Пример #1
def dbUpdate():

	myDB = db.DBConnection()

	activeartists = myDB.select('SELECT ArtistID, ArtistName from artists WHERE Status="Active"')
	i = 0
	while i < len(activeartists):
		artistid = activeartists[i][0]
		artistname = activeartists[i][1]
		logger.info(u"Updating album information for artist: " + artistname)
		artist = mb.getArtist(artistid)
		for rg in artist['releasegroups']:
			rgid = rg['id']
			releaseid = mb.getReleaseGroup(rgid)
			results = mb.getRelease(releaseid)
			albumlist = myDB.select('SELECT AlbumID from albums WHERE ArtistID=?', [artistid])
			if any(releaseid in x for x in albumlist):
				logger.info(results['title'] + " already exists in the database. Updating ASIN, Release Date, Tracks")
				myDB.action('UPDATE albums SET AlbumASIN=?, ReleaseDate=? WHERE AlbumID=?', [results['asin'], results['date'], results['id']])
				for track in results['tracks']:
					myDB.action('UPDATE tracks SET TrackDuration=? WHERE AlbumID=? AND TrackID=?', [track['duration'], results['id'], track['id']])

				logger.info(u"New album found! Adding "+results['title']+"to the database...")
				myDB.action('INSERT INTO albums VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, CURRENT_DATE, ?, ?)', [artistid, artist['artist_name'], rg['title'], results['asin'], results['date'], results['id'], 'Skipped'])
				latestrelease = myDB.select('SELECT ReleaseDate, DateAdded from albums WHERE AlbumID=?', [results['id']])
				if latestrelease[0][0] > latestrelease[0][1]:
					myDB.action('UPDATE albums SET Status = "Wanted" WHERE AlbumID=?', results['id'])
				for track in results['tracks']:
					myDB.action('INSERT INTO tracks VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', [artistid, artist['artist_name'], rg['title'], results['asin'], results['id'], track['title'], track['duration'], track['id']])
		i += 1
Пример #2
def addArtisttoDB(artistid, extrasonly=False):
    # Putting this here to get around the circular import. We're using this to update thumbnails for artist/albums
    from headphones import cache
    # Can't add various artists - throws an error from MB
    if artistid == various_artists_mbid:
        logger.warn('Cannot import Various Artists.')
    # We'll use this to see if we should update the 'LastUpdated' time stamp
    errors = False
    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    # Delete from blacklist if it's on there
    myDB.action('DELETE from blacklist WHERE ArtistID=?', [artistid])

    # We need the current minimal info in the database instantly
    # so we don't throw a 500 error when we redirect to the artistPage

    controlValueDict = {"ArtistID":     artistid}

    # Don't replace a known artist name with an "Artist ID" placeholder

    dbartist = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM artists WHERE ArtistID=?', [artistid]).fetchone()
    # Only modify the Include Extras stuff if it's a new artist. We need it early so we know what to fetch
    if not dbartist:
        newValueDict = {"ArtistName":   "Artist ID: %s" % (artistid),
                        "Status":       "Loading",
                        "IncludeExtras": headphones.INCLUDE_EXTRAS,
                        "Extras":        headphones.EXTRAS }
        newValueDict = {"Status":   "Loading"}

    myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
    artist = mb.getArtist(artistid, extrasonly)
    if not artist:
        logger.warn("Error fetching artist info. ID: " + artistid)
        if dbartist is None:
            newValueDict = {"ArtistName":   "Fetch failed, try refreshing. (%s)" % (artistid),
                    "Status":   "Active"}
            newValueDict = {"Status":   "Active"}
        myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
    if artist['artist_name'].startswith('The '):
        sortname = artist['artist_name'][4:]
        sortname = artist['artist_name']

    logger.info(u"Now adding/updating: " + artist['artist_name'])
    controlValueDict = {"ArtistID":     artistid}
    newValueDict = {"ArtistName":       artist['artist_name'],
                    "ArtistSortName":   sortname,
                    "DateAdded":        helpers.today(),
                    "Status":           "Loading"}
    myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    for rg in artist['releasegroups']:
        logger.info("Now adding/updating: " + rg['title'])
        rgid = rg['id']
        # check if the album already exists
        rg_exists = myDB.action("SELECT * from albums WHERE AlbumID=?", [rg['id']]).fetchone()
            releaselist = mb.getReleaseGroup(rgid)
        except Exception, e:
            logger.info('Unable to get release information for %s - there may not be any official releases in this release group' % rg['title'])
        if not releaselist:
            errors = True
        # This will be used later to build a hybrid release     
        fullreleaselist = []
        for release in releaselist:
        # What we're doing here now is first updating the allalbums & alltracks table to the most
        # current info, then moving the appropriate release into the album table and its associated
        # tracks into the tracks table
            releaseid = release['id']
                releasedict = mb.getRelease(releaseid, include_artist_info=False)
            except Exception, e:
                errors = True
                logger.info('Unable to get release information for %s: %s' % (release['id'], e))
            if not releasedict:
                errors = True

