def plotdog2np(points_per_dir_in="1", outputdir="output", point_type_in="1", component_of_solution="1"): """ Generic code for plotting DoGPack output in matplotlib. Execute via $ python $DOGPACK/viz/python/ from an application directory. For help type $ python $DOGPACK/viz/python/ -h to see a list of options. Usage: plotdog2np( points_per_dir_in="1", outputdir="output", point_type_in="1", component_of_solution"1") points_per_dir = points per direction (spatial dimension) outputdir = location of output directory point_type = 1: uniform points on each element = 2: Gauss-Legendre points on each element component_of_solution = which component of the solution q to plot """ import os import sys from math import sqrt import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from helper2 import get_grid_type from helper2 import read_params from helper2 import get_kmax from helper2 import GetCart2Legendre from helper2 import read_qfile from helper2 import sample_state2_cart_mod from helper2 import read_mesh_params from helper2 import read_node from helper2 import read_tnode from helper2 import GetMonomialToLegendre from helper2 import GetUnstLegendre from helper2 import set_tcounter from helper2 import set_soln_at_node_values from helper2 import sample_state2_unst from helper2 import DivideUnstMesh points_per_dir = int(points_per_dir_in) point_type = int(point_type_in) component_of_solution = int(component_of_solution) TF = os.path.exists(outputdir) if TF == False: print "" print " Directory not found, outputdir =", outputdir print "" return -1 if (point_type != 1 and point_type != 2): point_type = 1 if (point_type == 2 and points_per_dir > 5): print 'setting points_per_dir = 5 instead of requested %d' % points_per_dir points_per_dir = 5 GridType = get_grid_type(outputdir) if (GridType == "Cartesian"): params = np.zeros(11, float) read_params(outputdir, params) meqn = int(params[0]) maux = int(params[1]) nplot = int(params[2]) meth1 = int(params[3]) mx = int(params[4]) my = int(params[5]) xlow = params[6] xhigh = params[7] ylow = params[8] yhigh = params[9] datafmt = int(params[10]) elif (GridType == "Unstructured"): params = np.zeros(4, int) read_params(outputdir, params) meqn = params[0] maux = params[1] nplot = params[2] meth1 = params[3] kmax = get_kmax(meth1, 2) if (component_of_solution < 1): print "" print " Error, need component_of_solution > 1, component_of_solution = ", component_of_solution print "" return -1 elif (component_of_solution > meqn): print "" print " Error, need component_of_solution <=", meqn, ", component_of_solution = ", component_of_solution print "" return -1 print "" print " GridType = ", GridType print " points_per_dir = ", points_per_dir print " point_type = ", point_type print " outputdir = ", outputdir print " component_of_solution = ", component_of_solution print "" curr_dir = os.path.abspath("./") sys.path.append(curr_dir) if (GridType == "Cartesian"): plotq2_file = os.path.abspath("") local_plotq2 = os.path.exists(plotq2_file) if local_plotq2 == False: from plotq2np_cart_default import plotq2np_cart else: from plotq2np_cart import plotq2np_cart # Grid information mx_old = mx my_old = my dx_old = (xhigh - xlow) / mx_old dy_old = (yhigh - ylow) / my_old mx = mx * points_per_dir my = my * points_per_dir dx = (xhigh - xlow) / mx dy = (yhigh - ylow) / my if (point_type == 1): xl = np.zeros((mx + 1, my + 1), float) yl = np.zeros((mx + 1, my + 1), float) xc = np.zeros((mx, my), float) yc = np.zeros((mx, my), float) for j in range(0, my + 1): xl[:, j] = xlow + dx * np.arange(mx + 1)[:] for i in range(0, mx + 1): yl[i, :] = ylow + dy * np.arange(my + 1)[:] for j in range(0, my): xc[:, j] = (xlow + 0.5 * dx) + dx * np.arange(mx)[:] for i in range(0, mx): yc[i, :] = (ylow + 0.5 * dy) + dy * np.arange(my)[:] ##################################################### # 1D points dxi = 1.0 / float(points_per_dir) s1d = -1 + dxi + 2 * dxi * np.arange(points_per_dir) kk = -1 s2d = np.zeros((points_per_dir * points_per_dir, 2), float) for jj in range(0, points_per_dir): for ii in range(0, points_per_dir): kk = kk + 1 s2d[kk, 0] = s1d[ii] s2d[kk, 1] = s1d[jj] else: sq3 = sqrt(3.0) sq5 = sqrt(5.0) sq7 = sqrt(7.0) # 1D quadrature points s1d = np.zeros(points_per_dir, float) if (points_per_dir == 1): s1d[0] = 0.0 elif (points_per_dir == 