Пример #1
    def accountDev(self, trader):
        self.cur.execute("SELECT * FROM balance order by modtime asc;")
        DBbalance = self.cur.fetchall()
        for row in DBbalance:
            time = row[0]
            balance = dict()
            for it in range(
                    len(self.cur.description) - 1
            ):  # -1 because the first row is 'modtime' --> add below +1
                bal = self.cur.description[it + 1][0].upper()
                balance[bal] = row[it + 1]
            eq_bal, _ = hf.get_eq_bal(balance, trader.price, time, "ZEUR")
            print str(time) + ": " + str(eq_bal)

        time = dt.datetime.now()
        balance = dict()
        for it in range(
                len(self.cur.description) -
                1):  # -1 because the first row is 'modtime' --> add below +1
            bal = self.cur.description[it + 1][0].upper()
            balance[bal] = DBbalance[-1][it + 1]
        eq_bal, rel_bal = hf.get_eq_bal(balance, trader.price, time, "ZEUR")
        print "Current equivalent Balance estimated:[ZEUR]"
        print str(time) + ": " + str(eq_bal)+\
            "\nRelative balances[%]: "+str(sorted(rel_bal.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True))
Пример #2
    def get_sell_advice(self,time):

        allow_trade = dict()
        elem = dict()
        for pair in self.pairs:
            elem[pair] = hf.get_closest_elem(self.ma[pair]["bid"],time)
            if elem[pair] > self.constant["window"]:

        if not all(val==-1 for val in allow_trade.values()):
            perform_trades = dict()
            for (pair,v) in allow_trade.items():
                change = (self.price[pair][elem[pair]][2]-v)/v
                if v!=-1 and change >= self.constant["x_thresh"]:
                    Things to take care of:
                    - enough balance to sell (incl. the min_vol),
                    - bought balance does not exceed it's max_vol value
                    # Get equivalent balance first, translate the pair currencies into the base
                    eq_bal,rel_bal = hf.get_eq_bal(self.account.balance,self.price,time,'XXBT')
                    if pair[4:] in self.constant['max_vol']:
                        max_vol = self.constant['max_vol'][pair[4:]]
                        max_vol = self.constant['max_vol']['default']

                    if pair[:4] in self.constant['min_vol']:
                        min_vol = self.constant['min_vol'][pair[:4]]
                        min_vol = self.constant['min_vol']['default']

                    #The max relative amount, which will be traded
                    fac = 0.0
                    sell_lim = 0
                    if pair[:4] in rel_bal and rel_bal[pair[:4]]:
                        fac = self.account.balance[pair[:4]]/rel_bal[pair[:4]]
                        sell_lim = max(rel_bal[pair[:4]]-min_vol,0)
                        self.account.balance[str(pair[:4])] = 0
                    if not pair[4:] in rel_bal:
                        rel_bal[str(pair[4:])] = 0
                    buy_lim = max(max_vol - rel_bal[pair[4:]],0)
                    rel_amount = min(sell_lim, buy_lim)
                    #The max absolute amount, which will be sold

                    abs_amountSell = min(rel_amount*fac, change*self.constant["trade_factor"]*self.account.balance[pair[:4]])

                    if abs_amountSell>0.01: #Kraken's minimum amount to trade
                        perform_trades[pair] = abs_amountSell

            if (perform_trades):
                return perform_trades
        return []
Пример #3
    def simulate(self,n=-1):
        Simulates a trader's performance. creates new the variables eq_bal as equivalent balance
        (i.e. all values are transfered into Bitcoins (XBT) in order to compare them easily -
            be careful, this depends heavily on the exchange rates!!!)

        pair = "XETHXXBT" #self.trader.price.iterkeys().next()
        if n==-1:
            n = len(self.trader.price[pair])

        elem = dict()

        start_time = self.trader.price[pair][len(self.trader.price[pair])-n][0]
        end_time = dt.datetime.now()


        balance = self.account.balance # Important: this copys only the pointer. changing balance will change self.account.balance
        if not self.optimize:
            s_balance = self.account.balance.copy()

        start_bal,_ = hf.get_eq_bal(balance,self.trader.price,start_time,'ZEUR')
        end_bal,_ = hf.get_eq_bal(balance,self.trader.price,end_time,'ZEUR')

        for key in self.trader.price[pair][len(self.trader.price[pair])-n:]:
            #Sell action
            advice = self.trader.get_sell_advice(key[0])
            sold = dict()
            credit_item = dict((key,0) for key in balance)
            for pair in sorted(advice, key=lambda key: advice[key],reverse=True):
                if not elem.has_key(pair):
                    elem[pair] = 0
                sellFX = pair[:4]
                buyFX = pair[4:]
                elem[pair] = hf.get_closest_elem(self.trader.price[pair],key[0],elem[pair])
                #Check if sufficient funds
                # TODO: add transaction fees dependent on numbers of transaction (change 2nd last index)
                amountBuy = advice[pair]*self.trader.price[pair][elem[pair]][2]*(1-self.account.asset_pair[pair]['fees'][0][1]/100)
                if advice[pair] > min(self.trader.keep,0.01) :
                    balance[sellFX] -= advice[pair]
                    credit_item[buyFX] += amountBuy
                    sold[pair] = [advice[pair], amountBuy, self.trader.price[pair][elem[pair]][2]]

