def convolve_healpix(input_map, func=None, sigma=None, thetamax=10 ): """ Convolve a HEALPix map with a function, or Gaussian input_map : array of float a HEALPix array, RING indexing, nside a power of 2 func : The function of an integer el | None returns the amplitude for spherical harmonic el example: for a Gaussian with sigma in radians: lambda el : np.exp(-0.5 * (el * (el + 1)) * sigma**2) sigma : None | float (deg) If not None, use gaussian for func Returns: the convolved map """ import healpy nside = int(np.sqrt(len(input_map)/12)) assert 12*nside**2 == len(input_map),'Bad length: expect power of 2' if func is None: assert sigma is not None, 'If no func, must specify sigma' func= lambda el : np.exp(-0.5 * (el * (el + 1)) * np.radians(sigma)**2) else: assert func(thetamax)/func(0) <1e-3 alm = healpy.map2alm(input_map); lmax = healpy.Alm.getlmax(len(alm)) if lmax < 0: raise TypeError('Wrong alm size for the given ' 'mmax (len(alms[%d]) = %d).'%(ialm, len(alm))) ell = np.arange(lmax + 1.) fact = np.array([func(x) for x in ell]) healpy.almxfl(alm, fact, inplace=True) return healpy.alm2map(alm, nside=nside, verbose=False)
def run_MCMC_new(which_par,niter,save_title, renorm_var): """ Functions that runs the MCMC for a given set of parameters Keyword Arguments: which_par -- a list of indices, corresponding to the order defined above, exemple [0,2] means ombh2,tau if order is [ombh2,omch2,tau,As,ns,H0] niter -- number of iterations in MCMC renorm_var -- factor multipling the variance, to play around for better acceptance rate. """ cov_new_temp = cov_new[which_par,:][:,which_par] * renorm_var string_temp = strings[which_par] titles_temp = titles[which_par] x_mean_temp = x_mean[which_par] priors_central_temp = priors_central[which_par] priors_invvar_temp = priors_invvar[which_par] print titles_temp # generate first guess parameters guess_param = PS2P.prop_dist_form_params(x_mean_temp,cov_new_temp) print "initial guess = ", guess_param # generate first fluctuation map dd2 = cb.update_dic(dd,guess_param,string_temp) cl = cb.generate_spectrum(dd2)[:,1] cl[:2] = 1.e-35 renorm = CG.renorm_term(cl,bl,nl) fluc = hp.almxfl(CG.generate_w1term(cl[:lmax+1],bl[:lmax+1],nl[:lmax+1]) + CG.generate_w0term(cl[:lmax+1]),renorm) mf = hp.almxfl(CG.generate_mfterm(dlm,cl[:lmax+1],bl[:lmax+1],nl[:lmax+1]),renorm) # the core of the MCMC testss = np.array(MH.MCMC_log_Jeff_new(guess_param, JJi.target_new,PS2P.prop_dist_form_params, PS2P.prop_func_form_params,niter,PS2P.Gaussian_priors_func,[[dlm,string_temp,dd,nl[:lmax+1],bl[:lmax+1]],[cl[:lmax+1],fluc,mf]],[x_mean_temp*0,np.matrix(cov_new_temp)],[priors_central_temp,priors_invvar_temp]))"chain_%s_%s_%d_%d.npy"%(save_title,str(which_par).replace(',','').replace('[','').replace(']','').replace(' ',''),np.random.randint(0,100000),niter),testss) return testss
def _icov_diag(self, alm, lens_power=False): ''' Return (in-place) inverse covariance weighted version if input. Assuming that covariance is diagonal in multipole. Parameters ---------- alm : (npol, nelem) array Healpix-ordered alm array to be inverse weighted. Order: T, E. lens_power : bool, optional Include lensing power in invserse covariance. Returns ------- c_inv_a : (npol, nelem) complex array Inverse covariance weighted input array. Raises ------ ValueError If shape input alm does not match npol or exceeds lmax. ''' if alm.ndim == 1: input_1d = True alm = np.atleast_2d(alm) else: input_1d = False if alm.shape[0] != self.npol: raise ValueError( 'Shape alm: {} does not match with length of pol: {}.' .format(alm.shape, self.npol)) lmax_alm = hp.Alm.getlmax(alm.shape[-1]) if lmax_alm > self.lmax: raise ValueError('lmax alm exceeds lmax icov ({} > {})'. format(lmax_alm, self.lmax)) if lens_power: icov = self.icov_ell_lensed else: icov = self.icov_ell_nonlensed if self.pol == ('T', 'E'): # Would be nice get rid of this copy with C or cython. tmp = alm.copy() hp.almxfl(tmp[0], icov[2,:lmax_alm+1], inplace=True) hp.almxfl(tmp[1], icov[2,:lmax_alm+1], inplace=True) hp.almxfl(alm[0], icov[0,:lmax_alm+1], inplace=True) hp.almxfl(alm[1], icov[1,:lmax_alm+1], inplace=True) alm[1] += tmp[0] alm[0] += tmp[1] else: hp.almxfl(alm[0], icov[0,:lmax_alm+1], inplace=True) if input_1d: return alm[0] else: return alm
def _get_alms(data, beams=None, lmax=None, weights=None, iter=3): alms = [] for f, fdata in enumerate(data): if weights is None: alms.append(hp.map2alm(fdata, lmax=lmax, iter=iter)) else: alms.append( hp.map2alm( * weights, lmax=lmax, iter=iter))"{f+1} of {len(data)} complete") alms = np.array(alms) if beams is not None:'Correcting alms for the beams') for fwhm, alm in zip(beams, alms): bl = hp.gauss_beam(np.radians(fwhm / 60.0), lmax, pol=(alm.ndim == 2)) if alm.ndim == 1: alm = [alm] bl = [bl] for i_alm, i_bl in zip(alm, bl.T): hp.almxfl(i_alm, 1.0 / i_bl, inplace=True) return alms