2): s1d[0] = -1.0 / sq3 s1d[1] = 1.0 / sq3 elif (points_per_dir == 3): s1d[0] = -sq3 / sq5 s1d[1] = 0.0 s1d[2] = sq3 / sq5 elif (points_per_dir == 4): s1d[0] = -sqrt(3.0 + sqrt(4.8)) / sq7 s1d[1] = -sqrt(3.0 - sqrt(4.8)) / sq7 s1d[2] = sqrt(3.0 - sqrt(4.8)) / sq7 s1d[3] = sqrt(3.0 + sqrt(4.8)) / sq7 elif (points_per_dir == 5): s1d[0] = -sqrt(5.0 + sqrt(40.0 / 7.0)) / 3.0 s1d[1] = -sqrt(5.0 - sqrt(40.0 / 7.0)) / 3.0 s1d[2] = 0.0 s1d[3] = sqrt(5.0 - sqrt(40.0 / 7.0)) / 3.0 s1d[4] = sqrt(5.0 + sqrt(40.0 / 7.0)) / 3.0 kk = -1 s2d = np.zeros((points_per_dir * points_per_dir, 2), float) for jj in range(0, points_per_dir): for ii in range(0, points_per_dir): kk = kk + 1 s2d[kk, 0] = s1d[ii] s2d[kk, 1] = s1d[jj] xx = np.zeros(mx, float) yy = np.zeros(my, float) kk = 0 xtmp = xlow - 0.5 * dx_old for i in range(0, mx_old): xtmp = xtmp + dx_old for m in range(0, points_per_dir): xx[kk + m] = xtmp + 0.5 * dx_old * s1d[m] kk = kk + points_per_dir kk = 0 ytmp = ylow - 0.5 * dy_old for j in range(0, my_old): ytmp = ytmp + dy_old for m in range(0, points_per_dir): yy[kk + m] = ytmp + 0.5 * dy_old * s1d[m] kk = kk + points_per_dir xc = np.zeros((mx, my), float) yc = np.zeros((mx, my), float) for i in range(0, mx): for j in range(0, my): xc[i, j] = xx[i] yc[i, j] = yy[j] xxx = np.zeros(mx + 1, float) yyy = np.zeros(my + 1, float) xxx[0] = xlow for i in range(1, mx): xxx[i] = 0.5 * (xx[i] + xx[i - 1]) xxx[mx] = xhigh yyy[0] = ylow for j in range(1, my): yyy[j] = 0.5 * (yy[j] + yy[j - 1]) yyy[my] = yhigh xl = np.zeros((mx + 1, my + 1), float) yl = np.zeros((mx + 1, my + 1), float) for i in range(0, mx + 1): for j in range(0, my + 1): xl[i, j] = xxx[i] yl[i, j] = yyy[j] # Sample Legendre polynomial on the midpoint of each sub-element p2 = points_per_dir * points_per_dir LegVals = np.zeros((kmax, p2), float) GetCart2Legendre(meth1, points_per_dir, s2d, LegVals) m = component_of_solution n1 = 0 while (n1 <= nplot): # Solution -- q # solution should be found in file # outputdir/q[n1].dat qfile_tmp_tmp = "".join((str(n1 + 10000), ".dat")) qfile_tmp = "q" + qfile_tmp_tmp[1:] qfile = "".join(("".join((outputdir, "/")), qfile_tmp)) mtmp = mx_old * my_old * meqn * kmax qtmp = np.zeros(mtmp, float) time = read_qfile(mtmp, qfile, qtmp) qcoeffs = np.reshape(qtmp, (kmax, meqn, my_old, mx_old)) qsoln = np.zeros((mx * my, meqn), float) sample_state2_cart_mod(mx_old, my_old, points_per_dir, meqn, kmax, qcoeffs, LegVals, qsoln) qsoln = np.reshape(qsoln, (mx, my, meqn), 'F') # USER SUPPLIED FUNCTION plotq2np_cart(m - 1, meth1, meqn, mx, my, time, xc, yc, xl, yl, qsoln, n1) n1 = n1 + 1 print "" elif (GridType == "Unstructured"): plotq2_file = os.path.abspath("") local_plotq2 = os.path.exists(plotq2_file) if local_plotq2 == False: from plotq2np_unst_default import plotq2np_unst else: from plotq2np_unst import plotq2np_unst print " Creating mesh ... " # READ-IN MESH INFO meshdir = "".join((outputdir, "/mesh_output")) TF = os.path.exists(meshdir) if TF == False: print "" print " Directory not found, meshdir =", meshdir print "" return -1 mesh_params = np.zeros(7, int) read_mesh_params(meshdir, mesh_params) NumElems = mesh_params[0] NumPhysElems = mesh_params[1] NumGhostElems = mesh_params[2] NumNodes = mesh_params[3] NumPhysNodes = mesh_params[4] NumBndNodes = mesh_params[5] NumEdges = mesh_params[6] tnode = np.zeros((NumPhysElems, 3), int) x = np.zeros(NumPhysNodes, float) y = np.zeros(NumPhysNodes, float) read_node(meshdir, NumPhysNodes, x, y) read_tnode(meshdir, NumPhysElems, tnode) xlow = min(x) ylow = min(y) xhigh = max(x) yhigh = max(y) tcounter = np.zeros(NumPhysNodes, int) set_tcounter(NumPhysElems, tnode, tcounter) # Add extra points and elements if points_per_dir>1 p2 = points_per_dir * points_per_dir points_per_elem = ((points_per_dir + 1) * (points_per_dir + 2)) / 2 zx = np.zeros(p2, float) zy = np.zeros(p2, float) if (points_per_dir > 1): x_tmp = np.zeros(NumPhysElems * points_per_elem, float) y_tmp = np.zeros(NumPhysElems * points_per_elem, float) tnode_new = np.zeros((NumPhysElems * p2, 3), int) NumPhysElems_new = 0 NumPhysNodes_new = 0 newsizes = np.zeros(2, int) DivideUnstMesh(points_per_dir, NumPhysElems, x, y, tnode, x_tmp, y_tmp, tnode_new, zx, zy, newsizes) NumPhysElems_new = newsizes[0] NumPhysNodes_new = newsizes[1] x_new = np.zeros(NumPhysNodes_new, float) y_new = np.zeros(NumPhysNodes_new, float) for ijk in range(0, NumPhysNodes_new): x_new[ijk] = x_tmp[ijk] y_new[ijk] = y_tmp[ijk] tcounter_new = np.zeros(NumPhysNodes_new, int) set_tcounter(NumPhysElems_new, tnode_new, tcounter_new) else: NumPhysElems_new = NumPhysElems NumPhysNodes_new = NumPhysNodes x_new = x y_new = y tnode_new = tnode tcounter_new = tcounter # Get physical midpoints of each element xmid = np.zeros(NumPhysElems_new, float) ymid = np.zeros(NumPhysElems_new, float) onethird = 1.0 / 3.0 for i in range(0, NumPhysElems_new): xmid[i] = onethird * (x_new[tnode_new[i, 0]] + x_new[tnode_new[i, 1]] + x_new[tnode_new[i, 2]]) ymid[i] = onethird * (y_new[tnode_new[i, 0]] + y_new[tnode_new[i, 1]] + y_new[tnode_new[i, 2]]) # Sample Legendre polynomial on the midpoint of each element Mon2Leg = np.zeros((kmax, kmax), float) GetMonomialToLegendre(kmax, Mon2Leg) MonVals = np.zeros((kmax, p2), float) LegVals = np.zeros((kmax, p2), float) GetUnstLegendre(meth1, kmax, points_per_dir, zx, zy, Mon2Leg, MonVals, LegVals) print " Finished creating mesh. " print "" m = component_of_solution n1 = 0 while (n1 <= nplot): # Solution -- q # solution should be found in file # outputdir/q[n1].dat qfile_tmp_tmp = "".join((str(n1 + 10000), ".dat")) qfile_tmp = "q" + qfile_tmp_tmp[1:] qfile = "".join(("".join((outputdir, "/")), qfile_tmp)) mtmp = NumElems * meqn * kmax qtmp = np.zeros(mtmp, float) time = read_qfile(mtmp, qfile, qtmp) qcoeffs_tmp = np.reshape(qtmp, (NumElems, meqn, kmax), 'fortran') qcoeffs = qcoeffs_tmp[0:NumPhysElems, :, :] # Solution -- q qsoln_elem = np.zeros((NumPhysElems_new, meqn), float) qsoln = np.zeros((NumPhysNodes_new, meqn), float) sample_state2_unst(NumPhysElems, p2, meqn, kmax, LegVals, qcoeffs, qsoln_elem) set_soln_at_node_values(NumPhysElems_new, NumPhysNodes_new, meqn, tcounter_new, tnode_new, qsoln_elem, qsoln) # USER SUPPLIED FUNCTION: Plotting function plotq2np_unst(m - 1, meqn, NumPhysElems_new, NumPhysNodes_new, xlow, xhigh, ylow, yhigh, time, x_new, y_new, tnode_new, qsoln, xmid, ymid, qsoln_elem, n1) n1 = n1 + 1 print "" else: print "" print " Error in GridType = ", GridType, " is not supported." print "" return -1
def plotdog2(points_per_dir_in="1", outputdir="output", point_type_in="1"): """ Generic code for plotting DoGPack output in matplotlib. """ """ Execute via $ python $DOGPACK/viz/python/ from an application directory. For help type $ python $DOGPACK/viz/python/ -h to see a list of options. Usage: plotdog2( points_per_dir_in="1", outputdir="output", point_type_in="1") points_per_dir = points per direction (spatial dimension) outputdir = location of output directory point_type = 1: uniform points on each element = 2: Gauss-Legendre points on each element """ import os import sys from math import sqrt import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from helper2 import get_grid_type from helper2 import read_params from helper2 import get_kmax from helper2 import GetCart2Legendre from helper2 import read_qfile from helper2 import sample_state2_cart_mod from helper2 import read_mesh_params from helper2 import read_node from helper2 import read_tnode from helper2 import GetMonomialToLegendre from helper2 import GetUnstLegendre from helper2 import set_tcounter from helper2 import set_soln_at_node_values from helper2 import sample_state2_unst from helper2 import DivideUnstMesh from mapc2p import mapx, mapy, mapc2p points_per_dir = int(points_per_dir_in) point_type = int(point_type_in) TF = os.path.exists(outputdir) if TF == False: print "" print " Directory not found, outputdir =", outputdir print "" return -1 else: print "found outputdir = ", outputdir if (point_type != 1 and point_type != 2): point_type = 1 if (point_type == 2 and points_per_dir > 5): print 'setting points_per_dir = 5 instead of requested %d' % points_per_dir points_per_dir = 5 GridType = get_grid_type(outputdir) if (GridType == "Cartesian"): params = np.zeros(11, float) ndims = read_params(outputdir, params) meqn = int(params[0]) maux = int(params[1]) nplot = int(params[2]) meth1 = int(params[3]) datafmt = int(params[4]) mx = int(params[5]) my = int(params[6]) xlow = params[7] xhigh = params[8] ylow = params[9] yhigh = params[10] elif (GridType == "Unstructured"): params = np.zeros(12, int) ndims = read_params(outputdir, params) meqn = params[0] maux = params[1] nplot = params[2] meth1 = params[3] datafmt = params[4] NumElems = params[5] NumPhysElems = params[6] NumGhostElems = params[7] NumNodes = params[8] NumPhysNodes = params[9] NumBndNodes = params[10] NumEdges = params[11] kmax = get_kmax(meth1, ndims) print "" print " GridType = ", GridType print " points_per_dir = ", points_per_dir print " point_type = ", point_type print " outputdir = ", outputdir print "" curr_dir = os.path.abspath("./") sys.path.append(curr_dir) if (GridType == "Cartesian"): plotq2_file = os.path.abspath("") local_plotq2 = os.path.exists(plotq2_file) if local_plotq2 == False: from plotq2_cart_default import plotq2_cart else: from plotq2_cart import plotq2_cart # Grid information mx_old = mx my_old = my dx_old = (xhigh - xlow) / mx_old dy_old = (yhigh - ylow) / my_old mx = mx * points_per_dir my = my * points_per_dir dx = (xhigh - xlow) / mx dy = (yhigh - ylow) / my if (point_type == 1): xl = np.zeros((mx + 1, my + 1), float) yl = np.zeros((mx + 1, my + 1), float) xc = np.zeros((mx, my), float) yc = np.zeros((mx, my), float) for j in range(0, my + 1): xl[:, j] = xlow + dx * np.arange(mx + 1)[:] for i in range(0, mx + 1): yl[i, :] = ylow + dy * np.arange(my + 1)[:] for j in range(0, my): xc[:, j] = (xlow + 0.5 * dx) + dx * np.arange(mx)[:] for i in range(0, mx): yc[i, :] = (ylow + 0.5 * dy) + dy * np.arange(my)[:] ##################################################### # 1D points dxi = 1.0 / float(points_per_dir) s1d = -1 + dxi + 2 * dxi * np.arange(points_per_dir) """ xtmp = xlow-0.5*dx_old ytmp = ylow-0.5*dy_old kk1=0 for i in range(0,mx_old): xtmp = xtmp + dx_old kk2=0 for j in range(0,my_old): ytmp = ytmp + dy_old xp1 = xtmp-0.5*dx; yp1= ytmp-0.5*dy; xp2 = xtmp+0.5*dx; yp2= ytmp-0.5*dy; xp3 = xtmp+0.5*dx; yp3= ytmp+0.5*dy; xp4 = xtmp-0.5*dx; yp4= ytmp+0.5*dy; xp1,yp1=mapc2p(xp1,yp1) xp2,yp2=mapc2p(xp2,yp2) xp3,yp3=mapc2p(xp3,yp3) xp4,yp4=mapc2p(xp4,yp4) for m1 in range(0,points_per_dir): for m2 in range(0,points_per_dir): xc[kk1+m1,kk2+m2]=mapx(s1d[m1],s1d[m2],xp1,xp2,xp3,xp4,yp1,yp2,yp3,yp4); yc[kk1+m1,kk2+m2]=mapy(s1d[m1],s1d[m2],xp1,xp2,xp3,xp4,yp1,yp2,yp3,yp4); kk2 = kk2 + points_per_dir kk1 = kk1 + points_per_dir for i in range(0,mx+1): for j in range(0,my+1): xl[i,j],yl[i,j]=mapc2p(xl[i,j],yl[i,j]) """ xc, yc = mapc2p(xc, yc) xl, yl = mapc2p(xl, yl) kk = -1 s2d = np.zeros((points_per_dir * points_per_dir, 2), float) for jj in range(0, points_per_dir): for ii in range(0, points_per_dir): kk = kk + 1 s2d[kk, 0] = s1d[ii] s2d[kk, 1] = s1d[jj] else: sq3 = sqrt(3.0) sq5 = sqrt(5.0) sq7 = sqrt(7.0) # 1D quadrature points s1d = np.zeros(points_per_dir, float) if (points_per_dir == 1): s1d[0] = 0.0 elif (points_per_dir == 2): s1d[0] = -1.0 / sq3 s1d[1] = 1.0 / sq3 elif (points_per_dir == 3): s1d[0] = -sq3 / sq5 s1d[1] = 0.0 s1d[2] = sq3 / sq5 elif (points_per_dir == 4): s1d[0] = -sqrt(3.0 + sqrt(4.8)) / sq7 s1d[1] = -sqrt(3.0 - sqrt(4.8)) / sq7 s1d[2] = sqrt(3.0 - sqrt(4.8)) / sq7 s1d[3] = sqrt(3.0 + sqrt(4.8)) / sq7 elif (points_per_dir == 5): s1d[0] = -sqrt(5.0 + sqrt(40.0 / 7.0)) / 3.0 s1d[1] = -sqrt(5.0 - sqrt(40.0 / 7.0)) / 3.0 s1d[2] = 0.0 s1d[3] = sqrt(5.0 - sqrt(40.0 / 7.0)) / 3.0 s1d[4] = sqrt(5.0 + sqrt(40.0 / 7.0)) / 3.0 kk = -1 s2d = np.zeros((points_per_dir * points_per_dir, 2), float) for jj in range(0, points_per_dir): for ii in range(0, points_per_dir): kk = kk + 1 s2d[kk, 0] = s1d[ii] s2d[kk, 1] = s1d[jj] xx = np.zeros(mx, float) yy = np.zeros(my, float) kk = 0 xtmp = xlow - 0.5 * dx_old for i in range(0, mx_old): xtmp = xtmp + dx_old for m in range(0, points_per_dir): xx[kk + m] = xtmp + 0.5 * dx_old * s1d[m] kk = kk + points_per_dir kk = 0 ytmp = ylow - 0.5 * dy_old for j in range(0, my_old): ytmp = ytmp + dy_old for m in range(0, points_per_dir): yy[kk + m] = ytmp + 0.5 * dy_old * s1d[m] kk = kk + points_per_dir xc = np.zeros((mx, my), float) yc = np.zeros((mx, my), float) for i in range(0, mx): for j in range(0, my): xc[i, j] = xx[i] yc[i, j] = yy[j] xxx = np.zeros(mx + 1, float) yyy = np.zeros(my + 1, float) xxx[0] = xlow for i in range(1, mx): xxx[i] = 0.5 * (xx[i] + xx[i - 1]) xxx[mx] = xhigh yyy[0] = ylow for j in range(1, my): yyy[j] = 0.5 * (yy[j] + yy[j - 1]) yyy[my] = yhigh xl = np.zeros((mx + 1, my + 1), float) yl = np.zeros((mx + 1, my + 1), float) #coding from here xtmp = xlow - 0.5 * dx_old ytmp = ylow - 0.5 * dy_old kk1 = 0 for i in range(0, mx_old): xtmp = xtmp + dx_old kk2 = 0 for j in range(0, my_old): ytmp = ytmp + dy_old xp1 = xc - 0.5 * dx yp1 = yc - 0.5 * dy xp2 = xc + 0.5 * dx yp2 = yc - 0.5 * dy xp3 = xc + 0.5 * dx yp3 = yc + 0.5 * dy xp4 = xc - 0.5 * dx yp4 = yc + 0.5 * dy xp1, yp1 = mapc2p(xp1, yp1) xp2, yp2 = mapc2p(xp2, yp2) xp3, yp3 = mapc2p(xp3, yp3) xp4, yp4 = mapc2p(xp4, yp4) for m1 in range(0, points_per_dir): for m2 in range(0, points_per_dir): xc[kk1 + m1, kk2 + m2] = mapx(s1d[m1], s1d[m2], xp1, xp2, xp3, xp4, yp1, yp2, yp3, yp4) yc[kk1 + m1, kk2 + m2] = mapy(s1d[m1], s1d[m2], xp1, xp2, xp3, xp4, yp1, yp2, yp3, yp4) kk2 = kk2 + points_per_dir kk1 = kk1 + points_per_dir for i in range(0, mx + 1): for j in range(0, my + 1): xl[i, j] = xxx[i] yl[i, j] = yyy[j] print 'here!' for i in range(0, mx + 1): for j in range(0, my + 1): print xl[i, j], yl[i, j] xl[i, j], yl[i, j] = mapc2p(xl[i, j], yl[i, j]) print xl[i, j], yl[i, j] # Sample Legendre polynomial on the midpoint of each sub-element p2 = points_per_dir * points_per_dir LegVals = np.zeros((kmax, p2), float) GetCart2Legendre(meth1, points_per_dir, s2d, LegVals) q = -1 tmp1 = "".join( (" Which component of q do you want to plot ( 1 - ", str(meqn))) tmp2 = "".join((tmp1, " ) ? ")) m = raw_input(tmp2) print "" if (not m): m = 1 else: m = int(m) if m < 1: print "" print " Error, need m > 1, m = ", m print "" return -1 elif m > meqn: print "" print " Error, need m <=", meqn, ", m = ", m print "" return -1 kn = 0 n = 0 nf = 0 n1 = -1 plt.ion() while (nf != -1): tmp1 = "".join((" Plot which frame ( 0 - ", str(nplot))) tmp2 = "".join((tmp1, " ) [type -1 or q to quit] ? ")) nf = raw_input(tmp2) if (not nf): n1 = n1 + 1 nf = 0 elif nf == "q": nf = -1 else: nf = int(nf) n1 = nf if n1 > nplot: print "" print " End of plots " print "" n1 = nplot if (nf != -1): # Solution -- q # solution should be found in file # outputdir/q[n1].dat qfile_tmp_tmp = "".join((str(n1 + 10000), ".dat")) qfile_tmp = "q" + qfile_tmp_tmp[1:] qfile = "".join(("".join((outputdir, "/")), qfile_tmp)) mtmp = mx_old * my_old * meqn * kmax qtmp = np.zeros(mtmp, float) time = read_qfile(mtmp, qfile, qtmp) qcoeffs = np.reshape(qtmp, (kmax, meqn, my_old, mx_old)) qsoln = np.zeros((mx * my, meqn), float) sample_state2_cart_mod(mx_old, my_old, points_per_dir, meqn, kmax, qcoeffs, LegVals, qsoln) qaug = np.zeros((mx + 1, my + 1, meqn), float) qaug[0:mx, 0:my, 0:meqn] = np.reshape(qsoln, (mx, my, meqn), 'F') # USER SUPPLIED FUNCTION plotq2_cart(outputdir, n1, m - 1, meth1, meqn, time, points_per_dir, LegVals, xlow, xhigh, ylow, yhigh, mx, my, dx, dy, mx_old, my_old, dx_old, dy_old, xc, yc, xl, yl, qaug) plt.ioff() print "" elif (GridType == "Unstructured"): plotq2_file = os.path.abspath("") local_plotq2 = os.path.exists(plotq2_file) if local_plotq2 == False: from plotq2_unst_default import plotq2_unst else: from plotq2_unst import plotq2_unst print " Creating mesh ... " # READ-IN MESH INFO meshdir = "".join((outputdir, "/mesh_output")) TF = os.path.exists(meshdir) if TF == False: print "" print " Directory not found, meshdir =", meshdir print "" return -1 tnode = np.zeros((NumPhysElems, 3), int) x = np.zeros(NumPhysNodes, float) y = np.zeros(NumPhysNodes, float) read_node(meshdir, NumPhysNodes, x, y) read_tnode(meshdir, NumPhysElems, tnode) xlow = min(x) ylow = min(y) xhigh = max(x) yhigh = max(y) tcounter = np.zeros(NumPhysNodes, int) set_tcounter(NumPhysElems, tnode, tcounter) # Add extra points and elements if points_per_dir>1 p2 = points_per_dir * points_per_dir points_per_elem = ((points_per_dir + 1) * (points_per_dir + 2)) / 2 zx = np.zeros(p2, float) zy = np.zeros(p2, float) if (points_per_dir > 1): x_tmp = np.zeros(NumPhysElems * points_per_elem, float) y_tmp = np.zeros(NumPhysElems * points_per_elem, float) tnode_new = np.zeros((NumPhysElems * p2, 3), int) NumPhysElems_new = 0 NumPhysNodes_new = 0 newsizes = np.zeros(2, int) DivideUnstMesh(points_per_dir, NumPhysElems, x, y, tnode, x_tmp, y_tmp, tnode_new, zx, zy, newsizes) NumPhysElems_new = newsizes[0] NumPhysNodes_new = newsizes[1] x_new = np.zeros(NumPhysNodes_new, float) y_new = np.zeros(NumPhysNodes_new, float) for ijk in range(0, NumPhysNodes_new): x_new[ijk] = x_tmp[ijk] y_new[ijk] = y_tmp[ijk] tcounter_new = np.zeros(NumPhysNodes_new, int) set_tcounter(NumPhysElems_new, tnode_new, tcounter_new) else: NumPhysElems_new = NumPhysElems NumPhysNodes_new = NumPhysNodes x_new = x y_new = y tnode_new = tnode tcounter_new = tcounter # Get physical midpoints of each element xmid = np.zeros(NumPhysElems_new, float) ymid = np.zeros(NumPhysElems_new, float) onethird = 1.0 / 3.0 for i in range(0, NumPhysElems_new): xmid[i] = onethird * (x_new[tnode_new[i, 0]] + x_new[tnode_new[i, 1]] + x_new[tnode_new[i, 2]]) ymid[i] = onethird * (y_new[tnode_new[i, 0]] + y_new[tnode_new[i, 1]] + y_new[tnode_new[i, 2]]) # Sample Legendre polynomial on the midpoint of each element Mon2Leg = np.zeros((kmax, kmax), float) GetMonomialToLegendre(kmax, Mon2Leg) MonVals = np.zeros((kmax, p2), float) LegVals = np.zeros((kmax, p2), float) GetUnstLegendre(meth1, kmax, points_per_dir, zx, zy, Mon2Leg, MonVals, LegVals) print " Finished creating mesh. " print "" q = -1 tmp1 = "".join( (" Which component of q do you want to plot ( 1 - ", str(meqn))) tmp2 = "".join((tmp1, " ) ? ")) m = raw_input(tmp2) print "" if (not m): m = 1 else: m = int(m) if m < 1: print "" print " Error, need m > 1, m = ", m print "" return -1 elif m > meqn: print "" print " Error, need m <=", meqn, ", m = ", m print "" return -1 kn = 0 n = 0 nf = 0 n1 = -1 plt.ion() while (nf != -1): tmp1 = "".join((" Plot which frame ( 0 - ", str(nplot))) tmp2 = "".join((tmp1, " ) [type -1 or q to quit] ? ")) nf = raw_input(tmp2) if (not nf): n1 = n1 + 1 nf = 0 elif nf == "q": nf = -1 else: nf = int(nf) n1 = nf if n1 > nplot: print "" print " End of plots " print "" n1 = nplot if (nf != -1): # Solution -- q # solution should be found in file # outputdir/q[n1].dat qfile_tmp_tmp = "".join((str(n1 + 10000), ".dat")) qfile_tmp = "q" + qfile_tmp_tmp[1:] qfile = "".join(("".join((outputdir, "/")), qfile_tmp)) mtmp = NumElems * meqn * kmax qtmp = np.zeros(mtmp, float) time = read_qfile(mtmp, qfile, qtmp) qcoeffs_tmp = np.reshape(qtmp, (NumElems, meqn, kmax), 'fortran') qcoeffs = qcoeffs_tmp[0:NumPhysElems, :, :] # Solution -- q qsoln_elem = np.zeros((NumPhysElems_new, meqn), float) qsoln = np.zeros((NumPhysNodes_new, meqn), float) sample_state2_unst(NumPhysElems, p2, meqn, kmax, LegVals, qcoeffs, qsoln_elem) set_soln_at_node_values(NumPhysElems_new, NumPhysNodes_new, meqn, tcounter_new, tnode_new, qsoln_elem, qsoln) # USER SUPPLIED FUNCTION: Plotting function plotq2_unst(outputdir, n1, m - 1, meqn, NumPhysElems_new, NumPhysNodes_new, xlow, xhigh, ylow, yhigh, time, x_new, y_new, tnode_new, qsoln, xmid, ymid, qsoln_elem) plt.ioff() print "" else: print "" print " Error in GridType = ", GridType, " is not supported." print "" return -1
def plotdog2np(points_per_dir_in="1",outputdir="output",point_type_in="1",component_of_solution="1"): """ Generic code for plotting DoGPack output in matplotlib. Execute via $ python $DOGPACK/viz/python/ from an application directory. For help type $ python $DOGPACK/viz/python/ -h to see a list of options. Usage: plotdog2np( points_per_dir_in="1", outputdir="output", point_type_in="1", component_of_solution"1") points_per_dir = points per direction (spatial dimension) outputdir = location of output directory point_type = 1: uniform points on each element = 2: Gauss-Legendre points on each element component_of_solution = which component of the solution q to plot """ import os import sys from math import sqrt import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from helper2 import get_grid_type from helper2 import read_params from helper2 import get_kmax from helper2 import GetCart2Legendre from helper2 import read_qfile from helper2 import sample_state2_cart_mod from helper2 import read_mesh_params from helper2 import read_node from helper2 import read_tnode from helper2 import GetMonomialToLegendre from helper2 import GetUnstLegendre from helper2 import set_tcounter from helper2 import set_soln_at_node_values from helper2 import sample_state2_unst from helper2 import DivideUnstMesh points_per_dir = int(points_per_dir_in) point_type = int(point_type_in) component_of_solution = int(component_of_solution) TF = os.path.exists(outputdir) if TF==False: print "" print " Directory not found, outputdir =",outputdir print "" return -1 if (point_type!=1 and point_type!