            controlValueDict = {"ReleaseID":  release['id']}

            newValueDict = {"ArtistID":         artistid,
                            "ArtistName":       artist['artist_name'],
                            "AlbumTitle":       rg['title'],
                            "AlbumID":          rg['id'],
                            "AlbumASIN":        releasedict['asin'],
                            "ReleaseDate":      releasedict['date'],
                            "Type":             rg['type'],
                            "ReleaseCountry":   releasedict['country'],
                            "ReleaseFormat":    releasedict['format']
            myDB.upsert("allalbums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
            # Build the dictionary for the fullreleaselist
            newValueDict['ReleaseID'] = release['id']
            newValueDict['Tracks'] = releasedict['tracks']
            for track in releasedict['tracks']:

                cleanname = helpers.cleanName(artist['artist_name'] + ' ' + rg['title'] + ' ' + track['title'])
                controlValueDict = {"TrackID":      track['id'],
                                    "ReleaseID":    release['id']}

                newValueDict = {"ArtistID":         artistid,
                                "ArtistName":       artist['artist_name'],
                                "AlbumTitle":       rg['title'],
                                "AlbumASIN":        releasedict['asin'],
                                "AlbumID":          rg['id'],
                                "TrackTitle":       track['title'],
                                "TrackDuration":    track['duration'],
                                "TrackNumber":      track['number'],
                                "CleanName":        cleanname
                match = myDB.action('SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE CleanName=?', [cleanname]).fetchone()
                if not match:
                    match = myDB.action('SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE ArtistName LIKE ? AND AlbumTitle LIKE ? AND TrackTitle LIKE ?', [artist['artist_name'], rg['title'], track['title']]).fetchone()
                if not match:
                    match = myDB.action('SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE TrackID=?', [track['id']]).fetchone()         
                if match:
                    newValueDict['Location'] = match['Location']
                    newValueDict['BitRate'] = match['BitRate']
                    newValueDict['Format'] = match['Format']
                    myDB.action('UPDATE have SET Matched="True" WHERE Location=?', [match['Location']])
                myDB.upsert("alltracks", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
Пример #3
def addArtisttoDB(artistid, extrasonly=False):
	# Can't add various artists - throws an error from MB
	if artistid == various_artists_mbid:
		logger.warn('Cannot import Various Artists.')
	myDB = db.DBConnection()
	artist = mb.getArtist(artistid, extrasonly)
	if not artist:
	if artist['artist_name'].startswith('The '):
		sortname = artist['artist_name'][4:]
		sortname = artist['artist_name']

	logger.info(u"Now adding/updating: " + artist['artist_name'])
	controlValueDict = {"ArtistID": 	artistid}
	newValueDict = {"ArtistName": 		artist['artist_name'],
					"ArtistSortName": 	sortname,
					"DateAdded": 		helpers.today(),
					"Status": 			"Loading"}
	if headphones.INCLUDE_EXTRAS:
		newValueDict['IncludeExtras'] = 1
	myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

	for rg in artist['releasegroups']:
		rgid = rg['id']
		# check if the album already exists
		rg_exists = myDB.select("SELECT * from albums WHERE AlbumID=?", [rg['id']])
			release_dict = mb.getReleaseGroup(rgid)
		except Exception, e:
			logger.info('Unable to get release information for %s - there may not be any official releases in this release group' % rg['title'])
		if not release_dict:
		logger.info(u"Now adding/updating album: " + rg['title'])
		controlValueDict = {"AlbumID": 	rg['id']}
		if len(rg_exists):
			newValueDict = {"AlbumASIN":		release_dict['asin'],
							"ReleaseDate":		release_dict['releasedate'],
			newValueDict = {"ArtistID":			artistid,
							"ArtistName": 		artist['artist_name'],
							"AlbumTitle":		rg['title'],
							"AlbumASIN":		release_dict['asin'],
							"ReleaseDate":		release_dict['releasedate'],
							"DateAdded":		helpers.today(),
							"Type":				rg['type']
			if release_dict['releasedate'] > helpers.today():
				newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
				newValueDict['Status'] = "Skipped"
		myDB.upsert("albums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
			lastfm.getAlbumDescription(rg['id'], artist['artist_name'], rg['title'])
		except Exception, e:
			logger.error('Attempt to retrieve album description from Last.fm failed: %s' % e)
Пример #4
def addArtisttoDB(artistid, extrasonly=False):
	# Can't add various artists - throws an error from MB
	if artistid == various_artists_mbid:
		logger.warn('Cannot import Various Artists.')
	myDB = db.DBConnection()

