Пример #1
def get_artist_albums(artist_name_object, number_of_albums):
    artist_album_ids = {}
    counter = 1

    if VERBOSE:
        helper.log_highlight('Fetching albums of artists')

    for artist_id, artist_name in artist_name_object.items():
        response    = fetch_artist_albums(artist_id)
        header      = response['message']['header']
        status_code = header['status_code']

        if VERBOSE:
            print 'Fetching albums of ' + str(artist_id) + ' [' + str(counter) + ' of ' + str(len(artist_name_object)) + ']'

        if status_code is 200 and len(response['message']['body']['album_list']) > 0:
            albums = response['message']['body']['album_list']

            for index, album in enumerate(albums, start = 0):
                if index < number_of_albums:
                    album_id = album['album']['album_id']

                        artist_album_ids[artist_id] = []
            if VERBOSE:
                'Album ' + str(counter) + ' of ' + str(artist_id) + ' not found'

        counter += 1

    return artist_album_ids
Пример #2
def lfm_save_user_characteristics(users):
    content = ""
    users_iter = iter(users)

    if VERBOSE:
        helper.log_highlight("Saving user characteristics")

    # mkdir in py
    if not os.path.exists(OUTPUT_DIR):

    for index, user in enumerate(users_iter, start = 1):
            if VERBOSE:
                print "Fetch user characteristics [" + str(index) + " of " + str(len(users)) + "]"

            user_info   = helper.api_user_call("getinfo", user, "")
            user        = user_info['user']
            user_string = lfm_prepare_user_characteristics_string(user)
            content     += user_string + "\n"

            print "EXCEPTION lfm_save_user_characteristics"

    text_file   = open(USER_CHARACTERISTICS_FILE, 'w')


    if VERBOSE:
        print "\nSuccessfully created " + USER_CHARACTERISTICS_FILE + "\n"

Пример #3
def get_lyrics_by_tracks(artist_tracks_id_object):
    artist_tracks_object = {}
    counter = 1
    musixmatch_regex = re.compile(r'\*.*\*\s*$') # this will delete **** This Lyrics is NOT... *** at the end of the string
    is_limit_reached = False


    if VERBOSE:
        helper.log_highlight('Fetching lyrics of tracks')

    for artist_id, tracks in artist_tracks_id_object.items():
        artist_tracks = {}
        artist_tracks[artist_id] = []

        if VERBOSE:
            print 'Fetching tracks of artist ' + str(artist_id) + ' [' + str(counter) + ' of ' + str(len(artist_tracks_id_object)) + ']'

        if os.path.exists(OUTPUT_DIR_MUSIXMATCH_JSON + artist_id + '.json') and SKIP_EXISTING_LYRICS:
            if VERBOSE:
                print "    Tracks of artist already fetched: " + OUTPUT_DIR_MUSIXMATCH_JSON + str(artist_id) + '.json'
                counter += 1

        for index, track_id in enumerate(tracks, start = 1):
            response    = fetch_lyrics_by_track_id(track_id)
            header      = response['message']['header']
            status_code = header['status_code']

            if VERBOSE:
                print '    Fetching lyrics of track ' + str(track_id) + ' [' + str(index) + ' of ' + str(len(tracks)) + ']'

            if status_code is 200:
                lyrics = response['message']['body']['lyrics']['lyrics_body']

                lyrics_replaced = re.sub(r'\*.*\*\s*$', '', lyrics)


                    artist_tracks_object[artist_id] += lyrics_replaced
                    artist_tracks_object[artist_id] = ''
                    artist_tracks_object[artist_id] += lyrics_replaced

            if status_code is 402:
                is_limit_reached = True

        counter += 1

        if not is_limit_reached:
            if VERBOSE:
                print '\n    Save JSON with lyrics\n'
            save_json(artist_tracks, OUTPUT_DIR_MUSIXMATCH_JSON + artist_id + '.json')

    return artist_tracks_object
Пример #4
def get_user_friends(all_users, limit_user):
    all_user_friends      = []
    all_users_and_friends = []
    all_unique_users      = []
    user_list             = iter(all_users)
    list                  = all_users

