Пример #1
def get_vert_bbox(llra, lldec, urra, urdec, nside, nest):
    """Get a list of the vertices for all Healpix pixels inside a given bounding
    box, resolution and pixelization schema.

        llra(float): Lower left RA for the bounding box.
        lldec(float): Lower left DEC for the bounding box.
        urra(float): Upper right RA for the bounding box.
        urdec(float): Upper right DEC for the bounding box.
        nside(int) : Healpix resolution given by nside.
        nest(bool): Pixelization schema, True: Nested Schema, False: Ring Schema

        A list with the vertices for all pixels inside the bounding box.
    # Find central point for the bbox
    mid_ra = (urra + llra) / 2.
    mid_dec = (urdec + lldec) / 2.
    # Convert to radians
    phi = mid_ra / 180. * np.pi
    th = (90. - mid_dec) / 180. * np.pi
    pix = hp.ang2pix(nside, th, phi, nest)  # Pixel at center
    neig = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, pix, None,
                                 nest)  # Get initial 8 neighbors
    # Create a set
    allp = set(neig)
    checked_big = set()
    checked_all = set()
    k = 0
    # Find all pixels inside bounding box by looking at all the neighbors'
    # neighbors recursively using a set to speed up the process.
    while True:
        if k == 10000:
            raise RuntimeError('Did not converge, increase k limit')
        # Create a copy of the intial set of neighbors
        temp = allp.copy()
        for i in temp.copy().difference(checked_big):
            ntemp = set(hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, i, None, nest))
            for j in ntemp.difference(checked_all):
                th2, phi2 = hp.pix2ang(nside, j, nest)
                # Check if given neighbor is inside the bbox
                if is_inside_bbox(phi2 * 180. / np.pi, 90 - th2 * 180. / np.pi,
                                  llra, lldec, urra, urdec):
            # Update set to keep track of checked pixels
        if temp == allp:
            k += 1
    all_verts = []
    # Get vertices for pixels inside bounding box
    for i in allp:
        all_verts.append(get_vert(i, nside, nest))
    # Return complete list
    return all_verts
Пример #2
 def get_all_neighbours(Nside, i, depth_neighbours=1):
     pixel_list = hp.get_all_neighbours(Nside, i, nest=True)
     pixel_tmp = pixel_list
     depth_neighbours -= 1
     while depth_neighbours != 0 :
         pixel_tmp = hp.get_all_neighbours(Nside, pixel_tmp, nest=True)
         pixel_tmp = np.reshape(pixel_tmp, pixel_tmp.size)
         pixel_list = np.append(pixel_list, pixel_tmp)
         depth_neighbours -= 1
     return pixel_list
Пример #3
def get_neighbours(ipix, nside, order):
    Given a pixel index in the Healpix pixelization and the nside parameter, estimated
    the indices of nearest neighbour pixels. The larger is   `order`,
     the farther neighbours are included.

    if order == 0:
        return np.unique(hp.get_all_neighbours(theta=ipix, nside=nside))
        ipix = np.unique(hp.get_all_neighbours(theta=ipix, nside=nside))
        return get_neighbours(ipix, nside, order - 1)
Пример #4
def neighbors_of_neighbors(nside, th, phi):
    Finds the pixel numbers of the 8 neighbors of the the point (th,phi),
    then find the 8 neighbors of each of those points. The are the 64 pixel
    indices of the "neighbors of neighbors" of the point (th,phi).

    neighbors = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, th, phi=phi)
    tn, pn = hp.pix2ang(nside, neighbors)

    nn = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, tn, phi=pn)
    return nn.flatten()
Пример #5
def neighbors_of_neighbors(nside, th, phi):
    Finds the pixel numbers of the 8 neighbors of the the point (th,phi),
    then find the 8 neighbors of each of those points. The are the 64 pixel
    indices of the "neighbors of neighbors" of the point (th,phi).

    neighbors = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, th, phi=phi)
    tn, pn = hp.pix2ang(nside, neighbors)

    nn = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, tn, phi=pn)
    return nn.flatten()
Пример #6
def find_survey_boundary(nside, ra, dec, min_neighbors=8):
    Find pixels that has fewer than specified number of neighbors (occupied

    nside: NSIDE parameter in healpix;
    ra, dec: coordinates of the healpix pixels;

    idx: indices of the pixels at survey boundary.

    # pixel indices in healpy
    pix_id = hp.pixelfunc.ang2pix(nside, ra, dec, lonlat=True)
    # count number of neighbors
    neighbors = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, ra, dec, lonlat=True).T
    mask = np.in1d(neighbors, pix_id).reshape(neighbors.shape)
    neighbors_count = np.sum(mask, axis=1)

    idx = np.where(neighbors_count < min_neighbors)

    return idx
Пример #7
def angular_distance_from_mask(mask):
    For each pixel of a Healpix map, return the smallest angular distance
    to a set of masked pixels (of value True), in degrees.

    maskok : boolean Healpix map
        The Healpix mask that defines the set of masked pixels (of value True)
        whose smallest angular distance to each pixel of a Healpix map of same
        nside is computed.

    nside = hp.npix2nside(len(mask))

    # get the list of pixels on the external border of the mask
    ip = np.arange(12 * nside**2)[~mask]
    neigh = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, ip)
    nn = np.unique(neigh.ravel())
    if nn[0] == -1:
        nn = nn[1:]
    nn = nn[mask[nn]]

    # get unit vectors for border and inner pixels
    vecpix_inner = np.array(hp.pix2vec(nside, ip))
    vecpix_outer = np.array(hp.pix2vec(nside, nn))

    # get angles between the border pixels and inner pixels
    cosang = np.dot(vecpix_inner.T, vecpix_outer)
    mapang = np.zeros(12 * nside**2)
    mapang[~mask] = np.degrees(np.arccos(np.max(cosang, axis=1)))
    return mapang
Пример #8
def angular_distance_from_mask(mask):
    For each pixel of a Healpix map, return the smallest angular distance
    to a set of masked pixels (of value True), in degrees.

    maskok : boolean Healpix map
        The Healpix mask that defines the set of masked pixels (of value True)
        whose smallest angular distance to each pixel of a Healpix map of same
        nside is computed.

    nside = hp.npix2nside(len(mask))

    # get the list of pixels on the external border of the mask
    ip = np.arange(12*nside**2)[~mask]
    neigh = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, ip)
    nn = np.unique(neigh.ravel())
    if nn[0] == -1:
        nn = nn[1:]
    nn = nn[mask[nn]]

    # get unit vectors for border and inner pixels
    vecpix_inner = np.array(hp.pix2vec(nside, ip))
    vecpix_outer = np.array(hp.pix2vec(nside, nn))

    # get angles between the border pixels and inner pixels
    cosang = np.dot(vecpix_inner.T, vecpix_outer)
    mapang = np.zeros(12*nside**2)
    mapang[~mask] = np.degrees(np.arccos(np.max(cosang, axis=1)))
    return mapang
Пример #9
def tracts_outline(df):
    #list of tracts
    tracts = df.select("tract").distinct().toPandas()
    df_withpix = df.groupBy(["tract", "ipix"]).count().cache()
    ipix = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside))
    pixborder = []
    for t in tracts['tract'].values:
        print("treating tract={}".format(t))
        #create a map just for this tract
        df_map = df_withpix.filter(df_withpix.tract == int(t))
        #create the healpix map
        tract_p = df_map.toPandas()
        tract_map = np.full(hp.nside2npix(nside), hp.UNSEEN)
        tract_map[tract_p['ipix'].values] = 1
        # for lit pixels compute the neighbours
        ipix1 = tract_p['ipix'].values
        theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, ipix1)
        neighbours = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, theta, phi, 0).transpose()
        # border if at least one neighbours is UNSEEN
        mask = [(hp.UNSEEN in tract_map[neighbours[pixel]])
                for pixel in range(len(ipix1))]
        pixborder += list(ipix1[mask])
    return pixborder
Пример #10
 def group_neighbours(group):
     neighbours = np.array([])
     for i in group:
         neighbours = np.append(
             hp.get_all_neighbours(region_nsides, int(i), nest=True))
     return neighbours
Пример #11
def contour_pix(map, vals, all_neighbours=True):
	given a healpix map (map) and a set of values, we find and return lists of pixels that constitute the boarder of those sets
	npix = len(map)
	nside = hp.npix2nside(npix)

	### separate into pixel sets based in p_values
	pix = np.arange(npix)
	boarders = []
	for val in vals:
		_pix = pix[map>=val] ### pull out included pixels

		truth = np.zeros((npix,), bool)
		truth[_pix] = True

		boarder = np.zeros((npix,),bool) ### defines which modes are in the boarder
		for ipix in _pix:
			if all_neighbours:
				boarder[ipix] = not truth[[n for n in hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, ipix) if n != -1]].all()
				boarder[ipix] = not truth[[n for n in hp.get_neighbours(nside, ipix)[0] if n != -1]].all()

		boarders.append( pix[boarder] )

	return boarders
Пример #12
def find_rims(holes, nside):
    hole_indices = np.unique(holes[1])
    '''hole_sizes = np.load(holes_dir + 'nilc_pr1_builtmask_holes_ring_sizes.npy') #Hole index, hole size
    hole_indices = hole_sizes[0,np.argsort(hole_sizes[1])[::-1]] #Descending order of size'''
    nholes = len(hole_indices)
    #nholes = 100 #10 largest holes
    circpixs = [None] * nholes
    rimpixs = [None] * nholes
    rimindex = [None] * nholes

    for hole in xrange(nholes):
        print "Forming rim to hole", hole + 1, "/", nholes
        #Extracting hole pixels
        hole_index = hole_indices[hole]
        circpixs[hole] = holes[0, holes[1] == hole_index]
        pix_neighbours = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside,
                                               circpixs[hole])  #Inc. "-1"
        rimpixs[hole] = np.setdiff1d(
                 np.array([-1]))))  #Remove any existing hole pixels & "-1"
        #lim = len(rimpixs[hole])
        for iter in xrange(3):  #Ensure a minimum rim thickness of 3 pixels
            pix_neighbours = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, rimpixs[hole])
            new_rimpixs = np.setdiff1d(
                np.concatenate((holes[0], np.array([-1]),
                                rimpixs[hole])))  # - holes & rim & "-1"
            rimpixs[hole] = np.concatenate((rimpixs[hole], new_rimpixs))
            lim = len(rimpixs[hole])
        while lim < 80:  #Iterate until have at least 80 border pixels (N_side = 2048)
            pix_neighbours = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, rimpixs[hole])
            new_rimpixs = np.setdiff1d(
                np.concatenate((holes[0], np.array([-1]),
                                rimpixs[hole])))  # - holes & rim & "-1"
            rimpixs[hole] = np.concatenate((rimpixs[hole], new_rimpixs))
            lim = len(rimpixs[hole])
        rimindex[hole] = np.array([hole_index] * lim)

        np.vstack((np.concatenate(rimpixs), np.concatenate(rimindex))))

    return np.concatenate(rimpixs), np.concatenate(rimindex)
Пример #13
def prep_indes(nside=256, fname=None):
    if fname == None:
        fname = os.getenv(
        ) + '/BGS/SV-ASSIGN/des/des.ply'  ##  '/global/cscratch1/sd/raichoor/desits/des.ply'

    nside = np.int(nside)
    npix = hp.nside2npix(nside)

