_to_art_cache):
                                 int(headphones.CONFIG.FOLDER_PERMISSIONS, 8))
                    except OSError as e:
                        logger.error('Unable to create artwork cache dir. Error: %s' + e)
                        self.thumb_errors = True
                        self.thumb_url = thumb_url

                # Delete the old stuff
                for thumb_file in self.thumb_files:
                    except OSError as e:
                        logger.error('Error deleting file from the cache: %s', thumb_file)

                ext = os.path.splitext(image_url)[1]

                thumb_path = os.path.join(self.path_to_art_cache,
                                          'T_' + self.id + '.' + helpers.today() + ext)
                    with open(thumb_path, 'wb') as f:

                    os.chmod(thumb_path, int(headphones.CONFIG.FILE_PERMISSIONS, 8))
                except (OSError, IOError) as e:
                    logger.error('Unable to write to the cache dir: %s', e)
                    self.thumb_errors = True
                    self.thumb_url = image_url
Пример #10
    def getArtists_json(
        self, iDisplayStart=0, iDisplayLength=100, sSearch="", iSortCol_0="0", sSortDir_0="asc", **kwargs
        iDisplayStart = int(iDisplayStart)
        iDisplayLength = int(iDisplayLength)
        filtered = []
        totalcount = 0
        myDB = db.DBConnection()

        sortcolumn = "ArtistSortName"
        sortbyhavepercent = False
        if iSortCol_0 == "2":
            sortcolumn = "Status"
        elif iSortCol_0 == "3":
            sortcolumn = "ReleaseDate"
        elif iSortCol_0 == "4":
            sortbyhavepercent = True

        if sSearch == "":
            query = "SELECT * from artists order by %s COLLATE NOCASE %s" % (sortcolumn, sSortDir_0)
            filtered = myDB.select(query)
            totalcount = len(filtered)
            query = (
                'SELECT * from artists WHERE ArtistSortName LIKE "%'
                + sSearch
                + '%" OR LatestAlbum LIKE "%'
                + sSearch
                + '%"'
                + "ORDER BY %s COLLATE NOCASE %s" % (sortcolumn, sSortDir_0)
            filtered = myDB.select(query)
            totalcount = myDB.select("SELECT COUNT(*) from artists")[0][0]

        if sortbyhavepercent:
                key=lambda x: (
                    float(x["HaveTracks"]) / x["TotalTracks"] if x["TotalTracks"] > 0 else 0.0,
                    x["HaveTracks"] if x["HaveTracks"] else 0.0,
                reverse=sSortDir_0 == "asc",

        # can't figure out how to change the datatables default sorting order when its using an ajax datasource so ill
        # just reverse it here and the first click on the "Latest Album" header will sort by descending release date
        if sortcolumn == "ReleaseDate":

        artists = filtered[iDisplayStart : (iDisplayStart + iDisplayLength)]
        rows = []
        for artist in artists:
            row = {
                "ArtistID": artist["ArtistID"],
                "ArtistSortName": artist["ArtistSortName"],
                "Status": artist["Status"],
                "TotalTracks": artist["TotalTracks"],
                "HaveTracks": artist["HaveTracks"],
                "LatestAlbum": "",
                "ReleaseDate": "",
                "ReleaseInFuture": "False",
                "AlbumID": "",

            if not row["HaveTracks"]:
                row["HaveTracks"] = 0
            if artist["ReleaseDate"] and artist["LatestAlbum"]:
                row["ReleaseDate"] = artist["ReleaseDate"]
                row["LatestAlbum"] = artist["LatestAlbum"]
                row["AlbumID"] = artist["AlbumID"]
                if artist["ReleaseDate"] > today():
                    row["ReleaseInFuture"] = "True"
            elif artist["LatestAlbum"]:
                row["ReleaseDate"] = ""
                row["LatestAlbum"] = artist["LatestAlbum"]
                row["AlbumID"] = artist["AlbumID"]


        dict = {"iTotalDisplayRecords": len(filtered), "iTotalRecords": totalcount, "aaData": rows}
        s = simplejson.dumps(dict)
        cherrypy.response.headers["Content-type"] = "application/json"
        return s
Пример #11
def addArtisttoDB(artistid, extrasonly=False):

    # Can't add various artists - throws an error from MB
    if artistid == various_artists_mbid:
        logger.warn("Cannot import Various Artists.")

    myDB = db.DBConnection()

    artist = mb.getArtist(artistid, extrasonly)

    if not artist:

    if artist["artist_name"].startswith("The "):
        sortname = artist["artist_name"][4:]
        sortname = artist["artist_name"]

    logger.info(u"Now adding/updating: " + artist["artist_name"])
    controlValueDict = {"ArtistID": artistid}
    newValueDict = {
        "ArtistName": artist["artist_name"],
        "ArtistSortName": sortname,
        "DateAdded": helpers.today(),
        "Status": "Loading",

    if headphones.INCLUDE_EXTRAS:
        newValueDict["IncludeExtras"] = 1

    myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    for rg in artist["releasegroups"]:

        rgid = rg["id"]

        # check if the album already exists
        rg_exists = myDB.select("SELECT * from albums WHERE AlbumID=?", [rg["id"]])

            release_dict = mb.getReleaseGroup(rgid)
        except Exception, e:
                "Unable to get release information for %s - there may not be any official releases in this release group"
                % rg["title"]

        if not release_dict:

        logger.info(u"Now adding/updating album: " + rg["title"])
        controlValueDict = {"AlbumID": rg["id"]}

        if len(rg_exists):

            newValueDict = {"AlbumASIN": release_dict["asin"], "ReleaseDate": release_dict["releasedate"]}


            newValueDict = {
                "ArtistID": artistid,
                "ArtistName": artist["artist_name"],
                "AlbumTitle": rg["title"],
                "AlbumASIN": release_dict["asin"],
                "ReleaseDate": release_dict["releasedate"],
                "DateAdded": helpers.today(),
                "Type": rg["type"],

            if release_dict["releasedate"] > helpers.today():
                newValueDict["Status"] = "Wanted"
                newValueDict["Status"] = "Skipped"

            if rg["type"] == "Album" and headphones.AUTOWANT_ALBUM:
                newValueDict["Status"] = "Wanted"
            if rg["type"] == "Compilation" and headphones.AUTOWANT_COMPILATION:
                newValueDict["Status"] = "Wanted"
            if rg["type"] == "EP" and headphones.AUTOWANT_EP:
                newValueDict["Status"] = "Wanted"
            if rg["type"] == "Remix" and headphones.AUTOWANT_REMIX:
                newValueDict["Status"] = "Wanted"
            if rg["type"] == "Single" and headphones.AUTOWANT_SINGLE:
                newValueDict["Status"] = "Wanted"
            if rg["type"] == "Live" and headphones.AUTOWANT_LIVE:
                newValueDict["Status"] = "Wanted"
            if rg["type"] == "Soundtrack" and headphones.AUTOWANT_SOUNDTRACK:
                newValueDict["Status"] = "Wanted"

        myDB.upsert("albums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

            lastfm.getAlbumDescription(rg["id"], artist["artist_name"], rg["title"])
        except Exception, e:
            logger.error("Attempt to retrieve album description from Last.fm failed: %s" % e)
Пример #12
                    except Exception, e:
                        logger.error("Unable to create artwork cache dir. Error: " + str(e))
                        self.thumb_errors = True
                        self.thumb_url = thumb_url

                # Delete the old stuff
                for thumb_file in self.thumb_files:
                        logger.error("Error deleting file from the cache: " + thumb_file)

                ext = os.path.splitext(image_url)[1]

                thumb_path = os.path.join(self.path_to_art_cache, "T_" + self.id + "." + helpers.today() + ext)
                    f = open(thumb_path, "wb")
                except Exception, e:
                    logger.error("Unable to write to the cache dir: " + str(e))
                    self.thumb_errors = True
                    self.thumb_url = image_url

def getArtwork(ArtistID=None, AlbumID=None):

    c = Cache()
    artwork_path = c.get_artwork_from_cache(ArtistID, AlbumID)
Пример #13
def addArtisttoDB(artistid, extrasonly=False):
	# Can't add various artists - throws an error from MB
	if artistid == various_artists_mbid:
		logger.warn('Cannot import Various Artists.')
	myDB = db.DBConnection()
	artist = mb.getArtist(artistid, extrasonly)
	if not artist:
	if artist['artist_name'].startswith('The '):
		sortname = artist['artist_name'][4:]
		sortname = artist['artist_name']

	logger.info(u"Now adding/updating: " + artist['artist_name'])
	controlValueDict = {"ArtistID": 	artistid}
	newValueDict = {"ArtistName": 		artist['artist_name'],
					"ArtistSortName": 	sortname,
					"DateAdded": 		helpers.today(),
					"Status": 			"Loading"}
	if headphones.INCLUDE_EXTRAS:
		newValueDict['IncludeExtras'] = 1
	myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

	for rg in artist['releasegroups']:
		rgid = rg['id']
		# check if the album already exists
		rg_exists = myDB.select("SELECT * from albums WHERE AlbumID=?", [rg['id']])
			release_dict = mb.getReleaseGroup(rgid)
		except Exception, e:
			logger.info('Unable to get release information for %s - it may not be a valid release group (or it might just not be tagged right in MusicBrainz)' % rg['title'])
		if not release_dict:
		logger.info(u"Now adding/updating album: " + rg['title'])
		controlValueDict = {"AlbumID": 	rg['id']}
		if len(rg_exists):
			newValueDict = {"AlbumASIN":		release_dict['asin'],
							"ReleaseDate":		release_dict['releasedate'],
			newValueDict = {"ArtistID":			artistid,
							"ArtistName": 		artist['artist_name'],
							"AlbumTitle":		rg['title'],
							"AlbumASIN":		release_dict['asin'],
							"ReleaseDate":		release_dict['releasedate'],
							"DateAdded":		helpers.today(),
							"Type":				rg['type']
			if release_dict['releasedate'] > helpers.today():
				newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
				newValueDict['Status'] = "Skipped"
		myDB.upsert("albums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
		# I changed the albumid from releaseid -> rgid, so might need to delete albums that have a releaseid
		for release in release_dict['releaselist']:
			myDB.action('DELETE from albums WHERE AlbumID=?', [release['releaseid']])
			myDB.action('DELETE from tracks WHERE AlbumID=?', [release['releaseid']])
		myDB.action('DELETE from tracks WHERE AlbumID=?', [rg['id']])
		for track in release_dict['tracks']:
			controlValueDict = {"TrackID": 	track['id'],
								"AlbumID":	rg['id']}
			newValueDict = {"ArtistID":		artistid,
						"ArtistName": 		artist['artist_name'],
						"AlbumTitle":		rg['title'],
						"AlbumASIN":		release_dict['asin'],
						"TrackTitle":		track['title'],
						"TrackDuration":	track['duration'],
						"TrackNumber":		track['number']
			myDB.upsert("tracks", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
Пример #14
def addArtisttoDB(artistid, extrasonly=False):

    # Putting this here to get around the circular import. We're using this to update thumbnails for artist/albums
    from headphones import cache

    # Can't add various artists - throws an error from MB
    if artistid == various_artists_mbid:
        logger.warn('Cannot import Various Artists.')