    if VERBOSE:
        helper.log_highlight("Fetching friends of user")

    for index, user in enumerate(user_list, start = 1):
        user_get_friends = helper.api_user_call("getfriends", user, "")

            user_friends = user_get_friends['friends']['user']

            if VERBOSE:
                print "Fetching friends of " + user

            for friend in user_friends:
                friend_name = friend['name']

                if index > limit_user:
                    all_users_and_friends = list + all_user_friends
                    all_unique_users = helper.get_unique_items(all_users_and_friends)
                    np.savetxt(USER_LIST_FILE, all_unique_users, delimiter=",", fmt='%s')
                    # print len(all_users_and_friends)
                    # print len(all_unique_users)

                    if VERBOSE:
                        print "\nSuccessfully created " + USER_LIST_FILE
                        print "Successfully fetched friends\n"


        except KeyError:
            print ""
            print "SKIP: User has no friends"

        except Exception:
            print ""
            print "ERROR: "

    all_users_and_friends = list + all_user_friends
    all_unique_users      = helper.get_unique_items(all_users_and_friends)

    np.savetxt(USER_LIST_FILE, all_unique_users, delimiter=",", fmt='%s')

Пример #5
def language_stats_musixmatch():
    languages = {}

    musixmatch_artists = mf.read_txt(mf.GENERATED_ARTISTS_FILE)
    artists_file = Wikipedia_Fetcher.read_file(ARTISTS_FILE)[:MUSIXMATCH_MAX_ARTISTS]

    ## keep artist structure ##

    if VERBOSE:
        helper.log_highlight('Generate lyrics content')

    # iterate over the same artist file and check
    # if the values are in the same order
    # so the later generated AAM is still in the same order
    for index, artist_name in enumerate(artists_file, start = 0):
        # make it short for debugging
        if VERBOSE:
            print 'Get lyrics of ' + artist_name + ' [' + str(index + 1) + ' of ' + str(len(artists_file)) + ']'

        if index < len(artists_file):
            for artist_mm_id, artist_mm_name in musixmatch_artists.items():
                # if the name is in the musixmatch array
                # to checking it is still in the same order
                if artist_name == artist_mm_name:
                    # check the lyrics and sort everything
                    file = mf.OUTPUT_DIR_MUSIXMATCH_JSON + str(artist_mm_id) + '.json'

                        with open(file, 'r') as f:
                            data  = json.load(f)      # create reader
                            data_by_artist = data[artist_mm_id]

                            for string in data_by_artist:
                                # remove all non english
                                    lang = detect(string)

                                        languages[lang] += 1
                                        languages[lang] = 1

                        print 'File ' + file + ' not found'
    return languages
Пример #6
def lfm_save_history_of_users(users):
    saves the history of users

    :param users: an array of users
    content = ""
    user_iter = iter(users)

    if VERBOSE:
        helper.log_highlight("Saving listening history")

    # mkdir in py
    if not os.path.exists(OUTPUT_DIR):

    for index, user in enumerate(user_iter, start = 1):

            if VERBOSE:
                print "Fetch recent tracks from user [" + str(index) + " of " + str(len(users)) + "]"

            for page_number in range(1, (MAX_RECENT_TRACK_PAGES + 1)):
                recent_tracks = helper.api_user_call("getrecenttracks", user, "&limit=" + str(MAX_RECENT_TRACK_PER_PAGE) + "&page=" + str(page_number))['recenttracks']['track']

                for index, recent_track in enumerate(recent_tracks, start = 1):
                    if VERBOSE and VERBOSE_DEPTH == 2:
                        print "    Fetch recent track [" + str(index * page_number) + " of " + str(len(recent_tracks) * MAX_RECENT_TRACK_PAGES) + "]"

                    listening_history = lfm_prepare_history_string(recent_track, user)
                    content           += listening_history + "\n"
        except Exception:
            print "EXCEPTION lfm_save_history_of_users"

    text_file   = open(USER_LISTENING_HISTORY, 'w')


    if VERBOSE:
        print "\nSuccessfully created " + USER_LISTENING_HISTORY + "\n"