    # checking hp pixels
    mng = pymangle.Mangle(fname)

    theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, np.arange(0, npix, 1), nest=False)
    hpra, hpdec = 180. / np.pi * phi, 90. - 180. / np.pi * theta

    allhp = mng.polyid(hpra, hpdec)

    hpindes = (allhp != -1).astype(int)

    # pixels with all neighbours in des.
    hpindes_secure = np.array([
        i for i in range(npix)
        if hpindes[i] + hpindes[hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, i)].sum() == 9

    # pixels with all neighbours outside des.
    hpoutdes_secure = np.array([
        i for i in range(npix)
        if hpindes[i] + hpindes[hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, i)].sum() == 0

    # hpind to be checked
    tmp = np.ones(npix, dtype=bool)
    tmp[hpindes_secure] = False
    tmp[hpoutdes_secure] = False

    hp_tbc = np.array(range(npix))[tmp]

    np.savetxt(os.getenv('CSCRATCH') + '/BGS/SV-ASSIGN/des/hpindes_secure.txt',
    np.savetxt(os.getenv('CSCRATCH') + '/BGS/SV-ASSIGN/des/hp_tbc.txt',
Пример #14
    def _get_neighbors(self, idx):
        import healpy as hp

        nside = self._get_nside(idx)
        idx_nb = (hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, idx[0], nest=self.nest), )
        idx_nb += tuple(
            [t[None, ...] * np.ones_like(idx_nb[0]) for t in idx[1:]])

        return idx_nb
Пример #15
def identify_islands(nside, ra, dec):
    Label the pixels by their island; (islands are pixels that are
    connected to each other); lone pixels are given the index -1.
    Note: might need to set a higher recursion limit for it to work,
    e.g.: sys.setrecursionlimit(3000)

    nside: NSIDE parameter in healpix;
    ra, dec: coordinates of the healpix pixels;

    labels: island index of each pixel.

    # Get max recursion depth
    rc_limit = sys.getrecursionlimit()

    ############## find neighbors ###############
    npix = hp.nside2npix(nside)

    # pixel indices in healpy
    pix_id = hp.pixelfunc.ang2pix(nside, ra, dec, lonlat=True)
    # find neighbors
    neighbors = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, ra, dec, lonlat=True).T
    mask = np.in1d(neighbors, pix_id).reshape(neighbors.shape)
    # assign index number -1 to unoccupied neighboring pixels
    neighbors[~mask] = -1

    # Convert the neighbors array from healpix indices to generic
    # numpy indices
    pointer = -99 * np.ones(npix, dtype=int)
    for index in range(len(ra)):
        pointer[pix_id[index]] = index
    neighbors[mask] = pointer[neighbors[mask]]

    ########## label connected boundary pixels ############
    # Recursively assign island index;
    # It's messy because of the maximum recursion depth
    label_now = 0
    labels = -1 * np.ones(len(ra), dtype=int)
    while not np.all(labels != -1):
        index = np.argmax(labels == -1)
        labels[index] = label_now
        while True:
            recursion_flag = True
            idx = np.where(labels == label_now)[0]
            for index in idx:
                recursion_flag = recursion_flag and _spread_label(
                    index, neighbors, labels, label_now, rc_limit)
            if recursion_flag:
        label_now += 1

    return labels
Пример #16
def searcharound_9HEALPix(ra, dec, src_coll, hp_key, hp_order, hp_nest,
                          hp_resol, find_one):
        Returns sources in catalog contained in the 9 healpixels
        around the target coordinate.
            ra/dec: `float`
                sky coordinates of the target direction. They have to be in
                the same format as those used to find the healpix id.
            src_coll: `pymongo.collection.Collection`
                collection with the sources to be queried.
            hp_key: `str`
                name of the document key conatining the HEALPix index.
            hp_order: `int`
                order of the HEALPix grid used to group sources.
            hp_nest: `bool`
                weather or not the HEALPix grid has nested geometry.
            find_one: `bool`
                if True the collection is searched with the find_one method returning
                just the first result of the query. if False, the method
                find is used, returning all matching documents. 
            cptable: `astropy.table.Table`/None
                astropy table of the catalog entry for the found counterpart. If
                no counpterpart is found returns None.

    # find the index of the target pixel and its neighbours
    nside = 2**hp_order
    target_pix = int(ang2pix(nside, ra, dec, nest=hp_nest, lonlat=True))
    neighbs = get_all_neighbours(nside, ra, dec, nest=hp_nest, lonlat=True)

    # remove non-existing neigbours (in case of E/W/N/S) and add center pixel
    pix_group = [int(pix_id)
                 for pix_id in neighbs if pix_id != -1] + [target_pix]

    # query the database for sources in these pixels
    if find_one:
        qresults = [src_coll.find_one({hp_key: {"$in": pix_group}})]
        qresults = [o for o in src_coll.find({hp_key: {"$in": pix_group}})]
    if len(qresults) == 0:
        return None
        return Table(qresults)
Пример #17
 def _fillPeriphery(self, filter):
     Fill in peripheral cells of shiftmap with average of nearest neighbors.
     all_neighbor_pix = numpy.unique(
             self.nside, numpy.nonzero(self.zeropoint_shiftmap.data.field(filter) != healpy.UNSEEN)[0]
     filled_pix = numpy.nonzero(self.zeropoint_shiftmap.data.field(filter) != healpy.UNSEEN)[0]
     periphery_pix = numpy.setdiff1d(all_neighbor_pix, filled_pix)
     shiftmap_filled = numpy.ma.masked_array(
         self.zeropoint_shiftmap.data.field(filter), self.zeropoint_shiftmap.data.field(filter) == healpy.UNSEEN
     self.zeropoint_shiftmap.data.field(filter)[periphery_pix] = numpy.array(
         numpy.mean(shiftmap_filled[healpy.get_all_neighbours(self.nside, periphery_pix)], axis=0),
     self.peripheral_area = healpy.nside2pixarea(self.nside, degrees=True) * len(periphery_pix)
Пример #18
def get_outline(mapin):
    nside = _hp.get_nside(mapin)
    outline = _np.array([_hp.UNSEEN]*_hp.nside2npix(nside))
    pix = _np.where(mapin>0.0)[0]
    for p in pix:
        ptmp = _hp.get_all_neighbours(nside,p)
        i = _np.where(mapin[ptmp] == 0.0)[0]
        outline[ptmp[i]] = 1.0

    return outline
Пример #19
    def load_data(self, stars=True, galaxies=False):
        Load local catalogue data by healpix
        Apply star and galaxy filters
        data_array = [] 
        data_dir = "/home/js01093/dwarf/simple_adl/simple_adl/data_dir/delvemc_blue" # Temp for now

        pix_nside_select = hp.ang2pix(nside=self.nside, theta=self.ra, phi=self.dec, nest=False, lonlat=True)

        pix_nside_neighbors = np.concatenate([[pix_nside_select], hp.get_all_neighbours(self.nside, pix_nside_select)])

        print('Center healpixel: {}'.format(pix_nside_select))
        print('Healpixels: {}'.format(pix_nside_neighbors))

        for pix_nside in pix_nside_neighbors:

            inlist = glob.glob('{}/*_{:05d}.fits'.format(data_dir, pix_nside)) # is it searching them *all* and returning strongest peaks right now?
            for infile in inlist:
                if not os.path.exists(infile):

        data_raw = np.concatenate(data_array) # JS: Extend data array, here we extend with neighbouring healpix data too?

        # Return stars:

        if stars == True:

            star_filter = (self.star_filter(data_raw) == 1)
            data = data_raw[star_filter]
        # Return galaxies:

        elif galaxies == True:

            galaxy_filter = (self.galaxy_filter(data_raw) == 1)

            data = data_raw[galaxy_filter]

        # Return both?
        elif stars == True and galaxies == True:
            star_galaxy_filter = (self.star_filter(data_raw) == 1 or self.star_filter(data_raw) == 1)

            data = data_raw[star_galaxy_filter]

        self.data = data

        return self.data
Пример #20
def fill_empty_pixels(sky_map,
    Fill pixels with NAN with a fail_fill_value.
    if np.sum(np.isnan(sky_map)) == 0:
        if verbose:
            prompt("There are no empty pixels")

    nside = hp.get_nside(sky_map)

    if pol:
        dim = sky_map.shape[0]
        for i in xrange(max_iter):
            empty_pix = np.where(np.isnan(sky_map[0]))[0]
            theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, empty_pix)
            neighbours = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, theta, phi).T
            for j in range(dim):
                fill_values = np.nanmean(sky_map[j][neighbours], axis=-1)
                sky_map[j][empty_pix] = fill_values
            if np.sum(np.isnan(sky_map)) == 0:
        for i in xrange(max_iter):
            empty_pix = np.where(np.isnan(sky_map))[0]
            theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, empty_pix)
            neighbours = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, theta, phi).T
            fill_values = np.nanmean(sky_map[neighbours], axis=-1)
            sky_map[empty_pix] = fill_values
            if np.sum(np.isnan(sky_map)) == 0:

    num_empty_pix = np.sum(np.isnan(sky_map))
    if num_empty_pix:
            "{} empty pixels remaining after {} iterations. Filling empty pixels with {}\n"
            .format(num_empty_pix, max_iter, fail_fill_value))
        sky_map[np.isnan(sky_map)] = fail_fill_value
Пример #21
    def check_neighbourhood(self, pixels_map, threshold, check_map,

        neighbours_indexes = hp.get_all_neighbours(hp.get_nside(pixels_map),
        hp.get_all_neighbours(hp.get_nside(pixels_map), neighbours_indexes[0])
        # Loop over all neighbours
        for i in range(len(neighbours_indexes)):
            # Checking if its already checked
            if check_map[neighbours_indexes[i]] == 0:
                check_map[neighbours_indexes[i]] = 1
                # Checking if the selected pixel is in the cluster
                if pixels_map[neighbours_indexes[
                        i]] >= threshold and self.touched_mask == 0:
                    self.check_neighbourhood(pixels_map, threshold, check_map,
            elif check_map[neighbours_indexes[i]] == 2:
                self.touched_mask = 1
Пример #22
    def _fill_periphery(self):
        Fill in peripheral cells of shiftmap with average of nearest neighbors

        self.peripheral_area = np.zeros(self.nmag,dtype=np.float32)
        for i in xrange(self.nmag):
            all_neighbor_pix = np.unique(hp.get_all_neighbours(self.nside,np.nonzero(self.shiftmap[i,:] != hp.UNSEEN)[0]))

            # remove any negatives...
            gd,=np.where(all_neighbor_pix >= 0)
            all_neighbor_pix = all_neighbor_pix[gd]

            filled_pix, = np.nonzero(self.shiftmap[i,:] != hp.UNSEEN)
            periphery_pix = np.setdiff1d(all_neighbor_pix, filled_pix)
            shiftmap_filled = np.ma.masked_array(self.shiftmap[i,:], self.shiftmap[i,:] == hp.UNSEEN)
            self.shiftmap[i,periphery_pix] = np.array(np.mean(shiftmap_filled[hp.get_all_neighbours(self.nside,periphery_pix)],axis=0),dtype=shiftmap_filled.dtype)

            self.peripheral_area[i] = hp.nside2pixarea(self.nside, degrees=True) * periphery_pix.size
Пример #23
    def get_nearby_healpix_list(self, obs, sideHP=32768, nestedHP=True):
        ''' See original cnd.py for more details '''