    # We'll use this to see if we should update the 'LastUpdated' time stamp
    errors = False

    myDB = db.DBConnection()

    # Delete from blacklist if it's on there
    myDB.action('DELETE from blacklist WHERE ArtistID=?', [artistid])

    # We need the current minimal info in the database instantly
    # so we don't throw a 500 error when we redirect to the artistPage

    controlValueDict = {"ArtistID": artistid}

    # Don't replace a known artist name with an "Artist ID" placeholder

    dbartist = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM artists WHERE ArtistID=?',

    # Only modify the Include Extras stuff if it's a new artist. We need it early so we know what to fetch
    if not dbartist:
        newValueDict = {
            "ArtistName": "Artist ID: %s" % (artistid),
            "Status": "Loading",
            "IncludeExtras": headphones.INCLUDE_EXTRAS,
            "Extras": headphones.EXTRAS
        newValueDict = {"Status": "Loading"}

    myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    artist = mb.getArtist(artistid, extrasonly)

    if not artist:
        logger.warn("Error fetching artist info. ID: " + artistid)
        if dbartist is None:
            newValueDict = {
                "Fetch failed, try refreshing. (%s)" % (artistid),
                "Status": "Active"
            newValueDict = {"Status": "Active"}
        myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    if artist['artist_name'].startswith('The '):
        sortname = artist['artist_name'][4:]
        sortname = artist['artist_name']

    logger.info(u"Now adding/updating: " + artist['artist_name'])
    controlValueDict = {"ArtistID": artistid}
    newValueDict = {
        "ArtistName": artist['artist_name'],
        "ArtistSortName": sortname,
        "DateAdded": helpers.today(),
        "Status": "Loading"

    myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    # See if we need to grab extras. Artist specific extras take precedence over global option
    # Global options are set when adding a new artist
    myDB = db.DBConnection()

        db_artist = myDB.action(
            'SELECT IncludeExtras, Extras from artists WHERE ArtistID=?',
        includeExtras = db_artist['IncludeExtras']
    except IndexError:
        includeExtras = False

    for rg in artist['releasegroups']:

        logger.info("Now adding/updating: " + rg['title'])

        rgid = rg['id']

        # check if the album already exists
        rg_exists = myDB.action("SELECT * from albums WHERE AlbumID=?",

        releases = mb.get_all_releases(rgid, includeExtras)
        if releases == []:
            logger.info('No official releases in release group %s' %
        if not releases:
            errors = True
                'Unable to get release information for %s - there may not be any official releases in this release group'
                % rg['title'])

        # This will be used later to build a hybrid release
        fullreleaselist = []

        for release in releases:
            # What we're doing here now is first updating the allalbums & alltracks table to the most
            # current info, then moving the appropriate release into the album table and its associated
            # tracks into the tracks table
            controlValueDict = {"ReleaseID": release['ReleaseID']}

            newValueDict = {
                "ArtistID": release['ArtistID'],
                "ArtistName": release['ArtistName'],
                "AlbumTitle": release['AlbumTitle'],
                "AlbumID": release['AlbumID'],
                "AlbumASIN": release['AlbumASIN'],
                "ReleaseDate": release['ReleaseDate'],
                "Type": release['Type'],
                "ReleaseCountry": release['ReleaseCountry'],
                "ReleaseFormat": release['ReleaseFormat']

            myDB.upsert("allalbums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

            # Build the dictionary for the fullreleaselist
            newValueDict['ReleaseID'] = release['ReleaseID']
            newValueDict['Tracks'] = release['Tracks']

            for track in release['Tracks']:

                cleanname = helpers.cleanName(artist['artist_name'] + ' ' +
                                              rg['title'] + ' ' +

                controlValueDict = {
                    "TrackID": track['id'],
                    "ReleaseID": release['ReleaseID']

                newValueDict = {
                    "ArtistID": release['ArtistID'],
                    "ArtistName": release['ArtistName'],
                    "AlbumTitle": release['AlbumTitle'],
                    "AlbumID": release['AlbumID'],
                    "AlbumASIN": release['AlbumASIN'],
                    "TrackTitle": track['title'],
                    "TrackDuration": track['duration'],
                    "TrackNumber": track['number'],
                    "CleanName": cleanname

                match = myDB.action(
                    'SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE CleanName=?',

                if not match:
                    match = myDB.action(
                        'SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE ArtistName LIKE ? AND AlbumTitle LIKE ? AND TrackTitle LIKE ?',
                        [artist['artist_name'], rg['title'], track['title']
                if not match:
                    match = myDB.action(
                        'SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE TrackID=?',
                if match:
                    newValueDict['Location'] = match['Location']
                    newValueDict['BitRate'] = match['BitRate']
                    newValueDict['Format'] = match['Format']
                        'UPDATE have SET Matched="True" WHERE Location=?',

                myDB.upsert("alltracks", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        # Basically just do the same thing again for the hybrid release
        # This may end up being called with an empty fullreleaselist
            hybridrelease = getHybridRelease(fullreleaselist)
        except Exception, e:
            errors = True
            logger.warn('Unable to get hybrid release information for %s: %s' %
                        (rg['title'], e))

        # Use the ReleaseGroupID as the ReleaseID for the hybrid release to differentiate it
        # We can then use the condition WHERE ReleaseID == ReleaseGroupID to select it
        # The hybrid won't have a country or a format
        controlValueDict = {"ReleaseID": rg['id']}

        newValueDict = {
            "ArtistID": artistid,
            "ArtistName": artist['artist_name'],
            "AlbumTitle": rg['title'],
            "AlbumID": rg['id'],
            "AlbumASIN": hybridrelease['AlbumASIN'],
            "ReleaseDate": hybridrelease['ReleaseDate'],
            "Type": rg['type']

        myDB.upsert("allalbums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        for track in hybridrelease['Tracks']:

            cleanname = helpers.cleanName(artist['artist_name'] + ' ' +
                                          rg['title'] + ' ' + track['title'])

            controlValueDict = {"TrackID": track['id'], "ReleaseID": rg['id']}

            newValueDict = {
                "ArtistID": artistid,
                "ArtistName": artist['artist_name'],
                "AlbumTitle": rg['title'],
                "AlbumASIN": hybridrelease['AlbumASIN'],
                "AlbumID": rg['id'],
                "TrackTitle": track['title'],
                "TrackDuration": track['duration'],
                "TrackNumber": track['number'],
                "CleanName": cleanname

            match = myDB.action(
                'SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE CleanName=?',

            if not match:
                match = myDB.action(
                    'SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE ArtistName LIKE ? AND AlbumTitle LIKE ? AND TrackTitle LIKE ?',
                    [artist['artist_name'], rg['title'], track['title']
            if not match:
                match = myDB.action(
                    'SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE TrackID=?',
            if match:
                newValueDict['Location'] = match['Location']
                newValueDict['BitRate'] = match['BitRate']
                newValueDict['Format'] = match['Format']
                myDB.action('UPDATE have SET Matched="True" WHERE Location=?',

            myDB.upsert("alltracks", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        # Delete matched tracks from the have table
        myDB.action('DELETE from have WHERE Matched="True"')

        # If there's no release in the main albums tables, add the default (hybrid)
        # If there is a release, check the ReleaseID against the AlbumID to see if they differ (user updated)
        if not rg_exists:
            releaseid = rg['id']
        elif rg_exists and not rg_exists['ReleaseID']:
            # Need to do some importing here - to transition the old format of using the release group
            # only to using releasegroup & releaseid. These are the albums that are missing a ReleaseID
            # so we'll need to move over the locations, bitrates & formats from the tracks table to the new
            # alltracks table. Thankfully we can just use TrackIDs since they span releases/releasegroups
                "Copying current track information to alternate releases")
            tracks = myDB.action('SELECT * from tracks WHERE AlbumID=?',
            for track in tracks:
                if track['Location']:
                    controlValueDict = {"TrackID": track['TrackID']}
                    newValueDict = {
                        "Location": track['Location'],
                        "BitRate": track['BitRate'],
                        "Format": track['Format'],
                    myDB.upsert("alltracks", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
            releaseid = rg['id']
            releaseid = rg_exists['ReleaseID']

        album = myDB.action('SELECT * from allalbums WHERE ReleaseID=?',

        controlValueDict = {"AlbumID": rg['id']}

        newValueDict = {
            "ArtistID": album['ArtistID'],
            "ArtistName": album['ArtistName'],
            "AlbumTitle": album['AlbumTitle'],
            "ReleaseID": album['ReleaseID'],
            "AlbumASIN": album['AlbumASIN'],
            "ReleaseDate": album['ReleaseDate'],
            "Type": album['Type'],
            "ReleaseCountry": album['ReleaseCountry'],
            "ReleaseFormat": album['ReleaseFormat']

        if not rg_exists:

            newValueDict['DateAdded'] = helpers.today()

            if headphones.AUTOWANT_ALL:
                newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
            elif album['ReleaseDate'] > helpers.today(
            ) and headphones.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING:
                newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
                newValueDict['Status'] = "Skipped"

        myDB.upsert("albums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        #start a search for the album if it's new and autowant_all is selected:
        # Should this run in a background thread? Don't know if we want to have a bunch of
        # simultaneous threads running
        if not rg_exists and headphones.AUTOWANT_ALL:
            from headphones import searcher

        myDB.action('DELETE from tracks WHERE AlbumID=?', [rg['id']])
        tracks = myDB.action('SELECT * from alltracks WHERE ReleaseID=?',

        # This is used to see how many tracks you have from an album - to mark it as downloaded. Default is 80%, can be set in config as ALBUM_COMPLETION_PCT
        total_track_count = len(tracks)

        for track in tracks:

            controlValueDict = {
                "TrackID": track['TrackID'],
                "AlbumID": rg['id']

            newValueDict = {
                "ArtistID": track['ArtistID'],
                "ArtistName": track['ArtistName'],
                "AlbumTitle": track['AlbumTitle'],
                "AlbumASIN": track['AlbumASIN'],
                "ReleaseID": track['ReleaseID'],
                "TrackTitle": track['TrackTitle'],
                "TrackDuration": track['TrackDuration'],
                "TrackNumber": track['TrackNumber'],
                "CleanName": track['CleanName'],
                "Location": track['Location'],
                "Format": track['Format'],
                "BitRate": track['BitRate']

            myDB.upsert("tracks", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        # Mark albums as downloaded if they have at least 80% (by default, configurable) of the album
        have_track_count = len(
                'SELECT * from tracks WHERE AlbumID=? AND Location IS NOT NULL',

        if rg_exists:
            if rg_exists['Status'] == 'Skipped' and (
                (have_track_count / float(total_track_count)) >=
                (headphones.ALBUM_COMPLETION_PCT / 100.0)):
                myDB.action('UPDATE albums SET Status=? WHERE AlbumID=?',
                            ['Downloaded', rg['id']])
            if ((have_track_count / float(total_track_count)) >=
                (headphones.ALBUM_COMPLETION_PCT / 100.0)):
                myDB.action('UPDATE albums SET Status=? WHERE AlbumID=?',
                            ['Downloaded', rg['id']])

        logger.info(u"Seeing if we need album art for " + rg['title'])
Пример #15
def addArtisttoDB(artistid, extrasonly=False, forcefull=False):

    # Putting this here to get around the circular import. We're using this to update thumbnails for artist/albums
    from headphones import cache

    # Can't add various artists - throws an error from MB
    if artistid in blacklisted_special_artists:
        logger.warn('Cannot import blocked special purpose artist with id' + artistid)

    # We'll use this to see if we should update the 'LastUpdated' time stamp
    errors = False

    myDB = db.DBConnection()

    # Delete from blacklist if it's on there
    myDB.action('DELETE from blacklist WHERE ArtistID=?', [artistid])

    # We need the current minimal info in the database instantly
    # so we don't throw a 500 error when we redirect to the artistPage
    controlValueDict = {"ArtistID": artistid}

    # Don't replace a known artist name with an "Artist ID" placeholder
    dbartist = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM artists WHERE ArtistID=?', [artistid]).fetchone()

    # Only modify the Include Extras stuff if it's a new artist. We need it early so we know what to fetch
    if not dbartist:
        newValueDict = {"ArtistName": "Artist ID: %s" % (artistid),
                        "Status": "Loading",
                        "IncludeExtras": headphones.CONFIG.INCLUDE_EXTRAS,
                        "Extras": headphones.CONFIG.EXTRAS}
        newValueDict = {"Status": "Loading"}

    myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    artist = mb.getArtist(artistid, extrasonly)

    if artist and artist.get('artist_name') in blacklisted_special_artist_names:
        logger.warn('Cannot import blocked special purpose artist: %s' % artist.get('artist_name'))
        myDB.action('DELETE from artists WHERE ArtistID=?', [artistid])
        #in case it's already in the db
        myDB.action('DELETE from albums WHERE ArtistID=?', [artistid])
        myDB.action('DELETE from tracks WHERE ArtistID=?', [artistid])

    if not artist:
        logger.warn("Error fetching artist info. ID: " + artistid)
        if dbartist is None:
            newValueDict = {"ArtistName": "Fetch failed, try refreshing. (%s)" % (artistid),
                    "Status": "Active"}
            newValueDict = {"Status": "Active"}
        myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    if artist['artist_name'].startswith('The '):
        sortname = artist['artist_name'][4:]
        sortname = artist['artist_name']

    logger.info(u"Now adding/updating: " + artist['artist_name'])
    controlValueDict = {"ArtistID": artistid}
    newValueDict = {"ArtistName": artist['artist_name'],
                    "ArtistSortName": sortname,
                    "DateAdded": helpers.today(),
                    "Status": "Loading"}

    myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    # See if we need to grab extras. Artist specific extras take precedence
    # over global option. Global options are set when adding a new artist
        db_artist = myDB.action('SELECT IncludeExtras, Extras from artists WHERE ArtistID=?', [artistid]).fetchone()
        includeExtras = db_artist['IncludeExtras']
    except IndexError:
        includeExtras = False