Пример #7
def get_html_by_tracks(artist_tracks_id_object):
    artist_tracks_object = {}
    counter = 1
    musixmatch_regex = re.compile(r'\*.*\*\s*$') # this will delete **** This Lyrics is NOT... *** at the end of the string

    if VERBOSE:
        helper.log_highlight('Fetching lyrics HTML of tracks')


    for artist_id, tracks in artist_tracks_id_object.items():
        if VERBOSE:
            print 'Fetching tracks of artist ' + str(artist_id) + ' [' + str(counter) + ' of ' + str(len(artist_tracks_id_object)) + ']'

        for index, track_id in enumerate(tracks, start = 1):
            response    = fetch_html_lyrics_by_track_id(track_id)
            header      = response['message']['header']
            status_code = header['status_code']
            has_lyrics  = response['message']['body']['track']['has_lyrics']

            if VERBOSE:
                print '    Fetching lyrics of track ' + str(track_id) + ' [' + str(index) + ' of ' + str(len(tracks)) + ']'

            if status_code is 200 and int(has_lyrics) > 0:
                track_url = response['message']['body']['track']['track_share_url']
                filename  = OUTPUT_DIR_MUSIXMATCH_HTML + str(artist_id) + '_' + str(track_id) + '.html'

                    if VERBOSE:
                        print '    Storing and retrieving data from ' + track_url

                    content = urllib.urlopen(track_url).read()

                    with open(filename, 'w') as f:

                except IOError:                # return empty content in case some IO / socket error occurred
                    if VERBOSE:
                        print '    Cannot retrieve data from ' + track_url
Пример #8
def save_lfmb_c1ku_combined_file(c1ku_file, lfmb1_file, output_file,
    helper.log_highlight('save ' + output_file)

    LFM1b_file = mf.read_txt(lfmb1_file)
    sorted_string = header_string + "\n"

    with open(c1ku_file, 'r') as f:
        reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')  # create reader
        headers = reader.next()  # skip header

        for index, row in enumerate(reader, start=1):
            the_id = row[0]

            sorted_string += LFM1b_file[the_id] + "\n"


    text_file = open(output_file, 'w')

Пример #9
def get_artist_album_tracks(artist_album_object, number_of_tracks_per_album):
    artist_album_tracks = {}
    counter = 1

    if VERBOSE:
        helper.log_highlight('Fetching tracks of albums')

    for artist_id, album_array in artist_album_object.items():
        if VERBOSE:
            print 'Fetching albums of artist ' + str(artist_id) + ' [' + str(counter) + ' of ' + str(len(artist_album_object)) + ']'

        for index, album_id in enumerate(album_array, start = 1):
            response    = fetch_artist_album_tracks(album_id)
            header      = response['message']['header']
            status_code = header['status_code']

            if VERBOSE:
                print '    Fetching tracks of album ' + str(album_id) + ' [' + str(index) + ' of ' + str(len(album_array)) + ']'

            if status_code is 200 and len(response['message']['body']['track_list']) > 0:
                tracks = response['message']['body']['track_list']

                for index, track in enumerate(tracks, start = 0):
                    if index < number_of_tracks_per_album:
                        track_id = track['track']['track_id']

                            artist_album_tracks[artist_id] = []
                if VERBOSE:
                    print '    Tracks of album ' + str(album_id) + ' not found'

        counter += 1

    return artist_album_tracks
Пример #10
def get_artist_ids(artist_name_array):
    artists_with_id = {}

    if VERBOSE:
        helper.log_highlight('Fetching Artist IDs')

    for index, artist_name in enumerate(artist_name_array, start = 1):
        response    = fetch_artist_by_term(artist_name)
        header      = response['message']['header']
        status_code = header['status_code']

        if VERBOSE:
            print 'Fetching ' + artist_name + ' [' + str(index) + ' of ' + str(NUMBER_OF_MAX_ARTISTS) + ']'

        if status_code is 200 and len(response['message']['body']['artist_list']) > 0:
            # always get the first artist
            chosen_artist    = response['message']['body']['artist_list'][0]['artist']
            chosen_artist_id = chosen_artist['artist_id']
            artists_with_id[chosen_artist_id] = artist_name
            if VERBOSE:
                print artist_name + ' not found'

