Пример #1
 def hebrew_school_year_printable(self):
     """Returns the text of the year as usually written, without the ה at the start"""
     return int_to_gematria(self.hebrew_school_year - 5000)
def Func(update,context):

    ---- imports ----

    import Program.Get_Bot_Variables as Get_Bot_Variables

    from Program.Send import Send as Send

    from Program.Button import Button as Button


    Bot_Variables = Get_Bot_Variables.Func([update,context])

    # - Variables - #
    TOKEN = Bot_Variables[0]
    Chat_ID = Bot_Variables[1]
    First_Name = Bot_Variables[2]
    UserName = Bot_Variables[3]
    Message = Bot_Variables[4]
    Message_ID = Bot_Variables[5]
    File_ID = Bot_Variables[6]
    Virtual_Location = Bot_Variables[7]
    User_Privileges = Bot_Variables[8]
    User_Lang = Bot_Variables[9]
    Mongo_Collections = Bot_Variables[10]
    Json_Message = Bot_Variables[11]
    Update = Bot_Variables[12]
    Other_Variables = Bot_Variables[13]
    Context = Bot_Variables[14]

    --- Send Class ---

Send.Message(Bot_Variables,"Paste Text Here")

Send.Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here",
                  Button.Markup("button 1"),
                  Button.Markup( Button.Markup_Phone("Send_Phone") , "button 5", "button 6"))

#NOTE: when when you used Button.Inline() for creating buttons for inline keyboard this is the syntax:
# ["URL/CALLBACK Button type( u/c )","button text","the url or callback name"]
# the callback name is the name you gave to the file you created in "Inline_Function" folder (not include the .py extinction)

Send.Inline_Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here" ,
                         Button.Inline(  ["U","URL Button","https://www.google.co.il/"] ,  ["C","Callback Button","Template"] ) ,
                         Button.Inline(["C","Callback Button","Template"] ,["U","URL Button","https://www.google.co.il/"])

# send edited keyboard, its edit current inline keyboard and change buttons give deep navigation effect

Send.Edited_Inline_Keyboard(Bot_Variables,"Text Here",
                            Button.Inline(["u","URL Button","www.google.co.il"])

Send.Callback_Answer(Bot_Variables,"Callback Query Answer")

Send.Callback_Alert(Bot_Variables,"Callback Query Alert")


# send any file by file id , type : video/voice message/photo/document/sticker

--- Buttons Types ---

# regular markup button
Button.Markup("button text1","button text2")

# make button markup to send user location
Button.Markup_Location("button text")

# make button markup to send user phone number
Button.Markup_Phone("button text")

# regular inline button
Button.Inline( ["URL/CALLBACK Button type( u/c )","button text","the url or callback name"])


* each time activated gives 1 rows of buttons

#Markup synatx
Send.Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here",
                  Button.Markup("button 1"),
                  Button.Markup( Button.Markup_Phone("Send_Phone") , "button 5", "button 6"))

#Inline synatx
#NOTE: when when you used Button.Inline() for creating buttons for inline keyboard this is the syntax:
# ["URL/CALLBACK Button type( u/c )","button text","the url or callback name"]
# the callback name is the name you gave to the file you created in "Inline_Function" folder (not include the .py extinction)

Send.Inline_Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here" ,
                         Button.Inline(  ["U","URL Button","https://www.google.co.il/"] ,  ["C","Callback Button","Template"] ) ,
                         Button.Inline(["C","Callback Button","Template"] ,["U","URL Button","https://www.google.co.il/"])

    Users = Bot_Variables[10][0]
    Chat_ID = Bot_Variables[1]

    favirites = Users.find_one({"chat_id":Chat_ID})["favorites"]

    Inline_Keyboard = {'inline_keyboard': []}

    Buttons = []

    bot_name = telegram.Bot(Bot_Variables[0]).get_me().username

    for i in range(int(len(favirites))):

                link = "https://t.me/" +bot_name +"?start=T{}"

                url = link.format(str(favirites[i]))
                Buttons.append( [{'text': int_to_gematria(favirites[i]+1), 'url':url}])