def calc_prep(m, s_cls, n_inv_filt): """Missing doc.""" kmap = np.copy(m) n_inv_filt.apply_map(kmap) alm = map2alm(kmap, lmax=len(n_inv_filt.b_transf) - 1, iter=0) hp.almxfl(alm, n_inv_filt.b_transf * (len(m) / (4. * np.pi)), inplace=True) return alm
def get_gpmap(self, idx, spin, k=None, xfilt=None): """ \sum_{lm} (Elm +- iBlm) sqrt(l+2 (l-1)) _1 Ylm(n). sqrt(l-2 (l+3)) _3 Ylm(n). Output is list with real and imaginary part of the spin 1 or 3 transforms. """ assert spin in [1, 3] assert xfilt is None, 'not implemented' Glm = self.ivfs.get_sim_emliklm(idx) Clm = self.ivfs.get_sim_bmliklm(idx) assert Glm.size == Clm.size, (Clm.size, Clm.size) lmax = hp.Alm.getlmax(Glm.size) if spin == 1: fl = np.arange(2, lmax + 3, dtype=float) * (np.arange(-1, lmax)) elif spin == 3: fl = np.arange(-2, lmax - 1, dtype=float) * (np.arange( 3, lmax + 4)) else: assert 0 fl[:spin] *= 0. fl = np.sqrt(fl) hp.almxfl(Glm, fl, inplace=True) hp.almxfl(Clm, fl, inplace=True) return hp.alm2map_spin([Glm, Clm], self.nside, spin, lmax)
def test_t(): lmax = 200 nside = 256 cls_unl = np.ones(lmax + 1, dtype=float) tunl = hp.synalm(cls_unl, new=True) dlm = np.zeros_like(tunl) hp.almxfl(dlm, np.sqrt( np.arange(lmax + 1) * np.arange(1, lmax + 2, dtype=float)), inplace=True) T = hp.alm2map(tunl, nside) T1 = lensing.alm2lenmap(tunl, [dlm, None], nside, verbose=True, nband=8, facres=-2) assert np.max(np.abs(T - T1)) / np.std(T) < 1e-5 d1Re, d1Im = hp.alm2map_spin([dlm, np.zeros_like(dlm)], nside, 1, lmax) T2 = lensing.alm2lenmap(tunl, [d1Re, d1Im], nside, verbose=True, nband=8, facres=-2) assert np.max(np.abs(T - T2)) / np.std(T) < 1e-5 T3 = lensing.alm2lenmap(tunl, [dlm, dlm.copy()], nside, verbose=True, nband=8, facres=-2) assert np.all(T2 == T3)
def draw_realization(self, synalm_lmax=None, seeds=None): if seeds is None: seeds = (None, None) if synalm_lmax is None: synalm_lmax = min(16384, 3 * self.nside - 1) np.random.seed(seeds[0]) alm_small_scale = hp.synalm( list(self.small_scale_cl.value) + [np.zeros_like(self.small_scale_cl[0])] * 3, lmax=synalm_lmax, new=True, ) alm_small_scale = [ hp.almxfl(each, np.ones(min(synalm_lmax, 3 * self.nside - 1))) for each in alm_small_scale ] map_small_scale = hp.alm2map(alm_small_scale, nside=self.nside) # need later for beta modulate_map_I = hp.alm2map(self.modulate_alm[0].value, self.nside) map_small_scale[0] *= modulate_map_I map_small_scale[1:] *= hp.alm2map(self.modulate_alm[1].value, self.nside) map_small_scale += hp.alm2map( self.template_largescale_alm.value, nside=self.nside, ) output_IQU = (utils.log_pol_tens_to_map(map_small_scale) * self.template_largescale_alm.unit) np.random.seed(seeds[1]) output_unit = np.sqrt(1 * self.small_scale_cl_pl_index.unit).unit alm_small_scale = hp.synalm( self.small_scale_cl_pl_index.value, lmax=synalm_lmax, new=True, ) alm_small_scale = hp.almxfl( alm_small_scale, np.ones(min(3 * self.nside - 1, synalm_lmax + 1))) pl_index = hp.alm2map(alm_small_scale, nside=self.nside) * output_unit pl_index *= modulate_map_I pl_index += (hp.alm2map( self.largescale_alm_pl_index.value, nside=self.nside, ) * output_unit) pl_index -= 3.1 * u.dimensionless_unscaled # Fixed values for comparison with s4 # pl_index = -3.1 * u.dimensionless_unscaled return (output_IQU[0], output_IQU[1], output_IQU[2], pl_index)
def Step_MC(guess, *arg): """ Keyword Arguments: x -- the vector of params *args are: arg[0] -- a target class object arg[1] -- Cl_old, fluc_lm_old """ ##print guess, arg dlm,strings,params,nl,bl = arg[0] Cl_old, fluc_lm_GS,mf_old = arg[1] dd = cb.update_dic(params,guess,strings) #generate new spectrum from new params lmax = len(Cl_old) Cl_new = cb.generate_spectrum(dd)[:lmax,1] # avoid dividing by 0 Cl_new[:2] = 1.e-35 #print "new = ",Cl_new[50] #print "old = ",Cl_old[50] # renormalization, i.e. lhs part of eq (24) and (25) renorm = CG.renorm_term(Cl_new,bl,nl) # generate mean field map using new PS mf_lm_new = hp.almxfl(CG.generate_mfterm(dlm,Cl_new,bl,nl),renorm) # get deterministic fluctuation map (new rescaling with noise) fluc_lm_determ = hp.almxfl(fluc_lm_GS,np.sqrt((1./Cl_old))/np.sqrt((1./Cl_new))) # get GS fluctuation map "for next iteration" fluc_lm_GS_next = hp.almxfl(CG.generate_w1term(Cl_new,bl,nl)+CG.generate_w0term(Cl_new),renorm) # Chi2 part of the likelihood return fluc_lm_determ,mf_lm_new, fluc_lm_GS_next, Cl_new
