Пример #1
    def parpareparam(self):

        self.c = 3e8
        self.width = self.wall_size / 2.0
        self.bin_resolution = self.bin_len / self.c
        self.trange = self.crop * self.c * self.bin_resolution

        temprol_grid = self.crop
        sptial_grid = self.spatial_grid

        wall_size = self.wall_size
        bin_resolution = self.bin_resolution

        sampling_coeff = self.sampling_coeff
        cycles = self.cycles

        # Step 0: define virtual wavelet properties
        # s_lamda_limit = wall_size / (sptial_grid - 1);  # sample spacing on the wall
        # sampling_coeff = 2;  # scale the size of the virtual wavelength (usually 2, optionally 3 for noisy scenes)
        # virtual_wavelength = sampling_coeff * (s_lamda_limit * 2);  # virtual wavelength in units of cm
        # cycles = 5;  # number of wave cycles in the wavelet, typically 4-6

        s_lamda_limit = wall_size / (sptial_grid - 1)
        # sample spacing on the wall
        virtual_wavelength = sampling_coeff * (s_lamda_limit * 2)
        # virtual wavelength in units of cm
        self.virtual_wavelength = virtual_wavelength

        virtual_cos_wave_k, virtual_sin_wave_k = \
        waveconvparam(bin_resolution, virtual_wavelength, cycles)

        virtual_cos_sin_wave_2xk = np.stack(
            [virtual_cos_wave_k, virtual_sin_wave_k], axis=0)

        # use pytorch conv to replace matlab conv
        self.virtual_cos_sin_wave_inv_2x1xk = torch.from_numpy(
            virtual_cos_sin_wave_2xk[:, ::-1].copy()).unsqueeze(1)

        slope = self.width / self.trange
        psf = definePsf(sptial_grid, temprol_grid, slope)
        fpsf = np.fft.fftn(psf)
        # lct
        # invpsf = np.conjugate(fpsf) / (1 / self.snr + np.real(fpsf) ** 2 + np.imag(fpsf) ** 2)
        # bp
        invpsf = np.conjugate(fpsf)

        self.invpsf_real = torch.from_numpy(
        self.invpsf_imag = torch.from_numpy(

        mtx_MxM, mtxi_MxM = resamplingOperator(temprol_grid)
        self.mtx_MxM = torch.from_numpy(mtx_MxM.astype(np.float32))
        self.mtxi_MxM = torch.from_numpy(mtxi_MxM.astype(np.float32))
Пример #2
    def parpareparam(self):

        self.c = 3e8
        self.width = self.wall_size / 2.0
        self.bin_resolution = self.bin_len / self.c
        self.trange = self.crop * self.c * self.bin_resolution

        # maybe learnable?
        self.snr = 1e-1

        temprol_grid = self.crop
        sptial_grid = self.spatial_grid

        # 0-1
        gridz_M = np.arange(temprol_grid, dtype=np.float32)
        gridz_M = gridz_M / (temprol_grid - 1)
        gridz_1xMx1x1 = gridz_M.reshape(1, -1, 1, 1)
        self.gridz_1xMx1x1 = torch.from_numpy(gridz_1xMx1x1.astype(np.float32))

        slope = self.width / self.trange
        psf = definePsf(sptial_grid, temprol_grid, slope)
        fpsf = np.fft.fftn(psf)

        if self.method == 'lct':
            invpsf = np.conjugate(fpsf) / (1 / self.snr + np.real(fpsf)**2 +
        elif self.method == 'bp':
            invpsf = np.conjugate(fpsf)

        self.invpsf_real = torch.from_numpy(
        self.invpsf_imag = torch.from_numpy(

        mtx_MxM, mtxi_MxM = resamplingOperator(temprol_grid)
        self.mtx_MxM = torch.from_numpy(mtx_MxM.astype(np.float32))
        self.mtxi_MxM = torch.from_numpy(mtxi_MxM.astype(np.float32))