    return artists_with_id
Пример #11
    return file_contents
# /read_file

# Main program
if __name__ == '__main__':
    artists = helper.read_csv(ARTIST_FILE)

    if type(NUMBER_OF_MAX_ARTISTS) is bool and NUMBER_OF_MAX_ARTISTS is True:
        NUMBER_OF_MAX_ARTISTS = len(artists)

    artists           = artists[:NUMBER_OF_MAX_ARTISTS]

    if VERBOSE:
        helper.log_highlight('You will have ' + str(number_of_fetches) + ' queries to the musixmatch api')
        print ''
        print 'Artist queries: ' + str(NUMBER_OF_MAX_ARTISTS)
        print 'Album queries:  ' +  str(NUMBER_OF_MAX_ARTISTS)
        print 'Track queries:  ' + str(NUMBER_OF_MAX_ARTISTS * NUMBER_OF_ALBUMS)
        print 'Lyrics queries: ' + str((NUMBER_OF_MAX_ARTISTS * NUMBER_OF_ALBUMS) * NUMBER_OF_MAX_TRACKS)
        print ''
        print 'These numbers can vary if an artists has less albums, tracks or tracks with lyrics'
        print ''


    # live fetching
    # fetched_artist_ids = get_artist_ids(artists)
    # save_txt(fetched_artist_ids, 'artist_ids.txt')
Пример #12
def generate_musixmatch_AAM():
    ps = PorterStemmer()
    lyrics_contents  = {}
    terms_df         = {}
    term_list        = []
    total_string = ''

    musixmatch_artists = mf.read_txt(mf.GENERATED_ARTISTS_FILE)
    artists_file = Wikipedia_Fetcher.read_file(ARTISTS_FILE)[:MUSIXMATCH_MAX_ARTISTS]

    ## keep artist structure ##

    if VERBOSE:
        helper.log_highlight('Generate lyrics content')

    # iterate over the same artist file and check
    # if the values are in the same order
    # so the later generated AAM is still in the same order
    for index, artist_name in enumerate(artists_file, start = 0):
        # make it short for debugging
        if VERBOSE:
            print 'Get lyrics of ' + artist_name + ' [' + str(index + 1) + ' of ' + str(len(artists_file)) + ']'

        if index < len(artists_file):
            for artist_mm_id, artist_mm_name in musixmatch_artists.items():
                # if the name is in the musixmatch array
                # to checking it is still in the same order
                if artist_name == artist_mm_name:
                    # check the lyrics and sort everything
                    file = mf.OUTPUT_DIR_MUSIXMATCH_JSON + str(artist_mm_id) + '.json'

                        with open(file, 'r') as f:
                            data  = json.load(f)      # create reader
                            data_by_artist = data[artist_mm_id]
                            lyrics_content = ''

                            for string in data_by_artist:
                                # remove all non english

                                    lyrics = re.sub(r'\*.*\*(\s|\S)*$', '', string)
                                    lang = detect(lyrics)

                                    # translate non-english strings
                                    if lang != 'en':
                                        total_string += lyrics
                                        # translation = translate_client.translate(translated_string, target_language = 'en')
                                        # translated_string = translation['translatedText'].encode('utf-8')
                                        translated_string = lyrics
                                        translated_string = lyrics

                                    lyrics_content += translated_string
                                except Exception, e:

                            ## sorting | stamming | stopwords ##

                            # remove dots
                            content_no_dots = re.sub(r'\.', ' ', lyrics_content)

                            # remove numbers
                            content_no_numbers = re.sub(r'[0-9]+', ' ', content_no_dots)

                            # Perform case-folding, i.e., convert to lower case
                            content_casefolded = content_no_numbers.lower()

                            # Tokenize stripped content at white space characters
                            tokens = content_casefolded.split()

                            # Remove all tokens containing non-alphanumeric characters; using a simple lambda function (i.e., anonymous function, can be used as parameter to other function)
                            tokens_filtered = filter(lambda t: t.isalnum(), tokens)

                            # Remove words in the stop word list
                            tokens_filtered_stopped = filter(lambda t: t not in STOP_WORDS, tokens_filtered)