	# We need the current minimal info in the database instantly
	# so we don't throw a 500 error when we redirect to the artistPage

	controlValueDict = {"ArtistID":		artistid}

	# Don't replace a known artist name with an "Artist ID" placeholder

	dbartist = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM artists WHERE ArtistID=?', [artistid]).fetchone()
	if dbartist is None:
		newValueDict = {"ArtistName":	"Artist ID: %s" % (artistid),
				"Status":	"Loading"}
		newValueDict = {"Status":	"Loading"}

	myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
	artist = mb.getArtist(artistid, extrasonly)
	if not artist:
		logger.warn("Error fetching artist info. ID: " + artistid)
		if dbartist is None:
			newValueDict = {"ArtistName":	"Fetch failed, try refreshing. (%s)" % (artistid),
					"Status":	"Active"}
			newValueDict = {"Status":	"Active"}
		myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
	if artist['artist_name'].startswith('The '):
		sortname = artist['artist_name'][4:]
		sortname = artist['artist_name']

	logger.info(u"Now adding/updating: " + artist['artist_name'])
	controlValueDict = {"ArtistID": 	artistid}
	newValueDict = {"ArtistName": 		artist['artist_name'],
					"ArtistSortName": 	sortname,
					"DateAdded": 		helpers.today(),
					"Status": 			"Loading"}
	if headphones.INCLUDE_EXTRAS:
		newValueDict['IncludeExtras'] = 1
	myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

	for rg in artist['releasegroups']:
		rgid = rg['id']
		# check if the album already exists
		rg_exists = myDB.select("SELECT * from albums WHERE AlbumID=?", [rg['id']])
			release_dict = mb.getReleaseGroup(rgid)
		except Exception, e:
			logger.info('Unable to get release information for %s - there may not be any official releases in this release group' % rg['title'])
		if not release_dict:
		logger.info(u"Now adding/updating album: " + rg['title'])
		controlValueDict = {"AlbumID": 	rg['id']}
		if len(rg_exists):
			newValueDict = {"AlbumASIN":		release_dict['asin'],
							"ReleaseDate":		release_dict['releasedate'],
			newValueDict = {"ArtistID":			artistid,
							"ArtistName": 		artist['artist_name'],
							"AlbumTitle":		rg['title'],
							"AlbumASIN":		release_dict['asin'],
							"ReleaseDate":		release_dict['releasedate'],
							"DateAdded":		helpers.today(),
							"Type":				rg['type']
			if release_dict['releasedate'] > helpers.today():
				newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
				newValueDict['Status'] = "Skipped"
		myDB.upsert("albums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
			lastfm.getAlbumDescription(rg['id'], artist['artist_name'], rg['title'])
		except Exception, e:
			logger.error('Attempt to retrieve album description from Last.fm failed: %s' % e)
Пример #5
def verify(albumid, albumpath, Kind=None, forced=False):

    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    release = myDB.action('SELECT * from albums WHERE AlbumID=?', [albumid]).fetchone()
    tracks = myDB.select('SELECT * from tracks WHERE AlbumID=?', [albumid])

    if not release or not tracks:
        #the result of a manual post-process on an album that hasn't been inserted
        #from an RSS feed or etc
        #TODO: This should be a call to a class method.. copied it out of importer with only minor changes
        #TODO: odd things can happen when there are diacritic characters in the folder name, need to translate them?
        release_list = None
            release_list = mb.getReleaseGroup(albumid)
        except Exception, e:
            logger.error('Unable to get release information for manual album with rgid: %s. Error: %s' % (albumid, e))
        if not release_list:
            logger.error('Unable to get release information for manual album with rgid: %s' % albumid)

        # Since we're just using this to create the bare minimum information to insert an artist/album combo, use the first release
        releaseid = release_list[0]['id']

        release_dict = mb.getRelease(releaseid)
        if not release_dict:
            logger.error('Unable to get release information for manual album with rgid: %s. Cannot continue' % albumid)

        logger.info(u"Now adding/updating artist: " + release_dict['artist_name'])
        if release_dict['artist_name'].startswith('The '):
            sortname = release_dict['artist_name'][4:]
            sortname = release_dict['artist_name']
        controlValueDict = {"ArtistID":     release_dict['artist_id']}
        newValueDict = {"ArtistName":       release_dict['artist_name'],
                        "ArtistSortName":   sortname,
                        "DateAdded":        helpers.today(),
                        "Status":           "Paused"}
        logger.info("ArtistID: " + release_dict['artist_id'] + " , ArtistName: " + release_dict['artist_name'])

        if headphones.INCLUDE_EXTRAS:
            newValueDict['IncludeExtras'] = 1
            newValueDict['Extras'] = headphones.EXTRAS
        myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        logger.info(u"Now adding album: " + release_dict['title'])
        controlValueDict = {"AlbumID":  albumid}
        newValueDict = {"ArtistID":         release_dict['artist_id'],
                        "ArtistName":       release_dict['artist_name'],
                        "AlbumTitle":       release_dict['title'],
                        "AlbumASIN":        release_dict['asin'],
                        "ReleaseDate":      release_dict['date'],
                        "DateAdded":        helpers.today(),
                        "Type":             release_dict['rg_type'],
                        "Status":           "Snatched"

