Пример #1
def test_combination_federate():

    broker = createBroker()

    cfed = h.helicsCreateCombinationFederateFromConfig(
        os.path.join(CURRENT_DIRECTORY, "combinationfederate.json"))

    assert h.helicsFederateIsValid(cfed)

    assert h.helicsFederateGetEndpointCount(cfed) == 2
    assert h.helicsFederateGetFilterCount(cfed) == 0
    assert h.helicsFederateGetInputCount(cfed) == 2

    ept = h.helicsFederateGetEndpointByIndex(cfed, 0)

    assert h.helicsEndpointGetName(ept) == "ept1"

    ipt = h.helicsFederateGetInputByIndex(cfed, 1)
    assert h.helicsInputGetExtractionUnits(ipt) == ""
    assert h.helicsSubscriptionGetKey(ipt) == "comboFed/pub2"


Пример #2
def test_messagefederate_test_message_federate_endpoint_registration(mFed):

    epid1 = h.helicsFederateRegisterEndpoint(mFed, "ep1", "")
    epid2 = h.helicsFederateRegisterGlobalEndpoint(mFed, "ep2", "random")


    assert h.HELICS_STATE_EXECUTION == h.helicsFederateGetState(mFed)

    endpoint_name = h.helicsEndpointGetName(epid1)
    assert endpoint_name == "TestA Federate/ep1"

    endpoint_name = h.helicsEndpointGetName(epid2)
    assert endpoint_name == "ep2"

    endpoint_name = h.helicsEndpointGetType(epid1)
    assert endpoint_name == ""

    endpoint_name = h.helicsEndpointGetType(epid2)
    assert endpoint_name == "random"

    epid_b = h.helicsFederateGetEndpoint(mFed, "ep2")
    type = h.helicsEndpointGetType(epid_b)
    assert type == "random"

    epid_c = h.helicsFederateGetEndpointByIndex(mFed, 0)
    name = h.helicsEndpointGetName(epid_c)
    assert name == "TestA Federate/ep1"
Пример #3
def configure_federate():
    fed = h.helicsCreateMessageFederateFromConfig("FilterConfig.json")
    federate_name = h.helicsFederateGetName(fed)
    logger.info(f'Created federate {federate_name}')

    # Diagnostics to confirm JSON config correctly added the required
    #   endpoints
    end_count = h.helicsFederateGetEndpointCount(fed)
    logger.debug(f'\tNumber of endpoints: {end_count}')
    endid = h.helicsFederateGetEndpointByIndex(fed, 0)
    end_name = h.helicsEndpointGetName(endid)
    logger.debug("Registered Endpoint ---> {}".format(end_name))
    return fed, endid
Пример #4
    end_count = h.helicsFederateGetEndpointCount(fed)
    logger.info(f'\tNumber of endpoints: {end_count}')
    sub_count = h.helicsFederateGetInputCount(fed)
    logger.info(f'\tNumber of subscriptions: {sub_count}')
    pub_count = h.helicsFederateGetPublicationCount(fed)
    logger.info(f'\tNumber of publications: {pub_count}')
    print(f'Created federate {federate_name}')
    print(f'\tNumber of endpoints: {end_count}')
    print(f'\tNumber of subscriptions: {sub_count}')
    print(f'\tNumber of publications: {pub_count}')

    # Diagnostics to confirm JSON config correctly added the required
    #   endpoints, publications, and subscriptions.
    endid = {}
    for i in range(0, end_count):
        endid[i] = h.helicsFederateGetEndpointByIndex(fed, i)
        end_name = h.helicsEndpointGetName(endid[i])
        logger.debug(f'\tRegistered Endpoint ---> {end_name}')
    subid = {}
    for i in range(0, sub_count):
        subid[i] = h.helicsFederateGetInputByIndex(fed, i)
        sub_name = h.helicsSubscriptionGetKey(subid[i])
        logger.debug(f'\tRegistered subscription---> {sub_name}')

    pubid = {}
    for i in range(0, pub_count):
        pubid[i] = h.helicsFederateGetPublicationByIndex(fed, i)
        pub_name = h.helicsPublicationGetKey(pubid[i])
        logger.debug(f'\tRegistered publication---> {pub_name}')

    ##############  Entering Execution Mode  ##################################
Пример #5
import time
import helics as h
from math import pi

print("about to read file")
fed = h.helicsCreateMessageFederateFromConfig("config1.json")
print("read file")

epid = h.helicsFederateGetEndpointByIndex(fed, 0)
ep_name = h.helicsEndpointGetName(epid)


this_time = 0.0
value = pi

for t in range(1, 11):
    val = value * t
    currenttime = h.helicsFederateRequestTime(fed, t)
    h.helicsEndpointSendMessageRaw(epid, "end2", str(val))
    print("PI SENDER: Sending value pi = {} at time {} to PI RECEIVER".format(
        val, currenttime))

