Пример #1
    def get_active_tier_count(elem_cp):
        tc = len(elem_cp['tiers'])

        for elem_t in elem_cp['tiers']:
            if not Tier.is_active(elem_t):
                tc -= 1

        return tc
    def _get_services(self):
        svc_controller = self._controllers['Service']

        message = ''

        cp_index = 1
        for elem_cp in self._models['CloudModel']['control-planes']:
            if not ControlPlane.is_active(elem_cp):
                cp_index += 1

            t_index = 1
            for elem_t in elem_cp['tiers']:
                if not Tier.is_active(elem_t):
                    t_index += 1

                num_services = len(elem_t['members']['vip']['services'])

                message += 'In the %s tier of the %s control plane (%s), ' \
                           'the following %s defined:\n' % \
                    (ordinal(t_index), ordinal(cp_index), elem_cp['type'],
                     pluralize(num_services, 'service is', 'services are'))

                services = sorted(elem_t['members']['1']['services'])
                for elem_s in services:
                    mnemonic = svc_controller.name_to_mnemonic(elem_s['name'])
                    name = svc_controller.mnemonic_to_name(elem_s['name'])
                    message += '    %s (%s)\n' % (mnemonic, name)

                message += '\n'

                if 'vip' in elem_t['members']:
                    services = sorted(elem_t['members']['vip']['services'])
                    num_services = len(services)
                    message += '    with VIP access to %s:\n' % (
                        pluralize(num_services, 'this service',
                                  'these services'))

                    for elem_s in services:
                        mnemonic = svc_controller.name_to_mnemonic(
                        name = svc_controller.mnemonic_to_name(elem_s['name'])
                        message += '        %s (%s)\n' % (mnemonic, name)

                    message += '\n'

                t_index += 1

            cp_index += 1

        return message
    def _get_services(self):
        svc_controller = self._controllers['Service']

        message = ''

        cp_index = 1
        for elem_cp in self._models['CloudModel']['control-planes']:
            if not ControlPlane.is_active(elem_cp):
                cp_index += 1

            t_index = 1
            for elem_t in elem_cp['tiers']:
                if not Tier.is_active(elem_t):
                    t_index += 1

                num_services = len(elem_t['members']['vip']['services'])

                message += 'In the %s tier of the %s control plane (%s), ' \
                           'the following %s defined:\n' % \
                    (ordinal(t_index), ordinal(cp_index), elem_cp['type'],
                     pluralize(num_services, 'service is', 'services are'))

                services = sorted(elem_t['members']['1']['services'])
                for elem_s in services:
                    mnemonic = svc_controller.name_to_mnemonic(elem_s['name'])
                    name = svc_controller.mnemonic_to_name(elem_s['name'])
                    message += '    %s (%s)\n' % (mnemonic, name)

                message += '\n'

                if 'vip' in elem_t['members']:
                    services = sorted(elem_t['members']['vip']['services'])
                    num_services = len(services)
                    message += '    with VIP access to %s:\n' % (pluralize(
                        num_services, 'this service', 'these services'))

                    for elem_s in services:
                        mnemonic = svc_controller.name_to_mnemonic(
                        name = svc_controller.mnemonic_to_name(elem_s['name'])
                        message += '        %s (%s)\n' % (mnemonic, name)

                    message += '\n'

                t_index += 1

            cp_index += 1

        return message
    def _get_networks(self):
        svc_controller = self._controllers['Service']

        message = ''

        networks = OrderedDict()

        for elem_cp in self._models['CloudModel']['control-planes']:
            if not ControlPlane.is_active(elem_cp):

            for elem_t in elem_cp['tiers']:
                if not Tier.is_active(elem_t):

                for elem_s in elem_t['services']:
                    for elem_nr in elem_s['network_refs']:
                        if elem_nr not in networks:
                            networks[elem_nr] = []

                        if elem_s['name'] not in networks[elem_nr]:

        for n, services in six.iteritems(networks):
            sservices = sorted(services)
            message += 'The following %s connected to the "%s" ' \
                       'traffic group:\n' % (
                           pluralize(len(sservices), 'service ' 'is',
                                                     'services are'), n)

            for elem_s in sservices:
                mnemonic = svc_controller.name_to_mnemonic(elem_s)
                name = svc_controller.mnemonic_to_name(elem_s)
                message += '    %s (%s)\n' % (mnemonic, name)

            message += '\n    and are accessed with the following:\n'

            for elem_cp in self._models['CloudModel']['control-planes']:
                if not ControlPlane.is_active(elem_cp):

                cp_type = ControlPlane.get_name(elem_cp)

                addresses = []

                for nt, elem_nt in six.iteritems(elem_cp['network-topology']):
                    if nt.lower() != n.lower():

                    for t, elem_t in six.iteritems(elem_nt):
                        for m, elem_m in six.iteritems(elem_t):
                            addr = cp_type

