def main(): parser = __define_process_parser() old_dataset_file, new_dataset_mapped, missing_data, \ survey_file, location_to_store = __define_process_parser(True, parser) old_dataset = hlp.readcsv(old_dataset_file, delimiter_sym=',', remove_first=True) new_dataset = hlp.readcsv(new_dataset_mapped, delimiter_sym=',', remove_first=True) old_data_missing = hlp.readcsv(missing_data, delimiter_sym=',', remove_first=True) old_missing = __dictify(0, old_data_missing) wi = weeklyinfo() week_info = wi.getweeklyfo(survey_file) week_list = week_info.keys() bullying_positives = __find_positive_survey(survey_file, week_info) if bullying_positives is None: print 'Exiting...' exit() ff = filterfields() old_data_weekly = hlp.divideintoweekly(old_dataset, week_info, ff, date_field=pr.m_time_sent) new_data_weekly = hlp.divideintoweekly(new_dataset, week_info, ff, date_field=nd.m_timecreated) bullying_res = [['pid_hash', 'survey_id', 'time_of_survey', 'n_old', 'n_new', 'raw', 'semi', 'ordered', 'other']] for datum in bullying_positives: bullying_week = datum[-1] prev_week = bullying_week - 1 if bullying_week > min(week_list) else min(week_list) next_week = bullying_week + 1 if bullying_week < max(week_list) else max(week_list) old_data_pos = old_data_weekly[prev_week] + old_data_weekly[bullying_week] + old_data_weekly[next_week] new_data_pos = new_data_weekly[prev_week] + new_data_weekly[bullying_week] + new_data_weekly[next_week] pid_hash = datum[s_i.s_participant] n_old, n_new, nfr_dict = compare_old_new(old_data_pos, new_data_pos, old_missing, pid_hash, ff) temp = [pid_hash, datum[s_i.s_id], datum[s_i.s_time], n_old, n_new, nfr_dict['raw'], nfr_dict['semi'], nfr_dict['ordered'], nfr_dict['other']] bullying_res.append(temp) hlp.writecsv(bullying_res, location_to_store+'bullying_res.csv', delimiter_sym=',')
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-d', '-D', required=True, help='labelled data from') parser.add_argument('-f', '-F', required=True, help='folder to save the data in') parser.add_argument('-w', '-W', required=False, help='survey file for weekly data processing') args = parser.parse_args() data_file = args.d location_to_store = args.f weekly_surveys = args.w all_data = hlp.recovervariable(data_file) labelled_data = all_data[2] pid_dict = all_data[3] if weekly_surveys is None: reciprocity_info, polarity_info = individual_reciprocity_analysis(labelled_data, pid_dict['participants'], location_to_store) analyze_info(reciprocity_info, pid_dict, location_to_store, 'pr_overall.csv') analyze_polarity(polarity_info, pid_dict, location_to_store, 'polarity_overall.csv') hlp.dumpvariable([reciprocity_info, labelled_data, pid_dict, polarity_info], 'reciprocity_info_overall.dict', location_to_store) else: # working with bimonthly data months2 = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16], [17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25]] wi = weeklyinfo() weekly_info = wi.getweeklyfo(weekly_surveys) ff = filterfields() weekly_data = hlp.divideintoweekly(labelled_data, weekly_info, ff) idx = 1 for bi_month in months2: print 'For weeks: ', bi_month bi_month_data = [] for weekno in bi_month: bi_month_data.extend(weekly_data[weekno]) reciprocity_info, polarity_info = individual_reciprocity_analysis(bi_month_data, pid_dict['participants'], location_to_store) analyze_info(reciprocity_info, pid_dict, location_to_store, 'pr_bimonthly_'+str(idx)+'.csv') analyze_polarity(polarity_info, pid_dict, location_to_store, 'polarity_bimonthly_'+str(idx)+'.csv') hlp.dumpvariable([reciprocity_info, labelled_data, pid_dict, polarity_info], 'reciprocity_info_bimonthly_'+str(idx)+'.data', location_to_store) idx += 1 print 'tadaa!'