#h.helicsFederateRequestTime(fed, 10000)

print("PI SENDER: Federate finalized")

Пример #6
    #################################  Registering  federate from json  ########################################

    fed = h.helicsCreateCombinationFederateFromConfig('Control.json')
    #status = h.helicsFederateRegisterInterfaces(fed, 'Control.json')
    federate_name = h.helicsFederateGetName(fed)
    #print(" Federate {} has been registered".format(federate_name))
    endpoint_count = h.helicsFederateGetEndpointCount(fed)
    subkeys_count = h.helicsFederateGetInputCount(fed)
    ######################   Reference to Publications and Subscription form index  #############################
    endid = {}
    subid = {}
    for i in range(0, endpoint_count):
        endid["m{}".format(i)] = h.helicsFederateGetEndpointByIndex(fed, i)
        end_name = h.helicsEndpointGetName(endid["m{}".format(i)])
        print('Registered Endpoint ---> {}'.format(end_name))

    for i in range(0, subkeys_count):
        subid["m{}".format(i)] = h.helicsFederateGetInputByIndex(fed, i)
        status = h.helicsInputSetDefaultComplex(subid["m{}".format(i)], 0, 0)
        sub_key = h.helicsSubscriptionGetKey(subid["m{}".format(i)])
        print('Registered Subscription ---> {}'.format(sub_key))

        '########################   Entering Execution Mode  ##########################################'
Пример #7
def federate_example(config_path):
    # Registering  federate from json

        fed = h.helicsCreateCombinationFederateFromConfig(config_path)
    except h._helics.HelicsException as exc:
        print("Exception occured".format(exc))
    federate_name = h.helicsFederateGetName(fed)
    endpoint_count = h.helicsFederateGetEndpointCount(fed)
    subkeys_count = h.helicsFederateGetInputCount(fed)
    pubkeys_count = h.helicsFederateGetPublicationCount(fed)

    # Reference to Publications and Subscription form index
    endid = {}
    subid = {}
    pubid = {}
    for i in range(0,endpoint_count):
        endid["m{}".format(i)] = h.helicsFederateGetEndpointByIndex(fed, i)
        end_name = h.helicsEndpointGetName(endid["m{}".format(i)])
        logger.info( 'Registered Endpoint ---> {}'.format(end_name))

    for i in range(0, subkeys_count):
        idx = h.helicsFederateGetInputByIndex(fed, i)
        subid["m{}".format(i)] = idx
        status = h.helicsInputSetDefaultComplex(subid["m{}".format(i)], 0, 0)
        sub_key = h.helicsSubscriptionGetKey(idx)
        logger.info( 'Registered Subscription ---> {}'.format(sub_key))

    for i in range(0, pubkeys_count):
        idx = h.helicsFederateGetPublicationByIndex(fed, i)
        pubid["m{}".format(i)] = idx
        pub_key = h.helicsPublicationGetKey(idx)
        logger.info( 'Registered Publications ---> {}'.format(pub_key))

    print('########################   Entering Execution Mode  ##########################################')
    # Entering Execution Mode

    hours = 0.1
    total_inteval = int(60 * 60 * hours)
    grantedtime = -1
    update_interval = 1 # 5*60
    k = 0
    data ={}
    time_sim = []
    real = 0
    for t in range(0, total_inteval, update_interval):
        while grantedtime < t:
            grantedtime = h.helicsFederateRequestTime (fed, t)
        print('########################   Time interval {}  ##########################################'.format(t))
        print('########################   Publishing to topics  ######################################')
        real = real + 1
        for i in range(0, pubkeys_count):
            idx = pubid["m{}".format(i)]
            h.helicsPublicationPublishComplex(idx, real*i, 78)

        print( '########################   Get input from subscribed topics  #########################')
        for i in range(0, subkeys_count):
            idx = subid["m{}".format(i)]
            value = h.helicsInputGetDouble(idx)
            key = h.helicsSubscriptionGetKey(idx)
            print("Value for key: {} is {}".format(key, value))

        print('########################   Get from Endpoint  #########################################')
        idx = endid["m{}".format(0)]
        while h.helicsEndpointHasMessage(idx):            
            msg = h.helicsEndpointGetMessage(idx)
            end_name = h.helicsEndpointGetName(idx)
            print("Value from endpoint name: {} is {}".format(end_name, msg.data))

