def test_say_hello(self, mock_print): # call the function say_hello() # Make sure it only called `print` once self.assertEqual(mock_print.call_count, 1) # getting the arguments and keyword arguments passed to the # mocked function args, kwargs = mock_print.call_args # Make sure it prints the correct string self.assertEqual(args, ('Hello, World!', ))
def test_example(self): ans = _( 'When "Charles" is the user\'s name, ``hello`` contains "{}" instead of "Hello, Charles!"' ) student_ans = hello.say_hello("Charles") self.assertEqual("Hello, Charles!", student_ans, ans.format(student_ans))
def test_names(self): names = ["Kim", "Siegfried", "Johnny"] ans = _( 'When "{0}" is the user\'s name, ``hello`` contains "{1}" instead of "Hello, {0}!"' ) for i in range(len(names)): student_ans = hello.say_hello(names[i]) self.assertEqual("Hello, {}!".format(names[i]), student_ans, ans.format(names[i], student_ans))
def test_random(self): random_name = ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(5)) ans = _( 'When "{0}" is the user\'s name, ``hello`` contains "{1}" instead of "Hello, {0}!"' ) student_ans = hello.say_hello(random_name) self.assertEqual("Hello, {}!".format(random_name), student_ans, ans.format(random_name, student_ans))
def message_callback(): entries = request.json['entry'] for entry in entries: messagings = entry['messaging'] if messagings is None: continue for m in messagings: if 'message' in m: to = m['sender']['id'] message_bodies = [{ "text": "I don't understand your message. (%s)" % (m['message']['text']) }] post_message_url = '{token}'.format( token=FB_TOKEN) ai_request = ai.text_request() ai_request.lang = 'en' # optional, default value equal 'en' ai_request.query = m['message']['text'] ai_response = json.loads(ai_request.getresponse().read()) action = None parameters = None if "result" in ai_response: action = ai_response["result"].get("action", None) parameters = ai_response["result"].get("parameters", None) if action is not None:"Action=%s" % (action))"Parameters=%s" % (parameters)) if action == "show_weather": message_bodies = fetch_weather() if action == "show_news": message_bodies = fetch_news(parameters['Media']) if action == "show_restro": message_bodies = fetch_restro(parameters['Places']) if action == "say_hello": message_bodies = say_hello() if action == "say_goodbye": message_bodies = say_goodbye() for message_body in message_bodies: response_message = json.dumps({ "recipient": { "id": to }, "message": message_body }) req = post_message_url, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, data=response_message) return "Done"
def message_callback(): entries = request.json['entry'] for entry in entries: messagings = entry['messaging'] if messagings is None: continue for m in messagings: if 'message' in m: to = m['sender']['id'] message_bodies = [{"text":"I don't understand your message. (%s)" % (m['message']['text'])}] post_message_url = '{token}'.format(token=FB_TOKEN) ai_request = ai.text_request() ai_request.lang = 'en' # optional, default value equal 'en' ai_request.query = m['message']['text'] ai_response = json.loads(ai_request.getresponse().read()) action = None parameters = None if "result" in ai_response: action = ai_response["result"].get("action", None) parameters = ai_response["result"].get("parameters", None) if action is not None:"Action=%s" % (action))"Parameters=%s" % (parameters)) if action == "show_weather": message_bodies = fetch_weather() if action == "show_news": message_bodies = fetch_news(parameters['Media']) if action == "show_restro": message_bodies = fetch_restro(parameters['Places']) if action == "say_hello": message_bodies = say_hello() if action == "say_goodbye": message_bodies = say_goodbye() for message_body in message_bodies: response_message = json.dumps({"recipient":{"id": to}, "message":message_body}) req =, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, data=response_message) return "Done"