        # If arcsecRadius < hp.nside2resol(32768, arcmin = True)*60 [ which is ~ 6.4 arc-sec ], ...
        # ... then only need to search adjacent HP
        listHP = list(hp.get_all_neighbours(sideHP, obs.Healpix,

        # If arcsecRadius > hp.nside2resol(32768, arcmin = True)*60, then need to search neighbors of neighbours ...
        arcsecRadius = self.get_arcsecRadius(obs)
        if arcsecRadius > hp.nside2resol(sideHP, arcmin=True) * 60:
            for i in range(
                    int(arcsecRadius //
                        (hp.nside2resol(sideHP, arcmin=True) * 60))):
                tmpHP = [h for h in listHP]
                for h in tmpHP:
                        list(hp.get_all_neighbours(sideHP, h, nest=nestedHP)))
                listHP = list(set(listHP))
        return listHP
Пример #24
def get_edge(mask):
    edge = []
    for i in range(len(mask)):
        if mask[i] == 1:
            neighbours = hp.get_all_neighbours(hp.npix2nside(len(mask)), i)
            edge_pixel = False
            for neighbour in neighbours:
                if neighbour != -1:
                    if mask[neighbour] == 0:
                        edge_pixel = True
            if edge_pixel:
    return np.array(edge)
Пример #25
def hpx_neighbours(ipix, vicinity, nside, ordering='Ring'):

    neighbours = np.array([ipix])
    remote = np.array([0])

    nested = False
    if ordering is 'Nest':
        nested = True

    if vicinity != 0:

        for r in range(1, vicinity + 1):

            if r == 1:
                liste = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, ipix, nest=nested)
                liste = liste[np.where(liste >= 0)]
                remote = np.concatenate([remote, np.tile(r, liste.size)])
                neighbours = np.concatenate([neighbours, liste])
                previouslist = np.copy(liste)
                liste = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, previouslist, nest=nested)
                liste = np.unique(liste)
                liste = liste[np.where(liste >= 0)]

                ## Eliminate those already in list
                previouslist = np.concatenate([neighbours, liste])

                liste, inds = np.unique(previouslist, return_inverse=True)

                indx = inds[0:len(neighbours)]

                previouslist = np.delete(liste, indx)

                neighbours = np.concatenate([liste[indx], previouslist])
                remote = np.concatenate(
                    [remote, np.tile(r, previouslist.size)])

    return (neighbours, remote)
Пример #26
def __into_boarders(nside, pix, nest=False):
        extracts the boarder from the list of pixels (pix)
    ### establish an array representing the included pixels
    npix = hp.nside2npix(nside)

    truth = np.zeros((npix, ), bool)
    truth[pix] = True

    abstruth = np.zeros(
        (npix, ),
        bool)  ### need completely separate object, not just a pointer
    abstruth[pix] = True

    pixnums = np.arange(npix)  ### convenient array we establish once

    boarders = []
    while truth.any():
        ipix = pixnums[truth][0]  ### take the first pixel
        truth[ipix] = False  ### remove it from the global set
        boarder = []
        to_check = [ipix]  ### add it to the list of things to check

        while len(to_check):  # there are pixels in this mode we have to check
            ipix = to_check.pop()  # take one pixel from those to be checked.
            isinterior = True
            for neighbour in hp.get_all_neighbours(
                    nside, ipix, nest=nest):  # get neighbors as rtheta, rphi

                if neighbour == -1:  ### when neighbour == -1, there is no corresponding pixel in this direction
                    isinterior *= abstruth[
                        neighbour]  ### check to see if the neighbor is in the set
                    ### we don't care if it has already been visited.
                    # try to find pixel in skymap
                    if truth[
                            neighbour]:  ### pixel in the set and has not been visited before
                            neighbour] = False  ### remove neighbour from global set
                            neighbour)  ### add to list of things to check
                    else:  ### pixel not in the set or has been visited before
            if not isinterior:

    return boarders
Пример #27
def get_borders_from_ipix(part):
    # Get the pixel ID from the iterator
    ipix = [*part]
    if len(ipix) == 0:
        # Empty partition
        yield []
        # Get the 8 neighbours of all unique pixels.
        theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, ipix)
        neighbours = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, theta, phi, 0).flatten()

        # Yield only pixels at the borders
        unseen = np.array([i for i in neighbours if i not in ipix])
        yield unseen
Пример #28
 def _fillPeriphery(self, filter):
     Fill in peripheral cells of shiftmap with average of nearest neighbors.
     all_neighbor_pix = numpy.unique(
                 self.zeropoint_shiftmap.data.field(filter) != healpy.UNSEEN
     filled_pix = numpy.nonzero(
         self.zeropoint_shiftmap.data.field(filter) != healpy.UNSEEN)[0]
     periphery_pix = numpy.setdiff1d(all_neighbor_pix, filled_pix)
     shiftmap_filled = numpy.ma.masked_array(
         self.zeropoint_shiftmap.data.field(filter) == healpy.UNSEEN)
         filter)[periphery_pix] = numpy.array(numpy.mean(
                 self.nside, periphery_pix)],
     self.peripheral_area = healpy.nside2pixarea(
         self.nside, degrees=True) * len(periphery_pix)
Пример #29
def fast_stack(ras,
    if weights is None:
        weights = np.ones(len(ras))

    outerkappa = []
    lons, lats = equatorial_to_galactic(ras, decs)
    inmap = convergence_map.set_unseen_to_nan(inmap)
    pix = hp.ang2pix(nsides, lons, lats, lonlat=True)
    neighborpix = hp.get_all_neighbours(nsides, pix)

    centerkappa = inmap[pix]
    neighborkappa = np.nanmean(inmap[neighborpix], axis=0)
    centerkappa = np.nanmean([centerkappa, neighborkappa], axis=0)

    weights[np.isnan(centerkappa)] = 0
    centerkappa[np.isnan(centerkappa)] = 0

    if prob_weights is not None:
        true_weights_for_sum = weights * np.array(prob_weights)
        weightsum = np.sum(true_weights_for_sum)
        weightsum = np.sum(weights)

    centerstack = np.sum(weights * centerkappa) / weightsum

    if iterations > 0:

        for x in range(iterations):
            bootidx = np.random.choice(len(lons), len(lons))

        if bootstrap:
            return centerstack, outerkappa
            return centerstack, np.nanstd(outerkappa)
        return centerstack
Пример #30
def map_ang_from_edges(maskok):
	print('Calculating Angle Mask Map')
	nsmask = hp.npix2nside(len(maskok))
	### Get the list of pixels on the external border of the mask
	ip = np.arange(12*nsmask**2)
	neigh = hp.get_all_neighbours(nsmask, ip[maskok])
	nn = np.unique(np.sort(neigh.ravel()))
	nn = nn[maskok[nn] == False]
	### Get unit vectors for border and inner pixels
	vecpixarray_inner = np.array(hp.pix2vec(nsmask,ip[maskok]))
	vecpixarray_outer = np.array(hp.pix2vec(nsmask,nn))
	### get angles between the border pixels and inner pixels
	cosang = np.dot(np.transpose(vecpixarray_inner),vecpixarray_outer)
	mapang = np.zeros(12*nsmask**2)
	mapang[maskok] = np.degrees(np.arccos(np.max(cosang,axis=1)))
	return mapang
Пример #31
def fixHI(hifile='/Volumes/TimeMachine/data/NHI_HPX.fits', nside_out=256):
        read HI column density
        rotate it from G to C ("decrease" nside if needed)
        fill some negative pixels
        by assigning the mean of neighbors
    assert (nside_out < 1024), 'nside_out should be < 1024'
    # H II map
    hii = ft.FITS(hifile, lower=True)
    Hii = hii[1].read()
    Hiic = G_to_C(Hii['nhi'], res_out=nside_out)
    Hineg = np.argwhere(Hiic<=0.0).flatten()
    neighbors = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside_out, Hineg)
    Hiic[Hineg] = np.mean(Hiic[neighbors], axis=0) # fill in negative pixels
    return Hiic
Пример #32
def hpneighbouridx(level, idx):
    Neighbours of a Healpix pixel (in nested format)

    :param level: Resolution level
    :param idx: Index of the Healpix pixel
    :return: Neighbouring nodes of the pixel
    nside = 2**level
    th, ph = hp.pix2ang(nside, idx, nest=True)
    ninds = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, th, ph, nest=True)
    nbrs = []
    lev = int(np.log2(nside))
    for item in ninds:
        nbrs.append((lev, item))
    return nbrs
 def grow_mask_1pix(self):  # grows the mask by one pixel
     if self.nmaps == 1:
         mask = self.mask.copy()
         mask = self.mask[0, :].copy()
     if self.ordering == 'NEST':
         nested = True
         nested = False
     listpix = [i for i in range(self.npix) if not mask[i]]
     for pixel in listpix:
         ipix = hp.get_all_neighbours(self.nside, pixel, nest=nested)
         n = np.count_nonzero(mask[ipix])
         if n > 0:
             if self.nmaps == 1:
                 self.mask[pixel] = True
                 self.mask[:, pixel] = True
Пример #34
def get_outlines(dir_out, nside):

    import os

    outline = _np.array([_hp.UNSEEN]*_hp.nside2npix(nside))
    for f in os.listdir(dir_out):
        print 'Reading',f
        m = _hp.read_map(dir_out+'/'+f)
        pix = _np.where(m > 0.0)[0]
        for p in pix:
            ptmp = _hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, p)
            i = _np.where(m[ptmp] == 0.0)[0]
            outline[ptmp[i]] = 1.0

    print 'Wrote outline.fits'

Пример #35
    def load_local_data(self, ra, dec):
        Load data corresponding to the 8 nearest neighbors of the
        centroid at (ra, dec) into memory.
        hpixel  = ugali.utils.healpix.angToPix(self.nside, ra, dec)
        hpixels = np.concatenate([[hpixel], hp.get_all_neighbours(self.nside, hpixel)])

        data_array = []
        for hpix in hpixels:
            inlist = glob.glob('{}/*_{:05d}.fits'.format(self.dirname, hpix))
            for infile in inlist:
                if not os.path.exists(infile):
        data = np.concatenate(data_array)

        return data
Пример #36
    def __init__(self, nside_out=256, path=f'{templ_dir}NHI_HPX.fits'):

        self.nside_out    = nside_out
        nside_in      = 1024
        self.ordering = 'ring'
        self.unit     = 'Lenz et. al. HI'

        if nside_out!= nside_in:warnings.warn('upgrading/downgrading HI column density')
        nhi           = ft.FITS(path, lower=True)
        nhi           = nhi[1].read()['nhi'] # only nhi column

        nhi_c         = G_to_C(nhi, res_in=nside_in, res_out=nside_out)
        nhi_neg_hpix  = np.argwhere(nhi_c <= 0.0).flatten()
        neighbors     = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside_out, nhi_neg_hpix)

        nhi_c[nhi_neg_hpix] = np.mean(nhi_c[neighbors], axis=0)

        self.map    = np.log10(nhi_c)
Пример #37
    def get_local_warm_spots(self, log10p_threshold=2, min_ang_dist=1):
        r"""Extract local warm spots from a p-value skymap.