        myDB.upsert("albums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        # Delete existing tracks associated with this AlbumID since we're going to replace them and don't want any extras
        myDB.action('DELETE from tracks WHERE AlbumID=?', [albumid])
        for track in release_dict['tracks']:
            controlValueDict = {"TrackID":  track['id'],
                                "AlbumID":  albumid}
            newValueDict = {"ArtistID":     release_dict['artist_id'],
                        "ArtistName":       release_dict['artist_name'],
                        "AlbumTitle":       release_dict['title'],
                        "AlbumASIN":        release_dict['asin'],
                        "TrackTitle":       track['title'],
                        "TrackDuration":    track['duration'],
                        "TrackNumber":      track['number']
            myDB.upsert("tracks", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        controlValueDict = {"ArtistID":     release_dict['artist_id']}
        newValueDict = {"Status":           "Paused"}
        myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        logger.info(u"Addition complete for: " + release_dict['title'] + " - " + release_dict['artist_name'])

        release = myDB.action('SELECT * from albums WHERE AlbumID=?', [albumid]).fetchone()
        tracks = myDB.select('SELECT * from tracks WHERE AlbumID=?', [albumid])
Пример #6
def addArtisttoDB(artistid):

	if artistid == various_artists_mbid:
		logger.warn('Cannot import Various Artists.')
	myDB = db.DBConnection()
	artistlist = myDB.select('SELECT ArtistID, ArtistName from artists WHERE ArtistID=?', [artistid])
	if any(artistid in x for x in artistlist):
		logger.info(artistlist[0][1] + u" is already in the database, skipping")
	artist = mb.getArtist(artistid)
	if artist['artist_name'].startswith('The '):
		sortname = artist['artist_name'][4:]
		sortname = artist['artist_name']

	controlValueDict = {"ArtistID": 	artistid}
	newValueDict = {"ArtistName": 		artist['artist_name'],
					"ArtistSortName": 	sortname,
					"DateAdded": 		helpers.today(),
					"Status": 			"Loading"}
	myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

	for rg in artist['releasegroups']:
		rgid = rg['id']
			releaseid = mb.getReleaseGroup(rgid)
		except Exception, e:
			logger.info('Unable to get release information for %s - it may not be a valid release group' % rg['title'])
		release = mb.getRelease(releaseid)
		logger.info(u"Now adding album: " + release['title']+ " to the database")
		controlValueDict = {"AlbumID": 	release['id']}
		newValueDict = {"ArtistID":			artistid,
						"ArtistName": 		artist['artist_name'],
						"AlbumTitle":		rg['title'],
						"AlbumASIN":		release['asin'],
						"ReleaseDate":		release['date'],
						"DateAdded":		helpers.today(),
						"Status":			"Skipped"
		myDB.upsert("albums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

		latestrelease = myDB.select("SELECT ReleaseDate, DateAdded from albums WHERE AlbumID=?", [release['id']])		
		if latestrelease[0][0] > latestrelease[0][1]:
			logger.info(release['title'] + u" is an upcoming album. Setting its status to 'Wanted'...")
			controlValueDict = {"AlbumID": 	release['id']}
			newValueDict = {"Status":	"Wanted"}
			myDB.upsert("albums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
		for track in release['tracks']:
			myDB.action('INSERT INTO tracks VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', [artistid, artist['artist_name'], rg['title'], release['asin'], release['id'], track['title'], track['duration'], track['id']])
Пример #7
def addArtisttoDB(artistid, extrasonly=False):
    # Putting this here to get around the circular import. We're using this to update thumbnails for artist/albums
    from headphones import cache
    # Can't add various artists - throws an error from MB
    if artistid == various_artists_mbid:
        logger.warn('Cannot import Various Artists.')
    myDB = db.DBConnection()
    # Delete from blacklist if it's on there
    myDB.action('DELETE from blacklist WHERE ArtistID=?', [artistid])

    # We need the current minimal info in the database instantly
    # so we don't throw a 500 error when we redirect to the artistPage

    controlValueDict = {"ArtistID":     artistid}

    # Don't replace a known artist name with an "Artist ID" placeholder

    dbartist = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM artists WHERE ArtistID=?', [artistid]).fetchone()
    if dbartist is None:
        newValueDict = {"ArtistName":   "Artist ID: %s" % (artistid),
                "Status":   "Loading"}
        newValueDict = {"Status":   "Loading"}

    myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
    artist = mb.getArtist(artistid, extrasonly)
    if not artist:
        logger.warn("Error fetching artist info. ID: " + artistid)
        if dbartist is None:
            newValueDict = {"ArtistName":   "Fetch failed, try refreshing. (%s)" % (artistid),
                    "Status":   "Active"}
            newValueDict = {"Status":   "Active"}
        myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
    if artist['artist_name'].startswith('The '):
        sortname = artist['artist_name'][4:]
        sortname = artist['artist_name']

    logger.info(u"Now adding/updating: " + artist['artist_name'])
    controlValueDict = {"ArtistID":     artistid}
    newValueDict = {"ArtistName":       artist['artist_name'],
                    "ArtistSortName":   sortname,
                    "DateAdded":        helpers.today(),
                    "Status":           "Loading"}
    if headphones.INCLUDE_EXTRAS:
        newValueDict['IncludeExtras'] = 1
    myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    for rg in artist['releasegroups']:
        rgid = rg['id']
        # check if the album already exists
        rg_exists = myDB.select("SELECT * from albums WHERE AlbumID=?", [rg['id']])
            release_dict = mb.getReleaseGroup(rgid)
        except Exception, e:
            logger.info('Unable to get release information for %s - there may not be any official releases in this release group' % rg['title'])
        if not release_dict:
        logger.info(u"Now adding/updating album: " + rg['title'])

        controlValueDict = {"AlbumID":  rg['id']}

        newValueDict = {"ArtistID":         artistid,
                        "ArtistName":       artist['artist_name'],
                        "AlbumTitle":       rg['title'],
                        "AlbumASIN":        release_dict['asin'],
                        "ReleaseDate":      release_dict['releasedate'],
                        "Type":             rg['type']
        # Only change the status & add DateAdded if the album is not already in the database
        if not len(rg_exists):

            newValueDict['DateAdded']= helpers.today()
            if headphones.AUTOWANT_ALL:
                newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
            elif release_dict['releasedate'] > helpers.today() and headphones.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING:
                newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
                newValueDict['Status'] = "Skipped"
        myDB.upsert("albums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

        for track in release_dict['tracks']:
            cleanname = helpers.cleanName(artist['artist_name'] + ' ' + rg['title'] + ' ' + track['title'])
            controlValueDict = {"TrackID":  track['id'],
                                "AlbumID":  rg['id']}

            newValueDict = {"ArtistID":     artistid,
                        "ArtistName":       artist['artist_name'],
                        "AlbumTitle":       rg['title'],
                        "AlbumASIN":        release_dict['asin'],
                        "TrackTitle":       track['title'],
                        "TrackDuration":    track['duration'],
                        "TrackNumber":      track['number'],
                        "CleanName":        cleanname
            match = myDB.action('SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE CleanName=?', [cleanname]).fetchone()
            if not match:
                match = myDB.action('SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE ArtistName LIKE ? AND AlbumTitle LIKE ? AND TrackTitle LIKE ?', [artist['artist_name'], rg['title'], track['title']]).fetchone()
            if not match:
                match = myDB.action('SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE TrackID=?', [track['id']]).fetchone()         
            if match:
                newValueDict['Location'] = match['Location']
                newValueDict['BitRate'] = match['BitRate']
                newValueDict['Format'] = match['Format']
                myDB.action('DELETE from have WHERE Location=?', [match['Location']])
            myDB.upsert("tracks", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
        logger.debug(u"Updating album cache for " + rg['title'])
Пример #8
def addArtisttoDB(artistid, extrasonly=False):

    # Can't add various artists - throws an error from MB
    if artistid == various_artists_mbid:
        logger.warn("Cannot import Various Artists.")

    myDB = db.DBConnection()

    artist = mb.getArtist(artistid, extrasonly)

    if not artist:

    if artist["artist_name"].startswith("The "):
        sortname = artist["artist_name"][4:]
        sortname = artist["artist_name"]

    logger.info(u"Now adding/updating: " + artist["artist_name"])
    controlValueDict = {"ArtistID": artistid}
    newValueDict = {
        "ArtistName": artist["artist_name"],
        "ArtistSortName": sortname,
        "DateAdded": helpers.today(),
        "Status": "Loading",

    if headphones.INCLUDE_EXTRAS:
        newValueDict["IncludeExtras"] = 1

    myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    for rg in artist["releasegroups"]:

        rgid = rg["id"]