    Json_Message = Bot_Variables[11]

    Inline_Keyboard = {'inline_keyboard': [ ]}

    for i in range(len(Buttons)):

    Json_Message.reply_text("פרקים מועדפים ⭐️",reply_markup=Inline_Keyboard)
Пример #3
def Your_Code(update, context):
    ---- imports ----

    from Program.Send import Send as Send

    from Program.Button import Button as Button

    import Program.Get_Bot_Variables as Get_Bot_Variables

    import threading


    Bot_Variables = Get_Bot_Variables.Func([update, context])

    # - Variables - #
    TOKEN = Bot_Variables[0]
    Chat_ID = Bot_Variables[1]
    First_Name = Bot_Variables[2]
    UserName = Bot_Variables[3]
    Message = Bot_Variables[4]
    Message_ID = Bot_Variables[5]
    File_ID = Bot_Variables[6]
    Virtual_Location = Bot_Variables[7]
    User_Privileges = Bot_Variables[8]
    User_Lang = Bot_Variables[9]
    Mongo_Collections = Bot_Variables[10]
    Json_Message = Bot_Variables[11]
    Update = Bot_Variables[12]
    Other_Variables = Bot_Variables[13]
    Context = Bot_Variables[14]
    --- Send Class ---

Send.Message(Bot_Variables,"Paste Text Here")

Send.Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here",
                  Button.Markup("button 1"),
                  Button.Markup( Button.Markup_Phone("Send_Phone") , "button 5", "button 6"))

#NOTE: when when you used Button.Inline() for creating buttons for inline keyboard this is the syntax:
# ["URL/CALLBACK Button type( u/c )","button text","the url or callback name"]
# the callback name is the name you gave to the file you created in "Inline_Function" folder (not include the .py extinction)

Send.Inline_Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here" ,
                         Button.Inline(  ["U","URL Button","https://www.google.co.il/"] ,  ["C","Callback Button","Template"] ) ,
                         Button.Inline(["C","Callback Button","Template"] ,["U","URL Button","https://www.google.co.il/"])

# send edited keyboard, its edit current inline keyboard and change buttons give deep navigation effect

Send.Edited_Inline_Keyboard(Bot_Variables,"Text Here",
                            Button.Inline(["u","URL Button","www.google.co.il"])

Send.Callback_Answer(Bot_Variables,"Callback Query Answer")

Send.Callback_Alert(Bot_Variables,"Callback Query Alert")


# send any file by file id , type : video/voice message/photo/document/sticker

--- Buttons Types ---

# regular markup button
Button.Markup("button text1","button text2")

# make button markup to send user location
Button.Markup_Location("button text")

# make button markup to send user phone number
Button.Markup_Phone("button text")

# regular inline button
Button.Inline( ["URL/CALLBACK Button type( u/c )","button text","the url or callback name"])


* each time activated gives 1 rows of buttons

#Markup synatx
Send.Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here",
                  Button.Markup("button 1"),
                  Button.Markup( Button.Markup_Phone("Send_Phone") , "button 5", "button 6"))

#Inline synatx
#NOTE: when when you used Button.Inline() for creating buttons for inline keyboard this is the syntax:
# ["URL/CALLBACK Button type( u/c )","button text","the url or callback name"]
# the callback name is the name you gave to the file you created in "Inline_Function" folder (not include the .py extinction)

Send.Inline_Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here" ,
                         Button.Inline(  ["U","URL Button","https://www.google.co.il/"] ,  ["C","Callback Button","Template"] ) ,
                         Button.Inline(["C","Callback Button","Template"] ,["U","URL Button","https://www.google.co.il/"])