def test_fluctuation_term(guess, *arg): """ Keyword Arguments: x -- the vector of params *args are: arg[0] -- a target class object arg[1] -- Cl_old, fluc_lm_old """ ##print guess, arg dlm,strings,params,nl,bl = arg[0] Cl_old, fluc_lm_old = arg[1] dd = cb.update_dic(params,guess,strings) #generate new spectrum from new params lmax = len(Cl_old) Cl_new = cb.generate_spectrum(dd)[:lmax,1] # avoid dividing by 0 Cl_new[:2] = 1.e-35 #print "new = ",Cl_new[50] #print "old = ",Cl_old[50] # renormalization, i.e. lhs part of eq (24) and (25) renorm = CG.renorm_term(Cl_new,bl,nl) # generate fluctuation map using new PS, this is actually the 'step 2', with acceptance 1, won't be used anymore in this function fluc_lm_type2 = hp.almxfl(CG.generate_w1term(Cl_new,bl,nl)+CG.generate_w0term(Cl_new),renorm) #print "new = ",fluc_lm_type2[50] #print "old = ",fluc_lm_old[50] # get deterministic fluctuation map (new rescaling with noise) fluc_lm_determ = hp.almxfl(fluc_lm_old,np.sqrt((1./Cl_old+bl**2/nl))/np.sqrt((1./Cl_new+bl**2/nl))) # "fluctuation part" of the likelihood tt3 = -1/2. *np.real(np.vdot((fluc_lm_determ).T,hp.almxfl((fluc_lm_determ),1/nl*bl**2))) #print tt3 # we return Cl_new and fluc_lm_type2 for next iteration. return tt3,Cl_new,fluc_lm_type2,fluc_lm_determ
def _get_sim_alm(self, idx, idf): # FIXME : triangularise this ret = hp.almxfl(self.lib_pha.get_sim(idx, idf=0), self.rmat[:, idf, 0]) for _i in range(1, len(self.fields)): ret += hp.almxfl(self.lib_pha.get_sim(idx, idf=_i), self.rmat[:, idf, _i]) return ret
def diff_fixed_like(fluc_lm_determ,fluc_lm_GS,mf_lm_new,mf_lm_old,Cl_new,Cl_old, *arg): """ Keyword Arguments: x -- the vector of params *args are: arg[0] -- a target class object arg[1] -- Cl_old, fluc_lm_old """ ##print guess, arg dlm,strings,params,nl,bl = arg[0] tt1_new = -1/2.*np.real(np.vdot(CG.complex2real_alm(dlm-hp.almxfl(mf_lm_new,bl).T),CG.complex2real_alm(hp.almxfl((dlm-hp.almxfl(mf_lm_new,bl)),1/nl)))) tt1_old = -1/2.*np.real(np.vdot(CG.complex2real_alm(dlm-hp.almxfl(mf_lm_old,bl).T),CG.complex2real_alm(hp.almxfl((dlm-hp.almxfl(mf_lm_old,bl)),1/nl)))) #print "chi**2 = ",tt1_new-tt1_old # "mean field part" of the likelihood tt2_new = -1/2. *np.real(np.vdot(CG.complex2real_alm(mf_lm_new.T),CG.complex2real_alm(hp.almxfl((mf_lm_new),1./Cl_new)))) tt2_old = -1/2. *np.real(np.vdot(CG.complex2real_alm(mf_lm_old.T),CG.complex2real_alm(hp.almxfl((mf_lm_old),1./Cl_old)))) #print "'mf like' = ",tt2_new-tt2_old # "fluctuation part" of the likelihood tt3_new = -1/2. *np.real(np.vdot(CG.complex2real_alm(fluc_lm_determ.T),CG.complex2real_alm(hp.almxfl((fluc_lm_determ),1/nl*bl**2)))) tt3_old = -1/2. *np.real(np.vdot(CG.complex2real_alm(fluc_lm_GS.T),CG.complex2real_alm(hp.almxfl((fluc_lm_GS),1/nl*bl**2)))) #print "'fluc like' = ",tt3_new-tt3_old tt_new = tt1_new + tt2_new + tt3_new tt_old = tt1_old + tt2_old + tt3_old return tt_new,tt_old
def analworker(i): print "This is analysis worker starting for map", i[1]+1, "/", nmaps alms = hp.map2alm(i[0],lmax=ellmax-1) hp.almxfl(alms,pixrecip,inplace=True) #Correcting for pixwin #TESTING '''cls = hp.alm2cl(alms) map_bandlim = hp.alm2map(alms,nside=256,pixwin=True) hp.write_map('/Users/keir/Documents/s2let_ilc_planck/planck2015_2_cmb_map_1_bandlim300.fits',map_bandlim)''' wav_maps, scal_maps = ps.analysis_lm2wav_manualtiling(alms,ellmax,ndir,spin,scal_tiles,wav_tiles.T.ravel(),scal_bandlims,wav_bandlims) del alms[i[1]],scal_maps) del scal_maps #Splitting up output wavelet maps offset = 0 for j in xrange(jmax+1): for n in xrange(ndir): bandlim = wav_bandlims[j] nelem = bandlim*(2.*bandlim-1.) wav_outfits = wav_outfits_root[i[1]] + '_' + wavparam_code + str(j) + '_n' + str(n+1) + '.npy',wav_maps[offset:offset+nelem]) offset += nelem del wav_maps return 0 #wav_maps,scal_maps #,map_bandlim,alms,cls
def _cache_eblm(self, idx): elm = self.unlcmbs.get_sim_elm(idx) blm = None if 'b' not in self.fields else self.unlcmbs.get_sim_blm(idx) dlm = self.get_sim_plm(idx) assert 'o' not in self.fields, 'not implemented' lmaxd = hp.Alm.getlmax(dlm.size) hp.almxfl(dlm, np.sqrt( np.arange(lmaxd + 1, dtype=float) * np.arange(1, lmaxd + 2)), inplace=True) Qlen, Ulen = self.lens_module.alm2lenmap_spin([elm, blm], [dlm, None], self.nside_lens, 2, nband=self.nbands, facres=self.facres, verbose=self.verbose) elm, blm = hp.map2alm_spin([Qlen, Ulen], 2, lmax=self.lmax) del Qlen, Ulen hp.write_alm(os.path.join(self.lib_dir, 'sim_%04d_elm.fits' % idx), elm) del elm hp.write_alm(os.path.join(self.lib_dir, 'sim_%04d_blm.fits' % idx), blm)
