def addexp(request): form = ExpForm() if request.method == "POST": form = ExpForm(request.POST) print("Checking if form is valid..") if form.is_valid(): print("form is valid") coords = Destination.objects.all() num = len(coords) + 1 contacts = Contact.objects.all() new = len(contacts) + 1 data = form.cleaned_data # add address and country together then put in request grequest = "" % urllib.quote( data["address"] + data["country"] ) response = urllib2.urlopen(grequest) geocode = ( ) # convert into json object extract lat and lng then save them to server with Destination object geocode = json.loads(geocode) # print(geocode['results'][0]['formatted_address']) # print(geocode['results'][0]['geometry']['location']) dest = Destination( num, geocode["results"][0]["formatted_address"], data["country"], geocode["results"][0]["geometry"]["location"]["lat"], geocode["results"][0]["geometry"]["location"]["lng"], True, ) print(data) if data["preference"] == "email": host = Contact(new, data["host"], data["address"], data["email"], data["country"], 0, num, 2) elif data["preference"] == "phone": host = Contact(new, data["host"], data["address"], "", data["country"], data["phone"], num, 1) elif data["preference"] == "mail": host = Contact(new, data["host"], data["address"], "", data["country"], 0, num, 3) # host = Contact(data["host"], data["address"],'',data["country"],'','',data["preference"]) # return a thank you alert and then send them to index to see the location added to the map! # need to also verify with captchas coordinates = collect_coordinates() messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, "Thanks! We will contact you once we find a way there! ") # re-route to thank you page return render(request, "index.html", {"coordinates": coordinates}) else: return render(request, "experience.html", {"form": form}) else: return render( request, "experience.html", {"form": form} ) # form may be wrong but render info and then form underneath
def index(request): coordinates = [] coordinates = collect_coordinates() # cost_path = collect_cost_path() # distance = collect_distance_path() c = compute_international() return render( request, "index.html", {"coordinates": json.dumps(coordinates), "int_path": json.dumps(c), "codes": json.dumps(dict(countries))}, )