    Chat_ID = Bot_Variables[1]
    Users = Bot_Variables[10][0]

    user = Users.find_one({"chat_id": Chat_ID})

    chapter = int(user["book"]["bookmark"])
    favorites = user["favorites"]

    book_chapters = user["book"]["chapters"]
    write_type = user["write_type"]

    if chapter not in favorites:

        Users.update_one({"chat_id": Chat_ID},
                         {"$set": {
                             "favorites": favorites

            Bot_Variables, "פרק " + str(int_to_gematria(chapter + 1)) + " (" +
            str(chapter + 1) + ")" + " נוסף למועדפים ✅")

            Bot_Variables, send_neshama.Func(chapter, Bot_Variables),
            Button.Inline(["C", "⬅️", rolling_left.Func(write_type)], [
                favoriets_name.Func(update, context), "Favorite_neshama"
            ], ["C", "➡️", rolling_right.Func(write_type)]),
                 is_read_name.Func(update, context), "is_read_neshama"]))


        Users.update_one({"chat_id": Chat_ID},
                         {"$set": {
                             "favorites": favorites
            Bot_Variables, "פרק " + str(int_to_gematria(chapter + 1)) + " (" +
            str(chapter + 1) + ")" + " הוסר ממועדפים 🚫")

            Bot_Variables, send_neshama.Func(chapter, Bot_Variables),
            Button.Inline(["C", "⬅️", rolling_left.Func(write_type)], [
                favoriets_name.Func(update, context), "Favorite_neshama"
            ], ["C", "➡️", rolling_right.Func(write_type)]),
                 is_read_name.Func(update, context), "is_read_neshama"]))
def Your_Code(update, context):
    ---- imports ----

    from Program.Send import Send as Send

    from Program.Button import Button as Button

    import Program.Get_Bot_Variables as Get_Bot_Variables

    import threading


    Bot_Variables = Get_Bot_Variables.Func([update, context])

    # - Variables - #
    TOKEN = Bot_Variables[0]
    Chat_ID = Bot_Variables[1]
    First_Name = Bot_Variables[2]
    UserName = Bot_Variables[3]
    Message = Bot_Variables[4]
    Message_ID = Bot_Variables[5]
    File_ID = Bot_Variables[6]
    Virtual_Location = Bot_Variables[7]
    User_Privileges = Bot_Variables[8]
    User_Lang = Bot_Variables[9]
    Mongo_Collections = Bot_Variables[10]
    Json_Message = Bot_Variables[11]
    Update = Bot_Variables[12]
    Other_Variables = Bot_Variables[13]
    Context = Bot_Variables[14]
    --- Send Class ---

Send.Message(Bot_Variables,"Paste Text Here")

Send.Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here",
                  Button.Markup("button 1"),
                  Button.Markup( Button.Markup_Phone("Send_Phone") , "button 5", "button 6"))

#NOTE: when when you used Button.Inline() for creating buttons for inline keyboard this is the syntax:
# ["URL/CALLBACK Button type( u/c )","button text","the url or callback name"]
# the callback name is the name you gave to the file you created in "Inline_Function" folder (not include the .py extinction)

Send.Inline_Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here" ,
                         Button.Inline(  ["U","URL Button","https://www.google.co.il/"] ,  ["C","Callback Button","Template"] ) ,
                         Button.Inline(["C","Callback Button","Template"] ,["U","URL Button","https://www.google.co.il/"])

# send edited keyboard, its edit current inline keyboard and change buttons give deep navigation effect

Send.Edited_Inline_Keyboard(Bot_Variables,"Text Here",
                            Button.Inline(["u","URL Button","www.google.co.il"])

Send.Callback_Answer(Bot_Variables,"Callback Query Answer")

Send.Callback_Alert(Bot_Variables,"Callback Query Alert")