            # buy action
            advice = self.trader.get_buy_advice(key[0])
            bought = dict()
            for pair in sorted(advice, key=lambda key: advice[key],reverse=True):
                if not elem.has_key(pair):
                    elem[pair] = 0
                buyFX = pair[:4]
                sellFX= pair[4:]
                elem[pair] = hf.get_closest_elem(self.trader.price[pair],key[0],elem[pair])
                sellAmount = advice[pair]*self.trader.price[pair][elem[pair]][1]*(1-self.account.asset_pair[pair]['fees'][0][1]/100)
                #Chek if enough money is left to buy
                if advice[pair] > 0.01 :
                    balance[sellFX] -= sellAmount
                    credit_item[buyFX] += advice[pair]
                    bought[pair] = [sellAmount, advice[pair], self.trader.price[pair][elem[pair]][1]]

            # Write credit items to the account balance
            if credit_item:
                for curr in credit_item:
                    balance[curr] += credit_item[curr]

            eq_bal,rel_bal = hf.get_eq_bal(balance,self.trader.price,key[0],'ZEUR')

            if not self.optimize:
                if sold or bought:
                    print "-----\nPerformed trade ($): sell: "+str(sold)+" buy: "+str(bought)
                s_eq_bal,_ = hf.get_eq_bal(s_balance,self.trader.price,key[0],'ZEUR')
                for bal in rel_bal:
                    rel_bal[bal] = round(rel_bal[bal]*100,1)
                print str(key[0])+" "+str(i)+", Equivalent in "+self.reference_curr+": " + str(round(eq_bal,2))+\
                    ",\n\t Compared to market ("+str(round(s_eq_bal,2))+"): " + str(round((eq_bal/s_eq_bal-1)*100,2))+\
                    "%,\n\t Compared to start ("+str(round(start_bal,2))+"): " + str(round((eq_bal/start_bal-1)*100,2))+"%."+\
                    "\nRelative balances[%]: "+str(sorted(rel_bal.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True))

        print "Start balance: "+str(start_bal)
        print "Market adjusted end balance: "+str(end_bal)
        print "Return: "+str(eq_bal/start_bal*100-100)+"%"
        print "-----------------------\nSingle Positions:"
        for bal in balance:
            print str(bal) + ": "+str(balance[bal])
        return eq_bal
Пример #4
    def get_sell_advice(self, time):

        allow_trade = dict()
        elem = dict()
        for pair in self.pairs:
            elem[pair] = hf.get_closest_elem(self.ma[pair]["bid"], time)
            if elem[pair] > self.constant["window"]:
                allow_trade[pair] = self.ma[pair]["bid"][elem[pair]][1]
                allow_trade[pair] = -1

        if not all(val == -1 for val in allow_trade.values()):
            perform_trades = dict()
            for (pair, v) in allow_trade.items():
                change = (self.price[pair][elem[pair]][2] - v) / v
                if v != -1 and change >= self.constant["x_thresh"]:
                    Things to take care of:
                    - enough balance to sell (incl. the min_vol),
                    - bought balance does not exceed it's max_vol value
                    # Get equivalent balance first, translate the pair currencies into the base
                    eq_bal, rel_bal = hf.get_eq_bal(self.account.balance,
                                                    self.price, time, 'XXBT')
                    if pair[4:] in self.constant['max_vol']:
                        max_vol = self.constant['max_vol'][pair[4:]]
                        max_vol = self.constant['max_vol']['default']

                    if pair[:4] in self.constant['min_vol']:
                        min_vol = self.constant['min_vol'][pair[:4]]
                        min_vol = self.constant['min_vol']['default']

                    #The max relative amount, which will be traded
                    fac = 0.0
                    sell_lim = 0
                    if pair[:4] in rel_bal and rel_bal[pair[:4]]:
                        fac = self.account.balance[pair[:4]] / rel_bal[
                        sell_lim = max(rel_bal[pair[:4]] - min_vol, 0)
                        self.account.balance[str(pair[:4])] = 0
                    if not pair[4:] in rel_bal:
                        rel_bal[str(pair[4:])] = 0
                    buy_lim = max(max_vol - rel_bal[pair[4:]], 0)
                    rel_amount = min(sell_lim, buy_lim)
                    #The max absolute amount, which will be sold

                    abs_amountSell = min(
                        rel_amount * fac,
                        change * self.constant["trade_factor"] *

                    if abs_amountSell > 0.01:  #Kraken's minimum amount to trade
                        perform_trades[pair] = abs_amountSell

            if (perform_trades):
                return perform_trades
        return []