def apply_ivf(self, det, tmap, pmap): assert(self.lmax == 1000) mask_t = qcinv.util.load_map(self.mask_t) mask_p = qcinv.util.load_map(self.mask_p) bl = dmc.get_bl(self.sim_lib.year, det)[0:self.lmax+1] pxw = hp.pixwin( self.sim_lib.nside )[0:self.lmax+1] # qcinv filtering for temperature dcf = self.lib_dir + "/dense_cache_det_" + det + ".pk" # id preconditioners lmax nside im em tr cache chain_descr = [ [ 2, ["split(dense("+dcf+"), 64, diag_cl)"], 256, 128, 3, 0.0, qcinv.cd_solve.tr_cg, qcinv.cd_solve.cache_mem()], [ 1, ["split(stage(2), 256, diag_cl)"], 512, 256, 3, 0.0, qcinv.cd_solve.tr_cg, qcinv.cd_solve.cache_mem()], [ 0, ["split(stage(1), 512, diag_cl)"], 1000, 512, np.inf, 1.0e-6, qcinv.cd_solve.tr_cg, qcinv.cd_solve.cache_mem()] ] ninv = ( hp.read_map( dmc.get_fname_iqumap(self.sim_lib.year, det, self.sim_lib.forered), hdu=1, field=3 ) / dmc.sigma0[(self.sim_lib.year, self.sim_lib.forered, 'T')][det]**2 / 1e6 * mask_t ) n_inv_filt = qcinv.opfilt_tt.alm_filter_ninv( ninv, bl*pxw, marge_monopole=True, marge_dipole=True, marge_maps=[] ) chain = qcinv.multigrid.multigrid_chain( qcinv.opfilt_tt, chain_descr,, n_inv_filt ) tlm = np.zeros( qcinv.util_alm.lmax2nlm(self.lmax), dtype=np.complex ) chain.solve( tlm, tmap ) # simple filtering for polarization. elm, blm = hp.map2alm_spin( (pmap.real * mask_p, pmap.imag * mask_p), 2, lmax=self.lmax ) ftl, fel, fbl = self.get_ftebl(det) hp.almxfl( elm, fel / bl / pxw, inplace=True ) hp.almxfl( blm, fbl / bl / pxw, inplace=True ) return tlm, elm, blm
def vmaps2vmap_P(pix_vmaps, weights_e, weights_b, nside): """From individual Q and U freq pixel variance maps and weights create expected pixel variance map Args: pix_vmaps: list of pixel variance maps weights_e: weights for E-mode freq. weighting (as applied onto the noise maps) weights_b: weights for B-mode freq. weighting (as applied onto the noise maps) nside: desired output map resolution Note: the pix_vmaps in pol in this routine are expected to be ~ 1/2 (s2_Q + s2_U) See Planck 2018 gravitational lensing paper Eqs 16-17 """ assert len(pix_vmaps) == len(weights_e), (len(pix_vmaps), len(weights_e)) assert len(pix_vmaps) == len(weights_b), (len(pix_vmaps), len(weights_b)) nf, lmaxp1_e = weights_e.shape nf, lmaxp1_b = weights_b.shape lmax_out = min(2 * max(lmaxp1_e, lmaxp1_b) - 2, 3 * nside - 1) ret_lm = np.zeros(hp.Alm.getsize(lmax_out), dtype=complex) for i, (pix_vmap, wle, wlb) in enumerate_progress( list(zip(pix_vmaps, weights_e, weights_b))): m = read_map(pix_vmap) vpix = hp.nside2pixarea(hp.npix2nside(m.size), degrees=False) this_s2lm = hp.map2alm(m, iter=0, lmax=lmax_out) wl2 = 0.25 * vpix * _w2wsq(wle + wlb, 2, 2, lmax_out) wl2 += 0.25 * vpix * _w2wsq(wle - wlb, 2, -2, lmax_out) hp.almxfl(this_s2lm, wl2, inplace=True) ret_lm += this_s2lm return hp.alm2map(ret_lm, nside, verbose=False)
def convolve_healpix(input_map, func, thetamax, quiet=True, lmax_limit=None ): """ Convolve a HEALPix map with a function input_map : array of float a HEALPix array, RING indexing, nside a power of 2 func : function of theta to convolve with thetamax : float estimate of largest theta for function Returns: the convolved map """ nside = int(np.sqrt(len(input_map)/12)) assert 12*nside**2 == len(input_map),'Bad length' alm = healpy.map2alm(input_map); lmax = healpy.Alm.getlmax(len(alm)) if lmax < 0: raise TypeError('Wrong alm size for the given ' 'mmax (len(alms[%d]) = %d).'%(ialm, len(alm))) if lmax_limit is not None and lmax>lmax_limit: lmax=lmax_limit ell = np.arange(lmax + 1.) if not quiet: print 'Creating spherical harmonic content, lmax={}'.format(lmax) fact = convolution.SphericalHarmonicContent(func,lmax, thetamax, quiet=quiet)(ell) healpy.almxfl(alm, fact, inplace=True) return healpy.alm2map(alm, nside=nside, verbose=False)
def almworker(i): print "This is (map2alm & alm2map) worker starting for another map" alms_worker = hp.map2alm(i[0], lmax=ellmax - 1) hp.almxfl(alms_worker, i[1], inplace=True) #Correcting for pixwin & smoothing map_worker = hp.alm2map(alms_worker, nside_out, pixwin=True) del alms_worker return map_worker
def calc(self, alm): tmat = self.slinv relm = hp.almxfl(alm.elm, tmat[:, 0, 0], inplace=False) + hp.almxfl( alm.blm, tmat[:, 0, 1], inplace=False) rblm = hp.almxfl(alm.elm, tmat[:, 1, 0], inplace=False) + hp.almxfl( alm.blm, tmat[:, 1, 1], inplace=False) return eblm([relm, rblm])
def A_matrix_func(data): """ cf eq 25 of eriksen 2004 """ Chalf = np.sqrt(data.cl_th[: data.lmax + 1]) * data.beam[: data.lmax + 1] map2 = hp.alm2map(hp.almxfl(real2complex_alm(data.alm), Chalf), data.nside) * data.invvar alm2 = hp.almxfl(hp.map2alm(map2, data.lmax, use_weights=False) * hp.nside2npix(data.nside) / 4.0 / np.pi, Chalf) return data.alm + complex2real_alm(alm2)
def get_sim_qumap(self,idx): elm = self.sims_cmb_len.get_sim_elm(idx) hp.almxfl(elm,self.cl_ptransf,inplace=True) blm = self.sims_cmb_len.get_sim_blm(idx) hp.almxfl(blm, self.cl_ptransf, inplace=True) Q,U = hp.alm2map_spin([elm,blm], self.nside, 2,hp.Alm.getlmax(elm.size)) del elm,blm return [Q + self.get_sim_qnoise(idx),U + self.get_sim_unoise(idx)]
def get_deriv(mp) : ns=hp.npix2nside(len(mp)) l=np.arange(3*ns) alpha1i=np.sqrt(l*(l+1.)) alpha2i=np.sqrt((l-1.)*l*(l+1.)*(l+2.)) mpd1=hp.alm2map(hp.almxfl(hp.map2alm(mp),alpha1i),nside=ns,verbose=False) mpd2=hp.alm2map(hp.almxfl(hp.map2alm(mp),alpha2i),nside=ns,verbose=False) return mpd1,mpd2
