def ttv(): """Processes and executes command paramters""" # Set up logging logging.basicConfig(filename='log.log', level=logging.INFO) # Load request keys keys = json.load(open('./keys.json')) # Set up Helix api api = Helix(user_name=keys['username'], client_id=keys['client_id'], access_token=keys['access_token']) # Param info (temp) """ Required Parameters: list - Lists active streamers ranked (aplhabetically? by num viewers?), then lists non active streamers open [name] - Opens streamer in browser, active or not follow - Follow a streamer check - check if a specific streamer is live """ # Process params command_length = len(sys.argv) command_tag = str(sys.argv[1]) if command_length < 2: print("No paramters given. Showing usage") sys.exit(1) elif command_tag == "list": if command_length > 2: print("Incorrect usage of list. Showing usage") sys.exit(1) else: print(api.get_streams()) sys.exit(0) elif command_tag == "open": if command_length != 3: print("Incorrect usage of open. Showing usage") sys.exit(1) else: api.open_stream(str(sys.argv[2])) sys.exit(0) elif command_tag == "check": if command_length != 3: print("Incorrect usage of check. Showing usage") sys.exit(1) else: status = api.check_stream(str(sys.argv[2])) print(status) sys.exit(0) else: print("Parameter not recognized") sys.exit(1)
def build_scene(self): = Camera((0.0, -8.0, 1.0), (0,0,1.0)) self.score = Score(0) self.streak = Streak(0) self.atcg_display = ATCGDisplay() self.endzone = EndZone((-1.4,0,-1.3), 2.8, 0.18) self.attaboy = MsgQueue() self.mutation = Mutation(0) if self.win_conditions.has_key('time'): self.timer = Timer(self.win_conditions['time']) else: self.timer = None # speed_dif = self.level * 0.07 * (self.diff*0.8) # spawn_dif = self.level * 0.07 + (self.diff*0.03) ## lower down # self.helix = Helix(speed = 0.7 + speed_dif, spawn_rate=0.7-spawn_dif, # starthgt=7, endhgt=-5, spins=2.5, pair_generator=self.pair_generator) if self.level >= 4: starthgt = 7 endhgt = -2.5 spins = 2.5 else: starthgt = 5 endhgt = -2.5 spins = 1.5 l, d = self.level, self.diff speed_dif = 0.8 + (l * 0.04 * (d*0.6)) spawn_dif = 0.5 - (l * 0.07 * (d*0.09)) self.helix = Helix(speed = speed_dif, spawn_rate=spawn_dif, starthgt=starthgt, endhgt=endhgt, spins=spins, pair_generator=self.pair_generator) self.helix.register_callbacks(self.enter_callback, self.exit_callback) # for n in range(100): # self.helix.update(0.1) self.attaboy.add_centered_fade("level %d\n%s\n%s" % (self.level, diff[self.diff], messages.EASY_LEVELS[self.level]), 0.2, 0.1)
import numpy as np import numpy.linalg as LA from scipy.special import erf, erfc import nlopt from helix import Helix from config import * # setup the data N = 11 Y = Helix(radius=2, slope=1, num_points=N).coords.T p = 3 q = 2 # initialize a set of means and standard deviations for the latent variables latent_means = [np.random.randn(q, 1) for _ in range(N)] latent_variances = [np.random.randn(q)**2 for _ in range(N)] latent_Sigmas = [np.diag(var) for var in latent_variances] ss = [-mi[-1]*si[-1] for mi, si in zip(latent_means, latent_variances)] # set starting values for sigma2, mu, B_1, B_2, g_1, and g_2 mu = np.mean(Y, axis=1).reshape(1, -1) # the optimal value for mu is the empirical mean of the data sigma2 = np.random.rand() # set to random positive number B1 = np.random.randn(p, q) B2 = np.random.randn(p, q) g1 = 1. g2 = 1. # I want the observations to be 1xp arrays for later computations Y = [yi.reshape(1, -1) for yi in Y.T]
import time import serial from helix import Helix import json import requests import sys serialcomm = serial.Serial('COM5', 115200) serialcomm.timeout = 1 keys = json.load(open('./keys.json')) api = Helix( user_name = keys['username'], client_id = keys['client_id'], access_token = keys['access_token']) while True: # Get list of followed streamers url = '' #TODO Change to get id dynamically # sys.exit(1) r = requests.get(url, headers=api.headers) followed = [] for streamer in r.json()['data']: followed.append(streamer['to_name']) url2 = '' for streamer in followed: r2 = requests.get(url=url2 + streamer, headers=api.headers)
