Пример #1
    def __init__(self, comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD, nnz=1, dtype=np.float64,
        if libsharp is None:
            raise RuntimeError('libsharp not available')
        self.data = None
        self._comm = comm
        self._nnz = nnz
        self._dtype = dtype
        self._nest = False
        self._nside = nside

        self._cache = Cache()

        self._libsharp_grid, self._local_ring_indices = distribute_rings(
            self._nside, self._comm.rank, self._comm.size)
        # returns start index of the ring and number of pixels
        startpix, ringpix, _, _, _ = hp.ringinfo(
            self._nside, self._local_ring_indices.astype(np.int64))

        local_npix = self._libsharp_grid.local_size()
        self._local_pixels = self._cache.create(
            "local_pixels", shape=(local_npix,), type=np.int64)
        expand_pix(startpix, ringpix, local_npix, self._local_pixels)

        self.data = self._cache.create(
            "data", shape=(local_npix, self._nnz), type=self._dtype)
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, comm=MPI.COMM_WORLD, nnz=1, dtype=np.float64, nside=16):
        if libsharp is None:
            raise RuntimeError('libsharp not available')
        self.data = None
        self._comm = comm
        self._nnz = nnz
        self._dtype = dtype
        self._nest = False
        self._nside = nside

        self._cache = Cache()

        self._libsharp_grid, self._local_ring_indices = distribute_rings(
            self._nside, self._comm.rank, self._comm.size)
        # returns start index of the ring and number of pixels
        startpix, ringpix, _, _, _ = hp.ringinfo(
            self._nside, self._local_ring_indices.astype(np.int64))

        local_npix = self._libsharp_grid.local_size()
        self._local_pixels = self._cache.create("local_pixels",
                                                shape=(local_npix, ),
        expand_pix(startpix, ringpix, local_npix, self._local_pixels)

        self.data = self._cache.create("data",
                                       shape=(local_npix, self._nnz),
Пример #3
Файл: mpi.py Проект: healpy/pysm
def distribute_rings_libsharp(mpi_comm, nside, lmax):
    """Create a libsharp map distribution based on rings

    Build a libsharp grid object to distribute a HEALPix map
    balancing North and South distribution of rings to achieve
    the best performance on Harmonic Transforms
    Returns the grid object and the pixel indices array in RING ordering

    mpi_comm : mpi4py.MPI.Comm
        mpi4py communicator
    nside : int
        nside of the map

    grid : libsharp.healpix_grid
        libsharp object that includes metadata about HEALPix distributed rings
    local_pix : np.ndarray
        integer array of local pixel indices in the current MPI process in RING
    import libsharp

    nrings = 4 * nside - 1  # four missing pixels

    # ring indices are 1-based
    ring_indices_emisphere = np.arange(2 * nside, dtype=np.int32) + 1

    local_ring_indices = ring_indices_emisphere[mpi_comm.rank::mpi_comm.size]

    # to improve performance, symmetric rings north/south need to be in the same rank
    # therefore we use symmetry to create the full ring indexing

    if local_ring_indices[-1] == 2 * nside:
        # has equator ring
        local_ring_indices = np.concatenate(
            [local_ring_indices[:-1], nrings - local_ring_indices[::-1] + 1])
        # does not have equator ring
        local_ring_indices = np.concatenate(
            [local_ring_indices, nrings - local_ring_indices[::-1] + 1])

    libsharp_grid = libsharp.healpix_grid(nside, rings=local_ring_indices)

    # returns start index of the ring and number of pixels
    startpix, ringpix, _, _, _ = hp.ringinfo(nside,

    local_npix = libsharp_grid.local_size()
    local_pixels = expand_pix(startpix, ringpix, local_npix).astype(int)

    local_m_indices = np.arange(mpi_comm.rank,
                                lmax + 1,
    libsharp_order = libsharp.packed_real_order(lmax, ms=local_m_indices)
    return local_pixels, libsharp_grid, libsharp_order
Пример #4
def polar_profile(m, nest=False):
    """Obtain the marginalized polar profile of sky map.


    m : np.ndarray
        The input HEALPix array.

    nest : bool, default=False
        Indicates whether the input sky map is in nested rather than
        ring-indexed HEALPix coordinates (default: ring).


    theta : np.ndarray
        The polar angles (i.e., the colatitudes) of the isolatitude rings.