def __get_weekly_counts(dataset, field_to_search, to_equate, weekly_info, ff_obj, sorted_week_list, pid_hash, is_old=False): out_in = ff_obj.filterbyequality(field_to_search, pid_hash, data=dataset) if is_old: n_old_data = len(out_in) no_dup_old_data = [] no_dup_dict = {} for datum in out_in: if tuple(datum[1:]) not in no_dup_dict: no_dup_dict[tuple(datum[1:])] = datum for unique_msg in no_dup_dict: no_dup_old_data.append(no_dup_dict[unique_msg]) n_no_dup_old_data = len(no_dup_old_data) print 'With duplicates: '+str(n_old_data)+', without: '+str(n_no_dup_old_data) out_in = no_dup_old_data per_week = hlp.divideintoweekly(out_in, weekly_info, ff_obj) weekly_counts = [len(per_week[x]) for x in sorted_week_list] return weekly_counts, out_in, per_week
def get_pid_level_features(data_to_use, weekly_info, ff, bullying_overlay, pid_dict, current_pid, fe): pid_weekly_data = hlp.divideintoweekly(data_to_use, weekly_info, ff) pid_weekly_w_bullying = merge_bullying_data(bullying_overlay, pid_weekly_data, pid_dict[current_pid]) # get the total degree for the pid, in and out, global global_in_degree, global_out_degree = fe.get_week_degree(data_to_use, pid_dict[current_pid]) # get the total incoming, and outgoing messages, global pid_total_incoming, pid_total_outgoing = fe.get_in_out_data(data_to_use, pid_dict[current_pid]) global_in_ew = len(pid_total_incoming) global_out_ew = len(pid_total_outgoing) # weekly sentiment score weekly_sentiment_score = fe.get_sentiment_score(pid_weekly_data, pid_dict[current_pid], separate_in_out=True) incoming_ss = {} outgoing_ss = {} for week_no in weekly_sentiment_score: incoming_ss[week_no] = weekly_sentiment_score[week_no]['In'] outgoing_ss[week_no] = weekly_sentiment_score[week_no]['Out'] return pid_weekly_w_bullying, global_in_degree, global_out_degree, global_in_ew, global_out_ew, incoming_ss, outgoing_ss
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-d', '-D', required=True, help='labelled data from') parser.add_argument('-f', '-F', required=True, help='folder to save the data in') parser.add_argument('-w', '-W', required=False, help='survey file for weekly data processing') args = parser.parse_args() data_file = args.d location_to_store = args.f weekly_surveys = args.w all_data = hlp.recovervariable(data_file) labelled_data = all_data[2] pid_dict = all_data[3] if weekly_surveys is None: reciprocity_dict, message_pairs = find_reciprocity(labelled_data, location_to_store) hlp.dumpvariable([reciprocity_dict, message_pairs], 'reciprocity_counts_msgPairs_overall', location_to_store) else: months2 = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16], [17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25]] wi = weeklyinfo() weekly_info = wi.getweeklyfo(weekly_surveys) ff = filterfields() weekly_data = hlp.divideintoweekly(labelled_data, weekly_info, ff) idx = 1 for bi_month in months2: print 'For weeks: ', bi_month bi_month_data = [] for weekno in bi_month: bi_month_data.extend(weekly_data[weekno]) reciprocity_dict, message_pairs = find_reciprocity(bi_month_data, location_to_store) hlp.dumpvariable([reciprocity_dict, message_pairs], 'reciprocity_counts_msgPairs_bimonthly_'+str(idx)+'.data', location_to_store)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-m', '-M', required=True, help='Sentiment Message file') parser.add_argument('-t', '-T', action='store_true', help='Sentiment type flag, if used then vader, else afinn') parser.add_argument('-f', '-F', required=True, help='Folder to store checkpoints, and final result') parser.add_argument('-w', '-W', required=False, help='Per week/month analysis') args = parser.parse_args() message_file = args.m sentiment_type = args.t location_to_store = args.f survey_file = args.w # get message data, only sms and fb_message ff = filterfields(message_file) ff.setdata(ff.getdata()[1:]) sms_data = ff.filterbyequality(pr.m_type, 'sms') pid_dict_sms = hlp.getuniqueparticipants2(sms_data) fb_message_data = ff.filterbyequality(pr.m_type, 'fb_message') pid_dict_fb = hlp.getuniqueparticipants2(fb_message_data) message_data = sms_data + fb_message_data # put the labels on labelled_data = hlp.processvadersentiment(message_data, label_only=False) if sentiment_type else \ hlp.processafinnsentiment(message_data, label_only=False) if survey_file is not None: wi = weeklyinfo() weekly_info = wi.getweeklyfo(survey_file) weekly_data = hlp.divideintoweekly(labelled_data, weekly_info, ff) #__temp_testing_for_discrepancy(labelled_data, weekly_data) # get the pid_dict for easier handling pid_dict = hlp.getuniqueparticipants2(labelled_data) if survey_file is not None: over_sent, in_sent, out_sent, xtick, ytick = per_participant_sentiment(weekly_data, pid_dict['participants']) __plot_imshow(over_sent, 'Participant', 'Week #', xtick, ytick, location_to_store+'sent_imshow_over.pdf') __plot_imshow(in_sent, 