        # check if the album already exists
        rg_exists = myDB.select("SELECT * from albums WHERE AlbumID=?", [rg["id"]])

            release_dict = mb.getReleaseGroup(rgid)
        except Exception, e:
                "Unable to get release information for %s - there may not be any official releases in this release group"
                % rg["title"]

        if not release_dict:

        logger.info(u"Now adding/updating album: " + rg["title"])
        controlValueDict = {"AlbumID": rg["id"]}

        if len(rg_exists):

            newValueDict = {"AlbumASIN": release_dict["asin"], "ReleaseDate": release_dict["releasedate"]}


            newValueDict = {
                "ArtistID": artistid,
                "ArtistName": artist["artist_name"],
                "AlbumTitle": rg["title"],
                "AlbumASIN": release_dict["asin"],
                "ReleaseDate": release_dict["releasedate"],
                "DateAdded": helpers.today(),
                "Type": rg["type"],

            if release_dict["releasedate"] > helpers.today():
                newValueDict["Status"] = "Wanted"
                newValueDict["Status"] = "Skipped"

            if rg["type"] == "Album" and headphones.AUTOWANT_ALBUM:
                newValueDict["Status"] = "Wanted"
            if rg["type"] == "Compilation" and headphones.AUTOWANT_COMPILATION:
                newValueDict["Status"] = "Wanted"
            if rg["type"] == "EP" and headphones.AUTOWANT_EP:
                newValueDict["Status"] = "Wanted"
            if rg["type"] == "Remix" and headphones.AUTOWANT_REMIX:
                newValueDict["Status"] = "Wanted"
            if rg["type"] == "Single" and headphones.AUTOWANT_SINGLE:
                newValueDict["Status"] = "Wanted"
            if rg["type"] == "Live" and headphones.AUTOWANT_LIVE:
                newValueDict["Status"] = "Wanted"
            if rg["type"] == "Soundtrack" and headphones.AUTOWANT_SOUNDTRACK:
                newValueDict["Status"] = "Wanted"

        myDB.upsert("albums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

            lastfm.getAlbumDescription(rg["id"], artist["artist_name"], rg["title"])
        except Exception, e:
            logger.error("Attempt to retrieve album description from Last.fm failed: %s" % e)
Пример #9
def addArtisttoDB(artistid, extrasonly=False):

    # Can't add various artists - throws an error from MB
    if artistid == various_artists_mbid:
        logger.warn('Cannot import Various Artists.')

    myDB = db.DBConnection()

    # We need the current minimal info in the database instantly
    # so we don't throw a 500 error when we redirect to the artistPage

    controlValueDict = {"ArtistID": artistid}

    # Don't replace a known artist name with an "Artist ID" placeholder

    dbartist = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM artists WHERE ArtistID=?',
    if dbartist is None:
        newValueDict = {
            "ArtistName": "Artist ID: %s" % (artistid),
            "Status": "Loading"
        newValueDict = {"Status": "Loading"}

    myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    artist = mb.getArtist(artistid, extrasonly)

    if not artist:
        logger.warn("Error fetching artist info. ID: " + artistid)
        if dbartist is None:
            newValueDict = {
                "Fetch failed, try refreshing. (%s)" % (artistid),
                "Status": "Active"
            newValueDict = {"Status": "Active"}
        myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    if artist['artist_name'].startswith('The '):
        sortname = artist['artist_name'][4:]
        sortname = artist['artist_name']

    logger.info(u"Now adding/updating: " + artist['artist_name'])
    controlValueDict = {"ArtistID": artistid}
    newValueDict = {
        "ArtistName": artist['artist_name'],
        "ArtistSortName": sortname,
        "DateAdded": helpers.today(),
        "Status": "Loading"

    if headphones.INCLUDE_EXTRAS:
        newValueDict['IncludeExtras'] = 1

    myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    for rg in artist['releasegroups']:

        rgid = rg['id']

        # check if the album already exists
        rg_exists = myDB.select("SELECT * from albums WHERE AlbumID=?",

            release_dict = mb.getReleaseGroup(rgid)
        except Exception, e:
                'Unable to get release information for %s - there may not be any official releases in this release group'
                % rg['title'])

        if not release_dict:

        logger.info(u"Now adding/updating album: " + rg['title'])
        controlValueDict = {"AlbumID": rg['id']}

        if len(rg_exists):

            newValueDict = {
                "AlbumASIN": release_dict['asin'],
                "ReleaseDate": release_dict['releasedate'],


            newValueDict = {
                "ArtistID": artistid,
                "ArtistName": artist['artist_name'],
                "AlbumTitle": rg['title'],
                "AlbumASIN": release_dict['asin'],
                "ReleaseDate": release_dict['releasedate'],
                "DateAdded": helpers.today(),
                "Type": rg['type']

            if headphones.AUTOWANT_ALL:
                newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
            elif release_dict['releasedate'] > helpers.today(
            ) and headphones.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING:
                newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
                newValueDict['Status'] = "Skipped"

        myDB.upsert("albums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

            lastfm.getAlbumDescription(rg['id'], artist['artist_name'],
        except Exception, e:
                'Attempt to retrieve album description from Last.fm failed: %s'
                % e)
Пример #10
def addArtisttoDB(artistid, extrasonly=False):
	# Can't add various artists - throws an error from MB
	if artistid == various_artists_mbid:
		logger.warn('Cannot import Various Artists.')
	myDB = db.DBConnection()
	artist = mb.getArtist(artistid, extrasonly)
	if not artist:
	if artist['artist_name'].startswith('The '):
		sortname = artist['artist_name'][4:]
		sortname = artist['artist_name']

