Пример #1
 def _app_get_binary_search_results(self):
     firmware_dict, error, yara_rules = None, None, None
     if request.args.get('request_id'):
         request_id = request.args.get('request_id')
         with ConnectTo(InterComFrontEndBinding,
                        self._config) as connection:
             result, yara_rules = connection.get_binary_search_result(
         if isinstance(result, str):
             error = result
         elif result is not None:
             yara_rules = make_unicode_string(yara_rules[0])
             joined_results = self._join_results(result)
             query_uid = self._store_binary_search_query(
                 joined_results, yara_rules)
             return redirect(
         error = 'No request ID found'
         request_id = None
     return render_template('database/database_binary_search_results.html',
Пример #2
def read_ssl_cert(binary: bytes, start: int, end: int):
        cert = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, binary[start:end + 25])
        return make_unicode_string(OpenSSL.crypto.dump_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_TEXT, cert))
    except OpenSSL.crypto.Error:
        logging.debug('Found SSL certificate signature, but looks false positive')
        return None
Пример #3
def read_pkcs_cert(binary: bytes, offset: int):
    if binary[offset] not in TLV_KNOWN_STARTS:
        return None
    start, size = _get_start_and_size_of_der_field(binary=binary, offset=offset)
        x509_cert = OpenSSL.crypto.load_pkcs12(buffer=binary[offset:start + size]).get_certificate()
        return make_unicode_string(OpenSSL.crypto.dump_certificate(type=OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_TEXT, cert=x509_cert))
    except OpenSSL.crypto.Error:
        logging.debug('Found PKCS#12 certificate, but passphrase is missing or false positive.')
        return None
Пример #4
def read_asn1_key(binary: bytes, offset: int):
    if binary[offset] not in TLV_KNOWN_STARTS:
        return None
    start, size = _get_start_and_size_of_der_field(binary=binary, offset=offset)
        key = OpenSSL.crypto.load_privatekey(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, binary[offset:start + size])
        return make_unicode_string(OpenSSL.crypto.dump_privatekey(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_TEXT, key))
    except OpenSSL.crypto.Error:
        logging.debug('Found PKCS#8 key signature, but looks false positive')
        return None
    except TypeError:
        logging.warning('Found PKCS#8 key signature but openssl binding could not decode it.')
        return None
Пример #5
 def get_version_for_component(self, result, file_object: FileObject):
     versions = set()
     for matched_string in result['strings']:
         match = matched_string[2]
         match = make_unicode_string(match)
         versions.add(self.get_version(match, result['meta']))
     if result['meta'].get('format_string'):
         key_strings = [
             s.decode() for _, _, s in result['strings'] if b'%s' in s
         if key_strings:
                 extract_data_from_ghidra(file_object.binary, key_strings,
     if '' in versions and len(
     ) > 1:  # if there are actual version results, remove the "empty" result
     result['meta']['version'] = list(versions)
     return result
Пример #6
    def process_object(self, file_object):
        result = {}
        tmp_dir = TemporaryDirectory(prefix='fact_analysis_binwalk_',
        dir_path = tmp_dir.name

        signature_analysis_result = execute_shell_command(
            '(cd {} && xvfb-run -a binwalk -BEJ {})'.format(
                dir_path, file_object.file_path))
        result['signature_analysis'] = make_unicode_string(

        result['summary'] = list(

        pic_path = os.path.join(
            dir_path, '{}.png'.format(os.path.basename(file_object.file_path)))
        result['entropy_analysis_graph'] = get_binary_from_file(pic_path)

        file_object.processed_analysis[self.NAME] = result
        return file_object
Пример #7
def bytes_to_str_filter(string):
    return make_unicode_string(string)
Пример #8
    def __init__(self,
                 binary: Optional[bytes] = None,
                 file_name: Optional[str] = None,
                 file_path: Optional[str] = None,
                 scheduled_analysis: List[str] = None):
        self._uid = None