def __init__(self): self.window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) self.window.connect("delete_event", self.delete_event) self.window.connect("destroy", self.destroy) self.window.set_size_request(1200, 600) #argumenty self.trescPlikuOrg = '' self.trescPlikuTlum = '' #menu self.menu_item1 = gtk.MenuItem("Otwórz oryginał") self.menu_item1.connect("activate", self.otworzPlik, 'org') self.menu_item2 = gtk.MenuItem("Otwórz tłumaczenie") self.menu_item2.connect("activate", self.otworzPlik, 'tlum') self.menu_item3 = gtk.MenuItem("Otwórz JSON") self.menu_item3.connect("activate", self.otworzJSON) self.menu_item4 = gtk.MenuItem("Zapisz JSON") self.menu_item4.connect("activate", self.zapiszJSON) self.menu_item5 = gtk.MenuItem("Wygeneruj Tex") self.menu_item5.connect("activate", self.zapiszTex) = gtk.Menu() self.root_menu = gtk.MenuItem("Plik") self.root_menu.set_submenu( self.menu_bar = gtk.MenuBar() self.menu_bar.append(self.root_menu) self.menuWrapper = gtk.HBox(False, 0) self.menuWrapper.pack_start(self.menu_bar, True, True, 5) hello.say_hello('aaa') #body self.mainvbox = gtk.VBox(False, 0) self.hboxOrg = gtk.VBox(False, 0) self.hboxTlum = gtk.VBox(False, 0) self.linie = [] self.bodybox = gtk.VBox(True, 0) self.sterownia = gtk.HBox(True, 0) #przyciski self.buttonTyl = gtk.Button("<<<") self.buttonTyl.connect("clicked", self.doTylu, "check button 1") self.sterownia.pack_start(self.buttonTyl, True, False, 0) self.tfStrona = gtk.Entry() self.tfStrona.connect("key_release_event", self.zmienStrone) self.tfStrona.set_width_chars(4) self.sterownia.pack_start(self.tfStrona, False, False, 0) self.ngStrona = gtk.Entry() self.ngStrona.set_width_chars(20) self.sterownia.pack_start(self.ngStrona, False, False, 0) self.buttonPrzod = gtk.Button(">>>") self.buttonPrzod.connect("clicked", self.doPrzodu, "check button 2") self.sterownia.pack_start(self.buttonPrzod, True, False, 0) self.bodybox.pack_start(self.sterownia, False) self.zdania = [[], []] self.sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow() self.sw.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) self.sw.add_with_viewport(self.bodybox) self.strona = 0 self.elementow_na_strone = 5 self.mainvbox.pack_start(self.menuWrapper, False) self.mainvbox.pack_start(self.sw, True, True) self.window.add(self.mainvbox)
def main(): print('Hello World') hello.say_hello("python")
import hello print dir(hello) hello.say_hello("python friend")
import hello hello.say_hello("John") hello.say_hello(12345)
from hello import say_hello #importando funcion #from hello import say_hello_list #forma 1 saludo= say_hello("Ana",30) print(saludo) #say_hello("Pablo") #say_hello("Inma") #say_hello("elvira") # forma 2 #lista_nombres = ["Ana", "Pablo", "Elvira", "Inma"] #from nombre in lista_nombres: # say_hello(nombre) #forma 3 #say_hello_list(lista_nombres)
import hello hello.say_hello('Nick')
def test_hello(self): """ Test the hello world extension. """ self.assertEqual(hello.say_hello("World"), "Hello World!\n")
end = time.time() print('\n\nPure Hello: Time taken in seconds -', end - start) """ The following call throws an error if called with GODEBUG=cgocheck=1 panic: runtime error: cgo result has Go pointer goroutine 17 [running, locked to thread]: main._cgoexpwrap_80580a90e820_sayHello.func1(0xc000048e50) _cgo_gotypes.go:69 +0x51 main._cgoexpwrap_80580a90e820_sayHello(0x10d4b5de0, 0x7, 0xc00001a0f0, 0xd) _cgo_gotypes.go:71 +0xfd To bypass this error I need to export GODEBUG=cgocheck=0 to disable dynamic cgo runtime check but this is not the safer thing to do as you can read here """ for i in range(0, 900000): print('\r' + say_hello("PyPizza"), end='') end = time.time() print('\n\nSay Hello: Time taken in seconds -', end - start) start = time.time() for i in range(0, 900000): print('\r' + say_hello_slowly("PyPizza"), end='') end = time.time() print('\n\nSay Hello slowly: Time taken in seconds -', end - start) start = time.time() say_hello_faster("PyPizza", 900000) end = time.time() print('\n\nSay Hello faster: Time taken in seconds -', end - start)
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- import hello if __name__=='__main__': hello.say_hello('asdfasfd')
