Пример #1
class Scheme(object):

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#

    def __init__(self, gb):
        self.gb = gb

        # -- flow -- #
        self.discr_flow = Flow(gb)

        shape = self.discr_flow.shape()
        self.flux_pressure = np.zeros(shape)

        # -- temperature -- #
        self.discr_temperature = Heat(gb)

        shape = self.discr_temperature.shape()
        self.temperature = np.zeros(shape)
        self.temperature_old = np.zeros(shape)

        # -- solute and precipitate -- #
        self.discr_solute_advection_diffusion = Transport(gb)
        self.discr_solute_precipitate_reaction = Reaction(gb)

        shape = self.discr_solute_advection_diffusion.shape()
        self.solute = np.zeros(shape)
        self.precipitate = np.zeros(shape)
        self.solute_old = np.zeros(shape)
        self.precipitate_old = np.zeros(shape)

        # -- porosity -- #
        self.discr_porosity = Porosity(gb)

        shape = self.discr_porosity.shape()
        self.porosity = np.zeros(shape)
        self.porosity_old = np.zeros(shape)
        self.porosity_star = np.zeros(shape)

        # -- aperture -- #
        self.discr_aperture = Aperture(gb)

        shape = self.discr_aperture.shape()
        self.aperture = np.zeros(shape)
        self.aperture_old = np.zeros(shape)
        self.aperture_star = np.zeros(shape)

        # -- composite variables -- #
        self.porosity_aperture_times_solute = np.zeros(shape)
        self.porosity_aperture_times_precipitate = np.zeros(shape)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#

    def compute_flow(self):
        A, b = self.discr_flow.matrix_rhs()
        return sps.linalg.spsolve(A, b)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#

    def compute_temperature(self, porosity_star, aperture_star):
        # compute the matrices
        A, M, b = self.discr_temperature.matrix_rhs()

        # compute the effective thermal capacity, keeping in mind that the fracture
        # contains only water
        rc_w = self.discr_temperature.data["rc_w"]
        rc_s = self.discr_temperature.data["rc_s"]

        c_star = rc_w * (porosity_star + aperture_star) + rc_s * (1 - porosity_star)
        c_old = rc_w * (self.porosity_old + self.aperture_old) + rc_s * (1 - self.porosity_old)

        # the mass term which considers the contribution from the effective thermal capacity
        M_star = M * sps.diags(c_star, 0)
        M_old = M * sps.diags(c_old, 0)

        # compute the new temperature
        return sps.linalg.spsolve(M_star + A, M_old * self.temperature_old + b)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#

    def compute_solute_precipitate_advection_diffusion(self, porosity_star, aperture_star):
        # compute the matrices
        A, M, b = self.discr_solute_advection_diffusion.matrix_rhs()

        # the mass term which considers both the porosity and aperture contribution
        M_star = M * sps.diags(porosity_star + aperture_star, 0)
        M_old = M * sps.diags(self.porosity_old + self.aperture_old, 0)

        # compute the new solute
        return sps.linalg.spsolve(M_star + A, M_old * self.solute_old + b)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#

    def compute_solute_precipitate_rection(self, solute_half, precipitate_half):
        # the dof associated to the porous media and fractures, are the first
        dof = self.gb.num_cells()

        # temporary solution vectors
        solute = np.zeros(self.discr_solute_advection_diffusion.shape())
        precipitate = np.zeros(self.discr_solute_advection_diffusion.shape())

        # compute the new solute and precipitate
        solute[:dof], precipitate[:dof] = self.discr_solute_precipitate_reaction.step(
        return solute, precipitate

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#

    def set_old_variables(self):
        self.temperature_old = self.temperature.copy()
        self.solute_old = self.solute.copy()
        self.precipitate_old = self.precipitate.copy()
        self.porosity_old = self.porosity.copy()
        self.aperture_old = self.aperture.copy()

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#

    def set_data(self, param):

        # set the initial condition
        assembler = self.discr_solute_advection_diffusion.assembler
        dof = np.cumsum(np.append(0, np.asarray(assembler.full_dof)))
        for (g, _), bi in assembler.block_dof.items():
            #g = pair[0]
            if isinstance(g, pp.Grid):
                dof_loc = slice(dof[bi], dof[bi+1])

                data = param["temperature"]["initial"]
                self.temperature[dof_loc] = data(g, param, param["tol"])

                data = param["solute_advection_diffusion"]["initial_solute"]
                self.solute[dof_loc] = data(g, param, param["tol"])

                data = param["solute_advection_diffusion"]["initial_precipitate"]
                self.precipitate[dof_loc] = data(g, param, param["tol"])

                data = param["porosity"]["initial"]
                self.porosity[dof_loc] = data(g, param, param["tol"])

                data = param["aperture"]["initial"]
                self.aperture[dof_loc] = data(g, param, param["tol"])