        log10p_threshold: float, default=2
            Threshold on log10(p-value), above local warm spots should be considered.
        min_ang_dist: float, units: degree, default: 1
            Minimal distance between two local warm spots.

        ndarry ("dec":float, "ra": float, "pVal": float)
            List of local warm spots. Each warm spot is described by a tuple (dec, ra, p-value)

        log10p = self.log10p_map

        # get npix and nside
        npix = len(log10p)
        nside = healpy.npix2nside(npix)

        # mask large p-values and infs
        mask = np.logical_and(log10p > log10p_threshold, np.isfinite(log10p))
        warm_spots_idx = []
        for pix in np.arange(npix)[mask]:
            theta, phi = healpy.pix2ang(nside, pix)

            # if no larger neighbour, we are at a spot
            neighbours = healpy.get_all_neighbours(nside, theta, phi)
            if not any(log10p[neighbours] > log10p[pix]):

        # get pVal and direction of spots and sort them
        p_spots = log10p[warm_spots_idx]
        theta_spots, phi_spots = healpy.pix2ang(nside, warm_spots_idx)

        # fill into record-array
        spots = LocalWarmSpotList()
        spots.add(theta=theta_spots, phi=phi_spots, pVal=p_spots)

        spots = SkylabAllSkyScan.apply_seperation(spots, min_ang_dist)

        return spots
Пример #38
    def __init__(self, nside):
        nside : integer
            The Healpix map nside.

        npix = 12 * nside**2
        ipix = np.arange(npix, dtype=np.int32)
        neighbours = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, ipix)
        s = FSRMatrix((npix, npix), ncolmax=9, dtype_index=np.int32)
        s.data.index[:, 0] = ipix
        s.data.index[:, 1:] = neighbours.T
        h2 = 4 * np.pi / npix
        s.data.value[:, 0] = -20 / (6 * h2)
        s.data.value[:, 1:] = np.array([1, 4, 1, 4, 1, 4, 1, 4]) / (6 * h2)
        self.nside = nside
        SparseOperator.__init__(self, s)
Пример #39
    def find_pointings(self, reward_map, m5_map, single_visit_depth=22.):
        reward_map : np.array
            A healpix map where unmasked pixels should be tesselated with pointings.
        m5_map : np.array
            A healpix map of the co-added 5-sigma limiting depth at each point for the
            current status of the survey.
        single_visit_depth : float
            The rough depth of a single visit.

        # Check that target map is correct nside

        # Find the peak in the target_map
        # Maybe just use the peak pixel and it's 8 neighbors and go with that?
        max_index = np.where(reward_map == np.max(reward_map))[0].max()
        peak_pixels = hp.get_all_neighbours(max_index)
        #target_ra, target_dec = 
Пример #40
def flood_fill(nside, ipix, m, nest=False):
    """Stack-based flood fill algorithm in HEALPix coordinates.
    Based on <http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Flood_fill&oldid=566525693#Alternative_implementations>.
    # Initialize stack with starting pixel index.
    stack = [ipix]
    while stack:
        # Pop last pixel off of the stack.
        ipix = stack.pop()
        # Is this pixel in need of filling?
        if m[ipix]:
            # Fill in this pixel.
            m[ipix] = False
            # Find the pixels neighbors.
            neighbors = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, ipix, nest=nest)
            # All pixels have up to 8 neighbors. If a pixel has less than 8
            # neighbors, then some entries of the array are set to -1. We
            # have to skip those.
            neighbors = neighbors[neighbors != -1]
            # Push neighboring pixels onto the stack.
Пример #41
def MaskBorders(map,nest=True):
    # Masks pixels in the border of the footprint
    import healpy as hp
    import copy

    nside = hp.npix2nside(len(map))
    masked_map = copy.copy(map)
    for ipix,ival in enumerate(map):
        if ival == 0:
            neighb = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside,ipix,nest=nest)
            for ineighb in neighb:
                if ineighb == -1:
                if map[ineighb] == 0:
    return masked_map
    def forward_match(self, catalog2, maxsep):
        """matches self to external catalog in the "LEFT JOIN" sense. ie looks for closest object in catalog2 to each galaxy in self. catalog2 should be of same class as self and already be mapped to pixels with the same number of nsides"""
        if self.NSIDE != catalog2.NSIDE:
            raise MatchError("NSIDES dont agree!!")
        matches = {}
        maxsep = np.radians(maxsep/3600.0) #convert arcsec to radians
        neighbor_pix = hp.get_all_neighbours(self.NSIDE, self.pix).T
        for count, a in enumerate(self.pix):    
            if a in catalog2.pix_and_neigh:
                pix_to_check = np.append(neighbor_pix[count][:],[a])
                gallist = [catalog2.pix_info.get(b,[]) for b in pix_to_check]

                chain = itertools.chain.from_iterable(gallist)                
                dec_array2 = np.array([catalog2.dec[tmp] for tmp in chain])
                chain = itertools.chain.from_iterable(gallist)                
                ra_array2 = np.array([catalog2.ra[tmp] for tmp in chain])
                chain = itertools.chain.from_iterable(gallist)                
                galcount2 = np.array([catalog2.galcount[tmp] for tmp in chain])

                dis = self.calc_distance(self.ra[count], self.dec[count], ra_array2,dec_array2)  #in radians
                    sorted_dis = np.argsort(dis)[0]
                    best_gal = galcount2[sorted_dis]
                    dis = dis[sorted_dis]
                    dis = np.degrees(dis)*3600.0 #back to arcsec
                except ValueError:
                    dis = np.inf
                dis = np.inf

            if dis >maxsep:
                best_gal = -999
                dis = -999
            matches[self.galcount[count]] = (best_gal, dis)

        return matches
Пример #43
    def getIntersection(self, aschema, p1, p2, nside=8, nest=True):
        Given an association schema, determine which files intersect

        idx = []

        if aschema=='halogalaxy':
            for p in p1:
                pix = [p]
                nbrs = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, p, nest=nest)
                pix = np.array(pix)

                #iterate through pixel lists of secondary file
                #type. If any pixels in these files are
                #neighbors of the primary pixel then we
                #need to read this file
                for i, ip in enumerate(p2):
                    fidx = np.in1d(ip, pix)
                    if fidx.any():

        return np.array(set(idx))
Пример #44
                self.zeropoint_shiftmap.data.field(filter), numpy.radians(90.0 - dec), numpy.radians(ra)
            zeropoint_shift = self.zeropoint_shiftmap.data.field(filter)[pix]

        # Use median zeropoint shift for objects outside interpolated region
        median_fitted_zeropoint_shift = numpy.median(zeropoint_shift[numpy.fabs(zeropoint_shift) <= 10.0])
        zeropoint_shift[numpy.fabs(zeropoint_shift) > 10.0] = median_fitted_zeropoint_shift

        return zeropoint_shift


# Fill in peripheral cells of shiftmap with average of nearest neighbors
neighbor = numpy.take(self.zeropoint_shiftmap.data.field(filter),
healpy.get_all_neighbours(self.nside, range(0, healpy.nside2npix(self.nside))))
neighbor_mask = numpy.ma.masked_array(neighbor, neighbor == healpy.UNSEEN)

mean_neighbor = neighbor_mask.mean(axis=0)
indices = numpy.nonzero(numpy.logical_and(mean_neighbor > 0,
self.zeropoint_shiftmap.data.field(filter) == healpy.UNSEEN))[0]

neighbor_shiftmap = self.zeropoint_shiftmap.data.field(filter)        
neighbor_shiftmap[indices] = numpy.array(mean_neighbor[indices].compressed().tolist(), dtype=neighbor_shiftmap.dtype)
# Plot
# if plot:
#    ra_center, dec_center = numpy.median(ra), numpy.median(dec)
Пример #45
def get_random_cata_heal(ipath, ifile, mfile, nside, ofile="rand_points.fits", mode="grow", opath="./", do_plot=True):
    """Given an input catalog (ifile) and mask (mfile, in healpix format, 
       0-masked, 1-unmasked), this function generate
       a random catalog. The input catalog should contains ra and dec in 
       equitorial coordinate system and the output will in galactic coordinate.
       mode = grow -> grows the mask by one healpix pixel
       mode = shrink -> shrink the mask by one pixel (not yet implimented)
       mode = None -> Nothing will be done to the mask

    ofile = os.path.join(opath, ofile)
    ifile = os.path.join(ipath, ifile)

    # Read input RA and DEC
    f = fits.open(ifile)[1].data
    ra = f["ra"]
    dec = f["dec"]

    # Convert RA DEC to l and b
    coords = co.ICRS(ra=ra, dec=dec, unit=(u.degree, u.degree))
    ra = coords.galactic.l.degree
    dec = coords.galactic.b.degree

    # Generating the corresponding healpix pixels
    healpixels = return_healpixel(ra, dec, nside=nside, nest=False)
    uniquepixels = np.unique(healpixels)

    # Generating angular mask from input file
    mask = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside)).astype(np.int)
    mask[uniquepixels] = 1

    if mode == "grow":
        # Generating neighbour pixels. This will grow the mask
        neigh_pixels = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, uniquepixels).ravel()
        neigh_pixels = np.unique(neigh_pixels)

        mask[neigh_pixels] = 1
    elif mode == "shrink":

    # mask = hp.smoothing(mask, 0.01)
    # mask = np.where(mask > 0.1, 1, 0)

    # The given mask
    imask = hp.read_map(mfile)
    imask = hp.ud_grade(imask, nside)

    # Union of input catalog mask and input mask
    mask = (imask * mask).astype("bool")

    # Unique unmasked pixels
    uniquepixels = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside))[mask]

    # generating random points and their corresponding healpix pixels
    rra = np.random.uniform(0, 360, 100000)
    rdec = np.random.uniform(-90, 90, 100000)
    healpixels_rand = return_healpixel(rra, rdec, nside=nside, nest=False)

    # Random pixels found in unmasked pixels
    i = np.in1d(healpixels_rand, uniquepixels)
    rra = rra[i]
    rdec = rdec[i]

    write_fits_table(ofile, ["RA", "DEC"], [rra, rdec])

    if do_plot:
        hp.mollview(mask, coord="G", fig=1)
        hp.mollview(mask, coord="G", fig=2)
        pl.scatter(rra, rdec, c="k", label="Random")
        pl.scatter(ra, dec, c="r", s=0.2, edgecolor="r", label="Groups")
        quality_flag = self.zeropoint_shiftmap.data.field('n_des')[pix]
        quality_flag[quality_flag > 0] = 0
        quality_flag[quality_flag < 0] = 2
        if self.fill_periphery:
            quality_flag[numpy.logical_and(quality_flag == 2, numpy.fabs(zeropoint_shift) <= 10.)] = 1

        # Use median zeropoint shift for objects outside interpolated region 
        median_fitted_zeropoint_shift = numpy.median(zeropoint_shift[numpy.fabs(zeropoint_shift) <= 10.])
        zeropoint_shift[numpy.fabs(zeropoint_shift) > 10.] = median_fitted_zeropoint_shift
        return zeropoint_shift, quality_flag