# import hello hello.say_hello("you") hello.Foo().doSomething() # In PyCharm bad autocomplete class Foo(object): def doSomething(self): hello.Foo().doSomething() Foo().doSomething()
def Handler(pkt) : global beaconNumber global firstBeaconObserved global firstBeaconInternalTimer global x global y CONV = 1000000 if pkt.haslayer(Dot11): if pkt.type == 0 and pkt.subtype == 8 and == targetSSID: beaconNumber += 1 if beaconNumber == 1: #time stamp from radioTap header firstBeaconObserved = hello.say_hello() #timestamp from beacon frame firstBeaconInternalTimer = pkt.timestamp print "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" print "BeaconNUmber" , beaconNumber print "AP MAC: %s with SSID: %s %s" %(pkt.addr2,, pkt.timestamp) print "AP Beacon frame timestamp", pkt.timestamp print "Arrival timestamp frame", pkt.time print "first beacon observed locally", firstBeaconObserved print "first AP beacon internally frame ", firstBeaconInternalTimer # get the elapsed time since the first beacon was observed # attempt to normalize elapasedTime = hello.say_hello() - firstBeaconObserved print "elapased time mod", elapasedTime elapasedTime2 = pkt.timestamp - firstBeaconInternalTimer print "elapased time from c++ gettimeofday()", elapasedTime print "elapasedTime from internal timestamp", elapasedTime2 clockOffset = (elapasedTime2 - (elapasedTime)) print "clockOffset", clockOffset x.append(elapasedTime / CONV) y.append(clockOffset) if beaconNumber == 150: #if unmod >= 15: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl mpl.plot(x, y, label="Curve", color="blue", linestyle='-',linewidth=1) mpl.grid(True) mpl.xticks(np.arange(min(x), max(x)+1, 1.0)) mpl.xlabel('TIME') mpl.ylabel('clock') mpl.title("test") mpl.legend() # print "least square" A = np.vstack([x, np.ones(len(x))]).T # print A m, c = np.linalg.lstsq(A, y)[0] print "slope + c" print m, c #print "m*x+c", (m*x + c) print "attempt at root mean square" import statsmodels.api as sm stacked = np.column_stack((np.ones(len(y)), np.array(y))) ols = sm.OLS(np.array(x), stacked).fit() predictions = ols.predict() # print preds2 def rmse(predictions, targets): return np.sqrt(((predictions - targets) ** 2).mean()) print rmse(predictions,np.array(y)) sys.exit(0)
import hello import primes hello.say_hello() print primes.primes(100)
def test_hello(capsys): say_hello('tox') out, _ = capsys.readouterr() assert out == 'Hello, tox!\n'
# Copyright Joel de Guzman 2002-2007. Distributed under the Boost # Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt # or copy at # Hello World Example from the tutorial import hello if __name__ == '__main__': print "HOLA" hello.say_hello('mundo')
def Handler(pkt): global beaconNumber global firstBeaconObserved global firstBeaconInternalTimer global x global y CONV = 1000000 if pkt.haslayer(Dot11): if pkt.type == 0 and pkt.subtype == 8 and == targetSSID: beaconNumber += 1 if beaconNumber == 1: #time stamp from radioTap header firstBeaconObserved = hello.say_hello() #timestamp from beacon frame firstBeaconInternalTimer = pkt.timestamp print "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" print "BeaconNUmber", beaconNumber print "AP MAC: %s with SSID: %s %s" % (pkt.addr2,, pkt.timestamp) print "AP Beacon frame timestamp", pkt.timestamp print "Arrival timestamp frame", pkt.time print "first beacon observed locally", firstBeaconObserved print "first AP beacon internally frame ", firstBeaconInternalTimer # get the elapsed time since the first beacon was observed # attempt to normalize elapasedTime = hello.say_hello() - firstBeaconObserved print "elapased time mod", elapasedTime elapasedTime2 = pkt.timestamp - firstBeaconInternalTimer print "elapased time from c++ gettimeofday()", elapasedTime print "elapasedTime from internal timestamp", elapasedTime2 clockOffset = (elapasedTime2 - (elapasedTime)) print "clockOffset", clockOffset x.append(elapasedTime / CONV) y.append(clockOffset) if beaconNumber == 150: #if unmod >= 15: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl mpl.plot(x, y, label="Curve", color="blue", linestyle='-', linewidth=1) mpl.grid(True) mpl.xticks(np.arange(min(x), max(x) + 1, 1.0)) mpl.xlabel('TIME') mpl.ylabel('clock') mpl.title("test") mpl.legend() # print "least square" A = np.vstack([x, np.ones(len(x))]).T # print A m, c = np.linalg.lstsq(A, y)[0] print "slope + c" print m, c #print "m*x+c", (m*x + c) print "attempt at root mean square" import statsmodels.api as sm stacked = np.column_stack((np.ones(len(y)), np.array(y))) ols = sm.OLS(np.array(x), stacked).fit() predictions = ols.predict() # print preds2 def rmse(predictions, targets): return np.sqrt(((predictions - targets)**2).mean()) print