        # set the old variables

        # save the initial porosity and aperture
        self.discr_porosity.extract(self.porosity, "porosity_initial")
        self.discr_aperture.extract(self.aperture, "aperture_initial")

        # extract the initialized variables, useful for setting the data

        # set now the data for each scheme
        self.discr_flow.set_data(param["flow"], param["time"])
        self.discr_temperature.set_data(param["temperature"], param["time"])
        self.discr_solute_advection_diffusion.set_data(param["solute_advection_diffusion"], param["time"])
        self.discr_solute_precipitate_reaction.set_data(param["solute_precipitate_reaction"], param["time"])

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#

    def extract(self):

        self.discr_temperature.extract(self.temperature, "temperature")
        self.discr_solute_advection_diffusion.extract(self.solute, "solute")
        self.discr_solute_advection_diffusion.extract(self.precipitate, "precipitate")

        self.discr_porosity.extract(self.porosity, "porosity")
        self.discr_porosity.extract(self.porosity_old, "porosity_old")

        self.discr_aperture.extract(self.aperture, "aperture")
        self.discr_aperture.extract(self.aperture_old, "aperture_old")


    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#

    def vars_to_save(self):
        name = ["solute", "precipitate", "porosity", "aperture", "temperature"]
        name += ["porosity_aperture_times_solute", "porosity_aperture_times_precipitate"]
        return name + [self.discr_flow.pressure, self.discr_flow.P0_flux]

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------#

    def one_step_splitting_scheme(self):

        # the dof associated to the porous media and fractures, are the first
        dof = slice(0, self.gb.num_cells())

        # POINT 1) extrapolate the precipitate to get a better estimate of porosity
        precipitate_star = 2*self.precipitate - self.precipitate_old

        # POINT 2) compute the porosity and aperture star
        porosity_star = self.discr_porosity.step(self.porosity_old, precipitate_star, self.precipitate_old)
        self.discr_porosity.extract(porosity_star, "porosity_star")

        aperture_star = self.discr_aperture.step(self.aperture_old, precipitate_star, self.precipitate_old)
        self.discr_aperture.extract(aperture_star, "aperture_star")

        # -- DO THE FLOW PART -- #

        # POINT 3) update the data from the previous time step

        # POINT 4) solve the flow part
        self.flux_pressure = self.compute_flow()

        # -- DO THE HEAT PART -- #

        # POINT 5) set the flux and update the data from the previous time step
        self.discr_temperature.set_flux(self.discr_flow.flux, self.discr_flow.mortar)

        # POINT 5) solve the temperature part
        self.temperature = self.compute_temperature(porosity_star, aperture_star)

        # -- DO THE TRANSPORT PART -- #

        # set the flux and update the data from the previous time step
        self.discr_solute_advection_diffusion.set_flux(self.discr_flow.flux, self.discr_flow.mortar)

        # POINT 6) solve the advection and diffusion part to get the intermediate solute solution
        solute_half = self.compute_solute_precipitate_advection_diffusion(porosity_star, aperture_star)

        # POINT 7) Since in the advection-diffusion step we have accounted for porosity changes using
        # phi_star, the new solute concentration accounts for the change in pore volume, thus, the
        # precipitate needs to be updated accordingly
        factor = np.zeros(self.porosity_old.size)
        factor[dof] = (self.porosity_old[dof] + self.aperture_old[dof]) / (porosity_star[dof] + aperture_star[dof])
        precipitate_half = self.precipitate_old * factor

        # POINT 8) solve the reaction part
        solute_star_star, precipitate_star_star = self.compute_solute_precipitate_rection(solute_half, precipitate_half)

        # -- DO THE POROSITY PART -- #

        # POINT 9) solve the porosity and aperture part with the true concentration of precipitate
        self.porosity = self.discr_porosity.step(self.porosity, precipitate_star_star, self.precipitate_old)
        self.aperture = self.discr_aperture.step(self.aperture, precipitate_star_star, self.precipitate_old)

        # POINT 10) finally, we correct the concentrations to account for the difference between the extrapolated
        # and "true" new porosity to ensure mass conservation
        factor = np.zeros(self.porosity_old.size)
        factor[dof] = (porosity_star[dof] + aperture_star[dof]) / (self.porosity[dof] + self.aperture[dof])
        self.solute = solute_star_star * factor
        self.precipitate = precipitate_star_star * factor

        # set the old variables

        # compute composite variables
        factor = self.porosity + self.aperture
        self.porosity_aperture_times_solute = factor * self.solute
        self.porosity_aperture_times_precipitate = factor * self.precipitate

        # extract all the variables, useful for exporting