    # Clean all references to release group in dB that are no longer referenced
    # from the musicbrainz refresh
    group_list = []
    force_repackage = 0

    # Don't nuke the database if there's a MusicBrainz error
    if len(artist['releasegroups']) != 0:
        for groups in artist['releasegroups']:
        if not extrasonly:
            remove_missing_groups_from_albums = myDB.select("SELECT AlbumID FROM albums WHERE ArtistID=?", [artistid])
            remove_missing_groups_from_albums = myDB.select('SELECT AlbumID FROM albums WHERE ArtistID=? AND Status="Skipped" AND Type!="Album"', [artistid])
        for items in remove_missing_groups_from_albums:
            if items['AlbumID'] not in group_list:
                # Remove all from albums/tracks that aren't in release groups
                myDB.action("DELETE FROM albums WHERE AlbumID=?", [items['AlbumID']])
                myDB.action("DELETE FROM allalbums WHERE AlbumID=?", [items['AlbumID']])
                myDB.action("DELETE FROM tracks WHERE AlbumID=?", [items['AlbumID']])
                myDB.action("DELETE FROM alltracks WHERE AlbumID=?", [items['AlbumID']])
                myDB.action('DELETE from releases WHERE ReleaseGroupID=?', [items['AlbumID']])
                logger.info("[%s] Removing all references to release group %s to reflect MusicBrainz refresh" % (artist['artist_name'], items['AlbumID']))
                if not extrasonly:
                    force_repackage = 1
        if not extrasonly:
            logger.info("[%s] There was either an error pulling data from MusicBrainz or there might not be any releases for this category" % artist['artist_name'])

    # Then search for releases within releasegroups, if releases don't exist, then remove from allalbums/alltracks
    album_searches = []

    for rg in artist['releasegroups']:
        al_title = rg['title']
        today = helpers.today()
        rgid = rg['id']
        skip_log = 0
        #Make a user configurable variable to skip update of albums with release dates older than this date (in days)
        pause_delta = headphones.CONFIG.MB_IGNORE_AGE

        rg_exists = myDB.action("SELECT * from albums WHERE AlbumID=?", [rg['id']]).fetchone()

        if not forcefull:
            new_release_group = False

                check_release_date = rg_exists['ReleaseDate']
            except TypeError:
                check_release_date = None
                new_release_group = True

            if new_release_group:
                logger.info("[%s] Now adding: %s (New Release Group)" % (artist['artist_name'], rg['title']))
                new_releases = mb.get_new_releases(rgid, includeExtras)

                if check_release_date is None or check_release_date == u"None":
                    logger.info("[%s] Now updating: %s (No Release Date)" % (artist['artist_name'], rg['title']))
                    new_releases = mb.get_new_releases(rgid, includeExtras, True)
                    if len(check_release_date) == 10:
                        release_date = check_release_date
                    elif len(check_release_date) == 7:
                        release_date = check_release_date + "-31"
                    elif len(check_release_date) == 4:
                        release_date = check_release_date + "-12-31"
                        release_date = today
                    if helpers.get_age(today) - helpers.get_age(release_date) < pause_delta:
                        logger.info("[%s] Now updating: %s (Release Date <%s Days)", artist['artist_name'], rg['title'], pause_delta)
                        new_releases = mb.get_new_releases(rgid, includeExtras, True)
                        logger.info("[%s] Skipping: %s (Release Date >%s Days)", artist['artist_name'], rg['title'], pause_delta)
                        skip_log = 1
                        new_releases = 0

            if force_repackage == 1:
                new_releases = -1
                logger.info('[%s] Forcing repackage of %s (Release Group Removed)', artist['artist_name'], al_title)
                new_releases = new_releases
            logger.info("[%s] Now adding/updating: %s (Comprehensive Force)", artist['artist_name'], rg['title'])
            new_releases = mb.get_new_releases(rgid, includeExtras, forcefull)

        if new_releases != 0:
            # Dump existing hybrid release since we're repackaging/replacing it
            myDB.action("DELETE from albums WHERE ReleaseID=?", [rg['id']])
            myDB.action("DELETE from allalbums WHERE ReleaseID=?", [rg['id']])
            myDB.action("DELETE from tracks WHERE ReleaseID=?", [rg['id']])
            myDB.action("DELETE from alltracks WHERE ReleaseID=?", [rg['id']])
            myDB.action('DELETE from releases WHERE ReleaseGroupID=?', [rg['id']])

            # This will be used later to build a hybrid release
            fullreleaselist = []
            # Search for releases within a release group
            find_hybrid_releases = myDB.action("SELECT * from allalbums WHERE AlbumID=?", [rg['id']])

            # Build the dictionary for the fullreleaselist
            for items in find_hybrid_releases:
                if items['ReleaseID'] != rg['id']: #don't include hybrid information, since that's what we're replacing
                    hybrid_release_id = items['ReleaseID']
                    newValueDict = {"ArtistID": items['ArtistID'],
                        "ArtistName": items['ArtistName'],
                        "AlbumTitle": items['AlbumTitle'],
                        "AlbumID": items['AlbumID'],
                        "AlbumASIN": items['AlbumASIN'],
                        "ReleaseDate": items['ReleaseDate'],
                        "Type": items['Type'],
                        "ReleaseCountry": items['ReleaseCountry'],
                        "ReleaseFormat": items['ReleaseFormat']
                    find_hybrid_tracks = myDB.action("SELECT * from alltracks WHERE ReleaseID=?", [hybrid_release_id])
                    totalTracks = 1
                    hybrid_track_array = []
                    for hybrid_tracks in find_hybrid_tracks:
                            'number': hybrid_tracks['TrackNumber'],
                            'title': hybrid_tracks['TrackTitle'],
                            'id': hybrid_tracks['TrackID'],
                            #'url':           hybrid_tracks['TrackURL'],
                            'duration': hybrid_tracks['TrackDuration']
                        totalTracks += 1
                    newValueDict['ReleaseID'] = hybrid_release_id
                    newValueDict['Tracks'] = hybrid_track_array

            # Basically just do the same thing again for the hybrid release
            # This may end up being called with an empty fullreleaselist
                hybridrelease = getHybridRelease(fullreleaselist)
                logger.info('[%s] Packaging %s releases into hybrid title' % (artist['artist_name'], rg['title']))
            except Exception as e:
                errors = True
                logger.warn('[%s] Unable to get hybrid release information for %s: %s' % (artist['artist_name'], rg['title'], e))

            # Use the ReleaseGroupID as the ReleaseID for the hybrid release to differentiate it
            # We can then use the condition WHERE ReleaseID == ReleaseGroupID to select it
            # The hybrid won't have a country or a format
            controlValueDict = {"ReleaseID": rg['id']}

            newValueDict = {"ArtistID": artistid,
                            "ArtistName": artist['artist_name'],
                            "AlbumTitle": rg['title'],
                            "AlbumID": rg['id'],
                            "AlbumASIN": hybridrelease['AlbumASIN'],
                            "ReleaseDate": hybridrelease['ReleaseDate'],
                            "Type": rg['type']

            myDB.upsert("allalbums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

            for track in hybridrelease['Tracks']:

                cleanname = helpers.cleanName(artist['artist_name'] + ' ' + rg['title'] + ' ' + track['title'])

                controlValueDict = {"TrackID": track['id'],
                                    "ReleaseID": rg['id']}

                newValueDict = {"ArtistID": artistid,
                                "ArtistName": artist['artist_name'],
                                "AlbumTitle": rg['title'],
                                "AlbumASIN": hybridrelease['AlbumASIN'],
                                "AlbumID": rg['id'],
                                "TrackTitle": track['title'],
                                "TrackDuration": track['duration'],
                                "TrackNumber": track['number'],
                                "CleanName": cleanname

                match = myDB.action('SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE CleanName=?', [cleanname]).fetchone()

                if not match:
                    match = myDB.action('SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE ArtistName LIKE ? AND AlbumTitle LIKE ? AND TrackTitle LIKE ?', [artist['artist_name'], rg['title'], track['title']]).fetchone()
                #if not match:
                    #match = myDB.action('SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE TrackID=?', [track['id']]).fetchone()
                if match:
                    newValueDict['Location'] = match['Location']
                    newValueDict['BitRate'] = match['BitRate']
                    newValueDict['Format'] = match['Format']
                    #myDB.action('UPDATE have SET Matched="True" WHERE Location=?', [match['Location']])
                    myDB.action('UPDATE have SET Matched=? WHERE Location=?', (rg['id'], match['Location']))

                myDB.upsert("alltracks", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

            # Delete matched tracks from the have table
            #myDB.action('DELETE from have WHERE Matched="True"')

            # If there's no release in the main albums tables, add the default (hybrid)
            # If there is a release, check the ReleaseID against the AlbumID to see if they differ (user updated)
            # check if the album already exists
            if not rg_exists:
                releaseid = rg['id']
                releaseid = rg_exists['ReleaseID']
                if not releaseid:
                    releaseid = rg['id']

            album = myDB.action('SELECT * from allalbums WHERE ReleaseID=?', [releaseid]).fetchone()

            controlValueDict = {"AlbumID": rg['id']}

            newValueDict = {"ArtistID": album['ArtistID'],
                            "ArtistName": album['ArtistName'],
                            "AlbumTitle": album['AlbumTitle'],
                            "ReleaseID": album['ReleaseID'],
                            "AlbumASIN": album['AlbumASIN'],
                            "ReleaseDate": album['ReleaseDate'],
                            "Type": album['Type'],
                            "ReleaseCountry": album['ReleaseCountry'],
                            "ReleaseFormat": album['ReleaseFormat']

            if rg_exists:
                newValueDict['DateAdded'] = rg_exists['DateAdded']
                newValueDict['Status'] = rg_exists['Status']

                today = helpers.today()

                newValueDict['DateAdded'] = today

                if headphones.CONFIG.AUTOWANT_ALL:
                    newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
                elif album['ReleaseDate'] > today and headphones.CONFIG.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING:
                    newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
                # Sometimes "new" albums are added to musicbrainz after their release date, so let's try to catch these
                # The first test just makes sure we have year-month-day
                elif helpers.get_age(album['ReleaseDate']) and helpers.get_age(today) - helpers.get_age(album['ReleaseDate']) < 21 and headphones.CONFIG.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING:
                    newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
                    newValueDict['Status'] = "Skipped"

            myDB.upsert("albums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

            tracks = myDB.action('SELECT * from alltracks WHERE ReleaseID=?', [releaseid]).fetchall()

            # This is used to see how many tracks you have from an album - to
            # mark it as downloaded. Default is 80%, can be set in config as
            total_track_count = len(tracks)

            if total_track_count == 0:
                logger.warning("Total track count is zero for Release ID " +
                    "'%s', skipping.", releaseid)

            for track in tracks:
                controlValueDict = {"TrackID": track['TrackID'],
                                    "AlbumID": rg['id']}

                newValueDict = {"ArtistID": track['ArtistID'],
                            "ArtistName": track['ArtistName'],
                            "AlbumTitle": track['AlbumTitle'],
                            "AlbumASIN": track['AlbumASIN'],
                            "ReleaseID": track['ReleaseID'],
                            "TrackTitle": track['TrackTitle'],
                            "TrackDuration": track['TrackDuration'],
                            "TrackNumber": track['TrackNumber'],
                            "CleanName": track['CleanName'],
                            "Location": track['Location'],
                            "Format": track['Format'],
                            "BitRate": track['BitRate']

                myDB.upsert("tracks", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

            # Mark albums as downloaded if they have at least 80% (by default, configurable) of the album
            have_track_count = len(myDB.select('SELECT * from tracks WHERE AlbumID=? AND Location IS NOT NULL', [rg['id']]))
            marked_as_downloaded = False

            if rg_exists:
                if rg_exists['Status'] == 'Skipped' and ((have_track_count / float(total_track_count)) >= (headphones.CONFIG.ALBUM_COMPLETION_PCT / 100.0)):
                    myDB.action('UPDATE albums SET Status=? WHERE AlbumID=?', ['Downloaded', rg['id']])
                    marked_as_downloaded = True
                if ((have_track_count / float(total_track_count)) >= (headphones.CONFIG.ALBUM_COMPLETION_PCT / 100.0)):
                    myDB.action('UPDATE albums SET Status=? WHERE AlbumID=?', ['Downloaded', rg['id']])
                    marked_as_downloaded = True

            logger.info(u"[%s] Seeing if we need album art for %s" % (artist['artist_name'], rg['title']))

