def _create_analysis_page(article, dataset): assert(isinstance(article, Article)) article_name = processed_sentences = article.processed_sentences if dataset is None: metadata = article.metadata print 'metadata:', metadata title = metadata.get('full_title') nlen = min(45, len(title)) title = title[:nlen] year = metadata.get('publ_year') author = metadata.get('prim_author') hdr = '<b>%s</b>, <b>Title:</b> %s, <b>Author:</b> %s, <b>Date:</b> %s, <b># of Sentences:</b> %d' \ % (article_name, title, author, year, len(processed_sentences)) html = hdr elif dataset == ANALYSIS_CL_CONTENT: html = article.raw_html elif dataset == ANALYSIS_ORIG_CONTENT: original_content_path = os.path.join(helper.get_root_dir(), article.metadata['rel_content_path']) html = open(original_content_path, 'r').read() elif dataset == ANALYSIS_WORDNET_DEFS: wd_cnts = rc.get_word_counts(article.word_counts, mincnt=5) terms = wd_cnts.keys() # ignore bigrams or more terms = filter(lambda t: ' ' not in t, terms) unidentified = rc.get_unk_wds(terms) unidentified_html_ = ['%s<b>%s</b> - %s' % ('', unk, wd_cnts[unk]) for unk in unidentified] unidentified_html = ', '.join(unidentified_html_) indent = 4*' ' terms_w_defs = rc.get_wd_defs(terms) identified_html = '' for wd in terms_w_defs: wordnet_defs = terms_w_defs[wd] identified_html += '<br><b>%s</b> - %s<br>%s%s<br>' \ % (wd, wd_cnts[wd], indent, ('<br>'+indent).join(wordnet_defs)) html = ''' <div id="unidentified_terms"><i><u>Unidentified terms</u></i><br>%s</div><br> <div id="identified_terms"><i><u>Wordnet Definitions</u></i><br>%s</div> ''' % (unidentified_html, identified_html) elif dataset == ANALYSIS_WORD_CNTS: word_cnts = rc.get_word_counts(article.word_counts, mincnt=5) # Why am I making this a string? Need to do this for the sake # of JSON serialization issues... word_cnts = dict([(c, repr(word_cnts[c])) for c in word_cnts.keys()]) #wcs.reverse() #html = ' '.join(['(%s: %s)' % (r[0], r[1]) for r in wcs]) #wcs = dict(wcs) # working on this will just be something cute, but really should try # and get to something more meaningful, textually? json_rslt = json.dumps(word_cnts, ensure_ascii=False) # Need to create JSON and then page html = json_rslt elif dataset == ANALYSIS_NER_ST: named_entities = article.get_ner_results(ner='ST') html = '<div>%s %s</div>' % (NER_ST_LEGEND, named_entities) elif dataset == ANALYSIS_NER_MA: named_entities = article.get_ner_results(ner='MA') html = '<div>%s %s</div>' % (NER_MA_LEGEND, named_entities) else: html = '' return html
from gym_minigrid.wrappers import FullyObsWrapper from agent.learning.learner import TabularLearner, CustomRewardTabularLearner, train_mult_steps from agent.learning.policy import EpsilonGreedyPolicy from helper import get_root_dir import minigrid_envs from agent.detection.minigrid_detector import MiniGridDetector from agent.execution.minigrid_executor import MiniGridExecutor from agent.solver import Solver from agent.env_wrappers import NamedObjectWrapper, LastObsWrapper, RewardsWrapper, UnitRewardWrapper from agent.statehashing.minigrid_hashing import MinigridStateHasher ROOT_DIR = get_root_dir() logging.basicConfig( filename=ROOT_DIR + "/logs/console.log", format="%(asctime)s — %(name)s — %(levelname)s — %(message)s", filemode='w') # Creating an object log = logging.getLogger("Experiment") # Setting the threshold of logger to DEBUG log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) NUM_TO_NAME_AND_GOAL = { '1': ("MiniGrid-SpotterLevel1-v0", "(open door)"), '2': ("MiniGrid-SpotterLevel2-v0", "(open door)"),
import logging from agent.execution_mode import ExecutionMode from agent.exploration_mode import ExplorationMode from agent.planning.forward_search import ForwardSearch from agent.mode import Mode from representation.task import state_subsumes from helper import get_root_dir logging.basicConfig(filename=get_root_dir() + "/logs/console.log", format="%(name)s — %(levelname)s — %(message)s", filemode='w') log = logging.getLogger("planning_mode") log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) class PlanningMode(Mode): """ Planning mode """ def __init__(self, brain, planner="bfs"): super().__init__(brain) = "Planning Mode" self.planner = planner self.plan_exists = False def _run(self): # TODO implement plan caching and unplannability caching in the planning mode so we don't have to # replan every time. if self.planner == "bfs": # bfs = BFS()
import gym import logging from agent.solver import Solver from agent.execution.cupsworld_executor import CupsWorldExecutor from agent.detection.cupsworld_detector import CupsWorldDetector from helper import get_root_dir logging.basicConfig( filename=get_root_dir() + "/logs/console.log", format="%(asctime)s — %(name)s — %(levelname)s — %(message)s", filemode='w') # Creating an object log = logging.getLogger("Experiment") # Setting the threshold of logger to DEBUG log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) class Experiment: def __init__(self): pass def run(self): env = gym.make('CupsWorld-v0') domain = "domains/domain.pddl" domain_incorrect = "domains/domain_incorrect.pddl" goals = [] goals.append("(on block_blue block_red)") goals.append("(on block_red cup)")