                            tokens_stemmed = []

                            for w in tokens_filtered_stopped:

                            if len(tokens_stemmed) > 0:
                                lyrics_contents[index] = tokens_stemmed

                    except Exception, e:
                        print e
                        print 'File ' + file + ' not found'
Пример #13
# Main program
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Initialize variables
    #    artists = []   # artists
    #    users   = []   # users
    #    UAM     = []   # user-artist-matrix

    # Load metadata from provided files into lists
    artists = helper.read_csv(ARTISTS_FILE)
    users = helper.read_csv(USERS_FILE)
    recommender_users = {}

    # Load UAM - Konstruiert Matrix aus einem File
    if VERBOSE:
        helper.log_highlight('Loading UAM')

    UAM = np.loadtxt(UAM_FILE, delimiter='\t', dtype=np.float32)

    if VERBOSE:
        print '\nSuccessfully read UAM\n'

    # For all users
    if VERBOSE:
        helper.log_highlight('Initialize CF recommendation for users')

    for u in range(0, UAM.shape[0]):
        recommender = recommend_CF(UAM, u, users)
        recommender_users[users[u]] = recommender[users[u]]

    if VERBOSE:
Пример #14
    all_artists = []

    with open(LE_FILE, 'r') as f:
        reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')  # create reader
        headers = reader.next()  # skip header

        for row in reader:
            artist = row[2]


    return len(helper.get_unique_items(all_artists))

# /unique_artists_total

# Main
if __name__ == "__main__":
    helper.log_highlight('Users In Total')
    print len(helper.read_csv(USER_FILE))
    print ''
    helper.log_highlight('Unique Tracks In Total')
    print unique_tracks_total()
    print ''
    helper.log_highlight('Unique Artists In Total')
    print unique_artists_total()
    print ''
    helper.log_highlight('Listening Events In Total')
    print le_total()
    print ''
Пример #15
    print("%.3f, %.3f" % (avg_prec, avg_rec))
    print("K neighbors " + str(K))
    print("Recommendation: " + str(MIN_RECOMMENDED_ARTISTS))

# /run

# Main program, for experimentation.
if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Load metadata from provided files into lists
    artists = read_from_file(ARTISTS_FILE)
    users = read_from_file(USERS_FILE)

    if VERBOSE:
        helper.log_highlight('Read UAM file')

    UAM = np.loadtxt(UAM_FILE, delimiter='\t',
                     dtype=np.float32)[:, :MAX_ARTISTS]

    if VERBOSE:
        print 'Successfully read UAM file\n'

    if VERBOSE:
        helper.log_highlight('Read AAM file')

    AAM = np.loadtxt(AAM_FILE, delimiter='\t',
                     dtype=np.float32)[:MAX_ARTISTS, :MAX_ARTISTS]

    if VERBOSE:
        print 'Successfully read AAM file\n'
Пример #16
            if (lyrics_contents[index]):
            lyrics_contents[index] = ''

    if VERBOSE:
        print 'Stored lyrics into "lyrics_contents" object\n'

    ## termslist counter ##

    if VERBOSE:
        helper.log_highlight('Get termsweight of fetched lyrics')

    # get terms list
    # Iterate over all (key, value) tuples from dictionary just created to determine document frequency (DF) of all terms
    for aid, terms in lyrics_contents.items():
        # convert list of terms to set of terms ("uniquify" words for each artist/document)
        for t in set(terms):                         # and iterate over all terms in this set
            # update number of artists/documents in which current term t occurs
            if t not in terms_df:
                terms_df[t] = 1
                terms_df[t] += 1

    # remove all values which are one
    terms_df = dict((k, v) for k, v in terms_df.iteritems() if v != 1)
Пример #17
def limit_user(all_users, min_amount_of_users, play_count, min_amount_of_artists_user, min_amount_of_unique_artists_all_users):
    Get a minimum of 5 users and 50 unique artists and return users

    Data cleansing:
    Only add user if user if it is equal to min_amount_of_artists and
    if the atrists playcount id equal to play_count