def apply_alm(self, alm): """Missing doc. """ npix = len(self.n_inv) hp.almxfl(alm, self.b_transf, inplace=True) kmap = alm2map(alm, hp.npix2nside(npix), verbose=False) self.apply_map(kmap) alm[:] = map2alm(kmap, lmax=hp.Alm.getlmax(alm.size), iter=0) hp.almxfl(alm, self.b_transf * (npix / (4. * np.pi)), inplace=True)
def get_irestmap(self, idx, xfilt=None): reslm = self.ivfs.get_sim_tlm(idx) if xfilt is not None: assert isinstance(xfilt, dict) and 't' in xfilt.keys() hp.almxfl(reslm, xfilt['t'], inplace=True) return hp.alm2map(reslm, self.nside, lmax=hp.Alm.getlmax(reslm.size), verbose=False)
def get_sim_pmap(self, idx): elm = hp.almxfl(cmb_len_ffp10.get_sim_elm(idx), self.transf) blm = hp.almxfl(cmb_len_ffp10.get_sim_blm(idx), self.transf) Q, U = hp.alm2map_spin((elm, blm), self.nside, 2, hp.Alm.getlmax(elm.size)) del elm, blm nlevp_pix = self.nlevp / np.sqrt(hp.nside2pixarea(self.nside, degrees=True)) / 60. Q += self.pix_libphas.get_sim(idx, idf=1) * nlevp_pix U += self.pix_libphas.get_sim(idx, idf=2) * nlevp_pix return Q, U
def get_irespmap(self, idx, xfilt=None): reselm = self.ivfs.get_sim_elm(idx) resblm = self.ivfs.get_sim_blm(idx) assert hp.Alm.getlmax(reselm.size) == hp.Alm.getlmax(resblm.size) if xfilt is not None: assert isinstance(xfilt, dict) and 'e' in xfilt.keys() and 'b' in xfilt.keys() hp.almxfl(reselm, xfilt['e'], inplace=True) hp.almxfl(resblm, xfilt['b'], inplace=True) fac = 0.5 return hp.alm2map_spin([reselm * fac, resblm * fac], self.nside, 2, hp.Alm.getlmax(reselm.size))
def calc_prep(map, s_cls, n_inv_filt): tmap = np.copy(map) n_inv_filt.apply_map(tmap) lmax = len(n_inv_filt.b_transf) - 1 npix = len(map) alm = hp.map2alm(tmap, lmax=lmax, iter=3) alm *= npix / (4. * np.pi) hp.almxfl(alm, n_inv_filt.b_transf, inplace=True) return alm
def _apply_ivf_p(self, pmap, soltn=None): assert len(pmap[0]) == hp.nside2npix(self.nside) and len( pmap[0]) == len(pmap[1]) elm, blm = hp.map2alm_spin([m for m in pmap], 2, lmax=self.lmax_fl) elm = hp.almxfl( elm, self.get_fel() * utils.cli(self.transf[:len(self.fel)])) blm = hp.almxfl( blm, self.get_fbl() * utils.cli(self.transf[:len(self.fbl)])) return elm, blm
def test_forward_backward_spin(self): """ compare map2alm_spin outputs to alm2map_spin inputs. tolerances are very loose. """ for spin in [1,2,3]: tcl = np.ones(self.lmax+1); tcl[0:spin] = 0. almg = hp.almxfl(self.almg, tcl, inplace=False) almc = hp.almxfl(self.almc, tcl, inplace=False) rmap, imap = hp.alm2map_spin( [almg, almc], self.nside, spin, self.lmax ) tglm, tclm = hp.map2alm_spin( [rmap, imap], spin, self.lmax ) np.testing.assert_allclose( almg, tglm, rtol=1.e-2, atol=1.e-2) np.testing.assert_allclose( almc, tclm, rtol=1.e-2, atol=1.e-2)
def simulate_tebp_correlated(cl_tebp_arr,nside,lmax) : alms=healpy.synalm(cl_tebp_arr,lmax=lmax,new=True) aphi=alms[-1] acmb=alms[0:-1] #Set to zero above map resolution to avoid aliasing beam_cut=np.ones(3*nside) for ac in acmb : healpy.almxfl(ac,beam_cut,inplace=True) cmb=np.array(healpy.alm2map(acmb,nside,pol=True)) return cmb,aphi
def calc_prep(maps, s_cls, n_inv_filt): qmap, umap = np.copy(maps[0]), np.copy(maps[1]) assert len(qmap) == len(umap) lmax = len(n_inv_filt.b_transf) - 1 npix = len(qmap) n_inv_filt.apply_map([qmap, umap]) elm, blm = map2alm_spin([qmap, umap], 2, lmax=lmax) hp.almxfl(elm, n_inv_filt.b_transf * npix / (4. * np.pi), inplace=True) hp.almxfl(blm, n_inv_filt.b_transf * npix / (4. * np.pi), inplace=True) return eblm([elm, blm])
def apply_ivf(self, det, tmap, pmap): mask_t = qcinv.util.load_map(self.mask_t) bl = pxw = hp.pixwin(self.nside)[0:self.lmax+1] tlm = hp.map2alm( tmap * mask_t, lmax=self.lmax, iter=0, regression=False ) hp.almxfl( tlm, self.ftl / bl / pxw, inplace=True ) return tlm
def calc_prep(map, s_cls, n_inv_filt): tmap = np.copy(map) n_inv_filt.apply_map(tmap) lmax = len(n_inv_filt.b_transf) - 1 npix = len(map) alm = hp.map2alm(tmap, lmax=lmax, iter=0, regression=False) alm *= npix / (4.*np.pi) hp.almxfl( alm, n_inv_filt.b_transf, inplace=True ) return alm
def simulate_tebp_correlated(cl_tebp_arr,nside,lmax,seed): np.random.seed(seed) alms=hp.synalm(cl_tebp_arr,lmax=lmax,new=True) aphi=alms[-1] acmb=alms[0:-1] #Set to zero above map resolution to avoid aliasing beam_cut=np.ones(3*nside) for ac in acmb : hp.almxfl(ac,beam_cut,inplace=True) cmb=np.array(hp.alm2map(acmb,nside,pol=True,verbose=False)) return cmb,aphi
def apply_alm(self, alm): # applies Y^T N^{-1} Y npix = len(self.n_inv) hp.almxfl(alm, self.b_transf, inplace=True) tmap = hp.alm2map(alm, hp.npix2nside(npix)) self.apply_map(tmap) alm[:] = hp.map2alm(tmap, lmax=util_alm.nlm2lmax(len(alm)), iter=0) alm[:] *= (npix / (4. * np.pi)) hp.almxfl(alm, self.b_transf, inplace=True)
def simulate(self, det, idx): assert( det in (dmc.wmap_das + dmc.wmap_bands) ) tlm = self.sim_tlm_cmb.get_sim_tlm(idx) hp.almxfl(tlm, self.get_beam(det), inplace=True) tmap = hp.alm2map(tlm, self.nside) tmap_nse = self.simulate_nse(det) tmap += tmap_nse; del tmap_nse return tmap