            # Start a search for the album if it's new, hasn't been marked as
            # downloaded and autowant_all is selected. This search is deferred,
            # in case the search failes and the rest of the import will halt.
            if not rg_exists and not marked_as_downloaded and headphones.CONFIG.AUTOWANT_ALL:
            if skip_log == 0:
                logger.info(u"[%s] No new releases, so no changes made to %s" % (artist['artist_name'], rg['title']))

    finalize_update(artistid, artist['artist_name'], errors)

    logger.info(u"Seeing if we need album art for: %s" % artist['artist_name'])

    if errors:
        logger.info("[%s] Finished updating artist: %s but with errors, so not marking it as updated in the database" % (artist['artist_name'], artist['artist_name']))
        myDB.action('DELETE FROM newartists WHERE ArtistName = ?', [artist['artist_name']])
        logger.info(u"Updating complete for: %s" % artist['artist_name'])

    # Start searching for newly added albums
    if album_searches:
        from headphones import searcher
        logger.info("Start searching for %d albums.", len(album_searches))

        for album_search in album_searches:
Пример #16
def addReleaseById(rid, rgid=None):

    myDB = db.DBConnection()

    # Create minimum info upfront if added from searchresults
    status = ''
    if rgid:
        dbalbum = myDB.select("SELECT * from albums WHERE AlbumID=?", [rgid])
        if not dbalbum:
            status = 'Loading'
            controlValueDict = {"AlbumID": rgid}
            newValueDict = {"AlbumTitle": rgid,
                            "ArtistName": status,
                            "Status": status}
            myDB.upsert("albums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    rgid = None
    artistid = None
    release_dict = None
    results = myDB.select("SELECT albums.ArtistID, releases.ReleaseGroupID from releases, albums WHERE releases.ReleaseID=? and releases.ReleaseGroupID=albums.AlbumID LIMIT 1", [rid])
    for result in results:
        rgid = result['ReleaseGroupID']
        artistid = result['ArtistID']
        logger.debug("Found a cached releaseid : releasegroupid relationship: " + rid + " : " + rgid)
    if not rgid:
        #didn't find it in the cache, get the information from MB
        logger.debug("Didn't find releaseID " + rid + " in the cache. Looking up its ReleaseGroupID")
            release_dict = mb.getRelease(rid)
        except Exception as e:
            logger.info('Unable to get release information for Release %s: %s', rid, e)
            if status == 'Loading':
                myDB.action("DELETE FROM albums WHERE AlbumID=?", [rgid])
        if not release_dict:
            logger.info('Unable to get release information for Release %s: no dict', rid)
            if status == 'Loading':
                myDB.action("DELETE FROM albums WHERE AlbumID=?", [rgid])

        rgid = release_dict['rgid']
        artistid = release_dict['artist_id']

    #we don't want to make more calls to MB here unless we have to, could be happening quite a lot
    rg_exists = myDB.select("SELECT * from albums WHERE AlbumID=?", [rgid])

    #make sure the artist exists since I don't know what happens later if it doesn't
    artist_exists = myDB.select("SELECT * from artists WHERE ArtistID=?", [artistid])

    if not artist_exists and release_dict:
        if release_dict['artist_name'].startswith('The '):
            sortname = release_dict['artist_name'][4:]
            sortname = release_dict['artist_name']

        logger.info(u"Now manually adding: " + release_dict['artist_name'] + " - with status Paused")
        controlValueDict = {"ArtistID": release_dict['artist_id']}
        newValueDict = {"ArtistName": release_dict['artist_name'],
                        "ArtistSortName": sortname,
                        "DateAdded": helpers.today(),
                        "Status": "Paused"}

        if headphones.CONFIG.INCLUDE_EXTRAS:
            newValueDict['IncludeExtras'] = 1
            newValueDict['Extras'] = headphones.CONFIG.EXTRAS

        myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    elif not artist_exists and not release_dict:
        logger.error("Artist does not exist in the database and did not get a valid response from MB. Skipping release.")
        if status == 'Loading':
            myDB.action("DELETE FROM albums WHERE AlbumID=?", [rgid])

    if not rg_exists and release_dict or status == 'Loading' and release_dict:  #it should never be the case that we have an rg and not the artist
                                                                                #but if it is this will fail
        logger.info(u"Now adding-by-id album (" + release_dict['title'] + ") from id: " + rgid)
        controlValueDict = {"AlbumID": rgid}
        if status != 'Loading':
            status = 'Wanted'

        newValueDict = {"ArtistID": release_dict['artist_id'],
                        "ReleaseID": rgid,
                        "ArtistName": release_dict['artist_name'],
                        "AlbumTitle": release_dict['title'] if 'title' in release_dict else release_dict['rg_title'],
                        "AlbumASIN": release_dict['asin'],
                        "ReleaseDate": release_dict['date'],
                        "DateAdded": helpers.today(),
                        "Status": status,
                        "Type": release_dict['rg_type'],
                        "ReleaseID": rid

        myDB.upsert("albums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        #keep a local cache of these so that external programs that are adding releasesByID don't hammer MB
        myDB.action('INSERT INTO releases VALUES( ?, ?)', [rid, release_dict['rgid']])

        for track in release_dict['tracks']:
            cleanname = helpers.cleanName(release_dict['artist_name'] + ' ' + release_dict['rg_title'] + ' ' + track['title'])

            controlValueDict = {"TrackID": track['id'],
                                "AlbumID": rgid}
            newValueDict = {"ArtistID": release_dict['artist_id'],
                        "ArtistName": release_dict['artist_name'],
                        "AlbumTitle": release_dict['rg_title'],
                        "AlbumASIN": release_dict['asin'],
                        "TrackTitle": track['title'],
                        "TrackDuration": track['duration'],
                        "TrackNumber": track['number'],
                        "CleanName": cleanname

            match = myDB.action('SELECT Location, BitRate, Format, Matched from have WHERE CleanName=?', [cleanname]).fetchone()

            if not match:
                match = myDB.action('SELECT Location, BitRate, Format, Matched from have WHERE ArtistName LIKE ? AND AlbumTitle LIKE ? AND TrackTitle LIKE ?', [release_dict['artist_name'], release_dict['rg_title'], track['title']]).fetchone()

            #if not match:
                #match = myDB.action('SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE TrackID=?', [track['id']]).fetchone()

            if match:
                newValueDict['Location'] = match['Location']
                newValueDict['BitRate'] = match['BitRate']
                newValueDict['Format'] = match['Format']
                #myDB.action('DELETE from have WHERE Location=?', [match['Location']])

                # If the album has been scanned before adding the release it will be unmatched, update to matched
                if match['Matched'] == 'Failed':
                    myDB.action('UPDATE have SET Matched=? WHERE Location=?', (release_dict['rgid'], match['Location']))

            myDB.upsert("tracks", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        # Reset status
        if status == 'Loading':
            controlValueDict = {"AlbumID": rgid}
            if headphones.CONFIG.AUTOWANT_MANUALLY_ADDED:
                newValueDict = {"Status": "Wanted"}
                newValueDict = {"Status": "Skipped"}
            myDB.upsert("albums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        # Start a search for the album
            import searcher
            searcher.searchforalbum(rgid, False)

    elif not rg_exists and not release_dict:
        logger.error("ReleaseGroup does not exist in the database and did not get a valid response from MB. Skipping release.")
        if status == 'Loading':
            myDB.action("DELETE FROM albums WHERE AlbumID=?", [rgid])
        logger.info('Release ' + str(rid) + " already exists in the database!")
Пример #17
    def _update_cache(self):
        Since we call the same url for both info and artwork, we'll update both at the same time
        myDB = db.DBConnection()
        # Since lastfm uses release ids rather than release group ids for albums, we have to do a artist + album search for albums
        if self.id_type == 'artist':
            params = {  "method": "artist.getInfo",
                        "api_key": lastfm_apikey,
                        "mbid": self.id,
                        "format": "json"
            url = "http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?" + urllib.urlencode(params)
            logger.debug('Retrieving artist information from: ' + url)
                result = urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=20).read()
                logger.warn('Could not open url: ' + url)
            if result:
                    data = simplejson.JSONDecoder().decode(result)
                    logger.warn('Could not parse data from url: ' + url)
                    self.info_summary = data['artist']['bio']['summary']
                except KeyError:
                    logger.debug('No artist bio summary found on url: ' + url)
                    self.info_summary = None
                    self.info_content = data['artist']['bio']['content']
                except KeyError:
                    logger.debug('No artist bio found on url: ' + url)
                    self.info_content = None
                    image_url = data['artist']['image'][-1]['#text']
                except KeyError:
                    logger.debug('No artist image found on url: ' + url)
                    image_url = None
                thumb_url = self._get_thumb_url(data)
                if not thumb_url:
                    logger.debug('No artist thumbnail image found on url: ' + url)

            dbartist = myDB.action('SELECT ArtistName, AlbumTitle FROM albums WHERE AlbumID=?', [self.id]).fetchone()
            params = {  "method": "album.getInfo",
                        "api_key": lastfm_apikey,
                        "artist": dbartist['ArtistName'].encode('utf-8'),
                        "album": dbartist['AlbumTitle'].encode('utf-8'),
                        "format": "json"
            url = "http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?" + urllib.urlencode(params)
            logger.debug('Retrieving artist information from: ' + url)
                result = urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=20).read()
                logger.warn('Could not open url: ' + url)
            if result:
                    data = simplejson.JSONDecoder().decode(result)
                    logger.warn('Could not parse data from url: ' + url)
                    self.info_summary = data['album']['wiki']['summary']
                except KeyError:
                    logger.debug('No album summary found from: ' + url)
                    self.info_summary = None
                    self.info_content = data['album']['wiki']['content']
                except KeyError:
                    logger.debug('No album infomation found from: ' + url)
                    self.info_content = None
                    image_url = data['album']['image'][-1]['#text']
                except KeyError:
                    logger.debug('No album image link found on url: ' + url)
                    image_url = None
                thumb_url = self._get_thumb_url(data)
                if not thumb_url:
                    logger.debug('No album thumbnail image found on url: ' + url)
        #Save the content & summary to the database no matter what if we've opened up the url
        if self.id_type == 'artist':
            controlValueDict = {"ArtistID":     self.id}
            controlValueDict = {"ReleaseGroupID":     self.id}

        newValueDict = {"Summary":       self.info_summary,
                        "Content":       self.info_content,
                        "LastUpdated":   helpers.today()}
        myDB.upsert("descriptions", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        # Save the image URL to the database
        if image_url:
            if self.id_type == 'artist':
                myDB.action('UPDATE artists SET ArtworkURL=? WHERE ArtistID=?', [image_url, self.id])
                myDB.action('UPDATE albums SET ArtworkURL=? WHERE AlbumID=?', [image_url, self.id])
        # Save the thumb URL to the database
        if thumb_url:
            if self.id_type == 'artist':
                myDB.action('UPDATE artists SET ThumbURL=? WHERE ArtistID=?', [thumb_url, self.id])
                myDB.action('UPDATE albums SET ThumbURL=? WHERE AlbumID=?', [thumb_url, self.id])
        # Should we grab the artwork here if we're just grabbing thumbs or info?? Probably not since the files can be quite big
        if image_url and self.query_type == 'artwork':
                artwork = urllib2.urlopen(image_url, timeout=20).read()
            except Exception, e:
                logger.error('Unable to open url "' + image_url + '". Error: ' + str(e))
                artwork = None
            if artwork:
                # Make sure the artwork dir exists:
                if not os.path.isdir(self.path_to_art_cache):
                    except Exception, e:
                        logger.error('Unable to create artwork cache dir. Error: ' + str(e))
                        self.artwork_errors = True
                        self.artwork_url = image_url
                #Delete the old stuff
                for artwork_file in self.artwork_files:
                        logger.error('Error deleting file from the cache: ' + artwork_file)
                ext = os.path.splitext(image_url)[1]
                artwork_path = os.path.join(self.path_to_art_cache, self.id + '.' + helpers.today() + ext)
                    f = open(artwork_path, 'wb')
                except Exception, e:
                    logger.error('Unable to write to the cache dir: ' + str(e))
                    self.artwork_errors = True
                    self.artwork_url = image_url
Пример #18
        controlValueDict = {"AlbumID":  rg['id']}

        newValueDict = {"ArtistID":         album['ArtistID'],
                        "ArtistName":       album['ArtistName'],
                        "AlbumTitle":       album['AlbumTitle'],
                        "ReleaseID":        album['ReleaseID'],
                        "AlbumASIN":        album['AlbumASIN'],
                        "ReleaseDate":      album['ReleaseDate'],
                        "Type":             album['Type'],
                        "ReleaseCountry":   album['ReleaseCountry'],
                        "ReleaseFormat":    album['ReleaseFormat']
        if not rg_exists:
            newValueDict['DateAdded']= helpers.today()
            if headphones.AUTOWANT_ALL:
                newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
                #start a search for the album
                import searcher
            elif album['ReleaseDate'] > helpers.today() and headphones.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING:
                newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
                newValueDict['Status'] = "Skipped"
        myDB.upsert("albums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
Пример #19
def addArtisttoDB(artistid, extrasonly=False):
    # Putting this here to get around the circular import. We're using this to update thumbnails for artist/albums
    from headphones import cache
    # Can't add various artists - throws an error from MB
    if artistid == various_artists_mbid:
        logger.warn('Cannot import Various Artists.')
    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    # Delete from blacklist if it's on there
    myDB.action('DELETE from blacklist WHERE ArtistID=?', [artistid])