'Participant', 'Week #', xtick, ytick, location_to_store+'sent_imshow_in.pdf') __plot_imshow(out_sent, 'Participant', 'Week #', xtick, ytick, location_to_store+'sent_imshow_out.pdf') print '***SMS***' print 'P: ', len(pid_dict_sms['participants'].values()), ' NP: ', len(pid_dict_sms['nonparticipants'].values()) print '***FB***' print 'P: ', len(pid_dict_fb['participants'].values()), 'NP: ', len(pid_dict_fb['nonparticipants'].values()) print '***OVERALL***' print 'P: ', len(pid_dict['participants'].values()), 'NP: ', len(pid_dict['nonparticipants'].values()) summary_src_trg = summarize_message_by_src_trg(labelled_data) print '***Message Distribution***' for m_type_1 in summary_src_trg: print m_type_1, summary_src_trg[m_type_1] if survey_file is not None: week_list = weekly_data.keys() week_list.sort() # this is not good, as there aren't enough triads months = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12], [13, 14, 15, 16], [17, 18, 19, 20], [21, 22, 23, 24, 25]] # this has at least 8 triads, always, use this months2 = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16], [17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25]] month_idx = 1 for month in months2: labelled_data = [] for week in month: labelled_data.extend(weekly_data[week]) general_graph, random_graph = conduct_triad_analysis(labelled_data, pid_dict) frac_triad = general_graph[3] summary_triad = general_graph[2] frac_triad_rand = random_graph[3] summary_triad_rand = random_graph[2] print '** Months ', 2*month_idx-1, 2*month_idx, ': ', month,' ***' print 'len(LD): ', len(labelled_data) for summary in frac_triad: print summary, 'Study: ', frac_triad[summary], '(', len(summary_triad[summary]), ')', ' Random: ', \ frac_triad_rand[summary], '(', len(summary_triad_rand[summary]), ')' words_list, short_list = word_count(labelled_data) toWrite_wl_csv = create_word_count_csv(words_list) hlp.writecsv(toWrite_wl_csv, location_to_store+'word_list_'+str(2*month_idx-1)+'-'+str(2*month_idx)+'.csv', delimiter_sym=',') for mtype in words_list: counted_words = Counter(words_list[mtype]) counted_short = Counter(short_list[mtype]) print '***For '+mtype+' ***' print 'Top 20 words: ', __get_top_word_sentiment(counted_words.most_common(20)) print 'Top 20 short: ', counted_short.most_common(20) print '\n\n' hlp.dumpvariable([general_graph, random_graph, labelled_data, pid_dict], 'month_'+str(month_idx)+'.list', location_to_store) month_idx += 1 else: print 'len(LD): ', len(labelled_data) words_list, short_list = word_count(labelled_data) toWrite_wl_csv = create_word_count_csv(words_list) hlp.writecsv(toWrite_wl_csv, location_to_store+'word_list.csv', delimiter_sym=',') for mtype in words_list: counted_words = Counter(words_list[mtype]) counted_short = Counter(short_list[mtype]) print '***For '+mtype+' ***' print 'Top 20 words: ', __get_top_word_sentiment(counted_words.most_common(20)) print 'Top 20 short: ', counted_short.most_common(20) print '\n\n' general_graph, random_graph = conduct_triad_analysis(labelled_data, pid_dict) frac_triad = general_graph[3] summary_triad = general_graph[2] frac_triad_rand = random_graph[3] summary_triad_rand = random_graph[2] for summary in frac_triad: print summary, 'Study: ', frac_triad[summary], '(', len(summary_triad[summary]), ')', ' Random: ', \ frac_triad_rand[summary], '(', len(summary_triad_rand[summary]), ')' hlp.dumpvariable([general_graph, random_graph, labelled_data, pid_dict], 'Overall.list', location_to_store) # plot_degree_dist(general_graph[4], 'Degree(d)', '# of Participants with Degree d') pos, neg, neu = get_polarity_directionality(labelled_data) print '***Polarity Distribution***' print 'Positive: \n', pos print 'Negative: \n', neg print 'Neutral: \n', neu in_m, out_m, in_d, out_d = get_count_degrees_messages_directed(labelled_data, pid_dict['participants']) print '***Incoming Messages***' print 'Total: ', sum(in_m), 'Mean: ', np.mean(in_m), 'Std. dev.: ', np.std(in_m) print '***Outgoing Messages***' print 'Total: ', sum(out_m), 'Mean: ', np.mean(out_m), 'Std. dev.: ', np.std(out_m) print '***In Degree***' print 'Total: ', sum(in_d), 'Mean: ', np.mean(in_d), 'Std. dev.: ', np.std(in_d) print '***Out Degree***' print 'Total: ', sum(out_d), 'Mean: ', np.mean(out_d), 'Std. dev.: ', np.std(out_d) print '***COUNTS***' plot_messages_degree([in_m, out_m], '# of Messages', 'Cumulative Participant Prob.', location_to_store+'in_out_messages.pdf') # plot_messages_degree(out_m, '# of Outgoing Messages', 'Cumulative Participant Prob.', # location_to_store+'out_messages.pdf') plot_messages_degree([in_d, out_d], 'Degree', 'Cumulative Participant Prob.', location_to_store+'in_out_degree.pdf', True) # plot_messages_degree(out_d, 'Out Degree', 'Cumulative Participant Prob.', # location_to_store+'out_degree.pdf', True) print 'TADAA!!'