    :param all_users: a list of all users
    :param min_amount_of_users: how many users should get saved
    :param play_count: playcount of artist
    :param min_amount_of_artists_user: min. amount of unique artists per user
    :param min_amount_of_unique_artists_all_users: min. amount of unique artists for all users

    :return: returns limited_users
    limited_users    = []
    all_artist_names = []
    user_list        = iter(all_users)
    counter          = 1

    if VERBOSE:
        helper.log_highlight("Limit users - data cleansing")

    # Loop through list of all users
    for index, user in enumerate(user_list, start = 1):

        # Get artist-history from users via LastFM-API call
        top_artists = helper.api_user_call("gettopartists", user, "")

        # Error Handling: error = User not found
            artists        = top_artists['topartists']['artist']
            artist_counter = 0

        except KeyError:
            print ""
            print "SKIP: User has no artists"

        except Exception:
            print ""
            print "ERROR:"

        # Loop through artists-list and evaluate playcount
        for artist in artists:

            # Save playcount for artist
            artist_playcount = int(artist['playcount'])

            # Check if playcount of artist is equal or greater than defined play_count and
            # if true add artist to all_artist_names list
            if artist_playcount >= play_count:
                artist_counter += 1
                artist_name    = artist['name']


        if VERBOSE and VERBOSE_DEPTH == 2:
            print "    Artists (not unique): " + str(len(all_artist_names))

        # Data cleansing: only add users with more than 10 unique artists
        if artist_counter > min_amount_of_artists_user:
            if VERBOSE:
                print "Fetched satisfying user [" + str(counter) + " of " + str(min_amount_of_users) + "]"

            # Fill list with users
            counter += 1

            # Delete duplicates from all_artist_names and save to new list all_artist_names
            all_artist_names = helper.get_unique_items(all_artist_names)

            if VERBOSE and VERBOSE_DEPTH == 2:
                print "    Artists (unique):     " + str(len(all_artist_names))

            # Limit amount of unique artists for all users to a defined minimum (min_amount_of_unique_artists_all_users)
            # and limit amount of all users to a defined minimum (min_amount_of_users)
            # If true - stop for loop and return users (limited_users)
            if  len(all_artist_names) >= min_amount_of_unique_artists_all_users \
                and len(limited_users) >= min_amount_of_users:

                np.savetxt(OUTPUT_DIR + "/limited_user_list.csv", limited_users, delimiter=",", fmt='%s')
                np.savetxt(OUTPUT_DIR + "/all_artist_names.csv", all_artist_names, delimiter=",", fmt='%s')

                if VERBOSE:
                    print "\nData cleansing successful\n"

                return limited_users
Пример #18
    data = {}
    data['avg_prec']    = avg_prec
    data['avg_rec']     = avg_rec
    data['f1_score']    = f1_score
    data['recommended'] = recommended_artists

    return data
# /run

# Main program, for experimentation.
if __name__ == '__main__':
    artists = helper.read_csv(ARTISTS_FILE)
    users   = helper.read_csv(USERS_FILE)

    if VERBOSE:
        helper.log_highlight('Loading UAM')

    UAM = np.loadtxt(UAM_FILE, delimiter='\t', dtype=np.float32)

    if VERBOSE:
        print 'Successfully loaded UAM'

    time_start = time.time()

    run_recommender(run, METHOD, [1]) # serial

    time_end     = time.time()
    elapsed_time = (time_end - time_start)

    print elapsed_time
Пример #19
    sorted_string = header_string + "\n"

    with open(c1ku_file, 'r') as f:
        reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')  # create reader
        headers = reader.next()  # skip header

        for index, row in enumerate(reader, start=1):
            the_id = row[0]

            sorted_string += LFM1b_file[the_id] + "\n"


    text_file = open(output_file, 'w')


# /save_lfmb_c1ku_combined_file

# Main
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # first get all artists from the LFM1b_artists and
    # just save artists which are saved in C1ku_idx_artists.txt
    save_lfmb_c1ku_combined_file(C1KU_ARTISTS_IDX, ARTISTS, CHOSEN_ARTISTS,
    save_lfmb_c1ku_combined_file(C1KU_USERS_IDX, USERS, CHOSEN_USERS, 'users')