=2): point_type = 1 if (point_type==2 and points_per_dir>5): print 'setting points_per_dir = 5 instead of requested %d' % points_per_dir points_per_dir = 5 GridType = get_grid_type(outputdir) if (GridType=="Cartesian"): params = np.zeros(11, float) read_params(outputdir,params) meqn = int(params[0]) maux = int(params[1]) nplot = int(params[2]) meth1 = int(params[3]) mx = int(params[4]) my = int(params[5]) xlow = params[6] xhigh = params[7] ylow = params[8] yhigh = params[9] datafmt = int(params[10]) elif (GridType=="Unstructured"): params = np.zeros(4, int) read_params(outputdir,params) meqn = params[0] maux = params[1] nplot = params[2] meth1 = params[3] kmax = get_kmax(meth1,2) if (component_of_solution<1): print "" print " Error, need component_of_solution > 1, component_of_solution = ",component_of_solution print "" return -1 elif (component_of_solution>meqn): print "" print " Error, need component_of_solution <=",meqn,", component_of_solution = ",component_of_solution print "" return -1 print "" print " GridType = ",GridType print " points_per_dir = ",points_per_dir print " point_type = ",point_type print " outputdir = ",outputdir print " component_of_solution = ",component_of_solution print "" curr_dir = os.path.abspath("./") sys.path.append(curr_dir) if (GridType=="Cartesian"): plotq2_file = os.path.abspath("") local_plotq2 = os.path.exists(plotq2_file) if local_plotq2==False: from plotq2np_cart_default import plotq2np_cart else: from plotq2np_cart import plotq2np_cart # Grid information mx_old = mx my_old = my dx_old = (xhigh-xlow)/mx_old dy_old = (yhigh-ylow)/my_old mx = mx*points_per_dir my = my*points_per_dir dx = (xhigh-xlow)/mx dy = (yhigh-ylow)/my if (point_type==1): xl = np.zeros((mx+1,my+1),float) yl = np.zeros((mx+1,my+1),float) xc = np.zeros((mx,my),float) yc = np.zeros((mx,my),float) for j in range(0,my+1): xl[:,j] = xlow + dx*np.arange(mx+1)[:] for i in range(0,mx+1): yl[i,:] = ylow + dy*np.arange(my+1)[:] for j in range(0,my): xc[:,j] = (xlow+0.5*dx) + dx*np.arange(mx)[:] for i in range(0,mx): yc[i,:] = (ylow+0.5*dy) + dy*np.arange(my)[:] ##################################################### # 1D points dxi = 1.0/float(points_per_dir) s1d = -1 + dxi + 2*dxi * np.arange(points_per_dir) kk=-1; s2d = np.zeros((points_per_dir*points_per_dir,2),float) for jj in range(0,points_per_dir): for ii in range(0,points_per_dir): kk = kk+1 s2d[kk,0] = s1d[ii] s2d[kk,1] = s1d[jj] else: sq3 = sqrt(3.0) sq5 = sqrt(5.0) sq7 = sqrt(7.0) # 1D quadrature points s1d = np.zeros(points_per_dir,float) if (points_per_dir==1): s1d[0] = 0.0 elif (points_per_dir==2): s1d[0] = -1.0/sq3 s1d[1] = 1.0/sq3 elif (points_per_dir==3): s1d[0] = -sq3/sq5 s1d[1] = 0.0 s1d[2] = sq3/sq5 elif (points_per_dir==4): s1d[0] = -sqrt(3.0+sqrt(4.8))/sq7 s1d[1] = -sqrt(3.0-sqrt(4.8))/sq7 s1d[2] = sqrt(3.0-sqrt(4.8))/sq7 s1d[3] = sqrt(3.0+sqrt(4.8))/sq7 elif (points_per_dir==5): s1d[0] = -sqrt(5.0 + sqrt(40.0/7.0))/3.0 s1d[1] = -sqrt(5.0 - sqrt(40.0/7.0))/3.0 s1d[2] = 0.0 s1d[3] = sqrt(5.0 - sqrt(40.0/7.0))/3.0 s1d[4] = sqrt(5.0 + sqrt(40.0/7.0))/3.0 kk=-1; s2d = np.zeros((points_per_dir*points_per_dir,2),float) for jj in range(0,points_per_dir): for ii in range(0,points_per_dir): kk = kk+1 s2d[kk,0] = s1d[ii] s2d[kk,1] = s1d[jj] xx = np.zeros(mx,float) yy = np.zeros(my,float) kk=0 xtmp = xlow-0.5*dx_old for i in range(0,mx_old): xtmp = xtmp + dx_old for m in range(0,points_per_dir): xx[kk+m] = xtmp + 0.5*dx_old*s1d[m] kk = kk + points_per_dir kk=0 ytmp = ylow-0.5*dy_old for j in range(0,my_old): ytmp = ytmp + dy_old for m in range(0,points_per_dir): yy[kk+m] = ytmp + 0.5*dy_old*s1d[m] kk = kk + points_per_dir xc = np.zeros((mx,my),float) yc = np.zeros((mx,my),float) for i in range(0,mx): for j in range(0,my): xc[i,j] = xx[i] yc[i,j] = yy[j] xxx = np.zeros(mx+1,float) yyy = np.zeros(my+1,float) xxx[0] = xlow for i in range(1,mx): xxx[i] = 0.5*(xx[i]+xx[i-1]) xxx[mx] = xhigh yyy[0] = ylow for j in range(1,my): yyy[j] = 0.5*(yy[j]+yy[j-1]) yyy[my] = yhigh xl = np.zeros((mx+1,my+1),float) yl = np.zeros((mx+1,my+1),float) for i in range(0,mx+1): for j in range(0,my+1): xl[i,j] = xxx[i] yl[i,j] = yyy[j] # Sample Legendre polynomial on the midpoint of each sub-element p2 = points_per_dir*points_per_dir LegVals = np.zeros((kmax,p2),float) GetCart2Legendre(meth1,points_per_dir,s2d,LegVals) m = component_of_solution; n1 = 0; while (n1<=nplot): # Solution -- q # solution should be