class GameState (State): def __init__(self, window, level, diff, pair_generator, win_conditions, *args, **kwargs): print "++++ new game state" self.level = level self.diff = diff self.pair_generator = pair_generator self.win_conditions = win_conditions State.__init__(self, window, "game", *args, **kwargs) self.build_scene() self.current_rung = None self.longest_streak = 0 self.time = 0 self.mutation_counter = 0 def build_scene(self): = Camera((0.0, -8.0, 1.0), (0,0,1.0)) self.score = Score(0) self.streak = Streak(0) self.atcg_display = ATCGDisplay() self.endzone = EndZone((-1.4,0,-1.3), 2.8, 0.18) self.attaboy = MsgQueue() self.mutation = Mutation(0) if self.win_conditions.has_key('time'): self.timer = Timer(self.win_conditions['time']) else: self.timer = None # speed_dif = self.level * 0.07 * (self.diff*0.8) # spawn_dif = self.level * 0.07 + (self.diff*0.03) ## lower down # self.helix = Helix(speed = 0.7 + speed_dif, spawn_rate=0.7-spawn_dif, # starthgt=7, endhgt=-5, spins=2.5, pair_generator=self.pair_generator) if self.level >= 4: starthgt = 7 endhgt = -2.5 spins = 2.5 else: starthgt = 5 endhgt = -2.5 spins = 1.5 l, d = self.level, self.diff speed_dif = 0.8 + (l * 0.04 * (d*0.6)) spawn_dif = 0.5 - (l * 0.07 * (d*0.09)) self.helix = Helix(speed = speed_dif, spawn_rate=spawn_dif, starthgt=starthgt, endhgt=endhgt, spins=spins, pair_generator=self.pair_generator) self.helix.register_callbacks(self.enter_callback, self.exit_callback) # for n in range(100): # self.helix.update(0.1) self.attaboy.add_centered_fade("level %d\n%s\n%s" % (self.level, diff[self.diff], messages.EASY_LEVELS[self.level]), 0.2, 0.1) def enter_callback(self, r): self.current_rung = r def exit_callback(self, r): if r.get_pair_data()[0] == None or r.get_pair_data()[1] == None: self.bad_move() self.current_rung = None def destroy_scene(self): pass def on_draw(self): set3D(self.window) self.window.clear() glLoadIdentity() batch.get_batch().draw() set2D(self.window) return pyglet.event.EVENT_HANDLED def bad_move(self): audio.play_sound('lose_streak') r = self.current_rung if r: r.miss(),2, 1) self.attaboy.add_centered_fade(messages.random_bad_move(), 0.25, 1, ([0.7,0.7,0.7,1.0], [0.1,0.1,0.1,1.0])) self.streak.reset() l, d = self.level, self.diff self.helix.mutate(0.2 + (l * 0.04)) self.mutation_counter += 5 * (self.level*0.5) if self.mutation_counter > 100: self.lose() self.mutation.set_mutation(self.mutation_counter) def good_move(self): audio.play_sound('hit') r = self.current_rung if r: r.hit() if self.mutation_counter > 1: self.mutation_counter -= 1 self.mutation.set_mutation(self.mutation_counter) s = p = s*0.5*100 self.attaboy.add_score_fade(p) self.score.inc_score(p) def on_key_press(self, k, args): ## =A++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=== if k == key.A: self.atcg_display.A.on() if check_hit('A', self.current_rung): self.good_move() else: self.bad_move() ## =S++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=== elif k == key.S: self.atcg_display.T.on() if check_hit('T', self.current_rung): self.good_move() else: self.bad_move() ## =D++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=== elif k == key.D: self.atcg_display.C.on() if check_hit('C', self.current_rung): self.good_move() else: self.bad_move() ## =F++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=== elif k == key.F: self.atcg_display.G.on() if check_hit('G', self.current_rung): self.good_move() else: self.bad_move() ## ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++= elif k == key.LEFT: pass elif k == key.RIGHT: pass elif k == key.ESCAPE: self.pause() return pyglet.event.EVENT_HANDLED elif k == key.F11: if self.window.fullscreen: self.window.set_fullscreen(False) else: self.window.set_fullscreen(True) return pyglet.event.EVENT_HANDLED def on_key_release(self, k, args): if k == key.A: elif k == key.S: elif k == key.D: elif k == key.F: return pyglet.event.EVENT_HANDLED def on_mouse_scroll(self, x, y, scroll_x, scroll_y): pass def lose(self): self.window.pop_state() self.window.replace_state(transitions.ScriptedTransition, script=script.lose, script_name="lose") def win(self): self.window.replace_state(transitions.ScriptedTransition,, script_name="win") def on_lose_focus(self): pyglet.clock.unschedule(self.on_update) return pyglet.event.EVENT_HANDLED def on_gain_focus(self): self.helix.unobscure() self.helix.update(0.1) pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(self.on_update, 1.0/60.0) return pyglet.event.EVENT_HANDLED def check_win_conditions(self): if self.win_conditions.has_key('score'): if self.score.points > self.win_conditions['score']: elif self.win_conditions.has_key('streak'): if self.streak.streak >= self.win_conditions['streak']: elif self.win_conditions.has_key('time'): if self.timer.time < 0: def on_update(self, dt): self.attaboy.update(dt) self.atcg_display.update(dt) self.check_win_conditions() self.helix.update(dt) if self.win_conditions.has_key('time'): self.timer.update_time(dt) def pause(self): self.helix.obscure() self.helix.update(0.1) self.window.push_state(transitions.Pause, "game")
def build_scene(self): self.attaboy = MsgQueue() = MainMenu() = Camera((3.8, -18.0, 1.0), (3.8,0,1.0)) = True self.helix = Helix(starthgt=5, endhgt=-2, spawn_rate=0.5)
class MainMenuState (State): def __init__(self, window, *args, **kwargs): print "++++ new pause state" State.__init__(self, window, "main_menu", *args, **kwargs) self.build_scene() def build_scene(self): self.attaboy = MsgQueue() = MainMenu() = Camera((3.8, -18.0, 1.0), (3.8,0,1.0)) = True self.helix = Helix(starthgt=5, endhgt=-2, spawn_rate=0.5) # for x in range(200): # self.helix.anima(0.1) def destroy_scene(self): pass def on_draw(self): set3D(self.window) self.window.clear() glLoadIdentity() self.batch.draw() set2D(self.window) return pyglet.event.EVENT_HANDLED def on_key_press(self, k, args): if not, args): return pyglet.event.EVENT_HANDLED if k == key.ENTER: if == 1: audio.play_music_fade('chill') self.window.push_state(transitions.FadeOut, old_state="main_menu", next_state=transitions.ScriptedTransition, duration=0.453, next_state_args={ 'script': script.easy_levels, 'script_name': "easy"}) elif == 2: audio.play_music_fade('easy') self.window.push_state(transitions.FadeOut, old_state="main_menu", next_state=transitions.ScriptedTransition, duration=0.45, next_state_args={ 'script': script.tutorial, 'script_name': "tutorial"}) elif == 3: if self.window.fullscreen: self.window.set_fullscreen(False) else: self.window.set_fullscreen(True) elif == 4: audio.play_music_fade('fast_groove') self.window.push_state(transitions.FadeOut, old_state="main_menu", next_state=transitions.ScriptedTransition, duration=0.45, next_state_args={ 'script': script.about, 'script_name': "about"}) elif == 5: self.window.pop_state() self.window.close() #self.window.push_state(LevelIntroState, next_state=GameState, level=1) elif k == key.F11: if self.window.fullscreen: self.window.set_fullscreen(False) else: self.window.set_fullscreen(True) elif k == key.ESCAPE: self.window.pop_state() self.window.close() else: pass return pyglet.event.EVENT_HANDLED def on_gain_focus(self): pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(self.on_update, 1.0/60.0) return pyglet.event.EVENT_HANDLED def on_lose_focus(self): pyglet.clock.unschedule(self.on_update) return pyglet.event.EVENT_HANDLED def on_update(self, dt): self.helix.update(dt) self.attaboy.update(dt)