# send any file by file id , type : video/voice message/photo/document/sticker

--- Buttons Types ---

# regular markup button
Button.Markup("button text1","button text2")

# make button markup to send user location
Button.Markup_Location("button text")

# make button markup to send user phone number
Button.Markup_Phone("button text")

# regular inline button
Button.Inline( ["URL/CALLBACK Button type( u/c )","button text","the url or callback name"])


* each time activated gives 1 rows of buttons

#Markup synatx
Send.Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here",
                  Button.Markup("button 1"),
                  Button.Markup( Button.Markup_Phone("Send_Phone") , "button 5", "button 6"))

#Inline synatx
#NOTE: when when you used Button.Inline() for creating buttons for inline keyboard this is the syntax:
# ["URL/CALLBACK Button type( u/c )","button text","the url or callback name"]
# the callback name is the name you gave to the file you created in "Inline_Function" folder (not include the .py extinction)

Send.Inline_Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here" ,
                         Button.Inline(  ["U","URL Button","https://www.google.co.il/"] ,  ["C","Callback Button","Template"] ) ,
                         Button.Inline(["C","Callback Button","Template"] ,["U","URL Button","https://www.google.co.il/"])


    Chat_ID = Bot_Variables[1]
    Users = Bot_Variables[10][0]

    user = Users.find_one({"chat_id": Chat_ID})

    chapter = int(user["random_chapter"])
    button = update['callback_query']["message"]["reply_markup"][

    if button == "🔴 סמן כנקרא 🔴":

            chapter_count = Users.find_one({"chat_id": Chat_ID
            chapter_count = 0
        Users.update_one({"chat_id": Chat_ID}, {
            "$set": {
                "stats_chapters." + str(chapter): int(chapter_count) + 1

            Bot_Variables, "פרק " + str(int_to_gematria(chapter + 1)) + " (" +
            str(chapter + 1) + ")" + " סומן כנקרא ✅")

            Bot_Variables, Send_Book.Func(chapter, Bot_Variables),
                favoriets_name.Func(update, context),
            ]), Button.Inline(["C", "✅ נקרא ✅", "mark_random_as_read"]))


        chapter_count = Users.find_one({"chat_id": Chat_ID})["stats_chapters"]
        chapter_count = chapter_count[str(chapter)] - 1

            Bot_Variables, "פרק " + str(int_to_gematria(chapter + 1)) + " (" +
            str(chapter + 1) + ")" + " סומן כלא נקרא 🚫")

            {"chat_id": Chat_ID},
            {"$set": {
                "stats_chapters." + str(chapter): chapter_count

            Bot_Variables, Send_Book.Func(chapter, Bot_Variables),
                favoriets_name.Func(update, context),
            ]), Button.Inline(["C", "🔴 סמן כנקרא 🔴", "mark_random_as_read"]))
Пример #5
 def format(self, date):
     date = date.dict()
     date['month'] = hebrewcal.Month(date['year'], date['month']).name
     year_name = (int_to_gematria(int(str(date['year'])[0])) +
     return f"{int_to_gematria(date['day'])} {date['month']} {year_name[::-1]}"
Пример #6
def parse(infile, outfile):
    needtowrite = 0
    stringtowrite = ''

    dbname = infile[13:-4]
    ot = 0
    book_num = int(dbname[:2 - len(dbname)])
    if book_num is not 35:
        printas = dbname[2:3 - len(dbname)]
        book = books[book_num]
        if dbname[2:3 - len(dbname)] is 'a':
            book = book + ' א'
            ot = 1
        if dbname[2:3 - len(dbname)] is 'b':
            book = book + ' ב'
            ot = 1
        ot = 1
        if dbname[2:3 - len(dbname)] is 'a':
            book = 'עזרא'
            book = 'נחמיה'
    perek = int(dbname[2 + ot:])
    perek_ot = int_to_gematria(perek, '')
    book = book + ' ' + perek_ot + '.txt'
    songstable = []
    linestable = []
    if os.path.isfile(book):
        perek_file = open(book)
        html = 0
        body = 0
        for line in perek_file:
            cols = line.split(' : ')
    fin = open(infile, errors='ignore')
    fout = open(outfile, "w+")
    for line in fin:
        if line.__contains__('Windows-1255'):
            line = line.replace('Windows-1255', 'utf-8')