        if self.method == 'bp':
            lapw_kxkxk = filterLaplacian()
            k = lapw_kxkxk.shape[0]
            self.pad = nn.ReplicationPad3d(2)
            self.lapw = torch.from_numpy(lapw_kxkxk).reshape(1, 1, k, k, k)
Пример #3
def lct(meas_hxwxt, wall_size, crop, bin_len):
    c = 3e8
    width = wall_size / 2.0;
    bin_resolution = bin_len / c
    assert 2 ** int(np.log2(crop)) == crop
    snr = 1e-1
    meas_hxwxt = meas_hxwxt[:, :, :crop]  # HxWxT
    sptial_grid = meas_hxwxt.shape[0]  # H, N
    temprol_grid = meas_hxwxt.shape[2]  # T, M
    trange = temprol_grid * c * bin_resolution
    # 0-1
    gridz_M = np.arange(temprol_grid, dtype=np.float32)
    gridz_M = gridz_M / (temprol_grid - 1)
    gridz_MxNxN = np.tile(gridz_M.reshape(-1, 1, 1), [1, sptial_grid, sptial_grid])
    slope = width / trange
    psf = definePsf(sptial_grid, temprol_grid, slope)
    fpsf = np.fft.fftn(psf)
    invpsf = np.conjugate(fpsf) / (1 / snr + np.real(fpsf) ** 2 + np.imag(fpsf) ** 2)
    # invpsf = np.conjugate(fpsf)
    mtx_MxM, mtxi_MxM = resamplingOperator(temprol_grid)
    # diffuse
    data_TxHxW = np.transpose(meas_hxwxt, [2, 0, 1])
    data_TxHxW = data_TxHxW * (gridz_MxNxN ** 4)
    datapad_2Tx2Hx2W = np.zeros(shape=(2 * temprol_grid, 2 * sptial_grid, 2 * sptial_grid), dtype=np.float32)
    left = mtx_MxM
    right = data_TxHxW.reshape(temprol_grid, -1)
    tmp = np.matmul(left, right).reshape(temprol_grid, sptial_grid, sptial_grid)
    datapad_2Tx2Hx2W[:temprol_grid, :sptial_grid, :sptial_grid] = tmp
    datafre = np.fft.fftn(datapad_2Tx2Hx2W)
    volumn_2Mx2Nx2N = np.fft.ifftn(datafre * invpsf)
    volumn_2Mx2Nx2N = np.real(volumn_2Mx2Nx2N)
    volumn_ZxYxX = volumn_2Mx2Nx2N[:temprol_grid, :sptial_grid, :sptial_grid]
    left = mtxi_MxM
    right = volumn_ZxYxX.reshape(temprol_grid, -1)
    tmp = np.matmul(left, right).reshape(temprol_grid, sptial_grid, sptial_grid)
    volumn_ZxYxX = tmp
    volumn_ZxYxX[volumn_ZxYxX < 0] = 0
    dim = volumn_ZxYxX.shape[0] * 100 // 128
    volumn_ZxYxX = volumn_ZxYxX[:dim]
    volumn_ZxYxX = volumn_ZxYxX / np.max(volumn_ZxYxX)
    front_view_HxW = np.max(volumn_ZxYxX, axis=0)
    cv2.imshow("re3", front_view_HxW / np.max(front_view_HxW))
    # cv2.imshow('gt', imgt)
    for frame in volumn_ZxYxX:
        cv2.imshow("re1", frame)
        cv2.imshow("re2", frame / np.max(frame))
Пример #4
def phasor(meas_hxwxt, wall_size, crop, bin_len):

    c = 3e8
    width = wall_size / 2.0
    bin_resolution = bin_len / c
    assert 2**int(np.log2(crop)) == crop

    meas_hxwxt = meas_hxwxt[:, :, :crop]  # HxWxT
    sptial_grid = meas_hxwxt.shape[0]  # H, N
    temprol_grid = meas_hxwxt.shape[2]  # T, M
    trange = temprol_grid * c * bin_resolution

    slope = width / trange
    psf = definePsf(sptial_grid, temprol_grid, slope)
    fpsf = np.fft.fftn(psf)
    # invpsf = np.conjugate(fpsf) / (1 / snr + np.real(fpsf) ** 2 + np.imag(fpsf) ** 2)
    invpsf = np.conjugate(fpsf)

    mtx_MxM, mtxi_MxM = resamplingOperator(temprol_grid)