# Fill in peripheral cells of shiftmap with average of nearest neighbors
neighbor = numpy.take(self.zeropoint_shiftmap.data.field(filter),
healpy.get_all_neighbours(self.nside, range(0, healpy.nside2npix(self.nside))))
neighbor_mask = numpy.ma.masked_array(neighbor, neighbor == healpy.UNSEEN)

mean_neighbor = neighbor_mask.mean(axis=0)
indices = numpy.nonzero(numpy.logical_and(mean_neighbor > 0,
self.zeropoint_shiftmap.data.field(filter) == healpy.UNSEEN))[0]

neighbor_shiftmap = self.zeropoint_shiftmap.data.field(filter)        
neighbor_shiftmap[indices] = numpy.array(mean_neighbor[indices].compressed().tolist(), dtype=neighbor_shiftmap.dtype)
# Plot
#if plot:
#    ra_center, dec_center = numpy.median(ra), numpy.median(dec)
Пример #47
def boarder_to_lines(boarder, nside, verbose=False):
	takes a list of pixels (boarder) and converts it to a list of positions represnting a line tracing the boarder
	### dot every point along the ring
#	theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, boarder)
#	pos = [list(theta), list(phi)]
#	return [pos]

	### walk around the rings
	npix = hp.nside2npix(nside)
	pix = np.arange(npix)

	boarder_truth = np.zeros((npix,),bool) ### original boarder
	boarder_truth[boarder] = True

	truth = np.zeros((npix,),bool) ### we change this to denote which pixels have not been visited
	truth[boarder] = True

	visit = np.zeros((npix,),bool) ### pixels we have visited

	ipix = pix[truth][0] ### pull out the first pixel
	truth[ipix] = False ### turn that pixel off
	visit[ipix] = True
	line = [ipix] ### start of this line

	lines = []
	### iterate over boarder
	while truth.any():
		if verbose:
			print "%d remaining pixels"%np.sum(truth)
			print "ipix : %d"%ipix
		for n in hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, ipix):
			if n == -1: ### neighbour doesn't exist
			elif boarder_truth[n]: ### neighbour is in boarder
				if verbose:
					print "\t%d in boarder"%n
				if truth[n]: ### pixel has not been visited
					if verbose:
						print "\t\thas not been visited"
					line.append( n )
					ipix = n
					truth[n] = False
					visit[n] = True
				else: ### pixel has been visited. End line and start another
					if verbose:
						print "\t\thas been visited"
					line.append( n )
					lines.append( line )
					truth[n] = False
					visit[n] = True
					### find a new starting point!
					for _ipix in pix[visit]: ### all pixels we've visited
						for _n in hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, _ipix):
							if truth[_n]: ### neighbours a pixel we haven't seen
								if verbose:
									print "\t\t\tnew spur at %d"%_n
								line = [_ipix, _n]
								truth[_n] = False
								visit[_n] = True
								ipix = _n
						else: ### didn't find any new spurs starting at _ipix, continue
						break ### we did find a new spur!
					else: ### didn't find any new spurs from any pixel we have visited
						if verbose:
							print "\t\t\tno new spur found"
						if  truth.any(): ### there are still pixels to be found
							ipix = pix[truth][0]
							if verbose:
								print "\t\t\tnew ring at %d"%ipix
							truth[ipix] = False
							visit[ipix] = True
							line = [ipix]			
			else: ### neighbour is not in boarder
				if verbose:
					print "\t%d not in boarder"%n
		else: ### no neighbours are in boarder_truth. How did we get to this pixel?
			raise StandardError, "no neighbours aroudn %d found in boarder? How did we get to this pixel?"%ipix
			### just end the line and start another

	### check that we've visited all pixels
	if (visit != boarder_truth).any():
		raise StandardError, "visit != boarder_truth. Somehow we missed pixels?"

	### close the remaining line
	for n in hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, ipix):
		if n == -1:
		elif boarder_truth[n]:
			line.append( n ) ### close the line
		raise StandardError, "hanging contour line ending at %d. How did we get to this pixel?"%ipix
	lines.append( line )

	### transform pixel numbers into coords for plotting
	pos = []
	for line in lines:
		theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, line)
		pos.append( (list(theta), list(phi)) )

	### remove spurious lines? 
	### these may be caused by cutting a corner and then coming back and going the other way around.
	### a characterisitc would be that there are 3 points in the line, and all 3 points are neighbours of one another
	return pos			
Пример #48
def find_neighbors(nside, pix_idx, n_neighbors):
    Find the neighbors of each pixel.
    Each pixel is defined by a HEALPix nside and pixel index (in nested
    Returns two arrays:
        neighbor_idx   (n_pix, n_neighbors)  Index of each neighbor in
                                             the nside and pix_idx
        neighbor_dist  (n_pix, n_neighbors)  Distance to each neighbor.
    # Determine (l, b) and which downsampled pixel
    # each (nside, pix_idx) combo belongs to
    nside_rough = np.min(nside)
    if nside_rough != 1:
        nside_rough /= 2
    l = np.empty(pix_idx.size, dtype='f8')
    b = np.empty(pix_idx.size, dtype='f8')
    pix_idx_rough = np.empty(pix_idx.size, dtype='i8')
    nside_unique = np.unique(nside)
    for n in nside_unique:
        idx = (nside == n)
        factor = (n / nside_rough)**2
        pix_idx_rough[idx] = pix_idx[idx] / factor
        l[idx], b[idx] = hputils.pix2lb(n, pix_idx[idx], nest=True)
    # For each downsampled pixel, determine nearest neighbors of all subpixels
    neighbor_idx = -np.ones((pix_idx.size, n_neighbors), dtype='i8')
    neighbor_dist = np.inf * np.ones((pix_idx.size, n_neighbors), dtype='f8')
    for i_rough in np.unique(pix_idx_rough):
        rough_neighbors = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside_rough, i_rough, nest=True)
        idx_centers = np.argwhere(pix_idx_rough == i_rough)[:,0]
        tmp = [np.argwhere(pix_idx_rough == i)[:,0] for i in rough_neighbors]
        idx_search = np.hstack(tmp)
        dist = gc_dist(l[idx_centers], b[idx_centers],
                       l[idx_search], b[idx_search])
        tmp = np.argsort(dist, axis=1)[:, 1:n_neighbors+1]
        fill = idx_search[tmp]
        neighbor_idx[idx_centers, :fill.shape[1]] = fill
        fill = np.sort(dist, axis=1)[:, 1:n_neighbors+1]
        neighbor_dist[idx_centers, :fill.shape[1]] = fill
    return neighbor_idx, neighbor_dist
Пример #49
def genAngContours(pairs, neighbors, pix_dict, pfd, nfd,  chunknum, chunks, real=None, rfd=None):
    print len(neighbors)
    #objids_removed = 0
    #rem_angles = []
    if ((real != None) and (rfd != None) and not cs['REAL_PAIRS']):
        real = real[1:].astype(float)
        real = real[np.argsort(real[:,rfd['angle']])]
        angles = real[:,-1]
        #angles = angles[np.argsort(angles)]
        #real = real[np.argsort(angles)]
    #print pairs[0]
    #print pfd
    #print min(angles)
    #print max(angles)
    lb = (chunknum * len(pairs) / chunks)
    ub = ((chunknum+1) * len(pairs) / chunks)
    pairs = pairs[1:]
    neighbors = neighbors[1:]
    pair_objid1 = pairs[:,pfd['objid1']]
    pair_objid2 = pairs[:,pfd['objid2']]
    neighbor_objid = neighbors[:,nfd['objid']]
    pairs = pairs.astype(np.float)
    neighbors = neighbors.astype(np.float)
    print neighbors[:5,nfd['weights']]
    pairs = pairs[lb:ub]
    no_neighbors = 0
    oob_pairs = 0
    oob_neighbors = 0

    x_bins = np.linspace(-1. * half_width, half_width, cs['xbins'])[1:-1]
    y_bins = np.linspace(-1. * half_height, half_height, cs['ybins'])[1:-1]

    grid = np.zeros(shape=(cs['xbins'], cs['ybins']))

    t = time.time()
    print 'Adding to contours...'
    for p in range(len(pairs)):
        print (p + lb)
        curr = pairs[p]
        near_pix = np.append(hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, int(curr[pfd['pix']]), nest=True), [curr[pfd['pix']]])
        near_pix = near_pix[np.where(near_pix != -1)[0]]
        candidate_inds = []
        for j in near_pix:
            #print j
            except KeyError:
        candidate_inds = np.concatenate(candidate_inds)
        #a = len(candidate_inds)
        #print '###'
        #print neighbor_objid[candidate_inds]
        #print pair_objid1[p]
        #print pair_objid2[p]
        #t = neighbor_objid[candidate_inds]
        #out_inds = np.where(
        #    (t == pair_objid1[p].astype('str'))
        #    | (t == pair_objid2[p].astype('str'))
        #    )[0]
        #print out_inds
        #candidate_inds = candidate_inds[np.where(
        #    (neighbor_objid[candidate_inds] != pair_objid1[p].astype('str'))
        #    & (neighbor_objid[candidate_inds] != pair_objid2[p].astype('str'))
        #    )[0]]
        #a -= len(candidate_inds)
        #objids_removed += a
        #print len(candidate_inds)
        candidates = neighbors[np.array(candidate_inds)]
        #print curr[pfd['ra1']]
        if cs['REAL_PAIRS']:
            distances = cf.physicalDistance(
                (curr[pfd['ra_mid']], curr[pfd['dec_mid']]),
                zip(candidates[:,nfd['ra_gal']], candidates[:,nfd['dec_gal']]),
                np.array([curr[pfd['z']]] * len(candidates)) if pair_adds else candidates[:,nfd['z']]
            curr_angle = curr[pfd['angle']]
            #print curr_angle
            match_ind = np.searchsorted(angles, curr_angle)
            #print angles[match_ind]
            real_z = real[match_ind, rfd['z']]
            distances = cf.physicalDistance(
                (curr[pfd['ra_mid']], curr[pfd['dec_mid']]),
                zip(candidates[:,nfd['ra_gal']], candidates[:,nfd['dec_gal']]),
                np.array([real_z] * len(candidates)) if pair_adds else candidates[:,nfd['z']]
        #print real_z
        #print curr_angle
        #print real_z
        pair_radius = cf.physicalDistance(
        (curr[pfd['ra_mid']], curr[pfd['dec_mid']]),
        [(curr[pfd['ra1']], curr[pfd['dec1']])],
        [curr[pfd['z']] if cs['REAL_PAIRS'] else real_z]
        #print pair_radius
        print len(candidates)
        inbounds = candidates[np.where(distances < cs['max_distance'])[0]]
        if len(inbounds) == 0: continue
        print len(inbounds)
        #print len(inbounds)
        oob_neighbors += len(candidates) - len(inbounds)
        distances = distances[np.where(distances < cs['max_distance'])[0]]
        #print distances[5:10]
        unrotated_neighbors = np.ones((len(inbounds), 3))
        unrotated_neighbors[:,1] = inbounds[:,nfd['ra_gal']]
        unrotated_neighbors[:,2] = inbounds[:,nfd['dec_gal']]
        unrotated_mid = (1., curr[pfd['ra_mid']], curr[pfd['dec_mid']])
        unrotated_right = (1., curr[pfd['ra1']], curr[pfd['dec1']])
        rotated_mid, rotated_right, rotated_neighbors = sg.rotate(
        #print cf.physicalDistance(
        #    (rotated_mid[1], rotated_mid[2]),
        #    zip(rotated_neighbors[:,1], rotated_neighbors[:,2]),
        #    np.array([curr[pfd['z']]] * len(rotated_neighbors)) if pair_adds else candidates[:,nfd['z']])[5:10]
        if (pair_radius > 5 or pair_radius < 3):
            oob_pairs +=1
            print 'oob'
        print len(rotated_neighbors)
        neighbor_angles = sg.calc_distance(
            (rotated_mid[1], rotated_mid[2]),
            zip(rotated_neighbors[:,1], rotated_neighbors[:,2])
        neighbor_angles = np.array(neighbor_angles)
        #print np.shape(neighbor_angles)
        #a = len(neighbor_angles)
        #print neighbor_angles[:5]
        #print np.where(neighbor_angles > .0000096)
        #neighbor_angles = neighbor_angles[np.where(neighbor_angles > .0000096)[0]]
        #print np.shape(neighbor_angles)
        #objids_removed += (a - len(neighbor_angles))
        #print (a - len(neighbor_angles))
        #print '###'
        xs = np.multiply(np.array(map(np.cos, rotated_neighbors[:,1])), neighbor_angles)
        ys = np.multiply(np.array(map(np.sin, rotated_neighbors[:,1])), neighbor_angles)
        xbs = map(lambda j: bs.bisect(x_bins, j), xs)
        ybs = map(lambda j: bs.bisect(y_bins, j), ys)
        def add_to_bins(ybin, xbin, weight):
            grid[ybin, xbin] += weight
        print inbounds[:5,nfd['weights']]
        if cs['WEIGHTED']: weights = inbounds[:,nfd['weights']]
        else: weights = np.array([1.] * len(inbounds))
        map(add_to_bins, ybs, xbs, weights)
        #print len(weights)
        #print oob_neighbors
    #rem_angles = np.concatenate(rem_angles)
    #print rem_angles
    print np.max(grid)
    #print objids_removed