    # We need the current minimal info in the database instantly
    # so we don't throw a 500 error when we redirect to the artistPage

    controlValueDict = {"ArtistID":     artistid}

    # Don't replace a known artist name with an "Artist ID" placeholder

    dbartist = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM artists WHERE ArtistID=?', [artistid]).fetchone()
    if dbartist is None:
        newValueDict = {"ArtistName":   "Artist ID: %s" % (artistid),
                "Status":   "Loading"}
        newValueDict = {"Status":   "Loading"}

    myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
    artist = mb.getArtist(artistid, extrasonly)
    if not artist:
        logger.warn("Error fetching artist info. ID: " + artistid)
        if dbartist is None:
            newValueDict = {"ArtistName":   "Fetch failed, try refreshing. (%s)" % (artistid),
                    "Status":   "Active"}
            newValueDict = {"Status":   "Active"}
        myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
    if artist['artist_name'].startswith('The '):
        sortname = artist['artist_name'][4:]
        sortname = artist['artist_name']

    logger.info(u"Now adding/updating: " + artist['artist_name'])
    controlValueDict = {"ArtistID":     artistid}
    newValueDict = {"ArtistName":       artist['artist_name'],
                    "ArtistSortName":   sortname,
                    "DateAdded":        helpers.today(),
                    "Status":           "Loading"}
    if headphones.INCLUDE_EXTRAS:
        newValueDict['IncludeExtras'] = 1
    myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    for rg in artist['releasegroups']:
        rgid = rg['id']
        # check if the album already exists
        rg_exists = myDB.select("SELECT * from albums WHERE AlbumID=?", [rg['id']])
            release_dict = mb.getReleaseGroup(rgid)
        except Exception, e:
            logger.info('Unable to get release information for %s - there may not be any official releases in this release group' % rg['title'])
        if not release_dict:
        logger.info(u"Now adding/updating album: " + rg['title'])

        controlValueDict = {"AlbumID":  rg['id']}

        newValueDict = {"ArtistID":         artistid,
                        "ArtistName":       artist['artist_name'],
                        "AlbumTitle":       rg['title'],
                        "AlbumASIN":        release_dict['asin'],
                        "ReleaseDate":      release_dict['releasedate'],
                        "Type":             rg['type']
        # Only change the status & add DateAdded if the album is not already in the database
        if not len(rg_exists):

            newValueDict['DateAdded']= helpers.today()
            if headphones.AUTOWANT_ALL:
                newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
            elif release_dict['releasedate'] > helpers.today() and headphones.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING:
                newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
                newValueDict['Status'] = "Skipped"
        myDB.upsert("albums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        for track in release_dict['tracks']:
            cleanname = helpers.cleanName(artist['artist_name'] + ' ' + rg['title'] + ' ' + track['title'])
            controlValueDict = {"TrackID":  track['id'],
                                "AlbumID":  rg['id']}

            newValueDict = {"ArtistID":     artistid,
                        "ArtistName":       artist['artist_name'],
                        "AlbumTitle":       rg['title'],
                        "AlbumASIN":        release_dict['asin'],
                        "TrackTitle":       track['title'],
                        "TrackDuration":    track['duration'],
                        "TrackNumber":      track['number'],
                        "CleanName":        cleanname
            match = myDB.action('SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE CleanName=?', [cleanname]).fetchone()
            if not match:
                match = myDB.action('SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE ArtistName LIKE ? AND AlbumTitle LIKE ? AND TrackTitle LIKE ?', [artist['artist_name'], rg['title'], track['title']]).fetchone()
            if not match:
                match = myDB.action('SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE TrackID=?', [track['id']]).fetchone()         
            if match:
                newValueDict['Location'] = match['Location']
                newValueDict['BitRate'] = match['BitRate']
                newValueDict['Format'] = match['Format']
                myDB.action('DELETE from have WHERE Location=?', [match['Location']])
            myDB.upsert("tracks", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        logger.debug(u"Updating album cache for " + rg['title'])
Пример #20
def verify(albumid, albumpath, Kind=None, forced=False):

    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    release = myDB.action('SELECT * from albums WHERE AlbumID=?', [albumid]).fetchone()
    tracks = myDB.select('SELECT * from tracks WHERE AlbumID=?', [albumid])

    if not release or not tracks:
        #the result of a manual post-process on an album that hasn't been inserted
        #from an RSS feed or etc
        #TODO: This should be a call to a class method.. copied it out of importer with only minor changes
        #TODO: odd things can happen when there are diacritic characters in the folder name, need to translate them?
        import mb
        release_list = None
            release_list = mb.getReleaseGroup(albumid)
        except Exception, e:
            logger.info('Unable to get release information for manual album with rgid: %s. Error: %s' % (albumid, e))
        if not release_list:
            logger.info('Unable to get release information for manual album with rgid: %s' % albumid)

        # Since we're just using this to create the bare minimum information to insert an artist/album combo, use the first release
        releaseid = release_list[0]['id']

        release_dict = mb.getRelease(releaseid)

        logger.info(u"Now adding/updating artist: " + release_dict['artist_name'])
        if release_dict['artist_name'].startswith('The '):
            sortname = release_dict['artist_name'][4:]
            sortname = release_dict['artist_name']
        controlValueDict = {"ArtistID":     release_dict['artist_id']}
        newValueDict = {"ArtistName":       release_dict['artist_name'],
                        "ArtistSortName":   sortname,
                        "DateAdded":        helpers.today(),
                        "Status":           "Paused"}
        logger.info("ArtistID: " + release_dict['artist_id'] + " , ArtistName: " + release_dict['artist_name'])

        if headphones.INCLUDE_EXTRAS:
            newValueDict['IncludeExtras'] = 1
            newValueDict['Extras'] = headphones.EXTRAS
        myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        logger.info(u"Now adding album: " + release_dict['title'])
        controlValueDict = {"AlbumID":  albumid}
        newValueDict = {"ArtistID":         release_dict['artist_id'],
                        "ArtistName":       release_dict['artist_name'],
                        "AlbumTitle":       release_dict['title'],
                        "AlbumASIN":        release_dict['asin'],
                        "ReleaseDate":      release_dict['date'],
                        "DateAdded":        helpers.today(),
                        "Type":             release_dict['rg_type'],
                        "Status":           "Snatched"

        myDB.upsert("albums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        # Delete existing tracks associated with this AlbumID since we're going to replace them and don't want any extras
        myDB.action('DELETE from tracks WHERE AlbumID=?', [albumid])
        for track in release_dict['tracks']:
            controlValueDict = {"TrackID":  track['id'],
                                "AlbumID":  albumid}
            newValueDict = {"ArtistID":     release_dict['artist_id'],
                        "ArtistName":       release_dict['artist_name'],
                        "AlbumTitle":       release_dict['title'],
                        "AlbumASIN":        release_dict['asin'],
                        "TrackTitle":       track['title'],
                        "TrackDuration":    track['duration'],
                        "TrackNumber":      track['number']
            myDB.upsert("tracks", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        controlValueDict = {"ArtistID":     release_dict['artist_id']}
        newValueDict = {"Status":           "Paused"}
        myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        logger.info(u"Addition complete for: " + release_dict['title'] + " - " + release_dict['artist_name'])

        release = myDB.action('SELECT * from albums WHERE AlbumID=?', [albumid]).fetchone()
        tracks = myDB.select('SELECT * from tracks WHERE AlbumID=?', [albumid])
Пример #21
def addArtisttoDB(artistid):

	if artistid == various_artists_mbid:
		logger.warn('Cannot import Various Artists.')
	myDB = db.DBConnection()
	artistlist = myDB.select('SELECT ArtistID, ArtistName from artists WHERE ArtistID=?', [artistid])
	if any(artistid in x for x in artistlist):
		logger.info(artistlist[0][1] + u" is already in the database, skipping")
	artist = mb.getArtist(artistid)
	if artist['artist_name'].startswith('The '):
		sortname = artist['artist_name'][4:]
		sortname = artist['artist_name']

	controlValueDict = {"ArtistID": 	artistid}
	newValueDict = {"ArtistName": 		artist['artist_name'],
					"ArtistSortName": 	sortname,
					"DateAdded": 		helpers.today(),
					"Status": 			"Loading"}
	myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

	for rg in artist['releasegroups']:
		rgid = rg['id']
			releaseid = mb.getReleaseGroup(rgid)
		except Exception, e:
			logger.info('Unable to get release information for %s - it may not be a valid release group' % rg['title'])
		release = mb.getRelease(releaseid)
		logger.info(u"Now adding album: " + release['title']+ " to the database")
		controlValueDict = {"AlbumID": 	release['id']}
		newValueDict = {"ArtistID":			artistid,
						"ArtistName": 		artist['artist_name'],
						"AlbumTitle":		rg['title'],
						"AlbumASIN":		release['asin'],
						"ReleaseDate":		release['date'],
						"DateAdded":		helpers.today(),
						"Status":			"Skipped"
		myDB.upsert("albums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

		latestrelease = myDB.select("SELECT ReleaseDate, DateAdded from albums WHERE AlbumID=?", [release['id']])		
		if latestrelease[0][0] > latestrelease[0][1]:
			logger.info(release['title'] + u" is an upcoming album. Setting its status to 'Wanted'...")
			controlValueDict = {"AlbumID": 	release['id']}
			newValueDict = {"Status":	"Wanted"}
			myDB.upsert("albums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
		for track in release['tracks']:
			myDB.action('INSERT INTO tracks VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', [artistid, artist['artist_name'], rg['title'], release['asin'], release['id'], track['title'], track['duration'], track['id']])
Пример #22
def addArtisttoDB(artistid, extrasonly=False, forcefull=False):

    # Putting this here to get around the circular import. We're using this to update thumbnails for artist/albums
    from headphones import cache

    # Can't add various artists - throws an error from MB
    if artistid in blacklisted_special_artists:
        logger.warn("Cannot import blocked special purpose artist with id" + artistid)

    # We'll use this to see if we should update the 'LastUpdated' time stamp
    errors = False

    myDB = db.DBConnection()

    # Delete from blacklist if it's on there
    myDB.action("DELETE from blacklist WHERE ArtistID=?", [artistid])

    # We need the current minimal info in the database instantly
    # so we don't throw a 500 error when we redirect to the artistPage

    controlValueDict = {"ArtistID": artistid}

    # Don't replace a known artist name with an "Artist ID" placeholder

    dbartist = myDB.action("SELECT * FROM artists WHERE ArtistID=?", [artistid]).fetchone()