        if line.__contains__(
                '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">'
            line = '<!DOCTYPE HTML>'
        if line.__contains__('<P>'):
            line = line.replace('<P>', '')
        if line.__contains__('</html>') and html == 1:
            line = ''
        if line.__contains__('</body>') and body == 1:
            line = ''
        if line.__contains__('</html>'):
            html = 1
        if line.__contains__('</body>'):
            html = 1

        if needtowrite == 1:
            line = line + stringtowrite
            needtowrite = 0
            stringtowrite = ''
        if line.__contains__('Copyright'):
            line = ''
        if line.__contains__('<A NAME="'):
            if line[10:11 - len(line)] is '"':
                pasuk_num = line[9:10 - len(line)]
                pasuk_num = line[9:11 - len(line)]
            if pasuk_num not in linestable:
                line = '</p><p>' + line
                lines = [i for i, x in enumerate(linestable) if x == pasuk_num]

                line = line + '</p><p><em id="pasuk-' + pasuk_num + '" class="selected-text selected">'
                needtowrite = 1
                stringtowrite = ' </em><div id="popup' + pasuk_num + '" style="display: none"><div id="close' + pasuk_num + '" class="modal-content"><div class="modal-header"><span id="close-' + pasuk_num + '" class="close" inline="display">&times;</span>'
                for i in lines:
                    song_no_spaces = songstable[i].split(' ')
                    song_link = ''
                    for sns in song_no_spaces:
                        song_link = song_link + sns
                    stringtowrite = stringtowrite + '<A HREF="' + song_link + '.html" class="button">' + songstable[
                        i] + '</A><br>'
                stringtowrite = stringtowrite[:-4] + '</div></div></div>'
    endstring = '<script>\n'
    for l in linestable:
        endstring = endstring + 'var p' + l + 'open = document.getElementById(\'pasuk-' + l + '\');\nvar p' + l + 'close = document.getElementById("close-' + l + '");\np' + l + 'open.onclick = function() {\ndocument.getElementById(\'popup' + l + '\').style.display = \'block\';\n}\np' + l + 'close.onclick=function(){\ndocument.getElementById(\'popup' + l + '\').style.display = "none";\n}\n'
    endstring = endstring + '</script>'
    copy(outfile, infile)
Пример #7
def Your_Code(update, context):
    ---- imports ----

    from Program.Send import Send as Send

    from Program.Button import Button as Button

    import Program.Get_Bot_Variables as Get_Bot_Variables

    import threading


    Bot_Variables = Get_Bot_Variables.Func([update, context])

    # - Variables - #
    TOKEN = Bot_Variables[0]
    Chat_ID = Bot_Variables[1]
    First_Name = Bot_Variables[2]
    UserName = Bot_Variables[3]
    Message = Bot_Variables[4]
    Message_ID = Bot_Variables[5]
    File_ID = Bot_Variables[6]
    Virtual_Location = Bot_Variables[7]
    User_Privileges = Bot_Variables[8]
    User_Lang = Bot_Variables[9]
    Mongo_Collections = Bot_Variables[10]
    Json_Message = Bot_Variables[11]
    Update = Bot_Variables[12]
    Other_Variables = Bot_Variables[13]
    Context = Bot_Variables[14]
    --- Send Class ---

Send.Message(Bot_Variables,"Paste Text Here")

Send.Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here",
                  Button.Markup("button 1"),
                  Button.Markup( Button.Markup_Phone("Send_Phone") , "button 5", "button 6"))

#NOTE: when when you used Button.Inline() for creating buttons for inline keyboard this is the syntax:
# ["URL/CALLBACK Button type( u/c )","button text","the url or callback name"]
# the callback name is the name you gave to the file you created in "Inline_Function" folder (not include the .py extinction)