def apply_ivf(self, det, tmap): mask_t = qcinv.util.load_map(self.mask_t) tlm = hp.map2alm( tmap * mask_t, lmax=self.lmax, iter=0, regression=False ) bl = dmc.get_bl(self.sim_lib.year, det)[0:self.lmax+1] pxw = hp.pixwin( self.sim_lib.nside )[0:self.lmax+1] ftl = self.get_ftl(det) hp.almxfl( tlm, ftl / bl / pxw, inplace=True ) return tlm
def smoothworker( i): #(Rflat[i],smoothing_lmax,spin,gausssmooth,scale_lmax,n,i,j) print "Smoothing another independent covariance element" alms = ps.map2alm_mw( i[0], i[1], i[2]) #No pixwin correct. with MW sampling - calc alms to smooth #del i[0] #Everything gets moved down one index hp.almxfl(alms, i[3], inplace=True) #Multiply by gaussian beam '''if i[5] != -1: #If n != -1 (i.e. the maps are directional) print "Picking out directional component of covariance map" #Testing convolving gaussian-smoothed covariance maps with directional wavelet jmin_min = 1 #Need to truncate alm's to scale_lmax (Is this necessary?) alms_fname = 'alms_dirwav_' + str(i[7]) + '_' + str(i[5]) + '_' + str(i[6]) + '.fits' hp.write_alm(alms_fname,alms,lmax=i[4]-1,mmax=i[4]-1) del alms alms_truncate = hp.read_alm(alms_fname) print "Analysing covariance map" #Could increase wavparam!? wav,scal = ps.analysis_lm2wav(alms_truncate,wavparam,i[4],jmin_min,ndir,spin,upsample) del alms_truncate #Delete wrong directions by zero-ing them print "Deleting wrong directions" jmax_min = ps.pys2let_j_max(wavparam,i[4],jmin_min) for j in xrange(jmin_min,jmax_min+1): for n in xrange(0,ndir): if n != i[5]: offset,new_scale_lmax,nelem,nelem_wav = ps.wav_ind(j,n,wavparam,i[4],ndir,jmin_min,upsample) wav[offset:offset+nelem] = 0. print "Synthesising directional covariance map" alms = ps.synthesis_wav2lm(wav,scal,wavparam,i[4],jmin_min,ndir,spin,upsample) del wav,scal #Expand alm's with zero-padding print "Zero-padding the alm's" nzeros = i[1] - i[4] #No. zeros to pad new_alms_temp = np.concatenate((alms[:i[4]],np.zeros(nzeros))) for em in xrange(1,i[4]): startindex = em*i[4] - .5*em*(em-1) new_alms_temp = np.concatenate((new_alms_temp,alms[startindex:(startindex+i[4]-em)],np.zeros(nzeros))) del alms print "Temporary length of alm's =", len(new_alms_temp) nfinalzeros = hp.Alm.getsize(i[1]-1) - len(new_alms_temp) alms = np.concatenate((new_alms_temp,np.zeros(nfinalzeros))) del new_alms_temp print "Final length of alm's =", len(alms)''' #hp.almxfl(alms,i[3],inplace=True) #Multiply by gaussian beam print "Synthesising smoothed covariance map" Rsmoothflat = ps.alm2map_mw( alms, i[1], i[2]) #Smooth covariance in MW - calc final map to scale del alms return Rsmoothflat
def calc(self, alm): tmat = self.slinv rtlm = hp.almxfl(alm.tlm, tmat[:, 0, 0]) + hp.almxfl( alm.elm, tmat[:, 0, 1]) + hp.almxfl(alm.blm, tmat[:, 0, 2]) relm = hp.almxfl(alm.tlm, tmat[:, 1, 0]) + hp.almxfl( alm.elm, tmat[:, 1, 1]) + hp.almxfl(alm.blm, tmat[:, 1, 2]) rblm = hp.almxfl(alm.tlm, tmat[:, 2, 0]) + hp.almxfl( alm.elm, tmat[:, 2, 1]) + hp.almxfl(alm.blm, tmat[:, 2, 2]) return teblm([rtlm, relm, rblm])
def target_distrib(guess, *arg): """ Keyword Arguments: x -- the vector of params *args are: arg[0] -- a target class object arg[1] -- Cl_old, fluc_lm_old """ #print guess, arg dlm,strings,params,nl,bl = arg[0] Cl_old, fluc_lm_old = arg[1] dd = cb.update_dic(params,guess,strings) Cl_new = cb.generate_spectrum(dd)[:,1] Cl_new[:2] = 1.e-35 #print "new = ",Cl_new[50] #print "old = ",Cl_old[50] renorm = CG.renorm_term(Cl_new,bl,nl) mf_lm_new = hp.almxfl(CG.generate_mfterm(dlm,Cl_new,bl,nl),renorm) fluc_lm_type2 = hp.almxfl(CG.generate_w1term(Cl_new,bl,nl)+CG.generate_w0term(Cl_new),renorm) #print "new = ",fluc_lm_type2[50] #print "old = ",fluc_lm_old[50] fluc_lm_determ = hp.almxfl(fluc_lm_old,np.sqrt(Cl_new/Cl_old)) tt1 = -1/2.*np.real(np.vdot((dlm-hp.almxfl(mf_lm_new,bl)).T,hp.almxfl((dlm-hp.almxfl(mf_lm_new,bl)),1/nl))) #print tt1 tt2 = -1/2. *np.real(np.vdot((mf_lm_new).T,hp.almxfl((mf_lm_new),1./Cl_new))) #print tt2 tt3 = -1/2. *np.real(np.vdot((fluc_lm_determ).T,hp.almxfl((fluc_lm_determ),1/nl*bl**2))) #print tt3 #tt4 = - 1./2 *(np.arange(1,np.size(Cl_new)+1)*np.log(Cl_new)).sum() ##print tt4 return [tt1,tt2,tt3],Cl_new,fluc_lm_type2
def apply_alm(self, alm): # applies Y^T N^{-1} Y npix = len(self.n_inv) hp.almxfl(alm, self.b_transf, inplace=True) tmap = hp.alm2map(alm, hp.npix2nside(npix)) self.apply_map(tmap) alm[:] = hp.map2alm(tmap, lmax=util_alm.nlm2lmax(len(alm)), iter=0, regression=False) alm[:] *= (npix / (4.*np.pi)) hp.almxfl(alm, self.b_transf, inplace=True)
def get_sim_tmap(self, idx): """Returns temperature healpy map for a simulation Args: idx: simulation index Returns: healpy map """ tmap = self.sims_cmb_len.get_sim_tlm(idx) hp.almxfl(tmap, self.cl_transf, inplace=True) tmap = hp.alm2map(tmap, self.nside) return tmap + self.get_sim_tnoise(idx)