    return grid
 def set_pixel_list(self):
     """creates a list of all pixels and their neighbors for quicker matching"""
     self.pix_and_neigh = set(set(list(self.pix)).union(set(list(hp.get_all_neighbours(self.NSIDE, self.pix).flatten()))))
     return self.pix_and_neigh
Пример #51
# print hp.get_nside(test_map)
# print hp.maptype(test_map)
# print hp.get_map_size(test_map)
# print len(test_map)
# print test_map[0:10]*np.float(fact)

# print test_map
n     = 16
rang  = range(0,12*n**2)
npix  = hp.nside2npix(n)
angs  = hp.pix2ang(n,rang)
phi   = angs[0]
theta = angs[1]

nb    = hp.get_all_neighbours(n, 3.1, 888.8, nest=True)

# print npix
# print type(angs)
# print len(angs)
# print nb

print tmap
print len(tmap)
print type(tmap[0])
print tmap[0]
print len(tmap[0])
print np.shape(tmap)

print np.average(tmap)
Пример #52
def EqualAreaSamples(ra,dec,nside,diff_max=0.05,it_max=100,npix_ini=10,nest=True,verbose=True,optimize=True):
    # Divide a ra,dec list into equal area samples. Elements == 0 are put in the same sample '-1'.
    # Try to optimise the variance in number of entries per pixels normalised by the mean to be below diff_max
    # diff_max : Normalised difference in number of pixels (max(abs(nentries - mean(nentries)))/mean(nentries)) below wich optimization is considered succesful
    # it_max  : Maximum number of iteration in optimisation process
    # npix_ini : Initial number of pix to exchange at each step (must be small to obtain satisfactory samples) 
    # Note : Variance exclude isolated samples
    # Return two lists:
    #     - pixel number (in healpy standard)
    #     - Sample to which the pixel belongs
    # Both lists have len = len(map)
    import healpy as hp
    import numpy as np
    from sklearn.neighbors import BallTree
#    import random
    theta,phi = RaDecToThetaPhi(ra,dec,degree=True)
    samples = hp.ang2pix(nside,theta,phi,nest=nest)
    '''If optimize == false return those samples'''
    set_samples = list(set(samples))
    if optimize == False:
        set_samples_sort = np.sort(set_samples)
        for i,isample in enumerate(set_samples_sort):
            samples[samples==isample] = i
        return samples
    '''Get nb. entries per sample'''
    nentries = [len(samples[samples==i]) for i in set_samples]
    '''Get neighbours of samples'''
    #neighb = np.transpose(hp.get_neighbours(nside,set_samples,nest=nest)[0])
    neighb = np.transpose(hp.get_all_neighbours(nside,set_samples,nest=nest))
    good_neighb = []
    for i,ineighb in enumerate(neighb):
        good_neighb_i = []
        i_theta,i_phi = hp.pix2ang(nside,set_samples[i],nest=nest)
        for isamp in ineighb:
            if isamp in set_samples:
                if set_samples.index(isamp) == i:
                isamp_theta,isamp_phi = hp.pix2ang(nside,isamp,nest=nest)
                if (isamp_theta == i_theta) | (isamp_phi == i_phi):
    neighb = good_neighb

    '''Remove sample with no neighbours'''
    set_samples_n = [x for x,y in zip(set_samples,neighb) if len(y)>0] 
    nentries_n = [x for x,y in zip(nentries,neighb) if len(y)>0] 
    neighb_n = [x for x,y in zip(neighb,neighb) if len(y)>0] 
    '''Get RA DEC of samples'''
    samp_theta,samp_phi = hp.pix2ang(nside,set_samples_n,nest=nest)
    samp_ra,samp_dec = ThetaPhiToRaDec(samp_theta,samp_phi,degree=False)
    samp_radec = np.transpose([samp_ra,samp_dec])
    '''Get starting mean and diff'''
    mean = np.mean(nentries_n)
    diff = np.max(np.abs(nentries_n-mean))/float(mean)
    if verbose:
        print 'Initial diff :',diff

    '''Start optimization'''
    n_it = 0
    ind = np.arange(len(ra))

    inf_loop = 0
    change_samp = True
    while float(diff) > diff_max:
        if diff*mean > 2*npix_ini:
            npix_ex = npix_ini 
            npix_ex = int(diff*mean/2.)
        if inf_loop >= 100:
            npix_ex = int(npix_ex/2)
            inf_loop = 0
        '''Get random sample'''
        if change_samp:
            chage_samp = False
            iprev = isamp
            while isamp == iprev:
                isamp = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(set_samples_n)))
        '''Look for bigger neighbours'''
        samp_neighbs = [set_samples_n[i] for i in neighb_n[isamp] if nentries_n[i]>nentries_n[isamp]+npix_ex]
        if len(samp_neighbs)==0:
            change_samp = True
        '''Get objects in those neighbouring samples'''
        good_ra = np.array([ra[i] for i in ind if samples[i] in samp_neighbs])
        good_dec = np.array([dec[i] for i in ind if samples[i] in samp_neighbs])
        good_ind = [i for i in ind if samples[i] in samp_neighbs]
        '''Construct BallTree with pixels of biggest samples'''
        radec = np.transpose([good_ra,good_dec])
        tree = BallTree(radec, leaf_size = 1, metric='haversine')
        exchange_radec = tree.query(samp_radec[isamp],k=npix_ex,return_distance=False)[0]
        '''Exchange ra,dec from bigger samples to smaller sample'''
        exchange_ind = [good_ind[i] for i in exchange_radec]
        samples[exchange_ind] = set_samples_n[isamp]
        nentries_n = [len(samples[samples==i]) for i in set_samples_n]
        '''Recompute mean and diff'''
        diff = np.max(np.abs(nentries_n-mean))/float(mean)
        if verbose:
            print 'nentries :',nentries_n,' mean :',mean,' n_it :',n_it
        '''Increase iter'''
        n_it+= 1
        if n_it >= it_max:
            if verbose:
                print 'Aborting optimization after',n_it,'iterations'

    if verbose:
        print 'Final diff :',diff
    print nentries_n,mean
    set_samples_sort = np.sort(set_samples)
    for i,isample in enumerate(set_samples_sort):
        samples[samples==isample] = i

    return samples
for hpx4index in hpx4indices:
    print 'working on hpx pixel', hpx4index + 1, '/', len(hpx4indices)
    hpx64index_bin = [bin(hpx4index)]
    for t in range(int(np.log2(64) - np.log2(4))):
        hpx64index_bin = [a + '00' for a in hpx64index_bin] + \
            [a + '01' for a in hpx64index_bin] + \
            [a + '10' for a in hpx64index_bin] + \
            [a + '11' for a in hpx64index_bin]

    hpx64index = [int(a, 2) for a in hpx64index_bin]

    hpx64index_enlarged = np.unique(
            lambda a, b: a + b,
                list(healpy.get_all_neighbours(64, a, nest=True))
                for a in hpx64index
    hpx64index_enlarged = np.unique(
            lambda a, b: a + b,
                list(healpy.get_all_neighbours(64, a, nest=True))
                for a in hpx64index_enlarged

    # now compute the 2048s indices for this tile, note for targetnside==1024
    # this is of course 1024 ;-)
Пример #54
	uniform_sky = np.ones(npix)*100.#*u.K

	#completely arbitrary choice of noise level XXX UN-USED RIGHT NOW
	noise = np.zeros(npix)
	for i in range(npix): noise[i] = random.uniform(-100,100)#* u.K

	####uniform sky tests and point source tests
	if opts.map is None: sky=uniform_sky
	elif opts.map is 'point':
		sky = np.zeros(npix)
		#define a point source
		theta0 = np.pi/2.
		phi0 = 0.
		pix0 = hp.ang2pix(nside,theta0,phi0)
		#make it slightly less point-like
		nbs = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside,theta0,phi=phi0)
		for nb in nbs: sky[nb]=500#*u.K
		sky = rotate_hmap(sky,[180,0])
	else: sky = hp.read_map(opts.map)

	#promote sky to matrix for frequency axis
	sky = np.outer(np.ones(nfreq),sky)*pow(nu/150e6,-0.7)

	#decompose sky into alm's
	n_alm = len(m)
	alm = np.zeros((nfreq,n_alm),dtype='complex128')
	print 'Calculating sky a_lm values:'
	for i in range(nfreq):
		if not opts.noverb: print nu[i,0]/1e6,'MHz'
		alm[i,:] = hp.map2alm(sky[i,:],lmax=lmax,iter=3)
def jones2celestial_basis(jones, z0_cza=None):
    if z0_cza is None:
        z0_cza = np.radians(120.7215)

    npix = jones.shape[0]
    nside = hp.npix2nside(npix)

    hpxidx = np.arange(npix)
    cza, ra = hp.pix2ang(nside, hpxidx)

    z0 = irf.r_hat_cart(z0_cza, 0.)

    RotAxis = np.cross(z0, np.array([0,0,1.]))
    RotAxis /= np.sqrt(np.dot(RotAxis,RotAxis))
    RotAngle = np.arccos(np.dot(z0, [0,0,1.]))