    # Only modify the Include Extras stuff if it's a new artist. We need it early so we know what to fetch
    if not dbartist:
        newValueDict = {
            "ArtistName": "Artist ID: %s" % (artistid),
            "Status": "Loading",
            "IncludeExtras": headphones.INCLUDE_EXTRAS,
            "Extras": headphones.EXTRAS,
        newValueDict = {"Status": "Loading"}

    myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    artist = mb.getArtist(artistid, extrasonly)

    if artist and artist.get("artist_name") in blacklisted_special_artist_names:
        logger.warn("Cannot import blocked special purpose artist: %s" % artist.get("artist_name"))
        myDB.action("DELETE from artists WHERE ArtistID=?", [artistid])
        # in case it's already in the db
        myDB.action("DELETE from albums WHERE ArtistID=?", [artistid])
        myDB.action("DELETE from tracks WHERE ArtistID=?", [artistid])

    if not artist:
        logger.warn("Error fetching artist info. ID: " + artistid)
        if dbartist is None:
            newValueDict = {"ArtistName": "Fetch failed, try refreshing. (%s)" % (artistid), "Status": "Active"}
            newValueDict = {"Status": "Active"}
        myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    if artist["artist_name"].startswith("The "):
        sortname = artist["artist_name"][4:]
        sortname = artist["artist_name"]

    logger.info(u"Now adding/updating: " + artist["artist_name"])
    controlValueDict = {"ArtistID": artistid}
    newValueDict = {
        "ArtistName": artist["artist_name"],
        "ArtistSortName": sortname,
        "DateAdded": helpers.today(),
        "Status": "Loading",

    myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    # See if we need to grab extras. Artist specific extras take precedence over global option
    # Global options are set when adding a new artist
    myDB = db.DBConnection()

        db_artist = myDB.action("SELECT IncludeExtras, Extras from artists WHERE ArtistID=?", [artistid]).fetchone()
        includeExtras = db_artist["IncludeExtras"]
    except IndexError:
        includeExtras = False

    # Clean all references to release group in dB that are no longer referenced in musicbrainz
    group_list = []
    force_repackage = 0
    # Don't nuke the database if there's a MusicBrainz error
    if len(artist["releasegroups"]) != 0 and not extrasonly:
        for groups in artist["releasegroups"]:
        remove_missing_groups_from_albums = myDB.action("SELECT AlbumID FROM albums WHERE ArtistID=?", [artistid])
        for items in remove_missing_groups_from_albums:
            if items["AlbumID"] not in group_list:
                # Remove all from albums/tracks that aren't in release groups
                myDB.action("DELETE FROM albums WHERE AlbumID=?", [items["AlbumID"]])
                myDB.action("DELETE FROM allalbums WHERE AlbumID=?", [items["AlbumID"]])
                myDB.action("DELETE FROM tracks WHERE AlbumID=?", [items["AlbumID"]])
                myDB.action("DELETE FROM alltracks WHERE AlbumID=?", [items["AlbumID"]])
                    "[%s] Removing all references to release group %s to reflect MusicBrainz"
                    % (artist["artist_name"], items["AlbumID"])
                force_repackage = 1
        logger.info("[%s] Error pulling data from MusicBrainz:  Maintaining dB" % artist["artist_name"])

    # Then search for releases within releasegroups, if releases don't exist, then remove from allalbums/alltracks

    for rg in artist["releasegroups"]:

        al_title = rg["title"]
        today = helpers.today()
        rgid = rg["id"]
        skip_log = 0
        # Make a user configurable variable to skip update of albums with release dates older than this date (in days)
        pause_delta = headphones.MB_IGNORE_AGE

        check_release_date = myDB.action(
            "SELECT ReleaseDate, Status from albums WHERE ArtistID=? AND AlbumTitle=?", (artistid, al_title)

        # Skip update if Status set
        if check_release_date and check_release_date[1]:
                "[%s] Not updating: %s (Status is %s, skipping)"
                % (artist["artist_name"], rg["title"], check_release_date[1])

        if not forcefull:
            if check_release_date:
                if check_release_date[0] is None:
                    logger.info("[%s] Now updating: %s (No Release Date)" % (artist["artist_name"], rg["title"]))
                    new_releases = mb.get_new_releases(rgid, includeExtras, True)
                    if len(check_release_date[0]) == 10:
                        release_date = check_release_date[0]
                    elif len(check_release_date[0]) == 7:
                        release_date = check_release_date[0] + "-31"
                    elif len(check_release_date[0]) == 4:
                        release_date = check_release_date[0] + "-12-31"
                        release_date = today
                    if helpers.get_age(today) - helpers.get_age(release_date) < pause_delta:
                            "[%s] Now updating: %s (Release Date <%s Days) "
                            % (artist["artist_name"], rg["title"], pause_delta)
                        new_releases = mb.get_new_releases(rgid, includeExtras, True)
                            "[%s] Skipping: %s (Release Date >%s Days)"
                            % (artist["artist_name"], rg["title"], pause_delta)
                        skip_log = 1
                        new_releases = 0
                logger.info("[%s] Now adding: %s (New Release Group)" % (artist["artist_name"], rg["title"]))
                new_releases = mb.get_new_releases(rgid, includeExtras)

            if force_repackage == 1:
                new_releases = -1
                logger.info("[%s] Forcing repackage of %s (Release Group Removed)" % (artist["artist_name"], al_title))
                new_releases = new_releases
            logger.info("[%s] Now adding/updating: %s (Comprehensive Force)" % (artist["artist_name"], rg["title"]))
            new_releases = mb.get_new_releases(rgid, includeExtras, forcefull)

        # What this does is adds new releases per artist to the allalbums + alltracks databases
        # new_releases = mb.get_new_releases(rgid,includeExtras)
        # print al_title
        # print new_releases

        if new_releases != 0:
            # Dump existing hybrid release since we're repackaging/replacing it
            myDB.action("DELETE from albums WHERE ReleaseID=?", [rg["id"]])
            myDB.action("DELETE from allalbums WHERE ReleaseID=?", [rg["id"]])
            myDB.action("DELETE from tracks WHERE ReleaseID=?", [rg["id"]])
            myDB.action("DELETE from alltracks WHERE ReleaseID=?", [rg["id"]])
            # This will be used later to build a hybrid release
            fullreleaselist = []
            # Search for releases within a release group
            find_hybrid_releases = myDB.action("SELECT * from allalbums WHERE AlbumID=?", [rg["id"]])
            # Build the dictionary for the fullreleaselist
            for items in find_hybrid_releases:
                if (
                    items["ReleaseID"] != rg["id"]
                ):  # don't include hybrid information, since that's what we're replacing
                    hybrid_release_id = items["ReleaseID"]
                    newValueDict = {
                        "ArtistID": items["ArtistID"],
                        "ArtistName": items["ArtistName"],
                        "AlbumTitle": items["AlbumTitle"],
                        "AlbumID": items["AlbumID"],
                        "AlbumASIN": items["AlbumASIN"],
                        "ReleaseDate": items["ReleaseDate"],
                        "Type": items["Type"],
                        "ReleaseCountry": items["ReleaseCountry"],
                        "ReleaseFormat": items["ReleaseFormat"],
                    find_hybrid_tracks = myDB.action("SELECT * from alltracks WHERE ReleaseID=?", [hybrid_release_id])
                    totalTracks = 1
                    hybrid_track_array = []
                    for hybrid_tracks in find_hybrid_tracks:
                                "number": hybrid_tracks["TrackNumber"],
                                "title": hybrid_tracks["TrackTitle"],
                                "id": hybrid_tracks["TrackID"],
                                #'url':           hybrid_tracks['TrackURL'],
                                "duration": hybrid_tracks["TrackDuration"],
                        totalTracks += 1
                    newValueDict["ReleaseID"] = hybrid_release_id
                    newValueDict["Tracks"] = hybrid_track_array

                # print fullreleaselist

            # Basically just do the same thing again for the hybrid release
            # This may end up being called with an empty fullreleaselist
                hybridrelease = getHybridRelease(fullreleaselist)
                logger.info("[%s] Packaging %s releases into hybrid title" % (artist["artist_name"], rg["title"]))
            except Exception, e:
                errors = True
                    "[%s] Unable to get hybrid release information for %s: %s" % (artist["artist_name"], rg["title"], e)

            # Use the ReleaseGroupID as the ReleaseID for the hybrid release to differentiate it
            # We can then use the condition WHERE ReleaseID == ReleaseGroupID to select it
            # The hybrid won't have a country or a format
            controlValueDict = {"ReleaseID": rg["id"]}

            newValueDict = {
                "ArtistID": artistid,
                "ArtistName": artist["artist_name"],
                "AlbumTitle": rg["title"],
                "AlbumID": rg["id"],
                "AlbumASIN": hybridrelease["AlbumASIN"],
                "ReleaseDate": hybridrelease["ReleaseDate"],
                "Type": rg["type"],

            myDB.upsert("allalbums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

            for track in hybridrelease["Tracks"]:

                cleanname = helpers.cleanName(artist["artist_name"] + " " + rg["title"] + " " + track["title"])

                controlValueDict = {"TrackID": track["id"], "ReleaseID": rg["id"]}

                newValueDict = {
                    "ArtistID": artistid,
                    "ArtistName": artist["artist_name"],
                    "AlbumTitle": rg["title"],
                    "AlbumASIN": hybridrelease["AlbumASIN"],
                    "AlbumID": rg["id"],
                    "TrackTitle": track["title"],
                    "TrackDuration": track["duration"],
                    "TrackNumber": track["number"],
                    "CleanName": cleanname,

                match = myDB.action(
                    "SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE CleanName=?", [cleanname]

                if not match:
                    match = myDB.action(
                        "SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE ArtistName LIKE ? AND AlbumTitle LIKE ? AND TrackTitle LIKE ?",
                        [artist["artist_name"], rg["title"], track["title"]],
                # if not match:
                # match = myDB.action('SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE TrackID=?', [track['id']]).fetchone()
                if match:
                    newValueDict["Location"] = match["Location"]
                    newValueDict["BitRate"] = match["BitRate"]
                    newValueDict["Format"] = match["Format"]
                    # myDB.action('UPDATE have SET Matched="True" WHERE Location=?', [match['Location']])
                    myDB.action("UPDATE have SET Matched=? WHERE Location=?", (rg["id"], match["Location"]))

                myDB.upsert("alltracks", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

            # Delete matched tracks from the have table
            # myDB.action('DELETE from have WHERE Matched="True"')

            # If there's no release in the main albums tables, add the default (hybrid)
            # If there is a release, check the ReleaseID against the AlbumID to see if they differ (user updated)
            # check if the album already exists
            rg_exists = myDB.action("SELECT * from albums WHERE AlbumID=?", [rg["id"]]).fetchone()
            if not rg_exists:
                releaseid = rg["id"]
                releaseid = rg_exists["ReleaseID"]

            album = myDB.action("SELECT * from allalbums WHERE ReleaseID=?", [releaseid]).fetchone()

            controlValueDict = {"AlbumID": rg["id"]}

            newValueDict = {
                "ArtistID": album["ArtistID"],
                "ArtistName": album["ArtistName"],
                "AlbumTitle": album["AlbumTitle"],
                "ReleaseID": album["ReleaseID"],
                "AlbumASIN": album["AlbumASIN"],
                "ReleaseDate": album["ReleaseDate"],
                "Type": album["Type"],
                "ReleaseCountry": album["ReleaseCountry"],
                "ReleaseFormat": album["ReleaseFormat"],

            if not rg_exists:

                today = helpers.today()

                newValueDict["DateAdded"] = today

                if headphones.AUTOWANT_ALL:
                    newValueDict["Status"] = "Wanted"
                elif album["ReleaseDate"] > today and headphones.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING:
                    newValueDict["Status"] = "Wanted"
                # Sometimes "new" albums are added to musicbrainz after their release date, so let's try to catch these
                # The first test just makes sure we have year-month-day
                elif (
                    and helpers.get_age(today) - helpers.get_age(album["ReleaseDate"]) < 21
                    and headphones.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING
                    newValueDict["Status"] = "Wanted"
                    newValueDict["Status"] = "Skipped"

            myDB.upsert("albums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

            tracks = myDB.action("SELECT * from alltracks WHERE ReleaseID=?", [releaseid]).fetchall()