def simulate_tebp_correlated(cl_tebp_arr, nside, lmax, seed): """This generates correlated T,E,B and Phi maps """ np.random.seed(seed) alms = hp.synalm(cl_tebp_arr, lmax=lmax, new=True) aphi = alms[-1] acmb = alms[0:-1] # Set to zero above map resolution to avoid aliasing beam_cut = np.ones(3 * nside) for ac in acmb: hp.almxfl(ac, beam_cut, inplace=True) cmb = np.array(hp.alm2map(acmb, nside, pol=True, verbose=False)) return cmb, aphi
def deconvolve_alm(alms, lmax=None, fwhm_in=0.0, fwhm_out=0.0, f_sky=1.0, pol=False, wiener=True, sky_prior=None): fwhm = np.sqrt(fwhm_in**2 - fwhm_out**2) if fwhm == 0.0: return alms factor = (2.0 * np.sqrt(2.0 * np.log(2.0))) sigma = fwhm / factor retalm = [] if lmax is None: lmax = hp.Alm.getlmax(len(alms[0] if pol else alms), None) if wiener: wiener_filter = wiener_filter_for_alm(alms[0] if pol else alms, lmax, f_sky=f_sky, sky_prior=sky_prior, fwhm=fwhm_in) wiener_smooth = fl.filter_butter(wiener_filter, lmax, 100) #wiener_smooth[:1500] = 1.0 if pol: for ialm, alm in enumerate(alms): ell = np.arange(lmax + 1) if ialm >= 1: s = 2 else: s = 0 fact = np.exp(0.5 * (ell * (ell + 1) - s**2) * sigma**2) if wiener: fact /= wiener_smooth res = hp.almxfl(alm, fact, inplace=False) retalm.append(res) else: lmax = hp.Alm.getlmax(len(alms), None) ell = np.arange(lmax + 1) fact = np.exp(0.5 * (ell * (ell + 1)) * sigma**2) if wiener: fact /= wiener_smooth retalm = hp.almxfl(alms, fact, inplace=False) return retalm
def generate_gaus_map(self, readGmap=-1): if (readGmap<0): self.gausalm0=hp.synalm(self.inputCls) else: self.gausalm0=hp.read_alm(self.mapsdir+"gmap_"+str(readGmap)+".fits") self.gausalm1=np.copy(self.gausalm0); self.gausalm1[0]=0.0 if (self.nodipole): ndxfl=np.ones(len(self.inputCls)) ndxfl[1]=0.0 hp.almxfl(self.gausalm1, ndxfl, inplace=True) hp.almxfl(self.gausalm0, ndxfl, inplace=True) self.gausmap0=hp.alm2map(self.gausalm0, nside=self.NSIDE) # includes the monopole bit self.gausmap1=hp.alm2map(self.gausalm1, nside=self.NSIDE) # does not include the monopole
def solve_CG(params_i,dd): dd = cb.update_dic(dd,params_i,strings) cl = cb.generate_spectrum(dd)[:,1] # define the first guess, the b from eq 25 since the code was design with this at first (might not be best idea ever) b_mf = CG.generate_mfterm(dlm_filt,cl[:lmax+1],bl[:lmax+1],nl[:lmax+1]) b_w1 = CG.generate_w1term(cl[:lmax+1],bl[:lmax+1],nl[:lmax+1]) b_w0 = CG.generate_w0term(cl[:lmax+1]) b = b_mf + b_w1 + b_w0 ###### left hand side factor renorm= np.sqrt(cl[:lmax+1])/(1+cl[:lmax+1]*bl[:lmax+1]**2/(nl[:lmax+1])) out = hp.almxfl(b,renorm) out_mf = hp.almxfl(b_mf,renorm) out_w1 = hp.almxfl(b_w1,renorm) out_w0 = hp.almxfl(b_w0,renorm) return out,out_mf,out_w0,out_w1
def calc_prep(maps, s_cls, n_inv_filt): qmap, umap = np.copy(maps[0]), np.copy(maps[1]) assert(len(qmap) == len(umap)) npix = len(qmap) n_inv_filt.apply_map([qmap, umap]) lmax = len(n_inv_filt.b_transf) - 1 tlm, elm, blm = hp.map2alm( [qmap, qmap, umap], lmax=lmax, iter=0, regression=False, use_weights=False, pol=True ) del tlm elm *= npix / (4.*np.pi); blm *= npix / (4.*np.pi) hp.almxfl( elm, n_inv_filt.b_transf, inplace=True ) hp.almxfl( blm, n_inv_filt.b_transf, inplace=True ) return eblm([elm, blm])
def fisher_single(par,v) : # v -> seen pixels nb=len(par.bins)-1 npix=hp.nside2npix(par.nside) npix_seen=len(par.ip_seen) lmax=3*par.nside-1 larr=np.arange(lmax+1) fisher=np.zeros([nb,nb]) pixsize=4*np.pi/hp.nside2npix(par.nside) v_map=np.zeros(npix); v_map[par.ip_seen]=v vcm1=invert_covar(par,v_map) v_lm=hp.map2alm(v_map,iter=0) vcm1_lm=hp.map2alm(vcm1,iter=0) for iba in np.arange(nb) : # print " Row %d"%iba transfer=np.zeros(lmax+1); transfer[par.bins[iba]:par.bins[iba+1]]=1. v_map2=hp.alm2map(hp.almxfl(v_lm,transfer),par.nside,verbose=False)/pixsize #Q_a * v v_map2cm1=invert_covar(par,v_map2) #C^-1 * Q_a * v va_lm=hp.map2alm(v_map2cm1,iter=0) cl_vcm1_va=(2*larr+1)*hp.alm2cl(vcm1_lm,alms2=va_lm) for ibb in np.arange(nb-iba)+iba : fisher[iba,ibb]=np.sum(cl_vcm1_va[par.bins[ibb]:par.bins[ibb+1]])/pixsize**2 if iba!=ibb : fisher[ibb,iba]=fisher[iba,ibb] return fisher
def generate_mfterm(dlm, Cl, bl, nl): """ """ lmax = np.size(Cl) - 1 out = hp.almxfl(dlm, np.sqrt(Cl[: lmax + 1]) * bl[: lmax + 1] / nl[: lmax + 1]) return out