    R_z0 = irf.rotation_matrix(RotAxis, RotAngle)

    R_jones = irf.rotate_jones(jones, R_z0, multiway=True) # beams are now pointed at -31 deg latitude

    jones_out = np.zeros((npix, 2,2), dtype=np.complex128)

## This next bit is a routine to patch the topological hole by grabbing pixel
## data from a neighborhood of the corrupted pixels.
## It uses the crucial assumption that in the ra/cza basis the dipoles
## are orthogonal at zenith. This means that for the diagonal components,
## the zenith pixels should be a local maximum, while for the off-diagonal
## components the zenith pixels should be a local minimum (in absolute value).
## Using this assumption, we can cover the corrupted pixel(s) in the
## zenith neighborhood by the maximum pixel of the neighborhood
## for the diagonal, and the minimum of the neighborhood for the off-diagonal.
## As long as the function is relatively flat in this neighborhood, this should
## be a good fix

    jones_b = transform_basis(nside, R_jones, z0_cza, R_z0)

    cf = [np.real,np.imag]
    u = [1.,1.j]

    z0pix = hp.vec2pix(nside, z0[0],z0[1],z0[2])
    if nside < 128:
        z0_nhbrs = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, z0_cza, phi=0.)
        z0_nhbrs = neighbors_of_neighbors(nside, z0_cza, phi=0.)

    jones_c = np.zeros((npix,2,2,2), dtype=np.float64)
    for k in range(2):
        jones_c[:,:,:,k] = cf[k](jones_b)

    for i in range(2):
        for j in range(2):
            for k in range(2):
                z0_nbhd = jones_c[z0_nhbrs,i,j,k]

                if i == j:
                    fill_val_pix = np.argmax(abs(z0_nbhd))
                    fill_val = z0_nbhd[fill_val_pix]

                    fill_val_pix = np.argmin(abs(z0_nbhd))
                    fill_val = z0_nbhd[fill_val_pix]

                jones_c[z0_nhbrs,i,j,k] = fill_val
                jones_c[z0pix,i,j,k] = fill_val

    jones_out = jones_c[:,:,:,0] + 1j*jones_c[:,:,:,1]

    return jones_out
Пример #56
def plot_sky_projection_healpy_linear_zoom(Sliced_Halo_data,Output_Para):

    fdir  = './Output/plots/HEALPixZoom/'

    nside = Output_Para.nside

    Sl_n  = len(Sliced_Halo_data)
    Z_max = max(Sliced_Halo_data[Sl_n-1].Z_red[:])
    ques  = True

    while (ques):
      k = Read_Integer_Input("We have %i redshift slice  which one you want exctract the halo ? "%Sl_n)
      k = int(k) - 1
      while(k > (Sl_n-1) or k < 0 ):
        print "Invalid Number."
        k = Read_Integer_Input("Please choose an integer between 1 and %i : "%Sl_n)
        k = int(k) - 1

      pix     = zeros(12*nside**2)
      n       = len(Sliced_Halo_data[k].RA[:])
      if (n == 0):
         print "There is no halo in this piece of redshift, please choos another one ..."
         raw_input("Press enter to continue ... ")

      for i in range(n):
        j    = hp.ang2pix(nside,DtoR*(90.0-Sliced_Halo_data[k].DEC[i]),DtoR*(Sliced_Halo_data[k].RA[i]))
        neighbour = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside,j)
        Fx = 10.0**Sliced_Halo_data[k].lgFx[i] 
        pix[j]            += Fx/2.0
        pix[neighbour[0]] += Fx/16.0
        pix[neighbour[1]] += Fx/16.0
        pix[neighbour[2]] += Fx/16.0    
        pix[neighbour[3]] += Fx/16.0    
        pix[neighbour[4]] += Fx/16.0    
        pix[neighbour[5]] += Fx/16.0    
        pix[neighbour[6]] += Fx/16.0    
        pix[neighbour[7]] += Fx/16.0    

      halo_n = Read_Integer_Input("We have %i halos in this slice which one you want to exctract ? "%n)
      halo_n = halo_n - 1
      while(halo_n > (n-1) or halo_n < 0 ):
        print "Invalid Number."
        halo_n = Read_Integer_Input("Please choose an integer between 1 and %i : "%n)
        halo_n = halo_n - 1

#      for i in range(halo_n,halo_n+1):
#        neighbour = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside,DtoR*(90.0-Sliced_Halo_data[k].DEC[i]),DtoR*(Sliced_Halo_data[k].RA[i]))
#       j    = hp.ang2pix(nside,DtoR*(90.0-Sliced_Halo_data[k].DEC[i]),DtoR*(Sliced_Halo_data[k].RA[i]))
#        pix[j] += 2.0
#        pix[neighbour[0]] += 1.0
#        pix[neighbour[1]] += 1.0    
#        pix[neighbour[2]] += 1.0   
#        pix[neighbour[3]] += 1.0
#        pix[neighbour[4]] += 1.0
#        pix[neighbour[5]] += 1.0
#        pix[neighbour[6]] += 1.0
#        pix[neighbour[7]] += 1.0
#        print j, neighbour
#        neighbour = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside,j)
#        print j, neighbour

      hp.gnomview(pix, fig=1 , rot=(Sliced_Halo_data[k].RA[halo_n],Sliced_Halo_data[k].DEC[halo_n],0.0) , xsize=Output_Para.xsize , reso=Output_Para.resolution , degree=Output_Para.resol_degree)
#      clf()
#      hp.mollview(pix, fig = 1)
#      hp.graticule()
#      show()
      save_ques = Read_YN_Input("Do you want to save its picture (please enter Y, y, N, or n)? ")
      if save_ques :
        hp.gnomview(pix, fig=1 , rot=(Sliced_Halo_data[k].RA[halo_n],Sliced_Halo_data[k].DEC[halo_n],0.0) , xsize=Output_Para.xsize , reso=Output_Para.resolution , degree=Output_Para.resol_degree)
        fname = 'sky_projection_HEALPix_Linear_%i_%i_%i.pdf'%(nside,(halo_n+1),(k+1))
        title(r'Redshift is between %0.2f and %0.2f'%(Sliced_Halo_data[k].z_min,Sliced_Halo_data[k].z_max),fontsize = 20)
        print 'Saving plot', fname
#        savefig(fdir+fname,bbox_inches='tight')
      ques = False
#      ques = Read_YN_Input("Do you want to extract another halo (please enter Y, y, N, or n)? ")

    return 0
Пример #57
def DESm2h(tolyfile, nside_out, nside_tiny, coord='GAL',weights=['maglims'], nside_large=16, nside_ini=128, project='OPS' ):
    Routine designed to convert DES mangle mask to healpix masks without having the full combined masks
    The only combined mask that is required is the "tolygon polygons" file, that represent the footprint  of the mask at the tile level
    tolyfile : toylogon file
    nside_out: Nside of the final Healpix mask that are produced  (typically nside_out=2048 or 4096)
    nside_tiny: Nside of the finest resolution (typically nside_tiny=16384 or 32768)
    weights: list os strings that  indicate what maps are to be produced. Typically weights=['maglims', 'bitmask', 'time', 'weight']
    nside_large: very small nside (coarse resultion to minimize time. It is faster to run polyid on a big array of points than multiple polyid calls with smaller arrays ). Typically nside_large=8 or 16
    nside_ini : smallest nside needed tobe sure to probe all the tolygon file.  One tile is .5 sq deg. that requires probing the nside=128 pixels 
    coord: coordinante system. Should be only GAL or EQU
    project: Either ACT or OPS. used to find the mangle files on deslogin


    N+1 healpix maps at resolution Nside_out, in Nested format and in the desired coordinates, where N is the number of weights considered. The first map (ind =0), is the detection fraction, i.e. the fraction of tiny pixel that are not 0 inside a final pixel.
    if coord!='GAL' and coord!='EQU':
        print  "Please indidicate a correct coordinate system. Use either GAL or EQU"
        return -1

    maps=nm.zeros((12*nside_map_final**2, nmaps+1))+hp.UNSEEN

    ### 1. get at least one healpix pixel center within each tile of the mask. One tile is .5 sq deg. that requires probing the nside=128 pixels 

    ## load ra, dec of healpix center for nside=nside_ini and galactic coordinates
    print 'Loading healpix center coordinates for nside= %d'%nside_ini
    if coord=='GAL':
        ra,dec= mu.get_hpx_coord_GAL_inradec(nside_ini)
    if coord=='EQU':
        ra,dec= mu.get_hpx_coord_radec(nside_ini)
    #Load tolygon files 
    print 'loading tolygons file'
    print 'done'

    ##### get the weight of the nside=128 pixels against the tolygon mask. Tell whether pixels are in the mask

    ind=nm.where(w !=0)[0]

    ### ind contains the pixels that are in the mask. to make sure that we are indeed having all the pixels that have even the tiniest overlap with the mask, we take twice the neighbouring pixels

    a=hp.get_all_neighbours(nside_ini,ind, nest=True)
    b=nm.concatenate([a, ind])
    c=hp.get_all_neighbours(nside_ini,b, nest=True)

    ### d now contains all the mid-scale pixels that we are going to consider.

    ### 2. consider even larger pixels to minimize io time. it is faster to run polyid on a big array of points than multiple polyid calls with smaller arrays

    print "There are %d large nside=%d pixels in this mask'"%(dlarge.shape[0], nside_large)
    # dlarge now contains the ids of the nside= nside_large pixels

    ### 3. loading the table with the mangle_run, coadd_run ad coaddtile_id

    #### Need to add something to get the tiles.dat files

    for i in range(1,N+1):

    #### tile_tab contains all the info af the tiles in the mask: coaddtile_id, tilename, mangle_run, coadd_run. Those should be needed to retreive the individual tiles masks

    npix_per_fat=nm.int(4**(nm.log(nside_tiny/nside_map_final)/nm.log(2)))  ## number of tiny pixels per pixels of the final healpix map.

    for lpixid in dlarge:    ##### loop on the large pixels
        print '%d / %d big pixels'%(kk, dlarge.shape[0])

        ## get all the pixels of the final map for the large pixel lpixid 
        fat=mu.get_sons2(nm.array([lpixid]), nside_large,nside_map_final)

        ##these are the ipix of all the tiny hpx pixels within the fat 
        sons=mu.get_sons2(fat, nside_map_final, nside_tiny)
        jmaps=nm.zeros((len(sons), nmaps+1))

        ### Need to transform back the coord of the sons into EQU to be able to match them agains the mangle mask


        theta,phi=hp.pix2ang(nside_tiny, sons, nest=True)
        theta=nm.pi/2 -theta
        if coord=='GAL':
            ra, dec= R(phi*180/nm.pi, theta*180/nm.pi, lonlat=True)
            ra=nm.mod(ra, 360)
        if coord=='EQU':

            ra=nm.mod(ra, 360)
            ra,dec=mu.perturb_radec(nside_tiny, ra,dec)

        #### Need to split the sons pixels according to which tile thy fall in.
        p=mng.polyid(ra, dec)
        a,b,c=nm.unique(p, return_index=True, return_inverse=True)

        print 'There are %d tiles in this large pixel of the sky in which we will look one by one'%(a.shape[0])
        #####For each tile within this large pixel lpixid interoggate the mangle masks at the position of the tiny pixels.