            # This is used to see how many tracks you have from an album - to mark it as downloaded. Default is 80%, can be set in config as ALBUM_COMPLETION_PCT
            total_track_count = len(tracks)

            for track in tracks:

                controlValueDict = {"TrackID": track["TrackID"], "AlbumID": rg["id"]}

                newValueDict = {
                    "ArtistID": track["ArtistID"],
                    "ArtistName": track["ArtistName"],
                    "AlbumTitle": track["AlbumTitle"],
                    "AlbumASIN": track["AlbumASIN"],
                    "ReleaseID": track["ReleaseID"],
                    "TrackTitle": track["TrackTitle"],
                    "TrackDuration": track["TrackDuration"],
                    "TrackNumber": track["TrackNumber"],
                    "CleanName": track["CleanName"],
                    "Location": track["Location"],
                    "Format": track["Format"],
                    "BitRate": track["BitRate"],

                myDB.upsert("tracks", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

            # Mark albums as downloaded if they have at least 80% (by default, configurable) of the album
            have_track_count = len(
                myDB.select("SELECT * from tracks WHERE AlbumID=? AND Location IS NOT NULL", [rg["id"]])
            marked_as_downloaded = False

            if rg_exists:
                if rg_exists["Status"] == "Skipped" and (
                    (have_track_count / float(total_track_count)) >= (headphones.ALBUM_COMPLETION_PCT / 100.0)
                    myDB.action("UPDATE albums SET Status=? WHERE AlbumID=?", ["Downloaded", rg["id"]])
                    marked_as_downloaded = True
                if (have_track_count / float(total_track_count)) >= (headphones.ALBUM_COMPLETION_PCT / 100.0):
                    myDB.action("UPDATE albums SET Status=? WHERE AlbumID=?", ["Downloaded", rg["id"]])
                    marked_as_downloaded = True

            logger.info(u"[%s] Seeing if we need album art for %s" % (artist["artist_name"], rg["title"]))

            # start a search for the album if it's new, hasn't been marked as downloaded and autowant_all is selected:
            if not rg_exists and not marked_as_downloaded and headphones.AUTOWANT_ALL:
                from headphones import searcher

            if skip_log == 0:
                logger.info(u"[%s] No new releases, so no changes made to %s" % (artist["artist_name"], rg["title"]))
Пример #23
def addArtisttoDB(artistid, extrasonly=False):
    # Putting this here to get around the circular import. We're using this to update thumbnails for artist/albums
    from headphones import cache
    # Can't add various artists - throws an error from MB
    if artistid in blacklisted_special_artists:
        logger.warn('Cannot import blocked special purpose artist with id' + artistid)
    # We'll use this to see if we should update the 'LastUpdated' time stamp
    errors = False
    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    # Delete from blacklist if it's on there
    myDB.action('DELETE from blacklist WHERE ArtistID=?', [artistid])

    # We need the current minimal info in the database instantly
    # so we don't throw a 500 error when we redirect to the artistPage

    controlValueDict = {"ArtistID":     artistid}

    # Don't replace a known artist name with an "Artist ID" placeholder

    dbartist = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM artists WHERE ArtistID=?', [artistid]).fetchone()
    # Only modify the Include Extras stuff if it's a new artist. We need it early so we know what to fetch
    if not dbartist:
        newValueDict = {"ArtistName":   "Artist ID: %s" % (artistid),
                        "Status":       "Loading",
                        "IncludeExtras": headphones.INCLUDE_EXTRAS,
                        "Extras":        headphones.EXTRAS }
        newValueDict = {"Status":   "Loading"}

    myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
    artist = mb.getArtist(artistid, extrasonly)
    if artist and artist.get('artist_name') in blacklisted_special_artist_names:
        logger.warn('Cannot import blocked special purpose artist: %s' % artist.get('artist_name'))
        myDB.action('DELETE from artists WHERE ArtistID=?', [artistid])
        #in case it's already in the db
        myDB.action('DELETE from albums WHERE ArtistID=?', [artistid])
        myDB.action('DELETE from tracks WHERE ArtistID=?', [artistid])

    if not artist:
        logger.warn("Error fetching artist info. ID: " + artistid)
        if dbartist is None:
            newValueDict = {"ArtistName":   "Fetch failed, try refreshing. (%s)" % (artistid),
                    "Status":   "Active"}
            newValueDict = {"Status":   "Active"}
        myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
    if artist['artist_name'].startswith('The '):
        sortname = artist['artist_name'][4:]
        sortname = artist['artist_name']

    logger.info(u"Now adding/updating: " + artist['artist_name'])
    controlValueDict = {"ArtistID":     artistid}
    newValueDict = {"ArtistName":       artist['artist_name'],
                    "ArtistSortName":   sortname,
                    "DateAdded":        helpers.today(),
                    "Status":           "Loading"}
    myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    # See if we need to grab extras. Artist specific extras take precedence over global option
    # Global options are set when adding a new artist
    myDB = db.DBConnection()
        db_artist = myDB.action('SELECT IncludeExtras, Extras from artists WHERE ArtistID=?', [artistid]).fetchone()
        includeExtras = db_artist['IncludeExtras']
    except IndexError:
        includeExtras = False  

    for rg in artist['releasegroups']:
        logger.info("Now adding/updating: " + rg['title'])
        rgid = rg['id']
        # check if the album already exists
        rg_exists = myDB.action("SELECT * from albums WHERE AlbumID=?", [rg['id']]).fetchone()
        releases = mb.get_all_releases(rgid,includeExtras)
        if releases == []:
            logger.info('No official releases in release group %s' % rg['title'])
        if not releases:
            errors = True
            logger.info('Unable to get release information for %s - there may not be any official releases in this release group' % rg['title'])
        # This will be used later to build a hybrid release     
        fullreleaselist = []

        for release in releases:
        # What we're doing here now is first updating the allalbums & alltracks table to the most
        # current info, then moving the appropriate release into the album table and its associated
        # tracks into the tracks table
            controlValueDict = {"ReleaseID" : release['ReleaseID']}

            newValueDict = {"ArtistID":         release['ArtistID'],
                            "ArtistName":       release['ArtistName'],
                            "AlbumTitle":       release['AlbumTitle'],
                            "AlbumID":          release['AlbumID'],
                            "AlbumASIN":        release['AlbumASIN'],
                            "ReleaseDate":      release['ReleaseDate'],
                            "Type":             release['Type'],
                            "ReleaseCountry":   release['ReleaseCountry'],
                            "ReleaseFormat":    release['ReleaseFormat']

            myDB.upsert("allalbums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
            # Build the dictionary for the fullreleaselist
            newValueDict['ReleaseID'] = release['ReleaseID']
            newValueDict['Tracks'] = release['Tracks']
            for track in release['Tracks']:

                cleanname = helpers.cleanName(artist['artist_name'] + ' ' + rg['title'] + ' ' + track['title'])
                controlValueDict = {"TrackID":      track['id'],
                                    "ReleaseID":    release['ReleaseID']}

                newValueDict = {"ArtistID":         release['ArtistID'],
                                "ArtistName":       release['ArtistName'],
                                "AlbumTitle":       release['AlbumTitle'],
                                "AlbumID":          release['AlbumID'],
                                "AlbumASIN":        release['AlbumASIN'],
                                "TrackTitle":       track['title'],
                                "TrackDuration":    track['duration'],
                                "TrackNumber":      track['number'],
                                "CleanName":        cleanname
                match = myDB.action('SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE CleanName=?', [cleanname]).fetchone()
                if not match:
                    match = myDB.action('SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE ArtistName LIKE ? AND AlbumTitle LIKE ? AND TrackTitle LIKE ?', [artist['artist_name'], rg['title'], track['title']]).fetchone()
                if not match:
                    match = myDB.action('SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE TrackID=?', [track['id']]).fetchone()         
                if match:
                    newValueDict['Location'] = match['Location']
                    newValueDict['BitRate'] = match['BitRate']
                    newValueDict['Format'] = match['Format']
                    myDB.action('UPDATE have SET Matched="True" WHERE Location=?', [match['Location']])
                myDB.upsert("alltracks", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        # Basically just do the same thing again for the hybrid release
        # This may end up being called with an empty fullreleaselist
            hybridrelease = getHybridRelease(fullreleaselist)
        except Exception, e:
            errors = True
            logger.warn('Unable to get hybrid release information for %s: %s' % (rg['title'],e))
        # Use the ReleaseGroupID as the ReleaseID for the hybrid release to differentiate it
        # We can then use the condition WHERE ReleaseID == ReleaseGroupID to select it
        # The hybrid won't have a country or a format
        controlValueDict = {"ReleaseID":  rg['id']}

        newValueDict = {"ArtistID":         artistid,
                        "ArtistName":       artist['artist_name'],
                        "AlbumTitle":       rg['title'],
                        "AlbumID":          rg['id'],
                        "AlbumASIN":        hybridrelease['AlbumASIN'],
                        "ReleaseDate":      hybridrelease['ReleaseDate'],
                        "Type":             rg['type']
        myDB.upsert("allalbums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        for track in hybridrelease['Tracks']:

            cleanname = helpers.cleanName(artist['artist_name'] + ' ' + rg['title'] + ' ' + track['title'])
            controlValueDict = {"TrackID":      track['id'],
                                "ReleaseID":    rg['id']}

            newValueDict = {"ArtistID":         artistid,
                            "ArtistName":       artist['artist_name'],
                            "AlbumTitle":       rg['title'],
                            "AlbumASIN":        hybridrelease['AlbumASIN'],
                            "AlbumID":          rg['id'],
                            "TrackTitle":       track['title'],
                            "TrackDuration":    track['duration'],
                            "TrackNumber":      track['number'],
                            "CleanName":        cleanname
            match = myDB.action('SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE CleanName=?', [cleanname]).fetchone()
            if not match:
                match = myDB.action('SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE ArtistName LIKE ? AND AlbumTitle LIKE ? AND TrackTitle LIKE ?', [artist['artist_name'], rg['title'], track['title']]).fetchone()
            if not match:
                match = myDB.action('SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE TrackID=?', [track['id']]).fetchone()         
            if match:
                newValueDict['Location'] = match['Location']
                newValueDict['BitRate'] = match['BitRate']
                newValueDict['Format'] = match['Format']
                myDB.action('UPDATE have SET Matched="True" WHERE Location=?', [match['Location']])
            myDB.upsert("alltracks", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        # Delete matched tracks from the have table
        myDB.action('DELETE from have WHERE Matched="True"')
        # If there's no release in the main albums tables, add the default (hybrid)
        # If there is a release, check the ReleaseID against the AlbumID to see if they differ (user updated)
        if not rg_exists:
            releaseid = rg['id']
        elif rg_exists and not rg_exists['ReleaseID']:
            # Need to do some importing here - to transition the old format of using the release group
            # only to using releasegroup & releaseid. These are the albums that are missing a ReleaseID
            # so we'll need to move over the locations, bitrates & formats from the tracks table to the new
            # alltracks table. Thankfully we can just use TrackIDs since they span releases/releasegroups
            logger.info("Copying current track information to alternate releases")
            tracks = myDB.action('SELECT * from tracks WHERE AlbumID=?', [rg['id']]).fetchall()
            for track in tracks:
                if track['Location']:
                    controlValueDict = {"TrackID":  track['TrackID']}
                    newValueDict = {"Location":     track['Location'],
                                    "BitRate":      track['BitRate'],
                                    "Format":       track['Format'],
                    myDB.upsert("alltracks", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
            releaseid = rg['id']
            releaseid = rg_exists['ReleaseID']
        album = myDB.action('SELECT * from allalbums WHERE ReleaseID=?', [releaseid]).fetchone()

        controlValueDict = {"AlbumID":  rg['id']}

        newValueDict = {"ArtistID":         album['ArtistID'],
                        "ArtistName":       album['ArtistName'],
                        "AlbumTitle":       album['AlbumTitle'],
                        "ReleaseID":        album['ReleaseID'],
                        "AlbumASIN":        album['AlbumASIN'],
                        "ReleaseDate":      album['ReleaseDate'],
                        "Type":             album['Type'],
                        "ReleaseCountry":   album['ReleaseCountry'],
                        "ReleaseFormat":    album['ReleaseFormat']
        if not rg_exists:
            today = helpers.today()
            newValueDict['DateAdded']= today
            if headphones.AUTOWANT_ALL:
                newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
            elif album['ReleaseDate'] > today and headphones.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING:
                newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
            # Sometimes "new" albums are added to musicbrainz after their release date, so let's try to catch these
            # The first test just makes sure we have year-month-day
            elif helpers.get_age(album['ReleaseDate']) and helpers.get_age(today) - helpers.get_age(album['ReleaseDate']) < 21 and headphones.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING:
                newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
                newValueDict['Status'] = "Skipped"
        myDB.upsert("albums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        myDB.action('DELETE from tracks WHERE AlbumID=?', [rg['id']])
        tracks = myDB.action('SELECT * from alltracks WHERE ReleaseID=?', [releaseid]).fetchall()