                            if m.lower() == 'vip':
                                addr += ' for VIP access on the ' \
                                        '%s tier: ' % \
                                addr += ' on the '\
                                        '%s member of the %s tier: ' % \
                                        (ordinal(int(m)), ordinal(int(t)))

                            addr += elem_m['ip-address']


                sorted_addresses = sorted(addresses)
                for elem_a in sorted_addresses:
                    message += '        %s\n' % elem_a

            message += '\n'

        return message
    def _get_networks(self):
        svc_controller = self._controllers['Service']

        message = ''

        networks = OrderedDict()

        for elem_cp in self._models['CloudModel']['control-planes']:
            if not ControlPlane.is_active(elem_cp):

            for elem_t in elem_cp['tiers']:
                if not Tier.is_active(elem_t):

                for elem_s in elem_t['services']:
                    for elem_nr in elem_s['network_refs']:
                        if elem_nr not in networks:
                            networks[elem_nr] = []

                        if elem_s['name'] not in networks[elem_nr]:

        for n, services in six.iteritems(networks):
            sservices = sorted(services)
            message += 'The following %s connected to the "%s" ' \
                       'traffic group:\n' % (
                           pluralize(len(sservices), 'service ' 'is',
                                                     'services are'), n)

            for elem_s in sservices:
                mnemonic = svc_controller.name_to_mnemonic(elem_s)
                name = svc_controller.mnemonic_to_name(elem_s)
                message += '    %s (%s)\n' % (mnemonic, name)

            message += '\n    and are accessed with the following:\n'

            for elem_cp in self._models['CloudModel']['control-planes']:
                if not ControlPlane.is_active(elem_cp):

                cp_type = ControlPlane.get_name(elem_cp)

                addresses = []

                for nt, elem_nt in six.iteritems(elem_cp['network-topology']):
                    if nt.lower() != n.lower():

                    for t, elem_t in six.iteritems(elem_nt):
                        for m, elem_m in six.iteritems(elem_t):
                            addr = cp_type

                            if m.lower() == 'vip':
                                addr += ' for VIP access on the ' \
                                        '%s tier: ' % \
                                addr += ' on the '\
                                        '%s member of the %s tier: ' % \
                                        (ordinal(int(m)), ordinal(int(t)))

                            addr += elem_m['ip-address']


                sorted_addresses = sorted(addresses)
                for elem_a in sorted_addresses:
                    message += '        %s\n' % elem_a

            message += '\n'

        return message
    def _get_structure(self):
        nt_controller = self._controllers['NodeType']

        path = self._instructions['cloud_input_path']
        name, nickname = CloudNameController.get_cloud_names(path)

        if nickname and (len(nickname) > 0):
            message = 'The "%s" cloud was created with a nickname of "%s" ' % (
                name, nickname)
            message = 'The "%s" cloud was created with no nickname ' % name

        num_cp = len(self._models['CloudModel']['control-planes'])
        message += 'and "%d" defined control %s.\n\n' % \
                   (num_cp, pluralize(num_cp, 'plane', 'planes'))

        cp_index = 1
        for elem_cp in self._models['CloudModel']['control-planes']:
            if not ControlPlane.is_active(elem_cp):

            cp_type = ControlPlane.get_name(elem_cp)
            num_tiers = ControlPlane.get_active_tier_count(elem_cp)
            str_tiers = pluralize(num_tiers, 'tier', 'tiers')
            message += 'The %s control plane is a "%s" (%s) and has "%d" ' \
                       '%s.\n' % (ordinal(cp_index), cp_type, elem_cp['type'],
                                  num_tiers, str_tiers)

            t_index = 1
            for elem_t in elem_cp['tiers']:
                if not Tier.is_active(elem_t):

                mc = Tier.get_active_member_count(elem_t)
                if mc == 1:
                    message += 'The %s tier in this control plane is not ' \
                               'clustered.' % ordinal(t_index)
                    message += 'The %s tier in this control plane is ' \
                               'clustered, having "%s" %s in the cluster.' % \
                               (ordinal(t_index), mc,
                                pluralize(mc, 'member', 'members'))
                message += '\n'

                t_index += 1

            if ('resource-nodes' not in elem_cp or
                    elem_cp['resource-nodes'] == {}):
                message += 'There are no resource nodes defined in this ' \
                           'control plane.\n'
                for rn, elem_rn in six.iteritems(elem_cp['resource-nodes']):
                    count = elem_rn['count']
                    node_type = nt_controller.get(rn)

                    fn_singular = node_type.friendly_name
                    fn_plural = node_type.friendly_name + 's'

                    message += 'There %s %s %s (%s) ' \
                               'defined in this control plane.\n' % (
                                   pluralize(count, 'is', 'are'), count,
                                   pluralize(count, fn_singular, fn_plural),

            message += '\n'
            cp_index += 1

        return message