Send.Inline_Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here" ,
                         Button.Inline(  ["U","URL Button","https://www.google.co.il/"] ,  ["C","Callback Button","Template"] ) ,
                         Button.Inline(["C","Callback Button","Template"] ,["U","URL Button","https://www.google.co.il/"])

# send edited keyboard, its edit current inline keyboard and change buttons give deep navigation effect

Send.Edited_Inline_Keyboard(Bot_Variables,"Text Here",
                            Button.Inline(["u","URL Button","www.google.co.il"])

Send.Callback_Answer(Bot_Variables,"Callback Query Answer")

Send.Callback_Alert(Bot_Variables,"Callback Query Alert")


# send any file by file id , type : video/voice message/photo/document/sticker

--- Buttons Types ---

# regular markup button
Button.Markup("button text1","button text2")

# make button markup to send user location
Button.Markup_Location("button text")

# make button markup to send user phone number
Button.Markup_Phone("button text")

# regular inline button
Button.Inline( ["URL/CALLBACK Button type( u/c )","button text","the url or callback name"])


* each time activated gives 1 rows of buttons

#Markup synatx
Send.Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here",
                  Button.Markup("button 1"),
                  Button.Markup( Button.Markup_Phone("Send_Phone") , "button 5", "button 6"))

#Inline synatx
#NOTE: when when you used Button.Inline() for creating buttons for inline keyboard this is the syntax:
# ["URL/CALLBACK Button type( u/c )","button text","the url or callback name"]
# the callback name is the name you gave to the file you created in "Inline_Function" folder (not include the .py extinction)

Send.Inline_Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here" ,
                         Button.Inline(  ["U","URL Button","https://www.google.co.il/"] ,  ["C","Callback Button","Template"] ) ,
                         Button.Inline(["C","Callback Button","Template"] ,["U","URL Button","https://www.google.co.il/"])


    Chat_ID = Bot_Variables[1]
    Users = Bot_Variables[10][0]

    user = Users.find_one({"chat_id": Chat_ID})

    chapter = int(user["book"]["bookmark"])
    book_chapters = user["book"]["chapters"]
    write_type = user["write_type"]

    if chapter not in book_chapters:

        Users.update_one({"chat_id": Chat_ID},
                         {"$set": {
                             "book.chapters": book_chapters

            Bot_Variables, "פרק " + str(int_to_gematria(chapter + 1)) + " (" +
            str(chapter + 1) + ")" + " סומן כנקרא ✅")
        if chapter < 149:
            Users.update_one({"chat_id": Chat_ID},
                             {"$set": {
                                 "book.bookmark": chapter + 1
                Bot_Variables, Send_Book.Func(chapter + 1, Bot_Variables),
                    "C", "⬅️",
                    rolling_left.Func(chapter, book_chapters, write_type)
                ], ["C", favoriets_name.Func(update, context), "Favorite"], [
                    "C", "➡️",
                    rolling_right.Func(chapter, book_chapters, write_type)
                    ["C", is_read_name.Func(update, context), "is_read"]))

                chapter_count = Users.find_one(
                    {"chat_id": Chat_ID})["stats_chapters"][str(chapter)]
                chapter_count = 0
            Users.update_one({"chat_id": Chat_ID}, {
                "$set": {
                    "stats_chapters." + str(chapter): int(chapter_count) + 1
                chapter_count = Users.find_one(
                    {"chat_id": Chat_ID})["stats_chapters"][str(chapter)]
                chapter_count = 0
            Users.update_one({"chat_id": Chat_ID}, {
                "$set": {
                    "stats_chapters." + str(chapter): int(chapter_count) + 1
            #Users.update_one({"chat_id": Chat_ID}, {"$set": {"book.bookmark": chapter+1}})
                Bot_Variables, Send_Book.Func(chapter, Bot_Variables),
                    "C", "⬅️",
                    rolling_left.Func(chapter, book_chapters, write_type)
                ], ["C", favoriets_name.Func(update, context), "Favorite"], [
                    "C", "➡️",
                    rolling_right.Func(chapter, book_chapters, write_type)
                    ["C", is_read_name.Func(update, context), "is_read"]))