    m_int : np.ndarray
        The normalized probability density, such that `np.trapz(m_int, theta)`
        is approximately `np.sum(m)`.
    npix = len(m)
    nside = hp.npix2nside(npix)
    nrings, = hp.pix2ring(nside, np.asarray([npix]))
    startpix, ringpix, costheta, sintheta, _ = hp.ringinfo(
        nside, np.arange(1, nrings))

    if nest:
        m = hp.reorder(m, n2r=True)

    theta = np.arccos(costheta)
    m_int = np.asarray([
        m[i:i + j].sum() * stheta * 0.5 * npix / j
        for i, j, stheta in zip(startpix, ringpix, sintheta)

    return theta, m_int
Пример #5
def polar_profile(m, nest=False):
    """Obtain the marginalized polar profile of sky map.


    m : np.ndarray
        The input HEALPix array.

    nest : bool, default=False
        Indicates whether the input sky map is in nested rather than
        ring-indexed HEALPix coordinates (default: ring).


    theta : np.ndarray
        The polar angles (i.e., the colatitudes) of the isolatitude rings.

    m_int : np.ndarray
        The normalized probability density, such that `np.trapz(m_int, theta)`
        is approximately `np.sum(m)`.
    npix = len(m)
    nside = hp.npix2nside(npix)
    nrings, = hp.pix2ring(nside, np.asarray([npix]))
    startpix, ringpix, costheta, sintheta, _ = hp.ringinfo(
        nside, np.arange(1, nrings))

    if nest:
        m = hp.reorder(m, n2r=True)

    theta = np.arccos(costheta)
    m_int = np.asarray(
        [m[i:i+j].sum() * stheta * 0.5 * npix / j
         for i, j, stheta in zip(startpix, ringpix, sintheta)])

    return theta, m_int
    # does not have equator ring
    local_ring_indices = np.concatenate(
       nrings - local_ring_indices[::-1] + 1]

print("rank", rank, "n_rings", len(local_ring_indices))

if not mpi:
    local_ring_indices = None
grid = libsharp.healpix_grid(nside, rings=local_ring_indices)

# returns start index of the ring and number of pixels
startpix, ringpix, _, _, _ = hp.ringinfo(nside, local_ring_indices.astype(np.int64))

local_npix = grid.local_size()

def expand_pix(startpix, ringpix, local_npix):
    """Turn first pixel index and number of pixel in full array of pixels

    to be optimized with cython or numba
    local_pix = np.empty(local_npix, dtype=np.int64)
    i = 0
    for start, num in zip(startpix, ringpix):
        local_pix[i:i+num] = np.arange(start, start+num)
        i += num
    return local_pix
Пример #7
        for ifov, fov in enumerate(fovs):
            raAvgmap = truemap.copy()
            raAvgFOVmap = truemap.copy()

            decHi = lat + fov * .5
            decLo = lat - fov * .5
            if decHi >= 90.:
                decHi = 90.
            if decLo <= -90.:
                decLo = -90.

            fovPix = 0.
            ringLo = int(4 * nside * (90. - decHi) / 180.)
            ringHi = int(4 * nside * (90. - decLo) / 180.)
            for ring in range(1, 4 * nside + 1):
                ringInfo = h.ringinfo(nside, np.array([ring]))
                startpix = ringInfo[0]
                ringpix = ringInfo[1]
                avg = sum(truemap[startpix:startpix + ringpix] / ringpix)
                for pix in range(startpix, startpix + ringpix):
                    raAvgmap[pix] -= avg
                    # Limit FOV
                    if ring in range(ringLo, ringHi + 1):
                        raAvgFOVmap[pix] = raAvgmap[pix]
                        fovPix += 1
                        raAvgFOVmap[pix] = 0.

            cov = 1. * fovPix / len(raAvgmap)
            covs[ilat][ifov][dipole] = cov
    # has equator ring
    local_ring_indices = np.concatenate(
        [local_ring_indices[:-1], nrings - local_ring_indices[::-1] + 1])
    # does not have equator ring
    local_ring_indices = np.concatenate(
        [local_ring_indices, nrings - local_ring_indices[::-1] + 1])

print("rank", rank, "n_rings", len(local_ring_indices))

if not mpi:
    local_ring_indices = None
grid = libsharp.healpix_grid(nside, rings=local_ring_indices)

# returns start index of the ring and number of pixels
startpix, ringpix, _, _, _ = hp.ringinfo(nside,

local_npix = grid.local_size()

def expand_pix(startpix, ringpix, local_npix):
    """Turn first pixel index and number of pixel in full array of pixels

    to be optimized with cython or numba
    local_pix = np.empty(local_npix, dtype=np.int64)
    i = 0
    for start, num in zip(startpix, ringpix):
        local_pix[i:i + num] = np.arange(start, start + num)
        i += num
    return local_pix