found in file # outputdir/q[n1].dat qfile_tmp_tmp = "".join((str(n1+10000),".dat")) qfile_tmp = "q" + qfile_tmp_tmp[1:] qfile = "".join(("".join((outputdir,"/")),qfile_tmp)) mtmp = mx_old*my_old*meqn*kmax qtmp = np.zeros(mtmp,float) time = read_qfile(mtmp,qfile,qtmp) qcoeffs = np.reshape(qtmp,(kmax,meqn,my_old,mx_old)) qsoln = np.zeros((mx*my,meqn),float) sample_state2_cart_mod(mx_old,my_old,points_per_dir,meqn,kmax,qcoeffs,LegVals,qsoln) qsoln = np.reshape(qsoln,(mx,my,meqn),'F') # USER SUPPLIED FUNCTION plotq2np_cart(m-1,meth1,meqn,mx,my,time,xc,yc,xl,yl,qsoln,n1) n1=n1+1 print "" elif (GridType=="Unstructured"): plotq2_file = os.path.abspath("") local_plotq2 = os.path.exists(plotq2_file) if local_plotq2==False: from plotq2np_unst_default import plotq2np_unst else: from plotq2np_unst import plotq2np_unst print " Creating mesh ... " # READ-IN MESH INFO meshdir = "".join((outputdir,"/mesh_output")) TF = os.path.exists(meshdir) if TF==False: print "" print " Directory not found, meshdir =",meshdir print "" return -1 mesh_params = np.zeros(7,int) read_mesh_params(meshdir,mesh_params) NumElems = mesh_params[0] NumPhysElems = mesh_params[1] NumGhostElems = mesh_params[2] NumNodes = mesh_params[3] NumPhysNodes = mesh_params[4] NumBndNodes = mesh_params[5] NumEdges = mesh_params[6] tnode = np.zeros((NumPhysElems,3),int) x = np.zeros(NumPhysNodes,float) y = np.zeros(NumPhysNodes,float) read_node(meshdir,NumPhysNodes,x,y) read_tnode(meshdir,NumPhysElems,tnode) xlow = min(x) ylow = min(y) xhigh = max(x) yhigh = max(y) tcounter = np.zeros(NumPhysNodes,int) set_tcounter(NumPhysElems,tnode,tcounter) # Add extra points and elements if points_per_dir>1 p2 = points_per_dir*points_per_dir points_per_elem = ((points_per_dir+1)*(points_per_dir+2))/2 zx = np.zeros(p2,float) zy = np.zeros(p2,float) if (points_per_dir>1): x_tmp = np.zeros(NumPhysElems*points_per_elem,float) y_tmp = np.zeros(NumPhysElems*points_per_elem,float) tnode_new = np.zeros((NumPhysElems*p2,3),int) NumPhysElems_new = 0 NumPhysNodes_new = 0 newsizes = np.zeros(2,int) DivideUnstMesh(points_per_dir,NumPhysElems,x,y,tnode, x_tmp,y_tmp,tnode_new,zx,zy,newsizes) NumPhysElems_new = newsizes[0] NumPhysNodes_new = newsizes[1] x_new = np.zeros(NumPhysNodes_new,float) y_new = np.zeros(NumPhysNodes_new,float) for ijk in range(0,NumPhysNodes_new): x_new[ijk] = x_tmp[ijk] y_new[ijk] = y_tmp[ijk] tcounter_new = np.zeros(NumPhysNodes_new,int) set_tcounter(NumPhysElems_new,tnode_new,tcounter_new) else: NumPhysElems_new = NumPhysElems NumPhysNodes_new = NumPhysNodes x_new = x y_new = y tnode_new = tnode tcounter_new = tcounter # Get physical midpoints of each element xmid = np.zeros(NumPhysElems_new,float) ymid = np.zeros(NumPhysElems_new,float) onethird = 1.0/3.0 for i in range(0,NumPhysElems_new): xmid[i] = onethird*(x_new[tnode_new[i,0]]+x_new[tnode_new[i,1]]+x_new[tnode_new[i,2]]) ymid[i] = onethird*(y_new[tnode_new[i,0]]+y_new[tnode_new[i,1]]+y_new[tnode_new[i,2]]) # Sample Legendre polynomial on the midpoint of each element Mon2Leg = np.zeros((kmax,kmax),float) GetMonomialToLegendre(kmax,Mon2Leg) MonVals = np.zeros((kmax,p2),float) LegVals = np.zeros((kmax,p2),float) GetUnstLegendre(meth1,kmax,points_per_dir,zx,zy,Mon2Leg,MonVals,LegVals) print " Finished creating mesh. " print "" m = component_of_solution n1 = 0; while (n1<=nplot): # Solution -- q # solution should be found in file # outputdir/q[n1].dat qfile_tmp_tmp = "".join((str(n1+10000),".dat")) qfile_tmp = "q" + qfile_tmp_tmp[1:] qfile = "".join(("".join((outputdir,"/")),qfile_tmp)) mtmp = NumElems*meqn*kmax qtmp = np.zeros(mtmp,float) time = read_qfile(mtmp,qfile,qtmp) qcoeffs_tmp = np.reshape(qtmp,(NumElems,meqn,kmax),'fortran') qcoeffs = qcoeffs_tmp[0:NumPhysElems,:,:] # Solution -- q qsoln_elem = np.zeros((NumPhysElems_new,meqn),float) qsoln = np.zeros((NumPhysNodes_new,meqn),float) sample_state2_unst(NumPhysElems,p2,meqn,kmax,LegVals,qcoeffs,qsoln_elem) set_soln_at_node_values(NumPhysElems_new,NumPhysNodes_new, meqn,tcounter_new,tnode_new,qsoln_elem,qsoln) # USER SUPPLIED FUNCTION: Plotting function plotq2np_unst(m-1,meqn,NumPhysElems_new,NumPhysNodes_new, xlow,xhigh,ylow,yhigh,time,x_new,y_new,tnode_new, qsoln,xmid,ymid,qsoln_elem,n1) n1 = n1+1 print "" else: print "" print " Error in GridType = ",GridType," is not supported." print "" return -1