rmse(predictions, np.array(y)) sys.exit(0)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from hello import say_hello from function import * say_hello("world") say_hello("Bernard") # Seed the random number dice set_up_dice() # Let's try out some dice rolls dice_roll_value = roll_a_dice() print("Dice roll value is: " + str(dice_roll_value)) first_roll_value = roll_a_dice() print("First roll value is: " + str(first_roll_value)) second_roll_value = roll_a_dice() print("Second roll value is: " + str(second_roll_value)) # Let's call rolling two six-sided dice, a throw. # So, Player 1 will have a throw, then player 2 will have a throw. ''' Our first try... first_roll_value_player1 = roll_a_dice() print("First roll value for player 1 is: " + str(first_roll_value_player1)) second_roll_value_player1 = roll_a_dice() print("Second roll value for player 1 is: " + str(second_roll_value_player1)) throw_player1 = (first_roll_value_player1, second_roll_value_player1)
print(name) x = input("Write a number:") float(x) / 2 # Built in Modules and Functions import math math.sqrt(16) print(math.sqrt(16)) # Creating a Module def say_hello(): print("Hello!") import hello hello.say_hello() from hello import say_hello say_hello() # Modules can be aliased import hello as ai ai.say_hello() # A module can be stand alone runnable srcipt if __name__ == '__main__': from hello import say_hello say_hello() # The String Function - str() and repr() s = """w'o"w""" repr(s) str(s) eval(repr(s)) == s import datetime
import hello import fib import faulthandler if __name__ == '__main__': # cookbook: # # 使用swig更简单[pure c代码] # 使用CFFI hello.say_hello('lwz') fib.fib(10)
# """ Demonstrates how to use mpi4py in cython. Run this with 4 processes like: $ mpiexec -n 4 python """ from mpi4py import MPI import hello comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD hello.say_hello(comm) hello.c_say_hello(comm) new_comm = hello.return_comm(comm) if not new_comm is None: print 'new_comm.size = %d' % new_comm.size
def test(): return say_hello('gautam')
''' \brief Example program which uses the hello module. ''' import hello # a Python function def sum(a, b): return a + b print("Result from myFunction:", hello.my_set_callback(sum)) hello.say_hello("to all")
#!/usr/bin/env python3 def greet(): print("Greetings!") print('__name__ as seen by {}'.format(__name__)) if __name__ == '__main__': import hello name = 'john' hello.say_hello("John") name = 'jack' hello.say_hello("James") hello.say_hello("Steve")
# use import to import modules import hello hello.say_hello("Sponge Bob") #to import specific functions only from hello import say_hello #giving a function an alias from hello import say_hello as sh #giving an alias to a module import hello as h #import all functions in a module from pizza import *
# import hello hello.say_hello("World")
import numpy from hello import say_hello say_hello()
def test_hello(self): self.assertEqual(say_hello('world'), 'Hello world')
def test_output(): assert hello.say_hello() == "Hello"
def test_hello(self): output = io.StringIO() hello.say_hello('cihann', file=output) self.assertEqual(output.getvalue(), 'Hello, cihann!\n')
def test_can_say_hello_to_mohamed(self): self.assertEqual(hello.say_hello('Mohamed', 'Amaka'))
import hello hello.say_hello('test a bug')
def test_hello(): assert hello.say_hello() == "Hello"
def say_hello_world(): return say_hello() + " world"
import hello i = hello.say_hello("asdfdf") print i
# 부르기 첫번째 방법 # as 로 줄여서 할 수 도 있음 # 줄이기 않고 import hello만 한다면 hello.say_hello # 모듈을 만들면 외부에 있는 파일을 사용할 수 있다. import hello as hel import hello # 이렇게 부를 수 도 있다. from hello import say_hello # hello파일에 있는 모든 함수를 다 가져와라 from hello import * if __name__ == '__main__': hello.say_hello("haeun") hel.say_hello2("mose") say_hello("Lee") say_hello2("chi")
import hello hello.say_hello("World")
# 모듈 : 변수, 함수, 클래스를 모아둔 파일 # 패키지 : 여러 모듈을 하나의 디렉토리로 모아둔 것 # built-in 된 모듈 - print 함수 같은 거 ( Import 하지 않아도 되는 것 ) import sys import hello import hello as h # from hello import say_hello from hello import * # from ( 패키지, 모듈 ) import(모듈, 변수나 함수나 클래스) print(sys.modules) # 기본적으로 설치되어있는 모듈 print("=" * 50) print(sys.path) # 새로 설치한 모듈 hello.say_hello() h.say_hello() say_hello()
def test_can_say_hello_to_you_guy(self): self.assertEqual(hello.say_hello("Chiamaka"), "Hello, Chiamaka")