        print('########################   Send to VOLTTRON Endpoint  #################################')
        for i in range(0, endpoint_count):
            idx = endid["m{}".format(i)]
            value = i + random.randint(1, 101) + 89.7
            end_name = h.helicsEndpointGetName(idx)
            print("Sending Value:{0} for endpoint: {1}".format(value, end_name))
            h.helicsEndpointSendEventRaw(idx, '', str(value), t)
            end_name = h.helicsEndpointGetName(idx)

    logger.info("Destroying federate")
Пример #8
    def register_inputs(self, config=None, callback=None, **kwargs):
        Register configuration parameters with HELICS. The config parameters may include
        but not limited to:
        1. Name of the federate
        2. simulation length
        2. Type of core to use (zmq/tcp/udp etc)
        3. list (and type) of subscriptions
        4. list (and type) of publications
        5. broker address (if not default)
        :param config: config parameters
        :param callback: Register agent callback method
        self._work_callback = callback
        # Build HELICS config from agent config
        helics_config = deepcopy(config)

        properties = helics_config.pop('properties', {})
        if not properties:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Invalid configuration. Missing properties dictionary")
        self._simulation_delta = properties.pop('timeDelta', 1.0)  # seconds
        self._simulation_length = properties.pop('simulation_length',
                                                 3600)  # seconds

        for key, value in properties.items():
            helics_config[key] = value
        subscriptions = helics_config.pop('outputs', [])
        for sub in subscriptions:
            volttron_topic = sub.pop('volttron_topic', None)
            if volttron_topic is not None:
                    'key')] = volttron_topic
            sub['key'] = sub.pop('sim_topic')
        # Replace 'outputs' key with 'subscriptions' key
        if subscriptions:
            helics_config['subscriptions'] = subscriptions

        publications = helics_config.pop('inputs', [])
        for pub in publications:
            volttron_topic = pub.pop('volttron_topic', None)
            pub['key'] = pub.pop('sim_topic')
        # Replace 'inputs' key with 'publications' key
        if publications:
            helics_config['publications'] = publications
        _log.debug("new config: {}".format(helics_config))

        # Create a temporary json file
        tmp_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'fed_cfg.json')
        _log.debug("tmp file: {}".format(tmp_file))
        with open(tmp_file, 'w') as fout:

        _log.debug("Create Combination Federate")
        # Create federate from provided config parameters
            self.fed = h.helicsCreateCombinationFederateFromConfig(tmp_file)
        except h._helics.HelicsException as e:
            _log.exception("Error parsing HELICS config {}".format(e))

        # Check if HELICS broker correctly registered inputs
        federate_name = h.helicsFederateGetName(self.fed)
        _log.debug("Federate name: {}".format(federate_name))
        endpoint_count = h.helicsFederateGetEndpointCount(self.fed)
        _log.debug("Endpoint count: {}".format(endpoint_count))
        subkeys_count = h.helicsFederateGetInputCount(self.fed)
        _log.debug("Subscription key count: {}".format(subkeys_count))
        pubkeys_count = h.helicsFederateGetPublicationCount(self.fed)
        _log.debug("Publication key count: {}".format(endpoint_count))

        for i in range(0, endpoint_count):
                endpt_idx = h.helicsFederateGetEndpointByIndex(self.fed, i)
                endpt_name = h.helicsEndpointGetName(endpt_idx)
                self.endpoints[endpt_name] = endpt_idx
            except h._helics.HelicsException as e:
                    "Error getting helics endpoint index: {}".format(e))

        for i in range(0, subkeys_count):
            inputs = dict()
                idx = h.helicsFederateGetInputByIndex(self.fed, i)
                inputs['sub_id'] = idx
                inputs['type'] = h.helicsInputGetType(idx)
                inputs['key'] = h.helicsSubscriptionGetKey(idx)
                data = dict(type=inputs['type'], value=None)
            except h._helics.HelicsException as e:
                    "Error getting helics input index: {}".format(e))

        for i in range(0, pubkeys_count):
            outputs = dict()
                idx = h.helicsFederateGetPublicationByIndex(self.fed, i)
                outputs['pub_id'] = idx
                outputs['type'] = h.helicsPublicationGetType(idx)
                pub_key = h.helicsPublicationGetKey(idx)
                _log.debug("Publication: {}".format(pub_key))
                self.outputs[pub_key] = outputs
                data = dict(type=outputs['type'], value=None)
            except h._helics.HelicsException as e:
                    "Error getting helics publication index: {}".format(e))