def functional_form_params_n(x,*arg): """ Keyword Arguments: x -- the vector of params *args are: dlm -- input map x_str -- the dictionary strings corresponding to x params -- a camber dictionnary noise -- a noise power spectrum beam -- a beam power spectrum """ dlm = arg[0] strings = arg[1] params = arg[2].copy() noise = arg[3] beam = arg[4] Cl_old = arg[5] lmax = len(Cl_old)-1 #params["output_root"] = '../Codes/CG_git/MH_MCMC/camb_ini/test%d'%np.random.randint(100) for i in range(np.size(x)): ##print strings[i] if strings[i]=='scalar_amp(1)': ##print params[strings[i]] params[strings[i]]=np.exp(x[i])*1e-10 ##print params[strings[i]] else: params[strings[i]]=x[i] Cl = cb.generate_spectrum(params) #lmax = Cl.shape[0]-1 tt = -1./2 * np.real(np.vdot(CG.complex2real_alm(dlm.T),CG.complex2real_alm(hp.almxfl(dlm,1/(beam[:lmax+1]**2*Cl[:lmax+1,1]+noise[:lmax+1]))))) #determinant is the product of the diagonal element: in log: tt2 = - 1./2 *((2*np.arange(2,lmax+1)+1)*np.log(noise[2:lmax+1]+Cl[2:lmax+1,1]*beam[2:lmax+1]**2)).sum() return tt+tt2,Cl[:,1]
def direct(self, input, output): if input.ndim == 1: input = input[:, None] output = output[:, None] for i, o in zip(input.T, output.T): ialm = hp.map2alm(i) alm_smoothed = hp.almxfl(ialm, self.fl) o[...] = hp.alm2map(alm_smoothed, hp.npix2nside(len(i)))# * \
def return_map(map_class): """ We solve for C^{-1/2}x, here is to recover x """ Shalf = np.sqrt(map_class.cl_th[: map_class.lmax + 1]) alm_out = hp.almxfl(real2complex_alm(map_class.alm), Shalf) cl_out = hp.alm2cl(alm_out) map_out = hp.alm2map(alm_out, map_class.nside) return cl_out, map_out
def rs_w1_matrix_func(data, w1): """ cf eq 25 of eriksen 2004 """ Chalf = np.sqrt(data.cl_th[: data.lmax]) * data.beam[: data.lmax] map2 = w1 * np.sqrt(data.invvar) # map2 = hp.alm2map(real2complex_alm(data.alm),data.nside)*np.sqrt(data.invvar) alm2 = hp.almxfl(hp.map2alm(map2, data.lmax, use_weights=False) * hp.nside2npix(data.nside) / 4.0 / np.pi, Chalf) return complex2real_alm(alm2)
def plot_tests(): spec_mf_b = hp.alm2cl(hp.almxfl(mf_lm_new,bl)) spec_mf = hp.alm2cl((mf_lm_new)) spec = hp.alm2cl(dlm) diff = hp.alm2cl(dlm - (hp.almxfl(mf_lm_new,bl))) fluc_l = hp.alm2cl(fluc) nnn = hp.alm2cl(dlm-hp.almxfl(mf_lm_new,bl)) plt.figure() plt.plot(spec_mf,label='mean field ($\hat{s}$)') plt.plot(spec_mf_b,label='beamed mean field ($A\hat{s}$)') plt.plot(spec,label='data (d)') plt.plot(spec - spec_mf_b,label='($d_\ell - (A\hat{s})_\ell$)') plt.plot(diff,label='($d - (A\hat{s})$)$_\ell$') plt.plot(fluc_l,"-.",label='($\hat{f}$)$_\ell$') plt.plot(nl,"-.",label="noise") plt.plot(cl,"-.",label="trial spectrum") plt.yscale("log") plt.legend(loc = 'best')
def calc(self, talm): if ( np.all(talm == 0) ): # do nothing if zero return talm alm = np.copy(talm) self.n_inv_filt.apply_alm(alm) alm += hp.almxfl(talm, self.cltt_inv) return alm
def test_der1(self): """ compare output of alm2map_der1 with the equivalent spin-1 transform using alm2map_spin """ m, dt_der1, dp_der1 = hp.alm2map_der1( self.almg, self.nside ) alm_spin = hp.almxfl( self.almg, np.array( [np.sqrt(l*(l+1.)) for l in xrange(0,self.lmax+1)] ), inplace=False ) dt_spin, dp_spin = hp.alm2map_spin( [alm_spin, alm_spin*0.], self.nside, 1, self.lmax ) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal( dt_der1, dt_spin, decimal=8) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal( dp_der1, dp_spin, decimal=8)
def test_loglike(dlm,Cl,noise,beam): """ returns the log likelihood for a given Cl, beam, noise, and data. """ lmax = Cl.shape[0] tt_exp = -1./2 * np.real(np.vdot(dlm.T,hp.almxfl(dlm,1/(beam[:lmax]**2*Cl[:,1]+noise[:lmax])))) #plt.plot(Cl[:,1]) tt_det = - 1./2 *(np.arange(1,lmax+1)*np.log((noise[:lmax]+Cl[:,1]*beam[:lmax]**2))).sum() tt_f = tt_exp + tt_det return tt_exp,tt_det,tt_f#,Cl[:,1]
def CG_algo_precond_diag(Matrix, Precond_diag, b, data_start, i_max, eps): """ Matrix is the function to apply the matrix on a vector data_start is a data_class class, with real alms """ i = 0 x = data_start.alm.copy() cl_th = data_start.cl_th beam = data_start.beam sigma = data_start.sigma lmax = data_start.lmax nside = data_start.nside invvar = data_start.invvar out = data_class([0, cl_th, beam, sigma, invvar, lmax, nside]) r = b - Matrix(data_start) d = data_class([0, cl_th, beam, sigma, invvar, lmax, nside]) d.alm = r.copy() d.alm = complex2real_alm(hp.almxfl(real2complex_alm(r), Precond_diag)) delt_n =, d.alm) delt_0 = delt_n.copy() iter_out_map = [] iter_out_cl = [] while i < i_max and delt_n > (eps ** 2 * delt_0): q = Matrix(d) alph = np.float(delt_n) /, q) x = x + alph * d.alm if i % 10 == 0: dat_temp = data_class([0, cl_th, beam, sigma, invvar, lmax, nside]) dat_temp.alm = x r = b - Matrix(dat_temp) else: r = r - alph * q s = complex2real_alm(hp.almxfl(real2complex_alm(r), Precond_diag)) # s = hp.almxfl(r,Precond_diag) delt_old = delt_n.copy() delt_n =, s) bet = delt_n / delt_old d.alm = s + bet * d.alm i += 1 out.alm = x iter_out_map.append(return_map(out)[1]) iter_out_cl.append(return_map(out)[0]) return iter_out_map, iter_out_cl
def calc(self, talm): if ( np.all(talm == 0) ): # do nothing if zero return talm ret = hp.almxfl(talm, self.cltt_inv) for n_inv_filt in self.n_inv_filts: alm = np.copy(talm) n_inv_filt.apply_alm(alm) ret += alm return ret