        Users.update_one({"chat_id": Chat_ID},
                         {"$set": {
                             "book.chapters": book_chapters
            Bot_Variables, "פרק " + str(int_to_gematria(chapter + 1)) + " (" +
            str(chapter + 1) + ")" + " סומן כלא נקרא 🚫")

        chapter_count = Users.find_one({"chat_id": Chat_ID})["stats_chapters"]
        chapter_count = chapter_count[str(chapter)] - 1

            {"chat_id": Chat_ID},
            {"$set": {
                "stats_chapters." + str(chapter): chapter_count

            Bot_Variables, Send_Book.Func(chapter, Bot_Variables),
                "C", "⬅️",
                rolling_left.Func(chapter, book_chapters, write_type)
            ], ["C", favoriets_name.Func(update, context), "Favorite"], [
                "C", "➡️",
                rolling_right.Func(chapter, book_chapters, write_type)
                           is_read_name.Func(update, context), "is_read"]))

    if len(book_chapters) > 149:
        Users.update_one({"chat_id": Chat_ID}, {"$set": {"book.chapters": []}})

            "ברכותינו‼️ סיימתם את ספר התהילים בהצלחה ❗️💚📖📖 התווספה נקודה לסטטיסטיקה האישית שלכם!💚🥳🥳😇😇😇"
Пример #8
import pywikibot
import logging
import time
from hebrew_numbers import int_to_gematria
from contextlib import contextmanager
import datetime
import os
from collections import defaultdict

ALBUMS_URL = 'http://info.palmach.org.il/show_item.asp?levelId=38530'
IMAGE_LIST_URL = 'http://info.palmach.org.il/show_item.asp?levelId=38530&itemId=6342&itemType=0'
IMAGE_DETAILS_BASE_URL = 'http://info.palmach.org.il/'
IMAGE_ID_REGEX = 'show_item.asp\?levelId=(\d*)&itemId=(\d*)&itemType=(\d*)&obj=(\d*)&picI=(\d*)'
IMAGE_HIGH_RES_URL = 'http://palmach.org.il/Uploads/ArchivePictures/{0}/P_{0}_0.jpg'
    year: int_to_gematria(year - 1239).replace('״', '"')
    for year in range(1900, 1948)
DESCRIPTION_TEMPLATE = """=={{int:filedesc}}==
|other versions=
|other fields={{Information field|Name=Palmah Collection Identifier|Value=__PIC_ID__}}
{{Supported by Wikimedia Israel|year=2018}}
def Your_Code(update, context):
    ---- imports ----

    from Program.Send import Send as Send

    from Program.Button import Button as Button

    import Program.Get_Bot_Variables as Get_Bot_Variables

    import threading


    Bot_Variables = Get_Bot_Variables.Func([update, context])

    # - Variables - #
    TOKEN = Bot_Variables[0]
    Chat_ID = Bot_Variables[1]
    First_Name = Bot_Variables[2]
    UserName = Bot_Variables[3]
    Message = Bot_Variables[4]
    Message_ID = Bot_Variables[5]
    File_ID = Bot_Variables[6]
    Virtual_Location = Bot_Variables[7]
    User_Privileges = Bot_Variables[8]
    User_Lang = Bot_Variables[9]
    Mongo_Collections = Bot_Variables[10]
    Json_Message = Bot_Variables[11]
    Update = Bot_Variables[12]
    Other_Variables = Bot_Variables[13]
    Context = Bot_Variables[14]
    --- Send Class ---

Send.Message(Bot_Variables,"Paste Text Here")

Send.Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here",
                  Button.Markup("button 1"),
                  Button.Markup( Button.Markup_Phone("Send_Phone") , "button 5", "button 6"))