        #: The set of files included in this file. This is usually true for archives.
        #: Only lists the next layer, not recursively included files on lower extraction layers.
        self.files_included = set()

        #: The list of all recursively included files in this file.
        #: That means files are included that are themselves included in files contained in this file, and so on.
        #: This value is not set by default as it's expensive to aggregate and takes up a lot of memory.
        self.list_of_all_included_files = None

        #: List of parent uids.
        #: A parent in this context is the direct predecessor in a firmware tree.
        #: Not necessarily it's root.
        self.parents = []

        #: UID of root (i.e. firmware) object for the given file.
        #: Useful to associate results of children with firmware.
        #: This value might not be set at all times (cf. :func:`get_root_uid`).
        self.root_uid = None

        #: Extraction depth of this object. If outer firmware file, this is 0.
        #: Every extraction increments this by one.
        #: For a file inside a squashfs, that is contained inside a tar archive this would be 1 (tar) + 1 (fs) = 2.
        self.depth = 0

        #: Analysis results for this file.
        #: Structure of results:
        #: The first level of this dict is a pair of ``'plugin_name': <result_dict>`` pairs.
        #: The result dict can have any content, but always has at least the fields:
        #: * analysis_date - float representing the time of analysis in unix time.
        #: * plugin_version - str defining the version of each plugin at time of analysis.
        #: * summary - list holding a summary of each file's result, that can be aggregated.
        self.processed_analysis = {}

        #: List of plugins that are scheduled to be run on this file.
        self.scheduled_analysis = scheduled_analysis

        #: List of comments that have been made on this file.
        #: Comments are dicts with the keys time (float), author (str) and comment (str).
        self.comments = []

        #: Set of parent firmware uids.
        #: Parent uids are from the root object, this file belongs to, not its direct predecessor.
        #: Thus, as a file can be part of multiple firmware images, this field is a set.
        #: This field should be closely related to the keys in the virtual file path field.
        self.parent_firmware_uids = set()

        #: This field can be used for arbitrary temporary storage.
        #: It will not be persisted to the database, so it dies after the analysis cycle.
        self.temporary_data = {}

        #: Analysis tags for this file.
        #: An analysis tag has the structure
        #: ``{tag_name: {'value': value, 'color': color, 'propagate': propagate,}, 'root_uid': root uid}``
        #: while the first layer of this dict is a key for each plugin.
        #: So in total you have a dict ``{plugin: [tags, of, plugin], ..}``.
        self.analysis_tags = {}

        #: If an exception occurred during analysis, this fields stores a tuple
        #: ``(<plugin name>, <error message>)``
        #: for debugging purposes and as placeholder in UI.
        self.analysis_exception = None

        if binary is not None:
            #: Binary representation of this file in bytes.
            self.binary = None

            #: SHA256 hash of this file.
            self.sha256 = None

            #: Size of this file in bytes
            self.size = None

        #: Name of this file. Similar to ``file_path``, this probably is generated for carved objects.
        self.file_name = make_unicode_string(
            file_name) if file_name is not None else file_name

        #: The path of this file. Has to be a local path if binary is not set.
        #: For carved objects, this will likely only be a (generated) name.
        self.file_path = file_path

        #: The virtual file path (vfp) is not a path on the analysis machine but the full path inside a firmware object.
        #: For a file inside a filesystem, that was itself packed inside an archive this might look like
        #: `firmware_uid|fs_uid|/etc/hosts` with the pipe sign ( | ) separating extraction levels.
        #: For files such as symlinks, there can be multiple paths inside a single firmware for one unique file.
        self.virtual_file_path = {}
Пример #9
 def create_binary_from_path(self) -> None:
     if self.file_path is not None:
         if self.binary is None:
         if self.file_name is None:
             self.file_name = make_unicode_string(Path(self.file_path).name)
def test_make_unicode_string(input_data, expected):
    result = make_unicode_string(input_data)
    assert isinstance(result, str)
    assert result == expected