	logger.info(u"Now adding/updating: " + artist['artist_name'])
	controlValueDict = {"ArtistID": 	artistid}
	newValueDict = {"ArtistName": 		artist['artist_name'],
					"ArtistSortName": 	sortname,
					"DateAdded": 		helpers.today(),
					"Status": 			"Loading"}
	if headphones.INCLUDE_EXTRAS:
		newValueDict['IncludeExtras'] = 1
	myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

	for rg in artist['releasegroups']:
		rgid = rg['id']
		# check if the album already exists
		rg_exists = myDB.select("SELECT * from albums WHERE AlbumID=?", [rg['id']])
			release_dict = mb.getReleaseGroup(rgid)
		except Exception, e:
			logger.info('Unable to get release information for %s - it may not be a valid release group (or it might just not be tagged right in MusicBrainz)' % rg['title'])
		if not release_dict:
		logger.info(u"Now adding/updating album: " + rg['title'])
		controlValueDict = {"AlbumID": 	rg['id']}
		if len(rg_exists):
			newValueDict = {"AlbumASIN":		release_dict['asin'],
							"ReleaseDate":		release_dict['releasedate'],
			newValueDict = {"ArtistID":			artistid,
							"ArtistName": 		artist['artist_name'],
							"AlbumTitle":		rg['title'],
							"AlbumASIN":		release_dict['asin'],
							"ReleaseDate":		release_dict['releasedate'],
							"DateAdded":		helpers.today(),
							"Type":				rg['type']
			if release_dict['releasedate'] > helpers.today():
				newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
				newValueDict['Status'] = "Skipped"
		myDB.upsert("albums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
		# I changed the albumid from releaseid -> rgid, so might need to delete albums that have a releaseid
		for release in release_dict['releaselist']:
			myDB.action('DELETE from albums WHERE AlbumID=?', [release['releaseid']])
			myDB.action('DELETE from tracks WHERE AlbumID=?', [release['releaseid']])
		myDB.action('DELETE from tracks WHERE AlbumID=?', [rg['id']])
		for track in release_dict['tracks']:
			controlValueDict = {"TrackID": 	track['id'],
								"AlbumID":	rg['id']}
			newValueDict = {"ArtistID":		artistid,
						"ArtistName": 		artist['artist_name'],
						"AlbumTitle":		rg['title'],
						"AlbumASIN":		release_dict['asin'],
						"TrackTitle":		track['title'],
						"TrackDuration":	track['duration'],
						"TrackNumber":		track['number']
			myDB.upsert("tracks", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
Пример #11
def addArtisttoDB(artistid, extrasonly=False):

    # Putting this here to get around the circular import. We're using this to update thumbnails for artist/albums
    from headphones import cache

    # Can't add various artists - throws an error from MB
    if artistid == various_artists_mbid:
        logger.warn('Cannot import Various Artists.')

    # We'll use this to see if we should update the 'LastUpdated' time stamp
    errors = False

    myDB = db.DBConnection()

    # Delete from blacklist if it's on there
    myDB.action('DELETE from blacklist WHERE ArtistID=?', [artistid])

    # We need the current minimal info in the database instantly
    # so we don't throw a 500 error when we redirect to the artistPage

    controlValueDict = {"ArtistID": artistid}

    # Don't replace a known artist name with an "Artist ID" placeholder

    dbartist = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM artists WHERE ArtistID=?',

    # Only modify the Include Extras stuff if it's a new artist. We need it early so we know what to fetch
    if not dbartist:
        newValueDict = {
            "ArtistName": "Artist ID: %s" % (artistid),
            "Status": "Loading",
            "IncludeExtras": headphones.INCLUDE_EXTRAS,
            "Extras": headphones.EXTRAS
        newValueDict = {"Status": "Loading"}

    myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    artist = mb.getArtist(artistid, extrasonly)

    if not artist:
        logger.warn("Error fetching artist info. ID: " + artistid)
        if dbartist is None:
            newValueDict = {
                "Fetch failed, try refreshing. (%s)" % (artistid),
                "Status": "Active"
            newValueDict = {"Status": "Active"}
        myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    if artist['artist_name'].startswith('The '):
        sortname = artist['artist_name'][4:]
        sortname = artist['artist_name']

    logger.info(u"Now adding/updating: " + artist['artist_name'])
    controlValueDict = {"ArtistID": artistid}
    newValueDict = {
        "ArtistName": artist['artist_name'],
        "ArtistSortName": sortname,
        "DateAdded": helpers.today(),
        "Status": "Loading"

    myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    for rg in artist['releasegroups']:

        logger.info("Now adding/updating: " + rg['title'])

        rgid = rg['id']