#NOTE: when when you used Button.Inline() for creating buttons for inline keyboard this is the syntax:
# ["URL/CALLBACK Button type( u/c )","button text","the url or callback name"]
# the callback name is the name you gave to the file you created in "Inline_Function" folder (not include the .py extinction)

Send.Inline_Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here" ,
                         Button.Inline(  ["U","URL Button","https://www.google.co.il/"] ,  ["C","Callback Button","Template"] ) ,
                         Button.Inline(["C","Callback Button","Template"] ,["U","URL Button","https://www.google.co.il/"])

# send edited keyboard, its edit current inline keyboard and change buttons give deep navigation effect

Send.Edited_Inline_Keyboard(Bot_Variables,"Text Here",
                            Button.Inline(["u","URL Button","www.google.co.il"])

Send.Callback_Answer(Bot_Variables,"Callback Query Answer")

Send.Callback_Alert(Bot_Variables,"Callback Query Alert")


# send any file by file id , type : video/voice message/photo/document/sticker

--- Buttons Types ---

# regular markup button
Button.Markup("button text1","button text2")

# make button markup to send user location
Button.Markup_Location("button text")

# make button markup to send user phone number
Button.Markup_Phone("button text")

# regular inline button
Button.Inline( ["URL/CALLBACK Button type( u/c )","button text","the url or callback name"])


* each time activated gives 1 rows of buttons

#Markup synatx
Send.Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here",
                  Button.Markup("button 1"),
                  Button.Markup( Button.Markup_Phone("Send_Phone") , "button 5", "button 6"))

#Inline synatx
#NOTE: when when you used Button.Inline() for creating buttons for inline keyboard this is the syntax:
# ["URL/CALLBACK Button type( u/c )","button text","the url or callback name"]
# the callback name is the name you gave to the file you created in "Inline_Function" folder (not include the .py extinction)

Send.Inline_Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here" ,
                         Button.Inline(  ["U","URL Button","https://www.google.co.il/"] ,  ["C","Callback Button","Template"] ) ,
                         Button.Inline(["C","Callback Button","Template"] ,["U","URL Button","https://www.google.co.il/"])


    TOKEN = Bot_Variables[0]
    Chat_ID = Bot_Variables[1]
    First_Name = Bot_Variables[2]
    UserName = Bot_Variables[3]
    Message = Bot_Variables[4]
    Message_ID = Bot_Variables[5]
    File_ID = Bot_Variables[6]
    Virtual_Location = Bot_Variables[7]
    User_Privileges = Bot_Variables[8]
    User_Lang = Bot_Variables[9]

    Json_Message = Bot_Variables[11]
    Update = Bot_Variables[12]
    Other_Variables = Bot_Variables[13]
    Context = Bot_Variables[14]

    Names = Bot_Variables[10][2]
    Users = Bot_Variables[10][0]
    user = Users.find_one({"chat_id": Chat_ID})

    men_name = user["read for name"]["name"][0]
    chapter = user["read for name"]["name"][1]
    chat = user["read for name"]["chat"]

    chapters = Names.find_one({
        "chat_id": chat,
        "name": men_name

    if (not chapter in chapters):
            "chat_id": chat,
            "name": men_name
        }, {"$set": {
            "chapters_stats": chapters

        Bot_Variables, "פרק " + str(int_to_gematria(chapter + 1)) + " (" +
        str(chapter + 1) + ")" + " סומן כנקרא ✅")
    to = Names.find_one({"chat_id": chat, "name": men_name})["for"]
    llist = [chapter, len(chapters), men_name, to, Bot_Variables]

    t = SSend_chapter.Func(llist)
    next = Names.find_one({"chat_id": chat, "name": men_name})["link"]

    Send.Edited_Inline_Keyboard(Bot_Variables, t,
                                Button.Inline(["u", "➕ פרק נוסף ➕️", next]))