        # This is used to see how many tracks you have from an album - to mark it as downloaded. Default is 80%, can be set in config as ALBUM_COMPLETION_PCT
        total_track_count = len(tracks)
        for track in tracks:
            controlValueDict = {"TrackID":  track['TrackID'],
                                "AlbumID":  rg['id']}

            newValueDict = {"ArtistID":     track['ArtistID'],
                        "ArtistName":       track['ArtistName'],
                        "AlbumTitle":       track['AlbumTitle'],
                        "AlbumASIN":        track['AlbumASIN'],
                        "ReleaseID":        track['ReleaseID'],
                        "TrackTitle":       track['TrackTitle'],
                        "TrackDuration":    track['TrackDuration'],
                        "TrackNumber":      track['TrackNumber'],
                        "CleanName":        track['CleanName'],
                        "Location":         track['Location'],
                        "Format":           track['Format'],
                        "BitRate":          track['BitRate']
            myDB.upsert("tracks", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        # Mark albums as downloaded if they have at least 80% (by default, configurable) of the album
        have_track_count = len(myDB.select('SELECT * from tracks WHERE AlbumID=? AND Location IS NOT NULL', [rg['id']]))
        marked_as_downloaded = False
        if rg_exists:
            if rg_exists['Status'] == 'Skipped' and ((have_track_count/float(total_track_count)) >= (headphones.ALBUM_COMPLETION_PCT/100.0)):
                myDB.action('UPDATE albums SET Status=? WHERE AlbumID=?', ['Downloaded', rg['id']])
                marked_as_downloaded = True
            if ((have_track_count/float(total_track_count)) >= (headphones.ALBUM_COMPLETION_PCT/100.0)):
                myDB.action('UPDATE albums SET Status=? WHERE AlbumID=?', ['Downloaded', rg['id']])
                marked_as_downloaded = True

        logger.info(u"Seeing if we need album art for " + rg['title'])
        #start a search for the album if it's new, hasn't been marked as downloaded and autowant_all is selected:
        if not rg_exists and not marked_as_downloaded and headphones.AUTOWANT_ALL:    
            from headphones import searcher
Пример #24
                    except Exception, e:
                        logger.error('Unable to create artwork cache dir. Error: %s' + e)
                        self.thumb_errors = True
                        self.thumb_url = thumb_url

                #Delete the old stuff
                for thumb_file in self.thumb_files:
                        logger.error('Error deleting file from the cache: %s', thumb_file)

                ext = os.path.splitext(image_url)[1]

                thumb_path = os.path.join(self.path_to_art_cache, 'T_' + self.id + '.' + helpers.today() + ext)
                    f = open(thumb_path, 'wb')
                except Exception, e:
                    logger.error('Unable to write to the cache dir: %s', e)
                    self.thumb_errors = True
                    self.thumb_url = image_url

def getArtwork(ArtistID=None, AlbumID=None):

    c = Cache()
    artwork_path = c.get_artwork_from_cache(ArtistID, AlbumID)

    if not artwork_path:
Пример #25
	def home(self):
		page = [templates._header]
		if not headphones.CURRENT_VERSION:
			page.append('''<div class="updatebar">You're running an unknown version of Headphones. <a class="blue" href="update">Click here to update</a></div>''')
		elif headphones.CURRENT_VERSION != headphones.LATEST_VERSION and headphones.INSTALL_TYPE != 'win':
			page.append('''<div class="updatebar">A <a class="blue" href="http://github.com/rembo10/headphones/compare/%s...%s">
					newer version</a> is available. You're %s commits behind. <a class="blue" href="update">Click here to update</a></div>
					''' % (headphones.CURRENT_VERSION, headphones.LATEST_VERSION, headphones.COMMITS_BEHIND))
		myDB = db.DBConnection()
		results = myDB.select('SELECT ArtistName, ArtistID, Status, LatestAlbum, ReleaseDate, AlbumID, TotalTracks, HaveTracks from artists order by ArtistSortName collate nocase')
		if len(results):
			page.append('''<div class="table"><table border="0" cellpadding="3">
						<th align="left" width="170">Artist Name</th>
						<th align="center" width="100">Status</th>
						<th align="center" width="300">Upcoming Albums</th>
						<th align="center">Have</th>
			for artist in results:
				totaltracks = artist['TotalTracks']
				havetracks = artist['HaveTracks']
				if not havetracks:
					havetracks = 0
					percent = (havetracks*100.0)/totaltracks
					if percent > 100:
						percent = 100
				except (ZeroDivisionError, TypeError):
					percent = 0
					totaltracks = '?'

				if artist['LatestAlbum']:
					if artist['ReleaseDate'] > helpers.today():
						newalbumName = '<a class="green" href="albumPage?AlbumID=%s"><i><b>%s</b></i>' % (artist['AlbumID'], artist['LatestAlbum'])
						releaseDate = '(%s)</a>' % artist['ReleaseDate']
						newalbumName = '<a class="gray" href="albumPage?AlbumID=%s"><i>%s</i>' % (artist['AlbumID'], artist['LatestAlbum'])
						releaseDate = ""
						newalbumName = '<font color="#CFCFCF">None</font>'
						releaseDate = ""					
				if artist['Status'] == 'Paused':
					newStatus = '''<font color="red"><b>%s</b></font>(<A class="external" href="resumeArtist?ArtistID=%s">resume</a>)''' % (artist['Status'], artist['ArtistID'])
				elif artist['Status'] == 'Loading':
					newStatus = '''<a class="gray">Loading...</a>'''
					newStatus = '''%s(<A class="external" href="pauseArtist?ArtistID=%s">pause</a>)''' % (artist['Status'], artist['ArtistID'])
				page.append('''<tr><td align="left" width="300"><a href="artistPage?ArtistID=%s">%s</a> 
								(<A class="external" href="http://musicbrainz.org/artist/%s">link</a>) [<A class="externalred" href="deleteArtist?ArtistID=%s">delete</a>]</td>
								<td align="center" width="160">%s</td>
								<td align="center">%s %s</td>
								<td><div class="progress-container"><div style="width: %s%%"><div class="smalltext3">%s/%s</div></div></div></td></tr>
								''' % (artist['ArtistID'], artist['ArtistName'], artist['ArtistID'], 
										artist['ArtistID'], newStatus, newalbumName, releaseDate, 
										percent, havetracks, totaltracks))	

			page.append(templates._footer % headphones.CURRENT_VERSION)
			have = myDB.select('SELECT ArtistName from have')
			if len(have):
				page.append("""<div class="datanil">Scanning...</div>""")
				page.append("""<div class="datanil">Add some artists to the database!</div>""")
		return page
Пример #26
def addArtisttoDB(artistid, extrasonly=False):
	# Can't add various artists - throws an error from MB
	if artistid == various_artists_mbid:
		logger.warn('Cannot import Various Artists.')
	myDB = db.DBConnection()

	# We need the current minimal info in the database instantly
	# so we don't throw a 500 error when we redirect to the artistPage

	controlValueDict = {"ArtistID":		artistid}

	# Don't replace a known artist name with an "Artist ID" placeholder

	dbartist = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM artists WHERE ArtistID=?', [artistid]).fetchone()
	if dbartist is None:
		newValueDict = {"ArtistName":	"Artist ID: %s" % (artistid),
				"Status":	"Loading"}
		newValueDict = {"Status":	"Loading"}

	myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
	artist = mb.getArtist(artistid, extrasonly)
	if not artist:
		logger.warn("Error fetching artist info. ID: " + artistid)
		if dbartist is None:
			newValueDict = {"ArtistName":	"Fetch failed, try refreshing. (%s)" % (artistid),
					"Status":	"Active"}
			newValueDict = {"Status":	"Active"}
		myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
	if artist['artist_name'].startswith('The '):
		sortname = artist['artist_name'][4:]
		sortname = artist['artist_name']

	logger.info(u"Now adding/updating: " + artist['artist_name'])
	controlValueDict = {"ArtistID": 	artistid}
	newValueDict = {"ArtistName": 		artist['artist_name'],
					"ArtistSortName": 	sortname,
					"DateAdded": 		helpers.today(),
					"Status": 			"Loading"}
	if headphones.INCLUDE_EXTRAS:
		newValueDict['IncludeExtras'] = 1
	myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

	for rg in artist['releasegroups']:
		rgid = rg['id']
		# check if the album already exists
		rg_exists = myDB.select("SELECT * from albums WHERE AlbumID=?", [rg['id']])
			release_dict = mb.getReleaseGroup(rgid)
		except Exception, e:
			logger.info('Unable to get release information for %s - there may not be any official releases in this release group' % rg['title'])
		if not release_dict:
		logger.info(u"Now adding/updating album: " + rg['title'])
		controlValueDict = {"AlbumID": 	rg['id']}
		if len(rg_exists):
			newValueDict = {"AlbumASIN":		release_dict['asin'],
							"ReleaseDate":		release_dict['releasedate'],
			newValueDict = {"ArtistID":			artistid,
							"ArtistName": 		artist['artist_name'],
							"AlbumTitle":		rg['title'],
							"AlbumASIN":		release_dict['asin'],
							"ReleaseDate":		release_dict['releasedate'],
							"DateAdded":		helpers.today(),
							"Type":				rg['type']
			if release_dict['releasedate'] > helpers.today():
				newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
				newValueDict['Status'] = "Skipped"
		myDB.upsert("albums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
			lastfm.getAlbumDescription(rg['id'], artist['artist_name'], rg['title'])
		except Exception, e:
			logger.error('Attempt to retrieve album description from Last.fm failed: %s' % e)
Пример #27
    def getArtists_json(self,iDisplayStart=0,iDisplayLength=100,sSearch="",iSortCol_0='0',sSortDir_0='asc',**kwargs):
        iDisplayStart = int(iDisplayStart)
        iDisplayLength = int(iDisplayLength)
        filtered = []
        totalcount = 0
        myDB = db.DBConnection()

        sortcolumn = 'ArtistSortName'
        sortbyhavepercent = False
        if iSortCol_0 == '2':
            sortcolumn = 'Status'
        elif iSortCol_0 == '3':
            sortcolumn = 'ReleaseDate'
        elif iSortCol_0 == '4':
            sortbyhavepercent = True

        if sSearch == "":
            query = 'SELECT * from artists order by %s COLLATE NOCASE %s' % (sortcolumn,sSortDir_0)
            filtered = myDB.select(query)
            totalcount = len(filtered)
            query = 'SELECT * from artists WHERE ArtistSortName LIKE "%' + sSearch + '%" OR LatestAlbum LIKE "%' + sSearch +'%"' +  'ORDER BY %s COLLATE NOCASE %s' % (sortcolumn,sSortDir_0)
            filtered = myDB.select(query)
            totalcount = myDB.select('SELECT COUNT(*) from artists')[0][0]

        if sortbyhavepercent:
            filtered.sort(key=lambda x:(float(x['HaveTracks'])/x['TotalTracks'] if x['TotalTracks'] > 0 else 0.0,x['HaveTracks'] if x['HaveTracks'] else 0.0),reverse=sSortDir_0 == "asc")

        #can't figure out how to change the datatables default sorting order when its using an ajax datasource so ill
        #just reverse it here and the first click on the "Latest Album" header will sort by descending release date
        if sortcolumn == 'ReleaseDate':

        artists = filtered[iDisplayStart:(iDisplayStart+iDisplayLength)]
        rows = []
        for artist in artists:
            row = {"ArtistID":artist['ArtistID'],

            if not row['HaveTracks']:
                row['HaveTracks'] = 0
            if artist['ReleaseDate'] and artist['LatestAlbum']:
                row['ReleaseDate'] = artist['ReleaseDate']
                row['LatestAlbum'] = artist['LatestAlbum']
                row['AlbumID'] = artist['AlbumID']
                if artist['ReleaseDate'] > today():
                    row['ReleaseInFuture'] = "True"
            elif artist['LatestAlbum']:
                row['ReleaseDate'] = ''
                row['LatestAlbum'] = artist['LatestAlbum']
                row['AlbumID'] = artist['AlbumID']


        dict = {'iTotalDisplayRecords':len(filtered),
        s = simplejson.dumps(dict)
        cherrypy.response.headers['Content-type'] = 'application/json'
        return s