        # check if the album already exists
        rg_exists = myDB.action("SELECT * from albums WHERE AlbumID=?",

            releaselist = mb.getReleaseGroup(rgid)
        except Exception, e:
                'Unable to get release information for %s - there may not be any official releases in this release group'
                % rg['title'])

        if not releaselist:
            errors = True

        # This will be used later to build a hybrid release
        fullreleaselist = []

        for release in releaselist:
            # What we're doing here now is first updating the allalbums & alltracks table to the most
            # current info, then moving the appropriate release into the album table and its associated
            # tracks into the tracks table

            releaseid = release['id']

                releasedict = mb.getRelease(releaseid,
            except Exception, e:
                errors = True
                logger.info('Unable to get release information for %s: %s' %
                            (release['id'], e))

            if not releasedict:
                errors = True

            controlValueDict = {"ReleaseID": release['id']}

            newValueDict = {
                "ArtistID": artistid,
                "ArtistName": artist['artist_name'],
                "AlbumTitle": rg['title'],
                "AlbumID": rg['id'],
                "AlbumASIN": releasedict['asin'],
                "ReleaseDate": releasedict['date'],
                "Type": rg['type'],
                "ReleaseCountry": releasedict['country'],
                "ReleaseFormat": releasedict['format']

            myDB.upsert("allalbums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

            # Build the dictionary for the fullreleaselist
            newValueDict['ReleaseID'] = release['id']
            newValueDict['Tracks'] = releasedict['tracks']

            for track in releasedict['tracks']:

                cleanname = helpers.cleanName(artist['artist_name'] + ' ' +
                                              rg['title'] + ' ' +

                controlValueDict = {
                    "TrackID": track['id'],
                    "ReleaseID": release['id']

                newValueDict = {
                    "ArtistID": artistid,
                    "ArtistName": artist['artist_name'],
                    "AlbumTitle": rg['title'],
                    "AlbumASIN": releasedict['asin'],
                    "AlbumID": rg['id'],
                    "TrackTitle": track['title'],
                    "TrackDuration": track['duration'],
                    "TrackNumber": track['number'],
                    "CleanName": cleanname

                match = myDB.action(
                    'SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE CleanName=?',

                if not match:
                    match = myDB.action(
                        'SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE ArtistName LIKE ? AND AlbumTitle LIKE ? AND TrackTitle LIKE ?',
                        [artist['artist_name'], rg['title'], track['title']
                if not match:
                    match = myDB.action(
                        'SELECT Location, BitRate, Format from have WHERE TrackID=?',
                if match:
                    newValueDict['Location'] = match['Location']
                    newValueDict['BitRate'] = match['BitRate']
                    newValueDict['Format'] = match['Format']
                        'UPDATE have SET Matched="True" WHERE Location=?',

                myDB.upsert("alltracks", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
Пример #12
def addArtisttoDB(artistid, extrasonly=False):

    # Can't add various artists - throws an error from MB
    if artistid == various_artists_mbid:
        logger.warn('Cannot import Various Artists.')

    myDB = db.DBConnection()

    artist = mb.getArtist(artistid, extrasonly)

    if not artist:

    if artist['artist_name'].startswith('The '):
        sortname = artist['artist_name'][4:]
        sortname = artist['artist_name']

    logger.info(u"Now adding/updating: " + artist['artist_name'])
    controlValueDict = {"ArtistID": artistid}
    newValueDict = {
        "ArtistName": artist['artist_name'],
        "ArtistSortName": sortname,
        "DateAdded": helpers.today(),
        "Status": "Loading"

    if headphones.INCLUDE_EXTRAS:
        newValueDict['IncludeExtras'] = 1

    myDB.upsert("artists", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

    for rg in artist['releasegroups']:

        rgid = rg['id']

        # check if the album already exists
        rg_exists = myDB.select("SELECT * from albums WHERE AlbumID=?",

            release_dict = mb.getReleaseGroup(rgid)
        except Exception, e:
                'Unable to get release information for %s - there may not be any official releases in this release group'
                % rg['title'])

        if not release_dict:

        logger.info(u"Now adding/updating album: " + rg['title'])
        controlValueDict = {"AlbumID": rg['id']}

        if len(rg_exists):

            newValueDict = {
                "AlbumASIN": release_dict['asin'],
                "ReleaseDate": release_dict['releasedate'],


            newValueDict = {
                "ArtistID": artistid,
                "ArtistName": artist['artist_name'],
                "AlbumTitle": rg['title'],
                "AlbumASIN": release_dict['asin'],
                "ReleaseDate": release_dict['releasedate'],
                "DateAdded": helpers.today(),
                "Type": rg['type']

            if release_dict['releasedate'] > helpers.today():
                newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
                newValueDict['Status'] = "Skipped"

        myDB.upsert("albums", newValueDict, controlValueDict)

            lastfm.getAlbumDescription(rg['id'], artist['artist_name'],
        except Exception, e:
                'Attempt to retrieve album description from Last.fm failed: %s'
                % e)