    # Step 0: define virtual wavelet properties
    s_lamda_limit = wall_size / (sptial_grid - 1)
    # sample spacing on the wall
    sampling_coeff = 2
    # scale the size of the virtual wavelength (usually 2, optionally 3 for noisy scenes)
    virtual_wavelength = sampling_coeff * (s_lamda_limit * 2)
    # virtual wavelength in units of cm
    cycles = 5
    # number of wave cycles in the wavelet, typically 4-6

    data_TxHxW = np.transpose(meas_hxwxt, [2, 0, 1])

    # Step 1: convolve measurement volume with virtual wave
    phasor_data_cos, phasor_data_sin = waveconv(bin_resolution,
                                                virtual_wavelength, cycles,
    # phasor_data_cos = single(phasor_data_cos);
    # phasor_data_sin = single(phasor_data_sin);

    # Step 2: transform virtual wavefield into LCT domain
    M = temprol_grid
    N = sptial_grid
    phasor_tdata_cos = np.zeros((2 * M, 2 * N, 2 * N), dtype=np.float32)
    phasor_tdata_sin = np.zeros((2 * M, 2 * N, 2 * N), dtype=np.float32)

    left = mtx_MxM
    right = phasor_data_cos.reshape(temprol_grid, -1)
    tmp = np.matmul(left, right).reshape(temprol_grid, sptial_grid,
    phasor_tdata_cos[:temprol_grid, :sptial_grid, :sptial_grid] = tmp

    right = phasor_data_sin.reshape(temprol_grid, -1)
    tmp = np.matmul(left, right).reshape(temprol_grid, sptial_grid,
    phasor_tdata_sin[:temprol_grid, :sptial_grid, :sptial_grid] = tmp

    # Step 3: convolve with backprojection kernel
    tvol_phasorbp_sin = ifftn(fftn(phasor_tdata_sin).*bp_psf);
    tvol_phasorbp_sin = tvol_phasorbp_sin(1:end./2,1:end./2,1:end./2);
    phasor_tdata_cos = ifftn(fftn(phasor_tdata_cos).*bp_psf);       
    phasor_tdata_cos = phasor_tdata_cos(1:end./2,1:end./2,1:end./2);

    datafre = np.fft.fftn(phasor_tdata_sin)
    tvol_phasorbp_sin = np.fft.ifftn(datafre * invpsf)
    tvol_phasorbp_sin = tvol_phasorbp_sin[:M, :N, :N]

    datafre = np.fft.fftn(phasor_tdata_cos)
    tvol_phasorbp_cos = np.fft.ifftn(datafre * invpsf)
    tvol_phasorbp_cos = tvol_phasorbp_cos[:M, :N, :N]

    # Step 4: compute phasor field magnitude and inverse LCT
    tvol = sqrt(tvol_phasorbp_sin.^2 + phasor_tdata_cos.^2);
    vol  = reshape(mtxi*tvol(:,:),[M N N]);
    vol  = max(real(vol),0);

    tvol = np.sqrt(tvol_phasorbp_cos**2 + tvol_phasorbp_sin**2)

    left = mtxi_MxM
    right = tvol.reshape(temprol_grid, -1)
    tmp = np.matmul(left, right).reshape(temprol_grid, sptial_grid,
    volumn_ZxYxX = np.real(tmp)
    volumn_ZxYxX[volumn_ZxYxX < 0] = 0

    # volumn_ZxYxX[-10:] = 0

    volumn_ZxYxX = volumn_ZxYxX / np.max(volumn_ZxYxX)

    front_view_HxW = np.max(volumn_ZxYxX, axis=0)
    cv2.imshow("re3", front_view_HxW / np.max(front_view_HxW))
    # cv2.imshow('gt', imgt)

    for frame in volumn_ZxYxX:
        cv2.imshow("re1", frame)
        cv2.imshow("re2", frame / np.max(frame))