        for i in  range(a.shape[0]):
            if t1!=-1: 
                ind_1= nm.where(tile_tab[:,0]=='%s'%t1)[0]  ## get the line in tile_tab that correspond to that tile


                # t1 is the tileid of the firsttile in which there are some pixles.
                #ind1=where(c==i) are the indices of those pixels

                # loading the mangle mask for that first tile. The path of the files with have to be modified when ported to the deslogin
                if verbose:
                    print 'loading file %s'%'/Users/benoitl/Documents/Post_doc/DES/DESdata/OPS/Final_masks/mangle/y1p1_s82_copy/%s/mangle/%s_holymolys_weight_i.pol'%(mangle_run, coadd_run)

                nmg1=pym.Mangle('/Users/benoitl/Documents/Post_doc/DES/DESdata/OPS/Final_masks/mangle/y1p1_s82_copy/%s/mangle/%s_holymolys_weight_i.pol'%(mangle_run, coadd_run))
                w1= nmg1.weight(ra[indd], dec[indd])

                #                jweight[indd]=nm.float64(w1)
                for  wei in weights:
                    ### load maglim
                    nmg1.read_weights('/Users/benoitl/Documents/Post_doc/DES/DESdata/OPS/Final_masks/mangle/y1p1_s82_copy/%s/mangle/%s_molys_i.%s'%(mangle_run, coadd_run, wei))
                    w1= nmg1.weight(ra[indd], dec[indd])
                    jmaps[indd, it]=nm.float64(w1)
                    #                    jmaglim[indd]=nm.float64(w1)
                    ###fin boucle sur tile 

        jjmaps=nm.reshape(jmaps, (Npixel/npix_per_fat, npix_per_fat,nmaps+1))

        mm=nm.mean(jjmaps, axis=1, dtype=nm.float64)
        mfrac=nm.sum(jjmaps[:,:,0]>0, axis=1)/(1.0*npix_per_fat)
        del( sons, fat, jjmaps,jmaps,mm, mfrac,)
        del(p, a,b,c)
    return maps
Пример #58
def contour(m, levels, nest=False, degrees=False, simplify=True):
    import pkg_resources
        pkg_resources.require('healpy >= 1.9.0')
        raise RuntimeError('This function requires healpy >= 1.9.0.')
        import networkx as nx
        raise RuntimeError('This function requires the networkx package.')

    # Determine HEALPix resolution
    npix = len(m)
    nside = hp.npix2nside(npix)
    min_area = 0.4 * hp.nside2pixarea(nside)

    # Compute faces, vertices, and neighbors.
    # vertices is an N X 3 array of the distinct vertices of the HEALPix faces.
    # faces is an npix X 4 array mapping HEALPix faces to their vertices.
    # neighbors is an npix X 4 array mapping faces to their nearest neighbors.
    faces = np.ascontiguousarray(
            np.rollaxis(hp.boundaries(nside, np.arange(npix), nest=nest), 2, 1))
    dtype = faces.dtype
    faces = faces.view(np.dtype((np.void, dtype.itemsize * 3)))
    vertices, faces = np.unique(faces.ravel(), return_inverse=True)
    faces = faces.reshape(-1, 4)
    vertices = vertices.view(dtype).reshape(-1, 3)
    neighbors = hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, np.arange(npix), nest=nest)[::2].T

    # Loop over the requested contours.
    paths = []
    for level in levels:

        # Find credible region
        indicator = (m >= level)

        # Construct a graph of the eges of the contour.
        graph = nx.Graph()
        face_pairs = set()
        for ipix1, ipix2 in enumerate(neighbors):
            for ipix2 in ipix2:
                # Determine if we have already considered this pair of faces.
                new_face_pair = frozenset((ipix1, ipix2))
                if new_face_pair in face_pairs: continue

                # Determine if this pair of faces are on a boundary of the
                # credible level.
                if indicator[ipix1] == indicator[ipix2]: continue

                # Add all common edges of this pair of faces.
                i1 = np.concatenate((faces[ipix1], [faces[ipix1][0]]))
                i2 = np.concatenate((faces[ipix2], [faces[ipix2][0]]))
                edges1 = frozenset(frozenset(_) for _ in zip(i1[:-1], i1[1:]))
                edges2 = frozenset(frozenset(_) for _ in zip(i2[:-1], i2[1:]))
                for edge in edges1 & edges2:
        graph = nx.freeze(graph)

        # Record a closed path for each cycle in the graph.
        cycles = [
            np.take(vertices, cycle, axis=0) for cycle in nx.cycle_basis(graph)]

        # Simplify paths if requested
        if simplify:
            cycles = [_simplify(cycle, min_area) for cycle in cycles]
            cycles = [cycle for cycle in cycles if len(cycle) > 2]

        # Convert to lists
        cycles = [
            _vec2radec(cycle, degrees=degrees).tolist() for cycle in cycles]

        # Add to output paths
        paths.append([cycle + [cycle[0]] for cycle in cycles])

    return paths
def maskingAlgorithmGeneralized(myBundles, plotHandler, dataLabel, nside= 128,
                                findValue= 'unmasked', relation= '=',
                                newValue= 'masked',
                                pixelRadius= 6, returnBorderIndices= False,
                                printInfo= True, plotIntermediatePlots= True,
                                skyMapColorMin= -0.12, skyMapColorMax= 0.12):
    Assign newValue to all pixels in a skymap within pixelRadius of pixels with value <, >, or = findValue.

    Required arguments:
      * myBundles -  a dictionary for metricBundles.
      * plotHandler - lsst.sims.maf.plots.plotHandler.PlotHandler object for skymaps and power spectra
      * dataLabel - a string describing that date, i.e. 'numGal'

    Pre-Set/optional arguments:
      * nside - HEALpix resolution parameter. default value: 128
      * findValue - if related to mask, must be either 'masked' or 'unmasked'. otherwise, must be a number. default: 'unmasked'
      * relation - must be '>','=','<'. default: '='
      * newValue - if related to mask, must be either 'masked' or 'unmasked'. otherwise, must be a number. default: 'masked'
      * pixelRadius - number of pixels to consider around a given pixel. default: 6
      * returnBorderIndices - set to True to return the array of indices of the pixels whose values/mask are changed. default: False
      * printInfo - set to False if do not want to print intermediate info. default: True
      * plotIntermediatePlots - set to False if do not want to plot intermediate plots. default: True
      * skyMapColorMin - colorMin label value for skymap plotDict label. default: -0.12
      * skyMapColorMax - colorMax label value for skymap plotDict label. default: 0.12

    # find pixels such that (pixelValue (relation) findValue) AND their neighbors dont have that (relation) findValue.
    # then assign newValue to all these pixels.
    # relation must be '>','=','<'
    # data indices are the pixels numbers ..
    # make sure that relation is compatible with findValue
    if ((findValue == 'masked') | (findValue == 'unmasked')):
        if (relation != '='):
            print 'ERROR: must have relation== "=" if findValue is related to mask.'
            print 'Setting:  relation= "="'
            relation= '='
            print ''
    # translate findValue into what has to be assigned
    findValueToConsider= findValue
    if (str(findValue)).__contains__('mask'):
        if (findValue == 'masked'):
            findValueToConsider= True
        if (findValue == 'unmasked'):
            findValueToConsider= False

    # translate newValue into what has to be assigned
    newValueToAssign= newValue   
    if (str(newValue)).__contains__('mask'):
        if (newValue == 'masked'):
            newValueToAssign= True
        if (newValue == 'unmasked'):
            newValueToAssign= False

    borders= {}
    for dither in myBundles:
        totalBorderPixel= []

        # find the appropriate array to look at.
        if (str(findValue)).__contains__('mask'):
            origArray= myBundles[dither].metricValues.mask.copy()    # mask array
            origArray= myBundles[dither].metricValues.data.copy()    # data array
        for r in range(0,pixelRadius):
            borderPixel= []
            tempCopy= copy.deepcopy(myBundles)
            # ignore the pixels whose neighbors formed the border in previous run
            if (r != 0):
                origArray[totalBorderPixel]= newValueToAssign

            # find the pixels that satisfy the relation with findValue and whose neighbors dont
            for i in range(0, len(origArray)):
                neighborsPixels= hp.get_all_neighbours(nside,i)   # i is the pixel number
                for j in neighborsPixels:
                    condition= None
                    if (relation == '<'):
                        condition= ((origArray[i] < findValueToConsider) & (origArray[j] >= findValueToConsider))
                    if (relation == '='):
                        condition= ((origArray[i] == findValueToConsider) & (origArray[j] != findValueToConsider))
                    if (relation == '>'):
                        condition= ((origArray[i] > findValueToConsider) & (origArray[j] <= findValueToConsider))
                    if (condition == None):
                        print 'ERROR: invalid relation: ', relation
                        print 'Aborting.'
                    if condition:
                        if (j != -1):                            # -1 entries correspond to inexistent neighbors
            borderPixel= np.unique(borderPixel)

            if printInfo:
                print 'Border pixels from run', r+1, ':', len(borderPixel)
                print 'Total pixels so far: ', len(totalBorderPixel)
                print ''
            # plot found pixels
            if plotIntermediatePlots:
                if (str(newValue)).__contains__('mask'):
                    tempCopy[dither].metricValues.mask[:]= newValueToAssign
                    tempCopy[dither].metricValues.mask[totalBorderPixel]= not(newValueToAssign)
                    tempCopy[dither].metricValues.data[totalBorderPixel]= -500
                    plotDict = {'xlabel': dataLabel, 'title':'%s: %s Round # %s' %(dither, dataLabel, r+1), 
                                'logScale': False, 'labelsize': 9,'colorMin':-550, 'colorMax': 550}
                    tempCopy[dither].metricValues.mask[:]= True
                    tempCopy[dither].metricValues.mask[totalBorderPixel]= False
                    tempCopy[dither].metricValues.data[totalBorderPixel]= newValueToAssign
                    plotDict = {'xlabel': dataLabel, 'title':'%s %s Round # %s' %(dither, dataLabel, r+1), 
                                'logScale': False, 'labelsize': 9, 'maxl': 500}
                tempCopy[dither].setPlotFuncs([plots.HealpixSkyMap(), plots.HealpixPowerSpectrum()])
            borders[dither]= totalBorderPixel   # save the found pixels with the appropriate key

    # change the original map/array.
    for dither in myBundles:
        totalBorderPixel= borders[dither]
        if (str(newValue)).__contains__('mask'):
            myBundles[dither].metricValues.mask[totalBorderPixel]= newValueToAssign
            myBundles[dither].metricValues.data[totalBorderPixel]= 0.0
            myBundles[dither].metricValues.data[totalBorderPixel]= newValueToAssign
        plotDict = {'xlabel':dataLabel, 'title':'%s: %s MaskedMap; pixelRadius: %s ' %(dither,dataLabel, pixelRadius), 
                    'logScale': False, 'labelsize': 8,'colorMin': skyMapColorMin, 'colorMax': skyMapColorMax}
        plotDict = {'xlabel':dataLabel, 'title':'%s: %s MaskedMap; pixelRadius: %s ' %(dither,dataLabel, pixelRadius), 
                    'logScale': False, 'labelsize': 12, 'maxl': 500}


    if returnBorderIndices:
        return [myBundles, borders]
        return myBundles